Writing Process Essays (Examples)

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Technical Writing Process the Objectives
Pages: 2 Words: 581

The writer will then be ready to write a first draft where the outline is expanded into paragraphs (Introduction to technical writing/documentation) and a glossary of terms is created (The technical writing process). The writer will then revise the first draft, including checking for completeness and accuracy, checking that writing is clear and concise, proofreading with spelling and grammar checks, reviewing mechanics such as abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms expansion after their first usage (Introduction to technical writing/documentation) and making sure that the correct working is used for copyright notices of any third-party products (The technical writing process). A third-party proofreader is a good idea if someone is available for this task. The writer will also want to send the documentation to a subject-matter expert for a technical accuracy check and make the requested corrections (The technical writing process).
The final process is documentation delivery to users. Sub-steps depend on the…...



Introduction to technical writing/documentation.  http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=130249 

Objectives in technical writing.  http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_gerson_techwrite_4/0,4315,151927-,00.html 

The technical writing process. http://www.docsymmetry.com/technical-writing-process.html

The Steps of the Writing Process
Pages: 3 Words: 987

Pre-Writing, Writing, Revising, and Editing: Steps of the Writing ProcessBefore taking this class, I did not approach writing in a systematic way. I would often write from start to finish, with little thought of how to tailor my writing for specific projects. I would correct my writing for grammar and spelling, but I did not understand how to edit my own work. Then, I was introduced to The Four Steps in the Writing Process, of prewriting, writing, revising, and editing.Prewriting is something I have often neglected, because I often have procrastinated in the past when an assignment was due, leaving me little time to brainstorm interesting ideas or to outline. I would just rush right through the essay, and also have little time for revision. When writing my comparison on essay of Astrology versus Astronomy, however, it was useful to first brainstorm topics that might be useful to compare (ones…...


Works Cited

“4 Prewriting Strategies to Prepare You for Your First Draft.” Master Class. https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-use-prewriting-to-improve-your-writing-process#4-prewriting-strategies-to-prepare-you-for-your-first-draft

“The 4 Steps in the Writing Process.” Seeds of Literacy. 12 December 2017.  


writing both fiction and nonfiction reflection
Pages: 3 Words: 1107

.....filled with confidence that I was going to impress people with what I had to say. Of course, when my first assignment received constructive criticism, I reeled. Since then, I have cultivated a sense of humility and a greater realism in my approach to writing. I think more about my goals with each piece, keeping in mind my audience. If my audience is hostile to my ideas, and I am writing to persuade them, I anticipate what they might say to counteract each of my points. Then, I start the process of outlining and jotting down ideas. What I used to find annoying, restrictive, and tedious I now find to be the most enjoyable aspect of writing. When outlining and brainstorming ideas, I do not need to worry about form and style, or tone and diction. All I need to be concerned about is the veracity of my statements, the…...

Collaborative Writing Individual and Team
Pages: 2 Words: 710

It is easy, in this instance, to overlook spelling mistakes and errors in clarity and reasoning.
Team dynamics can benefit or harm the collaborative writing process. There is an advantage to working with individuals one already knows; there are few surprises with respect to personality traits as they relate to the work. Sometimes better writing can be accomplished when teams are assigned, as this can facilitate diversity and ensure less "groupthink" and more substantive discussions (Powers, Dunn-Lewis, and Fraser, n.d.). Team identity can be forged purposefully, as when a leader is formally appointed or agreed upon by the group. In some cases, leadership emerges without conscious decision. Strong writers or content area experts are natural choices for leadership roles, but sometimes personalities come into play. This is not necessarily a negative. An individual who is neither the strongest writer nor the most knowledgeable in terms of content may possess the…...



Kittle, P., & Hicks, T. (2009). Transforming the group paper with collaborative online writing.

Pedagogy 9 (3), pp. 525-538.

Powers, S.R., Dunn-Lewis, C., & Fraser, G. (n.d.) Collaborative writing resources. UConn

Writing Center. Retrieved from  http://www.writingcenter.uconn.edu/collabwriting.php

Successful College Writing Anne Lamott's
Pages: 4 Words: 1276

This is helpful advice for college students who wish for their work to stand out from that of their peers, for by choosing descriptive words over the general, writers can discover stronger and more vibrant ways in which to present their ideas in a thoughtful and critical way.
Goldberg's essay touches on the vital importance of paying attention to the world around us as we seek to learn the names of everything that we encounter. This is a practical tool that Cheryl L. Dozier cites as an effective way to encourage students to make the connection between what they read in books and what they see in the world around them. In such a way, a greater appreciation of words is created, along with an educational foundation which encourages strong literacy skills. In her essay "Literacy Coaching: Engaging and Learning with Teachers," Dozier writes that "noticing and naming involves an…...


