wireless communication networks and all the mechanisms involved in making them effective. Our investigation explored the history and development vision of mobile networks. We found that there are two ways of providing communications services; through a system of wires, that allow the transmission and reception of information at the fixed points, and through wireless connections, that use electromagnetism to carry information from one place to another.
We also discussed the main characteristics, design issues and provided a description of wireless communication networks. Our investigation discovered that third generation wireless technology is extremely efficient. We found that this technology can reach speeds of 144 kbps, and user speeds between 50 kbps to 70 kbps. Lastly, the research focused on advantages, disadvantages, implementation, and current and future applications/developments. The research suggests that the advantages associated with wireless networks include mobility, ease of use and increased productivity. The disadvantages include widening of the…...
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Wireless communications are, to any extent, the most rapidly growing section of the communications sector. For this reason, it has seized the consideration and responsiveness of the media and the imaginings of the general public (Ijemaru et al., 2018). In the past decade, cellular communications systems have faced exponential growth and development and there exist billions of users all over the globe. Statistics indicate that by the culmination of 2018, there were approximately 5.1 billion individuals across the globe that subscribed to mobile services, and this signified approximately 67 percent of the world’s populace. Furthermore, the statistics indicate that more than 60 percent of the population in the world has accessibility to internet (GSMA, 2019).
In delineation, wireless communication takes into account the transmission of message signals through minimal energy radio frequency waves by utilizing open air, with the media aspect including both a transmitter and a receiver. The…...
5G Wireless: Is it the future?
Ever since the early part of the 70s decade, the mobile wireless sector has been creating technology, in addition to engaging in technological development and reform. During the last many years, mobile wireless technology has undergone four to five generations of change and progress. Further, the past few years have witnessed a giant leap in telecommunication services across the globe, with roughly six billion cellphone owners worldwide. This paper will delve into the many cellular system generations, namely: 1G – 1st generation, 2G – 2nd generation, 3G – 3rd generation, 4G – 4th generation, and 5G – 5th generation (Kachhavay & Thakare, 2014). Taking into account the swift transformation and acceptance of web connectivity systems, the paper will also attempt at ascertaining whether or not 5G Wireless proves inevitable in our future.
The swift advancement of smartphones and mobile internet has caused exponential growth of existing…...
Aggarwal, R. (2018). Wireless communication: Evolution and advance wireless communication. CSI Transactions on IT, 4(2), 25-30.Kachhavay, M. G., & Thakare, A. P. (2014). 5G technology-evolution and revolution. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 3(3), 1080-1087.Khan, M. H., & Barman, P. C. (2015). 5G-Future Generation Technologies Of Wireless Communication Revolution 2020. American Journal of Engineering Research, 4(5), 206-215.Patel, S., Purohit, H., & Shah, S. (2018). Review On 5G Wireless Technology. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology 3(3): 1618-1621.Patzold, M. (2019). 5G Is Coming Around the Corner [Mobile Radio]. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 14(1), 4-10.Shah, S. A. A., Ahmed, E., Imran, M., & Zeadally, S. (2018). 5G for vehicular communications. IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(1), 111-117.Singh, R. K., Bisht, D., & Prasad, R. C. (2017). Development of 5G Mobile Network Technology and Its Architecture. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER) 03(10); 196-201Zhang, H., Jiang, C., Feng, Z., Zhang, Z. & Leung, V. (2018). Editorial: 5G Technologies for Future Wireless Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications, 23(6), 1572-8153
A typical in-building wireless telephone system, such as systems provided by SpectraLink Corporation, seamlessly integrates to the hospital's existing telephone system." (TechRepublic, 2005)
The work of Alpay, Toussaint, and Schonk (2004) entitled: "Supporting Healthcare Communication Enabled by Information and Communication Technology: can HCI and Related Cognitive Aspects Help? states that communication in healthcare "...makes up an important part of the healthcare professionals' daily practices. Communication encompasses different forms of interaction and dissemination of health-related information, and takes place in contexts such as patient/healthcare professional relationships, and collaborative care. While Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers a useful means to support the accessibility, the exchange and the sharing of information, the cognitive complexity of these communication processes often remains undermined. Much can be learned from research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) with its focus on cognitive aspects." (Alpay, Toussaint, and Schonk, 2004)
Information and communication technology in healthcare promises to…...
