Workplace Drug Screening
Testing for drugs has developed into a significant security concern in places of work for management. The purpose of screening is to diminish the effects that illegal substance abuse has on the places of business, comprising lateness, non-attendance, turnover, mind-set troubles, theft, reduced output, misdeeds and hostility. "The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that drug use in the workplace costs employers $75 to $100 billion dollars annually in lost time, accidents, health care and workers compensation costs. Sixty-five percent of all accidents on the job are related to drug or alcohol, and substance abusers utilize 16 times as many health care benefits and are six times more likely to file workers compensation claims then non-abusers" (Intro to Drug Screening, n.d.).
Employers often implement drug testing programs because of federal rules and they have to or they do it because of business or legal necessities. Testing for drugs can also…...
Drug Testing. (2007). Retrieved from
Drug Testing for the Workplace. (2011). Retrieved from spIntro to Drug Screening. (n.d.). Retrieved from
This is a Test: The Dilemmas of Drug Testing. (2010). Retrieved from
Learning through a workplace within the organizations is important part in the lives of most employees or a given team. Workplace learning creates knowledge to individuals and workers. By doing so, individuals acquire different styles of learning which enable them in understanding in different ways; which include concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization as well as active experimentation. It is observed above that workplace training eliminates some avoidable expenses like for training, saves time s the employees will be reproductive as they learn, will save time as there is to single day spent out of job training for a given system or software, it also helps solidify the culture of the organization as the new employees will be learning from the old employees who have already inculcated the organizational culture within them over a long period of time. It is also worth noting that a performing organization is more likely…...
Lee, T., Walters, S., Unwin, L., Felstead, a., Butler, P.B., Ashton, D. (2004). Learning at Work:
Teaching and Learning Processes in the Contemporary Work Organization.
Vaughan, K. (2003). Workplace learning and knowledge society.
Steier, J. (2010). Application of Theories, Principles and Methods of Adult Learning for Managers to Improve Workplace Reactions to Learning, Knowledge and Performance. Retrieved November 1, 2012, from
Workplace Training:
Diversity training is an important step in developing awareness within an organization since it provides a venue and forum for discussion with a controlled and secure environment. Through diversity training in the workplace environment, both employers and employees are able to effectively address topics that are not frequently discussed. In most cases, diversity training in the workplace has proven to be efficient if it flows through an organization, which implies that it should be mandated training. Based on the primary objectives of the training, it can either involve the entire employee teams or functional levels within the organization. In order for this training to promote inclusion among teams in the workplace and achieve other objectives, it needs to be customized and relevant. Through customization and relevance, diversity training not only resonates with the audience but it's also applicable to the employees daily work experiences.
Dimensions of Workplace Diversity:
It's important for…...
"Designing Effective Workforce Diversity Training Programs." (2006). PACT Training.
Retrieved March 14, 2012, from
"Utilizing Diversity Training to Build an Inclusive Workplace." (n.d.). Greater Rochester
Diversity Council. Retrieved March 14, 2012, from
Workplace Assessment: Corporate Banking
Corporate banking, which is also called commercial banking, generally means a bank or division or a bank that mostly focuses on loans and deposits that belong to large businesses and corporations (Banker, 2014). This is different from the more retail banking sector, which is focused on small businesses and individuals (Kumar, 2013). There are many different kinds of services that corporate banks provide. These include lending, investing and clearing deposits, and organizing products that can be used for clients (Kumar, 2013). These products are generally specialized in that they are designed for those particular clients and not for others. Major companies and financial institutions use these types of banking services, because they are more appropriate for larger companies as opposed to smaller ones or individuals.
Overview of the Job
In order to work as a corporate banker, a person needs education and training. However, the education does not have…...
Banker, commercial/corporate lending. (2014). Retrieved from: .
Hunsley, J., Lee, C.M., & Wood, J.M. (2004). Controversial and questionable assessment techniques. Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology. NY: Guilford.
Kumar, S.A. (2013). A strategy of grow fast through retail banking: A study on IDBI bank. Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, 3(11): 43-45.
Matthews, G., Deary, I.J., & Whiteman, M.C. (2003). Personality traits. NY: Cambridge University Press.
Learners explore information spaces relevant to a task at hand" (p. 265).
