Vulnerable Essays (Examples)

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Vulnerable Groups Nutrition Insurance and
Pages: 10 Words: 3610

Assessing the ability of these individuals to perform basic tasks in their daily lives can also have much significance (Marshall, Warren, Hand, Xie, & Stumbo, 2002). Many older Americans are able to feed and clothe themselves without apparent problems, but others are not as fortunate (Marshall, Warren, Hand, Xie, & Stumbo, 2002). If they are unable to do these things correctly without help, their nutritional status will often suffer (Marshall, Warren, Hand, Xie, & Stumbo, 2002). Patients who are older should be assessed for their ability to do these simple tasks, and also for their ability to perform slightly more complex tasks such as fixing their own meals, cleaning their house, and balancing their checkbook (Marshall, Warren, Hand, Xie, & Stumbo, 2002). Sometimes cognitive impairment will lead to a lack of nutrition, and when this is the case, it often shows up in forgetfulness and an inability to perform even…...



Bartholomew LK, Parcel GS, Kok G, & Gottlieb NH. 2001. Intervention Mapping: Designing Theory and Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.

Collinsworth, R., & Boyle, K. 1989. Nutritional assessment in the elderly. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 15(12): 17-21.

Gambrell, K.A. 2003. White House rolls out Medicare reform plan. United Press International.

Industry Group 91, 2000. President Clinton releases new state-by-state report demonstrating urgent need for Medicare reform. Regulatory Intelligence Data.

Vulnerable Areas of Industrial Security Operations Industrial
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Vulnerable Areas of Industrial Security Operations:
Industrial security has become one of the most important aspects in the business world because of the need to protect the business' assets and enhance productivity. The need for industrial security is also fueled by the growth of the industrial sector that is constantly changing. The backbone of the every industrial environment or sector is security because of the vulnerable areas within these sectors. Some of the threats that a business is likely to face in industrial operations include sabotage, espionage, competition, utility industry security issues, and transportation challenges.

The banking sector is one of the industries that are likely to experience several vulnerabilities in the operations of the banks. As one of the major players in the American banking industry, Bank of America has some vulnerable areas. First, the financial institution is likely to experience espionage, which involves technical means and attempts by different agents…...



McGlasson, L. (2011, January 3). Top 9 Security Threats of 2011. Retrieved May 5, 2013, from 

Strohm, C. & Engleman, E. (2012, September 28). Cyber Attacks on U.S. Banks Expose

Vulnerabilities. Retrieved May 5, 2013, from

Improving health welfare for a vulnerable population community
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

Evidence-based nursing interventions that will provide quality care to vulnerable populations
There is evidence in innovative health programs whose outcomes are Hospice care with increased patient and caregiver satisfaction costs lower than the conventional care; programs with community-based care reduces the severity of symptoms and results in a rapid functioning; for the frail elderly, it results in improved satisfaction; Patient empowerment, especially with the frail elderly and disabled adults, brings satisfaction and knowledge about their care; for the mentally ill, it lowers the rate of homelessness and for patients with diabetes or congestive heart failure, it decreases the morbidity. Usually, the beneficial effects were limited to the duration of the intervention (Aday, 2001).

There is evidence for enhanced patient satisfaction in the health care that emphasize continual care, multidisciplinary approaches, patient empowerment, and innovative approaches. Health care providers should also practice evidence-based care as it demonstrates the effectiveness. Patients with chronic conditions…...

People Vulnerable to Homelessness and
Pages: 3 Words: 1018

This can include families who are breaking up, adult children forced to leave home, and any number of other situations (Editors, 2006). New York City has made it a priority to prevent homelessness as part of its comprehensive Action Plan for the Homeless, which is mandated through 2009. This plan includes ideas on how to prevent homelessness, redirect more homeless to shelters, create "viable alternatives" for the homeless, coordinate services so people are not "dumped" between them, and provide more housing options. As of 2005, the Action Plan was at least indirectly responsible for reducing homelessness by 10% in the city. It seems the plan is working, and other cities would do well to implement an appropriate plan for their own areas.
Traditionally, most people have looked at homelessness as a problem of demographics and personal attributes. However, more researchers now understand homelessness is more than demographics; it is a…...



Baumohl, J. (Ed.). (1996). Homelessness in America. Phoenix: Oryx Press.

Editors, (2006). Action plan. Retrieved from the Website:   Nov. 2006. 

Senior Citizens as a Vulnerable
Pages: 11 Words: 3316

While it is true that in many countries like Canada there has been a reduction in vulnerabilities such as poverty among the elderly, it is equally true that;
some 3.3 million seniors still live below the poverty line Good housing and proper medical care are often out of reach for the poor elderly -- or so expensive that little money is left over for other needs. Hundreds of thousands of elders go hungry every month. (Callahan, 1999, p. 74)

Poverty is however also a strong indicator of elderly vulnerability in Canada; where the lack of resources is also linked to safety and security issues. Many elderly people live alone and they become more vulnerable to abuse and attack if they so not have enough funds to afford adequate home security. As one Canadian resource notes; "Examples include safety devices that would reduce their chances of a fall or an alarm system…...



