Verizon Wireless Essays (Examples)

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Verizon Wireless the Following Pages
Pages: 14 Words: 3815

The cuent licenses spectum of Veizon and futue ones that ae expected to be acquied include: 45 MHz of spectum, a weighted aveage of 39.8 MHz, a weighted aveage of 38.1 MHz, and a weighted aveage of 34.2 MHz. Combined with the company's CDMA technology, these spectum licenses ae expected to gant the company significant competitive advantage. This situation will futhe lead to a bette anticipation of demand incease fo wieless voice and data sevices.
Anothe facto that diffeentiates the company to its customes efes to facilitating the company's custome's access to Intenet content by using an easy-to-use fomat that ensues using desktop computes. The sevices povided by Veizon to its customes though this method include:

Stock maket infomation, potfolio monitoing and stock tading though E. Tade, Fidelity Investments, Chales Schwab, TD Watehouse, and CSFB diect

Tavel infomation and esevations though, and Expedia

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News fom MSNBC,, and the New…...


references. However, in order to reach the growth objectives that the company has set for the following period of time, it is recommended to develop the management of these distribution channels.

For example, the company should focus on expanding direct sales. This objective can be achieved by increasing the number of the stores owned by the company, by increasing telemarketing activity, and by increasing web based activity also. These actions should be doubled by developing indirect distribution channels. Development of indirect distribution channels will determine the development of the distribution system, which will eventually lead to increasing the number of customers and national coverage. This factor already represents one of Verizon's strong points, and, if developed, it could generate significant competitive advantage for the company.

However, such actions will require tremendous amounts of financial, technical, and human resources. The company should focus in training its employees, since the most valuable resources that any company could have is represented by human resources. The company's success relies on how well its employees manage to do their tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that the company invests more in its human resources. Although costs will not be reduced, the effects will be priceless. However, these actions will only produce their effects on medium term and long-term. The company's indirect retailers could also benefit from training provided by the company, since this will be in favor of both the company and the indirect retailers.

The company's distribution strategy's center point is represented by company-owned stores. As for any company, these stores require low maintenance costs, but bring high profits. This is one of the reasons for which company-owned stores are Verizon's favorite distribution channel. Another reason for this is the fact that customers that go to company-owned stores are more loyal are more serious, which is exactly what Verizon expects from its clients. The company's current stores sell wireless handsets and accessories, wireless service paging, and narrowband PCS service. The company currently owns 1,180 stores, kiosks and carts. These stores and their personnel are able to create customer satisfaction and to increase customer loyalty. Therefore, it is recommended that Verizon opens at least 300 more such stores.

Regarding business to business distribution, the company currently operates with two important business to business sales forces. This means over 2,000 employees. One of the two forces operates with the small to medium businesses. Their number is continuously increasing. The main target is represented by regional and local businesses that operate in industries with less than 100 wireless users. Given the fact that these small to medium companies' number is continuously increasing, it is recommended that Verizon also increases the number of employees working with this segment, in order to be able to expand the company's activity, as number of customers, on the one hand, and as national coverage, on the other hand.

Verizon SWOT Verizon Wireless A
Pages: 6 Words: 1683

4. Research and Development:

In the area of research and development, Verizon is at a point of disadvantage. As stated above, its failure to establish a contract with Apple for sale of the iPhone has caused it to miss out considerably on the opportunity to bring aboard new subscribers. This is a weakness in the area of research and deveopment, particularly given that Apple is the most innovative technology device company today. This failure is compounded by the failure to recognize research indicators suggesting the coming collapse of the fixed-line phone industry. Indeed, the Carew report denotes that "Verizon promised a strong 2008 and said it was not being hurt by U.S. economic concerns, but investors still worried that weakness in its fixed-lined home phone business would worsen if the economy slows further." (Carew, 1)

Verizon hopes to address these weaknesses through the release of a new set of Google-designed devices that…...


Works Cited:

Business Wire (BW). (2006). Verizon Wireless Has Set the Bar for Competitors to Reach. BNet. Online at 

Carew, S. (2008). Verizon Wireless Weakness Overshadows Mobile Growth. Reuters. Online at 

Hardy, E. (2009). Verizon Still Has Not Unveiled Its First Android Smartphones.

