Work Environment Essays (Examples)

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Future Work Environment the Generation
Pages: 2 Words: 580

(Define HRM)
It must be acknowledged that today, managing people, or the personnel of an organization, is one of the most important aspects of an organization and its management, and this is crucial to achieving whatever objectives the firm has in mind for its future. (Human Resources Management) The book entitled 'Human resources management in a Business Context' talks about how in today's work environment, dealing with people in an effective way is one of the major challenges facing a business organization. (Human Resource Management in a Business Context)

The field of HR is today combining the various activities and the processes of Human Resources Management, Organizational Development, and also of Knowledge Management. Today, managing learning at a group level, and at an organizational level, and at an individual level are all keywords to effective HR. this would help in cross-sector collaborative working relationships within the organization, and also, more importantly,…...

Future Work Environments With Principal Liability for
Pages: 8 Words: 2132

Future Work Environments with Principal Liability for Employer Being Misconduct of Employees -- Homecare Business
This work will examine a legal or ethical issue or situation that relates to the business, government or society in the area of employment relations and the employer's liability for the misconduct of employees.

The Ethics and Sustainability Discipline

The Ethics and Sustainability Discipline is reported to be of the nature that "deals with organizational and personal values and their expression in decision making and behavior." (Society for Human esource Management, 2011) Ethics is reported to be defined being "...rules of conduct or moral principles that guide individual or group behavior. The focus in business ethics is on awareness of organizational values, guidelines and codes, and behaving within those boundaries when faced with dilemmas in business or professional work." (Society for Human esource Management, 2011) H professionals are reported to be in a strategic position that enables…...



Ethical Employees -- A Growing Force. 27 Dec 2002. Management Issues. Retrieved from: 

Introduction to the Human Resources Discipline of Ethics and Sustainability (2011) Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from: 

Federal Register, Vol. 68 NO. 152. (1998) 7 Aug. Retrieved from:

Google's Work Environment Is Actually Quite Famous
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Google's work environment is actually quite famous -- a place where creative people gather and work in a relatively free environment. Employees are allotted company time to work on individual, personal projects. They sell the company on things like "do cool things that matter," diversity, innovation. The company offers fairly generous benefits, for example, and it takes a slightly different approach to hiring.
Google employees are motivated intrinsically, as evidenced in "do cool things that matter," which implies that the average Google employee wants to do things for internal reasons. A further implication is that teamwork is important because most projects involve teams. Indeed, the company usually interviews you with four or five of its employees. This is because it is understood that you have to work well within the company's culture, which is driven by people who are comfortable with ambiguity, internally-driven and have varied skill sets.

The second company…...



Sapong, E. (2013). Wegmans ranked among best places to work for 16th straight year. Buffalo News. Retrieved October 23, 2013 from

Trevino, A. (2009). George C. Homans, the human group and elementary social behavior. InFed. Retrieved October 23, 2013 from 

REI. (2013). REI is a great place to work. REI. Retrieved October 23, 2013 from

Conflicts Within the Work Environment Police Officers
Pages: 4 Words: 1161

Conflicts Within the Work Environment
Police Officers are public servants to society. Similar to fire fighters, teachers, and to a certain extent, congressmen, they take pride in serving others. It is by this mandate that officers have both a duty and obligation to defend all residents within their given jurisdiction. This honor is not without its tribulations as many questionable activities are conducted within the daily activities of an officer (1). Prior to my admittance to the University of Phoenix, I have experienced many work place dilemmas in my many years with the police department. These dilemmas, without question, tested my fortitude and emotional intelligence as an officer. Further, these tribulations helped to create a stronger more adept individual in regards to value conflicts and its subsequent mitigation.

First, I believe it prudent to discuss the implications of value conflicts within the work environment before I divulge my personal experiences. This brief…...



1) Jacksonville and police union agree to drop unfair labor cases Galnor, Matt. McClatchy - Tribune Business News [Washington] 14 Sep 2010.

