Zombie Essays (Examples)

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Zombie Argument vs Physicalism
Pages: 5 Words: 1659

Zombie Argument v. Physicalism:
In the field of philosophy, zombies are imaginary creatures that are used to illuminate problems regarding consciousness and its relation to the physical world. As compared to those in witchcraft or films, zombies are exactly like human beings in every physical aspect but without conscious experiences. However, zombies behave like humans and some of them even spend considerable amount of time discussing consciousness. While few people believe in the existence of zombies, many state that they are at least conceivable and some argue that they are possible. Consequently, there are arguments that if zombies are increasingly a bare possibility, then some kind of dualism is true and physicalism is false. This argument is the chief significance of the zombie idea for many philosophers though it also generates interest for pre-suppositions concerning the nature of consciousness as well as the relation between the physical and the phenomenal. In…...



Balog, K. (n.d.). Illuminati, Zombies and Metaphysical Gridlock. Retrieved from Department of Philosophy -- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey website:  http://philosophy.rutgers.edu/dmdocuments/Balog%20paper.pdf 

Frankish, K. (2007). The Anti-zombie Argument. Philosophical Quarterly, 57(229), 650-666.

Retrieved from  http://oro.open.ac.uk/2191/1/Antizombie_eprint_rev.pdf 

Kirk, R. (2011, March 17). Zombies. Retrieved from Stanford University website:

Zombies the Possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse
Pages: 2 Words: 742

The possibility of a zombie apocalypse or outbreak has been especially popular recently, in both popular culture and more serious fields. This is because while the actual threat posed by zombies in film and television is not real, in many important ways a potential zombie outbreak mimics the kind of pandemics and disasters that public health officials seek to prevent and plan for. In fact, zombies serve as a such a good proxy for other public health threats that the CDC has issued instructions for "zombie preparedness" and numerous scientific studies have looked at the logistics of a zombie outbreak (CDC, 2012). Thus, imagining a possible zombie outbreak allows one to consider many of the same factors present in practically any pandemic, as well as some of the specific cultural and social influences that one must take into account when dealing with a widespread disaster.

A number of possible diseases have…...



Center for Disease Control, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. (2012). Zombie preparedness. Retrieved from website:  http://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombies.htm 

Nicolaides, C., Cueto-Felgueroso, L., Gonzalez, M., & Juanes, R. (2012). A metric of influential spreading during contagion dynamics through the air transportation network. PLoS ONE,

7(7), Retrieved from  http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040961

Zombies Within the Haiti Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Zombies in the Haiti Culture
In the last two decades, zombies have gained popularity in the Western world, becoming a metaphor for persons who lack consciousness and threaten social structures. Many other parts of the world have accepted this kind of thinking. There are, however, a few differences with regards to the treatment of the figure -- in terms of zombification and the wider inferences to bias inherent in the practice. Even though zombies have been the subject of various studies, they have not been investigated with regards to their mythological contributions. Many mythological studies have focused on Greek texts and other texts that have greatly influenced the modern Western world ideology, which is why research into Haiti's zombie myth was quite unlikely (Thomas, 2010).

The Haitian Zombies

The zombie phenomenon surfaced in Haiti in the late 1800s. Zombification practices would later find expression in discussions linked to compromised biases that emerged from…...



Krivoruchko, E. (2014). Ethology of zombies. Retrieved from: http://ekrivoruchko.com/kisd/INT/Ethology_of_Zombies.pdf

Stewart, G. (2013). The Zombie in American Culture. Ontario: University of Waterloo.

Thomas, K. (2010). Haitian Zombie, Myth, and Modern Identity. Comparative Literature and Culture, 2.

Zombie Meme Is Well Established
Pages: 5 Words: 1613

One of the reasons that zombie films have endured for as long as they have is because they help people to get a glimpse of what the future may possibly hold. By obtaining such insight into a possible future, people are able to better prepare for it and to not fear it as much as they might without such movies. One of the implications of the zombie meme's tendency to portray an apocalyptic future that post 9/11 America might one day realize is a part of the future everyone will share: death. This aspect of zombie movies helps people to confront their ultimate fear in many ways. Zombies themselves are reanimations of the dead, and are actually still in the act of dying as they chase victims around movie sets. Again, the same concept that applies to notions of the apocalypse applies to those related to death -- by visually…...

Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Pages: 3 Words: 874

Zombie Management Add on ichard
ichard, I appreciate your comments and strongly resonate with your ideas about the individual and his responsibility to save himself. I think others need to adopt the approach the we have taken on this idea and derive a new idea of the word community. To me community is should be more liberal and voluntary that what is presented in today's culture. This is unfortunate but allows us to learn and grow from these ideas.


ay, I enjoyed reading your comments on resilience and its relationship to emergency management and community itself. You seem to bring out the best qualities of the ideas of resilience in your comments, and I strongly agree with its importance in sustaining and eventually surviving in an emergency or disaster. I believe that the source of resilience is what makes us human and urges us to continue to grow and unfold into what…...



Biedrzycki, P.A., & Raisa, K. (2012, August). Integration of social determinants of community preparedness and resiliency in 21st century emergency management planning. Homeland Security Affairs, 8, Article 14. Retrieved from  http://www.hsaj.org/?article=8.1.14 

Center for Disease Control (2014). Preparedness 101: Zombie pandemic. Retrieved from:  http://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombies/#/page/37 

FEMA, "Citizen Corps Personal Behavior Change Model for Disaster Preparedness," Citizen Preparedness Review, Issue 4 (2006): 1-13

Cult Films
Pages: 6 Words: 1757

Cult Films
oth Rosemary's aby and I Walked with a Zombie are movies that have explicit elements of what we might more commonly think of as "horror" films. On the other hand, however, both rely so heavily on atmospheric tension and are so laden with strange ambiguity and "arty" moments that they seem to transcend the genre. Given the large following behind both movies as well, they are often just as likely to be described as "cult films" as horror movies. Indeed, it is important to realize that what makes cult movies a genre in their own right is not simply a lack of box office performance or else a devoted fan following. Indeed, cult movies share many other characteristics and a most typically marked by an otherworldly strangeness and an overriding sense of oddity. Often, these films are controversial and in certain ways they seem to transcend their genre in…...



Cult Films." Filmsite.org. Retrieved September 2, 2003, at  http://www.Filmsite.org/ .

Information Security Evaluation for OSI Systems a Case Study
Pages: 10 Words: 4698

An analysis of IT policy transformation

The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of information security policy in the context of an organization, OSI Systems, Inc. With presence in Africa, Australia, Canada, England, Malaysia and the United States, OSI Systems, Inc. is a worldwide company based in California that develops and markets security and inspection systems such as airport security X-ray machines and metal detectors, medical monitoring anesthesia systems, and optoelectronic devices. The company is also represented by three subsidiary divisions in offices and plants dedicated to the brands, apiscan Systems, OSI Optoelectronics and SpaceLabs Healthcare.

In 2010, OSI, Inc. had sales of $595 million with net income of over $25 million. As of June 2010, the company was comprised of 2,460 personnel globally. The parent company provides oversight and fiscal control to the different divisions, and is connected through its virtual network world-wide intranet system; with external integration…...



Allen, J. (2005). Governing for Security: Project Stakeholders Interests. News at SEI. Retrieved on 5SEPT10 from  http://www.sei.cmu.edu/library/abstracts/news-at-sei/securitymatters20054.cfm 

Computer Misuse Law, 2006. Parliament UK. Retrieved from:  http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmhansrd/cm090916/text/90916w0015.htm#09091614000131 

Diver, S. (2006). Information Security Policy -- A Development Guide for Large and Small Companies. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room. Retrieved on 30 Sept 10 from  http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/policyissues/information-security-policy-development-guide-large-small-companies_1331 

Global IT Policy (2009) OSI, Inc.

Bishop Kyle Raising the Dead
Pages: 6 Words: 1511

Evolution of the Zombie

An element which was not examined in great detail by Bishop was the evolution of the "undead" creatures of which zombies are one of many. It would appear that Hollywood is always evolving new concepts in terms of these creatures, so much so that the idea of the zombie begins to become blurred. For example some films, most notably 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later have toyed with a concept which is very similar to that of the zombie, but is induced by a virus. The creatures in these movies are not technically zombies as they have never died, they have simply changed into flesh-eating monsters. In addition, Shaun of the Dead takes the traditional conventions of the zombie film, but adds an element of comedy, creating what is arguably a new style of film. It would therefore appear likely that given the popularity of the…...

