Wic Program Essays (Examples)

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WIC Program Evaluation Plan for
Pages: 13 Words: 3638

Other than the university researchers, many of these participants will be needed to provide statistics regarding various inputs, outputs, and outcomes of the programs.
The evaluation will consist of two distinct data collection and analysis devices. The first will be statistical data that is provided by various service programs and agencies. This data will be aggregated in the program evaluation. The second type of data will be collected from WIC recipients via a questionnaire administered by research staff. These two types of data collection will be analyzed separately and in terms of their impact on each other.

This evaluation will be divided into several phases requiring varying levels of staff, time, and resources. The following summarizes the resources, timeline and budget needed for each stage of the evaluation. Budgeted amounts on the table reflect estimated hours and salary costs for staff, as well as materials needed to complete the phase.

Phase and…...



Center for Disease Control (CDC)(2008).Program Evaluation. Retrieved September 22, 2008 at  http://www.cdc.gov/DRSPSurveillanceToolKit/docs/ProgramEvaluation.pdf 

Rush, D., Horvitz, D., Seaver, Q., Alvir, J., Gabowski, G., & Leighton, J. et al. (1088). The National WIC Evaluation: evaluation of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 48: 389-393.

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)(2008a). About WIC. Food & Nutrition Service. Retrieved September 21, 2008 at  

Vision for Future WIC Program
Pages: 2 Words: 559

Visions for the Future of WIC

The Women, Infants, and Children program run by the United States Department of Agriculture, better known by its acronym of WIC, provides a much needed service to specific populations of citizens that are in the most dire need for assistance with some of the fewest resources available to them. By providing Federal grants to the individual States that enable the States to offer supplemental food products, certain types of healthcare subsidies and referrals, and nutritional education for low-income pregnant women, mothers, and their children under the age of five, some of the basic survival needs of these populations are met in a manner that promotes better lifelong practices and self-reliance (WIC, 2012). The following paragraphs detail certain visions for how WIC might be changed in the future to provide even better and more necessary services along these same lines to a wider and larger groups…...



WIC. (2012). Accessed 25 March 2012.  

WIC Studying the Women Infant and Children
Pages: 2 Words: 583

Studying the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program has underlined the importance of 'preventative' medicine, even in the administration of social services not strictly related to healthcare. In recent years, many programs that provide assistance to the indigent have come under fire, because of the federal debt load. However, funding WIC can ultimately reduce costs of social services in the long run. By ensuring that mothers have adequate prenatal care, and that children have nutritional support early on in life, the federal government can save on healthcare and educational costs in the long-term. Eating well as a child is linked to better outcomes in school, and better life outcomes overall. As the costs of living go up, including housing as well as food and fuel costs, programs like WIC are vitally necessary for families struggling to stay intact.

Studying WIC was important on a personal level, because it indicated how the…...

Program Planning and Evaluation
Pages: 2 Words: 696

Capitol City escue Mission in Albany New York
Program Planning and Evaluation


The Capitol City escue Mission in Albany New York was founded in 1949. As of 1982, the rescue mission got a new executive director in Perry Jones who involved in developing a rehabilitation and discipleship program. It took a short time for the mission to serve an extensive number of people (Burt & United States, 2010). The influx of younger people in its management marked a tremendous change in the perception, mission, and vision of the mission. This involved addition of other programs like free medical clinics, referrals and counseling, and learning. Because of the services being offered, the mission has grown to serve varied categories of people in terms of size and service delivery. In 2000, the mission had to acquire and shift to another location: a new thirty-seven square foot facility at South Pearl Street. Currently, the facility…...



Burt, MR et al. (2010). Strategies for Improving Homeless People's Access to Mainstream

Benefits and Services. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. Of Housing and Urban

Development, Office of Policy Development and Research

McGlone, L. (2007). The Minister's manual, 2008. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Social Program Hunger Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 870

When food insecurity is therefore effectively addressed, minority communities can be uplifted to become part of the American way of life in a sustainable and viable way. he statistics demonstrate the demographic inequalities: According to the Food Research and Action Center (hereafter referred to as FRAC), as of 2005, 35.1 million people in the U.S. - over 10% of the population - were experiencing "food insecurity." Among African-Americans and Hispanic populations, this percentage is considerably higher, at 22.4% and 17.9% respectively (Adach-Vollinger, 2006). According to FRAC, the ten states where food insecurity is most likely include the West and South: New Mexico, Mississippi, exas, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Utah, Idaho, North Carolina and ennessee. Clearly, if the American Government were to be truly concerned with creating prosperity for all its citizens, these communities and their needs should be urgently addressed with sustainable programs.

