Venezuela is located in the northern section of South America between the countries of Colombia and Guyana. Venezuela is also bordered by Brazil. The country is about twice the size of California. The climate in most of the country is tropical and is surrounded by the Andes Mountains and the Maracaibo Lowlands.
The orld Factbook)
There are 24, 287, 670 people living in Venezuela. People ages 15-64 make up 63.6% of the population. The ethnic groups represented in Venezuela include Germans, Africans, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabs and Italians. Most of the population is Catholic (96%) but there are also some Protestants in the country. Spanish is the official language of Venezuela. (The orld Factbook)
Poverty, environmental pollution and drug trafficking are among the most pressing social issues in Venezuela. Sixty Seven percent of the population lives below the poverty line. The environment of Venezuela has been polluted by urban and oil pollution, deforestation, industrial…...
mlaWorks Cited
Embasy of the Bolivian Republic of Venezuela in the United States of America." 2002.
The World Factbook. 2002
VENEZUELA - A Country Study." 2003. Library of Congress.
Venezuelan security policy as it applies to the protection and distribution of Venezuelan oil.
Venezuelan Oil Policy: A Security Perspective
Venezuela has traditionally exhibited more peace and inner tranquility than its South American neighbors. It is one of the few South American governments in which the military exerts no influence on public policy. It is also very prosperous as compared to its neighbors, with the bulk of its wealth coming from its rich oil resources. Venezuela has been a stable democratic regime since the late 1950s, which also makes it an anomaly among other South American countries. However, Venezuela's peace and security should not be construed to mean that it has no security concerns. Venezuela has important resources that it must protect, radicals that it must keep in check, and politically unstable neighbors that it must continually guard against. This paper examines Venezuelan national security policy and makes specific recommendations as…...
Caesar, Mike. "Columbian Farmers Caught in Civil War." The Washington
Times. 2002. farmers.htm>. -
Johnson, Stephen. "Helping Columbia Fix its Plan to Curb Drug Trafficking,
Violence, and Insurgency." The Heritage Foundation. 2001. .
Furthermore, Steelworker leader travel to Venezuela U.S. Cuba Labor Exchange, the backers of their employee to worker visit with Venezuela trade unionists. Venezuela has merely 25 million people as well as third main supplier of oil to the United States. It should be noted that administrators of the state owned oil corporation ran the business like mount streams, set off mud slide so in result thousands of citizens tranquil in their system. Their amalgamation hall was right on the basis of the state owned subway arrangement to depiction its hand along with recognize the revolution and the coup president was thousand in anticipation of over a million people encircled the presidential fortress to retake control back President Chavez in achievement to the palace was Jacobo Torres de Leon who was Guide in Venezuela. Some how, the directors of the state oil corporation began to plan the brutal overthrow of the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Beatrice Lumpkin "U.S. Workers Witness Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution" People's Weekly World Newspaper 12 Oct 2004 22 March 2008
Steve Gowans Democracy in Venezuela cancelled Stephen Gowans Media Monitors April 14, 2002 March 22, 2008
Notes from the Editors" Monthly Review May 2005 1
Bolivarian Revolution" Wikipedia 7 March 2008 22 March 2008 .
exporting water filters to Venezuela will vary depending on the size of the initial entry into the Venezuelan market: whether the entire country is targeted or just the principal cities. This will have an effect on the cost of shipment, and therefore cannot be accurately estimated until the planned market entry is made more exact. However, certain costs can be estimated, based on generally available information.
Initial market exploration and business set-up costs:
It would be advisable to purchase a detailed business climate report from a reputable company. The cost of this will be between $1,500 and $2,500.
The executive in charge of creating the Venezuelan operation, including contracting with a local distributor and setting in motion advertising plans, will need to make a minimum of four trips to Venezuela. The estimated cost of these trips, assuming five days' duration each and departure from Los Angeles, is:
$1,475 (hotel and lodging)
600 (ground transportation)
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez announced that he had cancer in 2011, and since then, headlines have frequently related to his health. For the most part, these articles provide a means by which to also comment on Chavez's politics, persona, and policy: all of which are controversial. Therefore, it is fruitful to examine differential coverage of Chavez's deteriorating health from a number of different news sources from around the world. Headlines in March, 2013 reveal that the president's health has taken a turn for the worse and he might not survive much longer. The following analysis draws from two American news sources (CNN and the Miami Herald) and two foreign but English-language news sources (BBC and the Irish Examiner).
Positioning of the Story: Newspaper Section, Size and Location
The position of the story reveals much about the editorial board's valuation of the story.
