Without seeming to delve into "politics," it is clear to anyone paying attention - who cares about schools and children - that the current administration in Washington has recently asked Congress for an additional $80 billion to continue the occupation of Iraq and the fight in Afghanistan, and in the same week has indicated that the new budget eliminates programs designed to keep children in school, and to help schools assist families in educating their sons and daughters.
Why homework in public libraries? What does the literature reveal about homework centers in libraries?
One highly important technical aspect of homework centers in libraries is the presence of research tools - and of course the appropriate filters so children are protected from pornographic Web sites - for those students who likely do not have the Internet at home. An article in Library Journal (Minkel, 2002) suggests that "librarians need alternatives when they…...
Barranger, Crystal. (2001). An After-Hours School Library Program. The Book Report,
Business Wire (1999). SemiCycle Foundation and Hi-Tech Manufacturing Make
Donation to Thornton After School Tutoring Program. P. 0315.
Breeden, Cynthia (2004). Mini-Learning Center Homework Help for 1st-5th Graders at Hayward Libraries. Literacy Plus News: Hayward Main Library. Retrieved February
Youth Justice System in Canada
The doli incapax defence, which refers to the incapacity to do wrong, was developed under the English common law where a child under the age of seven was deemed incapable to do wrong. The same immunity was extended to a child aged between seven and thirteen with the presumption that this age group had not yet developed sufficient intelligence and experience to understand the consequence of the crime committed. (Johnson, 2006). Despite the protection accorded to children, the doli incapax defence was not applicable in all cases. Children often faced the same penalties as adult, which include hanging and incarceration. More than three or four-century ago, children were put in jail and underwent the same treatment similar to adult criminals. However, the growing reform movement that spread across the world in the 19th century emancipated Canada to pass series of laws for the protection of children.…...
Bala, N. Carrington, P.J. & Roberts, J.P. (2009). Evaluating the Youth Criminal Justice Act after Five Years: A Qualified Success. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice.51(2):131-167.
Department of Justice, (1965). The Juvenile Delinquency in Canada and Committee on Juvenile Delinquency, Queen's Printer, Ottawa.
Department of Justice, (2004). The Evolution of Juvenile Justice in Canada, International Cooperation Group. Canada Endres, K. (2004). The Youth Criminal Justice Act: The New Face of Canada's Youth Criminal Justice System. Family Court Review. 42( 3):526-539.
Johnson, M. (2006). Doli Incapax- The Criminal Responsibility of Children. Children's Law News.
The majority of gangs are governed by norms that support the use of violence to settle disputes and to achieve group goals "associated with member recruitment, defense of one's identity as a gang member, turf protection and expansion, and defense of the gang's honor" (Youth1 pp). Sanctioned violence is also dictated by a code of honor that stresses one's manhood and defines breaches of etiquette, and also demonstrates toughness and fighting ability and establishes status in the gang (Youth1 pp).
Preventing adolescents from joining gangs seems to be the most cost-effective long-term strategy (Solutions pp). The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has implemented a school-based gang prevention curriculum called Gang Resistance Education and Training, that has shown positive preliminary results (Solutions pp). Students who complete the program reported "lower levels of gang affiliation and self-reported delinquency, including drug use, minor offending, property crimes, and crimes against persons" (Solutions pp).…...
mlaWorks Cited
Crowther, Brad. Youth Gangs in Rhode Island. August 2002. Accessed from the Rhode Island Racial and Ethnic Minority Disparities web site May 05, 2005. http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Race_Ethnicity/Disparities_RI/safety_reports/youth_gangs.htm
Youth3 gangs no longer just a big city problem. FBI: Gangs spring up when families relocate. April 23, 1997. Accessed from CNN.com web site May 05, 2005. http://www.cnn.com/U.S./9704/23/gang
Youth2 Gangs and Violence. Accessed from National Youth Violence Prevention web site May 05, 2005. http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/faq/youthgang.asp
Johnson, Stephen; Muhlhausen, David B. North American Transnational Youth
Youth violence is a major problem in the world today that must be continually researched and examined in order to reduce its harmful grasp. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), violent acts were the second leading cause of death for young people in the United States in 2010 (Understanding Youth). Youth violence not only includes children that are victims of violent acts, but also those that commit acts of violence. The CDC also reports that in 2008, 16% of violent crimes were committed by juveniles (Youth Violence). The reach of youth violence in quite broad and include violence in schools, gang violence, bullying, and dating violence. Much research has been done to identify possible causes of youth violence. Contributing factors include previous abuse or exposure to violence in the home, unstable family atmospheres, drugs, disorganized communities, psychological disorders, and exposure to media violence. Of these causes, the one…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bushman, Brad, and Craig Anderson. "Media Violence and the American Public Scientific Facts vs. Media Misinformation." American Psychologist June/July (2001): 477-489. Iowa State Psychology Department. Web. 29 Apr. 2011. Detailed research and explanations as to why media violence in misunderstood.
