Waste Disposal Essays (Examples)

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Sustainable Way of Using Nuclear Power and Waste Disposal
Pages: 7 Words: 11445

Management Strategy to Utilize Meta-Analysis Technique for Nuclear Energy and Waste Disposal and Create Social Sustainability
A Dissertation Presented using the Meta-Analysis Technique

Komi E Fiagbe Comment by Owner: This is exactly what I wanted to see Komi. Your literature review should also identify the 20 studies that you want to analyze to give your readers an understanding of what you are doing. I want you to email me all three chapters as we move into the next course.Dr. A Christina Anastasia PH-D Chair

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

[Committee Name], [Degree], Committee Member

This research proposal explores the link between public perceptions of nuclear power, how those perceptions are formed, and what influence those opinions have on energy policy. These issues are important in light of two realities. First, nuclear energy is declining in its share of global energy. Second, nuclear energy offers what might well be the best solution to climate change.…...



Abokeng, A.K. (2005). Understanding Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 90, 845-848.

Alic, J. (2012). Six things to do with nuclear waste: None of them ideal. Oil Price.com. Retrieved June 17, 2015 from  http://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Nuclear-Power/6-Things-to-do-with-Nuclear-Waste-None-of-them-Ideal.html 

Alley, W. & Alley, R. (2013). Too hot to touch: The problem of high-level nuclear waste. Review by Konikow, L. (2013). Hydrogeology Journal.

Bangert-Drowns, Robert L. & Rudner, Lawrence M. (1991). Meta-analysis in educational research. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2(8). Retrieved September 4, 2008 from http://PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=2&n=8

Safety Issues Related to Waste Disposal
Pages: 2 Words: 627

Hazardous Waste
Environmental considerations related to hazardous chemical storage include concepts like green chemistry, which is a method of engaging in this process in such a way that hazardous chemicals are actually made obsolete. However, green chemistry is not always feasible; therefore, it is possible to reduce the negative impact that storage of hazardous chemicals could have on the environment by storing them in small batches and containers and thus reducing the level of risk that exists should the chemicals manage to leak or actually become pollutants (National esource Council Committee on Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, 2011). Hazardous chemicals can become toxins in any environment and therefore precautions should be taken when storing them for the sake of the environment. Several strategies such as air pollution management, water pollution management, and soil pollution prevention can be implemented alongside control measures, the cost of which should also be considered.

The economical impact…...



National Research Council Committee on Prudent Practices in the Laboratory. (2011).

Prudent practices in the laboratory: handling and management of chemical hazards. DC: National Academies Press.

Spiegel, J., Maystre, L. (2015). Environmental Pollution Control. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved from  http://www.ilocis.org/documents/chpt55e.htm

Waste and Energy
Pages: 2 Words: 815

Waste & Energy
Waste products and fossil fuel usage are in part byproducts of our civilization and in part they are drivers of our civilization. Disposing of waste and managing fossil fuels present tremendous challenges to our society. We know that climate change is going to have a significant effect on the world, so that the world 100 years from now is quite different from the world today. We know that our waste cannot simply be thrown out, or it will pollute our environment. This presentation will outline specific examples to illustrate the problem.

I want you to take out your phone. It's probably already out. When will you be replacing that phone? Within the next year or two, maybe three if it's a new one. What's in a phone and where does it go? Electronics are a major category of waste, and a massive environmental challenge. Batteries are a major issue…...



