Victorias Secret Essays (Examples)

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Victoria's Secret Trend Report Victoria's Secret Has
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Victoria's Secret: Trend Report
Victoria's Secret has a quintessentially feminine atmosphere as a store, although male consumers may occasionally enter it to make a purchase. The store looks like the inside of a woman's closet, complete with white, ornate sliding drawers to hide ruffled, feminine underwear, cloth satin hangers on which various slips are suspended, and delicate pillows and sachets. The color scheme is overwhelmingly pastel and white, and the satin garments shimmer in the ambient lighting from above. Despite the fact that it is an intimate apparel company, the store windows of Victoria's Secret proudly display bras and underwear without shame, suggesting that while the store creates a sense of being in a bedroom, there is also a sense of joyful exhibitionism in wearing the lingerie. However, most of the items are not aggressively sexy, and as the name suggests, possess a kind of wholesomeness. This is underlined by the…...


Works Cited

"Victoria's Secret Clothing 2011-2012." Women's Fashion Trends. December 2010.

[June 6, 2011] at

Victoria's Secret History and SWOT
Pages: 4 Words: 1032

First, given the company's strong market share, its profitability, and its ownership by the larger Limited Brands, Victoria's Secret will emerge from the current global economic downturn with far less risk and damage than many of its smaller competitors (Victoria's Secret 2008; Hoover 2010). Another opportunity facing the company is the increase in current fashion trends of "sexy" outerwear and underwear as modeled by pop stars and the increasingly media-potent socialites of the day (VIP 2010). Victoria's Secret has already begun to capitalize on these opportunities and continuing to do so will improve its external position.
The economic downturn also creates something of a threat for the company, however. As a luxury brand, Victoria's Secret runs the risk of losing clientele based on perceptions and realities of affordability and simple price competition in the market, and there is already evidence that this has occurred to some degree (Victoria's Secret 2008;…...



Hoover. (2010). "Victoria's Secret." Accessed 14 November 2010.

VIP. (2010). "Katy Perry helps send sexy Victoria's Secret show out with a bang." Accessed 14 November 2010. 

Victoria's Secret. (2008). Annual Report. Accessed 14 November 2010. 

Yahoo. (2010). "Victoria's Secret: Profile." Accessed 14 November 2010.

Victoria's Secret Question 1-
Pages: 5 Words: 2061

apid price declines from lingerie produced in third-world nations and the growth of discounters selling knock-off products.

Shortages of key raw materials is also directly impacting the company's ability to accurately predict and respond to store demands for specific mixes of products.


Victoria's Secret has been very successful due to first the excellent execution of their branding strategy that stresses the values of being feminine, sexy, sophisticated and products of quality has worked very well for the company. In addition, the ability to quickly and successfully launch new products has greatly contributed to the company's success, in addition to the front-line strategies that are shown in Figure 3, Focus at the Front Line, (Marketing Leadership Council, 2002).

Figure 3: Focus at the Front Line

What underscores and supports all these initiatives…...



Investor Relations (2007) - Frequented Asked Questions of Limited Brands Investor Relations. Accessed from the Limited Brands Website on May 30, 2007 at Leadership Council, 2002) - Insights Into How Victoria's Secret Harnesses Customer Requirements. Marketing Leadership Council. Corporate Executive Board. Accessed via EBSCO Host on May 30, 2007:

Porter (1979) - Harvard Business Review. "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy" in Harvard Business Review 57, March - April 1979, pages 86-93.

Securities and Exchange Commission (2007) - Form 10Ks and Annual Reports for the years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. Accessed using EBSSCO Host and also Limited Brands website on May 30, 2007 from location:

Gender Store Visits Men Like This Women Like
Pages: 6 Words: 2015

We went into a Victoria's Secret store, and recorded our observations. These were then evaluate against what we learned in Underhill about the differences in the way men and women shop. We sought to evaluate the store on a few different dimensions, including store design, merchandising and the way that the store seeks to influence buyer behavior. At the conclusion of the report, we will offer some recommendations to Victoria's Secret with respect to enhancing their in-store presentation.

Store Design

Before even entering the store, we noticed something unusual about Victoria's Secret. There were men, but they were outside. We stopped to observe this, and found that very few men would actually go into the store. They would arrive, always with a woman, and would either wait outside or walk away. Victoria's Secret seemed almost like a "no man's land," even though one might think that a man would go into the…...



