Virus Essays (Examples)

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Viruses Are a Stubborn Mechanism
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Overall, the spread of this virus is always of alarm to Tennessee state health officials. This paper will provide background information on the H1N1 virus and analyze the complications which occurred during the 2010 outbreak in Tennessee.
Nature of the Problem

Swine flu (H1N1) or Spanish flu as it was once called, originated in the 1700's. Prior to 1918 it was known that humans caught the disease on occasion, but the actual root of the disease was known (Zimmer, 2009). In 1918, however, the disease appeared simultaneously in both humans and swine. This strain of H1N1 resulted in 30 million casualties due to the severe respiratory issues caused by the virus (Zimmer, 2009). The connection was further proven in 1933 by Robert Shope who cured test pigs infected with the disease by injected the sick animals with human serum containing the flu antibodies (Garcia-Sastre, 2006). This breakthrough was a vital first…...

Human Papilloma Virus and the Description of
Pages: 8 Words: 2502

human papilloma virus and the description of epidemiology as it relates to the virus. Steps and methods of epidemiology have been discussed in detail alongside statistical data for demographics taken from surveillance records. Moreover, research data have been taken as vital assistance to compliment the study of this research paper and to prove results with evidences from researches (Duncan, 1988).
Statistics have been taken from World Health Organization for the rate of occurrence and risk factors involved with the diseases caused by the virus. Epidemiology cannot be defined unless its steps and methods are explained (Fletcher & Fletcher, 2005). The epidemiology for papillomavirus diseases includes descriptive methods of epidemiology and in this paper; the focus has been made on describing the process steps with respect to papillomavirus. There are five steps, which define how the epidemiology process is carried out; keeping in mind one of the two approaches of the…...



Duncan, D. (1988). Epidemiology: basis for disease prevention and health promotion. New York: Macmillan Pub. Co.

Fletcher, R.H., & Fletcher, S.W. (2005). Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Gordis, L. (2009). Epidemiology E-Book. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Krickeberg, K., Pham, V.T., & Pham, T.M. (2012). Epidemiology: Key to Prevention . New York, NY: Springer.

West Nile Virus
Pages: 10 Words: 3522

West Nile Virus
In recent years, every summer, the threat of West Nile (WN) virus has become the scourge of the temperate regions of Europe and North America. (Abramovitz, 2004) The virus presents a threat to the human and animal population -- especially the bird population. Symptoms of WN viral infection range from mild fevers and aches, to encephalitis (inflammation of the spinal cord and brain). The latter can be fatal. In 1937, a woman in Uganda complaining of a fever was the first known case of West Nile virus. In the 1950s, it was found in Egypt, hence the name. In 1957, some elderly people succumbed to the disease in Israel. Later, in the 1960s, in Egypt and France, an infection in horses came to be recognized as West Nile viral in nature. The WN virus appeared in North America in 1999, though it is not known where in the…...



Abramovitz, Melissa. West Nile Virus. San Diego, Calif.: Lucent Books, 2004.

Bunning, M.L., et al. "Experimental Infection of Horses with West Nile Virus and Their Potential to Infect Mosquitoes and Serve as Amplifying Hosts." Ann NY Acad Sci 951 (2001): 338-9.

Experimental Infection of Horses with West Nile Virus." Emerg Infect Dis 8.4 (2002): 380-6.

Campbell, G.L., et al. "West Nile Virus." Lancet Infect Dis 2.9 (2002): 519-29.

West Nile Virus in Horses
Pages: 7 Words: 2009

" (Science Daily, 2008) it is related that these testing and diagnosis of West Nile in horses assist in the identification of where the disease is spreading and helps in the decision concerning whether to vaccinate horses in an area. Dr. Magnarelli states that the information used in this testing " is useful in confirming the epidemiology of the virus, determining when it arrived in certain areas and how it spreads." (Science Daily, 2008) the following illustration shows West Nile Virus (2008) in State with Equine cases with the total number of cases as of September 2, 2008 being 42.
West Nile Virus in 2008 (States with Equine Cases)

Total number of cases September 2, 2008

Source: United States Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (2008)


West Nile Virus in horses requires diligent preventive factors because horses are more prone to become infected with West Nile Virus than are…...