Clean Air Council. (2014). Waste press delete. Clean Air Council. Retrieved November 7, 2014 from  http://www.cleanair.org/waste_delete 

EPA. (2014). Where you live -- state medical waste programs and regulations. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved November 7, 2014 from  http://www.epa.gov/waste/nonhaz/industrial/medical/programs.htm

Waste Sustainability in Coed Darcy
Pages: 10 Words: 3101

The waste group contains 3 items:
AS1 -- Storing of Recyclable Household aste and Non-recyclable aste

AS2 -- Building Location aste Management

AS3 -- Composting


Measurement Criteria

Points Awarded

Household Recycling facilities



here the following recycling


services are given:

• 3 internal storage bins for recyclable waste with -- min total capacity of 60 ltr

-- no individual bin smaller than 15 ltr

-- all of the bins in a devoted position that is accessible to disabled people




here full recycling facilities


are provided:

• 3 internal storage bins with -- min total capacity of 30 ltr

-- no individual bin smaller

than 7 ltr

-- all bins in a dedicated position that is accessible to disabled people

or 3.6


• a Local Authority collection scheme for recyclable materials covering at least three streams of waste with sufficient space for the storage of the bins provided without stacking (within 10m of an external door) and which is accessible to disabled people

Construction aste

here the site waste management


plan includes…...


Works Cited

Agyeman, J., & Evans, B. (2004). 'Just sustainability': The emerging discourse of environmental justice in Britain? The Geographical Journal, 170, 155-164.

Apitz, S.E. (2010). Waste or resource? classifying and scoring dredged material management strategies in terms of the waste hierarchy. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10(8), 1657-1668.

Babin, R., & Nicholson, B. (2011). How green is my outsourcer? Measuring sustainability in global it outsourcing. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 4(1), 47-66.

Ball, S., & Abou Taleb, M. (2011). Benchmarking waste disposal in the Egyptian hotel industry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11(1), 1-18.

Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes
Pages: 5 Words: 1817

This approach has been regarded as one of the best and safest approaches. Despite this, there is widespread concern about proper radioactive waste management. (National esearch Council (U.S.), 1)
According to a 1976 EDA report, the nine facilities for radioactive waste disposal have been referred to as significant health hazards. Leaks and spills at such facilities are not very uncommon. In fact, the radioactive waste storage facility at ichland has reported around 18 leaks in a period of 20 years discharging approximately 430,000 gallons of radioactive wastes, shows the enormity of the situation. Leaks have also been reported in Kentucky, New York State, and in Tennessee. (Gyorgy, 130) it has been reported that the U.S. generates radioactive PCB wastes at a rate greater than 5 million tons annually. Moreover, the U.S. has more than 200 million tons of uranium mill tailings in which 85% of its original radioactivity still persists.…...



Brown, Lester R; Earth Policy Institute. Eco-Economy.

Earthscan, 2003.

Cember, Herman. Introduction to Health Physics.

McGraw-Hill Professional, 1996.

Pharmacy Disposal of Waste
Pages: 3 Words: 974

Hazardous Waste at Pharmacy
The pharmaceutical business generates some waste that is considered to be hazardous. Some of this waste is in the form of drugs that are dangerous. Up until this point, a lot of the regulations surrounding the handling of these drugs has come from OSHA, and thus the regulations pertain to occupational safety, rather than environmental safety. OSHA has had recommendations for the safe handling of dangerous drugs for at least thirty years. Most hazardous drugs are cytotoxic, but some others are also potentially harmful, among them drugs for chemotherapy (Polovich, 2004).

Current egulations

The current regulations at the federal level are from OSHA and are designed to protect the people who either produce or dispense pharmaceuticals that fall into the hazardous class (Connor & McDiarmmid, 2006). Chemotherapy agents, for example, have been linked to secondary leukemia and other cancers (Polovich, 2004). When OSHA brought in its guidelines, however, this…...



Connor, T. & McDiarmid, M. (2006). Preventing occupational exposures to antineoplastic drugs in health care settings. CA: A cancer journal for clinicians. Vol. 56 (6) 345-365.

EPA.gov (2015). Proposed rule: Management standards for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved April 8, 2016 from Patwary, M., O'Hare, W. & Sarker, M. (2011). Assessment of occupational and environmental safety associated with medical waste disposal in developing countries: A qualitative approach. Safety Science. Vol. 49 (8-9) 1200-1207.

