Waste Management Essays Examples

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Waste Management Strategic Analysis
Pages: 33 Words: 9268

Waste Management: A Strategic Case Analysis
Company History

External Analysis

General Environmental Analysis

Demographic Segment

Economic Segment

Political/Legal Segment

Socio-Cultural Segment

Technological Segment

103.1.6 Global Segment

103.1.7 Summary of General Environmental Analysis

113.1.8 Driving Forces

123.2 Industry Analysis

123.2.1 Description of the Industry

123.2.2 Industry Dominant Economic Features

133.2.3 Market Size

133.2.4 Market Growth ate

143.2.5 Industry Trends

153.2.6 Five Forces Analysis

173.2.7 Industry Key Success Factors

184.0 Internal Analysis

184.1 Organizational Analysis

194.1.1 Corporate Mission

194.1.2 Products and Services

194.1.3 Leadership

204.1.4 Organizational Culture


204.1.6 Strategy

214.1.7 Summary of Organizational Analysis

214.2 Analysis of Firm esources

214.2.1 Tangible esources

224.2.2 Intangible esources

234.2.3 Summary of Firm's esources

234.3 Capabilities

244.3.1 Value Chain Analysis

254.3.2 Core Competencies and Sustainable Advantages

254.3.3 Summary of Firm's Capabilities

264.4 Financial Analysis

264.4.1 Valuation Analysis

264.4.2 Growth Analysis

274.4.3 Profitability Analysis

274.4.4 Financial Strength Analysis

284.4.5 Management Efficiency Analysis

284.4.6 Summary of Financial Analysis

295.0 Strategic Issues Analysis

295.1 Critical Challenges

305.2 esources and Capabilities

315.3 Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

325.4 Opportunities or Threats Analysis

346.0 eferences

List of Figures

Figure 3-1: United States Population Growth, 1900-2010 5

Figure 3-2: U.S. esident Population by State 6

Figure 3-3. United States GDP Growth 7

Figure 3-4: Waste Management…...



Armstrong. M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice (10th ed.). London: Kogan Page.

EPA. (2014). Environmental Protection Agency.  http://www.epa.gov 

Porter, M.E. (2008) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1): 78 -- 93.

Waste Management. (2014).  http://www.wm.com

Waste Management as a Result
Pages: 9 Words: 2727

Post-closure care includes ground water and gas monitoring, leachate collection and treatment, gas recovery and management, and final cover maintenance (Lee, at 35-39).
The financial assurance provisions provides a public policy to assure proper funding when a landfill is developed, so that routine maintenance and any necessary remediation work can continue for at least 30 years, even if the owner or operator is no longer in business or financially solvent at that time. Other issues to be incorporated into the financial assurance aspects of RCRA for MSW landfills include the length of time post-closure care must be provided, the magnitude of funding needed for future long-term care, appropriate financial assurance instruments, and mechanisms to ensure that funds will be available exclusively for post-closure care and remediation of contaminated ground water.

However, research indicates that there is a misconception that such stricter construction requirements, siting limitations, and monitoring requirements will eliminate the…...



Bovard, James. "Some Waste Cleanup Rules are a waste of Resources." The Wall Street

Journal Feb.1989, A14:3.

Correll, J. "Landfill Closure in the '90s." Solid Waste & Power. March/April (1992).

Lee, G.F. And Jones-Lee, a. "Landfill Post-Closure Care: Can Owners Guarantee the Money Will Be There?" Solid Waste & Power. 7 (1993): 35-39.

Waste Management 1 Generate a
Pages: 5 Words: 1775


Eriksson, O, Carlsson Reich, M, Frostell, , jorklund, a, Assefa, G, Sundqvist, JO & Thyselius, L. 2005, Municipal solid waste management from a systems perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 241-252.

Hanson, S, Nicholls, R, Ranger, N, Hallegatte, S, Corfee-Morlot, J, Herweijer, C & Chateau, J2011, a global ranking of port cities with high exposure to climate extremes, Climatic Change, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 89-111.