PR Newswire. (2009). Verizon Business Offers it and Security Tips to Guide Clients Through Merger Integrations. Reuters. Online at

Verizon Communications Inc Discussion
Pages: 4 Words: 1608

IV: Success Factors and Risks A:
Verizon, like any other business seeking to thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace has in place financial and strategic priorities which, in essence, guide the company’s operational and strategic decisions. To ensure competitive advantage, Verizon makes use of a differentiation strategy. It is important to note that this strategy comes in handy as the business seeks to keep the various external forces that may in some way affect its profitability at bay. In adopting this particular strategy, the company seems determined to not only defend its market share but also enhance its brand image. Verizon’s selling point in this case is quality as it seeks to not only win new customers, but also keep the existing ones. It should be noted that the company ensures this generic strategy is adopted across all its business units and activities – with Verizon Wireless adverts, for instance, being seen…...



Clegg, S.R., Schweitzer, J. & Whittle, A. (2016). Strategy: Theory and Practice (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE

Deloitte’s Global Mobile Consumer Survey - GMCS. (2016). Global Mobile Consumer Survey: US Edition. Retrieved from  

Hill, C.W., Schilling, M.A. & Jones, G.R. (2016). Strategic Management: Theory and Cases – An Integrated Approach (12th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning

Scheiber, N. & Chen, B.X. (2016). In Verizon Strike, Blue-Collar Stress Hits the Sidewalk. Retrieved from 

Verizon. (2017). Our Company. Retrieved from 

Financial'statement analysis of Verizon
Pages: 3 Words: 889

Organizational Context
Verizon is a national telecommunications company, headquartered in New York City. The company was formed from the breakup of Bell and subsequent mergers and acquisitions. The company has divisions for media, network and technology and customer/product operations. The latter is by far the largest component of the company, encompassing Verizon Wireless, and a number of companies aimed at the enterprise market. Verizon competes against AT&T and Sprint, both of which are large companies in their own right, with similar businesses, in particular in wireless and telecommunications. These divisions reflect an organizational structure that is focused on product. The wireless business is nationwide, but the landline-oriented businesses are focused mainly in the northeast, which is the traditional geography for Verizon's predecessor business Bell Atlantic.

Recent Financial Performance

Verizon's business has fluctuated over the past three years. In FY 2016, it recorded $125 billion in revenue, down from $131 billion the year previous,…...

Creative Process Verizon's More Fun
Pages: 3 Words: 968

Although not a huge market segment perhaps, horse lovers (most of whom are women) might even be offended by the unflattering depiction of the tiny horses. The idea that a young woman would prefer a cute cell phone rather than a pet as a present also seems to portray young women as shallow. Although it is not a scientific sampling, the notes on the comments page of YouTube for the advertisement included many notes by users (presumably young women, the targets of the advertisement) that they would trade their phone for a pony any day! (an equally unscientific poll of young women by the author of this paper yielded the same results).
The message of an advertisement for a cell phone should convey either the phone's added social value aesthetically or the phone's added financial or service value. This advertisement does neither.

Is the creative approach appropriate for the media environment…...


Works Cited

Verizon Wireless Miniature Horse Commercial."

Retrieved 2 Mary 2008 at 

We add the pony commercial: Verizon Wireless Opens Network." (29 Nov 2007).

DHADM: Pop Goes the Culture. Retrieved 2 Mary 2008 at

Integrating Wireless and Ipads
Pages: 10 Words: 2816

solution for a client of Wireless Technology Company. They are a company that assists organizations and businesses when it comes to issues that involve networking, bandwidth, productivity and connectivity. The client in need of a solution right now is The Athlete's Shack. They are a chain of sporting goods stores with about ten stores in the area. While the company has a technology framework in place, they are lacking a wireless element and they wish to add one. Beyond that, they wish to make use of iPads that can thus link to the wireless infrastructure in the stores. The Athlete's Shack is unsure on how to initiate and start the process and that is why they are turning to the Wireless Technology Company.
Executive Summary

The Athlete's Shack is in need of a solution that allows for wireless connectivity along with the use of iPads as a mean to make the…...