The Chavez story is on the front page of the BBC…...
mlaWorks Cited
Castillo, Mariano. "Venezuela accuses enemies of poisoning ailing Chavez. CNN. 5 March, 2013. Retrieved online:
"Chavez in 'most difficult hours.'" BBC. 5 March, 2013. Retrieved online:
Fitzpatrick, Richard. "Chavez still captivates." Irish Examiner. 5 March, 2013. Retrieved online:
Wyss, Jim. "Venezuela: Chavez's health 'very delicate' due to new infection." The Miami Herald. 5 March, 2013. Retrieved online:
Hugo Chavez Show
Watching a Hugo Chavez Sunday "variety show" one can see a radically different kind of presentation by a head of state. The first impression an alert viewer in the United States gets watching a show by Chavez is that he is trying to appeal to the average Venezuelan voter as a down-to-earth person like the "man next door." It is pure propaganda but it obviously succeeded in keeping Chavez in power to do as he wished for several years.
His production: here he is with a hard hat talking about how he will grow the economy; there he is driving a tractor talking about agriculture; he is seen on board a helicopter claiming that Caracas will become the first socialist city; and he waves his arms and raises his voice assuring viewers that the slums will be transformed into productive communities in a few years if people will be…...
5 million barrels per day, PDVSA engineers are reported to have "goose" wells by pumping in air and water into them to cajole the viscous petroleum to the surface, which has endangered the long -term sustainability of these existing oil fields.
The information technology company, which was jointly owned, by PDVSA and the U.S.-based Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) was apprehended by the Venezuelan military during the national strike in December 2002.
Chavez said his government may sell eight U.S. refineries as part of a strategy by the world's fifth-largest supplier of oil to reduce dependency on sales to the U.S."
Venezuela's Chavez Considers Sale of efineries)
His attitude towards the press is not only condescending but he has also curtailed its freedom. He has coerced the T.V channels and radio stations into broadcasting his speeches without leaving fair time for the opponents.
He has his eyes set on the upcoming elections of 2006 and…...
Article Title:Oil's New Mr. Big.Fortune Magazine, Volume152.Issue: 7.
Publication:October 3, 2005. Page Number:123
Anonymous- Venezuela's Chavez Considers Sale of Refineries. Bloomberg. Com[Online website]Available from:
on 20/10/05] [Accessed
Effects on the Value Chain
Changes in cash flow and operations are intimately connected to both the inbound and outbound portions of the value chain. Logistics means transfer of value from the seller to the customer (FTAA, 2003). One of the key concerns for Venezuelan companies will be protecting their market position. Legal and intellectual property rights are an important part of this equation, but so is the ability to anticipate the reactions of customers to new competition (FTAA, 2003). MERCOSUR specifically addressed and took steps to protect software and innovative hardware advances in its language (FTAA, 2003). This alleviates many worries of this nature for all technologically-based companies, including Technodyne. Service marks and trade marks are also protected.
Delivery of services will be the greatest challenge in the Venezuelan Value Chain. Traditionally, the most effective means to move goods in Venezuela was by air and by sea (FTAA, 2003). The expense…...
mlaWorks Cited
FTAA Consulting. (2003). Business Guide to Latin America: Challenges and trends for Multinationals and Business. Retrieved May 19, 2006 at
Hosseini, J. And Barnes, R. (2006). Value Chain Management in the Global Market: The Role of Information Technology and Postponement. Retrieved May 19, 2006 at
Marquez, H. (2006). Oil: Venezuela Seeks to Diversify Markets. IPS News. February 16, 2006. Retrieved May 19, 2006 at
Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuelan Conflict
Whenever countries share resources there is the potential for conflict to arise between the two nations, which may each feel entitled to a greater share than it is receiving and each of which has different legal systems, cultural value, and sometimes languages. The ability of two countries to negotiate with each other is limited by a number of pragmatic issues as well as by the desire (or lack of desire) of the two sides to find any common ground. This paper examines one such international conflict - the stance between the nations of Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago over fishing rights.
It is important to note at the beginning of this discussion that the mining of natural resources (whether gold or fish) that a dependence on extractive, primary resources tends to keep nations poorer, thus making them more desperate to claim what they can from the…...
Kegley, C. & Wittkopft, E. (2000). World politics: Trend and transformation. London: Bedford.
This would then imply an increased on-the-job satisfaction, generated by a reduction in stress and organizational pressure. The increased satisfaction on the job materializes in increased performances and an increased support in helping the bank reach its overall objectives.
Aside from the direct impacts upon the satisfaction of the customers, the benefits of introducing the newer technological advancements have also resulted in more efficient communications. This was available between company representatives and shareholders, customers, employees, as well as communities.
Future benefits of the investment are also likely to materialize in the following years. As such, the $95 million funds allocated to the modernization of BBVA Banco Provincial would increase the number of customers. It would also imply that the current customer base becomes more loyal, ensuring as such constant and reliable corporate incomes. More specifically, the investments in technology are expected to increase the sector of private loans by 27% (South…...