2) Police union president: 'We may be wrong' on labor complaint against chief.O'Malley, Denis J; Burton, Jeremy G. McClatchy - Tribune Business News [Washington] 21 Apr 2011.

Hostile Work Environments Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Pages: 2 Words: 528

Hostile ork Environments
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission vs. Xerxes Corporation

Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, EEOC vs. Xerxes Corporation, no. 10-1156, April 26, 2011. Appeals court review of district court summary judgment as it pertains to a charge of a "hostile work environment on the basis of race." The case examines whether the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provided sufficient evidence to meet the evidence standards, under Title VII of Equal Employment Opportunity, that a jury would find harassment based upon four key questions (2011, p. 16):

Harassment is unwelcome.

Harassment is based upon race.

Harassment was pervasive or sufficiently severe to alter the conditions for employment and create an abusive atmosphere.

Basis for imposing liability.

The district court initially granted a summary judgment in favor of Xerxes Corporation, that the firm operated with adequate procedures and policies to curtail harassment. Furthermore, management responded with disciplinary action where applicable and retraining of harassment policies to curtail future incidents.



Works Cited

Cole, B.L. (2012). Is Your Company Prepared to Respond Promptly to an Employee Harassment Claim? Retrieved December 8, 2012, from Avvo Website: 

EEOC vs. Xerxes Corporation, 10-1156 (Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals April 26, 2011).

Janson, E.J., & Sloane, R. (2011, May 7). How Fast is Fast Enough? Fourth Circuit Examines Employer's Response To Racially Hostile Work Environment Allegations. Retrieved December 8, 2012, from The Workplace Class Action Blog:

Extroverted Intuition Personality on the Work Environment
Pages: 6 Words: 2066

extroverted intuition personality on the work environment. This is accomplished by conducting a literature review, creating a self-assessment tool for identifying these individuals and answering questions as to how this can be applied to a specific firm. Once this occurs, is when we can see how testing can help all companies find the right managers that will assist them in reaching their long-term objectives.
Over the last several decades, many employers have been using personality assessments as way to understand the thoughts and feelings of staff members. Part of the reason for this, is because this has often been used as a tool that will effectively assess the underlying strengths and weaknesses in the personality of select individuals. Once this takes place, is when mangers can be able to use this information to predict how well someone will succeed in a particular job. This is the point that they can…...



Career Tests. (2011). Psychology Today. Retrieved from: 

Basson, J. (2006). The Relationship between Personalities. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 32, 2, 57 -- 64.

Blass, E. (2008). Future Skills and Current Realities. Futures, 40, (9), 822 -- 833.

Chauhan, D. (2005). Personality at the Workplace. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 41, (3), 357 -- 375.

Difference Between Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Sexual Harassment: he difference between 'quid pro quo' and a hostile work environment trick question: Which one of these scenarios constitutes sexual harassment? Imagine a work environment where a woman is told, 'you're not going to get this promotion/raise/stay in your current place of employment unless you sleep with me,' by her boss. Essentially, she is told, quid pro quo, she must exchange sexual favors for potential job and financial advancement and security. Of course, this is sexual harassment. But, now, imagine a different workplace scenario. No quid pro quo offer is made to the employee in question. However, daily this employee is subject to sexual innuendos and jokes by her boss. Pamphlets with expressly sexual references and content 'find their ways' to her in box. It's all a joke, her boss says, when she asks him to stop with such verbal and paper material. 'Why is she being so…...


There are certain differences beyond the nature of the allegations in the two scenarios. First of all, 'quid pro quo' is not only more easily proved if it is explicitly made to the employee, it is also far less common. In today's more politically correct, legally aware times, only the most dinosaur-like boss usually will make such an overt offer. Also 'quid pro quo' tends to come at the beginning of an employee's contract or term of employment, unlike the constitution of a hostile work environment, where usually the employee has already accepted some position in the organization, and has been there for some period of time, however short a duration.

