Winston Churchill Essays (Examples)

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Winston Churchill These Were the
Pages: 12 Words: 4640

It would help to remember that Churchill was an intense patriot, and he loved his country more than anything else in the world. This individual was also a great believer in the greatness and immensity of his country, and he was constantly aware of the historic role that England had played in Europe, in the Empire, and also in the world in general. Churchill was an individual who thrived on challenges, and he would always rise to the occasion in any sort of crisis that his country was facing. ("Sir Winston Churchill, leadership during the World War II," 2007)
Since he was extremely fond of politics, and the workings of his country based on the political happenings happening within his country, he became a veritable master of politics, and it had often been felt that Winston Churchill was nursing all his many faculties, and reining in his inexhaustible sense of…...



Berlin, Isaiah. (n. d.) "Churchill and Roosevelt" Retrieved 27 November, 2007 at 

Best, Geoffrey. (2002, Jun) "Winston Churchill, defender of democracy" Retrieved 27 November, 2007 at 

Burt, Daniel S. (2001) "The Biography Book, a reader's guide to non-fiction"

Greenwood Press.

Winston Churchill -- the Last
Pages: 3 Words: 992

To cover up his serious health problems, the members of Parliament were told that he was suffering from exhaustion, he was 78 years old at the time, and that he needed to take some time off to recover. Things got even more serious with time and old age and two years later, one of the greatest ritish politicians stepped down from the political scene as a consequence of suffering another mild stroke in December 1956. y 1959, there was little left from what Winston Churchill had once been and during the elections of that year, his majority fell with about a thousand, given that most of the voters were unwilling to give their vote to a 85-year-old man who could barely speak anymore.
His life away from the political scene was very cruel. Aside of the fact that Churchill's physical health declined greatly, as he was not able to move…...



1. Charmley, John. Churchill, the End of Glory: A Political Biography. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993.

2. Churchill, Winston S. Memories and Adventures. New York: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989.

Winston Churchill and Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 1080

Winston Churchill: Leadership and Management
Winston Churchill was both a leader and a manager. Leaders are those who have willing followers, while managers are those who have control over others. During his life, Churchill had both of those things. His first bit of fame was gained as a war correspondent, and he later wrote books about the campaigns with which he was involved (Blake, 1997). That was not where Churchill's main leadership came into play, however. That came from spending 50 years right at the forefront of the political arena (Charmley, 1993). He held a number of political and cabinet positions, including Home Secretary and President of the Board of Trade (Blake & Louis, 1992). While he was good at managing people while he was in these positions, he was primarily elected and appointed to them because he was a good leader. People followed him willingly, and as they did that…...



Blake, R. (1997). Winston Churchill. Pocket biographies. Stroud: Sutton Publishing.

Blake, R. & Louis, W.R. (eds.). (1992). Churchill: A major new reassessment of his life in peace and war. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Charmley, J. (1993). Churchill, the end of glory: A political biography. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Winston Churchill Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Pages: 8 Words: 2092

inston Churchill
Sir inston Leonard Spencer Churchill was one of the most energetic and vital of all British leaders. Born in 1874 to an English father and American mother, he embodied the highest qualities of both peoples.

His most obvious qualities were courage and imagination. Less obvious, but no less important to the outcome of his seat of power as the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense for Great Britain during orld ar II, was his intellect - powerful, original, and creatively fertile.

This study of applicable historical speeches, offered during one of the most terrifying political eras of the 20th century, reveals what is imminently true of Churchill: history has revealed all there is to know about the man; there was no disguise.

Analysis Vehicle

This study will dissect Churchill's speech ostensibly labeled "Never Give In, Never, Never, Never," given on October 29, 1941 to the students and staff at his alma mater: the…...


Would we wish Churchill to lead us today? Highly unlikely since the Churchill of the Nazi conflict was also the Churchill of 1911 and 1926. He often elected battle over reasoning; it is key to remember that the genius required to lead a united people is far different than that required to lead a deeply divided one.

Without Churchill's vision for a united nation, however - rooted in his understanding of his country's history - his people might well have perished; without his tenacity and faith in: "never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense" the world would have missed a very important lesson in persistence and faith.

Stalin's Reply to Churchill," March 14, 1946 (interview with Pravda), The New York Times, p. 4.