Works Cited

Dozier, Cheryl L. "Literacy Coaching: Engaging and Learning with Teachers." Issues in Literacy 18 (2008): 11-19. Web. 15 Nov. 2011.

Goldberg, Natalie. "Be Specific." Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within.

Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2005. Print.

Lamott, Anne. "Shitty First Drafts." Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor Press, 1995. Print.

Night the Crystals Broke Write Where You
Pages: 10 Words: 3364

Night the Crystals Broke
Write where you got inspiration from?

The inspiration from this poem comes from my grandmother and her family, who lived through the pogroms and just before the Nazis took over Hungary. The title refers to the Kristallnacht, the event in which the Nazis burned synagogues and their religious items, and broke the windows. They also broke the windows of the local businesses. This poem also refers to the journey that was scary and arduous, over the Atlantic in the ship to Ellis Island. The statue at the end of the poem is the Statue of Liberty, which welcomed the "poor" and "hungry" masses, like my grandmother's people.

(2) Which author and poem did you refer to when writing this poem?

There is no one author or poem I referred to here. This is a completely original work. However, it is written in the form of a ballad. The ballad…...

Successful Writing Is Successful Generally
Pages: 5 Words: 1381

One could write an entire essay around this sentence. The better topic sentence would be to define a particular aspect of the weather and go from there. In addition, certain seasons could be compared to specific seasons or weather conditions.
5. If the thesis is weak, the paper could go in many different directions and the result could be a poorly defended thesis. In addition, a weak thesis might not even describe the correct definition of the paper. The thesis needs to be strong so that each paragraph can defend it without the paragraph feeling lost or off-topic. A carefully crafted thesis statement will guide the writer. In addition, a strong thesis will make the writing process easier because it is focused.

6. A good topic sentence but weak support indicates that the proof is not as strong as it could be. In this situation, I would look at my evidence…...


Works Cited

Miller, George. The Prentice Hall Reader. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1995.

Parks, Franklin, et al. Structuring Paragraphs. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1981.

Teaching of Writing to Students
Pages: 5 Words: 1289

I don't grade the final draft in class, as I need more time to carefully read it and give it a rubric score (TIMELINE (http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/writing/writingprocess/timeline.)"
This is a valuable aspect of the writing timeline that the teacher has developed. It provides the student with the ability to earn points on having excellent ideas and content even if the grammar and spelling is not up to par.

For many students the fear of writing begins when they turn in something they worked hard to produce and thought they had a wonderful writing idea, only to have it returned with red marks all over it for grammar errors.

Grammar and punctuation are very important elements to the lesson of writing, however, one must also consider the ideas and content that were offered as well.

Dividing the grading system into two areas, one for ideas and content and the other for grammar, spelling and punctuation is…...



The Writing Timeline   in Kim's classroom and predict the advantages and disadvantages of using a tool such as the TIMELINE.  http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.com/writing/writingprocess/timeline.html http://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/tsw/wt.htm 

Teaching writing to exceptional children: reaction and recommendations.

From: Exceptional Children | Date: April 1, 1988 | Author: Barenbaum, Edna | More results for: "teaching writing"

The Bridge to Powerful Writing and Increased Test Scores: Skills and Effective Methodology for Teachers by Barbara Mariconda  http://www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teaching/powerwrite/

Elbow Peter Writing With Power
Pages: 6 Words: 1858

The story was filled with factual accuracy, while fictional, and vividly rich with images and characters that she and her father could picture with accurate detail. Romano tells us how Mariana finished the story with a young member of the family holding a roughly cut, wooden pony, and how when she gently finished the tale as he was in tears
Villanueva, Victor. Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English. 1993. Print. This book an unusual book: at one level it is autobiographical, detailing the life of an American of Puerto Rican extraction from his childhood in New York City to an academic post at a university. At another level, Villanueva ponders his experiences in light of the history of rhetoric, the English Only movement, current socio- and psycholinguistic theory, and the writings of Gramsci and Freire, among others.

Zinsser, K. William. On Writing…...