Kivel, Dana, and Corey Johnson. "Comsuming Media, Making Men: Using Collective Memory Work to Understand Leisure and the Construction of Masculinity." Journal of Leisure Research 41.1 (2000): 109-134. ProQuest. Web. 29 Apr. 2011. Collective memory research on the affects of media on male's perceptions of masculinity.
Cantor, Joanne. "Media Violence and Children's Emotions: Beyond the "Smoking Gun." American Psychological Association Convention. American Psychological Association. Convention Center, District of Columbia. 5 Aug. 2000. Lecture.
Program. "Youth Violence - Facts at a Glance." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2011. . Fact sheet with statistics on specific types of youth violence in the United States. Helpful in obtaining a general view of the reach and impact of juvenile violence.
Youth Justice
According to studies, youthful criminality is the result of many separate factors. Among these include the disproportionate amount of sensationalism surrounding crime (Okoronkwo, 2008, p. 2). Sensationalism includes an unspoken support for crime as demonstrated through various media outlets. This may include violence presented in the media, in the way of television, magazines, and video games (Jewkes, 2004). Parents can encourage this by allowing in discretionary use of video games and indiscriminate viewing of television without controls. This is unhealthy and may support increasing violence and criminal behavior. This sensationalism comes both in the form of sensationalizing crime as something desirable, and sensationalizing the individuals responsible for crime.
Other factors that lead to youthful criminality include the hype surrounding the appeal of crime, or the benefits of crime and the appeal of youth crime among youths. Crime is often portrayed as an appealing option…...
Goldson, B. & Muncie, J. 2006. Youth crime and justice. London: Sage publications.
Hough, Mike & Roberts, Julian V. 2003. Youth crime and youth justice: Public opinion in England and Wales. ICPR, The Nuffield Foundation. Retrieved: http://www.esc-eurocrim.org/files/summary.pdf
Jewkes, Y. 2004. Media and crime. London: Sage.
MacDonald, R. 1997. Youth, the underclass and social exclusion. London: Routledge.
A perfect example is Danica Patrick who has broken and established numerous records in the sport of auto racing -- a heavily male-dominated sport (Bernstein 2013). Her preconceived sex role did not stop her from succeeding greatly in this sport. The male perspective of racing has been redefined, as more and more women are now entering and succeeding in this sport. The roles that boys and girls think that they should follow are indeed rules that may be broken. However, what is needed is a role model. Once one person has broken the path then others can follow. That is exactly what is occurring in sports. Gender affects how a sport is viewed, but it does not affect the character and values that are learned through playing.
Bernstein, Viv. "Patrick Earns a Historic Pole, at a Premier Event." The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Feb. 2013. Web.…...
Bernstein, Viv. "Patrick Earns a Historic Pole, at a Premier Event." The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
Fraser-Thomas, Jessica L., Jean Cote, and Janice Deakin. "Youth Sport Programs: An Avenue to Foster Positive Youth Development." Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy 10.1 (2005): 19-40. Print.
Gould, Daniel, and Sarah Carson. "Life Skills Development through Sport: Current Status and Future Directions." International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1.1 (2008): 58-78. Print.
Messner, Michael a. it's All for the Kids: Gender, Families, and Youth Sports. Berkeley: University of California, 2009. Print.
