vocational education in high school. The review discusses all types of vocational education including agriculture, industrial arts, business, and family & consumer sciences. This paper includes opinions from students, administrators, counselors, parents, and vocational teachers
The importance of vocational education at the high school level has been a controversial topic for several years. The mindset that all high school students must aspire to attend four-year universities has taken hold and the school of thought for years was that any student not interested in such an endeavor was doomed to flip hamburgers for the rest of their adult life (Weisentein, 1991). In recent years this idea has been challenged and today high schools across the nation are recognizing the importance of a solid vocational education for their students who will not be attending university after graduation. The vocational education today is more than the woodshop courses of yesteryear. Today they include…...
mlaGreenan, J.P. (1983). Identification of generalizable skills in secondary vocational programs: Executive summary. Springfield: Illinois State Board of Education.
Benz, M.R., & Halpern, A.S. (1986). Vocational preparation for high school students with mild disabilities: A statewide study of administrator, teacher, and parent perceptions. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 9, 3-15.
DeStefano, L., & Wermuth, T.R. (1992). Chapter 29: IDEA (P.L. 101-476): Defining a second generation of transition services. In F.R. Rusch, L. DeStefano, J. Chadsey-Rusch, L.A. Phelps, & E. Szymanski (Eds.), Transition from school to adult life (pp. 537-549). Sycamore, IL: Sycamore.
Vocational Education
Purpose of Vocational Education and Its Oppressive Nature: Inequality in Education as Japanese Woman (A eflection of Oppressive Outside World).
Education is often viewed as the panacea to social marginalization; it is a tool members of society can use to obtain better wages, acquire social recognition and become socially mobile. Unfortunately, education can also be a tool used for subjugation. It is a tool that aids in continuing the support of ongoing oppression and the systemic continuance of marginalization. This problem, often thought the fault of individuals, is the fault of social and cultural influences (Mullaly, 2007). Also at fault are structural factors that invite communities to continue class patterns where persons who are already on top to remain there, while those on the bottom seek a systemic pattern where they can only continue what they do to survive (Mullaly, 2007).
When oppression exists, teachers seek similar outcomes as students when…...
Apple, M.W. (2008). Can Schooling Contribute To A More Just Society? Education, Citizenship,
And Social Justice, 3(3), 239-261.
Calunsod, R. (2011 July). Disadvantaged Kids In Mindanao Get Japanese-Sponsored Education.
The Japan Times, Online. Retrieved July 28, 2011: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110721f2.html
Future of Vocational Education in America
Four years of college is not the route for many students for many reasons.
Perhaps money is an issue, or grade point, or simply the desire to continue in the academic world. Everyone cannot be teachers, lawyers, or doctors. Moreover, it would be a sad world if they were. Vocational education gives the world plumbers, wood craftsmen, welders, hair stylists, electricians, and the list goes on. These are the people who make our lives more livable. After all, how many of us know how to wire a house, replace leaky plumbing, or build new cabinets for the kitchen. These people are craftsmen and are much needed in the world. One student may not be able to write a criticism on Shakespeare, but perhaps he is a whiz at woodworking enabling him to build intricate pieces of furniture. Vocational education is very important to our world.
mlaWorks Cited
Carroll-Gordon, Mary Ann. "School vocational programs too important to abandon." The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. February 19, 1998, pp R02.
Imel, Susan. "Vocational Role in Dropout Prevention." ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education (CE). 1993. http://icdl.uncg.edu/ft/082599-08.html.(accessed07-22-2002).
Perry, Nancy J. "Education: The New, Improved Vocational School. Worried about a shortage of technicians? Can't find people who can communicate and solve problems? Alarmed about high school dropout rates? Here's hope." Fortune. June 19, 1989, pp 127.
Wolfrum, Max. "The Challenges Of Vocational Education." St. Louis Post-
National Defense Act: This act was passed on June 3, 1916. The National Defense Act was a federal law that restructured the organization of the military, this also entailed the development of the Army and National Guard, along with the formation of an Officer's and an Enlisted Reserve Corps among others.