Abuse of the elderly. Retrieved February 10, 2009, at 

Ageism: Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Retrieved February 10, 2009, at 

Barer M. And Hertzman C. (1972) on Being Old and Sick: The Burden of Health Care for the Elderly in Canada and the United States. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 17(4), pp.763-782.

Brownell P., Welty a., Brennan M. Elder Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved February 10, 2009, at

Protection of Vulnerable Infrastructure
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection
The efficient operation of any city in the world depends on the level of the infrastructure that is available, indeed even the far removed areas from the city can only be categorized as accessible and habitable with the introduction of the necessary infrastructure. Infrastructure has been the yardstick for measuring the level of civilization in any part of the world, with regions that lack basic infrastructure like roads, electricity, communication, means of transport among others being categorized as uncivilized or yet to be civilized. The economic categorization also hinges its definition on the amount and quality of infrastructure that a region or a country has, with those with most sophisticated infrastructure considered to be developed and those with the least considered as developing or underdeveloped regions/nations (O'Conor T., 2014).

Apparently, the infrastructures, in most cases are interconnected for them to function significantly well. The infrastructure in the…...



Manuel Suter, (2007). A Generic National Framework For Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP). Retrieved April 18, 2015 from 

O'Conor T., (2014). The Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructure. Retrieved April 18, 2015 from

Ethics in Vulnerable Groups
Pages: 2 Words: 1031

Ethical Issues and Perspectives of Dealing With Disabled Individuals
The Ethical Principle of Psychologists and Code of Conduct deal with the ethical approach of disability in two methods. First, the code motivates psychologists to become "aware of and respect" disagreements based upon disability and instruct psychologists to attain the admissible expertise while understanding of a disability that is essential for the adequate application of their duties (Behnke 2009).

espect for People's ights and Dignity

Psychologists regard the dignity and value of all community and their rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self-reliance. Psychologists are acquainted with and regard not just cultural but also individual, as well as, character distinction including ethnicity, national origin, gender and gender identity, age, race, culture, sexual awareness, religion, language, socio-economic position and contemplate these aspects while working with such groups' members (Behnke 2009).


Psychologists attain or have the training, experience, consultation, or supervision essential to guarantee the expertise of their…...



Ryan, J. B., & Peterson, R. L. (2004). Physical restraint in school. Behavioral Disorders, 154 168.

Behnke, D. (2009). Disability as an ethical issue. Retrieved October 16, 2015. From

Mitchell, R., Parker, V., Giles, M., & Boyle, B. (2014). The ABC of health care team dynamics: Understanding complex affective, behavioral, and cognitive dynamics in interprofessional teams. Health care management review, 39(1), 1-9.

Gary, J. C. (2014). The wicked question answered: Positive deviance delivers patient-centered care. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 33(3), 142-150.

Vulnerable Populations and HIPAA Data Rights
Pages: 2 Words: 676

IB Process for ProjectThe Institutional eview Board (IB) process is important for overseeing and making sure of the ethical conduct of research involving human participants. The purpose of the IB is to review research proposals so that they comply with ethical guidelines to keep participants safe, and to protect privacy and confidentiality. My final project addresses maternal mortality by proposing an intervention targeting high-risk communities, and thus some ethical considerations need to be made.Ethical Issues elated to the Final ProjectOne of the major ethical issues related to this project is informed consent. Participants who are in vulnerable groups must have full awareness of what the intervention entails, and if there are potential risks, and their rights to withdraw without any repercussions (Malgieri & Niklas, 2020). Since maternal mortality disproportionately affects marginalized groups like Black and Hispanic women??, ethics demands that these populations be not exploited and that they be provided…...


ReferencesCarter, E. B., Collaborative, E. W., & Mazzoni, S. E. (2021). A paradigm shift to address racial inequities in perinatal healthcare. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 224(4), 359-361.Malgieri, G., & Niklas, J. (2020). Vulnerable data subjects. Computer Law & Security Review, 37, 105415.Scheibner, J., Ienca, M., Kechagia, S., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., Raisaro, J. L., Hubaux, J. P., ... & Vayena, E. (2020). Data protection and ethics requirements for multisite research with health data: a comparative examination of legislative governance frameworks and the role of data protection technologies. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 7(1), lsaa010.White, M. G. (2020). Why human subjects research protection is important. Ochsner journal, 20(1), 16-33.

