Vegetarianism Essays (Examples)

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Human health and Vegetarianism
Pages: 3 Words: 999

VegetarianismAre vegetarian diets healthier, or are vegetarians generally healthier? It's an important distinction.Historically, vegetarianism has been associated with ideas of bodily and spiritual purity or holism, linking it to physical and spiritual health (Fox and Ward, 2008). In the modern period, the popularity of vegetarianism has grown, driven by factors such as increased availability of meat-free products, associations with improved health, and a societal emphasis on "healthy eating" (Fox and Ward, 2008). These perspectives provide insights into the connection between vegetarian diets and overall health, shedding light on the factors contributing to individuals adopting and maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle.What vitamins and nutritional components must vegetarians get from supplementation if they are vegan?In the case of vegans and strict vegetarians, meeting their nutritional needs may require supplementation to ensure adequate intake of specific vitamins and nutritional components. While they strive to obtain nutrients from their diet whenever possible, supplementation becomes necessary…...



Fox, N. and Ward, K.J. You are what you eat? Vegetarianism, health, and identity. Social Science & Medicine 66 (2008) 2585e2595.

Hector, A. J. and Phillips, S. M. Protein Recommendations for Weight Loss in Elite Athletes: A Focus on Body Composition and Performance. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2018, 28, 170-177.

Hail, D. P. Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2010, 7:29.

Banerjee Mandira 2010 One Burger Hold the
Pages: 2 Words: 721

Banerjee, Mandira. (2010). One Burger, Hold the Meat -- Being Vegetarian in America.
New American Media. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from

Banerjee is a media specialist and she presents data in this article on how many

Americans are vegetarians. The bottom line is different from other research for this paper because it doesn't attack factory farming. Banerjee is interested more in numbers and explanations for why people turn to vegetarianism than in ethics and morality.

The value of this piece is that it presents data (7.3 million Americans are vegetarians and another 22.8 million are "inclined" towards vegetarianism). Interestingly, the number of people who embrace vegetarianism is not growing, but those in America interested in "eating more vegetarian meals, or who are vegetarian-inclined, is sky-rocketing" (Banerjee). The vegetarian culture in India is referenced (which is noted for its embrace of vegetarianism vis-a-vis Hinduism), as is the ghastly amount of water (390 gallons) needed…...

Analyzing the Pro Veganism
Pages: 15 Words: 5038

Pro Veganism
A strictly vegetarian diet is best suited to the human body's needs, mankind's ability of survival on earth, and our inherent compassion. Switching to such a diet is fairly simple and creates the opportunity to lead a healthier, happier, and gentler life (Marcus, xi).

For numerous reasons, humanity has been increasingly taking to veganism since the last few years. Some vegan supporters assert their participation in a dietary regimen wherein consuming or utilizing animal products is unethical, according to their religious beliefs or values. Meanwhile, others put forward the argument of animal consciousness's ethicality and the industrial farming process. Those who claim to be vegans most probably do so owing to environmental, animal rights, or personal health concerns, which can alter with time. Several vegans begin as vegetarians, gradually ceasing consumption of milk, eggs and other animal by-products. Meanwhile, others turn purely vegan right from the outset. In Maurer's (2002)…...



Primary Sources

Jacqui. Beyond Factory Farming: Sustainable Solutions for Animals, People and the Planet. A Report by Compassion in World Farming. 2009. Web. 15 July 2016. 

Phillips, Frankie. "Vegetarian Nutrition." British Nutrition Foundation. Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 2005, pp. 132-167.

Rauma, Anna-Liisa. Vegetarianism and Vegan Diet. Physiology and Maintenance, vol. II. 2011. Web. 15 July 2016.

Joyce's Ulysses Claude Rawson Is Best Known
Pages: 8 Words: 3586

Joyce's Ulysses
Claude Rawson is best known as a scholar of Jonathan Swift and the eighteenth century, but Rawson's has also used the savage irony of Swift's modest proposal for a series of essays which consider Swift's invocation of cannibalism in light of a longer tradition (in Anglo-Irish relations) of imputing cannibalism literally to the native Irish as a way of demonizing their "savagery" or else to implying a metaphorical cannibalism to describe the British Imperial exploitation of those native Irish. Rawson reapproaches these Swiftian subjects in a more recent essay entitled "Killing the Poor: An Anglo-Irish Theme" which examines what Rawson calls the "velleities of extermination" in a text like Swift's "Modest Proposal" (Rawson, 300). Rawson examines how Swift's ironic solution of what to do with the poor of Ireland (eat them as food) undergoes, in various later iterations by Anglo-Irish writers including Shaw and ilde, transformation into a rhetorically…...


Works Cited

Burgess, Anthony. ReJoyce. New York: W.W. Norton, 1965.