Polovich, M. (2004). Safe handling of hazardous drugs. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved April 8, 2016 from  http://www.nursingworld.org/mainmenucategories/anamarketplace/anaperiodicals/ojin/tableofcontents/volume92004/no3sept04/hazardousdrugs.html

Analyzing Disposal Radioactive Wastes
Pages: 2 Words: 664

radioactive waste disposal and also the factors that need to be taken into account when it comes to nuclear waste disposal.
The issue of radioactive waste disposal has been a global headache ever since countries started using nuclear energy. The health and safety concerns associated with nuclear waste have meant that used radioactive material have to be disposed in a controlled manner and in secure locations. Disposal of radioactive waste is further complicated by the half-life length of many radioactive substances, many of which retain up to 50% of their harmful characteristics for more than a hundred thousand years after being disposed (Agar). Nuclear waste disposal is one of the major challenges that have limited the widespread adoption of nuclear power as an energy source.

The United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) classifies nuclear waste into six categories. Namely (Agar):

Accelerator-produced and naturally occurring radioactive materials.

Low level waste

3. Uranium mill tailings (either…...



Agar, R. (n.d.). EHow -- How to - Discover the expert in you! -- eHow. Problems With Nuclear Waste Disposal -- eHow. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://www.ehow.com/about_5393400_problems-nuclear-waste-disposal.html

Applying Corporate Social Responsibility to Waste Reduction
Pages: 6 Words: 1702

Industrial Waste and CSIntroductionIndustrial waste can take many forms, from toxic chemicals to manufacturing byproducts, and it can have serious consequences if not properly managed. Pollution, water contamination, and soil erosion are just a few of the potential problems that can result from improper industrial waste management. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that can be used to solve this problem. ecycling, reuse, and proper disposal are all effective methods for managing industrial waste. By working together, businesses and environmental agencies can ensure that industrial waste is properly managed and does not pose a risk to human health or the environment. This paper will look at the case study of recycling in Algeria to see how solving industrial waste problems can be approached. Specifically, this paper will identify strategies for solving industrial waste-related problems, the role of corporate social responsibility (CS) in waste strategies, and proactive strategies for industrial…...


ReferencesAlawa, B., Galodiya, M. N., & Chakma, S. (2022). Source reduction, recycling, disposal, and treatment. In Hazardous Waste Management (pp. 67-88). Elsevier.Castka, P., Bamber, & C., Sharp, J. (2005). Implementing Effective Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: A Framework. UK: British Standards Institution.Eddine, B.T. & Salah, M.M. (2012). Solid waste as renewable source of energy: current and future possibility in Algeria. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 3(1), 17.Jamal, T. & Stronza, A. (2009). Collaboration theory and tourism practice in protected areas: Stakeholders, structuring and sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(2), 169-189.Retech. (2015). Algeria waste. Retrieved from   Schaik, R. & Breukelman, H. (2018). Business opportunities in waste management in Algeria. Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from  https://www.rvo.nl/sites/default/files/2018/06/Business-opportunities-in-waste-management-in-Algeria.pdfhttps://www.retech-germany.net/fileadmin/retech/05_mediathek/laenderinformationen/Algerien_RA_ANG_WEB_0_Laenderprofile_sweep_net.pdf Van

Disposing of Dangerous Waste Materials
Pages: 2 Words: 650

alarm concerning the disposal of nuclear waste in the United States. The report determined that the United States government should consolidate the interim storage of nuclear waste and use dry casks to do so. The report touted the fact that dry casks were "stronger, safer, more secure, more manageable and ultimately more affordable" (osner, Lordan, 2014, p. 48) than what is currently being used to dispose of nuclear waste. osner and Lordan (2014) determined that dry casks were safer than what is currently being used because the casks are built as 100-ton structures designed to withstand earthquakes, floods, fires, and the impact of airplanes. An additional caveat to using dry casks according to osner et al. is that they do not require any energy once stored, and they are relatively inexpensive to build.
One of the reasons why the osner and Lordan report is so important is because of the…...