Farfan, B. (2013). Victoria's Secret mission statement -- as captivating as the merchandise mix. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from 

Graham, K. (2010). Will Pink give Victoria's Secret a miraculous lift? Minyanville. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from

PR Newswire (2008). Victoria's Secret opens its most glamorous and luxurious store ever. PR Newswire. Retrieved November 24, 2013 from 

Underhill, P. (2009) Why We Buy. New York: Simon & Schuster

Holly Bilski English 130b Dr
Pages: 20 Words: 5197

" Instead of establishing a set rhythm as with his rhyme scheme, he punctuates in order to delineate an end of a particular episode within the poem which also helps the audience understand when and where his narration changes. Each period concludes an establish section of the poem, the first period ends on "Over her, thrashing and thrusting until he was spent." (ln 8), which importantly ends his narrative of Victorian sex. The following breaks each connote the ending of one thought tangent and the beginning of another. The implication on narrative voice occurs through the shifting of his speaking tone and message after periods. In his first address the narrator is informative, the second he is reflective and the third he places mockery on contemporary standards. Thus, punctuation in this case is use to delineate what specific theme and audience he is address. The use of commas is also…...



Acheson, James, and Romana Huk, eds. Contemporary British Poetry: Essays in Theory and Criticism / . Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996.

Atkins, G. Douglas and Laura Morrow. Contemporary Literary Theory. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1989.

Bagwell, Timothy J. American Formalism and the Problem of Interpretation. Houston: Rice, 1986.


Shopping for Pleasure John Fiske
Pages: 3 Words: 904

.. A very fine negro girl, about eight years of age" or "Wanted immediately, a Negro boy... not above 15 or under 12 years of age" and "To be sold one stout negro, young fellow, about 20 years of age" (Katyal; 1993).
These advertisements show a great deal about history. For example, not are these slaves only for sale in the Southern colonies. They were also in newspapers in the North.

For example, the woman who is described in this advertisement could only speak English. Therefore, she could not communicate easily with those New Yorkers, both white and black, whose primary language was Dutch. These advertisements also provided information about the clothing. They also shed light on the survival of Africanisms in dress and body adornment and proficiencies in occupations and language(s).

Consumption and the products that people want is highly dependent on the times. They are based on need. The shortage of…...


Basic Books.: New York. 1988.

Fiske, John. "Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power and Resistance," in Reading the Popular. 13-42: 1989

Kumar, Neal Katyal Men Who Own Women: A thirteenth Amendment Critique of Forced Prostitution Yale Library Journal (1993) 103.

Foot Junkiez Business Plan
Pages: 8 Words: 2485

Business Plan for a New Business
Business Plan

Business Name: "Foot Junkiez"

Business Type: Sell customized footwear on eBay which people can put any name or image on them.

Business description

Financial Goals

Nonfinancial goals

Market strategies

External environment analysis: PASTEL







Marketing Mix

Product strategy

Distribution Strategy

Promotional Strategy.

Pricing Strategy

Competitive analysis

Foot Junkiez is a customized online footwear store. The area urgently needs an upscale customized shoe shop because the current shops have insufficient selections. Currently, customers that need custom-made footwear must travel long distances to find the right footwear. Foot Junkiez will have an unrivaled, wide-range of different footwear. The size of Foot Junkiez collection is expensive following the different sizes that must be supplied per design. Foot Junkiez has a unique business structure that allows them to have a wide-ranging at the price of only storing one size per design. This is achieved through a unique connection with the supplier so Foot Junkiez can get a client's needed size within two…...



Brown, B.C. (2009). The complete guide to affiliate marketing on the Web: How to use and profit from affiliate marketing programs. Ocala, Fla: Atlantic Pub. Group.

Luther, W.M. (2001). The marketing plan: How to prepare and implement it. New York: AMACOM.

Longenecker, J.G. (2012). Small business management: Launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Pinson, L. (2008). Anatomy of a business plan: The step-by-step guide to building your business and securing your company's future. Tustin, Calif: Out of Your Mind...and Into the Marketplace.