Youth Crime in Canada
Functionalism is one of the most longstanding and best used sociological theories in this field. Essentially, functionalism posits the notion that society operates somewhat like the human body, with a variety of necessary functions and measures to enable it to reach a state of stability. Functionalism views certain actions and trends within society as indicative of overall aspects of the norms and values which drive it. It looks at corrective measures to some of these problems as necessary sanctions or "social control mechanisms which range from those "imposed informally -- sneering and gossip, for example -- o the activities of certain formal organizations, like schools, prisons and mental institutions" (McLelland, 2000). As such, there are several relevant points of application between functionalism and the issue of contemporary youth crime in Canada. Viewed from a functionalist perspective, it is quite clear that legislature enacted by the Canadian government…...
Bala, N., Carrington, P.J., Roberts, J.V. (2009). Evaluating the youth criminal justice act after five years: a qualified success. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 51 (2), 131-167.
Brennan, S. (2011). Police reported crime statistics in Canada, 2011. Statistics Canada. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2012001/article/11692-eng.htm
Carrington, P.J. (2013). Trends in the seriousness of youth crime in Canada, 1984-2011. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 5 (2), 293-314.
DeGusti, B. (2008). The impact of the Youth Criminal Justice Act on case flow in Alberta and stem response in Calgary. Canadian Research Institute for Law and Family. Retrieved from http://people.ucalgary.ca/~crilf/publications/Final_Case_Flow_and_Focus_Group_Report-September2008v3.pdf
Youth Victimization
While for many people the tendency to ascribe the status of victim to a fellow individual is often motivated by prejudicial factors such as race or gender, current research indicates that age is also a primary determinant affecting how the public and media assess victimization. Multiple studies have concluded that young people are increasingly being linked to criminality in the collective consciousness of society, and as John Muncie observes in his Youth and Crime, "dangerous youth is the cornerstone of a number of key concerns about a disordered present" (2009). As the science of victimology has evolved and contributed to academic research on the subject of crime, youth victimization has often been neglected and ignored in favor of studies seeking "the strongest possible evidence to an already worried public that there (is) something new and terrible about juvenile crime" (Newburn, 1996, p. 70). Despite a preponderance of evidence showing…...
Bailleau, F. (1998) 'A crisis of youth or of judicial response?', in Ruggiero, V., South, N. And Taylor, I. (eds) The New European Criminology, London, Routledge.
Brown, S. (1998). Understanding Youth and Crime. Buckingham. Open University Press.
Goldson, B. (2002) 'New Labour, social justice and children: political calculation and the deserving-undeserving schism', British Journal of Social Work, vol. 32, pp. 683-95.
Muncie, J, (2003) 'Youth, risk and victimisation', in Davies, P., Francis, P., and Jupp, V. (eds) Victimisation: Theory, research and Policy, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Youth Sports Archery
Youth Sport Program Additions: Archery and Fencing
Based on the research findings investigated below, it is expected that I will ultimately recommend for the addition of archery and fencing to the existing youth sports program in question. The research presented hereafter will illustrate that due diligence has been paid to the question of virtues of the respective sports in the context of said program.
Could the sport of archery be successfully adapted to existing youth sports programs?
hat are the benefits unique to that make this a worthwhile addition to existing youth sports programs?
Archery offers a number of benefits to young learners in the form of safety instruction, rule following and accessibility that make it an advisable addition to an existing youth sport program.
Null Hypothesis: Archery would not be advisable as an addition to an existing youth sport program because it does not offer any benefits to young learners.
According to the…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Harkins, C. (2010). Go Fencing and Get Smarter. Fencing.net.
Hastings, S. (2010). Why Fencing is a Good Youth Sport. HubPages.
Pearce, M. (2010). Archery Classes A Hit Among Students -- and Full of Lessons, Too. The Wichita Eagle.
Youth Sport Trust (YST). (2010). School Sport Xchange. Ssx.youthsporttrust.org.
Under this program youth are able to enter employment or go back to school. Project RIO-Y is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. (Baker 7)
In California, a law was passed prohibiting juveniles from being held in county jails, sheriff's facilities, and other adult facilities. This was spurred by the suicide of 15-year-old Kathy Robbins. Jailed for being in the town square after curfew hour, Kathy Robbins hanged herself from the top rail of the bunk bed in her cell in the Glenn County Jail in rural California. She had been in jail for a week, as a juvenile court judge had refused to release her. She was one of six juvenile suicides that took place in adult jails in California between 1979 and 1984.