Bakos, J.Y., Treacy, M.E., June 1986, Information Technology and Corporate Strategy: A Research Perspective, MIS Quarterly, pp. 107-119
Fuentes, H., Grifell-Tatje, E., Perelman, S., November 27, 2005, Product Specialization, Efficiency and Productivity Change in the Spanish Insurance Industry, Ecole de Gestion de'l Universite de Liege
March 11, 2008, Fitch Special Report: Venezuelan Banking Sector Expands, Faces Challenges, Business Wire, New York
April 25, 2008, Venezuela Commercial Banking Report Q1 2008, Business Wire, Dublin
Annotated Bibliography -- Venezuela
What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region?
Centre for Intercultural Learning. (2012) Cultural Information -- Venezuela. Available from 2012 April 04.
his is an interactive tool for people interested in different cultures and companies. here is home page for each country with information about Venezuela divided into sections via hyperlinks. he structure is conversational style between the user and the content provider. Statistical information as well as information regarding cultural norms and behaviors are provided.
Interknowledge Corporation. (2010) Venezuela -- History and Culture. Available from 2012 April 04.
his article provides a lot of details regarding the social and the cultural aspects of Venezuela. Particular attention is paid to aspects such as language, art history, behaviors, norms, dress, and cultural aesthetics. here is less statistical data and more qualitative data regarding Venezuela culture. (2011) Republica de Venezuela -- People of Venezuela. Available from…...
mlaThis article is specifically focused on the history of trade between the U.S.A. And Venezuela. History is always useful in any industry and the narrowness of the scope of the article is different from the other sources. Many of the other sources focus upon many issues, but this article focuses upon one. This would prove useful to professionals interested in changing trade policy or specializing in trade policy.
Hornbeck, J.F. (2011) U.S. -- Latin America Trade: Recent Trends and Policy Issues. Congressional Research Service, Available from 2012 April 05. .
Hornbeck offers the same narrow focus as the previous source, but from a strictly USA governmental perspective. He describes the history of trade policy within South America the continent, as well as with individual countries in South America. This article puts the last article into context and builds upon its objectives.
Kennedy recognizes the need to establish a bond with all the South American leaders, thereby isolating Chavez-Chavez politically as ineffective leader in South America. Kennedy perceived the Third orld in terms of the "national military establishment," and vulnerable to the manipulations of the Soviet Union (Schwab, Orrin, 1998, 1). Kennedy had already gone around with Cuba, and did not wish to repeat his mistakes in Venezuela, but he also had no intention of surrendering Venezuela to the Soviet Union in the way in which Cuba had been surrendered before him.
President Kennedy saw South American diplomacy as the route to turning Venezuela away from bonding with the Soviet Union. He recognized that he could not alienate the rest of South America from the United States, or that would drive them into the sphere of Venezuela's influence over them towards the Soviet Union.
Kennedy calls a meeting with Chavez-Chavez, in private, with…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brown, Seyom. Faces of Power. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
Clark, General Wesley K. Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat. New York: Public Affairs, 2001. Questia. 15 Nov. 2008 .
DeConde, Alexander. A History of American Foreign Policy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1963. Questia. 15 Nov. 2008 .
International Politics
Political Leaders In Latin America: Hugo Chavez And Lula
Who is Hugo Chavez and Lula
Hugo Chavez was born on 28 July 1954 in Sabaneta, Venezuela. Chavez attended Venezuelan military academy and took up service as an army officer prior active participation in efforts of the overthrowing government in 1992. His actions led to a two-year sentence in prison after arrest. In 1999, Chavez was named president of Venezuela. Within the early days of his presidency, he developed new constitution in the nation that was inclusive of changes of the capital name to the Bolivarian epublic of Venezuela. Chavez engaged in a critical focus of efforts towards gaining ultimate control of state-run oil companies. However, this was stirred with controversy and translated into protests and strained relations between Venezuela and the U.S. As well as subsequent nations. Chavez has a brief comment on the removal from power (Clairmont, 2002).
On the other…...
Clairmont, F.F. (2002). Hugo Chavez: The Fall and Rise. Economic and Political Weekly, 37(19), 1797-1799.
Cole, N.S. (2007). Hugo Chavez and President Bush's Credibility Gap: The Struggle against Us Democracy Promotion. International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique, 28(4), 493-507.