Jordan, G, & Szucs, a 2011, Geochemical landscape analysis: Development and application to the risk assessment of acid mine drainage, a case study in Central Sweden, Landscape research, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 231-261.

McKnight, U.S., Funder, SG, Rasmussen, JJ, Finkel, M, inning, PJ & jerg,

PL2010, an integrated model for assessing the risk of TCE groundwater contamination to human receptors and surface water ecosystems, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 1126-1137.

Meadows, M, & Watmough, SA2012, an Assessment of Long-term Risks of Metals…...



Eriksson, O, Carlsson Reich, M, Frostell, B, Bjorklund, a, Assefa, G, Sundqvist, JO & Thyselius, L. 2005, Municipal solid waste management from a systems perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 241-252.

Hanson, S, Nicholls, R, Ranger, N, Hallegatte, S, Corfee-Morlot, J, Herweijer, C & Chateau, J2011, a global ranking of port cities with high exposure to climate extremes, Climatic Change, Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 89-111.

Jordan, G, & Szucs, a 2011, Geochemical landscape analysis: Development and application to the risk assessment of acid mine drainage, a case study in Central Sweden, Landscape research, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 231-261.

McKnight, U.S., Funder, SG, Rasmussen, JJ, Finkel, M, Binning, PJ & Bjerg,

Waste Management Ghiban A &
Pages: 2 Words: 560

The three types of glass ceramics were then analyzed for structural integrity and thus, viability for use in industry. Methods of analysis include optic and SEM, which help determine qualities like glassiness. Results showed that larger amounts of CaO in the vitrification process changed the termperature at which crystallization takes place. By increasing the CaO amount in the glass ceramics, a higher cooling temperature during the crystallization process is needed. This may have cost implications for the manufacture of the glass ceramics.

Although the results demonstrate the specific differences between different glass ceramic compositions in terms of dendritic crystal shape and the temperature needed to achieve crystallization, the authors do not make any specific suggestions for industry. The research design itself is not flawed, although it would be preferable to perform future research on different types of industrial waste to find out which materials are conducive to sustainable and cost-effective recycling.…...

Waste Management -- Undercover Boss
Pages: 2 Words: 457

Job Analysis / Job Description Due eek 4 worth 100 points Go YouTube, located http://www.youtube./, search episode "UnderCover Boss." Imagine CEO company selected episode.
aste Management -- Undercover Boss

Episode 1 in the First Season of "Undercover Boss," "aste Management," relates to Larry O'Donnell, the director of aste Management, as he goes undercover as an entry level recycling plant operator. This makes possible for him to gain a better understanding of the company's activities and thus prepares him to devise a plan that would restructure parts of the business. Jobs like sorting recyclables from a conveyer belt and recycling site manager are brought into light emphasizing the contrast between them.

hile having to sort recyclable materials on a conveyer belt might seem like a menial and undemanding job, the show gradually provides more info on the activity. Viewers are provided with a better understanding of the job and of the pressure coming along…...


Works cited:

Dohrn, R. "How to Be a Manager Without Being a Jerk," (Lulu.com, 2010)

Leary-Joyce, J. "Inspirational Manager: How to Build Relationships that Deliver Results," (Pearson Education, 2007)

Robbins, S.P. "Organizational Behavior 15th Edition," (Prentice Hall, 16 Jan 2012)

Waste Management Environment and Human Health
Pages: 3 Words: 1061

Part 1: Documentary “Food. Inc.”
Food. Inc. is an American documentary that shows what it takes the food we eat to be on our tables. It explores the processes through which our food comes from the plants or animals to our plates. The message conveyed in the movie is quite alarming since the food labels and charts shown on the product descriptions do not appear as shocking as the processes through which they come to the sale display shelves. The consumers are unaware of the procedures and food industry practices that the food has been gone through as the company owners have modified ways scientifically rather than keeping them organic and close to nature (Shanbaum, 2016).

