Walmart Essays (Examples)

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Walmart's Comprehensive Management Plan Walmart Is a
Pages: 14 Words: 4129

Walmart's Comprehensive Management Plan:
Walmart is a public multinational corporation based in America that deals with chains of large discount department and warehouse stores. Based on the ratings by Forbes Global 2000 list, Walmart is considered as the 18th largest public corporation across the globe and the largest when rated by revenue. In addition to being the largest company in the world, Walmart is the biggest private employer across the globe with a workforce of more than 2 million employees. The company is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas and is also ranked as America's largest grocery retailer firm. Its rank as America's largest grocery retailer emanates from huge sales in the U.S. grocery business that amount to billions of dollars. The company's success can also be attributed to its expansion and growth strategy that has made it to have over 8,500 stores in 15 countries. While it functions under its own name…...



"About Us." (n.d.). Walmart -- Corporate. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from 

Clark, D. (2010, June 13). Leadership Styles. Retrieved September 29, 2011, from 

"Departments -- Apply for Corporate Career." (n.d.). Walmart -- Corporate. Retrieved September

29, 2011, from

Walmart's System of Inquiry a System of
Pages: 3 Words: 747

Walmart's System Of Inquiry
A system of inquiry is used to evaluate decision-making, ethical conduct, and problem solving in a business setting (Systems of Inquiry and business ethics). Essentially, the system of inquiry is a structure of questions which the managers of Walmart (in this instance) can use in order to assess that the employees are following Walmart's ethical guidelines.

The questions would include an assessment of the employees and their interactions; the different levels of hierarchy and their interactions one with the other; the employees and their relationships with customers; the employees and their relationship to service providers; and the organization as a whole on a national and international basis with local and governmental communities. Being as complex as it is, the system of inquiry should, accordingly, be broken down into several sectors. The system of inquiry could then be monitored to see if it were followed.

Walmart's system of inquiry could…...



Systems of Inquiry and business ethics. Associated Content. 

Walmart Corporate: Global Ethics Office


Walmart Performance Wallie's Ratios Discuss Wal-Mart's Performance
Pages: 3 Words: 972

Walmart Performance
Wallie's ratios

Discuss Wal-Mart's performance over the three-year period.

Wal-Mart's sales growth slumped from 7.3% 2009-2008 to 1% from 2010 over 2009, but has increased again to 3.4% year-end 2011 over 2010 (Wal-Mart, 2012a, n.p.). This is a deep discount from years prior to the 2008 recession, when sales growth was 8.4% and 11.6% year over year in 2008 and 2007, respectably, but considering global macroeconomic conditions since that time, the increase from 2011 over 2010 suggests consumers are spending again. At the same time, operating income has continued to increase year over year, with per-share revenue growth and an increase in dividends, all while the firm has taken on more long-term debt and expanded fixed assets mostly it seems through opening new international units. This increase in long-term debt has driven a fall in owner equity with the result being a picture of a competitive multinational increasing its global presence…...



Wal-Mart (2012a). Walmart 2011 annual report: Financial review. Not dated but since fiscal year ends 31 Jan. therefore must be from 2012. Retrieved from http://walmartstores./sites/annualreport/2011/financials.aspx

-- (2012b). Consolidated balance sheets. Walmart 2011 Annual report: 31. Retrieved from http://walmartstores./sites/annualreport/2011/financials.aspx

-- (2012c). Notes to consolidated financial statements. Walmart 2011 Annual report: 34.

Retrieved from http://walmartstores./sites/annualreport/2011/financials.aspx

Walmart Role of Ethics and Compliance Compliance
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

ole of ethics and compliance

Compliance and SEC egulations

Evaluation of financial performance

Trend of ratios and financial health

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT) is an American publicly traded retail stores corporation. The operations of Wal-Mart are divided into three segments, namely the Wal-Mart International segment, Wal-Mart U.S., and the Sam's Club segment. Sam Walton was the founder of the company whereby Wal-Mart is the world's largest retail stores chain. Based in Bentonville, Arkansas, the U.S., Wal-Mart U.S. is the largest business segment of the company that accounts more than 60% of the total business of Wal-Mart. With operations in more than 14 countries internationally, 25% of the business is related to Wal-Mart International. With more than 2 million employees, the company has subsidiaries such as Asda, Sam's Club, Walmex, and Seiyu Group. The main business operations of Wal-Mart are conducted through hypermarkets, supermarkets, superstores, supercenters, warehouse clubs, discount stores, and cash & carry stores.…...



