Virtual Reality Essays (Examples)

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Virtual Reality
Pages: 4 Words: 1087

Virtual Reality
Virtually reality is a broad term that is used in regards to a computer simulated environment that can simulate a real world experience or an imaginary world that can be rather creative. Most of these computer simulations are primarily based on a visual experience however more sensory information is also being created and intergrade into the experience as well. These systems are mostly used for either training or entertainment; sometimes a combination of each. For example, a virtual reality programs are built to teach everything from piloting an airplane to landing a parachute. These training programs can be invaluable tools to help people learn how to perform advanced tasks that are often too dangerous or expensive to practice in real life.

Figure 1 - VR Parachute Trainer (U.S. Navy, 2002)

Virtual Reality Input Devices

Although the visual experience has served at the center of the virtual reality experience is it was envisioned,…...


Works Cited

Bailey, D. (2011). The Lure of Virtual. Organizaitonal Science, 1485-1504.

Baumann, J. (N.d.). Military applications of virtual reality. Retrieved October 12, 2012, from Washington University:

Bumiller, E. (2012, July 29). A Day Job Waiting for a Kill Shot a World Away. Retrieved October 12, 2012, from 

LaViola, J. (2010). 3D User Interface Design. Retrieved October 12, 2012, from Brown University:

Virtual Reality
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Information Systems

This paper will describe the basic components of virtual reality. The paper will also provide a variety of practical applications for this technology in many industries. The paper is a brief summary and brief comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of virtual technology. Virtual technology has been in existence for decades and as time passes, its integration in mainstream culture and everyday life increases. Overall, the paper is a concise introduction to the virtual reality technology, and the numerous implementations of the technology in our world.

Brief introduction

Virtual reality technology is computer-based technology that simulates real environments and imaginary environments. Virtual reality technology primarily consists of visual and tactile interfaces between the user and the computer system monitoring and operating the equipment. Virtual reality describes environments that are three-dimensional (3D), immersive, simulations, and very visual. Virtual reality technology is an example of integrated advanced technology…...



Brooks, Jr., F.P. (2009) What's Real About Virtual Reality? IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications: Special Report, November/December, 16 -- 27.

Fox, J., Arena, D., & Bailenson, J.N. (2009) Virtual Reality: A Survival Guide for Social Scientist. Journal of Media Psychology, 21(3), 95 -- 113.

Deconstructive Montage and Virtual Reality
Pages: 2 Words: 577

Despite the existence of this notion, juxtaposition enables montage to deal with cut and paste contradictory pieces and the concept of visual language. This enables the achievement or development of new meaning of the images. It is ideal to note that mass media images were put together, though fake and clumsy, are productive in the production of documentary picture in relation to history (Jenkins 2006, p. 214). This enables the audiences to look at the existing images and grab its contextual meaning immediately. They also have the opportunity to relate its meaning to the current events in the society. This is an indication that fragments and ruptures in relation to deconstructive montage have the ability to appeal to the audiences through political or social aspects. There is also element of fun in the development of images through the application of the deconstructive montage strategy thus minimal aesthetic aspect of…...



Henry Jenkins, 2006. 'Photoshop for Democracy' in Convergence Culture (New York University Press).

Virtual Reality and Audience
Pages: 1 Words: 419

virtual reality event at a museum. I was really excited to go because I'm always interested in learning more about technological innovation and how it is used in different ways. The new virtual reality technology out there involves the use of multiple cameras that record in all directions and are thus used to create experiences using the captured imagery. The image is thus viewed through the virtual reality goggles.
I was really impressed by the opening speech of the vent. One of the speakers works for the United Nations. That speaker presented and spoke about some o the things that virtual reality is used for. As an example, one of the image sets used was a refugee camp. In other words, the virtual reality goggles can be used to depict and show what a Syrian girl in a refugee camp and her surroundings would look like. IT is a new…...

Virtual Reality and Violence
Pages: 6 Words: 2194

Super-violence is a new term that defines violence in a grand and exaggerating way. (Klare 16) Seen as an era of constant warfare and violence, it has made its way into entertainment and media. hether it is chopping the heads of people and seeing the blood from their bodies gush like champagne fountains or seeing throats slit by children, today's media has taken on a new level of violence that thanks to visual effects and special effects makeup, shows just how intense the public has become in their quest for savagery. But why does the public desire more and more violence in their stories? hat turn will this take in the future?
The recent invention and use of virtual reality just may be the way people will participate in the increasingly violent nature of media. Through virtual reality people can feel as though they are right in the middle of a…...


