Justification for a New X-Ray Machine
A New X-ray Machine in a Healthcare Organization
A New Digital X-Ray Machine for Ebrahim Haji Health Centre
The World Federation of KSIMC urgently seeks donations from members all over the world for the purchase of a new digital x-ray machine for the Ebrahim Haji Health Centre in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (COEJ, 2011). Its X-Ray Department at the health center operates six days a week and 12 hours a day. Physicians regularly use x-rays for the diagnosis of disease and injury and as an essential part of treatment. This health center is currently faced with the dilemma of a limited budget and the need for a more reliable x-ray machine. The present Fujitsu x-ray machine is 13 years old and has been malfunctioning often. Problems encountered with its use include unavailability of parts for replacement, frequent breakdown, rising cost of maintenance, and patient…...
Charrier-Boots, E. (2011). Hospital eyes new x-ray machine. Index Tribune: Sonoma News. Retrieved on September 22, 2011 from http://www.sonomanews.com/News-2011/Hospital-eyes-new-x-ray-machine
Christensen, C.M., et al. (2000). Will disruptive innovations cure health care? Harvard
Business Publishing: Harvard Business School Publishing. Retrieved on September
22, 2011 from http://hbr.org/web.extras/insight-center/health-care/will-disruption
It is observed that majority of the beams have in them positive beam limiting collimators -- PBL. The distinguishing features of these devices are that these are automatic collimators which gauge the proportion of the image receptor and make adjustment of the collimating shutters to that size. (Bushong, n. d.)
Focal-spot size: The spatial resolution of radiographic system is basically found out by calculating the focal-spot size of the x-ray tube. At the time when new equipment or a replacement x-ray tube is deployed, the focal-spot size should compulsorily be measured. The three most important tools which are used for calibration of focal-spot size are the pinhole camera, the star pattern and the slit camera. While the pinhole camera poses difficulty in use and needs a great exposure time, the star pattern is simple to use but has a great deal of limitations for focal-spot sizes less than 0.3 mm.…...
mlaSchneider, K. (1995) "Evolution of Quality Assurance in Pediatric Radiology." Radiation
Protection Dosimetry 57:119-123. Retrieved at http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/57/1-4/119
Speech on X-ay
Speech on why X-rays should be taken
Today our organization is going to talk look at some issues surrounding X-rays. Many people in our community for a long time have had misconception about x-rays. However, these misconception have not been true since various researches that have been done have proved otherwise.
There are many complications that we experience in our daily life in terms of our health. Some of them can only be identified and solved through X-ray because of their ability to pass through human tissues. Yes, all of us knows that too much X-rays radiation in large quantity can be harmful therefore all the necessary precautions have been always put in place to make sure that this does not happen, as echoed by David Attwood (1999).
rays are always part of the electromagnetic spectrum which also includes ultraviolet light, radio and infrared waves. Since they have a long wavelength…...
David Attwood (1999). Soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation. Cambridge University Press, (1999).
Whaites, Eric; Roderick Cawson Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 15 -- 20. (2002).
Novelline, Robert (1997). Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology. Harvard University Press. 5th edition, (1997).
Mettler FA. Introduction: an approach to image interpretation. In: Mettler FA, ed. Essentials of Radiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2005: Chapter 1.
doind a research project pay green?
I collected an articles .
ilhelm Rontgen is generally accepted as the person responsible for having discovered X-rays in 1895 in spite of the fact that a series of individuals had been involved in researching the phenomena in years preceding his studies. Even with this, Rontgen is provided with more consideration because he was the first to actually play an active role in studying this concept. The first X-ray picture illuminated the bones in Mrs. Rontgen's hand, practically creating a precedent for what was going to become the medical X-ray machine. These rays have apparently been called X as a result of their strange nature, as Rontgen was practically astonished as a result of seeing them. The German physicist received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 as a result of his important contribution to the world of medicine.
hile Rontgen is basically the person who…...
mlaWorks cited:
Waser, Andre, "Nikola TESLA's Radiations and the Cosmic Rays," Retrieved March 31, 2013, from the Andre Waser Website: http://www.andre-waser.ch/Publications/NikolaTeslasRadiationsAndCosmicRays.pdf
"History of the X-ray Technician Career," Retrieved March 31, 2013, from the Anthem Education Website: http://anthem.edu/x-ray-technician-school/history/
" (Jan. 16, 1896, p. 9) oentgen won a Nobel Prize for his discovery which was very well deserved considering the fact that he was the first to notice the X-rays when similar rays had been seen before. Once the discovery became public, there was no stopping the physicists, scientists and even photographers. Everyone tried to find out how they could make use of those rays with Edison developing incandescent bulbs to produce X-rays and British scientist William Bragg worked on inner nature of X and y-rays. Many more researches and studies followed the initial discovery and they helped better understand the nature of X-rays and how they could benefit the medical community.