Ellmann, Richard. Ulysses on the Liffey. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1972.

Henke, Suzette. James Joyce and the Politics of Desire. New York and London: Routledge, 1990.

Joyce, James. Ulysses. Ed. Hans Walter Gabler. New York: Vintage, 1986. Print.

Omnivore's Dilemma Michael Pollan's Award-Winning
Pages: 5 Words: 1499

Moreover, vegetarianism is theoretically possible at McDonalds by eating the token salads on the menu. The token salads might still be in keeping with the tenets of agro-business but they do not contain meat products. Still, Pollan hints at how those salads support the same industries that sustain large-scale animal slaughtering.
In Chapter Seven, Pollan focuses on the ethics and the feasibility of the fast food business model as well as its effects on dietary health and well being. Without droning didactically, Pollan points out the problems with fast food: such as high levels of fat and sodium. The nutritional content of fast food is directly and causally related to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Pollan needs not delve into great detail about that which most Americans should already be aware. What Pollan does point out are the hidden ingredients in McDonald's menu items, especially in the chicken McNuggets. By…...



Pollan, Michael. Omnivore's Dilemma. Penguin, 2006.

Hindu Life cycle Experience and Way of Life
Pages: 4 Words: 1364

The interviewed individual is an American female, Leela Smith, aged 53, who spent several years of her life in the Indian city of Kochi, Kerala as a homemaker, adopted an ayurvedic diet that was followed by her entire family, and home-schooled her youngest child. Further, she took training in Carnatic music, learned hatha yoga and Sanskrit, and adopted Kalaripayattu, Kerala's health system. In the year 2002, the whole family returned to the United States, and now resides in Oahu (Editors of Hinduism Today Magazine 2007).
The interviewee, Leela, claims it was in the year 1978 that she had her first taste of Hinduism at age fifteen, at a hatha yoga session held in her neighborhood in San Francisco, California. With time, she grew more interested in yoga, and took to reading about it and its great benefits to an individual's physical and mental wellbeing. She also decided to give up non-vegetarianism.…...

Landscape Ecology Introduction Ecology the Pressure for
Pages: 2 Words: 771

Landscape Ecology
Introduction ecology

The pressure for increased meat to feed the world's hungry population vs. its strain on natural resources

The trendiness of vegetarianism and veganism aside, throughout history there has been a consistent trend regarding meat consumption. The more affluent the society, the more meat it tends to consume. This has been true of the rapidly-expanding population of the developing world. Given that the developed world continues to consume large amounts of meat, this has resulted in a proliferation of factory farming and a depletion of the earth's resources to feed growing demand: "These assembly-line meat factories consume enormous amounts of energy, pollute water supplies, generate significant greenhouse gases and require ever-increasing amounts of corn, soy and other grains, a dependency that has led to the destruction of vast swaths of the world's tropical rain forests" (Bittman 2008). Worldwide, per capita meat consumption has doubled since 1961 (Bittman 2008).

This is of…...



Bittman, Mark. (2008). Re-thinking the meat guzzler. The New York Times. Retrieved: 

Is eating meat sustainable. (2012). Real Food University. Retrieved:

Relationship Between Diet Aging and Longevity
Pages: 5 Words: 1792

Diet, Ageing, And Longevity
Does a Longevity Diet eally Exist? What does it Constitute of?

Certain groups have been found to lead exceptionally longer lives than others, and are, to this end, usually referred to as the 'lucky lot'. The islanders of Okinawa in the Pacific Ocean, for instance, enjoy a significantly high life expectancy of eighty-one years - three years more than the average life expectancy in the U.S. (Jaret, 2014). Of even more significance is the four to seven-year difference in life expectancy between Seventh Day Adventist members, who are largely vegetarians, and the rest of the society (Jaret, 2014). So what then causes these differences and makes these groups so lucky?

Studies have, in the past, suggested that there indeed is such a thing as a longevity diet, and that diet is, in fact, one of the most fundamental components of anti-aging and longevity. So, what then makes a diet…...



Davies, W, (2011). Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Way Back to Health. New York: Rodale.

Delaney, B. & Walford, L. (2005). The Longevity Diet: Discover Calorie Restriction -- the Only Proven Way to Slow the Aging Process and Maintain Peak Vitality. New York: Da Capo Press.