Works Cited

Cornell University, Are Moral Actors Moral, Or Does Moral Action Make An Actor Moral? 1st ed. Cornell University, 2016. Print.

1st ed. Cornell University, 2016. Print.

Klare, Michael T. "The Era of Super-Violence." MERIP Reports 111 (1983): 16. Web.

Lee, Tae Kyoung and Michael A. Shapiro. "The Interaction of Affective Dispositions, Moral Judgments, And Intentionality In Assessing Narrative Characters: Rationalist And Intuitionist Sequences." Communication Theory 24.2 (2014): 146-164. Web.

Virtual Religious Service Islam Is a Religion
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

Virtual eligious Service
Islam is a religion of great misconceptions and of immense misunderstanding. It was because of this same notion that this religion in particular was of great interest. With all the negative publicity that Islam receives in the media, people only get exposed to the violent extremists that represent a minute minority of this religion. A picture of violence and death is flashed on the television daily, forcing many to create negative misconceptions about Muslims. Their portrayal of how their females are treated is an aspect that has also come under speculation. The media portrays oppressed hopeless females, which induces viewers to think that this is actually true. These are both misconceptions that I had prior to my viewing of the online religious service and research.

Violence and terrorism are shown constantly across the television screen whenever extremist Muslims are depicted. This creates a sense of misconception as viewers tend…...



Adams, M., Bell, L.A., & Griffin, P. (2007). Teaching for diversity and social justice. CRC Press.

Common misunderstandings of muslims [Web log message]. (2008, February 26). Retrieved from /Primetime/WhatWouldYouDo/story?id=4339516&page=1

Lawrence, B.B. (1998). Shattering the myth: Islam beyond violencec. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Virtual Collaboration Is a New
Pages: 10 Words: 2973

There are several characteristic that are evident with the software system use in virtual collaboration technology. The first characteristic is that most of these tools are web based and are downloadable; they also have the ability to offer a text chat feature in real time, thereby allowing for the synchronous communication among various users.
The platforms also has VoIP functionality, thereby giving them the ability to transmit sound over the laid down internet infrastructure. The virtual collaboration platform has the ability to allow screen sharing. This therefore allows the individual users to allow their partners to have a look at what they are working on their screens in an instant. The platform must have a presentation facility that allows for the presentation of Power point slides to the audience. The system also has Whiteboard-Live annotation tools which provides the users with a whiteboard type experience and look with the added…...



Ackoff, R.L. (1971). Towards a system of system concepts.Management Science,

17(11):661 -- 671.

Bhaskar, R., Lee, H.S., Levas, a., P'etrakian, R., Tsai, F., and Tulskie, B. (1994). an-alyzing and re-engineering business processes using simulation. In Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Winter Simulation, pages 1206 -- 1213

Biuk-Aghai, R.P. (2000a). Virtual workspaces for web-based emergent processes. In Fourth Paci-c Asia Conference on Information Systems: Electronic Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems, pages 864 -- 880, Hong Kong, China

Tsc What Is Reality We Pursue Virtual
Pages: 3 Words: 1319

TSC: What Is eality?
We pursue virtual reality not because we seek to embrace reality, but because we seek to escape it. The availability of virtual reality technology enables us to create a controllable world which 'feels' real, but without any of the actual consequences of inhabiting reality. In virtually real games, we can act violently; become sports stars; take on entirely different personas in a consequence-free universe. One of the definitions of technology is that it technology involves the use of various created implements to make our lives seem 'easier.' To some extent, this is true of virtual reality technology, given that virtually real universes do not hold within them the risks of actually fighting, pursuing death-defying sports, or confronting supernatural beings in strange realms. However, the risks of virtual reality are great, namely that we will enter into the 'real' world after 'playtime' with a less secure grasp on…...



Kass, L (2001). TNR Online (The New Republic Online). Retrieved:

Philosophy Reality Philosophy and Technology
Pages: 2 Words: 636

For example, before Newton, gravity was not considered a reality because the force of gravity itself cannot be perceived via the senses. The scientific method corrects for sensory shortcomings. However, philosophers must endeavor to think beyond that which the senses deliver.
Morality, Philosophy, and Technology

Discussion 1: Human/Robot Interface

Current robotics technologies depend on strong human controls; no android exists that can survive independently of a human being either for its creation or for its sustenance. No android can therefore be considered alive in any reasonable definition of the word. Therefore, robots are dependent on humans. Robots do not make decisions; humans make decisions and program robots to execute those decisions. In the same way that a human being operates an automatic weapon to kill another person, so too does a human being operate a robot to kill another person. Therefore, human beings are always responsible for the actions carried out by…...

