vegetarian diet healthy a diet meat agree disagree statement ? give reasons answers description: decades, people switched a vegetarian diet excluded meat daily meals. A lot claim human beings eat meat order maintain good health dietary requirments sources.
Nowadays people tend to be careful about the food they are eating. Some of them choose to be vegetarians; and some of them choose to be omnivores. In my opinion a healthy diet is one that finds itself somewhere in the middle. I do not agree with the total elimination of meat from a diet, and in my opinion you can still be a vegetarian if you eat meat once a week.
Not all vegetarians eat the same, and that's why they are classified in: vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, pesco vegetarians and semi-vegetarians. Vegans are the ones who don't eat animal products. The second type of vegetarians, called lacto-ovo vegetarians, consume along with vegetables,…...
1. Collins, Karen, "Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat-based one?," Retrieved November 30, 2012, from the Calorie Lab website:
2. Nestle, Marion, "Are Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Healthy?," Retrieved November 30, 2012, from the Daily Green website:
I would like to begin with a thought experiment, which I take from the dieticians and vegetarian activists Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, and their best seller Fit for Life. The Diamonds are faced with the prejudice which considers vegetarianism to be "unnatural" and they offer the following to investigate what, precisely, our notions of a "natural" diet entail:
…We as humans are not even psychologically equipped to eat meat. Have you ever strolled through a lush wooded area, filling your lungs with good air while listening to birds sing? Perhaps it was after a rain, and everything was fresh and clean….Just then perhaps a chipmunk scurried across your path. What was your VERY FIRST INSTINCTIVE inclination upon the sight of the chipmunk, before you even had time to think? To pounce on it, grab it with your teeth, rip it apart, and swallow it, blood, guts, skin, bone, flesh and…...
Vegetarianism is not a new aspect in modern society. People have been practicing vegetarianism for a long time, and it has its health benefits (uby, 2012). There are several grounds why a person would opt for a vegan meal, which will be analyzed and discussed in the paper. It is not easy to understand vegetarians because there are some who will consume by-products of animals like milk, while other will completely abstain from any animal by-product. Therefore, it is vital that we all understand the different kinds of vegetarianism. There is debate on whether a strict vegetarian diet would offer the individual the necessary nutrients for their body. It is for this reason that most vegetarians have to consume supplements. The lack of meat is the main challenge that most vegetarians are faced with, which causes a majority of them to relapse within a short period mostly twelve months. The…...
Barnes, N.G., Singh, B.R., & Parayitam, S. (2013). New England Indic restaurants business and culture: an exploratory empirical study. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 7(3), 336-347.
Capper, J. (2011). The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compared with 2007. Journal of animal science, 89(12), 4249-4261.
Forestell, C.A., Spaeth, A.M., & Kane, S.A. (2012). To eat or not to eat red meat. A closer look at the relationship between restrained eating and vegetarianism in college females. Appetite, 58(1), 319-325.
Gammon, C.S., von Hurst, P.R., Coad, J., Kruger, R., & Stonehouse, W. (2012). Vegetarianism, vitamin B12 status, and insulin resistance in a group of predominantly overweight/obese South Asian women. Nutrition, 28(1), 20-24.
Vegetarianism Verses Meat Eating diet that consists of eating meat causes the buildup of saturated fats and creates high levels of cholesterol to occur and may result in high blood pressure, heart attack or cancer. However, by eating a vegetarian diet, a person may prevent or lessen their chance of acquiring these health problems. Vegetarians do not eat meat, and regard the flesh of all animals, including that of fish and poultry, to be meat, therefore their diet consists mainly of grains, vegetables, and other food sources.
Some vegetarians exclude milk and eggs also from their diet because these foods are from animals. Vegetarians are made up of three groups and each is based on their attitude toward milk and eggs.
Lacto-ovo-vegetarians include milk and eggs, and foods made from milk and egg within their diet. Lacto-vegetarians do not eat eggs, but they drink milk and eat such milk products as butter…...
mlaWorks Cited
Brody, Jane. "Vegetarianism." World Book Online Americas Edition, Retrieved December 5, 2002 at
Garell, Dale. (1991). Nutrition. Chelsea House Publishers, New York.
