Walden University mission and vision statements relate directly to the skills and experiences needed for success in the Walden Masters of Clinical Research Administration program. The university has pledged in its mission statement to provide "a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change." The university has a vision of a very different learning community where the practical knowledge that is judged worthy of scholarly research can be applied by its graduates to immediate solutions of critical societal challenges.
The university's translates directly into the Master of Science in Clinical Research Administration program that I hope will prepare me for the key roles that I will have in managing and monitoring life-changing clinical research phases and processes. According to my understanding, the program focuses on modern technologies, safe methods for testing and protecting human subjects.
It should then…...
The mission of Walden University contains three core components. The first component is the nurturing of a "a diverse community of career professionals." The second component is providing the individual and the community with " the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners." The third component of the Walden University mission is the ultimate goal to "effect positive social change." Corresponding to the mission of Walden University is the school's vision. The vision is broader than the mission and includes a "distinctively different 21st-century learning community." The envisioned community is "distinctively different" in that "knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges. The application of knowledge thereby "advances the greater global good." In other words, students are expected to have visions that go beyond self-serving, toward serving the community. One of the reasons why I have…...
American Board of Forensic Psychology (2013). Retrieved online: http://www.abfp.com/
Cherry, K. (n.d.). What is forensic psychology? http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologycareerprofiles/a/forensicpsych.htm
Walden University (2013). Course filter. Retrieved online: http://www.waldenu.edu/programs/individual-courses/filter
Walden University (2013). Introduction to the Professional Development Plan (PDP). Retrieved online: http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/47.htm
Walden Two: Human Nature and Society
The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best.
Karl Marx
People throughout history, since the beginning of time began, have been expressing dissatisfaction with the way the world is and trying to find ways to make it better. Along the way various fictional societies called "Utopias," after the book of the same name written by Thomas More in 1515 and 1516, were created in an image of perfectionism. These utopian communities, all somewhat different in many ways and often ultimately oppositional in form and function, nevertheless had one thing in common. Each one boasted proudly that it alone was worthy of the ultimate claim: a foundation of consummate judicial and moral principles with the ultimate result of effortless happiness and true freedom for all its people.
.F. Skinner admits that when he wrote Walden Two in 1945 is "was not a…...
Bruce, Susan. Introduction to Three Early Modern Utopias. (1999) New York: Oxford University Press.
Skinner, B.F. Walden Two. (1948) Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.
- . Walden Two Revisited: Preface to Walden Two. (January 1976) Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.
Three Early Modern Utopias: Utopia, New Atlantis, The Isle of Pines. Edited by Susan Bruce. (1999) New York: Oxford University Press.
I realized that so much of my anxiety and trouble resulted from things I truly didn't care about. Who was that person who cared? I couldn't tell. It was a relief to find that beneath all the anxieties of daily life, anxieties propelled by rapid turnover and cliched expectations, that I had a personality. Beneath all the extraneous troubles, I had a conscience that would lead me where I needed to go.
Consequently, the peril of too much ambition also became clear to me. So much of life is spent idealizing far off things that when present seem to do little to enrich my life. The burning question of "and then what?" seemed to pervade me. Go to school. And then what? Get a job. And then what? I knew that even if all my goals and ambitions were to be at some point acquired, there would still be that…...
Silber's argument is that private universities and colleges, that he prefers to call 'independent', are really as much public as government-paid universities are since the public factor runs through all of their activities and manifestations. He goes on to laud the qualities of independent universities showing how they show a great record of diversity, how they contribute immensely to public education and professional contributions (in that, for instance, a majority of degrees are accorded to doctors, lawyers, and dentists), how they are careful and prudent in their activities, and, most of all, how so many of these independent institutions are becoming redundant and closing due to inability of expense to keep themselves afloat. Silber argues that in many ways they are more valuable to the public than public-sponsored universities are and that, therefore, it would be worth the taxpayer's while to keep these universities afloat.
Silber's primary fallacy -- and that…...
research databases in the Walden Library. Some may be more useful than others for finding articles related to your dissertation topic. Before you begin to search for articles, it is important to identify the databases that will be most useful. It also is important to use the best searching strategies. If you search using keywords that are too broad, you may be inundated with useless information. If you search using keywords that are too specific, you may miss articles that are pertinent to your dissertation topic. As you prepare for this assignment, be sure to visit the Walden Library web article "Searching Strategies" listed under the resources for this week.
Then provide a list of the research databases and/or scholarly resources you plan to search for your literature review. Finally, describe two techniques and/or strategies you think will be useful when searching for and identifying articles for your literature review.…...
mlaReferences Walden University. (2014a). Databases by name. Retrieved from Walden University. (2014b). Keyword searching: Finding articles on your topic: Keyword search strategy. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/c.php?g=80380 http://library.waldenu.edu/722.htm .
