Wellness Essays (Examples)

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Wellness Programs in Recent Years
Pages: 7 Words: 2020

Such an evaluation will examine factors such as program participation, specific health outcomes, and the satisfaction levels of participants (Mulvihill 2003). Once these outcomes are fully understood the appropriate actions can be taken to ensure that the benefits of the program continue and the aspects of the program that need correction are remedied (Mulvihill 2003).
Obstacles to ellness Program Participation

Although wellness programs are extremely positive, there are some obstacles attached to such programs. For instance, in some cases it is difficult to get employees to participate in such programs. The reason for the hesitancy is fear. This fear arises when employees feel that a health screening might reveal ailments such as diabetes and their jobs may be jeopardized. Basically, many employees believe that their medical information will be given to employers and been used to deny them job promotion.

To overcome this particular obstacle it is important that organizations ensure the…...


Works Cited

Carruth P.J., Carruth, a.K.(2009). Cost Accounting Implications

For Corporate Wellness Programs Journal of Business & Economics Research -- June, 2009 Volume 7, Number 6

Harding, a. (2009) Company wellness programs improve health, cut costs Retrieved September 27, 2009 from;  http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/09/01/hcif.healthy.living/index.html 

Mulvihill M. The Definition and Core Practices of WellnessJournal of Employee Assistance. Retrieved September 27, 2009 from;  http://www.awlp.org/awlp/pub/nwfm_Definition_Practices_Wellness.pdf

Wellness Programs Work
Pages: 15 Words: 3992

Wellness Program at Work
Wellness programs at work

Healthy workforce is a productive workforce (Bray & Bray, 2009). Healthy employees can give more attention to their job responsibilities, work more dedicatedly, and devote themselves whole heartedly to their organization (Duncan, 2008). On the other hand, unhealthy employees are not able to give their best at the workplace due to the negative impacts on their health caused by their unhealthy living habits and lifestyles (Cooper, 1994).

To encounter this issue, organizations arrange different types of Workplace Health Care and Wellness Program at the workplace (Healey & Walker, 2009). These wellness programs bring a significant change in the lives of employees by communicating them the benefits of a healthy life style and the negative impacts of the unhealthy habits (Cooper, 1994). They convince the unhealthy employees to adopt the healthy living habits that ultimately contribute towards an increased organizational productivity (Duncan, 2008).

These Workplace Health Care…...



Bray, I., Bray, I., M., (2009). Healthy employees, healthy business: easy, affordable ways to promote workplace wellness. U.S.: Nolo

Chenoweth, D., (2011). Worksite Health Promotion. U.S.: Human Kinetics

Cooper, P., D., (1994). Health care marketing: a foundation for managed quality. U.S.: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Donovan, P., Millman, J., (2006). Workplace Wellness Case Studies: Tactics to Promote Health and Reduce Risk. U.S.: Healthcare Intelligence Network.

Wellness Prevention Programs and Therapeutic Exercise
Pages: 3 Words: 898

Wellness/Prevention Programs and Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic exercise can not only increase overall wellness of participants, but may also prevent or reduce serious complications from disease and acute injuries. A direct link between exercise and its effects on wellness and disease prevention has been revealed through various studies related to health and physiology. Therapeutic exercise can not only help patients recover more swiftly from acute injury, but can also prevent serious illness and degeneration in otherwise normal youths and adults. Therapeutic exercise can also increase gains and outlook for patients suffering from chronic diseases, or even more importantly, contribute to disease prevention. The link between therapeutic exercise and wellness/prevention programs is explored further below.

Therapeutic exercise has been shown to directly benefit victims of acute illness and injury. A recent study of stroke patients who received a structured and progressive therapeutic exercise programs as part of their treatment protocol revealed much quicker recovery…...