How women can mitigate the impacts of postpartum depression
Pages: 5 Words: 1613

Background of postpartum depressionDepression has quickly become a major public health concern for those in the United States. COVID-19 and its resulting health consequences have exacerbated many of the impacts of depression on women within developed worlds. The pandemic for example, caused massive and unexpected job loss of millions of families. Many of those impacted such as travel, tourism, and retail are still reeling from the economic consequences of the virus. These elements can combine to severely impact the psychological wherewithal of individuals in society, particularly women. Child bearing is one of the most powerful and stressful events a woman can experience. If unprepared financially, or healthcare wise, this stress can result in depression. For once Women are nearly twice as likely to experience depression during their childbearing years as compared to men. Postpartum depression is defined by academics as an episode of non-psychotic depression according to standardized diagnostic criteria…...


References 1. Beck, C. T. (1995). The effects of postpartum depression on maternal-infant interaction: a meta-analysis. Nursing Research, 44, 298-304.2. Cooper, P. J. & Murray, L. (1997). The impact of psychological treatments of postpartum depression on maternal mood and infant development. In L.Murray & P. J. Cooper (Eds.), Postpartum depression and child development (pp. 201-220). New York: Guilford Press.3. Jacobsen, T. (1999). Effects of postpartum disorders on parenting and on offspring. In L.J.Miller (Ed.), Postpartum Mood Disorders (pp. 119-139). Washington, DC.: American Psychiatric Press4. Milgrom, J. (1994). Mother-infant interactions in postpartum depression: an early intervention program. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 11, 29-38.

Infanticide as a Charge and a Defense
Pages: 10 Words: 4613

Infanticide in Australia
Infanticide is the act or practice of killing newborns or infants. It has been committed or performed in every continent and in every level of culture from the poorest hunters and gatherers to the richest and most advanced classes of people and from the time of our ancestors to modern age (Milner 1998). The act or practice has been so rampant that there is enough evidence on record to show that it has been more the rule than an exception and this evidence reflects that parents themselves kill their infants under distressing and stressful situations. The practice or act was so frequent in England in the 19th century that both the medical and the private communities had to think of ways to control the crime (Milner) described by medical practitioners as savage in a contradiction to human progress.

But infanticide is not a modern creation. It was committed or…...



Burleigh, M. (1994). Return to the planet of the apes? - peter singer in Germany. History Today. 

Cooray, M. (2004). Human rights in australia. Youth Matrix.

Hammoud, AAM. (2004). Status of women in islam. Australian Muslim Community.

Knight, K. (2004). Australia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, volume II, online edition.

Theoni v Aldredge Discussion of
Pages: 10 Words: 2995

For instance, renowned designer Barbara Matera explained that when Glenn Close first tried on the Norma Desmond costume described above, she "winced under its weight" (New York's Top Costume Shop Reveals Its Secrets 1996:3). The costume's designer, Anthony Powell, instructed Close to turn around and face the mirror, and "upon seeing the stunning result her whole attitude changed" (4). Other anecdotal accounts on the design process from Matera included: "e love shows that have underwear scenes" (referring to bustles, corsets, and pantaloons), and "bird costumes can be very taxing"; these comments provide some insight into the creative challenges that face costume designers and makers today.
Each character that appears in a production must be individually assessed, and gradually each movement of each character and each costume must then be integrated into a cohesive whole that presents the imagery desired. "At any rate," Cole et al. say, "slowly, harmoniously, must the…...


Works Cited

Awards & Prizes. (May 2002). American Theatre, 19(5):9.

Barbour, David. (2001). You'll know who. Entertainment Design, 11:27.

Barnes, Denise. (May 28, 1998). Columnist Will Tell Times Readers Where Bargains Are. The Washington Times, 10.

Brennan, Sandra. (2004). The New York Times Movie Guide: Biographies. Available: .

Barth Lity Hello My Name Is Fadi
Pages: 9 Words: 2993

Barth, LITY)
Hello, my name is Fadi Awwad. Apologies for the late submission -- for some reason the due date was not showing on my Blackboard! The most recent book I read that really subverted the concept of Freytag's Triangle was probably The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon. In the spring semester 2014, I wrote a research paper on Pynchon for a course on postmodern narrative here at UHV. Pynchon is considered the postmodern novelist par excellence, so it is no surprise that The Crying of Lot 49 subverts traditional narrative structure.

Pynchon's short novel tells the story of a California housewife, Mrs. Oedipa Maas, who is given the duty of being executor for the estate of an ex-lover, Pierce Inverarity, who has just died. The central plot of the novel, however, hinges on whether Oedipa has inadvertently discovered the existence of a vast conspiracy called "The Trystero" --…...