Winston Churchill's The Influenza in
Pages: 3 Words: 992

The country's warriors are described as "symbolic of initial human strength." Once again the adjective is of importance. The word "initial" signifies the state before disease. Once the disease has its hold, however, all human strength falters and the struggle becomes futile and indeed fatal.
Churchill also uses a number of symbolic assertions in association with the disease itself. These include "loathsome hand and poisonous sting" and "poisonous breath and blighted wing." There is nothing to redeem the reputation of the influenza. It is the words of all things on earth. The diction used, such as "sting" and "wing" further emphasizes the inhuman quality of the disease. It is seen in terms of a type of insect, despite the personifying effects of words like "hand" and "breath." The adjectives "loathsome" and "poisonous" negates any personification that can be ascribed to the disease. It is later personified as a "cruel, unconquerable…...



Billings, Molly. "The Influenza Pandemic of 1918." June, 1997. 

The Churchill Centre. "The Collected Poems of Sir Winston Churchill." 2006. 

W.W. Norton & Company. "The nineteenth century: Realism and Symbolism."

Winston Churchill by John Keegan
Pages: 2 Words: 665

Churchill was a man of strong beliefs and principles, and he did not use the law to further his own career. ather, he used it to make England as strong as it could be in order to win the war in Europe.
Churchill studied everything, and made the choices he did solely based on winning the war, at any cost. He was an excellent soldier, and understood war tactics. He also understood the threat of Fascism and its affect on Europe and the world. He feared socialism and totalitarianism more than just about anything else, and most of his choices were made to keep England free and viable before and after the war. He based his decisions on his own military understanding and his total distrust of Fascism and totalitarianism. He came up with some military strategies that could have been questionable, such as bombing Germany and dropping leaflets blaming…...



Keegan, John. Winston Churchill. New York: Viking Books-Penguin Group, 2002.

Winston Churchill A Popular and Unpopular Leader
Pages: 1 Words: 324

Winston Churchill today is famous as a leader who refused to advocate what were popular positions at the time. He was an early advocate of refusing to appease Nazi Germany, even when going to war was feared by the vast majority of the British public. Churchill did not believe that compromising with Hitler was a viable option (“Churchill: Leader and Statesman”). In this, he stands in sharp contrast to some of the leadership approaches advocated in the module, which stress the need for effective collaboration to achieve goals. However, during the war, Churchill did show himself to be capable of collaborating with the Allies to orchestrate victory against Nazi Germany. One reason Churchill may have excelled, while still holding to strong and forceful leadership positions, however, is that he was primarily focused upon task-based conflicts. In other words, he did not engage in conflicts based upon personality. Rather than attacking people…...


Works Cited

“Churchill: Leader and Statesman.” The International Churchill Society. Web. 8 November 2020. 

Biography of Winston Churchill
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Churchill rose to power throughout his career, and was, at times, controversial in his approach to conflict and conflict resolution. His career as a writer, war correspondent, and his involvement in World War I and World War II helped to cement his place in English and world history.
Born Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was educated at Harrow and the oyal Military College at Sandhurst ("Biography," 2011). In 1895, after finishing his studies at the oyal Military College, Churchill joined the Fourth Hussars (aka 4th Queen's Own Hussars), during which he became the Colonel-in-Chief of the egiment in 1941 until his death in 1965. During his service he was a war correspondent for The Daily Telegraph. Upon leaving the British Army in 1899, Churchill became a correspondent for The Morning Post during which he covered the Cuban revolt against Spain, the British campaigns in the northwest frontier of India, and the Boer War.…...


Reference List:

"Biography." (2011). The Churchill Centre and Museum at the Churchill War Rooms, London.

Retrieved from 

"Winston Churchill: Biography." (2011). Spartacus Educational. Retrieved from

Iron Curtain Winston Churchill's Iron
Pages: 2 Words: 672

S. And Great ritain in order to "curtail any and all future advances into central Europe while under Soviet rule" (radley, 376). Although at this time Churchill was no longer Prime Minister of Great ritain, his words echoed the sentiments and fears of all Americans, especially those of President Truman who after the speech acknowledged that Churchill had addressed one of the most important problems of post-war America, namely, that the Soviet Union was a great threat to the security of the United States, particularly if and when the Soviet Union gained access to the atomic bomb.
The term "iron curtain" was first coined by Churchill in his speech to the faculty and students of Westminster College on that cold and blustery day in March of 1946. Churchill stated that beginning roughly at the altic Sea and extending into the Adriatic, "an iron curtain has descended across the continent," and that…...