Smith -- Hughes Act was an act passed by Congress in which promotion of vocational agriculture was used to train people as well as provide federal funding for this purpose. It was passed in 1917.
George -- Deen Act: The George-Deen Act of 1936 delivered the initial federal aid to the states for vocational training of distributive workers and sales personnel that comprised of community pharmacists and their Employees. It was directed by the U.S. Office of Education, state boards for vocational education sponsored training programs upon the demand of local residents.
VEND or VTWPW: These two acronyms stand for Vocational Education…...
(Stasz, and Bodilly, 2004)
In the press release by Mike Bowler and David Thomas (2005), High School Students Using Dual Enrollment Programs to Earn College Credits, New eports Say. According to this report, the federal budget proposes to increase access to "dual enrollment" programs for at-risk students. Out of the approximately 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs, almost 110 institutions, or 5% (about 2% of all institutions) offered dual enrollment programs specifically aimed toward high school students "at risk" for failing academically. Two new reports by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics also confirm that high school students currently take advantage of programs to earn college credits. The High School Initiative, designed to help prepare high school students to graduate with skills needed to succeed, permits states and districts to utilize funding for:
individual performance plans, dropout prevention efforts, demanding vocational and technical courses, college awareness and…...
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A two-year degree can offer an affordable foundation towards a Bachelor's degree through a community college, however, it is important to have students take courses that can easily transfer to a university when the time comes. Educators and administrators should be mindful of the importance of guiding students to choose courses wisely with a focus on transferring.
What it all Means
The changes are here to stay. Students with Bachelor's degrees are more economically successful than those who do not attain them. esearch concludes that the disparity between incomes of those who are educated and those who are not, is only going to get wider until there is serious class distinction between the two lifestyles.
Educators nationwide can work to bridge that gap at every level of education. Those charged with educating grades kindergarten through high school, need to focus on learning styles, and the importance of teaching students how to succeed…...
Becker, Christine (2004) Panel examines link between jobs, education.
Nation's Cities Weekly "
Bernake, Harold (2007) RPT - Bernanke: Education Will Cut Income Gap
Although further education courses can be at traditional universities, they are generally taught through colleges that are exclusively venues for further education courses. These institutions are sometimes called "community colleges" after the American institutions that are similar. (Although American community colleges offer both post-secondary education as well as further or continuing education classes.) Other institutions that offer further education courses may offer a variety of work-based learning classes while campuses that offer adult and community learning coursework also frequently offer further education coursework.
As is appropriate -- and indeed perhaps necessary -- for further education programs designed to ameliorate the skills of a profession as important as teaching (as well as other professions such as social work, medicine, or law), there is an agency tasked with ensuring that teacher further education aligns with national goals for the profession's standards. The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (the LSIS was formerly titled the…...
Barbezat, D.A. (1987). 'Salary differentials by sex in the academic labour market', Journal of Human Resources, 22(3), pp. 422-28.
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Tim Brighouse. "Comprehensive Schools Then, Now and in the Future: is it time to draw a line in the sand and create a new ideal?," Forum 45:1 (2003).
Invest More in Education
Higher spending on education is an investment in our collective future. It is an investment in our children. It is an investment in our community. It is an investment in the future world in which we want to live. A more educated community has better economic outcomes. A more educated community has hope. A more educated community is empowered to create their own pathways to their dreams. A more educated community has the ability to understand what really matters, rather than getting bogged down in inane minutiae. This paper will argue that greater investment in education pays dividends for our world down the road. We have a lot of challenges to solve, and they will not be solved any other way. Investment in education will benefit our community.
The Value of Education
What anybody with half a brain already knows intuitively, that education is a worthwhile investment for…...
London Economics (2012). Assessing the deadweight loss associated with public investment in further education and skills. BIS Research Paper Number 71. Retrieved May 18, 2015 from https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/32281/12-767-assessing-deadweight-loss-with-investment-further-education.pdf
Psacharapoulos, G. (1994). Return on investment in education: A global update. World Development. Vol. 22 (9) 1325-1343.
Schimit, P., Monteiro, L. & Omar, N. (2014). Cash transfer program and education investment: A model for social evolution. Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation. Vol. 19 (3) 570-577.
