Welfare is postulated as a privilege, but to many in the know, they urge that the term is a misnomer and, far from it being a privilege, it cripples the recipient.
The definition of welfare is actually too vast and ill-rounded for it to be pinned down. It is sometimes termed 'social solidarity' (The National eview, 2005) and the best definition we can give it is that the government or non-government entities, or a combination of the two, provides certain 'privileges' or distribution of goods to the less privileged members of society in order to accord them, at least, the fundamentals of living. These goods (such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, health services or housing) come with certain provisos, such as means testing or other conditions, and the category of people who receive it are very sharply and critically delineated. The system, too, is intended to be only for a…...
Gilens, Martin (1996). Race and Poverty in America: Public Misperceptions and the American News Media. Public Opinion Quarterly 60, no. 4, p. 516
Hallerod, B. & Larsson, D. (2008) Poverty, welfare problems and social exclusion International Journal of Social Welfare, 17, 15-25
The National Review. ( 2009-02-12). Ending Welfare Reform as We Knew It." http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=NTY3NzZhNDBkNjU5MjAzZTE4YmQ4MmU5MTk2YTIxNTQ=n.
Schram, Sanford F (2005). Contextualizing Racial Disparities in American Welfare Reform: Toward a New Poverty Research. Perspectives on Politics 3, no. 2, pp. 253-268.
S. can face in terms of bankruptcy and poverty if the overall gap in the knowledge of the masses regarding social security is not filled. The sudden rise shown in the chart from the analysis done in 2004 is not an estimate that the government or voluntary organizations want to counter especially with the global financial crises that is currently weakening economic structures in the U.S. As well as the world. Many members of the government and the voluntary organizations setup for the provision of welfare benefits agree that the poverty and bankruptcy levels will likely get worse then the predicted measures if the measures to control them and the measures to spread awareness on the social security aspect are not set in place immediately.
Minimum wages and welfare:
In my opinion, one of the basic things that made a huge difference at Staten Island under one of the welfare provision structures…...
Abramovitz, M. (2002) In Jeopardy: The Impact of Welfare Reform on Nonprofit Human Service Agencies in New York City. New York: Task Force on Welfare Reform, New York City Chapter, National Association of Social Workers, United Way of New York City.
Alexander, J., Nank, R., & Stivers, C. (1999) Implications of Welfare Reform: Do
Nonprofit Survival Strategies Threaten Civil Society? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
Quarterly, 28(4): 452-475.
Welfare State
Over the past century, the welfare state in the United States has developed into a way of life as more and more people have become dependent upon it, both as consumers and producers of its services. As a result, we live in a large, expensive system of bureaucratic service delivery that consumes a good deal of the wealth created by Americans annually.
As the welfare system has increased in size, it has become increasingly difficult to scale back. In addition, many people have a vested interest in maintaining and expanding it. However, many argue that the need for a welfare state is decreasing and that the welfare state has outlived its usefulness.
asically, the welfare system does two things. For one, it provides many universal services, such as education, health care and retirement pensions. Secondly, it provides mean-tested payments that support those with little or no income. Unemployment, sickness, domestic purposes…...
Richman, Sheldon. (2001). Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State. The Future of Freedom Foundation.
Gentchev, Nicholas. (January 8, 2001). The birth of the welfare state. Newsday.
Paul, Ron. (February 13, 2003). Oppose the Federal Welfare State. Retrieved from the Internet at http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul80.html .
In our research, we find that there is something of a convergence of both philosophical ethicality and practical economy that emphasizes the value of the Neo-Classical approach. This may be said to draw its perspective from the utilitarian school of philosophical thought. According to the text by Albert & Hahnel, "by utilitarianism is here meant the ethical theory that the conduct which, under any given circumstances, is objectively right, is that which will produce the greatest amount of happiness of the whole; that is, taking into account all whose happiness is affected by the conduct." (Albert & Hahnel, 1)
This seems to espouse a view of social welfare which states that the degree to which the poorest amongst a nation's citizens are pulled up to the standards established by the rest of society is the degree to which the society itself can be said to have achieved a certain economic health…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Albert, M. & Hahnel, R. (?). Traditional Welfare Theory. A Quiet Revolution in Welfare Economics.
