" ("A letter to David Epston," p.97
In the process of communicating our ideas through writing, we are more than one person. Another person appears who helps us build the dialogue. He may challenges our long-held views, appreciate some of them, improve on others and contradicts or rejects yet some others completely. Penn and other therapists might use writing with their clients as a way of weaving in a new story and the same can be done by any person engaging in writing.
Writing doesn't have to be about us. It can be about anyone or anything but in the process our own thoughts, our biases and our stand on issues will also appear. And while they surface, they are also debated by another voice that would always be there during the writing process. This is a very interesting aspect of writing and everyone who has engaged in creative or even non-fictional…...
Peggy Penn "A letter to David Epston" in Kaethe Weingarten. Cultural Resistance: Challenging Beliefs About Men, Women, and Therapy Routledge (1995)
Still, the significance of his work for the entire academic community can be gathered from Barlow's uncertainties. Barlow writes that he has searched the literature for an effective way of incorporating both the skills required for students to be good writers and teaching the test. Still he found that "they assume a greater control of the academic environment external to the particular classroom than I, as a part-time teacher, can possibly maintain" (para. 12). Thus, the question becomes, why are such outdated methods of testing still being used when they fly in the face of everything progressive writing teachers are arguing? hy do universities and colleges continue to force basic writing students to pass these tests when professors, like Barlow, continually stress that taking time to teach the test takes away from the teaching methods that they think will most benefit the students? Barlow does not have the answer…...
mlaWorks Cited
Barrow, Aaron. "Leading Writers, Teaching Tests." Basic Writing E-Journal. 5.4 (2004):
41 pars. 12 May 2009
The article's principal thesis.
Students do not want to write because it is boring or tedious to them. But most of all, students do not want to write because they are afraid that they cannot do it. They have been given years worth of papers marked up in red where the teacher was trying to take their voices and make them her own. If teachers understand that writing can be learned by every individual, and that every individual has a voice, the teaching of writing will become a much more beneficial discipline. I am convinced that the problem occurs because those who have the inherent gift of writing often teach those who do not. Thus, the gifted writers expect their students to simply know how to write. Instead, these are the writers who may need the most detailed instructions about crafting prose, creating characters, and composing poetry. If we all looked at writing…...
That is, because students think that everything has a right and a wrong answer, thesis statements are incredibly difficult to articulate. The students do not understand how to argue, nor do they understand why this must be done. For me, this point stood out as most important because it is cross-departmental. tudents coming into their undergraduate careers for the first time are often not taught to reason like a college student. That is, they are instructed that the professor has all of the answers, and that the sign of a good student is not to question, but simply to regurgitate. Breaking this cycle and mode of belief in most students will, in my belief, lead to better thesis statements, in addition to more reflective reasoning.
In addition to mentioning the thesis statement, the fact that the authors brought up students' tendency to write papers in one large gulp is significant.…...
mlaStill, the end of the article suggests that many questions are still left unanswered. While the authors report that the assessment model cannot be proven with infallibility because of the variation of the papers from semester to semester, they suggest that it is affecting the way students view the writing and learning process, as the authors claim that many of them see the process as "a model for their own future teaching" (Olwell and Delph, 2004, 29). Still, this begs the questions of how these teachers will use this information in their secondary classrooms. Will they change the process more? What adaptations will they make? Will they improve or disprove the atmosphere for learning. These questions are of significant importance to the implications of this piece. Thus, more research is needed regarding this topic. The authors should visit the then-students, now-teachers in order to determine whether the writing process has, indeed, come into their classrooms. Furthermore, perfecting the assessment process might allow conclusions about the adoption of writing as process models into fields other than composition. Thus, the authors of this article take a unique and important approach to the writing as process model and the history classroom. Further research to corroborate their ideas will most likely make great contributions to the world of teaching undergraduates.
Olwell, R. & Delph, R. "Implementing Assessment and Improving Undergraduate
Writing: One Department's Experience." The History Teacher. 38.1 (2004): 21-34.
Some of the questions that the teacher might ask that will lead to drafting are as follows: At the end of the story, the cow goes home happy, but I'm not sure why. Can we add why the cow goes home happy in there? At the beginning of the story, we talk about three girls, but at the end there are only two. What happened to the other girl? Our poem describes the sun as yellow and bright. Now, what are some things that the sun does for us? For the sake of this model, editing will neither be included in the revision process nor included in the program, as it takes the focus away from thinking and writing. This method will help children learn the revision process through modeling, a concept that has already been shown to be beneficial to children learning to write. In addition, it will…...