Bala, A.; (2014) Sub-seabed burial of nuclear waste: If the disposal method could succeed technically, could it also succeed legally? Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 41(2) 455-486

Mascarelli, A.; (2013) Eternal Challenge, New Scientist, 220(2941) 42-45

Rosner, R. & Lordan, R.; (2014) Why America should move toward dry cask consolidated interim storage of nuclear fuel, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 70(6) 48-62

Nuclear Waste Yucca Mountain Nuclear
Pages: 6 Words: 2153

There are several groups involved in fighting the Yucca Mountain site, including local grassroots organizations in Nevada and larger organizations around the country. Many Native American tribes do not support the site, as it is located on their ancient tribal lands. The Nevada Piutes are one group who is organized in opposition to the site, as are several other western Native American tribes. A larger organization is the Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force, a group who opposes the site for a number of reasons, including transportation safety issues, the geology of the site, and the fact that other sites were not seriously considered.

What are the future prospects of Yucca Mountain? That is still not clear. Congress OK'd the dumpsite in 2002, but since then, many things have changed politically in Washington and around the country. Many groups and citizens are protesting the dump, mainly due to safety and transportation concerns.…...



Editors. "Earthquakes in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain." State of Nevada. 1996. 4 Dec. 2007.  http://www.state.nv.us/nucwaste/yucca/seismo01.htm 

Editors. "Yucca Mountain Repository." U.S. Department of Energy. 2007. 4 Dec. 2007. http://www.ocrwm.doe.gov/ym_repository/index.shtml

Fraud Allegations Roil Yucca Mountain Project." Issues in Science and Technology Summer 2005: 20+.

Rosenheck, Dan. "Digging a Deeper and Deeper Hole." New Statesman 29 Sept. 2003: xxii+.

The Components and Importance of Solid Waste Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

People and Waste: Challenges and SolutionsToday, the country is awash in a sea of waste, and the only things standing between an uncontrollable deluge of waste in the future are effective municipal solid waste management programs (Passell, 1991). To gain some insights into this problem, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the role of politics in successful municipal solid waste programs. In addition, an exploration of the role of leadership for successful municipal solid waste programs is followed by an analysis of the financial costs of municipal solid waste management on human populations. Finally, the paper presents solution to a hypothetical scenario followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning people and waste in the 21st century in the conclusion.1. Examine the role of politics in successful municipal solid waste programs.The role of politics in successful municipal…...


ReferencesCreeger, A. (2017). Public perception of leadership in the municipal solid waste sector. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Retrieved from viewcontent. cgi?article=1197&context=envstudtheses.Passell, P. (1991). The garbage problem: it may be politics, not nature. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1991/02/26/science/the-garbage-problem-it-may-be-politicsnot-nature.html.Worrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2016). Solid Waste Engineering: A Global Perspective (3rd Edition). Cengage Learning US. Retrieved from https://online.vital source.com/books/9781305888357.https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/

Future Domestic Waste Production Scenarios and Options for Its Disposal
Pages: 3 Words: 959

Domestic Waste Production
The production and disposal of waste has a dramatic environmental impact. There are three main sectors of waste generation in the UK, including commercial and industrial, construction and demolition, and local authority collected or municipal waste (including household waste) (1). Household waste generation in the UK has decreased in recent years, while recycling behaviors have increased (1). Behaviors and drivers associated with waste generation among households are explored in the following discussion.

There are many sources from which waste can arise, including households, business, construction, agriculture, mining, and sewage (4). Strategies for dealing with these various types of waste can be conceptualized in a hierarchy that indicateds which methods of waste management should be considered given the environmental impact of each type of waste (4). This framework entails waste prevention through reducing use resources, then the reusing of products, and finally recycling of materials (4). This framework indicates that…...



