Wind Power Essays (Examples)

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Wind Power One of the
Pages: 6 Words: 1623

In fact, during 2007 alone, the installed capacity of "on grid" small-wind residential generators almost tripled, from 1,300 kilowatts nationwide in 2006 to 3,000 kilowatts in 2007 (Clayton). According to Clayton, the number of residential installations increased from 400 to 1,200 units during 2007 as well. In response to this growing demand, a number of companies have started producing various wind turbine configurations in smaller versions for this market and the U.S. dominates the global market, exporting more than half of the production overseas (Clayton). One company's newest small turbine is the 1.8-kilowatt Skystream; one such model was recently installed former President George H.. Bush's home in Maine (Clayton). A representative Skystream wind turbine is shown in Figure 2 below adjacent to a solar-powered home.
Figure 2 - Skystream ind Turbine with Solar-Powered Home.

Source: Skystream (2008) at


In many ways, it is almost too good to be true. The research…...


Works Cited

Clayton, Mark. (2008, May 9). "Small Wind' Power Plants are Blowing Strong." Montana News Station. [Online]. Available:

Elliott, David. Energy, Society & Environment. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Hansen, Lena M. (2005). "Can Wind Be a 'Firm' Resource? A North Carolina Case Study." Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 15(2): 341.

Holzman, David C. (2007). "The Vanadium Advantage Flow Batteries Put Wind Energy in the Bank." Environmental Health Perspectives 115(7): 358-59.

Wind Power Generation Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1099

But wind production is costly and India needs to find ways to produce wind energy at economical rates. For this reason, skilled technicians and designers are looking into the possibility of cost reduction "by increasing the size, tailoring of turbines for specific sites, exploring new structural dynamic concepts, developing custom generators, and power electronics, in addition to implementing modern control-system strategies." (Orosa, 2010)

It has been found that in order to reduce cost and produce energy more efficiently; some of the important factors to keep in mind would be "the power in the wind, the load factor, wind turbine -- axis orientation, the area required, and the grid connection." (Orosa, 2010)

Solutions are needed in troubled areas. For example when wind power is high, electricity generation is not an issue but when it's low, there may be extended periods of no production at all. A solution is needed for this which has…...



Shikha; S. Bhatti; T.S., Kothari; D.P. "A new vertical axis wind rotor using convergent nozzles." Large Engineering Conference on Power Engineering. (2003)177-181.

Orosa J.A., Oliveira a.C., Costa a.M., New Procedure for Wind Farm Maintenance, Industrial Management & Data Systems 110 (6), Emerald Group Publishing, 2010

Orosa. JA. A Proposal for Wind-energy Conversion for low Wind-speed Areas of India; International Association for Energy Economics. 2010

Brown, BT. Benjamin a. Escobar Jr. Wind Power: Generating Electricity and Lawsuits Energy Law Journal, Volume 28, No. 2 (2007)

Wind Power Systems in the United Kingdom
Pages: 2 Words: 623

his is capable of maintaining 10 megawatt-hours of energy to deliver power in peak periods. he expenses are estimated in the range of $130 million. here have been other projects going on in the country which utilize storage batteries. he Beacon Power project near Albany with 200 flywheels of a ton each, two projects run by PSEG Global in New Jersey and the exas-based four-megawatt battery system project completed by the American Electric Power and MidAmerican Energy Holdings are some related endeavors.
Article -

Europe has come up with the solution for unexpected unavailability of alternative sources of energy. hey have made plans for constructing a large scale electricity grid uniting the renewable resources available in different parts of northern Europe. France, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Belgium and Germany are the countries which have joined hands towards the fulfillment of the European Union's aim of dedicating renewable resources…...


The growing use of wind farms has brought forth the problem of synchronizing the power supply with the periods of peak energy needs. Hawaii has been facing the problem of importing or exporting power to the companies nearby, which is a problem with regards to its aim of having 70% of its demands met by renewable sources. Storage batteries have been decided as the most efficient solution. They would allow harnessing energy at some of the windiest locations in Hawaii. A 30-megawatt wind farm is being planned in association with the Texas-based company, Xtreme Power. A 15-megawatt battery will be installed and controlled by computers to overcome fluctuations while having its frequency regulated at 60 cycles per second. This is capable of maintaining 10 megawatt-hours of energy to deliver power in peak periods. The expenses are estimated in the range of $130 million. There have been other projects going on in the country which utilize storage batteries. The Beacon Power project near Albany with 200 flywheels of a ton each, two projects run by PSEG Global in New Jersey and the Texas-based four-megawatt battery system project completed by the American Electric Power and MidAmerican Energy Holdings are some related endeavors.