Lawrence, H. (2001). "The Macrobiotic Diet in Cancer." The Journal of Nutrition. (131)
Lykins, Terri. (1994). "Vegeterians get Less Fat, More Fiber by Avoiding Meat, Poultry.
In a satirical and scathing critique of the Maine Lobster Festival, allace draws attention to the fact that lobsters are "basically giant sea-insects," and their purpose in the ecosystem is as "garbagemen of the sea, eaters of dead stuff," (2). Lobsters were "low-class food, eaten only by the poor and institutionalized," considered "cruel and unusual" punishment food much as rats would be considered today (allace 3). Far from being the gourmet delicacy lobsters are now, the "bugs" have come to connote ironically high-class foodstuff. allace's article echoes one of the core arguments made by Scruton in "The Conscientious Carnivore." Food customs are largely arbitrary, based on ritual and social custom. Eating has long been a "social, often a religious, act, embellished by ritual and enjoyed as a primary celebration of membership" in a community (Scruton 82). Vegetarianism is likewise a social and religious act, "embellished by ritual and enjoyed as…...
mlaWorks Cited
"The Ethics of Eating." [Lecture Notes]
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma.
Scruton, Roger. "The Conscientious Carnivore." Chapter 6 in Food for Thought. Amherst: Prometheus, 2004.
Wallace, David Foster. "Consider the Lobster." Gourmet. Aug 2004.
Digestion: Meat eaters vs. Vegetarians
iology, digestive
Vegetarians vs. Meat-eaters
The purpose of this paper is to compare vegetarians and meat-eaters through the digestive system as to processing to examine how research can assist in the study of lengthening the human life span.
Due to time limitations the method of research in this study will be that of a literature review of information available concerning elements and factors in terms of digestion as compared between meat-eaters and vegetarians.
The objective of this study is to determine what differences, if any exist in the digestive processes exist between those who consume meat on a regular basis and those vegetarians who abstain from meat consumption.
The hypothesis may be stated as a belief that those who consume meat regularly have more digestive problems and in fact more overall health problems than do those who consume only vegetables, fruits and breads in their diet and than vegetarians can expect…...
Jain et al. (nd) "Scientific Considerations for Vegetarian Diet" Dept. Ed. Science NCERT New Delhi-110-016 [Online] available at: / publication/sschap3.thm
Jenkins et al. (1997) "Metabolic Effects of Non-absorbable Carbohydrates" Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center" Scand J. Gastroenterol Suppl 1997;222:10-3.St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada. [Online] at
Noack, et al. (1983) Program Food Nutrition Sci: Influence of Different Dietary Regimens upon the composition of the Human Fecal Flora" 1983;7(3-4): 127-31
Finegold et al. (1977) "Fecal Microbial Flora in Seventh Day Adventist Populations and Control Subjects" American Journal Clinical Nutrition 1977 Nov; 30(11): 1781-92
Vegetarianism: A Serious Issue
Fraser's choice to become a vegetarian in college because she was "broke" and could not afford meat dishes and because it was a nice "identity" to construct for herself (an alternative to identifying as, say, a "lesbian," as she notes) undermines the actuality of vegetarianism and reduces the lifestyle choice to that of superfluity. Singer's philosophy of vegetarianism, on the other hand, is substantial, consistent, ideologically-rooted, and supported by a conscious desire to want to stay away from unhealthy (for various physical and metaphysical reasons) foods. I will argue that vegetarianism is a serious issue and one that should be given mature consideration because it affects one's health as well as the community of food providers. In the light of this thesis it is easy to see that Singer's vegetarianism is more demanding of respect than Fraser's, who really only used the identity in order to give…...
mlaWorks Cited
Fraser, Laura. "Why I Stopped Being a Vegetarian." Web. 9 October 2015.
Singer, Peter. "A Vegetarian Philosophy." Web. 9 October 2015.
And since menopause is associated with gaining of weight as well as slow metabolism, when one takes a low-fat, high fiber vegetarian diet it can assist him ward off extra pounds.