Alexi Assmus: Early History of X-rays. etrieved online 3rd June 2009 from http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/beamline/25/2/25-2-assmus.pdf...
Alexi Assmus: Early History of X-rays. Retrieved online 3rd June 2009 from http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/beamline/25/2/25-2-assmus.pdf
unning Head: ADIOLOGICAL X-AY ANALYSIS ADIOLOGICAL X-AY ANALYSIS 9adiological x-ray analysisIntroductionadiology has formed the medicines major scope, forming the gold standard diagnostic needed to perform surgical interventions.This diagnostic technique uses the technology of imaging the body systems and is used to make prompt treatments. Examinations used under radiology include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MI), ultrasonography, other related diagnostic criteria. This project focuses on the X-ray as a diagnostic tool in surgical investigations.Posterior to anterior(Bhandary et al., 2020).The mediastinumLeft lungight lungThe posterior to anterior projection, commonly known as the PA, is an anatomical position used to take x-ray pictures in patients. The x-ray beam passes through the patients bodies. The beam of light passing through the patients body significantly determines the clarity and the contrast of the image.The patient normally assumes an erect position and upright posture, the markedly raised and shoulders anteriorly rotated to subject the two scapular…...
mlaReferencesBhandary, A., Prabhu, G. A., Rajinikanth, V., Thanaraj, K. P., Satapathy, S. C., Robbins, D. E., ... & Raja, N. S. M. (2020). Deep-learning framework to detect lung abnormality–A study with chest X-Ray and lung CT scan images. Pattern Recognition Letters, 129, 271-278.Chouhan, V., Singh, S. K., Khamparia, A., Gupta, D., Tiwari, P., Moreira, C., ... & De Albuquerque, V. H. C. (2020). A novel transfer learning-based approach for pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 559.Deftereos, S. P., Foutzitzi, S., Karagiannakis, G., Aggelidou, M., Cassimos, D. C., & Kambouri, K. (2020). Constipation and dilated bowel: Hirschsprung’s disease is not always the case. Clinics and Practice, 10(4), 100-102.Hashir, M., Bertrand, H., & Cohen, J. P. (2020, September). Quantifying the Value of Lateral Views in Deep Learning for Chest X-rays. In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (pp. 288-303). PMLR.Hoda, R. S., Sanyal, S., Abraham, J. L., Everett, J. M., Hundemer, G. L., Yee, E., ... & Misdraji, J. (2017). Lanthanum deposition from oral lanthanum carbonate in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Histopathology, 70(7), 1072-1078.Ng, J., Linn, K. A., Shmon, C. L., Parker, S., & Zwicker, L. A. (2020). The left lateral projection is comparable to horizontal beam radiography for identifying experimental small volume pneumoperitoneum in the canine abdomen. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 61(2), 130-136.Rubin, J., Sanghavi, D., Zhao, C., Lee, K., Qadir, A., & Xu-Wilson, M. (2018). Large-scale automated reading of frontal and lateral chest x-rays using dual convolutional neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07839.Saragih, N. T., Pasaribu, N., & Laia, H. (2020). Cases of Acute Abdomen Radiography With Perforation At General Hospital Haji Adam Malik: Cases of Acute Abdomen Radiography With Perforation At General Hospital Haji Adam Malik. Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, 2(1), 78-82.Togo, R., Yamamichi, N., Mabe, K., Takahashi, Y., Takeuchi, C., Kato, M., ... & Haseyama, M. (2019). Detection of gastritis by a deep convolutional neural network from double-contrast upper gastrointestinal barium X-ray radiography. Journal of gastroenterology, 54(4), 321-329.Yan, J., Sun, J., Wu, R., Tan, S. S., Chen, Y., Peng, Y., & Chen, Y. (2020). Barium enema findings in total colonic aganglionosis: a single-center, retrospective study. BMC pediatrics, 20(1), 1-8.
Femur X-rayGreg, a 58-year-old man, was presented complaining of intense pain on the upper side of his right leg and could barely walk. His medical history was recorded, with the most relevant being that Greg has undergone treatment for Hepatitis B, specifically using adefovir dipivoxil. He also had a six-month history of bone pain (Tanaka et al., 2012). Preliminary diagnosis necessitated a femur x-ray to establish possible fractures and open reduction and internal fixation (OIF). Anteroposterior femur view was essential for an entire femur examination (Murphy & Jones, 2017). To achieve an accurate inclusion of the hip and knee joints. The femur x-ray identifies any foreign bodies, fractures, and dislocations with this view. Besides, this procedure would come in handy in case of prosthetic needs. During imaging, Greg was put in a supine position. The image detector was placed diagonal, ensuring that it remained parallel to the femur. Since fracture…...