Annual Report. (2011). Building the Next Generation Wal-Mart. Form 10-K, Securities and Exchange Commission. Washington, U.S.

Annual Report. (2012). 50 Years of Helping Customers save Money and Live Better. Wal-Mart 2012 Annual Report. Form 10-K, Securities and Exchange Commission. Washington, U.S.

Wal-Mart. (2012). Wal-Mart Global Compliance Action Steps. Retrieved from: 

Wal-Mart. (2013). Leading with Integrity. Retrieved from:

Walmart Library Wal-Mart and the Grandtown Public
Pages: 7 Words: 2027

almart Library
al-Mart and the Grandtown Public Library: A Case Analysis

The decision to create a joint use of space between Grandtown's new public library and a proposed al-Mart carries with it no small number of questions regarding that which is best for all parties involved. Indeed, while an array of clear advantages are reflected in the opportunity to build a new and modern library with the resources contributed by al-Mart, it is not fully clear that the results would be fundamentally positive for either the mission of a public library or the people, families and children of Grandtown. The discussion here conducts a case analysis, primarily channeled through the SOT template here below. Integrating concerns relating to the al-Mart band name with those relating to the priorities of a new public library space, the analysis below provides a thorough assessment of the proposed new space in Grandtown.

SOT Analysis:


As the largest retailer…...


Works Cited:

Griffiths, J.M.; Harrington, J.; King, D.W.; Lynch, T. & Tomer, C. (2004). Taxpayer Return on Investment in Florida Public Libraries. Summary Report: September 2004. State Library and Archives of Florida.

Holtreman, A. (2000). Carrefour vs. Wal-mart: The Battle for Global Retail Dominance. Australian Graduate School of Management.

Nester, M. (2006). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Wal-Mart in the United States. University of Kansas Engineering Management Field Projects.

Rodney, M.J.; Lance, K.C. & Hamilton-Pennell, C. (2002). Quality School Library Media Programs Impact Academic Achievement in Iowa. Iowa Area Education Agencies.

Walmart's Online Logistics and Distribution Strategy
Pages: 8 Words: 2602

Walmart is the world's largest retailer. The company has operations in many countries around the world, but its biggest market remains the United States. For the 2015 fiscal year, Walmart had revenues of $485 billion and a net income of $16.3 billion, both of which represented an improvement over the year previous. The company's revenues have increased steadily over the past five years, but profits peaked in FY2013 (MSN Moneycentral, 2015). As the company's 3.3% net margin hints, Walmart competes as a cost leader, seeking to earn profits by selling high volumes at slim margins. The company sells a wide range of consumer goods, is the largest seller of groceries in the United States, with a 25% share, and groceries now account for 55% of the company's U.S. revenues (Leeb, 2015). The company is also one of the world's largest online retailers, at around $12 billion annually, but this makes…...



Leeb, S. (2015). Wal-Mart fattens up on poor America with 25% of U.S. grocery sales. Forbes. Retrieved August 9, 2015 from 

MSN Moneycentral (2015). Walmart. Retrieved August 9, 2015 from 

Schoutlz, M. (2015). Why the Walmart e-commerce strategy won't beat Amazon. Digital Spark Marketing. Retrieved August 9, 2015 from 

Wahba, P. (2015). How do Target and Walmart stack up in the e-commerce wars? Forbes. Retrieved August 9, 2015 from

Walmart Has One of the Most Well-Orchestrated
Pages: 2 Words: 693

Walmart has one of the most well-orchestrated and organized logistics, supply chains and operations systems of any enterprise globally operating today. It's core competencies in supply chain management, logistics, distribution center and operations management set a global standard in their industry (Stevenson, 2009). The company also has an exceptional level of expertise and skill in launching their supercenters in any location that has the demographic mix of customers that will support its operations. Opening supercenters and getting them profitable while also using these locations as distribution centers in their logistics networks is what Walmart does exceptionally well (Stevenson, 2009). Given the sheer magnitude of their operations however, they inevitably impact the local economies they enter into in both a positive and negative way.
Assessing the Pros and Cons of Walmart

For the small businesses located nearby, Walmart signals a major shift in the overall economic foundation of the community and if it…...