First Response:
My dissertation topic is "Teen Pregnancy and Barriers explored within programs which benefit teens as they become teenage parents." The one thing we as parents are familiar with as well as our teens is the contraceptives, birth control, free clinics and information pertaining to STD's that
They both are seeking wisdom and spiritual growth, but for very different reasons. Frankl has to find some kind of order and reason in his experience, or he will either go mad or die. Thoreau's spiritual quest is one of peace and harmony, while Frankl's is one of duress and oppression. He writes, "What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general, but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment" (Frankl 171). At that given moment in time, Frankl's life did not mean anything to anyone but himself, and he used this experience to develop his own philosophy on life and wisdom, just as Thoreau used his experience to develop his own philosophy. The two men had the same goals, but reached them very differently due to their circumstances.
It is difficult to judge who has the best approach, because they both did…...
Frankl, Viktor E., Man's Search for Meaning. New York: Washington Square Press, Simon and Schuster, 1963.
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden and Other Writings. Ed. Brooks Atkinson. New York: Modern Library, 1950.
media are helpful because they each provide a perspective and are, for that reason, important to have. Perspectives and alternate channels allow us to grow and develop again and again, and they also help us to understand the uniqueness of challenges all around us, how they are different and yet how they can also be similar. In this way we can develop a sense of empathy and a sense of community but also a sense of what is in store for us as we embark on this new chapter of our lives.
The Walden Library will probably be most helpful because it is like having a virtual library right at my fingertips. Through it I can have access to assignments, articles, studies, and librarian assistance. This will be of great use because the PhD in Public Policy and Administration program will require me to refer to these valuable sources of…...
Policy Administration My vision for positive social change in the context of my professional and academic goals is to empower marginalized communities and the society as a whole through social change. I believe that in the present day, our existence in the society ought to be dignified. All people should be able to freely and fully exercise their human rights, gain accessibility to basic needs and also experience economic security. In the present day, different populations experience discrimination, for instance women facing prejudice at the workplace and also tribal sects such as the Aboriginal facing discrimination and ostracizing. Therefore, my vision for social change takes into account empowering the communities that are not only marginalized but also disadvantaged. Marginalized groups in different expenses, for instance tribal individuals, unorganized workforces, peasants, dalits, as well as women are all in the present day engaged in a tussle for power to attain equality in…...
As a student of the Public Policy and Administration program at Walden I looked forward to being a part of the drive towards positive social change in the world by uniting my skills, diligence, energy, time, and orientation to the idea that the world can be transformed for the better into a thriving, united, meaningful and honest society where camaraderie is key and individuals are treated with respect, dignity, transparency, and commitment.
My vision for positive social change is based in a belief that a better, more accountable society can be fostered through a social commitment to truth and transparency. This change could facilitate support for leaders who are transparent and accountable to a higher ideal, who hold themselves accountable, and who strive to do right on a social justice level.
In the context of my professional goals, this vision helps to fortify me against the dangers or temptations of going…...
Walden University. (2014). About the school. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/colleges-schools/school-of-public-policy-and-administration/about
Walden University. (2014). Vision and mission statements. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/about/who-we-are/data/vision-mission-statements
Sociology and Race: For Colored GirlsFor Colored Girls is a movie that intertwines seven different stories of Black or African American women facing numerous issues in their daily lives (Dargis). The character of Joanne, played by Janet Jackson (lady in red), is conspicuous and selected for this paper. This report explores Joannes issues and concerns in light of strength-based biophysical assessment. A variety of factors of this assessment would be linked to this character to present an understanding of pertaining racial issues and the need for support for the client.I. Description of the ClientThe client, Joanne, is the same as Janet Jackson; in reality, which is 50-55 years. She is a famous magazine editor and is a strong independent woman. Regarding race, she is a Black woman with a husband who is not sexually interested in her. Her sexual orientation is normal; however, that of her husband is not. She…...
mlaWorks Cited Dargis, Manohla. “A Powerful Chorus Harmonizing ‘Dark Phrases of Womanhood.” The New York Times, 4 Nov. 2010, Fletcher, Faith, et al. “Ethical Challenges and Lessons Learned from Qualitative Research with Low-Income African American Women Living with HIV in the South.” Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 30, no. 4S, Sep. 2019, pp. 116-129. https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2019.0122 Hughes, Carissma Tempest. The Social Work Perspective regarding the Underutilization of Mental Health Services among African American Families. 2021. Walden University, Doctoral Study. Walden University Scholarly Works, https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=11661&context=dissertations Perry, Tyler. “For Colored Girls.” The Feminist Spectator, 7 Nov. 2010, https://feministspectator.princeton.edu/2010/11/07/for-colored-girls/https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/05/movies/05for.html .