There have been negative consequences of the state and federal laws passed to implement the Federal Youth Correction Act. The laws create overcrowding in juvenile…...
mlaWorks Cited
Baker, Luther. "Perceptions of the Effects of Workforce Development Training on Vocational Interests of Adjudicated African-American Youth with Disabilities (Dissertation)" University of Texas, 2004. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/etd/d/2004/bakerl39847/bakerl39847.pdf
Meisel, Sheri, Henderson, Kelly, Cohen, Mary, & Leone, Peter. "Collaborate to educate: Special education in juvenile correctional facilities." In Building Collaboration Between Education and Treatment for At-risk and Delinquent Youth (pp. 59-72). Richmond: National Juvenile Detention Association, Eastern Kentucky University, 1998.
Ogletree, Charles J. Jr. "Judicial activism or judicial necessity: The D.C. District Court's criminal justice legacy." Georgetown Law Journal, Mar 2002. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3805/is_200203/ai_n9024921/pg_11 .
Schiraldi, Vincent, and Soler, Mark. "The Will of the People? The Public's Opinion of the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act of 1997." Justice Policy Institute and Youth Law Center. March 1998. http://www.justicepolicy.org/downloads/The%20Will%20of%20the%20People.doc .
Youth Justice Problem Identification and Policy-Making
Problem Identification:
The issue of members of the youth community in the criminal justice system is one which has given populations great concern. Juvenile crime and delinquency creates an economic and sociological disparity which has far-reaching negative consequences in the society. Statistics show that individuals who become involved in criminal activity in the beginning years of their life will be more likely to develop as career criminals than those who are able to abstain from criminality in their youth. The earlier a person begins committing crimes, the greater the likelihood that they will commit serious and violent crimes later on in their lives.
Sociologists, psychologists, and individuals who are experts regarding criminality and illegal matters have identified certain criteria as heavy indicators that the individual in question will be likely to become involved in crime or not (Ramirez 2008). Individuals who are born and reared in areas…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ramirez, F. (2008, April/May). Juvenile delinquency: current issues, best practices, and promising approaches. GP Solo. (25:3). American Bar Association.
Saminsky, A. (2010). Preventing juvenile delinquency: early intervention and comprehensiveness as critical factors. Student Pulse. (2:2). Retrieved from http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/165/preventing-juvenile-delinquency-early-intervention-and-comprehensiveness-as-critical-factors
There was also radical folk music lead created by ob Dylan, the Mamas and the Papas, Joan aez, and Donovan (1960s).
oth women's and men's fashion reflected the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1969s as described in American cultural history. Women began wearing more revealing and suggestive clothing such as miniskirts, hot pants, and go-go boots. Men wore their hair longer and grew beards and moustaches. right colors, double-breasted sports jackets, polyester pants suits with Nehru jackets, and turtlenecks were trendy fashions for men. Unisex dressing such as bell bottoms, love beads and embellished t-shirts was also popular.
Perhaps change in the 1960s was driven due to the fact that there had been a post-war baby boom which had created a huge number of youth. Power came in numbers and they felt free to make their mark on the culture, changing aspects of society, politics, music and fashion, to name only a…...
1960s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960s#Music
American cultural history. http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html
Youth Market in U.S. Wine
Strengths of the Wine Industry:
Awareness about the health benefits of wine drinking is growing
Wine Industry has been able to produce high quality wine at affordable prices of late
Development in biotechnology means that plentiful grape production is likely in future
The wine industry has mainly catered to the older generation of wine drinkers thus far
The passive attitude in the industry that the young generation naturally grows into wine drinking as it ages.
Generation X (21-34-year-olds) spends 10% more than baby-boomers on every type of alcohol, except wine. They also drink 51% more alcohol than baby-boomers do. (oberts of Wine X magazine, quoted by Scalera, 2002)
ecent studies show that young drinkers, ages 21 to 34, are more willing to pay for premium wine than the generation of 35-to-54-year-olds
The youth market is potentially the biggest wine drinking market
The 'core market' (39.9% of wine drinkers consume 86% of all table wine consumption)…...
