Work Ethic Essays (Examples)

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Work Ethics in a Nation
Pages: 2 Words: 459

It would make tasks unbearable and laborious and would not be a positive thing for the individual.
Furthermore, and more importantly, a solid work ethic translates into a great output by the individual. A solid work ethic means that work that is produced will be great and top notch compared to people who do not. It is all those different attributes that have been mentioned previously that facilitate an individual doing a great job and therefore, are absolutely essential. It allows for people to complete their work in a manner that is highly productive to the company or firm or agency that the individual is working for and for the individual themselves.

Having a solid work ethic is something that is absolutely essential in this ever changing workplace. In law enforcement in particular where the community looks for guidance and for a role model, a solid work ethic reflects well upon…...

Understand Meaning Work Ethic Phrase Applies Americans
Pages: 2 Words: 626

Work Ethic: Meaning and Application in the American Context
The Meaning of "Work Ethic" and How This Phrase Applies to Americans

From the onset, it is important to note that the phrase "work ethic" does not have an assigned definition. This is to say that many definitions of the phrase have been offered in the past. For this discussion, I will make use of the dictionary meaning of the phrase. Work ethic according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is in basic terms "a belief in work as a moral good" (Merriam-Webster, 2013). For this reason, work ethic should be seen as a belief in not only the importance but also the moral benefit of work. On this front, work is seen as having a certain intrinsic value and hence is deemed good for the overall development of a person and the society at large. As per the definition above, work ethic has therefore…...

New Work Ethic
Pages: 4 Words: 1149

New Work Ethic
Describe how typical the attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in work environments you have experienced.

During my work as a bartender and waiter in the food service industry I have certainly experienced a great many of the same attitudes that Sheehy encountered in his experimental job. There was certainly a significant amount of contempt for customers and a strong get-away-with-what-you-can approach to job roles. There was always very little regard for the company or ownership of the various restaurants I have worked in, though attendants did seemingly go out of their way in many cases to provide commendable service since the primary mode of income came in the form of tips (which also kind of falls in line with Sheehy's reporting of extreme egotism in his workplace). Nevertheless, like Sheehy's working environment, theft was very common. That is, bartenders would continuously steal alcohol for themselves and…...

Measuring Workplace Work Ethics
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Management of Employee Effort
The aspect of employee performance that I am convinced is the most difficult to measure is effort. Quite simply, it is difficult to ascertain whether or not an employee is putting forth genuine effort, enthusiasm, and verve in attaining goals related to business objectives. Still, it is critical to be able to measure employee effort because doing so can greatly inform those aforementioned processes. For instance, if an organization were able to ascertain that its employees were considerably exerting themselves to reach goals and were still not able to do so, it could consider possible solutions related to technology or its processes that needed refinement or replacement. Consequently, it seems fairly obvious that organizations should deploy various measures of strategic control or controlling to gauge employee effort and proceed accordingly.

One of the initial steps for any sort of controlling efforts is to set standards in the…...

Ethic Responsibilities of the Workplace
Pages: 7 Words: 2624

Ethics and Corporate esponsibility
The following will be an assessment of firm referred to as PharmaCAE. The assessment will concentrate on the idea of companies that have encountered negative outcomes as a result of company business activities. CECLA (Comprehensive Environmental esponse, Compensation, and Liability Act) will be brought up in this assessment in addition to other environmental safeguarding proposals and human social theories in regards to environmental and work ethics.

A new initiative, We CAE about YOU world, was recently initiated by PharmaCAE, declaring its dedication to the environment via modifications in packaging, recycling, and other green programs. This was possible in spite of the fact that the firm's lobbying attempts and PAC have effectively conquered environmental policies, such as the broadening of the Superfund tax that was established by Comprehensive Environmental esponse, Compensation, and Liability Act (CECLA). Situated in New Jersey, PharmaCAE sustains a huge production facility in the African nation…...



Animal Ethics. Virtue ethics and care ethics - Animal Ethics. Retrieved August 9, 2015, from 

Berger, J. (2010, December 25). Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos. Obama's Reversal on 'Indigenous Peoples' Rights Stirs Concern Over Legal Claims | Fox News. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from 

Calman. (2004). Teaching and learning ethics Evolutionary ethics: can values change. Journal of Medical Ethics, 30, 366-370. Retrieved, from 

Difference Between Similar Terms and Things. Difference Between Utilitarianism and Deontology | Difference Between | Utilitarianism vs. Deontology. Retrieved August 9, 2015, from

Ethics the Employee Is Faced With Ethical
Pages: 8 Words: 2667

The employee is faced with ethical requirements throughout their workday that must be met with knowledge and a trained attitude. Workplace ethics is one of the most crucial elements whether the person involved in an ethical dilemma is a high-level manager or an entry-level employee. An ethical stance is important because it is what guides the interactions that the employees will have with each other, their management, and the customers that patronize their products. It is also important that the business leaders follow an internal and external ethical stance so that the culture generated within the company is one that promotes positive ethical practices. This paper begins by talking about the way that the business leaders view the external world of ethics through accounting practices and how they deal with other companies. The discussion then moves inside the company and how the management treats its employees. Employee to employee interactions…...