The film provides evidence in different categories, such as the industrial production of meat portrayed as inhumane for the animals and human consumption, environmentally unsustainable, and economically difficult in its management. The industrial production of grains,…...



Shanbaum, E. (2016, August 30). Ethics on Film: Discussion of “Food.Inc.” Carnegie Council.  

Thompson, K. (2016, September 19). Food Inc. - A summary. Revise Sociology.  https://revisesociology.com/2016/09/19/food-inc-a-summary/ 


Waste Management Recycling Plastics
Pages: 3 Words: 902

Recycling Plastic Good Stewardship or Bad Business?
There are quite a number of arguments that could be advanced on why recycling plastic is good stewardship. It is important to note, from the onset, that much of the solid waste municipalities handle comprises of metal, plastic, glass, and paper. In that regard, therefore, the relevance of having in place an efficient system of solid waste management cannot be overstated. In addition to feeding a green economy, recycling plastic also helps in energy and resource conservation and helps divert waste from landfill. Recycling also does make great economic sense. For instance, it is much cheaper to manufacture items using materials that are recycled. Recycling also helps in bringing down waste disposal costs. Costs in this case include, but they are not limited to, landfill costs which could run into hundreds of millions.

e cannot do away with plastics. This is more so the…...


Works Cited

Anderson, Curt L. Economics and the Environment. New York, NY: Council on Economic Education, 1996. Print.

Greening Earth Society. "Recycle Plastic Bottles and Help the Environment." Greening Earth Society, 2011. Web. 29 March 2014.

Kneiss, Sharon. 2008. "Argument for Recycling is Strong." MSW Management, 31 October 2008. Web. 29 March 2014.

Industry Report Waste Management
Pages: 20 Words: 5402

Waste & Environment Management
SPELT Analysis

Market Segmentation

Major Competitors & Market Share

Porter's 5 Forces


Strategic ecommendations

The waste management industry is segmented in terms of customer -- both the payer and the type of waste are means by which the industry is segmented. While the demand conditions are relatively stable, the political and social environments are both important because they are driving trends in waste treatment, in the sorting and separating of waste and in waste re-use.

The waste management industry is diffuse, with thousands of players, most of them small and regional. Municipalities still account for 23% of the industry, managing their own waste. This creates significant opportunity in privatization. There are otherwise two major players, WMI and epublic, and after than the companies are either small or niche market specialists (medical waste, for example). The industry is highly regulated so companies with specialized competency are somewhat insulated from competition by their knowledge and…...



Business Wire. (2014). Waste Management announces fourth quarter and full year 2013 results. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved June 4, 2014 from  http://online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20140218-905642.html 

Capel, C. (2014). Innovations in waste. Waste Management World. Retrieved June 3, 2014 from  http://www.waste-management-world.com/articles/print/volume-11/issue-2/features/innovations-in-waste.html 

EBI. (2012). U.S. Solid Waste Industry Reaches $55 Billion in Revenues - Innovative conversion technologies poised to shake up the industry. EBI Online. Retrieved June 3, 2014 from  http://ebionline.org/updates/1244-us-solid-waste-industry-reaches-55-billion-in-revenues-innovative-conversion-technologies-poised-to-shake-up-the-industry 

IBIS World. (2014). Waste treatment and disposal services in the U.S.: Market research report. IBIS World Retrieved June 3, 2014 from  http://www.ibisworld.com/industry/default.aspx?indid=1506

Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management
Pages: 2 Words: 644

Solid Waste Management
A community needs assessment is a relatively straightforward procedure that begins with pre-planning, planning, and organization. The most difficult aspect of the needs assessment is communication. The needs assessment depends on communicating with various organizations, and could entail dealing with bureaucratic barriers. It may be necessary to establish partnerships with organizations that can assist the needs assessment, such as grassroots groups, NGOs, and universities (Sharma, Lanum & Suarez-Balcazar, 2000). Thus, it is important to identify relevant stakeholders during the early phases of the needs assessment. Any existing infrastructure, institutions, and organizations can be assessed and discussed in meetings with the primary stakeholders. During the needs assessment, an evaluation of organizational cultures as well as social and cultural values and norms is also helpful. esearch on best practices related to the target community can also help develop the most effective needs assessment. Finally, it is crucial to identify the…...