Article - 

Europe has come up with the solution for unexpected unavailability of alternative sources of energy. They have made plans for constructing a large scale electricity grid uniting the renewable resources available in different parts of northern Europe. France, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Belgium and Germany are the countries which have joined hands towards the fulfillment of the European Union's aim of dedicating renewable resources for 20% of their energy needs by 2010. Cables constructed under the sea will connect the solar arrays in Germany to the hydroelectric resources of Norway and tidal power stations in Belgium to the wind farms of Britain. Not only will this allow switching to another green power resource whenever needed, but this will also augment the European economy by creating several jobs. This project ranging across the English Channel, Baltic Sea and the Irish Sea is expected to cost about $20 to $40 billion. This endeavor is a positive step towards the European "supergrid" which would cover the solar farms in Africa and Central Europe. Gathering adequate finances, obtaining the requisite permissions and planning grid access regulations are some barriers which need to be overcome. However considering the abundant international support, the project is expected to complete by 2050.

Why Wind Power Is a Good Choice for Clean Energy
Pages: 3 Words: 1033

Wind Energy
To what extent is wind power an effective from of renewable energy? The question is an important one when situated within the context of today's world of energy wars (as in the Middle East), air pollution causing cancer (as indicated by the World Health Organization), and more and more communities looking to "go green" all over the world. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of wind power? This essay will address this question and discuss just some of the ways that wind power can be utilized to change the way we live our lives.

As Sahin (2004) notes, wind energy is a "clean, practical, economical and environmentally friendly alternative" to energy created from other sources which damage the planet and ruin the health of individuals, such as the burning of fossil fuels (p. 501). Wind power is effective at cutting energy production costs, it has been utilized in industries…...



Ackermannn, T., Soder, L. (2000). Wind energy technology and current status: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4(4): 315-374.

Boyle, G. (2012). Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future. UK: Oxford.

Herbert, G. et al. (2007). A review of wind energy technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(6): 1117-1145.

Sahin, A. (2004). Progress and recent trends in wind energy. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 30(5): 501-543.

Generators Used in Wind Power
Pages: 8 Words: 3039

The little occasion utmost torque of a rotor twice-fed electric machine is of higher frequencies and capabilities unlike other machines used within the frames of generating power in the society. Several avenues of operation are used within this notion of realizing the existence and consequence of having a firm body of generating any amount of energy to be used in the field. In order to foster equitable management of the practices and operations of producing energy in the field, there is much reputation of the available facilities to be used as capable parameters in designing the amount of energy needed for production in the field (Flannery, 2008).
Example of the machine

Squirrel cage induction generator

In this machine, the field windings are used within the stator of the motor and the rotary movement of the field of magnetism in the rotor. The relational motion that exists between the field of magnetism and…...



Abad, G. (2011). Doubly fed induction machine: Modeling and control for wind energy generation applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Ackermann, T. (2012). Wind power in power systems. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Datta, R. & Ranganathan, V.T. (2002). Variable-speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine -- a comparison with alternative schemes. IEEE

Power & Energy Society Volume: 17, Issue: 3:: 414 -- 421

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power
Pages: 3 Words: 1150

wind powe an effective fom of enewable enegy geneation?
Wind, which is defined as moving ai, can poduce powe because of the kinetic enegy inheent in its high speeds. High winds ae caused by sola heat. The heating of lage swathes of land poduces pessue imbalance between the heated lands and the lands that have not eceived as much heat, esulting in the movement of ai. Wind, coutesy of its high speeds, has also been hanessed to geneate powe, o electicity, to be specific. The use of wind fo the poduction of enegy is inceasingly becoming moe popula because hanessing the kinetic enegy inheent in wind does not ham the envionment, unlike the extaction of oil o the poduction of nuclea powe. Windmills ae used to geneate powe; the cicling motion of the shaft otates a tubine within the mill, enabling the convesion of kinetic enegy into electicity. To poduce…...


references over the environmental impacts of wind farms. An example from Spain. Energy Policy 30, 107-116.

Bergmann, A., Hanley, N. & Wright, R. (2006). Valuing the attributes of renewable energy investments. Energy Policy 34, 1004-1014.

Dale, L., Milborrow, D., Slark, R. & Strbac, G. (2004). Total cost estimates for large-scale wind scenarios in UK. Energy Policy 32, 1949-1956.