Workplace learning in response to an organizational need also just makes good business sense. As Gunasekara emphasizes, empirical observations and real-world experience suggest this is a viable approach to workplace learning today: "This approach has usually been applied in ad hoc problem solving, team development, leadership development, and professional or career development. This approach integrates work and learning and theory and practice in real projects, in real time" (2003, p. 38).
The key to successful project-based workplace learning initiatives is to integrate learning within organizational systems and processes where this is possible instead of regarding workplace learning as something that is done to an organization. In this regard, Gunasekara identifies five separate axes of integration as follows:
1. Work and learning-designing work organizations to allow for production and learning outcomes.
2. Organizational change and learning processes-building learning processes and outcomes into…...
Beckett, D. & Hager, P. (2001). Life, work, and learning: Practice and postmodernity. London:
Cooper, L.O. (1997). Listening competency in the workplace: A model for training. Business Communication Quarterly, 60(4), 75-76.
Evans, K., Hodkinson, P. & Unwin, L. (2002). Working to learn: Transforming learning in the workplace. London: Kogan Page.
g., interrupted when speaking)
Someone interfered with your work activities (Kowalski, Harmon, Yorks & Kowalski, 2003, p. 39)
One can see from this list that there is a significant development of aggression, in relatively mild forms that probably occurs across the board, to some degree in every business environment. Workplace aggression, between low level employees as well as between supervisors and employees is clearly a significant cause of workplace stress as well as a symptom of stress frequently on the part of the aggressor. Those causes and forms of aggression covered in the list above, consist of many interpersonal stressors, a significant form of work place stress, especially depending upon the level of each employee.
There are however other forms of workplace stress that can be associated work issues, such as stress created by increased work hours, quotas, looming deadlines, technological interaction stress (ue & Byars, 2006, p. 351-352), a perceived inequality between…...
Johnson, P.R., & Indvik, J. (1994). Workplace Violence: An Issue of the Nineties. Public Personnel Management, 23(4), 515. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Questia database:
Johnson, P.R., & Indvik, J. (1997). The Boomer Blues: Depression in the Workplace. Public Personnel Management, 26(3), 359. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Questia database:
Kowalski, R., Harmon, J., Yorks, L., & Kowalski, D. (2003). Reducing Workplace Stress and Aggression: An Action Research Project at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Human Resource Planning, 26(2), 39. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Questia database:
Long, B.C. (1998). Coping with Workplace Stress: A Multiple-Group Comparison of Female Managers and Clerical Workers. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45(1), 65-78. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Questia database:
Although this technology was touted as a way to improve customer service, many employees believed that it demonstrated that top level employees were distrustful of lower level employees. In the end the technology was still implemented, however there is anomousity that exist at the company as a result.
In spite of this scandal and others the company has been able to foster some aspects of workplace democracy through the development of community standards and teamwork. The company attempts to ensure that workers feel that they are members of the ebay family and their suggestions are heard and changes are implemented as a result. However, it appears that in some ways workplace democracy at Ebay has been more difficult as the company has expanded quickly and drastically.
Starbucks is a name that has become synonymous with coffee. Indeed this company began in Seattle, Washington and has grown to a worldwide corporation and the…...
About Nike. Retrieved October 22 from;
Anderson, T. (2004) Retrieved October 22 from; ePay - troubles at eBay 2004. Retrieved October 22 from;
Benefits. Retrieved October 22 from;
Company Overview (Ebay). Retrieved October 22 from;
Developing Flexibility within the Workplace:
For a number of human resource managers from different organizations, developing flexibility within the workplace is one of the major problems for various firms. Actually, one of the most fundamental considerations for any high performing organization or firm is flexibility within the workplace. The need for developing flexibility within the workplace arises from its importance to the employees and the employers as well as its value in organizational performance. If the flexibility needs of employees and employers are met, their quality of work improves. For employers, they need flexibility in order compete and offer better services that meet the needs of consumers. On the other hand, employees need flexibility for the assurance of job satisfaction, job security, equality and the capability to live balanced lives within and without the workplace.
The advantages of flexibility within the workplace to the employers include the ability to meet the needs…...