Solesvik, M., Westhead, P., Matlay, H. & Parsyak, V. (2013). Entrepreneurial assets and mindsets. Education + Training. Vol. 55 (8/9) 748-762.
The definition of an educated person has no doubt altered over time. Certainly, many people have tried to formulate the ultimate definition of what an educated person is, and what achieving that state might entail. In my earliest thoughts about the subject, I probably thought an educated person was probably my grandmother; she seemed so wise, and certainly, I never asked her anything for which she didn't have an answer, and a good one at that. I hasten to add that I didn't necessarily think so at the time. hen an adolescent love affair of mine had gone awry and I was miserable and mopey, she would advise me that the way to get out of the pits was to work at something, really hard. I wanted to wallow in misery. It took a few years more of life before I understood that, and even now, she was better at…...
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Drucker, Peter F. "The rise of the knowledge society." The Wilson Quarterly; 3/22/1993.
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Parker, Lynette. "The Cultural Production of the Educated Person: Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice." (book reviews) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute; 12/1/1997.
It is important to recognize the many different areas within adult education, and what type of students these areas attract. Ultimately, for the adult education department to be successful, it must attract a wide variety of students, and keep at least some of those students coming back to continue their education in order to be successful. Adult education serves a vital role in the upper education system, and it serves a diverse amount of people, but in most institutions it also has to support itself if not turn a profit, and that is an important aspect to take into consideration. Therefore, classes must be viable to the institution, but to the student, as well, to keep attracting a wide variety of students into the program.
In addition, diverse students could form a major foundation of the program, and so, it pays to understand these diverse learners so administrators and teaching…...
The State has also established a string of both general and specific policies for improving and developing special education and set aside special funds for this purpose. Consequently, just like regular education, special education has also developed rapidly. Although local governments are encouraged to provide compulsory education to children with and without disabilities, the enacted policies do not necessitate that education be provided to all students.
Despite the fact that students with disabilities were earlier educated in special schools, China has adopted new channels of special education including the integration of disabled children into general education classes. Currently, the number of disabled children enrolled in schools has continued to experience a big increase since 1987. Although many articles in the laws formulated by the Chinese government call for the overall education of handicapped children, special education for children with autism or severe disabilities is not directly mentioned in these policies…...
Baker, M. (2007, November 17). China's Bid for World Domination. Retrieved April 11, 2010,
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Part of that includes instilling in students an intellectual curiosity, receptivity to learning through genuine understanding, and definitions of professional success that are motivated by positive aspirations rather than by overcompensation impulses triggered by negative assumptions, messages, or early experiences. In addition to ensuring basic literacy and computational skills required by adults in society, modern primary education must dedicate itself to producing graduates who have discovered their greatest intellectual abilities and developed a genuine interest in a specific academic and/or vocational application of those aptitudes and interests in a manner most conducive to their long-term fulfillment and (ideally) to their optimal benefit to their families and communities in adulthood.
Toward that end, modern education must adapt to the wealth of empirical evidence that traditional methodologies (such as passive lecture and rote memorization, in particular) are comparatively ineffective at achieving the highest goals of education in society. Specifically, as society becomes…...
With Kim's help, I saw that I had a knack for helping people. I was able not just to be supportive of others, but I could really connect with people and help them. I also had a great knowledge of course planning for almost every major at UConn, because I liked to read through the course booklet and see what kinds of classes were out there and see the different majors and what the requisites were for each. Also, I realized that I often helped my friends with their course selections and major planning before they went to their own advisors. Therefore, I decided to major in Human Services, where my concentration was in academic advising.
Thus, in my own way, I was able to travel through each of the seven vectors identified by Chickering and elucidated by eisser, ultimately arriving at the final point: the development of purpose in…...
Chickering, a.W. Education and Identity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1969.
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Dr. Frank Pajares, writing in Reading and riting Quarterly (Pajares 2003), points out that in his view of Bandura's social learning theory, individuals are believed to possess "self-beliefs that enable them to exercise a measure of control over their thoughts, feelings, and actions."