Denny, E. & O'Malley, M. (June 2007). "A Cost Benefit Analysis of Tidal Generation," in 9th IAEE European Energy Conference (in review), Florence, Italy.

Doherty, R., Outhred, H. & O'Malley, M. (2006). Establishing the role that wind may have in future generation portfolios. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21 (3), 1415-1422.

Integrating Schooling Fish Movement Into the Tree Wind Power Generators Model
Pages: 5 Words: 1403

Integrating Schooling Fish Movement Into the Tree Wind Power Generators Model
Tree wind generator turbine

Structural loads in wind generator rotor blades have improved significantly as industrial generators have increased in proportions. This most impacts the style involving the inboard area of the blades, exactly where solid airfoil cross-sections have been essential to assist these strenuous loads (figure 1). Present inboard blades style endures efficiency losses from contending structural as well as aerodynamic specifications. Whilst several have created airfoils for its mid- as well as outboard parts of wind generator blades, fairly small work continues to be carried out to style blades by having an enhanced inboard area to be able to meet each structural as well as aerodynamic specifications. Current efforts within the improvement of the inboard area have analyzed flatback or perhaps blunt trailing-edge airfoils. Whilst a noticeable difference around conventional solid airfoils, flatback airfoils nonetheless experience from higher drag…...



Schwartz, Ar. (2011). How Schools Of Fish Can Lead To More Efficient Wind Farms. Fast Company, Accessed from: 

Whittlesey, R. And Dabiri, J. (2010). The presentation "Fish schooling as a basis for wind farm design" by Robert Whittlesey and John Dabiri of the California Institute of Technology.

Wirz, R.E. And Johnson, P.M. (2011). Aero-Structural Performance of Multiplane Wind Turbine Blades. 29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Hawaii.

Solar and Wind Power
Pages: 2 Words: 708

Energy use is expanding and includes several different ways to harness power. From hydropower, to solar energy, to wind energy, the world is using the elements to create electricity for homes and businesses. While some favor solar power for use as the new kind of energy; businesses and those aiming to power many homes, opt for wind energy. Regardless of what is used, there is still a long way to go before people move away from traditional forms of energy like hydropower to more cost-effective ways like solar. I myself use hydropower or batteries to get through my days and understand the need to save energy and increase my power source options.
Most of the sources of energy I use are non-renewable except my re-chargeable solar batteries. These can be charged with sunlight and thus recharged from a renewable source. A second way I use energy each day is cooking. I…...

Wind Farm in Sw Florida
Pages: 18 Words: 2221

Budget Detail & Narrative
Program Narrative


Florida, the United tates and the broader world in particular is facing an energy crisis. Indeed, it is a battle and one with many fronts. There are a number of good reasons out there to find alternative energy. They include the increasing world population, the pervasive use of fossil fuels, concerns about those fossil fuels running out, pollution associated with those fossil fuels and access to energy for everyone. Indeed, there is an increased need for energy that departs from the dirty energy sources like coal and petroleum. Beyond that, these new sources need to be sustainable. This grant proposal covers precisely such an energy source and it is a source that can greatly improve the quality of life and energy costs of people in the southwestern part of Florida much like it is already doing for people around the rest of the United tates and…...


Spear, K. (2015). Department of Energy: Taller turbines would bring wind energy to Florida. Retrieved 24 June 2016, from 

SWFL. (2016). SWFL Sustainability - People, Place, & Profit Improve Our Quality of Life for Today & Tomorrow. SWFL Sustainability. Retrieved 24 June 2016, from 

Windustry. (2016). How much do wind turbines cost?. Windustry. Retrieved 24 June 2016, from

Power of Imagery Explored in
Pages: 10 Words: 3415

This poem is a favorite of mine because it reminds me to slow down and appreciate everything. It does not take long nor does it take much to renew and revive and that is exactly what the poet wishes to communicate.

In Joy Harjo's "Remember," the poet uses imagery and personification to convey points of importance. Because the poet is encouraging someone to remember, she pulls images from experience that will be familiar. She begins by telling the reader to "Remember the sky" (Harjo 1) and to "know each of the star stories" (2). In addition, it is important to know the moon. The poet wants to use images the reader already knows and identifies with in order to stress the importance of connecting with the earth. The importance of remembering one's parents is also important because we are all connected. She tells the reader to remember the "earth whose skin…...


Works Cited

Bishop, Elizabeth. "The Fish." Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 9th Edition.

edited by Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.