Amazon. (2015). NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Tri-Band Wi-Fi Router (R8000).

Retrieved 23 August 2015, from -


Apple. (2015). Apple. Apple. Retrieved 23 August 2015, from

Most Valuable Customer of Verizon
Pages: 2 Words: 781

Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Management and Empowerment
I am not sure if I would be considered a most valuable customer at Verizon, but I am guessing not. I am a relatively low revenue customer for them, basically an average customer in terms of what they would make off of me. If you consider the different elements that go into a most valuable customer, they are the profitability, the timing of the revenue, the referrals that such customers can generate, their retention, the add-ons and the customer's brand, and feedback (Moltz, 2015). Of these, maybe on retention, but otherwise I would consider myself to be a generally average customer. Corporate customers are worth a lot more money, and there are consumers who are generally bigger spenders with add-ons and the like.

The lifetime value of a most valuable customer would be unknown. Corporate customers are the most valuable, and each of them is unique.…...



Moltz, B. (2015) How to identify your most valuable customers. American Express. Retrieved May 31, 2015 from 

Verizon (2015) Smart Rewards FAQ. Verizon Retrieved May 31, 2015 from  

Business Analysis for Verizon Communications
Pages: 14 Words: 4182

VEIZON COMMUNICATIONS SummaryThe focus of this paper in on Verizon Communications, which is an American multinational telecommunications company based in New York City but incorporated in Delaware. The company has its roots in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in that the company was formed after a merger between Bell Atlantic and GTE. Bell Atlantic was formed out of the breakup of Bell Systems into several companies with each company being referred to as Baby Bells. Bell Atlantic was one of the Baby Bells. Verizon was formed in 2000 and this was considered to be the largest merger in American corporate history. The company is listed on the NYSE and the NASDAQ using the ticker VZ. While the merger was announced in 1998, it took two years for the two companies to get the approval of their shareholders, state approvals, and federal government approvals. This was all due to…...


ReferencesBarry, M. (2018). Verizon Wireless Communications: A Financial Analysis. Carroll, A. B. (2016). Carroll’s pyramid of CSR: taking another look. International journal of corporate social responsibility, 1(1), 1-8. Chan-Olmsted, S. M., & Guo, M. (2011). Strategic bundling of telecommunications services: Triple-play strategies in the cable TV and telephone industries. Journal of Media Business Studies, 8(2), 63-81. McDonough, C. C. (2017). US telco industry history as a prologue to its future. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 5(2), 98. Verizon. (2018). Code of Conduct. Retrieved from (2020). Citizen Verizon: Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved from Verizon. (n.d.). Our Company. Retrieved from Verizon Media Relations. (2016). The history of Verizon Communications. Retrieved from Verizon, W. (2014). Your Code of Conduct. Retrieved from

AT&T Wireless The objective of
Pages: 9 Words: 2685

The first is by demographically-based segmentation attributes, and the second is through services offered. Neither of these is optimal for understanding and responding to unmet needs in the users bases, a point discussed in the following section of this paper.
Demographic segments include the following:

General Consumer/Residential: The largest segment of users, this is the segment that also generates the highest level of price competition and pressure in the market as well. Churn is highest in this segment.

Small and Medium businesses:

The primary segment where bundling is used for generating high loyalty due to the ability of members of this segment to overcome price pressure due to the need to have services in place to support their business models.


The most profitable of segments and also the more difficult to penetrate and sustain customers, AT&T Wireless has successfully served this segment with Wide Area Networks (WLAN) and hotspot technologies in addition to the…...



Ahn, Jae-Hyeon Sang-Pil Han, Yung-Seop Lee. (2006). Customer churn analysis: Churn determinants and mediation effects of partial defection in the Korean mobile telecommunications service industry. Telecommunications Policy, 30(10/11), 552. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1166810491).

Allison, Kevin (2007, November). at&T spills beans on faster 3G iPhone launch.,1. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1391331811).

Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Richard P. Saba. (2006). An Econometric-Driven Merger Simulation: Considerations and Application. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 13(2), 217. Retrieved March 12, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1149224251).