Christmas, C, Andersen RA. (2000). Exercise and Older Patients: Guidelines for the Clinician. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 2000; 48:318-24

Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults. (1998). American College of Sports

Medicine. Journal Science Sports Exercise. 30:992-1008

Calfas, KJ, Long BJ, Sallis JF, Wooten WJ, Pratt M, Patrick K. (1996). A Controlled

Wellness and Health Review
Pages: 5 Words: 1453

Wellness Program
The three websites on wellness and health are quite similar in the nature of the information provided and yet differ in the approach to providing the information.

While two of the three websites provides options for breaking news regarding health and wellness, one of the websites also has scope for reacting to the news in the forms of podcasts and blogs.

The United Healthcare website has detailed news section where the viewer would be able to see the news that is related to health and fitness. The section has news releases that are important to the issues till the present month. Some of the topics that have been listed in the news section include topics like various Medicare plans and their advantages, the lower doctor visit payments for members of the project in North Carolina and other health care programs. The news section however seems to be devoid of other major…...



Hallmarkbusinessconnections.com,. 'Health And Wellness In The Workplace: Five Trends'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

Secure.livethehealthyorangelife.com,. 'Home Depot Live The Orange Life -- Healthy Living Resources'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

Uhc.com,. 'Health And Wellness -- Unitedhealthcare'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

Wellness Prevention Evaluate Existing
Pages: 3 Words: 1020

This is problematic, because it is not motivating patients enough to make changes to their lifestyle.
Describe how you would improve the wellness and prevention marketing program.

To improve the health and wellness program at the hospital requires, increasing coordination within the community. Where, you are focused on offering the public alternative lifestyle choices. One way that this can be accomplished is working with: schools, senior citizens organizations and non-profits to support a host of initiatives that will promote healthy lifestyle choices. For example, Massachusetts General could promote various events that can encourage everyone to engage in physical activity. This could be accomplished through having the hospital work with: various professional and amateur athletes to help support these programs. Where, they could sponsor a host of events (such as: walk a thons) to encourage everyone to remain active. To market this program, the hospital could have a series of public service…...



Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine. (2010). Mass General. Retrieved from::  http://www.massgeneral.org/bhi/about/staff.aspx 

Massachusetts General Hospital Nutrition and Food Services. (2008). Mass General. Retrieved from:  http://www.massgeneral.org/nutrition/assets/Dietetic_Internship_GraduateClasses_2008.pdf 

Patient and Family Advisory Councils. (2010). Mass General. Retrieved from:  http://www.massgeneral.org/patientadvisorycouncils/assets/pdf/2010_PFACreport.pdf 

Belluck, P. (2010). Obesity Rate Hits Plateau. New York Times. Retrieved from:  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/14/health/14obese.html?_r=1

Wellness Wholeness and Changing One's Life
Pages: 4 Words: 1216

Wellness Book ReviewSummaryThe key points made in Arloskis (2007) Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change are that wellness is determined by lifestyle, psychology, and principles. In order to promote wellness, a coach must be an ally of the individual and promote lifestyle changes that facilitate wellness objectives. The book covers everything from defining wellness to models of wellness to the role that preventive health plays in wellness, how to coach wellness, why a wellness coach should seek out coaching, how to implement a lifestyle improvement model, how to create a wellness map, and how health and medical coaching contribute to wellness coaching. The book covers so much ground in short order that it really does serve as a good primer on how to think about wellness coaching.Arloski explains that choice of lifestyle is what determines or affects ones heath more than anything else. Health information can provided people with details…...



Arloski, Michael. (2007). Wellness coaching for lasting lifestyle change. Whole Person Associates.

Wellness Paradigm for the Human Spirit
Pages: 2 Words: 657

wellness paradigm I created that has capabilities, process, motivation, and rewards within a pie chart, shows how the human spirit can rise from its low point of depression and unhealthiness to joy and good health. There are several stages in order to get from that miserable point A to the satisfied and optimistic point B. But first, it is important to examine what the word wellness means. Organizations and people use the word "wellness" within a disease framework. This means using promotion of wellness in order to prevent or reduce health risks and disease. However, as time have changed, wellness began to take a different form. Wellness currently takes on the shape of inspiring people to be well instead of simply following protocols to reduce or prevent disease.
The three key wellness concepts are the notion that wellness should go beyond basic prevention, in order to achieve wellness, one must…...