Wi-Fi, Health Care, and HIPAA: WLAN Management in the Modern Hospital (2006) Healthcare Services BNET. April 2006. Online available at http://jobfunctions.bnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=255604&promo=100511
Hospital Goes Wireless to Improve Patient Services (2009) TechRepublic. Online available at http://whitepapers.techrepublic.com.com/abstract.aspx?docid=161362&promo=100511
On the Use of Wireless Network Technologies in Healthcare Environments (2005) TechRepublic. July 2005. Online available at http://whitepapers.techrepublic.com.com/abstract.aspx?docid=156316&promo=100511
Wireless Communication in Healthcare (2009) TechRepublic. Online available at http://whitepapers.techrepublic.com.com/abstract.aspx?docid=161320&promo=100511
Communication History
Fans of science fiction are fond of recalling a remark by novelist Arthur C. Clarke, to the effect that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I am currently typing these sentences onto a laptop, where I am also currently watching a grainy YouTube video of the legendary magician Harry Houdini, performing one of his legendary escapes -- from a straitjacket, in this case. Houdini is probably the most famous stage magician of the twentieth century, as witnessed by the fact that his name is familiar to my generation although he died almost a century ago. If Houdini were to suddenly reappear in front of me right now -- in the flesh, I mean, and not merely on YouTube -- how would I explain to him that the way in which all of this is taking place? To someone who has been dead for a century, the notion…...
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Abbate, Janet. Inventing the Internet. Boston: MIT Press, 1999. Print.
Babbage, Charles. Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers from 1 to 108000 by Charles Babbage, Esq., M.A. London: Clowes and Sons, 1841. Print.
Babbage, Charles. "On a method of expressing by signs the action of machinery." Address to the Royal Society, 1826. Web.
Bryant, John H. "Heinrich Hertz's Experiments and Experimental Apparatus: His Discovery of Radio Waves and His Delineation of Their Properties." In Baird, Davis; Hughes, R.I.G.; and Nordman, Alfred. Heinrich Hertz: Classical Physicist, Modern Philosopher. Hingham, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. Print.
Wireless Local Area Networks
The establishment of home and business networks desirous of upgrading to Wireless Local Area Network- WLAN confront with the problems of choosing from available alternatives. The vendors offer several products for sale that hovers around different wireless standards like 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and Bluetooth. During the year 1997, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -- IEEE developed the first WLAN standard. They termed it 802.11 in line with the name given to the group appointed for supervising its development. However, to our misfortune the 802.11 could support only a maximum bandwidth of 2 Mbps -- too slow for most applications. Due to these ordinary 802.11 wireless products could not be manufactured further. (802.11 Standards - 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g: Which one is right for You?)
The IEEE standard is an extension of the original 802.11 standard devised during July, 1999 generating 802.11b specification. While 802.11b was devised the…...
Configuring Windows XP IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks for the Home and Small Business. August 4, 2004. Retrieved from Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/wifisoho.mspx
Griffith, Eric. 802.11g Approved by IEEE Working Group. Retrieved from Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/news/article.php/1584761
802.11 Standards - 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g: Which one is right for You? Retrieved from Accessed on 18 April, 2005http://compnetworking.about.com/cs/wireless80211/a/aa80211standard.htm
The 802.11g standard -- IEEE. 01 Mar 2003. Retrieved from http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/wireless/library/wi-ieee.html
Communication is key in all aspects of business. It provides potential clients and customers with contact information, business information and much more.
Businesses receive information daily through a variety of sources. We listen to the radio, watch television, and read magazines for both information and entertainment. Businesses use communication technologies when they advertise to sell us products and services.