Frost, Robert. "Stopping by Woods." Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 9th Edition.

San Gorgonio Wind Farm Is One of
Pages: 4 Words: 1238

San Gorgonio ind Farm is one of three major wind farms that provide 95% of California's wind generating capacity (and 30% of the world's wind generating capacity). This amounts of 4258 million kilowatt hours of electricity, or 1.5% of the state's total electricity production (California Energy Commission, 2011). ind energy is considered to be one of the 'clean' energy sources, as opposed to fossil fuel production and nuclear energy production in particular. However, wind farms have their own drawbacks as well from an environmental perspective. ind farms can be devastating to the local environment as they have a massive footprint. This is especially troublesome in desert environments such as that occupied by San Gorgonio. There are also visual impacts, noise produced by rotor blades and potentially high degrees of avian/bat mortality (INDEIS, n.d.). This paper will analyze the benefits and impacts of the San Gorgonio ind Farm, in particular with…...


Works Cited:

California Energy Commission. (2011). Overview of wind energy in California. California Energy Commission. Retrieved September 24, 2011 from 

ECW. (2000). Wind power and the environment. Energy Center of Wisconsin. Retrieved September 24, 2011 from 

Palm (2011) Palm Springs wind energy. Palm Retrieved September 24, 2011 from 

Pasqualetti, M. (2011). Opposing wind energy landscapes: A search for a common cause. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Vol. 101 (4) 907-917.

Against Nuclear Power When Considering the Ever-Changing
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Against Nuclear Power
When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive global landscape of international relations and business today, all nations and their respective economies must be able to effectively globalize their energy operations in order to reach a greater potential resource base and sustain fiscal durability in the long-term. In accomplishing the aforementioned tasks, many nations have placed environmental considerations at the bottom of the ladder of priority. However, with countless new environmental initiatives cropping up each day, it behooves any and all government and big business personnel to gain a greater respect for the fragile environment in which we live. Terms like "emissions," "energy consumption," "fossil fuel depletion" and "carbon footprint" are increasingly becoming a part of the average global citizen's vocabulary. The future of all nations lies in the hands of those who seriously embrace the importance of such rhetoric. Accordingly, several energy-producing options have been considered and implemented…...



Bodansky, D. (2004). Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices, and Prospects (2nd Edition ed.). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag LLC.

Hatch, M., Ron, E., Bouville, A., Zablotska, L., & Howe, G. (2005). The Chernobyl Disaster: Cancer following the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Epidemiol Review, 27 (1), 56-66.

Jo, D.-J., & Gartzke, E. (2007). Determinants of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 51 (1), 167-194.

Ryan, V. (2009). Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Power. Retrieved June 27, 2011, from

SS& E in Spain Wind and
Pages: 7 Words: 1975

For one thing, while the deregulation of panish retail markets has driven interest among the nation's utilities to differentiate themselves and so win overall share, Iberdrola is already competing quite effectively on its renewable power proposition -- it is likely that most paniards who want to go green have already done so. hould Endesa require additional renewable capacity to meet demand, it also has the relatively captive resources of its recently announced corporate affiliate Enel Green Power to fall back on, allowing it to keep any value-added green power buying "in the family."

If cottish & outhern Energy finds it necessary to enter the fast-growing panish market, it may be easier to simply buy a small local utility and compete on the ground. This would give the company direct access to the wind-friendly panish subsidy regime; so far tightening budgets have not led Madrid to take a less active role in…...



Crouch, M. (2010). Electricity interconnector policy (PDF document). Retrieved from .

Enzili, M.M. (2008). Country study Morocco (PDF document). Retrieved from

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) (2009). Statistical yearbook 2008: Regional group Continental Europe (PDF document). Retrieved from .

European Union (2001). UK-French electricity interconnector opens up, increasing scope for competition (Web page). Retrieved from .

Using Nuclear Power to Generate Electricity
Pages: 3 Words: 1022

Nuclear Energy Introduction
Nuclear energy is an energy source that has zero emissions, propels our society into the future, and provides electricity around-the-clock. Nuclear energy comes from the splitting of atoms inside a reactor through a process known as fission to heat water into steam, turn a turbine, and generate electricity. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. These atoms have enormous energy in the bonds that hold them together. Nuclear fission will split the atoms into smaller atoms, in essence, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants make use of nuclear fission for the production of electricity. Nuclear energy is considered to be environmentally safe because it causes zero emissions and this is beneficial to the environment as it reduces the carbon footprint (Brook & Bradshaw, 2015). However, nuclear power plants do produce radioactive nuclear waste that must be stored safely to ensure there is no leakage. Nuclear…...