Corrales, J. (2011). Dragon in the Tropics: Hugo Chavez and the Political Economy of Revolution in Venezuela. New York: Brookings Institution Press
Encamacion, O.G. (2002). Lula's Big Win. World Policy Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Winter, 2002/2003), pp. 73-77
Chavez government and the present state of Venezuelan society and its recent history. One of the predominant aspects gleaned from the articles are the different views and a general ambivalence and uncertainty as to the actual and practical impact of the Chavez government on the country. There are also varied views relating to the 'Chavez phenomenon' and the impact of his leadership on the future development of the country. All of the articles provide, to a greater or lesser degree, assessments of Chavez's ascent to power and the underlying reasons for this phenomenon in Venezuelan history.
The first article by Christian Parenti, titled Hugo Chavez and Petro Populism, presents a very well balanced and intriguing insight into the populist appeal of Chavez as a central factor in his rise to power. The article also provides some incisive views as to the prospects of the Chavez government in both economics, education…...
Cameron M. And Major F. ( 2001) Venezuela's Hugo Chavez: Savior to Threat to Democracy? Latin American Research Review. Volume 36. no 3.
MONTAGNE R. ( 2005) Analysis: Bush administration becoming more critical of Venezuela's president, Hugo Chavez, and his policies NPR News .
Parenti Christian, ( 2005) Hugo Chevez and Petro Populism. The Nation. April.
Sylvis R.D. And Danopoulos, DP. ( 2003) The Chevez Phenomenon: Political Change in Venezuela. Third World Quarterly. Vol24. no1.
Barone's conclusion is based on exit polling conducted anyway, by the polling firm Sumate/Penn, Schoen & Berland, showing that Chavez should not in fact have won the election.
Porter, Joy. "Jimmy Carter: the Re-Emergence of Faith-Based Politics and the Abortion Rights Issue." Presidential Studies Quarterly, 35 (2005). HighBeam
Research. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from:
he article by Joy Porter examines one-time potentially (but never truly realized) long-term ground-breaking political effects of Jimmy Carter's Presidency, i.e., impacts (or, as Porter actually, finally, argues, the lack of them) of the former President's non-right-wing, comparatively liberal Evangelism, on religiously-based American political discourse (and activism) up to 25 years after his Presidency concluded in 1980. As Porter argues, during Carter's 1976 campaign for the Presidency especially, although he clearly used his own distinct faith-based politics as its centerpiece, Jimmy Carter's own personal Christian faith did not in fact promote the agenda of the religious right, even…...
mlaThe article by Joy Porter examines one-time potentially (but never truly realized) long-term ground-breaking political effects of Jimmy Carter's Presidency, i.e., impacts (or, as Porter actually, finally, argues, the lack of them) of the former President's non-right-wing, comparatively liberal Evangelism, on religiously-based American political discourse (and activism) up to 25 years after his Presidency concluded in 1980. As Porter argues, during Carter's 1976 campaign for the Presidency especially, although he clearly used his own distinct faith-based politics as its centerpiece, Jimmy Carter's own personal Christian faith did not in fact promote the agenda of the religious right, even if it was Carter himself who (ironically) initially awakened right wing Christians themselves to the galvanizing potential of their political agenda(s). Further, because Jimmy Carter's faith-based Presidency was in fact what originally stimulated, right-wing Christians to begin coalescing around their own distinctive political issues, the right wing itself ultimately rejected him for a second term, instead favoring Ronald Reagan since his own conservatism was comparable to theirs.
The U.S. And Israel Stand Alone." Spiegel Interview with Jimmy Carter. August 15, 2006. Spiegel International Online. Retrieved February 16, 2007, at,1518,431793,00.html .
In this interview with Germany's Der Spiegel online magazine that took place with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in mid-August 2005 during the international publicity run-up to the January, 2006 publication of his then-newest book, Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis (2006), Former President Carter, discusses frankly what he sees as both the political and moral failings, into his second term as president, of George W. Bush, e.g., especially, the war in Iraq and his handling of it. Carter further notes within the interview that America now is in an especially precarious spot vis-a-vis the Middle East in general, and that the United States is alone in the world in its unconditional support, under George W. Bush as President, of Israel's overly aggressive political actions and attitudes. Carter also talks to Der Spiegel about Cuba's Fidel Castro, his protracted illness, and how Castro's eventual death will likely impact Cuba and its neighbors.
Title 1: The Rise of Oligarchies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Historical antecedents of oligarchy: ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval and early modern Europe
Contemporary manifestations of oligarchy: Russia, China, and other examples
Factors contributing to the emergence of oligarchies: economic inequality, political instability, weak institutions
Title 2: The Impact of Oligarchy on Political Systems
Subversion of democratic institutions: suppression of dissent, electoral manipulation
Capture of regulatory agencies and the rule of law: cronyism, corruption
Concentration of power in the hands of a few: undermining citizen participation and accountability
Erosion of public trust in government and democratic processes
Title 3: The Economic Consequences....
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