EPA (2012). Municipal solid waste. Retrieved online:  

How Waste Management Inc Has Succeeded Where Others Have Failed
Pages: 34 Words: 8532

External Analysis
General Environmental Analysis

Demographic Segment

Economic Segment

Political/Legal Segment

Socio-Cultural Segment

Technological Segment

Global Segment

Summary of General Environment Analysis

Driving Forces

Industry Analysis

Description of the Industry

Industry Dominant Economic Features

Market Size

Market Growth ate

Industry Trends

Five Forces Analysis

Threat of New Entrants

Power of Suppliers

Power of Buyers

Power of Suppliers

Intensity of rivalry

Industry Competitors

ivals Anticipated Strategic Moves

Summary of Five Forces Analysis

Industry Key Success Factors

Internal Analysis

Organizational Analysis

Corporate Mission

Products and Services


Organizational Culture



Summary of Organizational Analysis

Analysis of Firm esources

Tangible esources

Intangible esources

Summary of Firm's esources

4.3. Capabilities

Value Chain Analysis

4.3.2. Core Competencies and Sustainable Advantages

4.3.3. Summary of Firm's capabilities

4.4. Financial Analysis

4.4.1. Valuation Analysis

4.4.2. Growth Analysis

4.4.3. Profitability Analysis

4.4.4. Financial Strength Analysis

4.4.5 Management Efficiency Analysis

4.4.6. Summary of Financial Analysis

5.0. Strategic Issues Analysis

5.1. Critical Challenges...

5.2. esources and Capabilities...

5.3. Strengths or Weaknesses Analysis...

5.4. Opportunities or Threats Analysis

6.0 Current Strategic Issues Facing Waste Management, Inc.

7.0 Two Major Challenges Facing Waste Management, Inc. And Corresponding Internal Capabilities



Executive Summary

Houston-based Waste Management, Inc. is the largest waste management service in the…...



Alter, H. (2009, Summer). Cost of recycling municipal solid waste with and without a concurrent beverage container deposit law. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27(1) 166-

Bloom, T. (2004, May). HOD landfill designated ready for reuse. Public Management, 86(4), 38.

Bullard, R.D. (2003, January/February). Environmental justice for all. The New Crisis, 110(1),


Government Waste Management Waste Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2777

The role of municipalities, especially city managers, in the expansion of the cities and towns is very crucial and important in today's framework when urbanization is moving at a very rapid pace. The city managers in spite of their efforts are often incapable to perform better in terms of financial administration and efficient delivery of urban services. Consequently, the need of the hour is to strengthen and reengineer the urban local bodies which will perform better in terms of maximizing revenue generation and at the same time deliver the services in a better and efficient way. The only alternative which could bring such results can mainly be achieved through the introduction of innovative practices which openly targets these two issues, which mainly revolve around maximization of proceeds and better serviceability (Ogra, n.d.).

There is an assortment of core areas where city managers are involved for providing their services for the betterment…...



Barlaz, Morton, Cekander, Gregory C. And Vasuki, N.C. (2003). Integrated Solid Waste

Management in the United States. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 129(7), p.583.

Down in the dumps. (2009). Economist. 390(8620), special section p.5-9.