While writing to demonstrate learning is the most common goal of any writing assignment, instructors may also wish to encourage assignments that involve writing to learn. These low-stakes assignments will allow students to explore ideas and issues that will help guide them in their learning. As indicated by Farris & Smith (1992), a WAC program can help establish criteria for writing-intensive courses, consult in the design of the courses, give incentives for teaching the courses, and provide grading support.
Since WAC programs deal with the basics of the composing process, and because teaching that process undergoes tremendous change, WAC programs are innovative by nature. Such programs challenges passive learning, routine training, and rigid disciplinarity (Williams, 2000). A detailed WAC program is one that would utilize the concepts of definition, classification, summary, comparison or contrast, analysis, and academic argument. Each successive skills requires repeating and reinforcing the earlier skills, and provides…...
Ackerman. John M. (1993). The Promise of Writing to Learn." Written Communication 10.3,
Bazerman, Charles. (1982). Discourse Paths of Different Disciplines. Draft of presentation at MLA convention.
Bean, John C., Dean Drenk, and F.D. Lee. (1982). Microtheme Strategies for Developing
Cognitive Skills. Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 12. Ed C.W. Griffin. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Take the example of the chicken -- a staple in the American diet and a familiar barnyard creature for children everywhere. Like Audubon, it is easy for us to fall into the attitude that the chicken is simply too ubiquitous, too entrenched in our daily lives to be threatened by our greed. Even if we protect its numbers, however, we have come very close to taking away from the chicken anything resembling its natural life. They are now born and raised in commercial farms, allowed little room to move, and force-fed antibiotics and far too much food in hopes of fattening them. hat we are creating is not a chicken, but a cog in the economic wheel and a line in the bank ledger. But there are some people recently who recognize this, and who are bucking the system.
In an article in the New Yorker, Susan Orlean describes the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Barrow, Mark V. "Flying object identified!" Rev. Of the Grail Bird by Tim Gallagher. The Times Literary Supplement (15 September 2005): 36. Print.
"In Memoriam: The Passenger Pigeon." EcoTopia USA. Web. 8 October 2009.
Orlean, Susan. "The it Bird." The New Yorker Sept. 2009: 26-31. Print.
Writing Test Outline
Thus, the first choice can be eliminated. The conclusion for this choice involves a sweeping generalization regarding farmers and plant resistant crops. In addition, both of the similar arguments begin with a description of how two situations cannot occur simultaneously within the specific event. In each argument, one of the situations is dependant upon another situation. Carly Simon's stopping in Columbus is dependant on her stopping in River Glen, and Annabelle's vote for Anastasia is dependant on Alexis's not running. In both situations, the dependant situation does not occur, causing the non-dependant situation to occur.
3. The reasoning in the first statement is most closely associated with the following statement: "The Tax Code is unfair. It treats non-home owners as a special group when it denies them some rights other citizens have. This treatment is discriminatory, and we all know that discrimination is unfair." In both of these arguments, the…...
Practice was paying off and my confidence with new and challenging subject matter began to grow as well. This was evidently displayed in my series of writings about the poet Charles Simic. Simic, known as an elaborate and often obtuse poet, provided some serious challenges to my ability to read a piece of writing and apply my critical thinking skills to this selection.
In order to successfully accomplish this task, I began to notice how two forms of logical thinking effected my cognitive abilities. Before dissecting or digesting any of Simic's work, I made sure that I knew the meanings, or at least the dictionary's version, of the words contained in his poetry. This habit soon began to spread to all parts of my life. I no longer would use words that I did not know the meaning of, and would always make a note to find the definition of…...
Writing Program
Curriculum Plan
A brief Description of Students:
The students are learners of English as a second language in a high school in Saudi Arabia.
Learning Objects and outcomes:
The knowhow of science
Employ literary techniques to observe the phenomena of genetic ideas and in-vitro fertilization (Student's final work)
To provide the students a comprehension about construction existing branches in science (Student's final work)
Make use of science to work human related problems
Analyze the factual data
Analyzing problems from a social perspective
Look into literary texts with scientific background
The students take lessons from the unit while enforcing them in higher educational domains (High school and college domains)
Learning esources:
This includes newspaper / journals, articles and textbooks relating to genetic engineering and IVF. Pupils will make video presentations and compose texts based on each video (Sample syllabus lineup)
Assessment and Evaluation:
A summary of the unit (Subject is about in-vitro fertilization/genetic notions)
Field Building (Day 1) - (Sample syllabus lineup)
Subject orientation:
-- the instructor…...
Heyland, K, (2007), "Genre pedagogy: language, literacy, andL2 writing instruction," Second Language Writing, vol. 16., pp.148-164.