Dibell, J. (2007). The Fast Supper. New York News and Politics. Retrieved from 

Fanson, B., Fanson, K. & Taylor, P. (2012). Cost of Reproduction in the Queensland Fruit Fly: Y-Model vs. Lethal Protein Hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Retrieved from

Cam Assessing Reliability and Credibility
Pages: 4 Words: 1385

The articles on the website do feature articles on classified subcategories of depression such as bipolarity, major depression, minor depression, and psychotic depression and information about drug treatments and side effects that are legitimately accepted by the medical community.
Side 9:

Compatibility example

A website should review CAM and conventional medicine in the same terms

Look for slanted advice [Image: Display picture of editorial on Depression website' UL:]

Speaker's Notes: The website does not claim that alternative treatments should be used to replace conventional medicine. One editorial written by Dr. Matthews (and it is clearly marked as an editorial opinion, not as fact) reads: "There has been tremendous progress made in the past years in understanding how the brain works. One of the outcomes of this research is that we now understand that depression may be due to the decreased activity of the serotenergic pathways in the brain. (This is called monoamine hypothesis.)…...



Benedetti, Jo-Ann. (2010). Evaluating Health Web Sites. From snake oil to penicillin:

Evaluating consumer health information on the Internet. NN/LM (National Networks of Libraries of Medicine. Retrieved January 8, 2011 at 

Matthews, J. (2010). Editorial. Depression. Holistic Health. Retrieved January 8, 2011 at 

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). (2010). Depression. Holistic Health. Retrieved January 8, 2011 at

Simpsons When the Oxford English
Pages: 3 Words: 1114

Everyone takes a stab, and is better for it in the end. The impact of the Simpsons on popular culture is therefore due to the diversity of opinions and issues explored on the show.
The Simpsons makes fun of diversity frequently, capitalizing on the comedy of stereotyping through the heterogeneous cast of characters. Strong characterizations provide one of the clearest mechanisms by which the show impacts popular culture. In short, everyone can relate to the Simpsons, even if on a superficial level. Even babies have their mirror in little Maggie, the only character who can shoot Mr. Burns and get away with it both morally and legally.

Finally, the sometimes-distasteful marketing campaigns that capitalize on the Simpsons characters have entrenched the show in popular culture. Butterfingers is one example of how Matt Groening has gradually sold his soul to the same capitalism he satires on the Simpsons. He cannot be blamed;…...



Armstrong, P. (n.d.). The Simpsons and democracy: Policial apathy, popular culture, and lifelong learning as satire. Retrieved online: 

Couchman, D. (n.d.). The Simpsons. Facing the Challenge. Retrieved online: 

Libaw, O. (2001). Doh! Oxford Dictionary Takes Homer Simpson. ABC News. Retrieved online:

Creative Case Identifying Information Lisa
Pages: 3 Words: 961

Lisa finds it hard to meet other kids her age who are like her. Most of her peers "do not care about school" and don't understand anything about the issues she cares about such as environmentalism and Tibet. Lisa worries excessively about external, global events such as global warming and wars in Africa. Many of the people she refers to as "friends" are much older than she is, although she admits most of them are mentors.
A person with generalized anxiety disorder finds it difficult to control worry. Lisa has been unable to control her worry successfully via Buddhist meditation or tai chi. She writes regularly in a journal and claims that this does help but not enough. Although she finds temporary relief in music and schoolwork, her feelings of worry and anxiety creep back into her consciousness as soon as she is doing something else. She experiences the most…...

Philosophy in Defense of Free
Pages: 4 Words: 1355

Buddhists, who similarly believe in the concept of Karma, also have a strong commitment to the belief that their actions have consequences. hile Buddhists have a much different value system than Hindus or especially estern religions that tend to see good and bad as black and white, while Buddhists see it as wholesome or unwholesome (Sach 80), they still have a code of morality, such as valuing peace over harm. Karma represents this moral dichotomy. Thus, both the Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism support the theory that one creates one's own destiny. If they did not, they could not have their system of moral rights and wrongs. ithout the chance to make positive or negative decisions, a belief system cannot coherently state that one cannot make one's own decisions, creating one's own destiny. How could a belief system maintain that one would be punished for his or her…...


Works Cited

Mannion, James. Essential Philosophy. Avon: F+W, 2006.

Rice, Hugh. "Fatalism." 2006, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8 October 2008.

Stanford University. 

Sach, Jacky. Essential Buddhism. Avon: F+W, 2006.

Heifer International to Jo Luck
Pages: 1 Words: 396

She has committed herself to helping people in difficult circumstances help themselves. hile in prison Stewart volunteered at the omen's Venture Fund, teaching poor women how to start their own businesses, and has continued to show an interest in empowering former female inmates since her release ("Stewart aims to lighten sentence with charity," 2004, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel).
Since she is barred from serving as the CEO of her own company, Stewart does not formally have an organization to run, thus adding the stewardship of Heifer to her portfolio might be an attractive offer for the successful businesswoman. She would bring added publicity to the cause's mission. It would draw a larger donor base for Heifer, as Stewart's traditional Macy and Kmart shopping audience would hear about the organization through Stewart's website and media broadcasts.

orks Cited

Leadership Team." (2007). Heifer International. Retrieved 14 Feb 2007 at

Singer, Peter and Jim Mason. (2007)…...