National 3R Strategy for Waste Management. (2009). Retreived July 26, 2010, from Web site:

Electronic Waste Management Through Reverse Logistics
Pages: 2 Words: 803

everse Logistics Operations
In the recent years, electronic waste (e-waste) has grown as a rapidly growing challenge affecting the environment. Most of the electronic components contain toxic substances that negatively affect the environment. The toxic substances pose detrimental health threats to the world population. In January 2009, the state of New Jersey signed into law e-waste legislation. The growing e-waste within the New Jersey communities contributed to close to 2% of the municipal solid stream waste. The fundamental aspect emanated from the groundwater contamination from toxic metal substances such as cadmium, mercury and lead (Lawson, u.d., p.2). Most of the manufacturers also shipped e-waste to less developed countries. E-waste is comprised of broken or obsolete electronic equipment. Shipping of the e-waste to these countries creates serious global health concerns.

It occurred as a more economical mode of e-waste disposal for these manufacturers in the less developed countries. The 'easier' mode of…...



Daugherty, P.J., et al. (2005). Reverse Logistics: Superior Performance through Focused Resource Commitments to Information Technology. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Volume 41, Issue 2, March 2005, Pages 77 -- 92

Kanellos, M. (2012, March 15). A New Player In Oil: The Garbage Dump. Forbes. Retrieved July 13, 2013, from  http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelkanellos/2012/03/15/a-new-player-in-oil-the-garbage-dump/2/ 

Lawson, D. (n.d.). New Jersey's electronic waste recycling program. Retrieved July 13, 2013, from  http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dshw/ewaste/ewastepowerpoint.ppt 

Mario T., Manfredi B. & Salvatore C. (2013). The impact of Reverse Logistics on Supply Chain Performance. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 43 Iss: 7, pp.564 -- 585

US Local Government Service
Pages: 2 Words: 691

Introduction The City of Myrtle Beach is both a residential and vacation community in South Carolina. The city has over 30,000 permanent residents and millions of visitors attracted by the warm weather, the wide beaches, and entertainment services available in the city. The city is under a local government with over 900 staff members who work to deliver the various services under the jurisdiction of the local government. Among these services is solid waste management and recycling (City Of Myrtle Beach, n.d). This service is under the solid waste division which falls under the public works department of the local government of Myrtle Beach. This paper seeks to present a family of indicators that could be used to determine its success.
Overview of the system
All form of household waste, yard waste, and bulky junk are collected by the Solid waste division staff on a weekly basis, on a services day for the…...



City Of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, (N.D.). Solid Waste Division. Retrieved from on 11 October 2018

Lindblom, C.E. (1959). “The science of “muddling” through,” Public Administration Review, 19(2): 79-88.

Visvanathan, C. (2012). “Waste Management Indicators-Priority and Challenges” Asia Resource Circulation Policy Research Workshop 12-14 December 2012 Bangkok. Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.


The Components and Importance of Solid Waste Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

People and Waste: Challenges and SolutionsToday, the country is awash in a sea of waste, and the only things standing between an uncontrollable deluge of waste in the future are effective municipal solid waste management programs (Passell, 1991). To gain some insights into this problem, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the role of politics in successful municipal solid waste programs. In addition, an exploration of the role of leadership for successful municipal solid waste programs is followed by an analysis of the financial costs of municipal solid waste management on human populations. Finally, the paper presents solution to a hypothetical scenario followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning people and waste in the 21st century in the conclusion.1. Examine the role of politics in successful municipal solid waste programs.The role of politics in successful municipal…...


ReferencesCreeger, A. (2017). Public perception of leadership in the municipal solid waste sector. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Retrieved from viewcontent. cgi?article=1197&context=envstudtheses.Passell, P. (1991). The garbage problem: it may be politics, not nature. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1991/02/26/science/the-garbage-problem-it-may-be-politicsnot-nature.html.Worrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2016). Solid Waste Engineering: A Global Perspective (3rd Edition). Cengage Learning US. Retrieved from https://online.vital source.com/books/9781305888357.https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/

Ways to Improve Waste Management
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Fundamental Principles of Solid Waste ManagementWaste management is the process of handling, storing, and disposing of solid waste. Solid waste includes both organic and inorganic materials, such as food scraps, paper products, glass, metal, and plastics. Waste management is important for public health and the environment. Improperly managed waste can contaminate water supplies, spread disease, and damage ecosystems.There are three main types of waste: municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial waste, and hazardous waste. MSW is generated by households and businesses and includes items like packaging, food scraps, and paper products. MSW is thus often called trash or garbage in the United States or rubbish in Britain, and is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. MSW does not include industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, or hazardous wastes. MSW, furthermore, can be divided into two major components: combustible materials, such as paper and plastics; and noncombustible…...