Besley, T. (2002). Welfare Economics and Public Choice. London School of Economics and Political Science.
EEA. (1994). Definition of Welfare Economics. .
WAU. (?). Neo-Paretian Welfare Economics: Misconceptions and Abuse. .
ather than providing welfare recipients a "hand-out" in the form of perpetual financial and other social services support, some observers suggest that a "hand-up" is more appropriate. In this regard, one approach that has proven highly effective in both reducing the prevalence of unwed teen mothers and helping these individuals -- and others -- get off welfare and stand on their own two feet is the WorkFirst program used in the State of Washington. The WorkFirst welfare reform program is intended to help welfare recipients find employment, gain advancement once they secure work, and ultimately become self-reliant and free of the need for continuing government assistance. Participants in the WorkFirst initiative are provided with broad-based assistance, including transportation, child care assistance, training in basic skills as well as vocational training; moreover, participants also receive food, clothing, and healthcare while they are active in the program. One of the fundamental goals…...
Davis, Kathy, "Breaking the Cycle: Welfare Dependency and Family Planning," Policy & Practice of Public Human Services 60(4): 16-17.
Harris, Kathleen Mullan. Teen Mothers and the Revolving Welfare Door (Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 1999).
O'Connor, Brendon, "The Intellectual Origins of 'Welfare Dependency," Australian Journal of Social Issues 36(3): 221-222.
elfare System Changes: Early Outcomes
The issue of welfare reform was the catch phrase, hot button topic for the majority of the two preceding decades in the United States. The questions that regional, state and federal government officials raised about the existing system and its exponential growth quickly developed from a snowball to an avalanche. The main concern expressed by the rhetoric was the alarming growth of the allocations being allotted to social service programs. The resulting rhetoric reflected through a prism that molded it into the idea that welfare had the wrong general purpose and needed to become less a way of life, as some people have seen it and more a transitional step toward self- sufficiency. Though the program's names have changed and many issues, both real and perceptual have been addressed by reform real changes have not been realized and the current economic downturn will prove just that.
mlaWorks Cited
Bernstein, Jared. "Chapter 4 Welfare Reform and the Low Wage Labor Market: Employment,
Wages, and Wage Policies" in Hansan, John E., and Robert Morris, eds. Welfare Reform, 1996-2000: Is There a Safety Net?. Westport, CT: Auburn House, 1999.
Cammisa, Anne Marie. From Rhetoric to Reform?: Welfare Policy in American Politics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998.
Hansan, John E., and Robert Morris, eds. Welfare Reform, 1996-2000: Is There a Safety Net?. Westport, CT: Auburn House, 1999.
The American welfare state is best viewed through the lens of a liberal point-of-view. In fact, the American welfare state can only be viewed through the liberal lens, because a conservative lens tends to disavow the efficacy of social welfare programs. In the United States, conservative views discount the role of government whereas liberal points-of-view champion the ability of government to create a better society via collective quality of life improvements.
The American welfare state has not been as strong as it could be, partly because it is not rooted in strong traditions. Social welfare programs such as those that began during the New Deal have become somewhat entrenched, but there have been many instances in which the United States proves itself ambivalent toward social welfare programs. The American ideology and mythos is built on the myth of meritocracy, which is part of the problem.
Three economic schools of thought include There…...
As for the "right" amount of social welfare system, it is difficult to judge. One key question becomes how much is a population willing to be taxed in order to fund the social safety net? In general, it seems that the Japanese model is more sustainable in that it combines taxes, governmental funding, and business contribution to find a funding balance that provides comprehensive care to the population while not reaching the egregious tax burdens of many European countries.
Blau, J. And M. Abramovitz. (2004). The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy. Oxford: Oxford
Democratic Deficit and the European Union - Comparing the institutions and political systems of Europe to other modern democracies one finds that they do not always appear particularly democratic and they often do not share a clear locus of political power or control. This phrase has particular meaning when discussing the European Union, which is unique in terms of…...
mlaReferences -- Text (Chapter 17) and "Voter Turnout in European Election Lower than Ever," (January 29, 2010). EurActiv.Com. Cited in: http://www.euractiv.com/en/elections/voter-turnout-european-election-lower/article-117868 .