However, the creation of a hostile work environment, just as with a quid pro quo scenario, requires some concrete evidence that the harassment has occurred. Also, "while quid pro quo harassment is more typical of the sexual harassment scenario. It is also as constitutionally unprotected as any other form of threat or extortion. Hostile or abusive work environment, according to the law, is generally based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or, in some jurisdictions, sexual orientation, political affiliation, citizenship status, marital status, or personal appearance. It has more recently been expanded to include other forms of work environment harassment for instance offensive physical touching or vandalism and discriminatory job assignments." Also, unlike quid pro quo cases, in hostile work environment cases "there need not be direct economic harm, in fact the threat of a concrete action may be sufficient as long as there is ample evidence regarding both malice and frequency of this unwelcome conduct." ("Hostile Work Environment," 2004, Issues NY, ( )

The most famous current case regarding sexual harassment is perhaps that of disgraced Governor James McGreevy's, whose consensual relationship with a male staff member allegedly spiraled into the creation of a hostile work environment, which made it impossible for the individual in question to perform the tasks of his office. This also highlights how women and men can be the targets of harassment in the workplace. Similarly, Anita Hill alleged that Chief Justice Clarence Thomas created a hostile work environment for her when he overly discussed pornography -- as did a rather infamous case of a woman who claimed that a recapitulation of dialogue from a "Seinfeld" episode by male colleagues was directed against women in a harassing fashion.

Hostile Work Environment When People
Pages: 3 Words: 917

For this reason, it seems strange that employers still use personality tests to gauge the effectiveness of potential employees. A better method that has gained popularity lately is the audition method. In this method, potential employees work at a job for no pay for a certain amount of time, after which employers decide whether or not they are a good fit. While some may not be willing to work in such a situation, it is a good way to see how a worker will actually play out in the workplace. Still another way to test potential employees' skills in job related tasks, performance testing, can be an affective alternative to the audition method. Thus, while employers obviously have to evaluate job candidates, and personality is an important part of work environment, personality tests seem like they would not give the employer the picture of the candidate that will help him…...

Concept of ROWE a Results Oriented Work Environment
Pages: 5 Words: 1314

Results-Oriented ork Environment

Is the concept of ROE (a results-oriented work environment) really feasible in a global marketplace? Is it a threat to teamwork or is it the reality of a 24/7 world with guild barriers between work and private life?

The results-oriented work environment (ROE) model has gained a significant amount of attention in recent years and many companies have tried to implement it at different levels. The primary tenet of the ROE model focuses on the fact that employees should be paid for results as opposed to the number of hours worked. This strategy can empower employees to design their own schedules and be responsible for their own performances. This also frees the responsibilities of the management team so that they can focus more of their time on value creating activities as opposed to having to micro-manage employees' schedules and daily activities. The employees also can be highly motivated by…...


Works Cited

Bhasin, K. (2013, March 18). BEST BUY CEO: Here's Why I Killed The 'Results Only Work Environment'. Retrieved from Business Insider: 

Enyclopedia of Business. (N.d.). Flexible Work Arrangements. Retrieved from Enyclopedia of Business: 

Kerrigan, H. (2012, April). Results-Only Work Environment Goes Public Sector. Retrieved from Governing:

Peer and management'self assessment
Pages: 7 Words: 2012

1. Where do your managers, peers, and subordinates agree with your self-assessment? Where do they disagree? In what areas did you excel? In what areas would you most like to improve?From the self-assessment, management, peers and subordinates agree with me a on a litany of items. I personally was very relieved to see that management, peers, and subordinates agreed with my assessments related to collaboration, judgement, positivity. Likewise, they all agreed with my assessments relating to problem, solving, coaching and communication. Each of the above elements consider a core competency within my overall professional abilities. For one, I espouse the belief that communication and team engagement are central to my teamwork skills. These skills have been supported and validated by my peers through this self-assessment.Personally, from my prior work experience, many of my managers commend my ability to communicate with my peers. This is a critical element within my overall…...