In the light of the above, it…...


The demographics related to the problem are significant in demonstrating the specific poverty levels and racial discrepancies within the country. When food insecurity is therefore effectively addressed, minority communities can be uplifted to become part of the American way of life in a sustainable and viable way. The statistics demonstrate the demographic inequalities: According to the Food Research and Action Center (hereafter referred to as FRAC), as of 2005, 35.1 million people in the U.S. - over 10% of the population - were experiencing "food insecurity." Among African-Americans and Hispanic populations, this percentage is considerably higher, at 22.4% and 17.9% respectively (Adach-Vollinger, 2006). According to FRAC, the ten states where food insecurity is most likely include the West and South: New Mexico, Mississippi, Texas, South Carolina, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Utah, Idaho, North Carolina and Tennessee. Clearly, if the American Government were to be truly concerned with creating prosperity for all its citizens, these communities and their needs should be urgently addressed with sustainable programs.


In the light of the above, it is the objective of this document to propose ways in which a sustainable solution can be created for food insecurity, particularly in communities where this problem manifests itself most prominently. With sufficient funding, such a program can be greatly successful in addressing the problem of food insecurity in a targeted and effective manner. As such, the objective of the program (to be known as DEAL - DEcentralize and Localize) is to make low SES communities more self-sufficient. The ideal is to create ways in which such communities can cultivate a large amount of their own food products - particularly vegetable-based foods - by means of cooperative gardens and "mini-farms." These will exist in and around urban and suburban areas, with land provided through the program. The ideal is that such programs will be funded by direct grants to the communities that are affected. Initial seeds and equipment are provided, as well as an advisor/support person, who is trained in agricultural and environmental science, for each community. Such a program will have several benefits. In addition to the environmental benefits already mentioned, communities will be uplifted by a sense of self-sufficiency and the concomitant power of caring for themselves. This will have a tremendous impact not only upon the general outlook of such communities, but also upon their sense of self-worth and motivation. In this way, while directly providing employment and lowering unemployment levels, the program can also do so indirectly by motivating community members to start their own businesses - whether food related or not. Furthermore, cultivating land will result in rising natural resources and a sustainable way of providing communities with food. In general, the program can

Prevention of Childhood Obesity in
Pages: 14 Words: 3571

(Institute of Medicine, 2009)
Strategy 3: Community Food Access - Promote efforts to provide fruits and vegetables in a variety of settings, such as farmers' markets, farm stands, mobile markets, community gardens, and youth-focused gardens. (Institute of Medicine, 2009)

Action Steps: (1) Encourage farmers markets to accept Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food package vouchers and WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupons; and encourage and make it possible for farmers markets to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp Program) and WIC Program Electronic enefit Transfer (ET) cards by allocating funding for equipment that uses electronic methods of payment; (2) Improve funding for outreach, education, and transportation to encourage use of farmers markets and farm stands by residents of lower-income neighborhoods, and by WIC and SNAP recipients. Introduce or modify land use policies/zoning regulations to promote, expand, and protect potential sites for…...



Berkowitz, Bobbie and Borchard, Marleyse (2009) Prevention of Childhood Obesity Advocating for the Prevention of Childhood Obesity: A Call to Action for Nursing. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. ANA Periodicals Vol 14 -- 2009 No 1 Jan'09http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol142009/No1Jan09/Prevention-of-Childhood-Obesity.aspx

Dehghan, Mahshid, Akhtar-Danesh, Noori, and Merchant, Anwar T. (2005) Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention. Nutrition Journal 2 Sept 2005. Online available at:  http://www.nutritionj.com/content/4/1/24 

National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) March 06, 2009 National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) March 06, 2009  http://obssr.od.nih.gov/news_and_events/news.aspx 

Local Government Actions to Prevent Childhood Obesity (2009) Institute of Medicine. September 2009. Report Brief. Online available at:  http://www.rwjf.org/files/research/20090901iombrief.pdf

Obesity Prevention Marketing Plan Obesity Prevention Nonprofit
Pages: 12 Words: 3245

Obesity Prevention
Marketing Plan

Obesity Prevention Nonprofit Organizational Marketing Plan

The primary purpose of this report is to help investors understand the need for a program which will help reduce obesity throughout the UK and then less developed countries in Eastern Europe. The problem is that the environment that many developed countries have created for themselves advances obesity without intending to. There is also the danger among less developed countries, that are beginning to see some amount of prosperity, that they could have the same issues that the rest of the developed world is having (Hill, Wyatt & Peters, 2005).