Miller, C. (2009). Nursing for wellness in older adults. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Thornton, L. (2013). Whole person caring. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Cultural History Background and How it Relates the Wellness Wheel
Pages: 6 Words: 2015

Culture and the ellness heel
The ways that people respond to illness and potential treatments is individual. Some people will clamor for medical attention at the slightest hint of fever or sneezes that happen at too close an interval. Others will do everything in their power to avoid seeking medical aid even when they are bleeding profusely or hallucinating because of a high level of infection. Reasons why people react the way they do to illness or injury has a lot to do with the way in which that person was raised. Those that are dealt with by hypochondriac parents will, in turn, become worried adults. Similarly, those that are raised to deal with illness at home will usually be adults with similar perspectives. In many instances, the culture in which a person was reared will have a high degree of influence on the adult that the child becomes. For example,…...


Works Cited:

Buhle, Paul (1996). The Immigrant Left in the United States. State University of New York

Press: Albany, NY.

"Family History." (2012). Personal History

Nataliya, R. (2007). Welcome to Ukraine. Retrieved from  http://www.wumag.kiev.ua/index2.php?param=pgs20033/80

Occupational Wellness for People With
Pages: 3 Words: 1394

Wellness offers a person a philosophy that supports healthy lifestyle habits that have positive effects on quality of life. The habits can be humor, philosophy, and spirituality which can replace stress with harmony, anger with peace, despair with hope, and isolation with community (Swarbrick, 2010).

People need to make decisions to the point of where they want to be in their life. It is important to understand that counseling a person to determine whether the profession they are trying to enter is right for them or not. Not every person can work in the same environment as another person, not every person has the same values as another person, and this makes us individuals and forces the need of career counseling.

Operational definition

To accomplish occupational wellness, especially for disabled people, we need to look at the factors which are present. These factors are of economic nature and have a significant impact on…...



Dorn, F.J. (1992). Occupational Wellness: The Integration of Caree Identity and Peronal Identity. Journal of Counseling & Development, 176-178.

Drake, R.E., Skinner, J.S., Bond, G.R., & Goldman, H.H. (2009). Social Security and Mental Illness: Reducing Disability with Supported Employment. Healthy Affairs, 28, 761-770.

Mendoza, E. (2009, July 23). Wellness 101: What is occupational or workplace wellness? Retrieved April 26, 2010, from Wellness 101: What is occupational or workplace wellness?:  http://www.examiner.com/x-15753-SF-Wellness-Examiner~y2009m7d23-Wellness-101-What-is-occupational-or-workplace-wellness 

NAI. (NDI). Occupational Wellness . Retrieved April 27, 2010, from Definition of Wellness: http://www.definitionofwellness.com/dimensions-of-wellness/occupational-wellness.html

Personal Wellness Philosophy My Personal
Pages: 2 Words: 425

Sugars, processed foods, among others are all foods that have a negative impact on the body's health and thus, I have learned to stay away from them. I know, through education as well as my family, that these foods can lead to potential health problems like diabetes and heart problems and even, when ingested in mass quantity can potentially lead to death.
My wellness philosophy has impacted my life personally as I try to foster a more healthy and positive attitude towards working out and staying active. I also try to eat healthier in order to maintain my positive internal and external well being. The wellness philosophy that I have implemented now will likely have a substantial positive impact over the course of my life, as it will aid me in maintaining a healthy internal and external outlook on life. The mental and physical well being of any individual is…...