West Nile Virus Vaccination Guidelines (2005) American Association of Equine Practitioners. Supplement to the AAEP Guidelines for Vaccination of Horses, January 2001. Online available at 

West Nile Encephalitis in Horses (nd) Penn State University. College of Agricultural sciences - Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension. Online available at 

Society for General Microbiology (2008, August 22). New and Improved Test for West Nile Virus in Horses. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 13, 2008, at 

Animal Health Monitoring & Surveillance (2008) West Nile Virus - States with Equine Cases, Total Cases as of September 2, 2008-42. United States Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

West Nile Virus
Pages: 7 Words: 1924

est Nile virus was first detected in the estern Hemisphere in 1999 and during the last few years has spread cross the North American continent into all forty-eight continental states, seven Canadian provinces, throughout Mexico (est). Moreover, the virus has been detected in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, and El Salvador (est). According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 15,000 people in the United States have tested positive for the virus since 1999, resulting in over five hundred deaths (est). Most experts believe that many more people have most likely been infected with the virus, but have experienced mild or no symptoms, thus have gone unreported (est). An individual's risk of contracting the est Nile is statistically low, and less than 1% of those infected develop serious illness (est). The elderly population and those with compromised immune systems are at the highest…...


Work Cited

Guidelines for Investigating Suspect West Nile Virus Cases in Equine. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Retrieved November 09, 2005 from: 

NIAID Research on West Nile Virus. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Disease. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved November 09, 2005 from:

West Nile Virus
Pages: 2 Words: 791

West Nile Virus
In the summer of 1999, an unusual thing occurred: West Nile Encephalitis came to New York City. This was unusual because the disease had previously been present in the Middle East and Africa, and sporadically present in Europe, but unknown in North America. Its sudden appearance in America sparked speculation that West Nile Virus was brought to America by terrorists as a form of biological warfare.

In spite of the speculation, there is actually no proof of how the West Nile Virus came to the United States. What is known about the West Nile Virus in the United States is that it developed from the same strand of the virus that infected people in Tel Aviv, Israel. However, despite being able to determine that the Israeli and American strains of the West Nile Virus developed from the same strain, scientists have been unable to determine which strain developed first.…...



"Background: Virus History and Distribution." West Nile Virus. 2004. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention. 24 Apr. 2005


Giladi, Michael, Einat Metzkor-Cotter, Denise A. Martin, Yardena Siegman-Igra, Amos D.

Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Human Papilloma Virus
Pages: 10 Words: 3343

Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine
Human Papilloma Virus

The paper deals with HPV epidemiology and associated diseases, the licensed HPV vaccines, recommendations of ACIP, concerns on mandating the HPV vaccine among young girls and the personal perspective on HPV vaccination issue. The Human Papilloma Virus infection is incredibly high and almost 80% of the population is expected to get infected with the virus at any stage of life. The virus is normally cleared by the immune system quite easily but persistent infection may lead to various types of cancers. Since the development of HPV vaccine, a lot of research, media coverage, and policies have been made to deal with. In U.S., only one-third of the pre-adolescent girls have acquired the three dose HPV vaccine. Thus, the question of its mandate arises. ACIP's provided recommendations are a big step towards the increased awareness and implementation of HPV vaccine program.

All the latest private insurance plans…...



Arvis, L. (2005). Merck and GSK target HPV. Chemical Market Reporter; 267 (17): 21

Castellsague, X. (2008). Natural History and Epidemiology of HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer. Gynecologic Oncology. 110, 4-7.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2007). Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine.Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 56.

"HPV-Associated Cancers Statistics" (2012) Retrieved from

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system causing the individual to be at risk for opportunity infections, or infections that come about because the immune system is weak. It is a slow progressive disease that is present throughout the body. Humans can get infected with HIV through contact with tissues, such as vaginal, anal area, mouth, eyes, or a break in the skin, such as a wound. It is diagnosed with blood tests and treated with a combination of drug therapies. There has been no cure found for HIV, so the person ends up dying from the virus in the long run.

The most common way HIV is spread is through sexual contact, needle sharing, and transmission from an infected mother to a baby through pregnancy, labor, or breastfeeding. It is spread by body secretions of an infected person to tissues of another person. When…...

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bronchiolitis
Pages: 2 Words: 715

Subtype a is the one that predominates in many of the outbreaks that are seen and presents much more severe clinical illness. It affects both the lower and the upper respiratory tract but is most prevalent in illnesses of the lower respiratory tract such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. The obstruction of the airway in RSV can be very dangerous, and this is especially true of infants because their peripheral airways are much smaller than adults. Because of this it is very important to know what the warning signs of the illness are so that children can be treated properly and can recover fully. Infants between age two months and six months are most at risk for RSV, as are premature babies and babies that have other problems that may make their immune system not as efficient such as those that have lung conditions, congenital heart disease, cystic fibrosis, a…...


Works Cited Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Retrieved 8 February 2005 at ncidod/dvrd/revb/respiratory/rsvfeat.htm.