1. Department of Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2011, Waste data overview (June 2011), viewed 11 March, 2012, http://www.defra.gov.uk/statistics/files/20110617-waste-data-overview.pdf.

2. Department of Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2012. Local authority collected waste for England -- annual statistics (2011), viewed 11 March, 2012,  http://defra.gov.uk/statistics/environment/waste/wrfg23-wrmsannual/ .

3. Eurostat 2012, Environmental data centre on waste (2012), viewed 11 March 2012,  http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/waste/data/sectors/municipal_waste .

4. UK National Statistics 2012, Waste and recycling (2012), viewed 11 March, 2012, http://www.statistics.gov.uk/hub/agriculture-environment/environment/waste-and-recycling.

Radioactive Waste
Pages: 2 Words: 552

Radioactive Waste
Over the last several years, the issue of how to store and dispose of radioactive waste has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because of the hazards to human life are well beyond acceptable levels for many decades after the material has been used. This is problematic because, it is highlighting a common challenge that many countries are facing in disposing of radioactive waste. To fully understand the challenges that these nations are dealing with requires examining the different types of nuclear waste. Once this occurs, it will provide specific insights about the overall problems faced with: the disposal and storage of this material. (Rechard, 1999, pp. 737 -- 807) (Helton, 1993, pp. 327 -- 367)

Summarize all of the Sources of Radioactive Waste

There are a number of different categories that are used in the classification of radioactive waste. Listed below are the…...



Helton, J. (1993). Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis. Reliability Engineering, 42 (3), 327 -- 367.

Rechard, R. (1999). Historical Relationship. Risk Analysis, 19 (5), 737 -- 807.

Management Solutions for Electronic Waste
Pages: 16 Words: 5441

" (fom Wold envionmental news, Intenet edition)
Besides developing flexible legislation that will distibute the functions of ecycling between manufactues and municipal sevices thee has to be a definite and developed pogam that would specialize on the optimal and the most exhaust utilization of electonic waste, eduction of e-waste landfills and incineation. Recycling pogam should not be limited to the ecycling of CRT monitos, as thei ownes ae moe likely to bing the whole obsolete compute system to the ecycling, not just compute monitos.

The benefit of integal pogam of ecycling is that it allows using a vaiety of mateials used in the electonics manufactuing like pecious metals, semi-pecious metals, and some electonic items in the euse.

The most impotant pat of the e-waste management is seach of the most appopiate and qualified patnes in the technical o pactical pat of the poblem solution. This poblem is of the essential value, as the…...


reference: being reused repaired and modernized; being recycled and the most ecologically disadvantageous solution is simply being land filled. But the realization of these practices faces a lot of obstacles mainly of financial character. All of them are quite expensive and do not bring desired return.

That's why scientists and economists agree in the following: recycling of e-waste has to be the concern of electronics manufacturers. Loop industry is the most optimal solution to the problem as the manufacturer becomes responsible for the recycling of the products he makes. Introduction of such practices has the negative outcomes of course. Because technological process becomes more complicated and intensive, requires involvement of additional equipment and facilities on the hand with new labour the net value of the production increases and so the customers would have to pay more for electronics.

Another direction in the solution of e-waste problem is export of e-waste to the developing countries, where the process of recycling is cheaper and the possibility of e-waste to be reused, repaired and modernized is higher. Moreover some third world countries use unpopulated territories for e-waste. Anyways, this kind of solution is not appropriate again, because most of these practices somehow avoid law regulations of these countries and cannot have a mass character. It only creates additional problem which would have to be solved in close future.

As most of experts agree that recycling of e-waste has to be the problem of e-products manufacturers they have to develop different effective strategies and technologies for the most optimal solution of this problem: starting form transportation of e-waste from customer to the process of recycling. At this point global environmental community has to cooperate and share new practices and approaches in solving this problem. It refers both to technology and legislative regulation of the problem.