As has been mentioned earlier in this paper, but put a slightly different way by Pajares ("Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation, and Achievement in riting: A Review of the Literature") based on Bandura, behaviorists can better predict what individuals are capable of based on "their beliefs about their capabilities" than by what they are actually capable of accomplishing.
This aspect of self-efficacy carries over into a student's writing abilities; and a writer with a "strong sense of confidence" may excel while writing an essay because there will be less apprehension over the quality of what the writer is trying to express. The writer may have some doubts about whether the essay…...
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Brandon, Thomas H.; Herzog, Thaddeus a.; Irvin, Jennifer E.; & Gwaltney, Chad J. (2004).
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Center on English Learning and Achievement. (2002). Scaffolding Student Performance of New and Difficult Tasks. Retrieved March 10, 2007, at http://cela.albany.edu/newslet/fall02/scaffolding.htm.
Demant, Meagan S, & Yates, Gregory C.R. (2003). Primary Teachers' Attitudes Toward the Direct Instruction Construct. Educational Psychology, 23(5), 483-489.
Nearly all failing schools fit this description (Six Secrets of School Success 2000)." If a country is to overcome educational problems, they must take into account the mentality that poverty creates and how that mentality deteriorates the wherewithal to do well in school.
Although poverty is the issue that affects most underachieving schools, the idea of the super head was conceived as the answer to poorly performing schools. According to Marshall (2001), recruiting exceptional headmasters to improve schools was begun with what was once known as the Hammersmith County School (Marshall, 2001). The local authority school was located in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (Marshall, 2001). The neighboring schools were grant maintained and church schools (Marshall, 2001). The Hammersmith School was being closed because of poor results and OFSTED reports (Marshall, 2001). However, instead of closing the school the administration decided to reopen it and called it the…...
Education. 2004. Official Site of the Labor Party. retrieved January 15, 2005 from;
Mixed feelings from 'super heads'. retrieved January 15, 2005 from; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/2132516.stm
Superheads' call for £120k a year, (2000). retrieved January 15, 2005 from; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/914516.stm
The inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and skills in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) curriculum has become increasingly important in recent years. Many scholars and educators argue that incorporating Indigenous knowledge can improve educational outcomes and better prepare students for the workforce.
One study by Stavrou et al. (2019) examined the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge in TVET programs in Australia and found that integrating traditional knowledge into the curriculum helped Indigenous students stay engaged and motivated in their studies. Another study by Ayano et al. (2018) in Ethiopia highlighted the importance of incorporating Indigenous knowledge in TVET programs to preserve....
Integration of Indigenous Knowledge into TVET Curriculum in Oromia, Ethiopia
Indigenous knowledge, the body of knowledge and skills developed by indigenous communities over generations, plays a crucial role in sustainable development. In Oromia, Ethiopia, efforts have been made to integrate indigenous knowledge into the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) curriculum to enhance its relevance and effectiveness.
Approaches to Integration:
1. Content Integration: Indigenous knowledge is directly incorporated into the curriculum content of specific TVET programs. For example, in the agriculture program, students learn traditional farming practices, seed preservation techniques, and herbal remedies passed down through generations.
2. Methodological Integration: Indigenous teaching methodologies....
The educational philosophies of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Carter G. Woodson all aimed to uplift African Americans through education, but each man had a unique approach. This essay will compare and contrast the effectiveness of their educational philosophies in promoting social and economic advancement for African Americans. Booker T. Washington believed in vocational education and economic self-sufficiency for African Americans. His philosophy emphasized practical skills and training for jobs that were in demand, such as agriculture and trades. Washington's Tuskegee Institute in Alabama was a model for his educational philosophy, teaching students skills that would enable them to....
1. The Importance of Quality Education for a Bright Future
This essay discusses the significance of receiving a high-quality education for securing a successful future.2. Examining the Role of Higher Education in Shaping Future Opportunities
Explore how pursuing higher education can open up various opportunities for a successful career and bright future.3. Leveraging Online Learning for Future Success
Discover the advantages of online education in preparing students for a bright future in a rapidly evolving world.4. Career Development through Vocational Education Programs
Learn how vocational education can provide practical skills and training for a successful and....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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