Night of the Living Dead
Pages: 9 Words: 3547

Even in shots that might be steady, such as the sheriff is standing and talking to his men, frequent cuts are used in place of slow zooms or pans to shift the eye's focus.
Ramero uses scale to great advantage in this sequence to help build a sense of detachment from all the humans character. his detachment of course feeds into the audience's ability to accept the lesson that "we're them." his sense of scale begins with the very distant helicopter, which is so small and isolated on the screen. his proceeds to showing the hunters as tiny, wrong-ways-up specks on the ground. It is impossible to tell from the air whether the hunters are men or zombies, because they are so distant. his distant scale cuts into a close shot of the hunters walking, with the helicopter in the background. At this point the shots begin to become more…...


This is the moment at which the audience is most strongly drawn in as a force to observe the historical horror and recognize that "we're them." Not only has the audience's favorite character been killed by humans instead of by zombies, but additionally he is being treated like "meat" even by the humans. This is the deep significance of the hunters carrying meat hooks rather than (for example) crowbars: humans just like zombies consider those they have destroyed to be nothing more than meat. Humans, like zombies, kill and eat living beings, and the meat hooks which pull out Ben would otherwise be used for other carcasses of other beings humans had killed. Of course, this is not just a message about vegetarianism. It is a message about the way in which humans objectify each other and this leads to racial violence and holocausts.

This movie very bravely dares to go against the racial conventions of its day in casting a black lead, and dealing subtly and metaphorically with the damage done to him. This sequence in particular, which shows white men dragging a brave and noble black man through the fields to be burned surely had strong connotations in 1968 in the middle of civil rights battles and race riots. That George Ramero claims the casting was totally color-blind may indicate either that this subtext was created after the casting, or that somehow evolved unnoticed by the director himself. However, it is certainly present for the audience in this scene. If nothing else, the audience must face its own racial position in its feelings regarding the life and death of Ben, and the very recognition of such human violence reinforced the central message that zombies and humans are more alike than they are different.

In conclusion, this sequence is probably the single most important one in the movie, though of course it cannot stand alone without all the foreshadowing and characterization that proceeds it. In this scene, through plot and genre twists, through tricks of technique and lighting, and through the careful manipulation of the audience, Ramero creates what is probably the single most memorable and influential sequence in zombie film history.

Legend' Is a Sci-Fi Thriller About a
Pages: 7 Words: 2114

Legend' is a sci-fi thriller about a New York scientist who is abandoned in Manhattan in the year 2012. This one hour 40 minutes movie stars Will Smith and Alice Braga with Francis Lawrence as its director the movie is rated at PG-13 for violence. The movie offers a stunning view of how the city as the world knows it today, might look in 2012 if in the event it were abandoned in 2009.
Going back in trivia, this is the third adaption of the ichard Matheson's 1954 novel, originally in the film it was vampires instead of zombies. Such movies are always inspired by our fears and hence hold special interest, especially if it's a scientist abandoned in New York struggling to survive a virus that turns humans into flesh-eating mechanical looking zombies.

If we go through its adaptations, the first time the novel was turned into a movie was…...



Ebert, Roger. Rev. Of I am Legend, Dir. Francis Lawrence Chicago Sun-Times. (14 Dec 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2011)

Jack Matthews. Rev. Of I am Legend, Dir. Francis Lawrence. New York Daily News. (14 Dec 2007. Web. 21 Mar. 2011)

David Hughes. "Legend of the Fall: Will Ridley Scott's I Am Legend Rise From The Dead." The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made. Chicago Review Press. 2002.

Lewis Beale. "A variation on vampire lore that won't die." The New York Times. 2007.

Why We Crave Horror Movies
Pages: 3 Words: 1227

Horror Movies
So many great horror movies have been made over the years that choosing eight is difficult, although the best of them all have certain elements in common that makes viewers crave them, and often leads to many sequels. If the same formula works once, then movie directors and producers will use it repeatedly with slight variations, and this happens with all vampire, zombie, werewolf, and slasher/psycho killer films. Any great horror film has to take basically ordinary people and throw them into a situation where they are confronted with evil or monsters of some kind. These characters must be sympathetic enough that the audience will identify with them and hope that they will finally overcome the monsters, a plot device as old as the heroic Beowulf confronting the dragon Grendel. Of course, many of the characters will not survive the conflict and sometimes none of them do. At least…...