19Combatting Terrorism Using Fusion CentersTerrorism is one of the major global security issues in the modern society, particularly due to technological developments and globalization. The 9/11 terror attacks on the United States highlighted the devastating impacts of terrorism as well as the lack of an effective national, comprehensive framework for combatting it. These attacks also demonstrated the ability of terrorists to easily coordinate and execute their activities and the lack of a thorough fusion program.[footnoteRef:1] Since then, numerous efforts have been undertaken by various security agencies to deal with the threat of domestic and international terrorism. These measures have included the development of state and federal fusion centers mandated with the responsibility of coordinating measures to deal with terrorism. Fusion centers have been established as part of reform on intelligence and institutional innovations on efforts to combat terrorism. The creation of state and federal fusion centers has failed to combat…...
mlaBibliographyBailey, T. “Fusion at Work: A New Type of Organization Helps Combat Terrorism.” The Mitre Corporation, May 2011, J. “Fusion Centers: What’s Working and What Isn’t.” The Brookings Institution, March 17, 2015, https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2015/03/17/fusion-centers-whats-working-and-what-isnt/ Devine, T. “An Examination of the Effectiveness of State and Local Fusion Centers Toward Federal Counterterrorism Efforts.” University of Texas at El Paso, December 8, 2014. https://www.utep.edu/liberalarts/nssi/_Files/docs/Capstone%20projects1/Devine_State-and-Local-Fusion-Centers.pdf Garcia, A.C. “Combatting Terrorism Through Fusion Centers: Useful Lessons from Other Experiences?” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 30, no. 4 (2017).Gardner, J.V. “A Duty to Share: The Opportunities and Obstacles of Federal Counterterrorism Intelligence Sharing with Nonfederal Fusion Centers.” Walden University, 2017. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4873&context=dissertations Klem, N. “The National Network of Fusion Centers: Perception and Reality.” Naval Postgraduate School, December 2014, https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/44598/14Dec_Klem_Nicholas.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y Nelson, R. “Information Sharing in Security and Counterterrorism.” Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 16, 2011. https://www.csis.org/analysis/information-sharing-security-and-counterterrorism Office of Justice Programs. “The Role of Fusion Centers in Countering Violent Extremism.” U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2018. https://it.ojp.gov/documents/roleoffusioncentersincounteringviolentextremism_compliant.pdf Poniatowski, D. “A Constructive Problem: Redemption of Unlawful Arrests via Fusion Centers.” Wisconsin Law Review (2014).Scott III, E.F. “Integrating Fusion Centers and Law Enforcement in Utilization of the Intelligence Cycle.” American Public University System, November 2014. https://digitalcommons.apus.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1093&context=thesesSylves, R. Disaster Policy and Politics: Emergency Management and Homeland Security, 2nd ed. Church Street, Singapore: CQ Press, 2015.U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “National Strategy for Information Sharing.” Nationwide SAR Initiative, October 2007. https://nsi.ncirc.gov/documents/National_Strategy_for_Information_Sharing.pdfhttps://www.mitre.org/publications/project-stories/fusion-at-work-a-new-type-of-organization-helps-combat-terrorismBarnosky,
Research indicates that supply chains help organizations attain competitive advantage. In turn, the successes or letdowns of such supply chains are determined in the open market by the end consumers. Rendering the fitting product, at the fitting price, at the fitting time to the consumer is not only the fundamental aspect to competitive success but also the vital element to survival (Christopher and Towill, 2001). Owing to the fact that the intricacy of supply chains in the present day, partly as a result of globalization and out-sourcing, the manner in which supply chains are structured can make a difference between an organization generating profit or loss. Different types of structures avail the management the choice to select the one that best suits consumer expectations. However, it is imperative for such chosen pipelines to go hand in hand with the business strategy of the supply chain (Christopher and Towill, 2002). In…...
Bechtoldt, M.N., DeDreu, C.K.W. & Nijstad, B.A. (). Team personality diversity, group creativity, and innovativeness in organizational teams.Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carsten_De_Dreu/publication/228739619_Team_Personality_Diversity_Group_Creativity_and_Innovativeness_in_Organizational_Teams/links/02e7e51d5113b77dc3000000.pdfAdd to RefWorks: YesAnnotation: This is of the few studies that directly measures personality variables on specific group performance outcomes. The authors focus on group creativity and innovation as dependent variables. Independent variables include Big Five personality trait inventory assessments, one of the most commonly used measures of individual personality. However, focusing on creativity and innovation is a unique approach to the study of how different personalities can work together most effectively. Many organizational teams depend on the groups total creative output or the ability to think creatively during a problem-solving process. Traits like openness to experience and conscientiousness are linked with high creative performance. The authors also make suggestions for overcoming some of the problems in diverse teams, such as the fact that working alone can often be necessary for stimulating…...
North Mountain Medical is a super sniff facility as they specialized in high acuity level patient. The patient structure is respiratory, with staff trained in tracheostomy care and ventilator management. In house hemodialysis, in house physical therapy. This facility has been in operation since 2004. Patients in this facility do not self-diagnose. Patient diagnoses are from Medical doctors and Nurse Practitioners that work on site. Patient in the facility are cared for by interdisciplinary team. Certified nursing assistants that care for patient will normally report a Change in patient’s condition to the nurse. Nurse completes an assessment and report changes immediately to the doctor. In the event of an emergency patients are send to emergency room for further evaluation and treatment. Health is a right in this facility. Yes, most of the patient’s life style has impacted the health of the patient. Noncompliance with medication regimen and diet changes. Patients…...
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