Specific tools that can be used for communication include telephones, pagers and facsimile machines. The telephone is perhaps the most important vehicle of communication as it is used for both incoming and outgoing contact.
Most businesses start with at least one line that is unique to the business. This line usually has the capability to take messages in case it is not answered personally.
In addition, the wireless telephone is getting to the point of being a requirement. With a wireless telephone, a person can always be reached.
There are many varieties of pagers: those that…...
Often, in fact, there can be an overabundance of communication without any effective organization or leveraging of the information thus obtained, which can lead to serious detriments to any organization or endeavor (Lager 2006). It is bad enough when one arm of an organization doesn't seem to know what the other is doing, but the problem seems somehow conceptually worse when the various arms have information regarding the rest of the organization, but don't utilize it. This is, unfortunately, partly occurring in my organization, and is also an issue I need to deal with personally as I incorporate the organization's goals and actions into my own thinking and methods.
This concept of the correct processing and utilization of information goes further than simply making the organization run more efficiently on an internal level. Especially as new regions of the world are becoming increasingly important for business, the use of communication…...
Fitzgerald, Neil. (2006). "Mind the gap." Information week 28 August, pp. 8.
Friedrich, N. (2008). "Disparate solutions work to fill communications gap." Microwaves & RF 47(6), pp. 44.
Lager, M. (2006). "Overcoming a bear of a communications gap." Customer relations management 10(7), pp. 51.
Great sums of
money are being invested to further enhance product differentiation. The
presence of highly enforced industry standards provides assurance that the
future will continue to be consumer-friendly. It is the end user community
that truly drives advancement. They provide the vast sums of revenue that
the manufacturers seek. In the final analysis, though, innovations such as
PANs must be viewed as interim technology that represents a stepping-stone
on the way to ubiquitous computing where computers simply disappear and
become integrated into all aspects of daily life.
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Gerwig, Kate. (2007, December 3). "IP router/switch sales may reach all-
time high in 2007." SearchTelecom 03 Dec 2007. [Online]. Available:
McMillan, Robert. (2008, January 4). "A i-Fi virus Outbreak? Researchers
say it's possible." Network orld IDG News Service. [Online]. Available:
http://www. networkworld.com/news/2008/010408-a-wi-fi-virus-outbreak-
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Mitchell, Bradley. (2007). "The MAC Address; An Introduction to MAC
About.com: ireless Networking. [Online]. Available: http://
Sayer, Peter. (2007, August 23). "London police arrest man for 'stealing'
Infoorld, IDG News Service. [Online]. Available:
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Gerwig, Kate. (2007, December 3). "IP router/switch sales may reach all-
time high in 2007." SearchTelecom 03 Dec 2007. [Online]. Available:telecom.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid103gci1284707,00.html.http://searchMcMillan, Robert. (2008, January 4). "A Wi-Fi virus Outbreak? Researchers
say it's possible." Network World IDG News Service. [Online]. Available:
The high competition rate in the industry necessitates fast and numerous new developments. Nextel Communications Inc. can much more valuable spend its time and money by investing in new ideas. Court cases take time and energy, while also being highly detrimental to the creative process. In this way, losses are incurred not only in terms of legal fees and work hours, but also in terms of creativity and new products within the company.
In addition, law suits could have a detrimental effect on a company's reputation. If Nextel were for example to lose the case, Verizon receives the right to continue with their product. Potentially, Nextel's reputation could be harmed by its involvement in an apparently petty attempt to corner the market on their product. Even if the company wins, the result could be equally damaging in terms of lost hours as well as creativity and reputation damages.
Furthermore, the company's existing…...
Wireless technology has developed a large way from its infancy and is fast becoming the latest trend in communication. Wireless LANs have added an entirely new dimension to the communication sector. The advent of cellular technology, infrared and spread spectrum radio services have bought about a huge change to our world of communication and wireless technology has materialized our dream of a mobile workforce. Today there is no single standard in the industry and there are different wireless technologies available. Let us have a brief outlook of the 'IEEE 802.11' and 'luetooth', two of the important wireless LAN technologies.