Brandt-Rauf, S.I., Brabdt-Rauf, E., Gershon, R., Li, Y., & Brandt-Rauf, P.W. (2011). Genes, jobs, and justice: Occupational medicine physicians and the ethical, legal, and social issues of genetic testing in the workplace. Ethics & Medicine, 27(1), 51-55.

Dinkins, C.S. (2011). Ethics: Beyond patient care practicing empathy in the workplace. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(2), 1-8.

Embse, T.J.V.D., Desai, M.S., & Ofori-Brobbey, K. (2010). A new perspective on ethics safeguards: Where is the clout? SAM Advanced Management Journal, 75(3), 4-13.

Klimek, J., & Wenell, K. (2011). Ethics in accounting: An indispensable course? Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 15(4), 107-113.

Work Values and Generational Differences
Pages: 10 Words: 2949

Coaching management styles work best for Generation Xers, complete with prompt feedback and rewards for results (Eisner, 2005). They use a team of people to support their own personal individual efforts and bring a talent for problem-solving to the workplace (Smola & Sutton, 2002).
Generation Y looks for management that will further their professional development. This young generation performs best when working for and with those who hold the same values. As they often were involved in decisions in the home, from an early age, they often expect to have decision making capabilities in their professional lives as well. For this reason, an inclusive management style works best for this generation, with feedback on their performance. When treated professionally and given challenging work that fits their skills, Generation Y performs best (Eisner, 2005). Armour (2007) notes that like Generation X, Generation Y have high expectations of their employer and their…...



Adams, S. Jan 2000, "Generation X: How understanding this population leads to better safety programs," Professional Safety vol. 45, no. 1, p. 26.

Armour, S. 7 June 2007, "Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude," USA Today, [Online], Available: [27/10/09].

Chen, P. & Choi, Y. 2008, "Geneartional differences in work values: A study of hospitality management," International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 595-615.

Eisner, S. Autumn 2005, "Managing Generation Y," S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal vol. 70, no. 4, p. 4.

Ethics and Social Responsibility of Management
Pages: 2 Words: 757

Ethics and Social Responsibility
Companies, like people, are bound by ethical requirements -- a responsibility to consumers and customers. Companies are expected to do follow up on the promises of their advertisers. All companies make ethical declarations as part of their vision and operational philosophy, but quite a few to do little to live up these declarations. Recently, Enron's bankruptcy has brought to light some actions that appear to be at least unethical, if not actually illegal. The effect of the Enron fallout has affected not only the employees of Enron but also the shareholders and many of its offshore plants around the world (India).

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) was enacted in 1977. An investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the mid-1970's showed that over 400 U.S. companies admitted to making questionable or illegal payments in excess of $300 million to foreign government officials, politicians, and political parties.…...



1. "Understanding and Complying With The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"

1999.) Extracted from Website:

2. "The Yakuza influence on Lockheed Martin" (2001). Extracted from Website:

3. Booth, M. (2000). "The Dragon Syndicates: History of the Chinese Triads," Carol & Graff Publishers, New York.

Ethics and Innovation
Pages: 6 Words: 2512

Rule breaking, innovation or ethical dilemma?
Annotated Bibliography

People often think that in order to run a business, or be a leader, one must adhere to all the rules. But the old saying "Some rules are made to be broken" rings true. Many successful entrepreneurs have had to make decisions that would ultimately be seen as rule breaking, even at times, illegal. That is just how the world works. People must make tough decisions in order to make it in the tough worlds of business, politics, and even medicine.

This paper focuses on several articles along with an annotated bibliography to demonstrate the effectiveness of rule breaking in reaching one's goals in business and entrepreneurial endeavors. So many greats like Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, etc., have broken rules in order to get to where they are now. In fact, wise leaders often take risks to get things accomplished. Any entrepreneur will say that…...