Government subsidies significantly offset childcare costs, thereby helping a family's net income to rise, as happened in Colorado where the income of single mothers on TANF rose by 54% on average due to not having any childcare costs. In terms of health benefits TANF allows its recipients to continue being eligible for Medicaid even after becoming employed so they do not have to be concerned about health care costs.
The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) began in April 1994 and was continued until being modified by TANF in January 1998. Gennetian, Miller, and Smith (July 2005) conducted a six-year research study into the impact that MFIP had upon families, including those headed by single parents. Through their work they found that the employment, earnings, welfare receipt, and income of single-parent families increased under MFIP up through the study's fourth year, after which these economic outcomes faded over time. The study…...
Acs, G., Coe, NB, Watson, K, & Lerman, RI. "Does work pay? An analysis of the work incentives under TANF." Retrieved April 2, 2007 from Urban Institute Website: http://www.urban.org/publications/308033.html
Gennetian, LA, Miller, C, & Smith, J. "Turning welfare into a work support: six-year impacts on parents and children from the Minnesota Family Investment Program." Retrieved April 2, 2007 from the MDRC Website: http://www.mdrc.org/publications/411/execsum.html
Welfare History
Chapter 7 List the Specific eforms that oosevelt Obtained in 1935-36.
Franklin oosevelt's New Deal took a 'Left turn' in the Second New Deal of 1935-36 after the Supreme Court had ruled several important First New Deal programs unconstitutional, particularly the National ecovery Act and Agricultural Adjustment Act. With the Social Security Act of 1935, FD created the basis for a federal welfare state that provided old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to the disabled and impoverished children. Its benefits were modest and limited at first, and Southern Senators had insisted on the exclusion of agricultural and domestic workers, who were mostly black. In addition, it was funded by regressive payroll taxes rather than general revenue, partially because FD wished to conceal its true nature as an entitlement (Jannsson, 2008, pp. 237-38). Almost as important as this New Deal centerpiece was the Wagner Act or National Labor elations Act,…...
Jannsson, D.S. (2008). The Reluctant Welfare State: Engaging History to Advance Social Work, 6th Edition. Cengage Learning.
What's more, 'poverty is most common among female-headed families' (Dye, 96). Conversely, families with two parents have a greater chance of avoiding poverty altogether. Blacks and Hispanics find themselves in poverty more so than Whites. Poverty many times is a temporary condition. In other words, when a person or family falls below the poverty line, they tend to rise above it at some point in the future. Considering the abovementioned groups, it is reasonable to say that young minorities who come from single-mother homes comprise the majority of those in transitory poverty.
Attempts to reform welfare are inherently limited as some portions of it are, as previously stated, bound for the middle class. Take, for example, Social Security. It 'is such a politically volatile topic that presidents have resorted to independent and nonpartisan commissions to recommend reform, rather than undertake to initiate reforms themselves' (Dye, 105). The programs that benefit…...
Dye, T. (2004). Understanding Public Policy, 11th edition. Prentice Hall.
Economic Statistics Briefing Room (2005). Income. From www.whitehouse.gov/.
Federal Register (2005). Poverty Guideline. Federal Register (70, 33).
Frazer, N. (1994). Reinventing the Welfare State. Boston Review.
It is at this point when new ideas will be studied and analyzed as part of the process. This will ensure that a variety of perspectives are taken into account by government officials. (Bardach, 2000)
In the case of the PRWORA, this process means looking at the impact of these changes on recipients. Over the last several years, many officials are realizing that more people need the help of these programs to deal with the lingering challenges from the stagnant recovery. This has resulted in some of the provisions receiving greater amounts of scrutiny (i.e. The TANF). (Lichter, 2002)
As a result, actuaries are examining the lasting impact of these changes by reducing the number of people who are a part of the programs. While at the same time, it is concentrating on how these shifts are hurting those that are most vulnerable in society. Evidence of this can be seen…...
mlaSchmidt, S. (2000). Welfare Reform. NBER. Retrieved from: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c10850.pdf
Theodore, N. (2001). Welfare Reform. Urban Geography, 22 (5), 490 -- 492.