Works Cited

Leadership Team." (2007). Heifer International. Retrieved 14 Feb 2007 at 

Singer, Peter and Jim Mason. (2007) the Way We Eat. New York: Rodale.

Stewart aims to lighten sentence with charity/." (2004). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Retrieved 14 Feb 2007 at

Demand for American Soy Products
Pages: 1 Words: 314

The greatest demand in Turkey for American soy products is for soy grains and soy meals that are used in organic farming. These products are used by farmers to feed poultry and other livestock an organic diet that many people believe produces healthier livestock meat than traditional methods of feeding livestock cornmeal, oats, and (especially) animal byproducts, a practice that has been linked to the spread of serious cattle diseases in Europe such as so-called "Mad Cow Disease."

That demand for consumable soy farming products has also generated a corresponding demand for the equipment typically used to crush, extract, and dry soy products from the raw ingredients used to make them. This trend also extends to the vegetarian food industry because it allows large suppliers to produce tofu and soy milk from raw material and thereby avoid the costs associated with importing prepackaged processed soy products....

C& c Grocery C& c C & C Grocery
Pages: 3 Words: 986

C&C Grocery

C & C. Grocery

Do you think that the proposed reorganization will work in addressing the four problem areas identified in the case? Why will it or why won't it work?

The proposed solution is as follows: the consultants for C&C Grocery Stores, Inc. intend to unify the control over the store under a single district manager. At present, control is diffuse, and every worker in the produce department reports to a produce manager, every meat employee to the meat manager, and so forth. The consultants also hope to expand non-grocery items in inventory to improve store sales. However, this plan does not address the first, fundamental problem of C&C -- its obsolescence.

C&C does not fill any real niche in the competitive grocery market. Big box discount stores like Costco and Wal-Mart are making inroads into its core consumer demographics of budget-minded shoppers. Proposed IT changes are on 'the back burner'…...



Fishman, Charles. (2004). The anarchist's cookbook. Fast Company. Retrieved October 12,

2011 at 

Wal-Mart. (1999). Useful cases. Prentice Hall. Retrieved October 12, 2011 at

Can you tell me all about Gandhi for my essay?
Words: 384

Gandhi is one of the most fascinating people in all of recent history.  An advocate of passive resistance, he not only helped free India from British oppression, but also inspired the 1960s Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr.  Gandhi’s work is so well-known that his name has become synonymous with both peace and leadership.  However, his personal life was marred by some controversies, suggesting that even great men can have terrible flaws.  We cannot possibly tell you all about Gandhi in a few paragraphs; his life and his life’s work....

How can addressing socioeconomic disparities help combat speciesism in dietary decisions?
Words: 440

### Conclusion This research study aimed to investigate the impact of Socioeconomic Status (SES) on speciesist views and dietary preferences, particularly in relation to meat intake and attitudes towards vegetarianism and veganism. Through a correlational methodology involving a diverse sample of 100 individuals, the study sought to understand how economic and educational factors influence ethical considerations towards animals and their relationship to dietary behaviours. The anticipated outcomes suggest that individuals from lower SES backgrounds may exhibit more speciesist beliefs and consume more meat, potentially due to limited access to alternative options and educational resources. Conversely, individuals from higher SES groups may....

How does Pi\'s actions challenge traditional understandings of vegetarianism in \"Life of Pi\"?
Words: 486

1. Pis decision to eat meat while stranded at sea challenges traditional understandings of vegetarianism by highlighting the necessity of survival over adherence to a strict diet.

2. Despite being a vegetarian prior to the shipwreck, Pis actions suggest that extreme circumstances can justify the consumption of meat for sustenance, expanding the traditional boundaries of vegetarianism.

3. Pis willingness to overlook his vegetarian beliefs in order to survive at sea showcases the complex and nuanced nature of ethical decision-making in the face of extreme circumstances.

4. By incorporating the theme of survival into the narrative, Life of Pi challenges the....

How does Pi\'s actions challenge traditional understandings of vegetarianism in \"Life of Pi\"?
Words: 398

1. Pi's actions in "Life of Pi" challenge the traditional understanding of vegetarianism by illustrating that survival instincts can override ethical dietary choices, as evidenced by his consumption of fish despite his lifelong vegetarian beliefs.

2. In "Life of Pi," Pi's decision to eat fish to survive at sea underscores the fluidity of moral boundaries in extreme circumstances, suggesting that vegetarianism is not an absolute moral stance but one that can be contextually redefined.

3. Pi's survival-driven consumption of fish in "Life of Pi" serves as a narrative device to explore the philosophical debate on whether vegetarianism should be considered a moral....

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