Chan, A (n.d.), The Challenges of Human Resource Management,, viewed 5
February 2011,
Edema, O (2010), Flexibility within the Workplace, Qondio Great Britain, viewed 5 February
orkplace Monitoring
As technology advances, employers worldwide are faced with the problem of employee's ill usage of the communication media. In order to reduce these risks, employers are now turning towards technology monitoring, which would enable them to keep a strict watch over their employees. A lot of issues have risen, as a result of workplace monitoring and the debate whether this act of the employers is ethically correct or not is on the rise. According to Charles Frayer, "The single greatest invasion of any sensible space of privacy that cyberspace has produced is the extraordinary monitoring of employees in which corporations now engage" (Charles Frayer, Employee Privacy And Internet Monitoring: Balancing orkers' Rights And Dignity ith Legitimate Management Interests).
orkplace monitoring is not wrong. It might even help and benefit an employer and his employees. For this to be true, it is essential that a creditable relationship exist between both the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Charles F. Employee Privacy And Internet Monitoring: Balancing Workers' Rights And Dignity With Legitimate Management Interests. Business Layer. 1 Feb. 2002.
Donna B. To What Extent Should Employers Electronically Monitor Employees?
Available on the address Accessed on 18
Oct. 2003.
The person no longer finds it possible to perform their job or manage their personal life. ithdrawal from others, anger, grief and rage are some of the emotions felt. There are often suicidal or homicidal thoughts and over-reaction to minor events, agitation, frequent accidents, carelessness, forgetfulness and paranoia are the emotions. The victim has muscle tremors, loss of appetite and feels extreme chronic fatigue. At this point, only significant intervention from professionals can assist this patient from self-destruction (Anschuetz 3).
6) Five Most Stressful Jobs
The most stressful job in the United States is that of the inner-city high school teacher. Number two is a police officer, number three is a miner, number four is air traffic controller and number five is a medical intern.
7) ellness Strategies
To deal with stress and manage it to one's benefit, one can crack a joke with a co-worker, watch a funny movie, enjoy an evening…...
mlaWorks Cited
Canadian Mental Health Association, Sources of Workplace Stress. Richmond, British Columbia
Workplace Safety and Insurance. Board of Ontario Basic Certification Training Program: Participant's Manual, Ontario, Canada.1999.
Anschuetz, B.L. The High Cost of Caring: Coping with Workplace Stress. Sharing: Epilepsy Ontario. Posted 29 November 1999.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Occupational Safety and Health Answers. 1996. .
Introduction Three big trends impacting the workplace are 1) the effects of the #MeToo Movement and the need to implement policies to protect workers against sexual harassment, 2) the role that AI is playing in the workplace and the impact it is having on issues such as worker privacy, and 3) the problem of politics and how there may be gaps between the type of culture the administration wants to cultivate and the socio-political beliefs of some of its workers. For instance, Google has recently come under fire for demonstrating bias against conservative workers whose socio-political views do not reflect that administration’s Left-leaning politics (Ghaffary). This paper will discuss these trending issues, how they might impact the role of the administrative professional and the support they provide and how the administrative professional can positively influence any of the changes required as a result of the current issues as they give support…...
The reasons why Google has for seven years occupied the number one spot in the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list (2017) epitomize what constitutes a supportive work environment that fosters trust and employee satisfaction. Whereas adequate remuneration and a retirement fund used to be considered the benchmarks for motivating employees, research has consistently shown that workplace culture “plays a deciding role in retaining and binding people to an organization,” (“Why it's Important to Build a Good Work Culture,” n.d.). Workplace culture is the “ecosystem” of the workplace, the contextual and environmental factors that go far beyond just the tasks at hand,” (“Why it's Important to Build a Good Work Culture,” n.d.). Sometimes, workplace culture elements are difficult to define; it comes down to a normative environment. For instance, it is difficult to pinpoint why some workplaces generate a “fun” environment, but many do, especially companies like Google.…...
“The 100 Best Companies to Work For,” (2017). Fortune. Retrieved online: “Why it\\'s Important to Build a Good Work Culture,” (n.d.). Retrieved online:“Workplace Culture Is Key to Employee Satisfaction,” (2015). Catalyst. Retrieved online:
TO: Ms. Elizabeth Kropf
FROM: Michael M. Adams
DATE: September 11, 2017
SUBJECT: Memo on Professional Writing
One of the most important skills in the working environment/workplace is effective writing given the role of effective communications in organizational productivity. Organizations face the need to promote effective writing as part of enhancing their communication and improving productivity. Given the significance of effective writing, there are many kinds of writing techniques utilized by organizations on a daily basis including professional writing, business writing, and technical writing.
