Whistleblower Essays (Examples)

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Whistleblower HR Management and the
Pages: 5 Words: 1355

Cultures of greed, corruption and misrepresentation helped to facilitate a massive transfer of wealth, substantial enough to suggest that a denial of awareness on the part of personnel at such organizations is nothing short of implausible. Therefore, we can presume that an absence or real protections for would-be whistleblowers in private enterprises would help to accommodate a wave of corruption every bit as destructive to the public as any government indiscretion such as the histleblower Protection Act was designed to address.
Beyond this, there are indications that the federal legislation lacks the proper mechanisms even to serve as a template for that which might address the failures in private regulation. The article by Fischer (1991) provides myriad examples in which exceptions and clauses relating to the histleblower Protection Act have made it essentially toothless. Specifications such as that which denotes that only certain 'covered employees' qualify for the protections afforded…...


Works Cited:

Fisher, B.D. (1991). Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989: A False Hope for Whistleblowers. Rutgers Law Review, 43(355).

Government Accountability Project (GAP). 2009). Whistleblower Protection Act & Amendments. Whistlblower.org.

U.S. Department of Labor (USDoL). (2008). The Whistleblower Protection Program. OSHA.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (1989). Whistleblower Protection Act Information. SEC.gov.

Whistleblower Is a Person Passes Information on
Pages: 6 Words: 1784

histleblower is a person passes information on violation of laws that are a direct threat to public interest such as health and safety by applying ethical principles in the growing obstacles in the organization. Based on this, it is clear that Laraoche was not a whistleblower; he was someone who did his work as expected by his profession. His suggestion to the management of Perck Pharmaceutical based on the side effects of the new drug were informed by his professional orientation. His timely interjection was because he had not performed enough trials to allow the drug to go for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. This he did to avert the possible destruction of the patients' health without the fear of retaliation or losing his job.
Laraoche's Disclosure

Laraoche was apprehensive due to the side effects observed in the initial trials. Of the more than 11,000 patients of ages 18 to 90…...


Works Cited

Law Teacher. "Principles of Criminal Liability." 2012. www.lawteacher.net. 30 March 2012


Putrus, Robert. "Signature Authorization Policy." 2009. www.calcpa.org. 30 March 2012


Whistleblower of Them All Daniel
Pages: 2 Words: 661

"The Pentagon Papers were political dynamite because they told what had really been going on in Vietnam. That was in contrast with the official line, regularly presented by top government and military officials, who blatantly lied to the public about the Vietnam War. For example, the official line was that the war was going well, when actually there was plenty of inside information that it wasn't," for many years (Martin 2003). The Nixon Administration tried to suppress the release of the Pentagon Papers through an injunction, but the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the president. Ellsberg's actions not only helped bring an end to the Vietnam War, and perhaps saved lives of American servicemen, but also established that the authority of the executive branch of government was not above the law, and could not use national security as a defense to cover up whatever unpleasant information it chose.
Ellsberg is a…...



Martin, Brian. (2003, July). The legacy of the Pentagon Papers. The Whistle. 34:11.

Retrieved February 18, 2010 at  http://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/pubs/03BRwhistle07.html 

Pinkerton, Nick. (2010, February 13). 'The Most Dangerous Man in America': Daniel Ellsberg

and the Pentagon Papers. The San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved February 18, 2010 at  http://www.sfweekly.com/2010-02-17/calendar/the-most-dangerous-man-in-america-daniel-ellsberg-and-the-pentagon-papers

Whistleblowers Are in the Minority in a University Study of Behaviors
Pages: 2 Words: 683

disobedience between individuals and it deals with unjust authority. An experimental scenario was set up by the authors in order to see -- from a group of 149 individuals -- how many of them would obey an "unethical request" and how many would not obey, and would instead blow the whistle on the request.
The authors did this study because they believe that there has not been enough research into the "nature of disobedience to unjust authority," and the bottom line it seems is this: who are the whistleblowers and how are they different from those who go along with unfair, immoral, or unjust demands?

Summary of the procedure used by the authors: The authors explain on page 37 that the whistleblower doesn't get off just because he revealed a situation that is wrong or unjust; rather, the whistleblower must expect to have "future involvement" with the authorities that he blew…...


Works Cited

Bocchiaro, P., Zimbardo, P.G., and Van Lange, P.A.M. (2012). To defy or not to defy: An experimental study of the dynamics of disobedience and whistle-blowing. Social Influence, 7(1), 35-50.