Nursing Wellness Nursing Assessment After Interviewing the
Pages: 4 Words: 1270


Nursing Assessment

After interviewing the Finkelstein family, I found there were issues in the physical areas such as in Values, health perception, Nutrition, Activity/Exercise and Sleep/est with the exception of Elimination. However, the psychological areas such as Cognitive, Sensory-Perception, Self-Perception, ole elationship, Sexuality, and Coping were extremely functional among three people excluding the father. I feel that that health issues or the physical state of this family is due to a lack of focus and coming together as a family. The ages in this family range between 39 to 5 months, leaving the father at 39, the mother at 36, the son at 5, and the daughter 5 months old. Individually, they are aware of themselves but they do not pay attention to one another as a group. Among a family of four, they are close but they lack quality time together with exception of watching television. Therefore, my assessment of…...



Ackley, B.J., & Ladwig, G.B. (2008). Nursing Diagnoses handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (8th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Mosby Elsevier

Huff, C.. "A Risky Decision" (2010). Current Health eb. ProQuest Education Journals.

Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from  http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1889021,00.html

Dimensions to Wellness Professional Capstone
Pages: 4 Words: 1150

Professional Capstone: Dimensions to WellnessIntroductionFrom the onset, it should be noted that various dimensions to wellbeing have been highlighted in nursing and medical literature. Some of the said dimensions are inclusive of, but they are not limited to, the physical dimension, the mental/emotional dimension, the spiritual dimension, the social dimension, the environmental dimension, the financial dimension, and the environmental dimension. This write-up concerns itself with these dimensions to wellbeing. Amongst other things, it discusses whether the dimensions are interrelated and the perspective of the society in as far as the dimensions to wellness are concerned.DiscussionPart 1The physical dimension happens to be the most focused on dimension of wellness in the healthcare realm. According to Murray and Clendon (2010), the physical dimension relates to the bodily aspect of health (117). As the authors further point out, the physical dimension encompasses the long held viewpoint of wellness as the absence injury and…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2023). About Mental Health.  https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm 

Clendon, J. & Munns, A. (2022). Community Health and Wellness: Principles of Primary Health Care (7th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Jarai, M. (2023). How does social media affect relationships? Medical News Today.  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/social-media-and-relationships

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle for College Students
Pages: 5 Words: 1604

Review of Chapter One from Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management As the nation continues to struggle to recover from the ongoing Covid-19 virus pandemic, the concept of wellness has assumed new importance and relevance. Furthermore, until just a century or so ago, humans were far less concerned about the concept of wellness over the lifespan simply because they died much younger than most people do today. In sharp contrast, though, children born today have a reasonably good chance of living into their hundreds, assuming the current pandemic is resolved in the foreseeable future. Against this backdrop, it is important to develop a better understanding concerning the fundamental factors that contribute to human wellness. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of chapter one from Introduction to Wellness, Fitness and Lifestyle Management. Following the review, a summary of the research and key findings…...

Marketing Wellness and Fitness Non profit Organization
Pages: 1 Words: 451

Wellness and Fitness Market Wellness and fitness has become one of the big, booming businesses in the United States because of the increased focus on being healthy and well. According to Kirkman (2017), the global wellness market grew by 10.6% between 2013 and 2015 at a time when the global economy decreased by 3.6%. America is ranked as the number one market for different wellness and fitness products or services. In light of this, the new non-profit organization in the city of Portland is likely to experience increased profitability across its operations. The target market for this new non-profit organization is obese African American adolescents who account for a significant portion of Boise Eliot Elementary School population. The high population of obese adolescents provide a suitable target market for the organization to achieve its objectives of conquering obesity among adolescents in this city. When operating in this region, the new non-profit…...

Corporate Wellness Program Benefits of
Pages: 4 Words: 1728


It is recommended that Sea Island should implement a corporate wellness program in order to gain the advantages that come with the program. These include cost savings on health insurance, increased job satisfaction levels which decrease absenteeism and employee turnover and increase employee productivity. The program should be designed to be culturally sensitive and should be tailored for the workplace environment in the company in order to include all members of the organization despite their background, history or other cultural aspects that can create barriers to participation in the program.