IEEE 802.11 Protocol
The IEEE 802.11 (First adapted in 1997) is primarily a standard developed to provide time bound and asynchronous wireless services. The MAC layer is meant to handle different physical layers with distinct medium and transmission characteristics. The standard uses 2.4 GHz ISM band and a minimum data transfer rate…...
Daniel L. Lough, T. Keith Blankenship and Kevin J. Krizman, "A Short tutorial on Wireless LANS and IEEE 802.11," Accessed on September 4th, 2003, http://www.computer.org/students/looking/summer97/ieee802.htm
2) Bluetooth Solutions, "What is Bluetooth," Accessed on September 4th, 2003, http://www.siliconwave.com/what_is_bluetooth.html
Jeff Strip, "Bluetooth: Value ADDS and Opportunities," Accessed on September 4th 2003, http://www.palowireless.com/bluearticles/docs/bluetooth_value_adds.pdf
Jochen Schiller, "Mobile Communications," Published by Pearson Education, 2000.
Yet the aspect of collaborative applications is more than just social networks, it also encompasses the development of entire networks within companies for specific long-range projects, including new product development (O'eilly, 2006). Wireless providers then are being forced to create more of a portal-based approach to their wireless applications and mobility solutions, as Nokia has continually attempted unsuccessfully to do over the last decade, and as others including Ericcson also are trying. Wireless providers are overdue for an industry shakeout where consolidation forces the structure of entirely new platforms of collaboration over time. There is also the need to underwrite these platforms through the sales of products and services. The Apple iTunes store is held up as the model of what wireless and mobility providers need to strive for in terms of their efforts to create more meaningful online experiences for their customers, yet the challenge is one of…...
Anastasi,, Ancillotti,, Conti,, & Passarella, . (2009). Design and Performance Evaluation of a Transport Protocol for Ad hoc Networks. The Computer Journal, 52(2), 186-209.
Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.
Sasha Dekleva, JP Shim, Upkar Varshney, & Geoffrey Knoerzer. (2007). Evolution and Emerging Issues in Mobile Wireless Networks. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 50(6), 38-43.
Fantacci, R., Vannuccini, G., & Vestri, G.. (2008). Performance analysis of a multiple access protocol for voice and data support in multiuser broadband wireless LANs. Wireless Networks, 14(1)
One solution to this problem of incompatibility between different law enforcement agencies is the Dynamic Open Architecture Radio System (DOARS), a wireless communications device that can provide wireless communications interoperability and connect incompatible radio systems. DOARS connects different systems by imitating each radio's functionality in software and hardware modules. It then passes either the voice or data between the different radios and frequencies. DOARS can provide greater frequency band coverage at lower cost and most importantly enhances public safety. (Dynamic Open Architecture Radio System (DOARS), 2006, Justice Technology Information Network)
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Dynamic Open Architecture Radio System. (DOARS). (2006). Justice Technology
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hen They Can't Talk, Lives are Lost." (2006). Brochure published by the National
Task Force on Interoperability (NTFI). Retrieved 7 Jan 2007 at http://www.safecomprogram.gov/NR/rdonlyres/4B5F0FC8-4339-407E-8AD8-08AEBA931068/0/hen_They_Cant_Talk_Lives_are_Lost_NTFI_Brochure.pdf...
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Information Network. Retrieved 7 Jan 2007 at http://www.nlectc.org/virlib/InfoDetail.asp?intInfoID=656
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Wireless LANs eplace Wired LANs?
The convenience of wireless communication is so overwhelmingly obvious that given a choice, and provided there are no price constraints, almost everyone would prefer wireless instead of wired communication. This is reflected in the widespread use of devices such as remote control for TV, cellular telephones, pagers, and remote garage openers. The flexibility, mobility, and convenience that such 'wire-less' devices bring to our lives are simply magical. Who wouldn't like to extend such convenience to their working lives by, e.g., being able to access the Internet from almost anywhere? Or to be able to access their company's data from, say the cab downstairs? Such convenience is possible through the technology known as Wireless Local Are Networks (WLANs), which is an on-premise data communication system that reduces the need for wired connections besides making new applications possible. The technology has made its presence felt in 'vertical'…...