Whistleblowers and Congressional Oversight
Pages: 5 Words: 1554

Executive Branch Qs1The president of a country plays a crucial role in various aspects of governance, including foreign policy, domestic policy, military readiness, and governmental administration. In terms of foreign policy, the president is typically responsible for representing the nation's interests on the global stage. They engage in diplomatic efforts, negotiate treaties and agreements, and maintain relationships with other countries.Regarding domestic policy, the president's role is to propose and advocate for legislation that addresses domestic issues and concerns. They work with Congress to pass bills related to areas such as healthcare, education, taxation, and infrastructure. The president also has the power to issue executive orders (Krutz, 2017).In terms of military readiness, the president serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. They have the responsibility of overseeing the military and making decisions regarding national defense and security. The president consults with military advisors, receives intelligence briefings, and makes critical decisions…...



Krutz, G. (2017). American Government. Houston, TX: OpenStax.


Whistleblowers Men of Courage but
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

Teaching the theory of evolution to broaden the minds of the young people of his community likewise not only destroys the life of the teacher Bertram Cates, but also the life of his fiancee, and ruins the reputation of Hillsboro, where the national presses tar and feather the town as a place populated by narrow-minded religious zealots. Although the play may sympathize with Cates' desire to open up his students' minds, it shows that not every supporter of evolution is as equally high-minded. There is also: "E. K. Hornbeck of the Baltimore Herald, who has championed Cates in his columns and is greatly and haughtily amused at the spectacle of ignorance and bigotry before him" (Iannone, 1997). Hornbeck simply wants to sell newspapers at Hillsboro's expense.

Unlike Stockmann, Drummond sways the opinion larger public support of the nation, if not the jury of Hillsboro and contributes to wider public's perception of…...


Works Cited

Iannone, Carol. "The Truth About Inherit the Wind." First Things. Feb 1997.


Ibsen, Henrik. "An Enemy of the People." 1880. Project Gutenberg's Etext. 2002.


Key Characteristics of a Whistleblower
Pages: 3 Words: 955

In definition, a whistleblower can be an employee or a former employee of a corporation who provides proof and evidence that substantiates the fraudulence and ethical behavior within the entity or activities that are not in the best interests of the general public or stakeholders. Customarily, whistleblowers reveal classified data and information concerning their workplace, which is in violation of the laws and regulations in place, and also that can be disparaging to the well-being of the employees. Whistleblowers have various characteristics. One of the key individualities of whistleblowers is credibility. A whistleblower has to have the character of being trusted, depended upon and have integrity. This is because the information provided by the whistleblower has to be truthful and reliable. Another characteristic of a whistleblower is believing in their behavior and being in changing their beliefs. A whistleblower should maintain their stance in being honest about the fraudulent behavior…...

Public Law Whistleblower Compliance in
Pages: 4 Words: 1248

They may not be reassigned to perform work that is substantially different from their normal occupational responsibilities (OSHA, 2003).
Employers may not submit information about the employee that is intended to have damaging consequences on the employee's financial credit history, and employers may not engage in conduct or communications designed to "blackball" the employee from other employment, either within government or in connection with any private sector employment opportunities. Finally, employers may not engage in conduct intended (or reasonably perceived) as "intimidation." Intimidation is one of the most difficult types of non-compliance with activities protected under the Act, because it is subject to interpretation and because it is capable of being perpetrated without any written record. Likewise, many forms of conduct that are generally benign under ordinary (i.e. non-adversarial) circumstances at work only rise to the level of intimidation" in specific context (USLC, 2007).

efusal to Work:

Under certain (limited) circumstances, employees…...



OSHA (2003) Whistleblower Fact Sheet. Accessed October 9, 2007, at  http://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data_WhistleblowerFacts/whistleblower_protections-general.pdf 

U.S. Library of Congress (2007) Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989. Accessed October 8, 2007, at  http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F-c101:1:./temp/~c101Ylqmha:e37677 :

WhistleblowerLaws.com; (2007) the Law: An Overview. Accessed October 9, 2007 at  http://whistleblowerlaws.com/protection.htm

Death Penalty Dudley Sharp Claims
Pages: 4 Words: 1106

Racism is also a problem in the penal system. Furthermore, even if only one innocent person were sentenced to death it would be too many.
1. Perez's observations are most likely correct. Although whistleblowers perform an admirable and courageous act of public service, their efforts are thwarted by legal, political, and social obstacles. I fully agree with the author's observations but still believe whitleblowers are admirable. Whistleblowers should be encouraged to come forward because they ensure a more ethical society. Discouraging whistleblowing allows white collar crime to flourish.