Scalera, Barbara. (July 2002). "New Ideas for a New Generation." Harpers magazine. Retrieved on July 28, 2003 at http://www.winexwired.com/archives/harpers2.htm
Skeen, Thomas P. "Wine X: Edgy magazine reaches out to next generation of wine drinkers" Walla Union-Bulletin. On July 28, 2003 from (October 23, 2002) http://www.winexwired.com/archives/seattle2.htm
Although U.S. consumption of table wines has been increasing since 1990, the number of drinkers hasn't kept pace with the rise in the adult population (Report sponsored by Wine Market Council in 2000)
This is now widely recognized by the wine market as the Wine Market Council, an industry-funded research and marketing group, has launched an ad campaign in the U.S. aimed at the youth wine market
Youth Services, Juvenile Justice System
America's Cradle to Prison Pipeline: A Children's Defense Fund eport
America is still a country in which underprivileged children are discriminated against and "pipelined" into a life of problems and failure rather than success and good health. Something must be done; it's the responsibility of all adults to rally together and take action to correct this far-reaching, systematic, cyclic problem. The main steps that must be taken are: work together to change the norms and values of society; replace punishment and incarceration with early intervention and firm commitments to children; begin this commitment with guaranteed prenatal, health, and mental health coverage for everyone; ensure every child eligible for Head Start programs is able to participate; permanently connect every child to a caring parent or mentor; instill a solid academic work ethic and make sure all children can read by the 4th grade; put an end to poverty…...
CDF, s. (2007). America's Cradle to Prison Pipeline. The Children's Defense Fund.
Chung, H.L., Little, M., & Steinberg, L. (2005). The Transition to Adulthood for Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System: A Developmental Perspective. In D.W. Osgood, E.M. Foster, C. Flanagan, & G. Ruth, On Your Own Without a Net (p. Chapter 3). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Eppright, T., Kashani, J., Robison, B., & Reid, J. (1993). Comorbidity of Conduct Disorder and Personality Disorders in an Incarcerated Juvenile Population. The American Journal of Psychiatry: 150, 8, 1233.
McManus, M., Alessi, N., Grapentine, W., & Brickman, A. (1985). Neurological Dysfunction in Serious Delinquents. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 481-486.
Thus, advertising to youth would stimulate spending on immediate needs but it also stimulated spending trends across the consumer's lifetime. Stimulating the youth market early in the 20th century helped create the consumer culture that persists today.
Another reason to market more aggressively to the youth market was to capitalize on changing social values. Youth became a more distinct and more politically empowered social group during the 20th century. The word "teenager" had only been coined in the 1940s, underscoring the fact that youth culture was a 20th century phenomenon. Their input in family affairs grew more pronounced, especially as women had fewer and fewer children as "fewer children increases the influence of each child," ("Targeting the Youth Market").
More empowered youth would later lead marketers to capitalize on the "nag factor." Children exposed to media advertisements start to nag their parents, which vastly increases sales (New American Dream). The nag…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brailsford, Ian. "History Repeating Itself: Were Post-War American Youngsters Ripe for Harvest?" Retrieved April 3, 2007 at
New American Dream. "Thanks to Ads, Kids Won't Take No, No, No, No, No for an Answer." Retrieved April 3, 2007 at http://www.newdream.org/kids/poll.php
Targeting the Youth Market." Retrieved April 3, 2007 at http://www.sba.gov/gopher/Business-Development/Success-Series/Vol7/youth.txt
We are not sure if you are having a hard time deciding how to start your essay in terms of figuring out the introductory paragraph or if you are having a hard time deciding where to start your essay on abuse in the foster care system and how to organize the material. We are going to address both issues in our answer.
If you have gathered all of your information and facts and organized the rest of your essay, but are wondering how to actually begin the essay, what you are looking for is a powerful hook. A....
Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe. It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.
Possible research topics include:
Teen suicide is a one of the biggest health threats to teens. This may be due to many factors, such as the fact that teenage brains are not fully developed, hormone changes from puberty, teen vulnerability to child abuse or dating violence, or the fact that many mental illnesses begin to emerge in the teenage or young adult years. Reducing the suicide rate among teens is a consistent public health goal, though there is no guaranteed intervention that will always lead to success. With social media usage among teens changing the way that teens socialize, there is little....
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