Work Habits of Earlier Generation
Pages: 2 Words: 690

habits of earlier generations and those of our current generation. Just as music and slang change from generation to generation, so do work habits. The work habits of earlier generations differ greatly from the work habits of the current generation, and the current generation will need to catch up in work attitude and social skills if American products and services are to remain at the top of the world market.
The older generations of workers today have a work ethic that is rooted in responsibility and dedication (for the most part). Many of these workers expected to be at their jobs until they retired. They give the company their loyalty because they expect the company to be loyal to them. Today, these work habits seem old-fashioned to many, but they are the ethics of generations who were raised at a slower pace, and when there were distinct guidelines about the…...



Jamrog, Jay J. "The Coming Decade of the Employee." Human Resource Planning 25.3 (2002): 5+.

Sago, Brad. "Uncommon Threads: Mending the Generation Gap at Work." 2000. 6 Aug. 2004.

Cross-Cultural Comparison on Work Value Between US and China
Pages: 9 Words: 2471

Work Values
Cross-cultural comparison on work value between U.S. And China

A value is "what a person consciously or subconsciously desires, wants, or seeks to attain" (Locke, 1983). Peterson and Gonzalez (2005) say values "are motivational forces," and "influence the role work plays in people's lives." Dawis (2005) asserts that each person (P) has requirements that need to be met, most through their environments (E). In fact, Dawis claims that "Many of P's needs in adulthood can be met at work." The ones that matter most to P. are E's ability to deliver rein forcers (e.g., pay, prestige, and working conditions) that satisfy P's needs. Similarly, E has parallel and complementary requirements that can be met by P. And make P. A satisfactory worker. Thus, understanding work values has a benefit for both individuals (as they look for work environments that support their values), and also for organizations (if they recognize the…...



Bernstein, Paul. (1997). American Work Values: Their Origin and Development. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Cappelli, P., Bassi, L., Katz, H., Knoke, D., Osterman, P. And Useem, M. (1997). Change at Work. New York: Oxford University Press.

Dawis, R.V. (2005). The Minnesota theory of work adjustment. In Brown, S.D. & Lent, R.W. (Eds.) Career development and counselling: putting theory and research to work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Farber, Henry S. (1997). "Changing Face of Job Loss in the United States, 1981-1995." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1: Microeconomics: 55-128.

Flexibility in Work Schedules
Pages: 6 Words: 2151


In the midst of an economic downturn that has been compared to the 1929 Great Depression, the United States' unemployment figures are far too high. "The unemployment rate rose from 9.8 to 10.2% in October, and nonfarm payroll employment continued to decline (-190,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The largest job losses over the month were in construction, manufacturing, and retail trade." (Bureau of Labor Statistics) The ten percent mark seems high but it has not matched the Great Depression high at over twenty five percent, yet. Obviously, getting and maintaining a job is very important objective right now. Some management teams around the nation have successfully implemented various solutions to the problem of high levels of layoffs and job elimination during this current financial meltdown. The underlying goal is to try new approaches that will keep workers employed and companies operating in a fiscally responsible way.…...


Works Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009). "Employment Situation Summary." Retrieved on December 1, 2009, from United States Department of Labor at .

Kirrane, Diane E. (1994). "Wanted: Flexible Work Arrangements." Association Management. November.

Leveen-Sher, Margery. (1996) "Flexibility Is the Key to Small Business Benefits." Washington Business Journal. February 16.

Research. (2009). Edited by Susan Albin., Joseph Hartman. Industrial Engineer: IE; Dec., Vol. 41, Issue 12, p48-50, 3p, 3 color

Ethics What Usefulness Does Ethics
Pages: 2 Words: 588

Therefore, the best way to help employees act ethically is to view the workplace and daily operations as a training ground.
In your estimation why is there a growing need for organizational ethics programs? What are the factors contributing to ethical problems in the global corporate world? What are possible solutions?

The need for organizational ethics program is growing for several reasons. First, organizational ethics have become crucial for companies to avoid legal and financial distress. Second, ethics help businesses run smoothly and well, attracting the best caliber of employee. Ethics programs are important especially in large organizations with a diverse staff. Global and multinational companies will be working with people from around the world, who operate in unique ethical environments. Ethics programs help multinational companies create standards for employees that will help avoid conundrums and miscommunication. Ethics programs bring all employees together on the same page and therefore become integral…...