mlaReferencesJonathan Cluett, M. D. (2021, January 25). What surgeons do to repair serious bone fractures. Verywell Health. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from Murphy, A., & Jones, J. (2017). Femur X-ray (summary). Radiopaedia.org. https://doi.org/10.53347/rid-50609 Tanaka, M., Setoguchi, T., Ishidou, Y., Arishima, Y., Hirotsu, M., Saitoh, Y., Nakamura, S., Kakoi, H., Nagano, S., Yokouchi, M., Kamizono, J., & Komiya, S. (2012, August 20). Pathological Femoral Fractures due to Osteomalacia Associated with Adefovir Dipivoxil Treatment for Hepatitis B: A case report. BioMed Central. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from https://diagnosticpathology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1746-1596-7-108 https://www.verywellhealth.com/orif-fracture-open-reduction-internal-fixation-2548525
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen's Discovery on Modern Medicine:
This essay would explore the transformative effect that the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen in 1895 has had on medical diagnostics and treatment. It would include the historical context of the discovery, initial reactions from the scientific and medical communities, and the evolution of X-ray technology from its inception to today's advanced imaging techniques such as CT scans and MRI.
2. The Intersection of X-ray Technology and Ethics: rivacy and Health Risk Concerns:
The essay would examine the ethical issues that have arisen due to the prevalence of X-ray technology. Discussion would entail the privacy concerns linked to the clarity and detail with which X-rays can depict the internal human body, as well as the health risks associated with radiation exposure, including the controversy surrounding full-body scanners at airports.
3. X-rays in Forensic Science: Advancements in Criminal…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad. \"Ueber eine neue Art von Strahlen.\" Sitzungsberichte der Würzburger Physik-medic. Gesellschaft (1895): 137-147.
Glasser, Otto, ed. \"Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the Early History of the Roentgen Rays.\" Nature 136 (1935): 101-102.Jennings, Bruce H. \"Röntgen\'s discovery of the X-ray.\" The American Journal of Physics 63 (1995): 1053.Friedman, Meyer H. \"X-rays in 1896.\" Radiology 198 (1996): 321-330.Stark, Rodney, and William Sims Bainbridge. \"A Theory of Religion.\" Rutgers University Press, (1987).
Some sources also offer a different insight for the emergent increase in need of this technology. Bernike Pasveer follows the idea that it was because there was a need for efficient diagnosis methods (Pasveer, 1993, p89). It was only after the introduction of X-rays that there was a determination of the nature of tuberculosis. The need for an efficient method that disputed the myths was necessary, and that was achieved on the introduction of X-ray technology. This is supported by Andrew Warwick who claims that the reason why this technology is still significant was due to its diagnostic properties. However, Andrew differs from Bernike by instead using fractures as his example. Andrew explains the role of X-ray technology especially in Germany where the surgeons undertook this process to determine fractures and diagnose bone discrepancies (Warwick, 2005, p4). Incidentally, this is a role of the technology that is still in practice.
Andrew Warwick (2005), X rays as evidence in German orthopedic surgery.
Anja Hiddinga (1992), X-ray technology in obstetrics: Measuring pelvis at the Yale School of Medicine, in J.V Pickstone ed.
Bernike Pasveer (1993), Depiction in medicine as a two way affair: X -- ray Pictures and Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the early Twentieth century, in Ilana Lowy ed. (Pasveer,
1993, p89).
Conventional Tomography outlining the various aspects, issues and methods used. It has 10 sources.
The field of medical imaging has been in existence for over one hundred years but new research and scientific breakthroughs have changed both its image and its role. adiology is not only diagnostic but is expanding to encompass curative techniques as well. The most common radiological investigation remains the conventional X-ray but a wide range of new and more efficient modalities have also been available for the past several decades. Amongst these methods is tomography, specifically in reference to this paper, Conventional Tomography.
Conventional Tomography:
adiographs deal with the internal anatomy of bodies, commonly used to view bones, calcified material, and soft tissue masses. This area has branched out since the use of fluorescent dyes but still is limited by the fact that a conventional radiography is unable to display within the framework of two-dimensional x-ray picture all…...