Blatty, W.. P. And N. Marshall (Producers), & W. Friedkin. (Director). (1973). The Exorcist [Motion picture]. U.S.: Warner Brothers.

Carroll, G., D. Giler and W. Hill (Producers), & R. Scott (Director). (1979). Alien [Motion picture]. U.S.: 20th Century Fox.

Castle, W. (Producer), & R. Polanski. (Director). (1968). Rosemary's Baby [Motion picture]. U.S.: Paramount Pictures.

Foster, D. And L. Turman. (Producesr), & J. Carpenter. (Director). (1982). The Thing [Motion picture]. U.S.: Universal Pictures.

Episode Description of the Episode the Movie
Pages: 4 Words: 1532

Description of the Episode

The movie chosen is the Pirates of the Caribbean-4. The writer is aware that it is a very poor choice while there are other movies that would have suited better. But on analyzing the entire movie from the communication point-of-view, one can discern a stream of verbal and non-verbal communication between the characters that is difficult to separate from the mindless and unbelievable actions that go with it. The lengthy story is told in a nutshell and then the episode in detail. (Collider, 2011)

The story in a nut shell is that Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) comes to London to rescue his friend Mr. Gibbs (Kevin McNally), and the attempt fails, wherein he meets with Angelica (Penelope Cruz) and is forced onto the ship of Blackbeard (Ian McShane). It has been prophesized that Blackbeard will be killed by a one-legged man and he's hoping to get…...



Collider. (2011) "Pirates of the Caribbean 4 -- Review" Retrieved 3 September 2011 from  http://collider.com/pirates-4-stranger-tides-review/91801/ 

Haslett, Beth. (1987) "Communication: Strategic Action in Context." Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates: Hillsdale, NJ.

Kitao, Kenji. (2004) "Communication Theory: Interpersonal Communication -- Situational

10-Year-Old Boy Alec The Child Has Had
Pages: 8 Words: 2646

10-year-old boy, Alec. The child has had pervasive relocations in his life, beginning at age 2 and endured a challenging separation between his parents. Since the separation he first experienced 50% split parenting, living with his mother one week then his father and stepmother the next, until such time as he was school age. He then began to live full time with his mother during the school week and visit his father and stepmother every other weekend, until age 7 when his mother relocated to an area which is a seven hour drive from his father at this point the mother also remarried. From that point to the present he has stayed with his mother and stepfather the majority of the time and traveled to visit his father and stepmother on the Christmas holiday, spring break and through the summer, which usually works out to be about 2 months.…...



Gardner, H. (2000) Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York, NY, USA: Basic Books.

Janssen, A., Diekema, E., van Dolder, R., Kollee, L., Oostendorp, R., & Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. (2012). Development of a movement quality measurement tool for children. Physical Therapy, 92(4), 574-594.

Light, P. & Littleton, K. (2000) Social processes in children's learning. Port Chester, NY, USA: Cambridge University.

Meadows, S. (1986) Understanding child development. Florence, KY, USA: Routledge.

Pony Botnet
Pages: 5 Words: 1534

Pony Botnet attack. Details about the attack, resolutions, and concerned parties will be studied.

Botnets can be loosely described as a collection of interconnected compromised devices, known as 'zombies', synchronously working with compromised devices to execute malicious tasks. Zombies are not self-directed like internet worms; they need proper direction to carry out a particular function. Zombies can be transmitted by a variety of channels for instance, an Internet elay Chat (IC) channel, from where the commands are sent by a master channel by these zombies (Jermyn et.al, 2014). Some typical botnet tasks include mass spamming a company's email address. One email address could be attacked by numerous zombie devices instigating a denial of service.

In case of smartphones, botnets can cause potential damage to cellular network infrastructure because they have firm hierarchical dependencies; therefore, they would be unable to counter this cyber-attack. The recent academic work based on mass botnet attacks…...