Psychological Reactions to Writing Revisions
Pages: 7 Words: 2212

present this article in a scholarly fashion, which lends credibility to the authors -- an issue that is extremely crucial considering their audience. hile Germano et al. cite nearly no evidence for their argument, Lehr's article is packed with research regarding not only how students see revision and the writing process, but also about how teachers can address the problem. The information is specific, pointing to certain grade levels, activities, etc.
A closer look at these two articles, then, reveals that they have more similarities than differences. In fact, the only major difference between the two is the audience and factual information contained in the articles. In addition, these differences are warranted given the articles' different purposes. Germano et al.' s article can almost be seen as an extension of Lehr's -- encouraging professionals to take the same advice that they give their students. In fact, it is expressly because…...


Works Cited

Germano William et al. "Revision as Writing, Writing as Revision." Modern Language

Association. 2007. 15 May 2009.

Lehr, Fran. "Revision in the Writing Process." B. NET. n.d. 15 May 2009.

English Comp Internet Writing Instruction
Pages: 4 Words: 1404

(Fisher & Frey, 2003, p. 396)
There is little that demands that all the instruction be given by a single teacher. In fact the supplementation of writing instruction directly from a teacher by a timeline program that guided progress of a package/driven writing assignment could be very fruitful.

Fisher & Frey point out that students often benefit in unexpected ways from processes such as journaling, (Fisher & Frey, 2003, p. 396) which can bee seen as a first brainstorming session, where students express their ideas and then narrow their ideas to a single topic. (Steele, 2008, NP) if the process of writing was more guided and offered both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, such as the scoring and direct interaction functions of the Steele proposal more writing would likely take place in a functional way. Another manner in which to motivate students in a systematic writing style is through the utilization of…...



Campbell, N. (2002). Getting Rid of the Yawn Factor: Using a Portfolio Assignment to Motivate Students in a Professional Writing Class. Business Communication Quarterly, 65(3), 42.

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2003). Writing Instruction for Struggling Adolescent Readers: A Gradual Release Model Because New Accountability Systems Focus on Writing, Struggling Students Need Daily, Coordinated Instruction That Is Meaningful. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(5), 396.

Kuriloff, P.C. (2004). Rescuing Writing Instruction: How to Save Time & Money with Technology. Liberal Education, 90(4), 36.

The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Science Writing (2001) "The Writing Timeline" Retrieved April 12, 2008 at  http://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/tsw/wt.htm

Classical Myths in Children's Writing's
Pages: 20 Words: 8051

He stated that, "I mean printed works produced ostensibly to give children spontaneous pleasure and not primarily to teach them, nor solely to make them good, nor to keep them profitably quiet." (Darton 1932/1982:1) So here the quest is for the capture and promotion of children's imagination through stories and fables that please as well as enlighten. There is always the fallout that once a child learns to love to read he or she will read many more things with greater enthusiasm than before.
The children's literature genres developed in Mesopotamia and in Egypt over a roughly 1,500-year period - proverbs, fables, animal stories, debates, myths, instructions (wisdom literature), adventure and magic tales, school stories, hymns and poems - pass down to the Hebrews and the Greeks. The Old Testament owes much to both Mesopotamian and Egyptian literature (Adams 2004:230)

One can see that, as stated previously, children's literature is nothing…...



Adams, Gillian. 2004. "16 Ancient and Medieval Children's Texts." pp. 225-238 in International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, vol. 1, edited by Hunt, Peter. London: Routledge.

Ancient Babylonia - Gilgamesh Tablet. 2009. Bible History. Retrieved 2 August 2010 ( http://www.bible-history.com/babylonia/BabyloniaGilgamesh_Tablet.htm .).

Bell, Robert H. 2005. "Inside the Wardrobe: Is 'Narnia' a Christian Allegory?." Commonweal, December 16, pp. 12-15

Bible Maps. 2009. Genisis Files. Retrieved on 6 August 2010 ( http://www.genesisfiles.com/Mtararat.htm )

Meditate Upon the Experiences Writing
Pages: 2 Words: 984

By this time, had a quite a bit of confidence because I had already written a successful speech. In addition, I was very excited about the speaking opportunity and spent many long hours preparing for the presentation. I noticed that my writing was improving but I still remember having doubts about my speaking and writing abilities.
As I began college I was worried that I would need to write. I remember thinking to myself; how could I avoid writing? I knew that if I got a job I would be required to write letters and reports. I remember beginning to prepare for a college exam and that same fear of writing came over me again. I remember thinking, how would I pass my English composition test if I could not write? Searching the Internet I found a preparatory course for the English composition test. As I started the course my…...