Author not available. (2003). The Encyclopedia of Medical Imaging Volume III: 1. Retrieved October 26, 2003, from Amersham plc
Website: http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume%20III%201/conventional%20tomography.asp
Flake M., Kinder C. (2003) Conventional Radiography Tomography and Their Biological Effects. Retrieved October 26, 2003, from Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Website: http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1983/7/83.07.02.x.html#a
hile Powlison may not agree with those approaches, he does acknowledge their existence. Therefore, in the second part of his book, Powlison examines psychological knowledge of human behavior and motivation.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the Bible is the basis for all of Powlison's discussions. hile he may develop a personality theory, it is a personality theory based on Scripture. According to reviewer Bob Kelleman:
"the strength of this section is found in Powlison's insistence on building a view of human nature not coram anthropos (from the perspective of humanity), but coram Theos (from the perspective of God). e can understand people via people, or we can understand people via God. Powlison rightly chooses to understand the creature not through the creature but through the Creator (Kelleman).
To do this, Powlison uses x-ray questions, which he says reveal what God sees when he looks at an individual. He…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cross, F.L., ed. "Atonement." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. New York:
Oxford University Press. 2005.
Kelleman, Bob. "Book Review: Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition
through the Lens of Scripture." Discerning Reader. N.p. 2 Aug. 2009. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.
Fractures of Tibia and Fibula
Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula
In the human body there are four specific "long bones:" the femur, humerus, tibia, and fibula. ("Tibia (Shinbone) Shaft Fractures") The tibia and fibula are located in the lower part of the leg, between the knee and the ankle. The tibia is the larger of the two, is the weight bearing bone, but also the most common long bone for a person to fracture. However, because serious complications can arise from a fractured tibia, or a fibula, it is vitally important to "be aware of the early warning signs." (Semer, 2001, p. 205) Failure to treat a fracture early can result in permanent damage including disability, paralysis, an even amputation. But with proper treatment, a fracture of the tibia or fibula, or both, can "heal without complications and a person is able to resume his or her normal activities." (Semer, 2001,…...
Semer, Nadine. (2001). Practical Plastic Surgeries for Nonsurgeons. Philadelphia:
Hanley & Belfus. Retrieved from:
"Tibia (Shinbone) Shaft Fractures." American Academy of Orthopaedic
Herniated Disc
Spinal Disc Herniation, also called slipped disc or herniated disc, is a medical condition that affects the spine. This may be caused by trauma, injury, or idiopathic causes that are combinations of issues. Physiologically, an injury causes a tear in the outer ring of the intervertebral disc, more specifically in the fibrous ring that surrounds the disc. This injury then allows the softer, central portion of the disc to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. This tear sometimes causes the release of inflammatory chemicals causing intense pain, even with there is no severe root compression. In addition, herniated discs are almost always postero-lateral because of the way the ligaments are attached to the spinal cord (Postacchini, 1999).
Most minor herniations heal within several weeks using anti-inflammatory treatment for pain and swelling. However, severe herniations, the so-called slipped disc, even though it is not accurate from a medical point, may…...
Herniated Disc. (2012) MedlinePlus. Retrieved from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov
Baldwin, J., et.al., (2011). Lumbar (Intervertebral) Disk Disorders. Medscape Reference.
Retrieved from: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/827016-overview
Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Religious and Ideological Movements: The Effects of Nationality and Ideological Preference
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common illness. Research shows that the large bowel or colon is the site of a lot of various beneficial bacteria. Also, may many may be aware that a good colon gives a lot of detail on the way the colon and its bacteria work in unison in order to provide our bodies with particular health profits. On the other hand, the colon is the site for numerous of the symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients. Because this organ is where all fiber and other food leftovers arrive, it would seem rational that some parts of food we eat could play a part in the signs of IBS, which for the majority, are a reflection of an excessively complex colon that is sensitive. As stated by the International Foundation for…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anand, Bhupinder. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 8 June 2013. 29 September 2014.http://www.emedicinehealth.com/irritable_bowel_syndrome/page10_em.htm .
Cunha, John P. MedicineNet.com. 7 May 2012. 29 September 2014.http://www.medicinenet.com/irritable_bowel_syndrome_ibs/page6.htm .
Vorous, Heather Van. "The First Year: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) -- An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed." New York City: Da Capo Press; 2005 edition, 2001. 1-242.
Zuckerman, M.J., Nguyen, G., Ho, H., Nguyen, L., & Gregory, G.G. "A survey of irritable bowel syndrome in vietnam using the rome criteria." Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 51.5 (2009): 946-51.
I stood by my younger sister when she fell from the giant tree in our backyard, her leg twisted behind her. She was crying, but I was doing my best to hold back my tears to help her feel strong. At the hospital, the first sign that I would eventually follow a career path in radiology became clear. I saw my sister's x-ray. It looked exactly like the x-rays I had seen on television but with one big difference: this was the x-ray that belonged to someone I knew, and it was with this magical document that the doctors were able to piece my broken sister back together. My decision to be a radiographer was not an immediately transparent one, though. I did not then and there become determined to be a radiological science professional. Instead, the experience planted a seed. This seed has since been nurtured and is growing…...
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