Implications of Augmented Reality
Pages: 5 Words: 1621

Augmented Reality (Current State and Future Implications)
Augmented reality (AR) has become a common buzzword in the modern society, particularly in the field of technology. This concept of overlaying computerized information is increasingly finding its place in the market through mobile devices. For people who use mobile devices for their everyday activities, augmented reality enables them to have a reality that is based on their desires and needs. It has shaped the realities of people across the globe as technology continues to play an important role in modern communications and interactions between people from different geographical locations. Therefore, augmented reality is expected to have a significant impact on the future given its current state and impact on people’s realities and the society.

Current State of Augmented Reality

The field of augmented reality and virtual reality has experienced tremendous growth and evolution in recent years and is expected to grow rapidly in this year.…...

Finding Trends in the Tech Industry Augmented Reality
Pages: 5 Words: 1616

9TENDS IN THE TECH INDUSTYFinding Trends in the Trends Tech Industry: Utilization of Augmented eality in the Education Sectorickey NicholsUniversity Of Maryland Global CampusPO 600 9042: Communicating, Problem Solving, and Leading in Professional FieldsDr. Theo StoneOctober 27, 2020Finding Trends in the Tech IndustryIntroductionTo a large extent, one of the advances in tech that has had the greatest impact on multiple fronts is augmented reality. The education industry has not been left behind. Education institutions from across the world are deploying augmented reality with an intention to improve the education experience. Thanks to augmented reality, educators can further promote learning outcomes. This is more so the case given that virtual reality makes it possible for educators to mimic real-world settings without incurring any cost. This text concerns itself with the deployment of virtual reality (V) in education and what it means for the sector as a whole.FindingsFrom the onset, it is…...


ReferencesDeutsch, A.L. (2020). The 5 Industries Driving the U.S. Economy. Retrieved from   C. (2020). Immersive Learning: A Practical Guide to Virtual Reality\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Superpowers in Education. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield. Harvard Professional Development (2020). Business Applications for Artificial Intelligence: An Update for 2020. Retrieved from Meijer, C. (2019). Blockchain and disruption in the financial world: Will banks survive? Retrieved from Porter, M.E. & Happelmann, J.E. (2017). Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy. Retrieved from Uzialko, A. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Business. Retrieved from Frehlich,

Kimberly Clark Virtual Products and
Pages: 3 Words: 775

Not the least of these is the ability for Kimberly-Clark to provide interactive experiences with newer products, packaging designs, and other innovative elements before any shipments are made or orders are even placed (Kimberly-Clark 2011a). This makes merchandising and layout experimentation far less costly (virtually free, after the initial cost of the technology and its development) and far more efficient for Kimberly-Clark and its retailers (McGee 2007; Kimberly-Clark 2011a).
etailers also derive other benefits from this technology, namely the ability to better predict what will happen not only with specific product and design innovations but also to experience what more general changes and ongoing developments will mean for the long-term merchandising strategies and their impacts (Kimberly-Clark 2011a). That is, not only will retailers be able to experience specific new product lines and displays before ordering any product, but through ongoing experimentation they will be able to develop more efficient and…...



Kimberly-Clark. (2011). Our Company. Accessed 9 October 2011. 

Kimberly-Clark. (2011a). Kimberly-Clark's virtual reality technology provides faster, more innovative merchandising solutions. Accessed 9 October 2011. 

McGee, M. (2007). InformationWeek 500: Kimberly-Clark's Virtual Product Demo Center Yields Real Ideas On How To Sell More Products. Accessed 9 October 2011.

Virtual Cultures in Today's Information-Oriented
Pages: 2 Words: 540

An example of this virtual culture is the fan culture, wherein individuals having a similar belief or likeness for an idea or another individual (also identified as "cult hero") come together and form a community wherein they talk about their beliefs, and create a culture uniquely identified only to them. Examples of these fan cultures are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter fan groups/bases.
In the following years, despite Macionis' expressed fear for these virtual cultures, this form of culture will develop to give way to new, hybrid cultures that will potentially develop as a result of the continuous innovation and creation of computer- and Internet-mediated technologies. Moreover, these cultures will become important in that it will reflect the kind of groups and individuals extant in the society. These virtual cultures will mirror peoples' values, beliefs, and traditions. And most importantly, virtual cultures will become the 'culture…...