2. Rob Perez claims that whistleblowers suffer consequences including social isolation that may outweigh the impact of their courageous deeds. Colleagues and coworkers cut off the whistleblower. A whistleblower is brought into the public eye, making it difficult for that individual to operate socially or in a business environment. A whistleblower might lose all his or her business accounts and contacts because they…...

False Claims Act Contain 'Qui Tam' or
Pages: 5 Words: 1599

False claims act contain 'qui tam' or whistleblower provisions. This work will discuss the pros and cons of being a whistleblower and to ask the question of if one were aware of the fraudulent issues in the healthcare organization why would they not report the issues?
In 1975, in the case (NLR vs. Weingarten, Inc. 420 U.S. 251, 88 LRRM 2689 the U.S. Supreme Court established the rights of employees to have a union representative at an investigatory interview and this rights are known as Weingarten Rights. The investigation interview happens when a supervisor questions the employee for the purpose of obtaining information that could be used in a discipline or conduct complaint against the employee. In the event the employee believes that they result negative outcomes from what they have to say the employee under the Weingarten Rights has the right to request union representation at the hearing. Once the…...

Whistleblowing Regulations and Procedures Whistleblowing a Term
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Whistleblowing egulations and Procedures
Whistleblowing, a term coined by alph Nadar in the 1970s, refers to when a person reports illicit activity concerning a business or federal agency to a governing body. Whistleblower protection has been the topic of a number of laws and initiatives over the past 20 years. Most significantly, section 1107 of the Sorbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) protects against whistleblowers. Not only are employers required to investigate a complaint, but they are prohibited from retaliating against a complaint. The SOX initiative was enacted in response to the Enron and WorldCom debacles, ostensibly advocating for employees to report misconduct. Prior to the Sorbanes-Oxley act, other measures were taken to protect whistleblowers, the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (which protected whistleblowers employed by the government.)

Although the Sorbanes-Oxley Act was (on the surface) created to protect whistleblowers, the implementation of the measure has been heavily criticized. While it is true that whistleblowers…...



Dworkin, T.M. (2007). SOX and whistleblowing. Michigan Law Review, 105(8), 1757-1780.

Kessler, L.L., & Yeargain, J.W. (2010). Organizational hostility toward whistleblowers. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 13(1).

Ramirez, M.K. (2007). Blowing the whistle on whistleblower protection. University of Cincinnati Law Review, 183-233.

Tsahuridu, E.E., & Vandekerckhove, W. (2008). Organisational whistleblowing. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(1), 107-118.

Corporate Governance Shell What Occurred
Pages: 6 Words: 2084

4. If Enron shareholders had been fully aware of the LJM partnership agreement, do you believe they would have been willing to continue investing in Enron?

LJM was created by Fastow allegedly to buy poorly performing Enron assets, but in reality to hide debt and inflate profits of Enron in order to leverage its stock price. It is almost certain that Enron shareholders would have ceased to continue investing in Enron had they been aware of the full significance of LJM.

LJM, in its essence, entailed that Enron was far below that which it's displayed to the public and that likely its debts were more massive and its profits far less than those claimed. Investors, obviously, would not want to invest in a poorly performing company.

Even if Enron's profits were higher and debts lower than those that the company tried to conceal, the very fact that Enron was not transparent or straight…...



Arping, H., & Sautner, B. (2010). "The Effect of Corporate Governance Regulation on Transparency: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002." Papers.ssrn.com.   Retrieved 5/11/2012http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1561619 .

Environment and Society. (2007)"Environment and Society -- Shell General Business Principles." Shell International B.V.

Fombrun, C. & Foss, C. 2004, 'Business ethics corporate response'. Corporate Reputation Review, 7, pp.284 -- 288

Healy, Paul M. & Krishna G. Palepu (Spring 2003). "The Fall of Enron" (PDF). Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (2): 15.

Whistleblowing Businesses Today Are Faced With a
Pages: 3 Words: 860

Businesses today are faced with a number of challenges, and one of the biggest is unethical or illegal practices by their employees. It is important to examine why whistleblowing should be encouraged to prevent irreparable damage to the company.

Understanding histleblowing

histleblowing is defined as "an exposure of fraud and abuse by an employee. This is a straightforward enough definition, but one involving complex issues. For the intending whistleblower, the decision to expose illegal or unethical practices within his or her organization carries it own pitfalls (Gurmeet)."