Courtemanche, C., & Carden, A. (2011). Supersizing supercenters? The impact of Walmart supercenters on body mass index and obesity. Journal of Urban Economics, 69(2), 165-181.

Edwards, B. (2011, Mar 20). Controversy over new A.V. WalMart continues. McClatchy - Tribune Business News, pp. n/a.

LaRose, G. (2011). Real estate pros expect walmart to trigger more retail activity in eastern new Orleans. New Orleans CityBusiness, (02794527)

Stevenson, W.J. (2009). Operations management (10th ed). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin

Walmart Last Five Years Pro Formas
Pages: 3 Words: 783

A) Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer, with global revenues of around $485 billion and profits of over $16.3 billion. The company is based in Bentonville, A, and has stores in several countries around the world, including Mexico, China and Canada. Wal-Mart is America's largest retailer of groceries, and is one of the largest online retailers in the country as well. Its major competitors are Target, Amazon, Costco (competitor to Sam's Club) and it competes with a host of other firms in each category in which it operates, as well as in other countries -- SuperChe in Mexico is a good example of a foreign Walmart competitor. Walmart has consistently expanded its product/service lines over the years.

The company competes on a cost leadership strategy. As a cost leader, Walmart seeks to acquire goods and move them through its system at a lower cost to consumer than competitors are capable of…...



MSN Moneycentral (2015): Wal Mart. Retrieved October 2, 2015 from 

Wal-Mart 2015 Annual Report. Retrieved October 2, 2015 from

Walmart E-Commerce Check the Internet About the
Pages: 2 Words: 723

Walmart E-Commerce
Check the internet about the company you chose. Check the websites as well. How is e-commerce applied in the organization?

E-commerce is applied in Walmart by restructuring to attract the people who wouldn't buy their products in store. The people who choose to shop in-store are those with large families and don't mind spending the time at Walmart. However, the online shoppers have a more expendable income, want to save time, and are technologically savvy. Walmart was pretty late into the game of e-commerce but has realized the trends and patterns of how customers are shopping nowadays. Not too long ago, in February 2010, Walmart has created a technology group known as WalmartLabs, which will increase the company's social and mobile offerings by merging with their current resources. The purpose of WalmartLabs is to bring what the company does in stores and translate that online. Moreover, research has shown the…...



Birchall, J. (2011, January 5). / Companies / Retail - Walmart in global online sales expansion. FT-Financial Times. Retrieved April 26, 2011, from 

Maguire, J. (2002, November 15). Case Study: -- ECommerce-Guide to News, Reviews and Technology Solutions - ECommerce-Guide. Retrieved April 26, 2011, from

McKeefery, K. (2010, February 15). Walmart restructures to boost e-commerce - Direct Marketing News. Direct Marketing News. Retrieved April 26, 2011, from

Walmart's Greenwashing
Pages: 2 Words: 477

Sustainability was a mere smokescreen used by Walmart to hide its misdeed from the public eye and to soothe stockholders and in response to its falling prices of its shares stated at 20%.
III. hree Items Ignored by News Media and Environmentalists

he environmental consequences of Walmart's business are not stated and neither is simple and basic information that is critical to conducting an evaluation as whether Walmart is actually accomplishing anything for the environment. Another thing that has not been reported is the amount of the company's electricity derived from renewable sources.

IV. How Walmart Contributes to Climate Change Not Accounted for in Walmart's Reports

No where in the company's reports does it state how the company has actually impacted the environment negatively.

V. Other Chapter Read

he other chapter read in this study was the chapter asking the question of what happened to the promised green product rankings of Walmart. Walmart announced in…...


The other chapter read in this study was the chapter asking the question of what happened to the promised green product rankings of Walmart. Walmart announced in 2009 that its sustainability index would be developed for the purpose of assessing the impacts to the environment of each item it sold. However, this has not happened.

Summary and Conclusion

Walmart has failed on all accounts to keep its promises concerning sustainability, renewable energy and assessing impacts to the environment of the products that it sells.