Horarik, M, (2002), "Something to Shoot For": A Systematic Functional Approach to Teaching Genre in Secondary School Science"
efining Scholarly Writing Tactics
Of the numerous facets of scholarly writing that take on particular eminence, that which pertains to the construction of new arguments and ideas attributed to the scholar himself or herself has a particular degree of relevance. Moreover, doing so frequently requires scholars to identify and incorporate the usage of sources that are themselves credible to provide a part of the basis for those ideas. Thus, one of the aspects of the scholarly writing process which this author has not discussed at length is the verification of sources from an academic perspective. Quite simply, a true scholar must be able to quickly ascertain whether or not the sources he or she is utilizing is academic in nature and able to help provide a foundation for his or her ideas. When seeking to determine this information, there are so basic ways that one can seek to verify the worthiness…...
Foundation for Critical Thinking. (2013). The role of questions in teaching, thinking and learning. www.criticalthinking.org Retrieved from http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/the-role-of-questions-in-teaching-thinking-and-learning/524
Knoff, M. (2015). Is it scholarly? Tips for critically evaluating your information resources. University Library. Retrieved from http://www.library.illinois.edu/ugl/howdoi/scholarly.html
1996 film The Usual Suspects in terms of how the film depicts sociological and social-psychological phenomena. In particular, the film shows how stereotypes about criminality and deviant behavior might influence judgment of character. For example, Verbal Kent does not conform to the stereotypes of a criminal mastermind but it turns out at the end of the film that he is the mastermind. Likewise, Dean Keaton seems ruthless but turns out to be the one most interested in change and reform. One of the least suspected persons is the one that turn out to be the most dangerous. The film therefore shows that it is impossible to always rely on profiling.
The film also discusses the ways that invisible power structures operate, and expands upon the nature of power itself and the various ways power can be wielded in society. It is easy to see how conspiracy theories might evolve, given…...
Poetic Side of Nature
I have a number of different perceptions about MacDonald's work of non-fiction entitled H is for Hawk. However, the most notable of them is simply the way that the author writes. Among other things, MacDonald is a poet. To the delight of this particular reader, she is not a bad one, either. Many poets tend to focus on the sort of idiosyncrasies that inevitably emerge within their verse. In this regard, MacDonald is not so different. However, she is able to actually transcend the writing about mere 'weird things' for quite some time and to focus, instead, on a type of poetry and prose combination that both informs the narration of the story -- and even colors it.
Some of her descriptions of the hawk that she chooses to raise and train in the wake of the death of her father, for instance, are beautiful, inspirational, and…...
Writing is communication. It is essential in business to get a message across, but also should be not only industry and/or audience specific, but should communicate the message intended in the most appropriate manner. Communication does not work if it is not understood, and part of the process of understanding is being able to focus the message properly. At times, certain professions mix jargon, technical terms, and usage that is either inappropriate or outside the level of the audience. Without explanations, the message is lost and communication fails.
The accounting memo in question was written from an accountant to another accountant, and was designed to explain the processes of Last In/First Out (LIFO) and First In/First Out (FIFO). In general, we find three general areas of concern if this memo was to be sent to the Executive Vice President of the company:
Information to Include or Omit -- For an executive,…...
Audience Strategy. (2010). NCSU.EDU. Retrieved from: / pdfs/career_resources/Audience%20Strategy.pdfhttp://poole.ncsu.edu
Readability Calculator. (2010). OnlineUtility.org. Retreived from: http://www.online-
COM Job Search. (2004). Business Communications and Audience Strategy. NCSU.EDU.
Business Writing
Dear Maria
I am writing to tell you about a course I am taking in Advanced Business Writing. This assignment asked me to write you a letter. Because English is not your first language, I will write this letter using simple phrases and words. However, I want to encourage you to practice your English. If there are any words you do not understand, please do not hesitate to ask me to define them for you. Alternatively, you can use a dictionary.
Without much guidance as to what to write about in this letter, I will continue by discussing the best way to make a sandwich. Sandwiches are integral to advanced business writing. A good sandwich can make you a better writer, because writing on an empty stomach sometimes leads to disastrous results. Sandwiches are best eaten during the day, although you are free to consume sandwiches for breakfast or dinner if…...
"The Business Memo." Loyola University. Retrieved online: http://loyno.edu/wac/business-memo
Parker, H. (n.d.). What causes common skin warts? WebMD. Retrieved online: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/features/viruses-cause-skin-warts
"Recipe Index: Sandwiches." Simply Recipes. Retrieved online: http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/course/sandwich/
"Writing the Basic Business Letter." Retrieved online: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/653/01/
Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....
To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....
Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website ACBJ.com provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....
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