There are conflicts an employee may face such as "loyalties-personal, organizational, and social, which may be a collision more than he or she is willing to bear (Gurmeet)." The employee may also worry about retaliation from the company, and view it as "David and Goliath, where the little guy confronts the mighty company (Gurmeet)."

Risks and Moral Obligations

hile there are several avenues a whistleblower may benefit from…...


Works Cited

Dworkin, Terry Morehead. The state of state whistleblower protection. American Business Law

Journal. (2000): 22 September.

Gurmeet, Kaur and Tan Sin Jun. Whistle blowing-To tell or not to tell. Investor Digest

Malaysia). (2004): 08 January.

Role of the FDA with prescription drugs
Pages: 8 Words: 3287

Pharmacy Ethics
The author of this report has been asked to review the legal and ethical considerations in play given the test case scenario surrounding Pharmacare and Compcare. As is quickly apparent while reading the case study, the company engaged in a long and extensive list of ethical and/or legal violations as a means to maximize profit and minimize the legal and other red tape that seems to bother them even though it is there for a very good reason. The ethical issues involved will be touched upon and analyzed. There will also be an exploration and analysis of direct-to-consumer marketing of drugs, whether John is the "investor" of AD23, the arguments about John being a whistleblower and the associated protections he would have if he is and examples of intellectual property theft that have occurred in the last two years or so. While bad things do incidentally happen and crop…...

Health South Was Under Pressure
Pages: 2 Words: 692

Earnings were strong for employees as well as shareholders. Many employees owned stock or were dependent upon a rising balance sheet to ensure that they received their bonus and salary. Additionally, as at HealthSouth, there can be kind of a 'groupthink' effect, where people assume that something is 'okay' because everyone else, including powerful upper-level managers, are 'doing it.'
There are a number of laws that protect whistleblowers. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street eform and Consumer Protection Act was established to encourage individuals to report financial fraud to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). ecognizing the profound financial sacrifice many whistleblowers make, Section 922 of the Dodd-Frank Act mandates that the SEC reward individuals who provide original information that results in sanctions in excess of $1 million in civil or criminal proceedings against the offending company (Oswald & Zuckerman 2010).

In a HealthSouth-like situation, being a whistleblower is not simply a moral…...



Capitalize definition. (2010). Investopedia. Retrieved December 17, 2010 at  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capitalize.asp 

Kelley, Pat. (2010). Definition of depreciation in accounting. Retrieved December 17, 2010 at http://www.ehow.com/about_7237480_definition-depreciation-accounting.html

Oswald, R. Scott & Jason Zuckerman. (2010). Whistleblower provision of the Frank-Dodd Act.

Employment law group. Retrieved December 17, 2010 at  http://www.employmentlawgroup.net/Articles/ROswald/DoddFrankWhistleblowerProvisions.html

I want to get some essay topics for a constitution and administrative law paper?
Words: 479

Constitutional law is one of the two most important types of law for anyone in the legal field to understand.  The United States legal system is derived from a combination of a common law tradition and constitutional law.  The common law tradition helps people understand the legal norms that are not expressly outlined in the Constitution or by legislation, while the Constitution places limits and guidelines on the rights and duties that can be governed by the law.  This is true with administrative law, which specifically addresses the laws related to various government agencies.  This is especially....

Is there anything in the news related to literature review on missue of funds local government that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 323

There is currently a growing concern about the misuse of funds by local governments, which could be a potentially interesting and relevant essay subject. One example of this is the recent scandal in a small town where the local government officials were found to have misappropriated funds meant for community development projects. This could be explored in an essay focusing on the impact of corruption on local communities and the need for better accountability and transparency in government spending. Additionally, discussing potential solutions and ways to prevent such misuse of funds in the future could also be a worthwhile topic....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on embesslement in north carolina?
Words: 255

1. The prevalence of embezzlement in North Carolina: statistics and trends
2. Case studies of high profile embezzlement cases in North Carolina
3. The impact of embezzlement on businesses and individuals in North Carolina
4. The legal consequences of embezzlement in North Carolina
5. Strategies for preventing and detecting embezzlement in North Carolina businesses
6. The role of technology in preventing and detecting embezzlement in North Carolina
7. The ethical implications of embezzlement in North Carolina
8. Comparing embezzlement laws and enforcement in North Carolina to other states
9. The psychology of embezzlement: exploring the motives and mindset of embezzlers in North Carolina
10. The challenges of prosecuting and....

I need some suggestions for principles of business essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 364

Principles of Business Essay Topics

Ethics and Social Responsibility

The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation

Leadership and Management

Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....

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