Bradley, Harold Whitman. The United States from 1865. New York: Scribner's, 1973.

Halsall, Paul. "Winston S. Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' Speech." Internet. March 5, 1996.

Retrieved at .

Winston Smith Is the Hero of the
Pages: 3 Words: 1206

Winston Smith is the hero of the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) by George Orwell. Winston's ultimate failing is not the failing of a human being, instead it is a symbol of the ultimate power of the society.
Persuasive technique - definition, personal observation)

In literary terms a hero can be vaguely defined as the main character. However, further to this the character needs to be superior, of good character or extraordinary in some way (aldick 98). Winston Smith is the main character in 1984 and he is extraordinary. What is most important in understanding this is realizing that we must not compare Winston with modern man in this society, but with modern man in the society of 1984. This is one of the key aspects to understanding, to first understand the society he is existing in. This society is one where the people are completely controlled, with the people having no freedom…...



Baldick, C. Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Gardner, A. George Orwell. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987.

Orwell, G. Nineteen Eighty-Four. London: Penguin Books, 1989.

Nursing Health Care
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

Winston Churchill once remarked that, "There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies." In a similar vein, Karen Howard, the Director of Policy and Government Affairs, is a strong supporter of Nurse-Family Partnership and its programs. The Nurse-Family Partnership is a preventive effort to target first time at risk young mothers and to provide them with home visits by qualified nurses. This effort begins at early pregnancy and helps guides them rough this difficult period until their infant is two years old. Karen Howard is a strong believer that this program not only benefits mother and child but society as a whole as it reduces cost to the healthcare system and allows nurses to take direct efforts to help patients.
The concept of the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) emerged from the work of Professor David Olds and in particular three large randomized trials he conducted starting in…...



Olds. 2006. The Nurse-Family Partnership: An Evidence-Based Preventive Intervention. Infant Mental Health Journal, 27(1).

Olds, Hill, O'Brien, Racine and Moritz. 2003. Taking Preventive Intervention to Scale: The Nurse-Family Partnership. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

O'Brien. 2005. Translating a Research Intervention into Community Practice: The Nurse Family Partnership. Journal of Primary Prevention, 26(3).

Karoly, L.A., Kilburn, M.R., Cannon, J.S. Early Childhood Interventions: Proven Results,

Policy of Irish Ireland World
Pages: 4 Words: 1377

Eamon de Valera seems to have been talking about more than one threat in his response to Churchill's persistence. On the surface, he is saying that Ireland will fight against invading other words, if Japan or Germany invaded Ireland in earnest, it is clear by de Valera's words that he intends England to hold no concern that Ireland would not be victorious against them. But a more careful reading of de Valera's words paints England, and Churchill, as just as much of a threat. hile not suggesting that either are a physical danger, he suggests that both are endangering Ireland's rights and autonomy, and therefore, according to de Valera, granting rights to Ireland's ports would be nothing short of abandoning the independence that was so recently won (twenty years earlier).
Propaganda in all nations was the order of the day -- it is very likely that both de Valera…...


Works Cited

Althoz, Josef L.. Selected documents in Irish history . Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2000. Print.

Churchill, Winston, and Martin Gilbert. The Churchill war papers . New York: W.W. Norton, 1995. Print.

History of World War II . New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 2004. Print.

How the Criminal Justice System Works
Pages: 5 Words: 1614

Criminal Justice System
After heavy bombardment on London by fighter plans of Germany in Second World War, someone asked Winston Churchill that would ritain live long! Churchill replied immediately that if our courts are providing justice then there is no question about existence of ritain, which they are. Similarly, in World War 1 and World War 2 where Jews were brutally killed by Nazis then some of the Jews got refuge in America. Americans do not have discrimination for any community at that time and famous scientist Einstein was one of them, which proved its worth. Provision of justice for every community is very important for any society, so it is for ritain. From last few years' lot of questions have been raised on criminal Judiciary system in ritain.

Shami chakrabarti (Director of liberty) says

efore you decide whether the system is fit for purpose, you have to decide what that aim is.…...