A RSV. Retrieved 7 February 2005 at

Computer Virus Is Among the Greatest Enemy
Pages: 9 Words: 2494

computer virus is among the greatest enemy of computer technology's globalization. In just a few split of seconds, it can turn our endeavor of automating our diverse activities into a nightmare. This is especially a catastrophe to businesses whose operation at a large percentage depends on computerized data access and retrieval. Globally, computerization is the trend among businesses. Thus, the damage that computer viruses can cause is a global threat and problem to the stabilization and progress of businesses and economy.
There are many types of computer virus. Almost everyday, a new computer virus is created. Since the emergence of computer networks, such as LAN, WAN, and the Internet, there has been quite a number instance where a computer virus had infected and brought damage to a great amount of information and data globally. As a consequence, many businesses are paralyzed when a computer virus attacks.


This paper aims to provide…...



Brouwer, Mark W. Virus or Hoax?

1997. June 01, 2004.

Landesman, Mary. Boot Sector Viruses.

2004. June 01, 2004.

Coronavirus Covid 19 in the United States
Pages: 8 Words: 2563

Abstract In 1918, a Spanish flu pandemic infected more than one-third of the entire global population and claimed the lives of as many as 100 million people. Innovations in health care technologies during the remainder of the 20th century, however, succeeded in limiting the adverse effects of subsequent epidemics until now. The year 2020 will likewise go down in the history books, if there are any historians left to write them, as the beginning of a global pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus which is the source of the Covid-19 disease.  The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic review of the most recent information concerning the “what,” “when,” “where,” “how” and “who” of the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, including the most up-to-date statistics and resources. Finally, the paper provides a summary of the research and key findings concerning these issues in the conclusion. 
Keywords: covid, covid-19, coronavirus, corona virus,…...



Cases in the U.S. (2020). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from  

Coronavirus history. (2020). WebMD. Retrieved from 

Coronavirus overview. (2020). World Health Organization. Retrieved from .

How New York City became the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. (2020, April 16). WBUR. Retrieved from .

Human coronavirus types. (2020). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from .

Kristof, N. (2020, June 24). Trump is feeding America’s coronavirus nightmare. The New York Times. Retrieved from .

Letzler, R. (2020, May 24). The coronavirus didn’t really start at that Wuhan ‘wet market.’ LiveScience. Retrieved from .

Weidinger, M. (2020, April). Unprecedented: A brief review of the extraordinary unemployment benefit response to the coronavirus crisis. AEI Paper & Studies, 1-5 

Detection of the Borna Disease Virus Relating
Pages: 20 Words: 6358

detection of the Borna disease virus relating them to the epidemiology.
The first cases of Borna disease were descried in the 17-19th century in Southern Germany. It was discovered to e a fatal disease affecting the neurological systems of horses and sheep, (Ludwig et al., 1985; Durrwald, 1993) causing ehavioral and neurological symptoms. It was proven to e caused y a 2003]

Today it is eing realized that the scope of the disease is not limited to just a few countries as was previously elieved ut encompassed the world. Also it was realized that far from affecting just horses and sheep as was originally thought virus, the Borna Disease Virus (BDV) in the early 1900's y Zwick and his team in Giessen Germany. [Author not availale, it in fact affected other animals and even human eings.[Staeheli, Sauder; Schwemmle, et al., 2000]

Research into the epidemiology and pathogenesis of the BDV is impeded…...


bibliography. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B. 44, 147-184.

3.Staeheli, P., Sauder, C. Schwemmle, M. et al.,[2000]. Epidemiology of Borna disease virus, J Gen Virol 81: 2123-2135

4.Author not available, [2003] Diagnostic Methods In Virology, accessed at 

5. Nakamura, K., Takahashi, H., Shoya, Y., Nakaya, T., Watanabe, M., Tomonaga, K., Iwahashi, K., Ameno, K., Momiyama, N., Taniyama, H., Sata, T., Kurata, T., de la Torre, J.C. & Ikuta, K. [2000]. Isolation of Borna disease virus from human brain. Journal of Virology 74, 4601-4611.

6. Zimmermann, W., Durrwald, R. & Ludwig, H. (1994). Detection of Borna disease virus RNA in naturally infected animals by a nested polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Virological Methods 46, 133-143

Respiratory Syncytial Virus RSV Is
Pages: 10 Words: 2800

It has also been suggested that low-level viral replication associated with SV may be a driver in chronic inflammation in some sufferers of chronic lung disease, although this is so far uncertain (Openshaw, 2005). It is estimated that infants who develop a wheeze as a result of SV contraction develop a recurring wheeze in around two thirds of all cases. It is also estimated that around half of these children will develop some form of asthma (Lehtinen et al., 2007). It is unclear why there are some who experience delayed onset of SV, although both immune 'imprinting' and viral persistence have been implicated (Openshaw and Tregoning, 2005).