Ethics in Accounting Companies Are
Pages: 3 Words: 1125

Education on ethics must be wider compared to "moral development" in that it must tackle the broader consideration of a wide-ranging vocation, and constricted in that it must tackle problems particularly to the accounting vocation. (esearch on Accounting Ethics)
Definite duties of the accounting profession are put forth in the different code of ethics circulated by important establishments like the AICPA. The AICPA's foremost rule of professional conduct declares: In discharging their duties as professionals, associates must implement responsive professional and moral views in all their works. (Business and Accounting Ethics) the failure of auditor sovereignty infringing ule 101 of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct was the topic of a research project using 2,000 arbitrarily chosen AICPA members in public accounting profession as a staff auditor, senior, or manager. These executives were offered with 15 roles that are an infringement of ule 101 and were directed to give their…...



Accounting and Accountability: A Challenge for corporate culture. The 13th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society. IESE Business School, University of Navarra. Barcelona, Spain. May 7-8, 2004. Retrieved at   Accessed on 25 April, 2005. .

Schachter, Joseph. Research on Accounting Ethics. CPA Journal. April 1999. Retrieved at   Accessed on 25 April, 2005. .

Smith, Katherine T; Smith, Murphy. L. Business and Accounting Ethics. 21 June, 2003.

Retrieved at Accessed on 25 April, 2005.

Ethics All Ethical Approaches Can Be Validly
Pages: 2 Words: 665

All ethical approaches can be validly applied to family life education. Defined as "the educational effort to strengthen individual and family life through a family perspective," family life education views family through ethical lens. However, ethics in family life education extends beyond the ultimate goals of promoting high-level family functioning. The ethics of family life education pertains to the practitioner-client relationship. According to the National Council on Family elations (2012), practitioners need to be aware of the power and responsibilities they have when forming relationships with clients. Although all ethical approaches are equally as valid, relational ethics offers special insight into the nature of family life education. elational ethics "a contemporary approach to ethics that situates ethical action explicitly in relationship," (Austin, 2008). Ethics are primarily situational, but only because ethics evolves out of dialogue and cooperation and not out of rigid ascription to ethical rules. This is not to…...



Austin, W.J. (2008). Relational ethics. SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods.

Dahlberg, G. & Moss, P. (2004). Ethics and Politics in Early Childhood Education. Routledge.

Elliott, M. (1999). Classifying family life education on the World Wide Web. Family Relations 48(1): Jan 1999.

National Council on Family Relations (2012). Family life educators code of ethics. Retrieved online:

I\'m looking for essay topic ideas on ielts writing on cultural differences. Do you have any suggestions?
Words: 518

1. The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity

Explore how globalization has influenced the way individuals perceive their own culture and identity.
Discuss the potential consequences of a homogenized global culture on diverse local traditions.
Analyze the role of technology and social media in facilitating cultural exchange and assimilation.

2. Cultural Differences in Communication

Examine the ways in which cultural norms shape communication styles, including verbal, nonverbal, and written language.
Analyze the challenges and opportunities that arise from communication across cultural boundaries.
Discuss strategies for effective communication between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

3. The Role of Culture in Conflict and Cooperation


can you give me three introductory paragraphs about productivity of students?
Words: 446

Certainly! Here are three introductory paragraphs about the productivity of students:

In today's fast-paced world, productivity is a crucial aspect of academic success for students. With the increasing demands of coursework, extracurricular activities, and social commitments, the ability to effectively manage time and resources is key to achieving academic excellence. Productivity not only helps students stay on top of their assignments and responsibilities, but also allows them to maximize their potential and reach their goals.

One of the primary benefits of being productive as a student is the ability to efficiently complete tasks and assignments within deadlines. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear....

what criterion will you use to form groups?
Words: 702

Criteria for Group Formation: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Team Building

The formation of effective groups is crucial for achieving organizational goals and fostering a collaborative work environment. To create cohesive and productive teams, it is essential to establish clear criteria for group formation. These criteria serve as guiding principles for selecting individuals who possess the necessary skills, perspectives, and compatibility to work effectively together. By carefully considering the following factors, organizations can optimize group dynamics and enhance team performance.

1. Shared Goals and Objectives:

At the core of group formation lies the alignment of goals and objectives among members. Individuals should....

What qualities define a truly exceptional leader?
Words: 538

Exceptional Leadership Qualities

Exceptional leaders possess a unique blend of qualities that empower them to inspire, motivate, and guide their teams to achieve extraordinary results. These qualities encompass a combination of personal attributes, communication skills, and strategic vision:

1. Visionary Mindset:

Exceptional leaders possess a clear and compelling vision for the future. They articulate their goals and aspirations with passion and enthusiasm, inspiring their followers to share their dreams and work towards a common purpose.

2. Integrity and Authenticity:

Trust is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Exceptional leaders demonstrate honesty, integrity, and consistency in their actions and words. They lead by example, setting high ethical....

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