Business Law Hiring and Entity Formation
Pages: 5 Words: 1759

CADWAE: Case Study
Did CADWAE have genuine BFOQs (Bona Fide Occupational Job Qualifications) in its ad?

Do not forget to review the company's slogan as given in the above facts.

Be sure to discuss Petunia's point-of-view as well as CADWAE's position and defenses.

Use legal authority to support your position as well.

In general, it is illegal to discriminate against a job applicant based upon characteristics pertaining to "race, religion, gender, national origin, age or other protected status" ("BFOQ," 2015). However, in certain limited circumstances, if an employer can demonstrate that "no member of the group" he or she is discriminating against could perform the job, he or she may do so, under an exception known as Bona Fide Occupational Job Qualifications ("BFOQ," 2015). For example, airlines may have mandatory retirement ages for pilots because of safety concerns; religious institutions may favor candidates of a particular religion; and modeling and talent agencies may select individuals…...



Moseley v. V Secret Catalogue, Inc. (2002). Retrieved from: 

Mote, S. (2014). Trademark considerations in choosing a business name. KC Sourcelink.

Retrieved from:

Operational Plan Development and Implementation
Pages: 6 Words: 1672

What happened?" What happened was that many hotel restaurants have focused on providing their guests with better food that has them returning in droves: "Many restaurants in hotels are extremely competitive in both the quality of food served and the dining service" (Lee, 1998, p. 38). In response to precedent-setting losses in 1995, the hotel industry has been "looking for innovative food and beverage concepts intended to first and foremost make the hotel a center community," the American Hotel and Motel Association. Hotel service reports, including food service, which must be sufficiently compelling to keep hotel guests in-house while remaining sufficiently innovative to keep them from walking out the door (Lee, 1998). This point is echoed by Meryment (2006) who reports of Australia hoteliers: "There was a time, not long ago, when to eat in a hotel restaurant was akin to suffering a social death. Nobody, but nobody, would…...



Daylesford. (2004). The Age Co. [Online]. Available: .

Johnson, E. (2006, September 15). Restaurants: Not Hollywood - but cuisine shouts class. Daily Post, 20.

Kane, J.J., & Personick, M.E. (1993). Profiles in safety and health: Hotels and motels. Monthly Labor Review, 116(7), 36.

Lee, D.T. (1998). Young, but seasoned hotel chefs. American Visions, 13(6), 38.

Marketing Plan Situation Analysis Godiva
Pages: 10 Words: 2726

III. Media Strategy

Media objectives

The following are the key media objectives of the three dominant campaigns as defined in this plan. To successfully create an integrated marketing communications strategy that capitalizes on the unique strengths of each form of media, including the use of print, television, online and lickable advertising mediums. Here are the specific, quantified objectives of the media strategy:

To increase the unaided awareness of Godiva Chocolatier by 50% over the next 90 days as audited through interviews of the primary members of the target audience.

To attain both unaided and aided awareness of the next generation of Godiva Chocolates in the 20-35 age group.

To successfully coordinate and synchronize print, television, online and lickable media plans to maximize the number of impressions and levels of awareness on a both unaided and aided standpoint. To optimize the level of use of online advertising to order a lickable advertisement if a prospective customer…...



Annette Bourdeau (2008, April). Mmm, First Flavour's tasty ads... Strategy,25. Retrieved April 17, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1456519621).

Arun Sudhaman (2006, December). Hooking the world on Godiva's edible luxury. Media,20. Retrieved April 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1201883081).

Suzanne Vranica (2008, February 13). Marketers salivate over lickable ads. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. B.3. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1434442681).


Changing Value of Beauty
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Welcoming the Metro Sexual Male and Saying Goodbye to the "Perfect" Woman
Beauty has always been emphasized in popular culture. But currents are pulling in different directions today as the myth of women's perfection is heightened by the exposure of photoshopped pictorials and as female comics like Lena Dunham take the "sexy" out of Sex and the City by portraying realistic womanhood with all its fat, wrinkles, spots and imperfections. As for men, the once rugged masculinity of the John Wayne type has given over to the Bradley Cooper/Tim Gunn type of well-groomed "metro sexuality." In one sense, it appears that the idea of woman as goddess is being, to an extent, displaced (or at least rivaled) by the idea of man as Adonis. In short, beauty -- in terms of manicured nails, good skin, and full-bodied hair -- is no longer just for women.

Evidence for this stunning claim is found…...

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