Barton, S.S. (2002). Aspects of the Effect of Substance Use on Health, Wellness and Safety of Employees and Families in Northern emote Work Sites. Social Indicators esearch, 60(1/3), 263-274. doi: 10.2307/27527051

Bates, J. (2012). Benefits of Corporate Wellness etrieved December 12th, 2012, from http://wellnessproposals.com/wellness-articles/benefits-of-corporate-wellness/

Heinen, L., & Darling, H. (2009). Addressing Obesity in the Workplace: The ole of Employers. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(1),…...



Barton, S.S. (2002). Aspects of the Effect of Substance Use on Health, Wellness and Safety of Employees and Families in Northern Remote Work Sites. Social Indicators Research, 60(1/3), 263-274. doi: 10.2307/27527051

Bates, J. (2012). Benefits of Corporate Wellness Retrieved December 12th, 2012, from  http://wellnessproposals.com/wellness-articles/benefits-of-corporate-wellness/ 

Heinen, L., & Darling, H. (2009). Addressing Obesity in the Workplace: The Role of Employers. The Milbank Quarterly, 87(1), 101-122. doi: 10.2307/25474361

Moxley, L.S. (1990). The Development and Impact of an Experimental Student Affairs Employee Wellness Program. Research in Higher Education, 31(2), 211-233. doi: 10.2307/40195940

I have to write a topic sentence on yoga to support my thesis statement on yoga?
Words: 344

Yoga is said to have a number of benefits.  Whether a person is approaching it as a form of exercise, a type of meditation, or a combination of the two, yoga has documented health benefits in a wide range of applications from cancer to mental health.  We have compiled some sample topic sentences for your thesis:

  1. Yoga can contribute to better heart health by helping reduce stress, reducing inflammation, providing exercise, and leading to potential weight loss.
  2. One of the surprising uses for yoga is in substance abuse recovery, but it combines the exercise needed for stress....

I need help with a peer reviewed Annotated Bibliography for Maslow hierarchy of needs?
Words: 388

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that people have different levels of needs. They cannot focus on higher needs until their lower needs are met. This hierarchy has applications in many areas of life, so you can find a ton of articles on the theory.

In Maslow’s theory, needs ascend in the following order

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety needs
  • Love and social belonging needs
  • Esteem needs
  • Cognitive needs
  • Aesthetic needs
  • Self-actualization (added later in expanded needs)
  • Transcendence (added later in expanded needs)

Until a person has met their lower needs they do not have the resources to focus on meeting higher needs.

Some sources you could....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on perseverance. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 252

1. The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

2. Never Give Up: The Importance of Perseverance in Reaching Goals

3. Perseverance: A Key Trait for Personal Growth and Development

4. The Role of Perseverance in Resilience and Mental Toughness

5. Perseverance: The Secret to Overcoming Obstacles and Adversity

6. Perseverance in the Face of Failure: Learning from Setbacks and Moving Forward

7. The Connection Between Perseverance and Achieving Long-Term Success

8. Cultivating Perseverance: Strategies for Building Resilience and Persistence

9. Perseverance as a Driving Force for Motivation and Determination

10. The Benefits of Perseverance: How Persistence Leads to Accomplishment and Fulfillment
11. The Role of Perseverance in Overcoming....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on integrative massage therapy?
Words: 177

1. "The Healing Power of Integrative Massage Therapy"
2. "A Holistic Approach to Wellness: Exploring Integrative Massage Therapy"
3. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Mind and Body"
4. "The Importance of Integration in Massage Therapy"
5. "Exploring the Benefits of Integrative Massage Therapy"
6. "Enhancing Wellbeing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
7. "The Role of Integrative Massage Therapy in Health and Healing"
8. "Integrative Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness"
9. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Balancing the Mind, Body, and Spirit"
10. "Empowering Healing Through Integrative Massage Therapy"
11. "Harmonizing Health: The Impact of Integrative Massage Therapy"
12. "Integrative Massage Therapy: Nurturing the Whole Self"
13. "The Art of Healing: Exploring....

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