Robin Bienenstock, Paola Bonomo, Richard Hunter. (2004). Keeping mobile customers. The McKinsey Quarterly,(1), 9. Retrieved March 15, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 542491091).

Verizon SWOT and PESTLE
Pages: 13 Words: 3815

Verizon: Strategic AnalysisIntroductionVerizon Communications Inc. is a leading telecommunications company operating in the United States. With a comprehensive portfolio of wireless and wireline communication services, Verizon caters to a wide range of customers, including consumers, businesses, governments, and educational institutions. This introduction will provide an overview of Verizon, followed by an analysis of the company\\\'s 10-K report. Additionally, a brief literature review will highlight key research and insights relevant to Verizon\\\'s industry and strategic position.Verizon\\\'s 10-K AnalysisVerizon\\\'s 10-K report provides a comprehensive overview of the company\\\'s operations, financial performance, and strategic initiatives. The report covers various aspects, including business segments, revenues, capital expenditures, investments, and future growth prospects. Key financial metrics such as operating revenues, net income, capital expenditures, and service revenues are disclosed, enabling a deeper understanding of the company\\\'s financial position.According to Verizon\\\'s 10-K report for the year ended December 31, 2022, the company experienced growth in its…...


ReferencesDortch, M. M. H. (2021). Re: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on the State of the Lifeline Marketplace, WC Docket No. 11-42; Proposed Transfer of Control of Tracfone Wireless, Inc. to Verizon Communications Inc., GN Docket No. 21-112.Forbes. (2022). The World\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Most Valuable Brands. Retrieved from The World\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Most Valuable Brands List ( Hanna, N. (2018). A role for the state in the digital age. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7(1), 5.Intven, H. (2000). Telecommunications regulation handbook. Washington, DC: World Bank.Muhammad, I., Shamsudin, M. F., & Hadi, N. U. (2016). How important is customer satisfaction? Quantitative evidence from mobile telecommunication market. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(6), 57.Hossain, E., & Hasan, M. (2015). 5G cellular: key enabling technologies and research challenges. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 18(3), 11-21.Ramiro, R., Arahuetes, A., & Robinson, R. A. (2022). A tale of two international strategies: how telecom operators of the European Union and the USA dealt with the political-institutional environment after the global financial crisis. European Journal of International Management, 18(2-3), 351-378.Verhoef, P. C., Lemon, K. N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M., & Schlesinger, L. A. (2009). Customer experience creation: Determinants, dynamics and management strategies. Journal of retailing, 85(1), 31-41.Verizon. (2022). 2022 Annual Report. Retrieved from UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (, J. (2012). Competition and regulation in China\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s 3G/4G mobile communications industry—Institutions, governance, and telecom SOEs. Telecommunications Policy, 36(7), 503-521.

System of Inquiry Verizon Is
Pages: 7 Words: 1910

More importantly, because the system needs to be perceived as fair, employee's opinions must be taken into account. e are not putting this system into place to be punitive, but rather to protect the interests of all of the employees.
It is believed that the system of inquiry will have a strongly positive effect on the organization. Verizon has long had some form of ethical code, but with the new code coming into effect in 2008 and the introduction of a system of inquiry, the firm is demonstrating strong ethical values. These are the values shared by most of the employees already. hat the code and system do within the company is to formalize the values that most employees already have. It improves the perception of fairness and presents a unified view of ethical issues throughout the firm.

This also will have strong impacts outside the organization. In an era when…...


Works Cited

No author & Seidenberg, Ivan. (2008). Your Code of Conduct. Verizon. Retrieved October 25, 2008 from 

Liptak, Adam. (2007). Verizon Reverses Itself on Abortion Messages. New York Times. Retrieved October 25, 2008 at 

Dallas, Lynne. (2003). A Preliminary Inquiry into the Responsibility of Corporations and their Directors and Officers for Corporate Climate: The Psychology of Enron's Demise. Rutgers Law Journal. Retrieved October 25, 2008 at 

Liptak, Adam. (2007). Verizon Reverses Itself on Abortion Messages. New York Times.