And in developing own strategy for e-waste management the officials of different countries have to work together and adopt practices of each other that are being effective. Countries of European Union had already made the first steps to the solution of this problem, making manufactures to be responsible for the waste caused by their products. The United Sates and Canada should start to introduce these practices as well, if they want to achieve ecological balance and safe coexistence of scientific and technological progress with health of humanity.

Batteries Creation Use and Disposal
Pages: 6 Words: 1666

Disposable batteries have transformed the way that we live and the types of activities that we do. The purpose of this discussion is to provide the reader with a natural history of disposable batteries from the time the raw materials are extracted from the earth to the time they are recycled or in a land fill. We will seek to explain the environmental impact that batteries have along the path of creation, use, and disposal. This paper will also discuss the Peripheral impact, of batteries including: how they are shipped, how much fuel is used, and how much pollution is created. Finally we will discuss the social impact of batteries and facts about the societies that make, use, and dispose of batteries.
Natural History of Disposable Batteries

The concept of batteries was first discovered between 1780-1786 by Luigi Galvani. Galvani found that connecting iron and brass created an electrical current. His ideas…...



Battery, Electric. 2000. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. New York:Columbia University Press.

Carpi John. 1994. Green Batteries: Powering Innovation. E. Volume: 5. Issue: 2. Publication Date: April 1994. Page Number: 46+.

Frazer, Lance. 2002. Leading the Charge for Better Batteries. Environmental Health Perspectives. 110 (4): 200.

Moyers Bill D. 1990. Global Dumping Ground: The International Traffic in Hazardous Waste. Center for Investigative Reporting (U.S.) - Washington, DC: Seven Locks Press.

Can you help me with an authentic topic for PhD thesis on marina pollution?
Words: 359

Marina pollution is a significant problem that is only increasing as the popularity of boating and water sports increase.  Here are some PhD thesis topics about marina pollution to consider:

The impact of headwater emptying on marina pollution levels and whether the presence of readily available waste disposal stations helps reduce those pollution levels.  A secondary question to consider would be whether the fees associated with those waste stations impacts how much they are used, for example do free waste disposal stations help decrease marina pollution?

How parking lot runoff impacts marina pollution and can this impact be lessened....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Recyling?
Words: 406

## Outlining an Essay on Recycling: A Comprehensive Guide

### Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic, anecdote, or question related to recycling.
Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay, e.g., "Recycling is essential for preserving our planet's resources and mitigating environmental degradation."

### Body Paragraph 1: Environmental Benefits of Recycling

Topic sentence: Discuss the positive impact of recycling on the environment, such as reducing waste in landfills.
Supporting points:
Describe how recycling helps conserve natural resources (e.g., trees, minerals).
Explain how it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
Provide specific examples of successful recycling programs.

### Body....

can the running cost of a commercial green building justify the higher initial capital invested in a commercial green building?
Words: 533

Justifying the Running Cost Savings of Commercial Green Buildings

The initial capital investment required for a commercial green building can be significantly higher than that of a conventional building. However, the long-term running cost savings associated with green buildings can justify this initial investment. Here's a detailed analysis:

1. Reduced Energy Consumption:

Green buildings incorporate energy-efficient design strategies and technologies, such as:

Improved insulation and sealing
High-performance windows
Efficient lighting systems
Renewable energy sources (e.g., solar panels)

These measures reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Studies have shown that green buildings can consume 20-50% less energy than conventional buildings.

2. Lower Water Usage:

Green buildings....

What are the primary factors contributing to the acceleration of climate change globally?
Words: 621

1. Greenhouse gas emissions: The burning of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industrial processes releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and contribute to global warming.

2. Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urban development reduces the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Deforestation also releases stored carbon into the atmosphere, further exacerbating climate change.

3. Industrial agriculture: The expansion of industrial agriculture practices, including the use of chemical fertilizers and deforestation for crop cultivation, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, livestock farming....

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