Vatican Essays (Examples)

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Vatican II Church Council The Second Vatican
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

Vatican II Church Council:
The Second Vatican Council occurred between 1962 and 1965 to demonstrate the liveliness and hope of the Church to continue serving the world. As an initiative of Pope John XXIII, the Council was a huge success as evident in its proceedings and its sixteen documents. However, one of the major questions in the aftermath of the Council is whether it was accorded reception by the universal Church. Secondly, there are concerns on whether the Council should have equipped the post-Conciliar Church in its mandate to people. Through its very nature, the Vatican II Church Council was a ramified progression of occurrences from the moment it was announced by the pope.

Origin of the Vatican II Church Council:

Both the Church and the world were surprised by Pope John XXVIII in January 25, 1959 following his announcement of a general Council for the Universal Church (ilde, p. 13). hile the…...


Works Cited:

Doyle, Dennis M. The Church Emerging from Vatican II: A Popular Approach to Contemporary Catholicism. Revised ed. New London: Twenty-Third Publications, 2006. Print. Third.

Green, Keith. "The Catholic Chronicles IV What Did Vatican II Really Change?" Solo Christo Christ Alone. Treasuring Christ Fellowship Australia. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. .

Lamb, Matthew L., and Matthew Levering. Vatican II: Renewal Within Tradition. New York: Oxford UP, 2008. Print.

Sullivan, Maureen, and Maureen Sullivan (O.P.). The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology. New Jersey: Paulist, 2007. Print.

Vatican Declaration the Vatican's Declaration
Pages: 6 Words: 2121

Human moality and law should theefoe not be at odds with each othe, but wok togethe in ode to pomote the divine pinciple of life. Accoding to the document, moal teaching enfoces the intenal human conscience, while govenment law enfoces extenal behavio. These should then wok togethe fo the pepetuation of natual life.

Beyond the document, the Chuch has also issued declaations in tems of othe issues elating to sexual conduct, conception and maiage. Accoding to the chuch, and also mentioned biefly in the Abotion Declaation, sexual conduct should occu only within maiage, and with sufficient esponsibility in ode to pevent unwanted pegnancy. The Vatican is vey stongly against abotion meely because the child is an "inconvenience" as a esult of pemaital o iesponsible sexual conduct. In this, the Chuch concedes that moden society is not in geat favo of big families, as the case was in the past. The Chuch…...


references to medical and legal science.


Associated Press. "Vatican Condemns Contraception, Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage." Beliefnet, 2006. 

Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "Declaration on Procured Abortion." 18 Nov. 1974. 

Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation Replies to Certain Questions of the Day.

Vatican II a Survey of
Pages: 15 Words: 4728

Of course, such hurried indifference was seen within the Council from start to finish.

The primary order of business was to set the sequence of schemas to be discussed. Complementary to this business was the matter of choosing bishops and periti to sit on commissions for the drafting of schemas. Though the proposed schemas had already been drafted, the liberal element was able to persuade John XXIII to abandon them since they did not have the support of the majority of the Council. John XXIII overturned Council regulations (which stated that the majority must be at least two-thirds -- which it was not -- for proposed schemas to be abandoned). Lefebvre, who helped draft the initial set of schemas, illustrates the haphazard manner in which the Council was begun:

I was nominated a member of the Central Preparatory Commission by the pope and I took an assiduous and enthusiastic part in its…...



Davies, Michael. The Goldfish Bowl: The Church Since Vatican II. Kansas City: Angelus

Press, 1985.

Davies, Michael. The Liturgical Revolution Volume 2: Pope John's Council. Kansas City: Angelus Press, 1977.

Eppstein, John. Has the Catholic Church Gone Mad? New York: Arlington House, 1971.

Vatican City
Pages: 4 Words: 1389

Vatican City in ome. Vatican City is actually a city-state located within the city of ome, Italy. It came into existence in 1929, and is governed by the Pope. As a city-state, it is considered a country, making it the smallest country in the world, with only 800 residents. Before 1929, Popes had been living in the area that is now Vatican City since the 1300s, so the area has been considered holy for centuries.
omans referred to the area known as the Vatican by that name since ancient times. It was a marshy area near the capital, where there were several villas and buildings. It gained religious importance because St. Peter was supposed to have been martyred in the area, and his tomb was built there (in St. Peter's Basilica) ("Vatican City in the Past"). Peter's tomb is the most ancient structure in the Vatican; it started construction around…...



Editors. "Brief History." 2009. 3 Dec. 2009.


Editors. "Holy See (Vatican City)." 2009. 3 Dec. 2009.


Vatican Council II 1962-1965
Pages: 8 Words: 2540

Vatican Council II (1962-1965). Seven Sources.
Vatican Council II (1962-1965)

In the forty years since the completion of the Vatican Council II, the controversy has yet to cease. There is still passionate debate between church conservatives, who feel the council went too far, and liberals, who feel church politics has prevented the original vision from becoming a reality. One side feels that the council was inspired by the devil, while the other side feels betrayed.