The goal is to use a program that has been proven to be effective to make sure that people have the tools that they need to be able to combat obesity. The issue is that the predominance of obesity is among the poor and especially with women and children. Therefore, this program is designed…...



Arozian, M. (2003). Branding for nonprofits: How a community nonprofit can establish a presence among those it serves and those it depends on for support by linking its name to a very recognizable symbol. The Public Manager, 32(2), 9-11.

Barreto, R.A., & Hughes, A.W. (2004). Under performers and over achievers: A quantile regression analysis of growth. Economic Record, 80(248), 17-33.

Colls, R., & Evans, B. (2010). Challenging assumptions: Re-thinking the "obesity problem." Geography, 95, 99-104.

Frumkin, P., & Kim, M.T. (2001). Strategic positioning and the financing of nonprofit organizations: Is efficiency rewarded in the contributions marketplace? Public Administration Review, 61(3), 266-277.

Effect of 2013 Government Shutdown
Pages: 7 Words: 2236

Government Shutdown was the period when the routine operations of the United States federal government were curtailed. This happened because the legislative body was not able to successfully pass the legislations related to the funds for the next fiscal period. This shutdown continued to several days and was considered to be the third longest government shutdowns in the history of the United States that took place in the last quarter of the year 2013 (Kille, 2013).
From the past government shutdowns, the fact has been exposed that it only leads to negative and far reaching impacts on the overall financial system and wealth of the county. In a very similar manner, the 2013 government shutdown has also exhibited unnecessary damage on the economy of the United Sates. Economic disruption, harmful effects on Federal programs and services (that were supporting businesses and citizens of United States), loss of revenues to the government,…...



Alter, D. (2013). The Full Cost of the Government Shutdown. Retrieved from Money Morning website:  http://moneymorning.com/2013/11/13/the-full-cost-of-the-government-shutdown/ 

Burwell, S.M. (2013). Impacts and Costs of the Government Shutdown. Retrieved from The White House website:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/11/07/impacts-and-costs-government-shutdown 

Kille, L.W. (2013). Economic effects of the 2013 U.S. federal government shutdown. Retrieved from Journalist's Resource website:  http://journalistsresource.org/studies/government/budget/economic-effects-2013-us-federal-shutdown# 

Needleman, S.E., Loten, A. & Simon, R. (2013). Small Firms Grapple With Roadblocks Caused by Shutdown. Retrieved from The Wall Street Journal website:  http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303492504579111590750304108

How Serious Is Hunger in America
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Malnutrition and Children in the U.S.
How serious is the effect of undernourishment and malnutrition on children and infants? According to The orld Bank, a child that is undernourished can expect "devastating and enduring" problems in life. Behavioral and cognitive development can be impaired, and whether or not a child is well-nourished in his or her first years can have "a profound effect on his or her health status" (orld Bank). This paper reviews the results of undernourishment and malnourishment on children, and suggests ways to reduce childhood malnutrition and the undernourishment of children in the United States.

American Kids Do Go Hungry

A report broadcast by ABC News reveals that up to 17 million children struggle daily with what is called "food insecurity"; that is, one in four children do not have access to "enough nutritious food to live a healthy life" (Brown, 2011). ABC New got its data from a study…...


Works Cited

Brown, K. (2011). Shocking Need: American Kids Go Hungry. ABC News. Retrieved April

4, 2014, from http://abcneews.go.com.

Feeding America. (2013). Call Congress! Take Action. Retrieved April 4, 2014, from  http://feedingamerica.org .

World Bank. (2011). Nutrition. Retrieved April 4, 2014, from  http://web.worldbank.org .