Consumer Decision-Making Processes
Pages: 2 Words: 681

Verizon Wireless
Environmental Factors

There are a number of environmental factors that go into the decision of not only what wireless provider a customer uses, but what type of plan they will buy. The major external factor is the technology at the heart of wireless. apid new product cycles are driving wireless sales, and they can also encourage consumers to buy for specific time frames. Further, the development of technology is such that it will dictate the data needs in particular of customers -- the smartphone has created a tremendous shift in demand for wireless companies. The regulatory environment is also a factor. Telecommunications is heavily regulated, and this will dictate things like the packages and pricing, bandwidth availability and mergers, all factors that contribute to the ways that the company can package products for consumers and influence their decision-making.

Consumers are also influenced by their friends and their families. These influencers can…...



AdCracker (2015). Consumer involvement theory. Retrieved June 6, 2015 from 

Perreau, F. (2014).The 5 stages of the consumer buying decision process. The Consumer Factor Retrieved June 6, 2015 from

Internet or Bandwidth throttling by Verizon
Pages: 3 Words: 966

Internet or Bandwidth throttling is the slowing or speeding of a user's internet service that is provided by the internet company. The slowing of internet service is done to reduce the usage of service supplied to the local network. Verizon's throttling and the lawsuit against it became the news's highlights in 2018 during the California wildfire when the said company tried to slow down internet usage by the fire department (Brodkin, 2018). This throttling was impeding the ability to respond to such a huge crisis, and there was lateness in providing emergency services. The image of fire departments became suspicious in public, and there was national condemnation. The reason behind this massive damage was throttling by Verizon. It was declared by the county's Fire Chief, Anthony Bowden, that the internet has become an essential tool in our daily lives and in such a nationwide emergency, where the arrangement of a huge…...



Brodkin, J. (2018, August 22). Verizon throttled fire department\\\\'s \\\\"unlimited\\\\" data during Calif. Wildfire. ARS Technica. Retrieved from  

Carman, A. (2018, August 24). Verizon says it will stop throttling emergency responders\\\\' data speeds. The Verge. Retrieved from 

Stevens, M. (2018, August 22). Verizon throttled California firefighters\\\\' internet speeds amid blaze (they were out of data). The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Public Address the Ceo of Verizon Communications
Pages: 4 Words: 1134

Public Address
the ceo of verizon communications recently had the great opportunity to attend the Progress and Freedom Foundation Forum in Houston with the keynote speaker being Mr. Ivan Seidenberg, Chief Executive Officer for Verizon Communications. Mr. Seidenberg's presentation before an audience made up of company executives and other interested parties was to say the least the most professional speech I have ever heard. His opening comments provided much inspiration and showed how important my position with Verizon is to the overall success of the company: "As one of America's premier telecom network operators, Verizon is a key player in the technology sector, and therefore in the economy as a whole. We invest more capital, deploy more technology, and serve more customers than virtually anyone else in the country. We've established a record of real investment, real competition, and real innovation. And we've worked hard to put ourselves in a…...

Functionality and Delivery of CRM
Pages: 10 Words: 3686

The one redeeming factor of these systems that comprise the Siebel CM platform is the data portability and opportunity to move the data into a SaaS-based platform.
2. Microsoft CM and Sales Force Automation - the consumer business is running the latest edition of Microsoft Dynamics CM. The problem with this CM system is the lack of mobility options as Microsoft lags behind SaaS-based CM system providers with support for the Apple iPad and other tablet and smartphone devices.

3. SAP -- the procurement and supply chain management system in use by Verizon today, in addition to their centralized Enterprise esource Planning (EP) system, is an SAP /3 instance located in their corporate headquarters in New York, New York. Verizon designed the system to be multi-instance so each operating division would have the opportunity to customize procurement, supply chain and pricing to their specific needs. The problem is that the Siebel…...



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Hsin, H.C. (2007). Critical factors and benefits in the implementation of customer relationship management. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18(5), 483.

Limbasan, a., & Rusu, L. (2011). Implementing SaaS solution for CRM. Informatica Economica, 15(2), 175-183.

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