Individuals who are on vegetarian diet tend to have more energy. When one consumes too much fat in his or her body (blood stream) the arteries will not open properly hence the muscles will not receive oxygen which is enough and this always makes an individual to feel zapped. Vegetarian diet also makes one avoid toxic chemicals. From the estimation of EPA nearly 95% of the pesticide residue within typical American diet originates from dairy products, fish and meat . Dairy products are associated with steroids as well as hormones, while fish tend to have carcinogen (DDT, PCs) including heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead. These materials cannot be removed even through freezing or cooking. Consuming…...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2011). Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from
Veganism & Vegetarianism
Many people associate vegetarianism or veganism with being healthy. Indeed, many of the people that engage in either lifestyle cite better health as being a primary reason for their choice. However, there is the open question as to whether a vegan or vegetarian diet is better than other diets that include one or more types of meat. This report aims to find out by studying those actively living a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and deciphering whether there is indeed an incentive to eschew meat in favor of a diet that excludes some or all animal products. While there are some obvious health benefits that commonly occur with eating a meatless diet, it is far from conclusive that doing so is clearly superior to diets that include meat.
Further, there is a variety of reasons why people are vegetarian or vegan. These reasons include religion, concerns about animal…...
Bisogni, C., Connors, M., Devine, C., & Sobal, J. (2002). Who We Are and How We Eat:
A Qualitative Study of Identities in Food Choice. Journal of Nutrition Education &Behavior, 34(3), 128-139. (06)60082-1
de Oliveira Otto, M. C., Padhye, N. S., Bertoni, A. G., Jr.Jacobs, D. R., & Mozaffarian,
D. (2015). Everything in Moderation - Dietary Diversity and Quality, Central
Although the American Food and Drug Administration reassures the public that meat is safe, no long-term studies have been conducted that show what the genetic effects might be from eating meats from hormone-injected and chemically-fed animals.
Vegetarians also tend to have healthier diets by the very fact of avoiding meat: their cholesterol intake is dramatically lower than that of meat-eaters and so too is their intake of saturated fats. Vegetarians would also tend to avoid patronizing fast-food restaurants like McDonalds, which peddle MSG, processed cheese, hydrogenated fats, and other heavily processed foods in addition to just meat. We vegetarians are usually more prone to cooking dinner at home using fresh ingredients or seeking out restaurants that cook healthy wholesome foods. Therefore, the act of avoiding meat can lead to a range of healthier eating choices.
Since I have become a vegetarian I have noticed that I feel more energetic and clear-headed.…...
Becoming a Vegetarian." Retrieved Feb 29, 2008 at
The Vegetarian Resource Group. Retrieved Feb 29, 2008 at
The same proportion exists concerning the probability of going to a non-vegetarian restaurant which serves alcohol.
Objectives expected
The anticipated outcome of this discussion is to provide a clearer picture of the variables impacting the ultimate dining decision on a weighted basis. The objective of deciding upon a dining destination which is most amenable to all parties is intended to be met here by measuring against one another the probabilities resultant from individual preferences.
Certain aspects of the scenario remain inconclusive however, even given these measurements. It is clear that the 1 in 4 probability in both scenarios relating to the absence of alcohol are undermined by the 3 in 4 probability in both scenarios related to the presence of alcohol. However, in all instances relating to the decision to eat in a vegetarian or non-vegetarian restaurant, there is a 1 in 2 probability that makes it unclear how the two couples…...
Sanitarium Heal & Wellbeing Company is the operating/trading name of twin fod companies (New Zealand Health Association Ltd. And Australian Health and Nutrition Association Ltd.). Both of these companies are owned and operated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church .The company produces a wide range of breakfast cereals and a wide range of vegetarian products. Sanitarium was founded in 1898 with Weet-Bix being its flagship products that topped sales in the New Zealand and Australian breakfast market. Sanitarium also operated several health food shops in numerous cities before the 1980s.The company has factories in various locations across New Zealand and Australia. In this paper we conduct the company's Organisation, Environmental and Market analysis as well as a determination of its segmentation and positioning strategies.
A SWOT analysis of Sanatorium
In order to conquer and dominate any given market, adequate information is needed on the prevailing market conditions as well as the organization's…...
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Groucutt, J., Leadley, P and Forsyth, P (2004)Marketing: essential principles, new realities. Kogan Page Publishers
Tile: Becoming a vegan
Background information and literature on being a vegan
Justification of the problem
Why the issue of becoming a vegan is relevant in the contemporary socisty.