Drucker, D., (2001, Aug. 27). "Security Flaw Isn't Death Knell For WLANs."
Internet Week.com. Retrieved December 7, 2002, at http://www.internetweek.com/story/INW20010827S0009 .
Hayden, M. (1998). Sams Teach Yourself Networking. Indiana: Sams.
Roundtable Wrap-Up: The State Of Wireless LANs." CommWeb Roundtable
VEIZON COMMUNICATIONS SummaryThe focus of this paper in on Verizon Communications, which is an American multinational telecommunications company based in New York City but incorporated in Delaware. The company has its roots in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in that the company was formed after a merger between Bell Atlantic and GTE. Bell Atlantic was formed out of the breakup of Bell Systems into several companies with each company being referred to as Baby Bells. Bell Atlantic was one of the Baby Bells. Verizon was formed in 2000 and this was considered to be the largest merger in American corporate history. The company is listed on the NYSE and the NASDAQ using the ticker VZ. While the merger was announced in 1998, it took two years for the two companies to get the approval of their shareholders, state approvals, and federal government approvals. This was all due to…...
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The Technological Revolution in Transportation and Communication
Technology has played a profound role in shaping the evolution of transportation and communication methods, transforming them from rudimentary means of travel and exchange into the sophisticated systems we rely on today. This technological revolution has dramatically altered the way we connect with others, explore the world, and conduct our daily lives.
Steam Engine: The invention of the steam engine in the 18th century marked a pivotal point in transportation history. It enabled the development of steam-powered trains, ships, and automobiles, revolutionizing both long-distance travel and the movement of goods.
Internal Combustion Engine: The....
A reconfigurable antenna is a type of antenna that can be altered in its frequency, polarization, or radiation pattern to adapt to changing environmental conditions or specific communication needs. These antennas have gained significant attention in recent years due to their versatility and performance advantages compared to traditional fixed antennas.
One study by Li et al. (2019) investigated the design and performance of a reconfigurable antenna for wireless communication systems. The antenna was able to switch between different frequency bands, allowing for increased flexibility in signal transmission. The results showed improved efficiency and coverage compared to fixed antennas.
Another notable research by....
Recent Advancements in Reconfigurable Antennas
Reconfigurable antennas have emerged as a cutting-edge technology due to their ability to dynamically change their resonant frequency, radiation pattern, and impedance. Recent literature reviews have highlighted several key advancements in this field:
1. Metamaterial-Based Reconfigurable Antennas:
Metamaterials, artificially engineered materials with tailored electromagnetic properties, have enabled the development of reconfigurable antennas with unprecedented capabilities. By controlling the metamaterial's geometry and composition, researchers can manipulate the antenna's resonant frequency, radiation pattern, and polarization.
2. Frequency-Agile Reconfigurable Antennas:
Frequency-agile reconfigurable antennas can switch between multiple operating frequencies without compromising performance. This is achieved through innovative designs that use frequency-selective surfaces, varactor....
Thomas Edison's Revolutionary Inventions: Reshaping the Modern World
Thomas Edison, an American inventor with an unparalleled legacy, revolutionized the way we live through his transformative inventions. His contributions to electricity, communication, and entertainment laid the foundation for modern society.
1. The Electric Light Bulb: Illuminating the Night
Edison's incandescent light bulb, patented in 1879, transformed nights from darkness into brilliance. Replacing kerosene lamps and candles, it provided a safe, reliable, and affordable source of light. This invention revolutionized work and leisure activities, extending hours of productivity and allowing people to engage in nighttime entertainment.
2. The Electric Grid: Powering Modernity
Edison established the first centralized....
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