TANF Time Limits
Pages: 10 Words: 4248

TANF Time Limits
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF for short, is one of the more controversial and maligned or one of the most lauded and touted social safety net programs in the United States. Whether it is praised or denigrated depends a lot on who is doing the talking and what their motivations are. TANF has turned in a political football on a scale that dovetails quite nicely with the words of awls (1985) when it was noted in an essay of that author that there are sometimes periods (some of them quite long in duration) that are bereft and full of political divisiveness and vitriol (awls, 1985).

History of TANF & its Predecessor

A bulk of the TANF program is to provide cash-based payments to needy families who are living in destitution or are otherwise in stark financial peril and how those funds are allocated, to who, for how…...



Alcoff, Linda. "The Problem of Speaking For Others." Cultural Critique 20.1 (1992): 5-

32. Print.

Burns, M. (2010, October 28). Welfare Reform Failing Poor Single Moms, Books Claim. Pacific Standard - Politics, Health, Economy, Environment, Culture, Education. Retrieved April 16, 2013, from  http://www.psmag.com/politics/welfare-reform-failing-poor-single-mothers-24778/ 

CDSS. (2013, April 16). Child Welfare Services Stakeholder Group Questions and Answers. CA CDSS. Retrieved April 16, 2013, from  http://www.cdss.ca.gov/cdssweb/PG51.htm

Armstrong E Kukla R Kuppermann
Pages: 8 Words: 3055

Certain ethnicities were seen to have relatively high levels of participation, while women from North Africa and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds were much more likely to refrain from taking part in such prenatal diagnostics than were Dutch women. This study could go a long way towards bridging cultural divides when it comes to healthcare, though the authors do not delve deep enough into making recommendations in this regard.
Harper, C.; Henderson, J.; Schalet, A. & Becker, D. (2010). "Abstinence and Teenagers: Prevention Counseling Practices of Health Care Providers Serving High-Risk Patients in the United States." Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 42(2), pp. 125.

The effects and types of counseling delivered to teenage girls identified as a "high risk" by clinicians was observed in this study, with the conclusion that few clinicians view abstinence-only recommendations as effective at reducing risk for pregnancy and other concerns. Presenting information regarding contraceptives, condoms,…...


In a long-term and large population study, researchers found that maternal deaths for reasons only indirectly related to the pregnancy were on the rise in the Netherlands. More expectant mothers were observed to suffer from fatal cardiovascular and other problems. The fact that women are getting pregnant at older ages, both due to lifestyles that tend to postpone child rearing and through new fertility treatments, are thought to be responsible for this. It is interesting how such objectivity can and indeed must be retained when dealing with such a politically and personally sensitive issue.

Wynn, L.; Foster, A. & Trussell, J. (2010). "Would you say you had unprotected sex if ... Sexual health language in emails to a reproductive health website." Culture, health & sexuality 12(5), pp. 499.

For this study, over a thousand emails sent to an emergency contraceptive website in the United States were analyzed for the type of language used to describe sexual acts, safe sex methods, and other aspects of the emails' authors' experiences leading up to their emailing. The terms "sex" and "unprotected sex" varied widely in their specific meanings for the different authors, and this corresponded to varying degrees of risk concern as well. The authors spend a great deal of time theorizing about how language shapes thought, but they did not provide a great deal of discernible concrete information in this report, making it somewhat difficult to follow and suspect.

Integrative Case the Case Involve M a
Pages: 3 Words: 1424

Integrative Case
The case involve M, a 35-year-old mother with three children from two fathers. He most recent boyfriend, the father of the youngest child, has beaten her twice, been arrested and jailed, but is about to be released. Despite a restraining order, Melissa is terrified. Her economic situation is dire -- she lives at an inexpensive motel, works part-time for under the table wages, and relies on IC services. Most recently, her 12-year-old son was arrested for shoplifting and suspended from school for fighting. Melissa is aghast about her lifestyle, and heard about my sliding scale fees from a previous client whom I saw when I interned at a public mental health center.

Challenging Aspects -- There are several challenging aspects to this case: 1) Decisions on pro-bono work; 2) Services for those in need; 3) Family in crisis, son acting out, mother feeling frightened and family potentially in danger. Clinicians…...