How Corporate Power and War Coincide with Globalization
Pages: 11 Words: 3209

How Has Globalization Changed International Politics?IntroductionGlobalization is defined as an intensification of cross-border interactions and interdependence between countries (Oldemeinen, 2011). In other words, it is a process by which the social, political, and economic world order depends upon integration of states around the world. It is not, however, viewed as a positive development by all. As odrik (1998) points out, the process that has come to be called globalization is exposing a deep fault line between groups who have the skills and mobility to flourish in global markets and those who either dont have these advantages or perceive the expansion of unregulated markets as inimical to social stability and deeply held norms (p. 2). Globalization, therefore, is not necessarily viewed as a win-win for all by all. Indeed, the Brexit vote in the UK to leave the EU has been described as a referendum against globalization (Colantone & Stanig, 2016).Yet,…...


ReferencesBaars, G. (2019). The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: A Radical Perspective on the Role of Law in the Global Political Economy. Brill.Bakan, J. (2003). The Corporation. NY: Free Press.Colantone, I. & Stanig, P. (2016). The real reason the UK voted for Brexit? Jobs lost to Chinese competition. Retrieved from   S. (1993). The clash of civilizations? Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 22-49.Mukwarami, S., Mukwarami, J., & Tengeh, R. K. (2020). Local economic development and small business failure: the case of a local municipality in South Africa. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 25(4), 489-502.Oldemeinen, M. (2011). How has globalization changed the international system? Retrieved from Rodrik, D. (1998). Has globalization gone too far?. Challenge, 41(2), 81-94.Science Direct. (2004). International politics. Retrieved from (2019). Recycling rare earth metals is key to sustaining direct drive turbinesRetrieved from Sorkin, A. et al. (2022). Wall Street warns about the end of globalization. Retrieved from Vietor, R. H., Rivkin, J. W., & Seminerio, J. (2008). The offshoring of America. Harvard Business Review, 9-708-030. Huntington,

Can you help me write a 3000 word essay on global warming?
Words: 532

Title: The Critical Reality of Global Warming: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction (300 words)

Definition and Overview: Begin by defining global warming and its relevance in the current global scenario.

Thesis Statement: Present a clear thesis that outlines your perspective on global warming, its impacts, and potential solutions.

Scope of Essay: Briefly describe what the essay will cover, including causes, effects, and mitigation strategies.

Section 1: Causes of Global Warming (600 words)

Human Activities: Discuss how industrialization, deforestation, and burning of fossil fuels contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Agricultural Practices: Explain the role of agriculture, including livestock farming and rice cultivation, in methane emissions.

Energy Consumption: Analyze how our....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding outlines for impact of technology on society?
Words: 448

I. Impact of Technology on Communication and Information Exchange

Introduction: The transformation of communication through technology
Section 1: Social media and its impact on interpersonal relationships and societal discourse
Section 2: The democratization of information through the internet and its implications for access and equality
Section 3: The role of technology in facilitating remote work, education, and healthcare
Conclusion: The overall impact of technology on communication and the implications for societal cohesion and progress

II. Technology and the Transformation of the Workplace

Introduction: The evolution of the workplace in the digital age
Section 1: Automation and its impact on....

How have advancements in technology shaped the transition from the industrial age to the information age?
Words: 671

Advancements in Technology: Shaping the Transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age

The transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age has been marked by profound advancements in technology that have fundamentally reshaped the way societies function and operate. These innovations have had far-reaching implications for industries, individuals, and the global economy as a whole.

1. Automation and Robotics:

Advancements in automation and robotics have transformed manufacturing processes, leading to significant increases in productivity. Industrial robots and automated systems have taken over repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers for more complex and creative endeavors. The widespread adoption of....

how music festivals integrate into the sustainable development of the modern era?
Words: 635

Music Festivals and Sustainable Development

In the modern era, music festivals have become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of attendees each year. While these events offer immense cultural and economic benefits, they also pose significant environmental challenges. Recognizing these concerns, many music festivals are actively seeking ways to integrate into the sustainable development of their communities.

Waste Management:

One of the most significant environmental impacts of music festivals is waste generation. Large crowds produce vast amounts of plastic bottles, food packaging, and other waste. To mitigate this issue, festivals are implementing comprehensive waste management plans, including:

- Waste reduction: Encouraging attendees to bring reusable....

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