Cybercriminals use Pony Botnet (2014, February 24). NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, U.S. & Local News. Cybercriminals Use 'Pony' Botnet to Steal Bitcoins, Digital Currencies - NBC News. Retrieved June 16, 2015, from  http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/cybercriminals-use-pony-botnet-steal-bitcoins-digital-currencies-n37571 

Cyber Experts Uncover (2013, December 5). Insurance Journal - Property Casualty Insurance News. Cyber Experts Uncover 2 Million Stolen Passwords to Global Web Accounts. Retrieved June 16, 2015, from  http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2013/12/05/313069.htm 

Jermyn, J., Salles-Loustau, G., & Zonouz, S. (2014). An Analysis of DoS Attack Strategies against the LTE RAN. Journal of Cyber Security,3(2), 159-180. Retrieved, from  http://riverpublishers.com/journal/journal_articles/RP_Journal_2245-1439_323.pdf 

Kushner, D. (n.d.). Rolling Stone -- Music, Movies, TV, Politics, Country, and Culture. Hackers Courted by Government for Cyber Security Jobs - Rolling Stone. Retrieved June 16, 2015, from  http://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-geeks-on-the-frontlines#i.15aflb8xvvdm3r

Class and Economic Concerns in the Films
Pages: 5 Words: 1764

Economic Concens in Film
Metopolis, Invasion of the Body Snatches and La Jetee span fou decades, although the latte two could be consideed examples of Cold Wa science fiction. Metopolis was set duing the Weima Republic, although cetain scenes wee eeily pophetic of Nazism, but in eality the city itself could also have been New Yok o any othe uban cente of the futue. Fo diecto Fitz Lang, the city was a symbol of Fodist mass poduction and mass consumption, with the wokes down below butalized by povety, hunge and dull, outine, obot-like jobs, while at the same time, the middle and uppe classes above wee also dehumanized by mindless hedonism and nihilism, o dull, confomist cleical and administative wold. Dehumanization was also a majo theme of La Jetee, in which the suvivos of a nuclea holocaust live undegound, lacking even the basic necessities of food, wate and medical cae,…...


references to these. Only superficially does the world of Santa Mira still resemble an American town, since the main work of its residents had become production and distribution of seed pods, which they distributed to surrounding towns. In this work, they were like a totalitarian hive of worker bees or ants, having only the instinct to survive. Of course, they also had to eliminate any internal dissent by converting everyone in town to creatures like themselves, with Dr. Miles Bennell and his lover Becky Driscoll as the last human holdouts. They attempt to escape, with everyone in town pursuing them, although Miles loses Becky when she falls asleep and turns into one of 'them'. Only at the very end did Miles manage to convince the humans on the outside that they are in grave danger and that the authorities must be called in to deal with Santa Mira before this alien virus spreads completely out of control.

Both Body Snatchers and Metropolis have happy endings, even though these feel more than a bit contrived, while La Jetee is grim from start to finish. Civilization survives in the first two films, even though the real question might be whether such a society should have survived at all. Lang's vision of middle class charity and humanitarianism bringing about a reconciliation of capital and labor looks very unlikely given the extreme divisions presented between the underground and aboveground worlds in that film. Nazism restrained class conflict mainly by abolishing organized labor and leftist political parties, and using police state methods against all dissent, and history shows that the workers only received justice and a fair share of the social pie when they were politically well organized and able to vote. La Jetee does not even make a pretense that civilization is being saved, since what little of it survived the Third World War resembled an underground Nazi concentration camp, with prisoners experimented upon and exterminated to suit the needs of their overlords. Both of these films reflect grimmer European historical circumstances that Body Snatchers, which is certainly a disturbing and creepy film by American standards, but with a Hollywood ending in which the hero saves the day in the end. Although the world of the pod people in Santa Mira still looks like Middle America on the surface, they have all been infected by some alien virus that turns their town into a totalitarian police state run by zombies, robots and clone, lacking human individuality, desires and emotions. In fact, their all-American town was starting to look too much like something in Germany and Russia, which is why it hard to be destroyed in the end.

What\'s the funniest title of a comedy movie you\'ve ever come across?
Words: 169

1. Superbad

    A comedy film about two high school friends on a mission to buy alcohol for a party.

2. Dumb and Dumber

    A slapstick comedy following the misadventures of two incredibly unintelligent friends.

3. Shaun of the Dead

    A comedy-horror film that combines zombies with British humor in a unique way.

4. Anchorman The Legend of Ron Burgundy

    A satirical comedy about a 1970s news anchor and his ridiculous antics.

5. The Hangover

    A wild comedy about a group of friends who try to piece together the events of a night of debauchery in Las Vegas.


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