BBC. (2001, MAY 7). BBCNEWS VOTE 2001. Retrieved from BBC NEWS|VOTE 2001|FACTS:

CNN. (2012, Feb 22). Cameron hosts talks on football racism. Retrieved from CNN: 

Community Correction Punishments. (1996, May). California Research Bureau. Retrieved from Community Correction Punishments: 

Press TV. (2012, May 07). UK police racism complaints doubled. Retrieved from Press TV_UK police racism complaints doubled:

Categories the Word Charisma Has
Pages: 3 Words: 1068

Such conflicts appear when the dominating model is in contradiction with the ideologies and behavior of the subordinated groups. Genocide usually comes with this kind of conflicts, when the involved groups grow to hate each other so much that they decide to establish an unofficial war to terminate the other groups as a way to eliminate the cause of their annoyance. This phenomenon can manifest itself in many ways, from social discrimination and exclusion, accompanied by stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination, going as far as political actions, violent confrontations, genocide, terrorism and war.
The use of violence or threat to recur to it with political intentions aimed towards minorities or communities is usually carried out by nongovernmental groups or secret organizations that operate outside the regular parameters of official war or political negotiation. They often seek revolution or civil war. More than military goals, terrorism seeks to cause panic within the…...



2007) Charismatic Leadership. Retrieved March 05, 2007, from website: 

2007) Ethnic cleansing. Retrieved March, 05, 2007 from, website: 

Maurer, D. (2002) What are traditional societies? Retrieved March 05, 2007, from website: 

2007) What is terrorism? Retrieved March 04, 2007, from Terrorism research, website:

History World War II
Pages: 4 Words: 1685

World War II, which took place from 1939-1945, was waged by the Allied Nations as a struggle for freedom against the evil and totalitarian regimes that existed in Germany, Italy and Japan.
Leaders of the War

There were several leaders that made decisions that contributed to the start and end of WWII. Adolf Hitler, who became the leader of Germany during the Great Depression, is blamed for WWII. He raised German spirits by telling them of a better future and a better Germany. ut in reality, he gave them a war. Hitler planned to expand Germany by taking Austria, Poland, and many other countries. He believed that German people were superior to the rest of the world and wanted everyone to prove this. (Keegan)

efore Hitler, the spirit and nationalism of the German people was very low, but he was able to get the German people to take pride in their country, and…...



Keegan, John. The Second World War. Penguin Books, 1989.

Allen, Thomas. World War II: The Encyclopedia of the War Years, 1941-1945. Random House, Inc., 1996.

A.J.P. Taylor, The Origins of the Second World War. Atheneum, 1983.

John Keegan. The Face of Battle. Penguin Books, 1987.

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Rhetorical Analysis?
Words: 330

1. Analyze a persuasive speech given by a political leader and evaluate the effectiveness of their rhetoric.
2. Examine an advertisement or commercial and analyze the rhetorical strategies used to sell a product or service.
3. Compare and contrast the rhetorical techniques used in two different speeches on a similar topic.
4. Analyze a controversial public figure's use of rhetoric and how it influences public perception.
5. Investigate how social media influencers use rhetoric to persuade their audience.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of rhetorical techniques used in a famous courtroom speech or closing argument.
7. Analyze the use of rhetorical devices in a piece of literature....

\"Was the Gallipoli Campaign a strategic disaster or necessary sacrifice for the Allies?\"
Words: 251

1.Winston Churchill, the architect of the Gallipoli Campaign, famously declared that it was "a splendid adventure." However, the campaign was a costly failure that resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 Allied troops.

2.The Gallipoli Campaign was a watershed moment in World War I. It was the first large-scale amphibious operation in history, and it marked the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire.

3.The campaign was also a major turning point in the career of Winston Churchill. Churchill was the First Lord of the Admiralty at the time, and he was largely responsible for planning....

How did the Gallipoli Campaign shape the course of World War I?
Words: 892

The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, was a significant military operation during World War I that took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Ottoman Empire. Launched in April 1915 by the Allied forces, primarily the British and French, the campaign aimed to secure a sea route to Russia and to remove the Ottomans from the war. However, the operation ultimately ended in failure, with heavy casualties on both sides and a significant impact on the course of the war.

The origins of the Gallipoli Campaign can be traced back to the early stages of World War....

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