Learning to Read and Write Are Complementary
Pages: 5 Words: 1445

Learning to read and write are complementary skills. While in the younger years, writing depends on reading skills, by middle and high school, they are complementary skills: reading is necessary to do writing assignments, while writing about what has read increases comprehension of the reading materials. For this reason, separating reading and writing instruction from content areas is arbitrary and will eventually interfere with the students' progress in those content areas.
From the day children are born, parents are told by doctors, teachers and other experts to read to them, and to read to them every day. They are told to do this because hearing language that contains story lines, rich language and vivid imagery facilitates language development and develops a desire to read. From "The Poky Little Puppy" to Rudyard Kipling, children's literature exists that uses language in exciting and colorful ways. Good children's literature doesn't sound the same as…...



Erickson, Lawrence.Jan. 11, 1998. "Informational literacy in the middle grades." The Clearing House.

Foley, Regina M. Winter, 2001. "Academic Charateristics of incarcerated youth and correctional educational programs: a literature review." Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.

Gardill, M. Cathleen, and Jitendra, Asha K.April 15, 1999. "Advanced Story Map Instruction: Effects on the Reading Comprehension of Students with Learning Disabilities." Journal of Special Education: Vol.33.

Nourie, Barbara; Livingston, Lenski, and Davis, Susan.July 17, 1998. "The (in)effectiveness of content area literacy instruction for secondary preservice teachers." The Clearing House: 71: 372-375.

Start of Any Writing Project Can Be
Pages: 2 Words: 756

start of any writing project can be intimidating, and pre-writing strategies are helpful in moving the writer into the project. People think differently, and may have different opinions about which pre-writing strategy works best. Brainstorming, which is effective for enough people that it is taught starting in elementary school, is one highly effective pre-writing strategy that anyone can employ instantly at the start of a project, or whenever they feel a need to generate fresh ideas. While other pre-writing strategies may be more effective for some people, when faced with the topic of renewable energy and a blank page to fill, I found that brainstorming was easiest and most effective pre-writing strategy for me.
I began the pre-writing process by engaging in free writing on the topic of renewable energy. I found that my free writing session generated more questions than answers, such as, "Is wave power a viable source…...

I need assistance in a writing process on the impact of tv advertising on children’s behavior essay?
Words: 539

There have been many studies that have looked at the impact of popular media on children’s behavior.  The general consensus is that children are significantly impacted by media exposure.  Of course, this impact increases when the media in question is an advertisement; the whole purpose of advertising is to bring about a targeted change in the audience.  The goal of advertising is to inspire the target audience to want to purchase the goods or supplies.  Children’s advertising appears to successfully accomplish that goal; studies reveal that after being exposed to advertising children....

Share your best advice on writing a compelling contemporary thesis statement!?
Words: 747

Crafting a compelling contemporary thesis statement is an essential step in writing an effective academic essay, research paper, or dissertation. It provides a roadmap for your entire project, guiding your research, analysis, and argumentation. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create an engaging and impactful thesis statement:

1. Choose a Timely and Relevant Topic:

- Select a topic that resonates with current societal issues, trends, or cultural phenomena.
- Make sure your topic is timely, relevant to contemporary discussions, and has scholarly significance.
- Stay informed about recent events, emerging trends, and ongoing debates in your field.

2. Develop a Specific Research Question:

- Articulate....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to interview with a grant writing professional?
Words: 295

1. The process of writing successful grant proposals: A comprehensive guide

2. The role of a grant writing professional in securing funding for nonprofit organizations

3. Strategies for effectively communicating a nonprofit organization's mission and goals in grant proposals

4. The importance of building strong relationships with funders as a grant writing professional

5. Exploring the ethical considerations in grant writing and fundraising practices

6. Overcoming common challenges and obstacles in the grant writing process

7. The impact of technology on modern grant writing practices

8. Analyzing successful grant proposals and identifying key elements for success

9. The future of grant writing: Trends and innovations in the field


I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on interview paper with grant writer?
Words: 352

1. The role of a grant writer in securing funding for nonprofit organizations: challenges, strategies, and best practices
2. Exploring the ethical considerations and potential conflicts of interest in grant writing
3. The impact of storytelling and narrative techniques in grant writing: How to effectively convey a compelling message to funders
4. The role of data and evidence in grant writing: balancing quantitative and qualitative information to make a persuasive case
5. The importance of building relationships with funders in successful grant writing
6. The impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on grant writing and funding opportunities
7. The future of grant writing in a....

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