Professional writing and business writing are relatively similar because most of their underlying principles are the same. The first principle in professional and business writing is determining the type of the document to be written. In this case, it’s important to determine whether the document is an email, memo, business letter, a report, transactional document, or financial documents (Tingum, 2016). This is followed by determining the purpose of the document i.e.…...
Heaps, S. (n.d.). How to Use Tone in Your Writing. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from Tingum, J. (2016, October 26). 5 Types of Business Documents. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from White, C.E. (1997, August). Effective Writing for the Workplace. The Internet Writing Journal. Retrieved May 12, 2017, from
1. Cartoon: “Awkward office parties” by Kevin Moore
In this cartoon by Kevin Moore epitomizes the sort of toxic work environment that many people are still exposed to. Five employees are present, and one asks, “So where d’ya guys wanna hold the next office party?” One guy at the table screams, “HOOTERS!” and holds up both his hands like a yahoo. The guy next to him says, “Dude! Hooters all the way!” The next guy down says, “I’m already hard.” The person sitting on the end of the table is a female, who raises her hand politely and says, “Um, excuse me...”
The cartoon can be used to diffuse tension in workplaces where the men do not realize that they are acting like buffoons. In many workplace environments, it may still be normative to talk about going to Hooters for the office party and about being “hard.” With women still in the…...
Cartoon: “Awkward office parties” by Kevin Moore Cartoon: “Lack of life/work balance,” by Cyanide and Happiness, Yuki. “Is Your Boss Too Controlling? Many Employees Clash With Micromanagers.” NPR. your-boss-too-controlling-many-employees-clash-with-micromanagers
The most common contributors to personal workplace stress are long hours, heavy workload, organizational change, deadlines, job insecurity, overbearing bosses, unfriendly workers, and stigmatization (Victoria State Government, 2019). However, stress from outside the workplace can also manifest in the workplace. If a worker is experiencing stress at home, from the family, or financial pressures, or too busy of a schedule because of work and schooling and so on, all of these factors could add up and cause the employee to feel stressed at work. Dealing with other workers who feel stressed can compound stress and make it contagious in a sense. Stress affects my performance in different ways. It can make me short with people: I will have less patience with them and be short-tempered. It can make me quicker to become angry. It can cause me to lose focus on projects and be distracted by the thoughts that are related…...
One of the struggles facing anyone in a management situation is figuring out how to keep the workforce motivated. In fact, working on developing management techniques requires concentrating on how to motivate people, whether it is directly focused on techniques that can increase motivation or simply focused on changing worker’s perceptions of leadership, which can either be motivating or demotivating, depending on the perception. There are various different theories of motivation that are often used to describe what motivates workers, how to increase motivation, and how to avoid things that decrease employee motivation.
Your analysis needs....
In turn-of-the-century America, there were some major civil rights advances for some groups, while other groups saw no advances in their civil rights and even saw advances that had been made begin to erode. The time period was well after the end of the Reconstruction era and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, the rise of the suffragette movement, and a continued assault on rights for Native Americans. There was also a significant increase in anti-Asian discrimination. Here are some suggested titles and thesis statements for an essay about civil rights in this era.
Essay Title....
Job opportunities and working conditions for Canadian women during the period between 1880 and 1920 were fairly limited. Women were expected to be part of the labor force, but only until they married. At that time, men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and married women were discouraged from participating in the workforce. In fact, over all the progress towards women’s rights in Canada has been relatively slow.
Technically, the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century offered many opportunities for advancement for women’s rights. Women began to attend universities and....
Onboarding and employee retention management are two of the primary concerns of HR professionals because retaining qualified and competent employees should be HR’s main objective. In fact, the ability to find competent employees, welcome them to the company in a way that encourages them to continue to pursue their career goals with the company, and provide incentives and opportunities for them in a way that increases employee loyalty actually helps reduce the potential problems that you could have from other HR issues that develop from people being unhappy in the workplace and high turnover rates.
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