Works Cited

New Benefit for Volunteer Clinicians. (2012, January). Retrieved from Probonocounseling.org:  http://www.probonocounseling.org/for_clinicians 

American Counseling Association . (2012, January). Ethics. Retrieved from Counseling.org:  http://www.counseling.org/resources/codeofethics/TP/home/ct2.aspx 

Cain, S., et al. (2003). Protecting Person in Family Therapy Research: An Overview of Ethical Standards. Journal of Marital Family Therapy, 29(1), 47-56.

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. (2012, January). Professional Ethics for MFTs. Retrieved from CAMFT.org: ?Section=Home&template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12608http://www.camft.org/AM/Template.cfm

Women and Children Research and
Pages: 3 Words: 1196

Finally, WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (ohio.gov, 2011). WIC offers programs to ensure adequate nutrition for low-income women and infants, during and after pregnancy (ohio.gov, 2011). WIC also offers referrals for "prenatal and pediatric" health care through Medicaid (ohio.gov, 2011
Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the support or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

Women have faced many challenges that do not generally apply to men, including violence and abuse, low relative wages, unequal opportunities in the workplace, insufficient prenatal and general health care, and a lack of emotional and financial support for single-parenting. Progress along these lines has sometimes been slow due to discriminatory attitudes against: women in general (sexism, or objectification leads to abuse), women in the workplace, women who have children when unmarried, birth control and abortion, and low-income women.

In addition, some…...



Antonopoulos, R. (2010). Social Protection for Woman. UN Chronicle, 47 (1), 22+.

Bortz, a. (1980). Historical Development of the Social Security Act. Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from ssa.gov:  http://www.ssa.gov/history/bortz.html 

Hanratty, M. (1994). Social Welfare Programs for Women and Children. In R. Blank, Social Protection vs. Economic Flexibility: Is There a Trade-off? (pp. 301-332). Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press.

ohio.gov. (2011). Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from odh.ohio.gov:  http://www.odh.ohio.gov/odhprograms/ns/wicn/wic1.aspx

Clinical Supervision the Distribution of
Pages: 5 Words: 1498

Clinical supervision provides a mechanism of data collection and the information reclamation in support to the recent projects and the programmatic developments.
Management of the high number of complex mental health caseloads

These implementations occur under the influence of the Workplace Implementation Committees (WIC) that were established to the oversee agreement by the CMS at the local levels. The CMS is supposed to accompany the implementation of the policies that clearly outline the expectations and responsibilities based on periods and review methods (Cogan 1972). The implementations are expected to be transparent in the process of the WIC members and the staff groups. This includes the clear articulate mechanism for regular workload assessment, management and review.

I. egularly collect the workload from all the executives to make the caseload management process easier.

II. Use the caseload information to make the staff allocation of the resources while measuring their performances.

The workforce plan and individual plans…...



Cogan, M.L. (1972). Clinical supervision. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management., & National Institute of Education (U.S.). (1984). Clinical supervision. Eugene, or: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management, College of Education, University of Oregon.

Powell, D.J. (1980). Clinical supervision: [1]. New York: Human Science Pr.

Bernard, J.M., & Goodyear, R.K. (1998). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Focus Group Results to Inform
Pages: 2 Words: 924

Question for each of the following topics were developed: (a) what infants and children up to age 3 should eat, (b) how parents decide what to feed their children, (c) knowing when a child has been sufficiently fed, (d) parental control over a child's eating behaviors, (e) concern about overweight in children, (f) using food to influence behavior, (g) parent involvement in physical activity with the child, and (h) preferred methods for learning about child health issues (McGarvey et. al 2006). Furthermore, participants were invited to share experiences related to feeding their child that was outside of these general categories.
An analysis of the data provided three main commonalities to all four groups. A lack of awareness of the relationship between increased physical activity and health, the effects of the use of food to influence behavior, concern over a loss of parental control over feeding when a child starts child…...


Reference List

McGarvey, EL, Collie, KR, Fraser, G, Shufflebarger, C, Lloyd, B & Oliver, MN 2006, 'Using focus groups to inform preschool child hood obesity prevention programming', Ethnicity and Health, Vol. 11, No. 3 August, pp. 265-285.

Schetzina, KE, Dalton III, WT, Lowe, EF, Azzazy, N, von Werssowetz, KM, Givens, C, & Stern, HP 2009,'Developing a coordinated school health approach to child obesity prevention in rural Appalachia: results of focus groups with teachers, parents and students', Rural and Remote Health, 9: 1157, October, viewed 17 June 2011,

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