Virtual Offices
Pages: 4 Words: 1415

Virtural Offices
Virtual Offices

Technology has allowed for the unyielding array of products and services that we know enjoy. In just a few seconds anyone can be connected to anyone, anywhere around the world. Technology has brought people closer together, allowed for the transportation of goods and services across borders and reduced the time for many transactions. Many companies, such as Procter & Gamble, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, and Compaq have partially or fully eliminated traditional offices for field sales and customer service. Other companies have eliminated offices for workers including researchers, real estate managers, and accountants. For these businesses, work is becoming something you do, not a place where you go. Smaller firms have also taken advantage of technology in order to increase productivity, reduce costs and achieve other strategic goals. Most recently, companies have been redefining the traditional meaning of office and begun to seek cost effective and efficient methods to…...


Works Cited

Alexander, George. (1999). Is telecommuting right for you? Black Enterprise Magazine, 4, 35.

Davenport, Thomas. (1998). Two Cheers for Virtual Offices. Sloan Management Review. Retrieved on November 17, 2002 from web site 

York, Thomas. Telecommuting causes, solves problems. Retrieved from web site: 

Yudkowsky Chaim. (29 August 1997). Space invaders: Pros, cons of virtual offices. Orlando Business Journal.

Virtual Teams Challenges and Solutions
Pages: 3 Words: 1065

The advent of technology has brought with itself various diverse changes. Advances in technology have effectively eliminated geographical barriers to communication and collaboration. As a matter of fact, the said changes have brought to the fore new possibilities for global organizations as far as teamwork is concerned. Thus it is now possible for people to undertake on common projects in a teamwork setting even if they are not in the same geographical location. This is what is what could contextually be referred to as virtual teams. It is important to note, from the onset, that there is no assigned definition for virtual teams. This is to say that several definitions have been offered over time in an attempt to define virtual teams. In essence, however, virtual teams could be seen as clusters of organizational employees who do not work in the same physical environment but nonetheless interact as well as…...

help me write a paper?
Words: 408

Title: The Impact of Technology on Modern Society

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, significantly transforming various aspects of modern society. In this paper, we will explore the profound impact technology has had on areas such as communication, education, and healthcare. By examining both the positive and negative effects, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of how technology has shaped our lives.

I. Communication:
The advancements in technology have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other.
A. Improved connectivity:
1. The emergence of smartphones and social media platforms has allowed individuals to stay connected 24/7.

Is there anything in the news related to book notes that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 667

Yes, there are several news topics related to book notes that could make good essay subjects. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The rise of e-books and its impact on book notes: You can explore how the increasing popularity of electronic books has affected the way people take notes and analyze texts. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of virtual note-taking and the implications for studying and retaining information.

2. The controversy surrounding marginalia in borrowed books: Marginalia refers to the practice of writing notes and comments in the margins of books. Some libraries and institutions have strict policies against it, while others....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on Literacy Narrative?
Words: 646

Topic 1: The Evolving Definition of Literacy in a Digital Age

In the 21st century, the concept of literacy has undergone a significant transformation due to the advent of digital technologies. Explore how the definition of literacy has expanded in the digital age to encompass digital literacy, information literacy, and transmedia literacy. Discuss the implications of this evolving definition for education and society as a whole.

Topic 2: The Literacy Divide: Access, Opportunity, and Equity

Examine the persistent literacy gap and its impact on individuals and communities, particularly in marginalized and underserved areas. Analyze the factors that contribute to the literacy divide, such....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Adventure Tourism?
Words: 534

1. The Evolving Trends in Adventure Tourism:

Explore the emerging trends and innovations shaping adventure tourism worldwide. Discuss how technology, sustainability, and changing consumer preferences are transforming the industry, including topics like virtual reality experiences, eco-friendly practices, and the rise of niche adventure travel.

2. Adventure Tourism and Local Communities:

Examine the impact of adventure tourism on local communities, both positive and negative. Discuss how tourism can empower local economies, promote cultural exchange, and contribute to conservation efforts. Conversely, analyze potential challenges such as environmental degradation, overtourism, and the need for responsible tourism practices.

3. Risk Management and Safety in Adventure Tourism:


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