Identifying Opportunities to Reduce the Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Populations
Pages: 4 Words: 1074

Benchmark - Policy Brief: Climate Change and Vulnerable Populations1. Describe the public health issue. Include the following information:Affected population. A major and perhaps even existential threat to public health has been growing in severity over the past several decades, and the scientific community cautions that the tipping point on climate change may have already been reached. Although the precise causes of climate change remain controversial, the effects are already being felt around the world, citizens of economically disadvantaged developing nations are at a significantly elevated risk of experiencing multiple adverse health-related outcomes as a result. For instance, according to the American Public Health Association (APHA), From exposure to extreme weather and heat waves to worsening air pollution and the spread of insect-borne disease climate change is a health emergency (Climate change, 2023, para. 3).What level does it occur. Climate change affects humans all over the world, but it disproportionately…...


ReferencesBahrami, G., Rafiey, H., Shakiba, A., Noroozi, M., Sajjadi, H., & Seddighi, H. (2022). Climate Change and Respiratory Diseases: Relationship between SARS and Climatic Parameters and Impact of Climate Change on the Geographical Distribution of SARS in Iran. Advances in Respiratory Medicine, 90(5), 378–390.Climate Change. (2023). American Public Health Association. Retrieved from org/Topics-and-Issues/Climate-Change.Ebi, K. L., Balbus, J., Kinney, P. L., Lipp, E., Mills, D., O’Neill, M. S., & Wilson, M. L. (2009). U.S. Funding Is Insufficient to Address the Human Health Impacts of and Public Health Responses to Climate Variability and Change. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(6), 857–862. Harris, O. O., Bialous, S. A., Muench, U., Chapman, S., & Dawson-Rose, C. (2022). Climate Change, Public Health, Health Policy, and Nurses Training. American Journal of Public Health, 112, S321–S327.Scientific Consensus: Earth\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Climate Is Warming. (2023). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved from .UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2022). International Institute for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from .https://www.apha.

What Makes a Vulnerable Customer
Pages: 1 Words: 312

Vulnerable ConsumerA vulnerable consumer is someone with low income, who comes from a non-English speaking background, has some kind of disability, suffers from a chronic illness, has little or no literacy, is homeless, very young, or very old (FTC, n.d.). Considering ethics, there should be greater government regulation with respect to selling to vulnerable consumers because corporations are unlikely to police themselves or hold themselves accountable to any kind of ethical standard. Pursuit of profits is the natural code that companies follow. That is why, for instance, pharmaceutical companies will target the old with drug ads during shows watched by the elderly: they want to target this vulnerable population and get them to inquire about the drugs they saw on TV. Or toy companies will target the young during kids shows and get them to pester their parents for TVs. No company is going to not do thisand so some…...


ReferencesFTC. (n.d.). Looking out for the vulnerable consumer. Retrieved from

Language as an Obstacle for Vulnerable Populations
Pages: 2 Words: 579

Addressing Barriers to Primary Care for Latino PatientsChosen esearch StudyAuthors: Hyunsung Oh, Mai P. Trinh, Cindy Vang, David BecerraTitle: Addressing Barriers to Primary Care Access for Latinos in the U.S.: An Agent-Based Model (2020)Vulnerable PopulationThis research focuses on Latinos, a large and diverse ethnic group in the United States. Latinos experience health disparities compared to the non-Latino white population. Limited English proficiency (LEP) is one vulnerability that can prevent them from obtaining access to quality healthcare. Including LEP Latinos in research is important in order to be able to identify and address these disparities and improve their health.IB ConsiderationsThe research on this population would need approval from an Institutional eview Board (IB) due to its focus on human subjects. The IB would have to approve the research design to make sure there is informed consent, privacy, proper recruitment strategies, and safeguards for the population. For example, questions the IB might…...


ReferencesOh, H., Trinh, M. P., Vang, C., & Becerra, D. (2020). Addressing barriers to primary care access for Latinos in the US: an agent-based model. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(2), 165-184.

Health and Poor Populations
Pages: 2 Words: 651

Vulnerable Populations: Low Income Adults Low income adults in Wyandot County, Kansas City, Kansas, are vulnerable to the socio-economic factors that commonly have a negative health impact. These factors include low wages, unstable family life, risky sexual behavior, drug and alcohol abuse, high crime, low education, obesity, diabetes, and poor access to health care (Boyer et al., 2017; Guariguata, 2014; Osborn, Squires, Doty, Sarnak & Schneider, 2016). Low income adults, therefore, are at risk of not receiving the proper health education they need to maintain healthy lifestyle; they are at risk of lacking a cogent support system to maintain a healthy lifestyle; they are at risk of not having adequate access to health care, whereby they maintain obtain necessary health education and preventive care.
Understanding the needs and risks of vulnerable populations is important to the clinical population I will serve as an advanced practice nurse because community health is a field…...