The condition is diagnosed through rapid antigen-detection tests. It is difficult to diagnose SV in adults as the tests are insensitive in persons other than children, and practitioners rarely request tests for SV in adults. This means that it is difficult to differentiate between…...



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2005) Respiratory Syncytial Virus. National Center for Infectious Diseases: Respiratory and Enteric Viruses Branch. Retrieved on November 11, 2007, at ncidod/dvrd/revb/respiratory/rsvfeat.htm.

Feltes, T.F. And Sondheimer, H.M. (2006) Palivizumab and the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus illness in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 7(9): 1471-1480.

Flynn, J.D., Akers, W.S., Jones, M., Stevkovic, N., Waid, T., Mullett, T. And Jahania, S. (2004) Treatment of Respiratory Syncytial Virus pneumonia in a lung transplant recipient: Case report and review of literature. Pharmacotherapy. Retrieved on November 11, 2007, at . (2005) "How is RSV infection diagnosed?" Retrieved on November 11, 2007, at .

The Zika Virus Threat to the United States
Pages: 7 Words: 2353

Zika, that was identified accidentally in Uganda in 1947 in the midst of insect and primate monitoring, had so far stayed as a hidden virus limited to a slim equatorial belt functioning along Africa and running into Parts of Asia. Not much is known with regards to ZIKV’s release in the US. Phylogenetic studies suggest that the virus originated with the French Polynesian ZIKV force came into Brazil around May and Dec of 2013.

The unparalleled dimension and impact from the ZIKV pandemic within the Americas could be the all-natural consequence of a unique release right into a big populace without having preexisting immune system; Much like the Americas, the communities of Yap Tropical island and French. The seriousness of results in latest breakouts, in comparison with previous findings of moderate illness, has directed a few to hypothesize that this virus seems to have mutated to become much more pathogenic.

The important…...

Bacteria and Viruses
Pages: 4 Words: 1326

What are Bacteria and Viruses?
The most palpable variance between bacteria and viruses is their size. Whereas both bacteria and viruses are too tiny to notice with the naked eye, most bacteria are about one micrometer in length and can be perceived with a good optical microscope. On the other hand, viruses are smaller than the wavelength of visible light, which implies that they can be solely perceived by using an electron microscope (Nursing Times, 2006). Infection, every so often the initial phase, takes place when bacteria, viruses or other microbes that cause disease enter the human body and start to proliferate. Disease comes about and ensues when the cells in the human body are damaged, as a result of the infection, and signs and symptoms of a disease appear.

Bacterial and viral infections are contaminations caused by bacteria and viruses. Bacteria release toxins into the blood stream whereas viruses damage body…...

How the Covid19 pandemic has created opportunities for businesses?
Words: 402

When most people think about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economics, they think of it as being purely destructive.  While there can be no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty in many sectors, leading to a loss of production and high unemployment rates in many areas, it cannot be ignored that the pandemic has also led to new opportunities for certain businesses.  Understanding those opportunities may be critical to the overall recovery of the global economy, as those industries that have experienced gains determine how to leverage them in a way that....

Can a synthesis essay question be a hypothetical question? for example, \"What effect will the Covid-19 vaccines have against the Covid-19 mutations?
Words: 350

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that uses a variety of different sources to support a central claim.  The central claim must be well-supported within the synthesis essay, even if it is not the most likely claim or generally assumed to be true outside of the essay.  Writing a synthesis essay has two main parts: synthesizing sources and supporting your main claim.

It is possible to write a synthesis essay about a hypothetical claim, but it will be more difficult to find the literature to support your claim. That is because you will not....

I’m doing a summary about the Pfizer vaccine, how it works, who should it get it first and how long it lasts, so if you can help me write the best essay title for it. Thank you in advance?
Words: 347

One of the difficulties about writing a summary of any of the vaccines for the novel Coronavirus that is known as COVID-19 is that much of the information remains unknown.  In addition, because the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines, which are not a familiar type of vaccine, they create some additional questions.  How long will the vaccines be effective?  Are they safe?  Will they work to prevent infection by the newer strands of COVID-19?  Do they change your DNA as some people on the internet are suggesting? ....

Writing an essay on quality initiatives in healthcare in 2020 / 2021 and need help?
Words: 378

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

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