An interview with a student who is a vegan and noting down of the factual firsthand experience of a vegan
Environmental easons for being vegan
Outline reasons from the student and other sources on how eating meat diets hurt the environment
Becoming a vegan
The notion of becoming a vegan and leaving out all the animal meat in our diet is by and large becoming an essential and almost an inevitable trend in the near future if the current trends are anything to go by. There are various people, famous and infamous, who have condemned the act of killing animals for their meat. One such figure is Leo Tolstoy who is widely quoted to have emphasized that "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food;…...
Richard Ryder, (2013). 49 Reasons why I am Vegetarian. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from
The Vegan Wolf, (2004). 10 Reasons for going Vegan. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from
Lentil as Anything: Pay as You Feel
As the world changes and capitalism takes over, a counter trend is also observed. In other words, in a world of profits, pressure and competition, there are some entities which militate for different values. They are non-profit agencies which promote human dignity and human rights and which strive to make the world a better place. Such an agency is Lentil as Anything.
Lentil as Anything is located in Melbourne, Australia, and it is based on the pay as you feel system. The three restaurants serve high quality and healthy vegetarian food and ask the customers to pay the amount they found to be worth the food and the experience. They also encourage the customers to donate to humanity purposes.
"Lentil as Anything is a series of 3 pay as you feel restaurants located in Melbourne, Australia. There are currently 3 restaurants in St. Kilda, Abbotsford and…...
Bitencourt, C.C., Bonotto, F., 2010, The emergence of collective competence in a Brazilian petrochemical company, Management Revue, Vol. 21, No. 2
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Czarnecki, J., 2005, It's more than money: is a non-profit career right for you? Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2
Kaizen, W., 2008, Steps to an ecology of communication: radical software, Dan Graham and tge Legacy of Gregory Bateson, Art Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3
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Barnard, Neal D. (et al. 2009). A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial.
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Foster, G.D., Wyatt, H.., Hill, J.O., Makris, a.P., osenbaum, D.L., Brill, C., & ... Klein, S.
(2010). Weight and metabolic outcomes after 2 years on a low-carbohydrate vs. low-fat diet. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153(3),…...
Acheson, K.J. (2012). Diets for body weight control and health: the potential of changing the macronutrient composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved from PubMed: doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.194.
Austin et al. (2011). Trends in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes and association with energy intake in normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals:
1971 -- 2006. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved:
Gandhi is one of the most fascinating people in all of recent history. An advocate of passive resistance, he not only helped free India from British oppression, but also inspired the 1960s Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Gandhi’s work is so well-known that his name has become synonymous with both peace and leadership. However, his personal life was marred by some controversies, suggesting that even great men can have terrible flaws. We cannot possibly tell you all about Gandhi in a few paragraphs; his life and his life’s work....
1. The ethical implications of using animals for cosmetic testing
2. The impact of factory farming on animal welfare and the environment
3. The role of animals in scientific research and the need for alternatives
4. The importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats
5. The relationship between animal abuse and human violence
6. The legal rights of animals and the need for stronger animal protection laws
7. The use of animals in entertainment and the ethics of captivity
8. The benefits of adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle for animal rights
9. The role of animal advocacy organizations in promoting animal welfare
10. The connection between animal....
### Conclusion This research study aimed to investigate the impact of Socioeconomic Status (SES) on speciesist views and dietary preferences, particularly in relation to meat intake and attitudes towards vegetarianism and veganism. Through a correlational methodology involving a diverse sample of 100 individuals, the study sought to understand how economic and educational factors influence ethical considerations towards animals and their relationship to dietary behaviours. The anticipated outcomes suggest that individuals from lower SES backgrounds may exhibit more speciesist beliefs and consume more meat, potentially due to limited access to alternative options and educational resources. Conversely, individuals from higher SES groups may....
Anemia, a condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin, can arise from a multitude of underlying causes. Two distinct types of anemia, iron-deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia, stem from vastly different etiologies and exhibit unique clinical manifestations. This essay will delve into the key distinctions between these two types of anemia, shedding light on their respective pathophysiology, clinical presentations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities.
Iron-Deficiency Anemia: A Global Health Concern Iron-deficiency anemia, the most prevalent type of anemia worldwide, arises from an insufficient intake or absorption of dietary iron. Iron, an essential component of hemoglobin, plays a....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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