Role of Nurses in Dealing With Rise
Pages: 10 Words: 3157

role of nurses in dealing with rise and spread of HIV AIDS in the vulnerable community of Orange County Orlando FL. Homeless males between the ages of 40-50 were the target population for this paper. Ways to tackle this issue in accordance with the healthy NC2020 objectives have also been explained.
In a diverse population, such as that of Orange County, Orlando FL, there is no doubt that health risks and problems would be just as varied, especially among the different communities based on race, age, ethnicity and income class. However, this paper's special focus is on assessing the increased likelihood of the homeless males of Orange County between the ages of 40 and 50 to be exposed to HIV / AIDS, keeping in mind the three factors that this aggregate community has in common -- those of sex, social class and age, and regional belonging.

Homelessness has been on the…...



Anonymous (2010).Population of Orange County, Florida: Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Graphs, Quick Facts. .

Anonymous (2011).ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSESSMENT.Division of Public Health, North Carolina.

Anonymous (2013).Healthy North Carolina 2020: A Better State of Health. NC Department of Health and Human Services.

Evans, Nancy (2011). HIV / AIDS for Florida Healthcare

Open Target Where America Is
Pages: 3 Words: 908

An intriguing example that can be found in the book refers to the episode in which men under his command succeeded to sneak guns in areas which were supposed to be protected by screening devices. Through his experiment Ervin managed to demonstrate that the Transportation Security Administration authorities are definitely not doing a good job. Furthermore, the reaction of the authorities to the event demonstrate that they are more concerned with protecting their own image than fixing the things which don't function properly. Taking into account this episode one might think that Ervin's perspective is biased, but reading enough material about it and his attitude towards it makes us understand that the author of the book firmly believes in what he states and is honestly concerned with the fate of the U.S.A. security.

Not all the points that Ervin makes are against the official authorities. According to him the situation has…...

Human Trafficking and Nurses Intervention
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Munity Nursing and Human Trafficking
Community nursing and Human trafficking

From the PowerPoint we get the definition of human trafficking which is stated as the exploitation of a person or persons for sex, labor or for body organs. This means that human trafficking is done for different reasons which are stated above (Chernush, 2010). Statistics show that men, women and children are all victims of the different forms of human trafficking. Therefore it means that men, women and children are all vulnerable to these three forms of human the U.S. The average age at which a child can become a victim of sex trafficking is between 12 and 14 years. This means that children at this age are more vulnerable to sex trafficking in the United States. Human trafficking can happen to anyone and even the people we love most. The victims of human trafficking are from all walks of life…...



Levy, R., Simon, K., Smyth, E. And Stulberg, A. (2012). Great debate: Human trafficking. The Morningside Post. Retrieved from .

Chernush, K. (2010). Human trafficking: The global issue in your backyard. Retrieved from

What are 3 subtopics for the topic endangered species?
Words: 431

An endangered species is a species that is on the brink of extinction.  Species can be endangered in two ways.  First, its habitat could be threatened in a way that makes extinction likely if no change is taken.  Second, the species could have experienced a significant decline in population that is likely to lead to extinction. In the United States, determination of whether a species is endangered is made by either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, but designations vary from country-to-country.  Internationally, the International Union for Conservation of Nature makes....

What are the negative effects of gentrification?
Words: 432

Since we do not know what you have put in your first page, it is a little difficult to tell you where to start on your second page.  What we are going to do is go over some of the negative effects of gentrification and give you some links to find more information about those negative effects.  Hopefully, this will help you get over your writer’s block and get past page two.

At first glance, gentrification may seem like a positive.  After all, gentrification means an upward trend economically for a historically economically disadvantaged neighborhood.  However, long-term residents....

Writing a essay on the following prompt: As medical assistant discuss how you would handle a patient that is a chronic canceler and comes to office irritated and doesn\'t have an appointment scheduled how would you handle it?
Words: 501

My honest answer to this question is that, as a medical assistant, it is highly unlikely that I would be establishing the practice’s policy in terms of cancellations and patients who show up without appointments.  Generally, the doctor(s) and the office manager establish those policies and the appropriate policies may vary tremendously depending on the type of practice, the demands of the practice, patient utilization, current prevailing conditions (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic could change how a practice approaches drop-in patients), and the patient’s own medical history.  As a medical assistant, I would follow the policies and....

Need Title for the causes and effect essay about deforestation?
Words: 247

Deforestation is a major issue with a global impact, but calls to end deforestation are going to remain unsuccessful unless people really understand the causes and effects of the process.  The economic depression in areas that are vulnerable to deforestation may leave them with few alternatives, and the ecological devastation that results from deforestation only perpetuates the economic vulnerability.  Here are some of our suggested titles for an essay about the causes and effects of deforestation:

Deforestation Essay Titles

  1. Worlds that Will Never Be Known: The Impossibility of Predicting the True Effect of Deforestation
  2. Indigenous People, Colonialism, and....

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