1. Alaoutinen, S. (2012). Evaluating the effect of learning style and student background on self-assessment accuracy. Comput. Sci. Educ. 22, 175–198. doi: 10.1080/08993408.2012.692924

2. Andrade, H. (2010). “Students as the definitive source of formative assessment: academic self-assessment and the self-regulation of learning,” in Handbook of Formative Assessment, eds H. Andrade and G. Cizek (New York, NY: Routledge, 90–105

3. Andrade, H. (2018). “Feedback in the context of self-assessment,” in Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback, eds A. Lipnevich and J. Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 376–408.

Competitive Market and Employees
Pages: 2 Words: 393

Demand for More Work Flexibility
As times change, the workforce of today and tomorrow will be different than of the past. Work conditions and standards alter according to demand and evolution of the human resource department. With need for quality human capital within companies, HR managers have to respond to the professional and personal needs of employees to keep turnover rates low and retention high. This may mean creation of flexible staffing schedules and work hours. By companies implementing policies that allow flexible work hours, employees can benefit and maintain a higher level of satisfaction at work.

Research into emergence of family and work balance problems within the United States, opening with history of such issues in the 1960's. Four key areas will be examined:

History of family/work balance

Changing needs of present and future employees

New issues companies face

Programs implemented by companies to handle demand for flexible work hours


1960's and the start of…...

Work Environment and Nurses
Pages: 3 Words: 962

Workplace Issues/Disaster Management -- Journal eview
Nursing profession faces pervasive horizontal violence and there is even a saying "nurses eat their young." Nurses should take efforts to bring a change in their existing professional culture. They can begin by sharing tips to overcome bullying and model positive behaviors. Nurses can exchange their experiences in horizontal violence through multiple workshops across the country. They have also examined different roles such as discussing contemporary perspectives, employing methods of engagement, promoting debate, and using practical resources to prevent horizontal violence. Those workshops indeed revealed increased knowledge regarding horizontal violence and its application to the workplace, among the nurses. Those evaluations are made through pre-tests/post-tests or written evaluations. Nurses need an exposure to practical approaches to deal with horizontal violence (Egues & Leinung, 2013).

Implications for Personnel

Bullying, horizontal violence or workplace incivility should not be tolerated or accepted by nurses. To stop those issues, nurses should…...



Egues, A., & Leinung, E. (2013). The Bully Within and Without: Strategies to Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing. Nursing Forum, 185-190.

The consequences of nepotism in the work environment
Pages: 5 Words: 1529

Capitalism is predicated on the notion of hard work and meritocracy. The country was founded on this notion as a means of unlocking human potential in the context of a productive society. A meritocracy provides economic and social rewards based on merit. Here, if an individual works hard and provides a quality service, they should be rewarded with promotions or outsized economic gains relative to the individual who does not provide these services. Through a meritocracy, society benefits as the best performers are rewarded while the worst performers are shunned or ostracized. We see this concept in both the business environment and in the labor force. The combination of capitalism and a meritocracy is what has allowed America to flourish for over years. These two concepts have incentivized various innovations that span the gamut of automobiles to social networking. As a condition of providing these services, many individuals have become…...


References 1. Aronoff, Craig E., and John L. Ward. Family Business Succession: The Final Test of Greatness. Business Owner Resources, 1992.2. Aronoff and Ward. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Rules for Nepotism.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Nation\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Business. January 1993.3. Bellow, Adam. In Praise of Nepotism: A History of Family Enterprise from King David to George W. Bush. Anchor Books, 2004.4. Ferrazzi, Keith. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Nepotism Pays.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Available from Retrieved on 13 April 2006

Multicultural Teams in the Work Environment
Pages: 4 Words: 1337

Cultures in the Workplace
Kouzes and Posner (2012) state that leaders ensure individuals know they are taken into consideration and not being ignored (p.318). There are several different means of enhancing this kind of celebratory culture given the varying best practices regarding how leaders need to demonstrate awareness of the needs of followers. One of the major ways of paying attention to follower needs and showing that followers are not taken for granted is through creating community. With regards to creation of community, the leader should demonstrate awareness of how celebrations are carried out based on cultural beliefs. Celebrations that are conducted based on cultural beliefs are particularly significant when the working environment is made of various cultures as they are in the modern world. This process would require the identification and establishment of best practices on the issue in order to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace as…...



Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2012). Celebrate the Values and Victories. In The leadership challenge (5th ed., Chapter 11). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Taube, A. (2014, October 21). Why Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh Sits At The Same Size Desk As

His Call Center Employees. Business Insider. Retrieved January 29, 2015, from

chrysler case workplace harassment hostile work environment
Pages: 1 Words: 356

The case of Otto May Jr. illustrates the extent of an organization’s ethical responsibility to its employees. Just as an organization is legally required to create and maintain a safe physical working environment, an organization is similarly expected to create and maintain a safe psychological and social environment. Chrysler’s organizational culture at the time of May’s employment epitomizes the concept of the “hostile work environment.” The United States Equal Opportunity Commission (2018) explicitly defines the hostile work environment in terms of harassment of employees, noting situations in which the employer is to be held liable. Business leaders should focus less on the legal or fiscal ramifications of harassment suits, and more interested in creating an organizational culture and climate that promotes employee success and empowerment. Companies like Chrysler risk losing star talent if they continue to tacitly condone harassment or perpetuate hostile work environments due to weak leadership. Chrysler certainly should…...

how do firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning innovation ecosystem?
Words: 430

Firms can effectively meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystem. Here is a step-by-step guide with proper spacing and format:

1. Assess the current innovation ecosystem: Start by analyzing the existing innovation ecosystem within the firm. Understand the strengths, weaknesses, and bottlenecks that hinder technological change adoption. This evaluation will provide insights into the areas that need redesigning.

2. Identify emerging technologies: Keep a close eye on emerging technologies in the industry. Understand their potential impact on the market and how they can disrupt existing business models. This step will help firms stay ahead of the curve and....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to case study?
Words: 288

1. A case study on the impact of social media on consumer behavior
2. Analyzing the success factors of a popular brand through a case study
3. Exploring the ethical implications of a controversial business decision in a case study
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategy based on a case study
5. Investigating the challenges faced by a startup company in a case study
6. Examining the role of leadership in organizational change through a case study
7. Analyzing the impact of globalization on a specific industry in a case study
8. Discussing the implications of a major data breach on a company's reputation....

I\'m looking for an essay Cosmetology that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 474

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of what cosmetology is
B. Importance of cosmetology in personal care and beauty industry

II. History of Cosmetology
A. Origins of cosmetology
B. Evolution of cosmetology over time

III. Education and Training in Cosmetology
A. Types of cosmetology programs and schools
B. Curriculum and skills learned in cosmetology training
C. Licensing and certification requirements for cosmetologists

IV. Specializations within Cosmetology
A. Hair styling and cutting
B. Makeup artistry
C. Nail care and manicures
D. Skincare treatments

V. Career Opportunities in Cosmetology
A. Job outlook for cosmetologists
B. Potential salary ranges for cosmetologists
C. Work environments for cosmetologists


I\'ve seen the common essay topics on Anxiety/Depression. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 411

1. The Interplay between Anxiety, Depression, and Loneliness: A Hidden Connection

Anxiety, depression, and loneliness are often considered separate entities, but they share a complex and interconnected relationship. Explore how these three conditions can feed off each other, creating a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break free from. Discuss the unique challenges faced by individuals who struggle with this combination of conditions and suggest strategies for addressing them effectively.

2. The Role of Creativity in Managing Anxiety and Depression: A Therapeutic Outlet

While anxiety and depression can be debilitating, they can also serve as catalysts for creativity. Examine the ways in....

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