Zubri, D. (2006). Differences that Matter. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
A 1990's report that a New York-based firm, Manpower Demonstration esearch Corporation, filed states, "is the first carefully controlled research on the effect of time limits, which represent a radical departure from welfare policies of the past six decades and were among the most bitterly disputed provisions when Congress rewrote the nation's welfare laws" (Vobejda, 1998). This is referring to the Florida study that is in the earlier section of this paper.
Studies show that when faced with limitations on assistance they are more active in pursuing other options or in this case, employment or school. Vobejda concludes that studies like the Florida study referred to as the Family Transition Program, promoted the idea of allowing families to retain the welfare payments and receive a majority of their work training earnings. Of the 929 families tracked by the program that were set to lose their benefits by June of 1997,…...
Francis, D. "Effects of Welfare Time Limits." National Bureau of Economic Research. 2010. Retrieved on May 7, 2010 from http://www.nber.org/digest/jul01/w8153.html
Vobejda, B. "Cut Off Welfare by Time Limits, Most Found Jobs, Fla. Study Finds." The Washington Post. Washington Post Newsweek Interactive Co. 1998. HighBeam Research. 7 May. 2010 .
"WELFARE REVOLUTION IS HAVING an IMPACT TIME LIMITS and WORK REQUIREMENTS CAUSING WELFARE ROLLS to DECLINE.(News/National/International)." Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO). Thomson Scientific, Inc. 1996. HighBeam Research. 7 May. 2010 .
Consistent with this, other findings propose that women are more likely than men to take part in violence in the home whereas men are more likely than women to take part in violence in public places.
Even though there is some evidence that mental illness is associated with violence, it appears that the bigger contributing factor is that of outside influences. Substance abuse appears to be the greatest contributing factor, but it can be something as insignificant as one's living arrangements or even just their gender. Overall people with mental health problems do not appear to be at an increased risk of violence.
Appelbaum, P.S., Robbins, P.C., Monahan, J. (2000). Violence and delusions: data from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 157,
p. 566-572.
Cottle, C. (2004). The role of social context in the prediction and management of violence among persons with mental illness. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64.
Fulwiler, C.,…...
The expansion of the article then proceeds to logically and statistically provide strength to the authors' arguments.
The authors minimize the probability of bias by carefully considering both the historical and current opposition views: 1) That the welfare reform legislation would result in disaster in terms of poverty and hunger; and 2) that any results to the contrary is connected to the financial stability of the country rather than directly to the reform program.
The authors, however, disprove both of these opposition views by means of historical and statistical fact. Their views are strengthened by the use of legitimate and highly respected sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau and USDA Economic Research Service. They use data from these and other entities to prove irrefutably that no historical period of financial stability can be compared to the results…...
According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, the obligation for confidentiality is not an absolute one. There are legal regulations that limit a patient's right to privacy, as well as regulations that protect that right. The two main exceptions where you could break confidentiality are: (1) Concern for a specific, identified person other than the patient (this could be a spouse or child, or it could be a person unrelated to the patient in any way). (2) Concern for the welfare of the general public (this is usually seen if the patient is found to have a highly infectious or....
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If you have gathered all of your information and facts and organized the rest of your essay, but are wondering how to actually begin the essay, what you are looking for is a powerful hook. A....
Most of our example essays dealing on immigration and the economy focus on the United States, so we cannot point you towards a handy on-point example essay that will outline the format and give you a good idea of the type of content you should have. However, we can still give you a great starting point for an essay about the interaction of immigration and the economy in the UK. In your essay, you could look at several different factors that impact the economy. These factors include the number of available workers,....
There is a definite link between work, poverty, and welfare. While people may think of poverty as a problem for people who are unemployed, the reality is that most adults who live in poverty are employed. In fact, approximately 40% of homeless adults are actually employed. Therefore, solving the problem of poverty is not just about finding employment for people who live in poverty, but will require widespread social change about challenging taxpayers subsidizing employers that pay their employees less than a living wage.
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