ReferencesEnvironmental Protection Agency. (2021). Code of federal regulations. Title 40, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, part 258. Protection Agency (EPA). (2018). National overview: pacts and figures on materials, wastes and recycling. https://www.epa.gov/facts-and-figures-about-materialswaste-and-recycling/national-overview-facts-and-figures-materEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2021). Resource conservation and recovery act (rcra) overview. https://www.epa.gov/rcra/resource-conservation-and-recovery-act-rcraoverviewShanklin, C. W. (1991). Solid waste management: how will you respond to the challenge? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 91(6), 663+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A11254249/PPES?u=oran95108&sid=bookmarkPPES&xid=a901b28 The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council Alternative Landfill Technologies Team (ITRC). (2003). Technical and regulatory guidance for design, installation, and monitoring of alternative final landfill covers.https://connect.itrcweb.org/HigherLogic/System/DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=30ab4b5a-bfa1-4406-8ccc-3873314b23feWorrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2016). Solid Waste Engineering: A Global Perspective (3rd Edition). Cengage Learning US. https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781305888357https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-40/chapter-I/subchapterI/part-258Environmental

Share your best advice on writing a compelling managing human waste thesis statement!?
Words: 144

A suitable thesis statement for an expository essay on managing human waste could be: "The effective management of human waste is paramount to ensuring public health, preserving the environment, and fostering sustainable development by employing advanced technologies, implementing proper regulations, and promoting awareness among individuals and communities." When developing a compelling managing human waste thesis statement, it is important to focus on the key aspects of the topic that will capture the reader's interest. Consider highlighting the significance of addressing this issue, the potential benefits of effective waste management, and the various approaches that can be utilized to make a positive....

Share your best advice on writing a compelling managing human waste thesis statement!?
Words: 564

Thesis Statement: The effective management of human waste is crucial for safeguarding public health, preserving the environment, and promoting sustainable development.


In the tapestry of human existence, managing human waste is an intricate thread that intertwines with public health, environmental well-being, and sustainable development. Inefficient or inadequate waste management practices pose significant risks to human health, contaminate water bodies, pollute the air, and contribute to climate change. Recognizing the urgency of addressing this issue, this thesis delves into the complexities of managing human waste, exploring strategies and solutions to mitigate its adverse effects.

Body Paragraph 1: Public Health Implications

The improper handling of....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Recyling?
Words: 591

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Start with a compelling statistic or fact about the current state of waste management.
B. Background information on recycling: Explain what recycling is and why it is important.
C. Thesis statement: Recycling plays a crucial role in reducing waste, conserving resources, and protecting the environment.

II. Environmental benefits of recycling
A. Reduction in landfill waste: Discuss how recycling diverts waste from landfills, preventing pollution and preserving natural land.
B. Conservation of resources: Explain how recycling reduces the need for raw materials extraction and energy consumption.
C. Limiting pollution: Highlight how recycling decreases air, water, and....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on local government challenges. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 535

Essay Topic 1: Fiscal Challenges of Local Governments

Introduction: Discuss the increasing financial pressures faced by local governments, including declining tax revenues, rising service demands, and unfunded pension liabilities.
Body Paragraph 1: Explore the impact of state and federal policies on local government funding, such as budget cuts and revenue restrictions.
Body Paragraph 2: Analyze the role of property taxes as a major source of local revenue and the challenges associated with maintaining fair and equitable assessments.
Body Paragraph 3: Discuss alternative revenue sources, such as fees, user charges, and sales taxes, and their potential advantages and disadvantages.
Conclusion: Offer....

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