Walmart Customers
Pages: 6 Words: 1495

Introduction Walmart appeals to a special type of customer: one who is looking to shop for bargains in a retail outlet center where virtually everything can be purchased—from groceries to fuel to oil changes. Walmart is a store where all products are stocked and ready to be sold for bottom dollar so that consumers can save money. This paper will examine this company’s typical consumer and assess how the business can obtain more data on the consumer in order to develop a strategy for increasing its business revenue.
Who are Walmart’s Consumers?
A graph of the breakdown of Walmart’s business says a lot about who its customers are. The chart below shows that most customers in Walmart are there to shop for groceries and consumables. Fuel and other categories make up the next biggest segment. Entertainment, apparel, home, and health products make up the other portion of products that customers at Walmart are…...



Chen, M. F., & Tung, P. J. (2014). Developing an extended theory of planned behavior model to predict consumers’ intention to visit green hotels. International journal of hospitality management, 36, 221-230.

Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. (2008). Marketing strategy. Mason, OH: Thomson South Western.

FRED. (2018). Household income. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., & Barton, D. (2012). Big data: the management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 60-68.

Swan, M. (2013). The quantified self: Fundamental disruption in big data science and biological discovery. Big Data, 1(2), 85-99.

Wambler, S. (2015). Relational Databases. Retrieved from

Walmart Business Process Reengineering
Pages: 8 Words: 2137

Business Process Reengineering  Today, with annual revenues exceeding the budgets of dozens of countries and retail operations in 28 nations, Walmart stands apart in a retailing category by itself, but this company did not achieve this spectacular level of success by resting on its corporate laurels. Indeed, it is reasonable to suggest that the business processes that are currently in place at Walmart only resemble the original strategies used in its single Bentonville, Arkansas store in spirit. The purpose of this paper is to provide a case study of Walmart concerning how it has historically applied the tenets of business process reengineering to achieve and sustain the competitive advantage it enjoys today, followed by a summary of the research and key findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.
Review and Analysis
Facilities, location(s), and capacity
Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas (the city of its origin), Walmart (hereinafter alternatively “the company”) operates a chain of retail…...



Blodgett, H. (2016, September 20). Walmart employs 1% of America. Business Insider. Retrieved from

Cockery, M. (2017, December 13). Walmart, criticized for low wages, will let workers take pay before payday. Boston Globe. Retrieved from 2017/12/13/walmart-criticized-for-low-wages-will-let-workers-take-pay-before-payday/5nubYu0VT6EoED6hGDkomM/story.html.

Ferguson, E. (2017, March 25). Walmart’s vision, mission, generic and intensive strategies. Panmore Institute. Retrieved from

Schiff, J. B. & Schiff, A. I. (2009, November). Cost leadership for the current challenge. Strategic Finance, 91(5), 35-39.

Smart business processes. (2018). WorkflowIQ. Retrieved from https://workflowiq.wordpress. com/2009/08/13/smart-business-process-wal-mart-proves-again-that-reducing-costs-adding-customer-value-leads-to-profits/.

Van Rijmenam, M. (2014). Think bigger: Developing a successful big data strategy for your business. New York: American Management Association.

Walmart distribution centers. (2018). MWPVL International. Retrieved from http://www.mwpvl. com/html/walmart.html..

Walmart stores. (2018). Statista. Retrieved from

Walmart total rewards program
Pages: 6 Words: 1754

Total Rewards Program Introduction & Purpose
With greater understanding of how key business objectives like employee attraction, retention and motivation contribute to overall business outcomes, human resources departments have been challenged with expanding their scope, and looking at the total rewards experiences of their companies’ employees. When the links between business strategy, people strategy and total rewards are mapped out, it becomes apparent that getting the right workers into the right jobs requires a comprehensive total rewards strategy (Kaplan, 2007). This paper will set out a total rewards program for Walmart, focused on the front line workers who work in the retail stores and make up the majority of the companies 2 million workforce. The distinction here has to be made between the front line retail workers and workers in other parts of the business, who might have more specialized skillsets and for whom the total rewards program might look quite different.

Walmart Case Contemporary Management Techniques
Pages: 12 Words: 3703

Contemporary management techniques: Walmart caseIntroductionWalmart is one of the top retail corporations in the world. Since its inception, the company has largely operated under a brick-and-motor model. Still, in the recent past, it has adopted an online retail model largely because of the increased penetration of the internet, connectivity, and the ability to reach each potential buyer at an individual level (Our Business, 2021). Despite the success that the corporation has had to date, several critical success factors (CSF) have been selected for Walmart.For this paper, Business Process Improvement (BPI) is selected as the contemporary management technique that is not presently being implemented that could help the organization in achieving its CSFs. This paper, therefore, is a discussion of the BPI contemporary management technique starting with a rationale for the selection of the technique than an in-depth analysis of the technique, which describes the technique, its implementation process, its application…...



“Lean manufacturing and innovation: How does Nike do it?” ufuture, (2018, Feb. 28). Retrieved from 

“Our Business,” Walmart, (2021). Retrieved from 

Blocher, E. J., and Hicks, M. (2019). Accounting for decision making: Text and study guide. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Griesberger, P., Leist, S., & Zellner, G. (2011). Analysis of techniques for business process improvement. ECIS 2011 Proceedings. 20.

Walmart Future Success
Pages: 6 Words: 1652

Where we are now with Walmart is at a critical juncture in retail. Amazon and e-commerce has continued to dominate the retail space once led by brick-and-mortars. Walmart has had to shift its focus from being a primarily brick-and-mortar store chain to having an online presence as well in order to fight for market share. We are in the retail market: we sell virtually every type of retail item and offer several services, such as gas fill-up, oil change, car repair, etc. Our company began as a discount outlet, but with most retailers now acting as discount outlets, we try to stay competitive with prices.
Our customers and markets are all over the world. We have nearly 12,000 stores in over 25 different countries and serve over 200 million customers every day (Karbastera, 2016; Jurevicius, 2018). We have attempted to expand into some countries and found little success, but in many cases…...



CBS News. (2017). Retailers That Have Filed for Bankruptcy in 2017. Retrieved from

Jurevicius, O. (2018). Walmart SWOT analysis 2018. Retrieved from

Karbastera, K. (2016). Walmart and IKEA. Retrieved from

Pearson, B. (2015). Re-assembly required: What Target, Walmart could learn from IKEA’s expansion. Forbes. Retrieved from

Rao, A. (2014). Wal-Mart in Africa. ICMR.

Looking for hypothesis topic for research paper relating to diversity and inclusion and the effect on corporate culture?
Words: 354

There are a number of topics you could research if you need to discuss how diversity or inclusion impacts corporate culture. It is one of the most relevant topics for the modern workplace and it impacts corporations in a number of ways. There is no doubt that corporations have been trying to become more inclusive and increase their diversity.  We have compiled a list of 10 potential topics and titles you could use for an essay on those broad topics.

  1. The Role of Empathy in Diversity and Inclusion: How Empathy Can Make People....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on company analysis?
Words: 219

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

what is business level strategies?
Words: 650

Business Level Strategies

Business-level strategies are plans and approaches that companies adopt to gain a competitive advantage within their specific industry or market segments. They focus on optimizing operations, differentiating products or services, and targeting specific customer groups to achieve profitability and growth.

There are three main types of business-level strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

1. Cost Leadership

Definition: Cost leadership is a strategy that aims to achieve the lowest possible production costs in an industry. Companies that pursue this strategy focus on maximizing efficiency, reducing expenses, and optimizing supply chain management.


Lower production costs lead to higher profit margins.
High market share....

How does Walmart\'s operation strategy contribute to their competitive advantage in the retail industry?
Words: 513

Walmart's operation strategy contributes to their competitive advantage in the retail industry in several ways:

1. Efficient Supply Chain Management: Walmart's operation strategy focuses on maintaining an efficient supply chain system, which allows them to keep costs low and pass on savings to customers. By leveraging strong relationships with suppliers and embracing technology such as inventory management systems, Walmart is able to quickly restock shelves and offer a wide variety of products at competitive prices.

2. Everyday Low Prices: A key component of Walmart's operation strategy is their commitment to offering everyday low prices. By negotiating favorable deals with suppliers and constantly....

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