Many feel the Council brought changes that were long overdue, while others feel it was short of heresy. Nevertheless, roughly three generations of Catholics have grown up under Vatican II and it remains a point of contention with church leaders and parishioners worldwide.

Vatican Council is the name of two ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church that were held in Vatican City in Rome. An ecumenical council is a meeting of church leaders called by a pope…...



Maceion, Gary. "History of Vatican II. National Catholic Reporter. October 09, 1998. 

McConnell, Frank. "Documenting a Revolution: Vatican Council of 1962-1965."

September 11, 1998. Commonweal. 

Reese, Thomas. "Of Many Things." America. September 19, 1998.

Second Vatican Council and the
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

As the chaplain gives communion, this is a position that cannot yet be held by a woman in the Catholic Church.
A Eucharistic minister in the Roman Catholic Church must be a priest, therefore it is a position that must be occupied by a male. In other churches, the Eucharistic Minister refers to the person who assists the priest and is licensed to administer both the bread and the wine during communion. Furthermore, they are licensed to administer communion to the homebound, incarcerated or sick and therefore cannot attend Mass.

A Lector is another position within the Catholic Church. Its responsibilities include reading the first and second reading during a Catholic Mass. In order to become a lector, one must be committed to their faith, and go to confession. There are seminars and training classes available in preparation of this position.

A Chancellor of the Diocese in the Roman Catholic Church is…...


Parish Council Member (2010) Retrieved April 12, 2010 from 

Peters, E. (1991) What Canon Lawyers Are and Aren't Retrieved April 13, 2010 from

Smith, E. (2003) What Does A Hospital Chaplain Do? Retrieved April 14, 2010 from

Traditional Catholicism and the Vatican
Pages: 7 Words: 2175

Second Vatican Council and the Traditionalist Backlash
The Second Vatican Council is unique in the Catholic Church's near 2000-year history. From 1962 to 1965 the massive council met in Vatican City to update the Church's stance on liturgical and theological matters. By adopting what Popes John XXIII and Paul VI called a "pastoral attitude" toward the fulfillment of the needs of modern man, the Council attracted media coverage unparalleled by past councils.

The Council was enormous. It had eleven times as many members from fourteen times as many countries as the First Vatican Council. It was an occasion of "shock and awe." Those who anticipated "an event" were awed; those who anticipated the assertion of Catholic theology were shocked. For example, when Cardinal Larraona wrote to Pope Paul VI in preparation for the Third Session concerning the schema Constitutionis de Ecclesia, he said, it "brings us…inaccurate, illogical, incoherent and encouraging --…...


Works Cited

"Archbishop Di Noia Admits." CFNews. Web. 9 Apr 2015.

"Bishop Confirms." CFNews. Web. 9 Apr 2015.

"Interview with Archbishop Lefebvre." Sacricium. Web. 9 Apr 2015.

Lefebvre, Marcel. I Accuse the Council. Kansas City: Angelus Press, 1988. Print.

Italy Vatican Good Evening Viewers it Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1447

Italy, Vatican
"Good evening viewers, it is on this day that history was made within the Roman Catholic Church. In today's bulletin, I will take through information in relation to the appointment of the new pope, his first days in the office, and historical perspectives of the act. I am your reporter Pelletta Vendetta, welcome to the show."

"On Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI and the incoming Pope Castel Gandolfo shared a lunch with reporters waiting outside at the hilltop villa for the examination of the historical event between a Pope and his predecessor. The content of the encounter was not clear without any information provided by the Vatican officials. According to a spokesman of the Vatican, "the first embrace was wonderful." According to the information circulating in Italy, this meeting or the Saturday's lunch is a form of rehearsal for cohabitation. Vatican officials focus on expressing their affection and gratitude towards…...

Ecumenical Council Agenda for the
Pages: 2 Words: 950

Their template deals with subjects such as what women found satisfying and frustrating about work. Also the committee heard show do they balance home and work responsibilities and fit in volunteer activities, how do they find time for spiritual activities. In addition, how does the spirituality affect work and vice versa (Bishop's Committee on omen in Society and in the Church).
ith regard to birth control, more a more liberally minded Pope could base relaxation of birth control based upon the results of the 1966 Papal Commission on Birth Control. This Commission voted 30-5 to relax the concerns on birth control (1966 Papal Commission on Birth Control).

ith regard to priestly marriage, it would be well for the Church to examine the Eastern Orthodox Rite where marriage for priests is allowed. ith regard to poverty, the Church could build upon Rerum Novarum and a pile of Church encyclicals that deal with…...


Works Cited:

"Catholic Church and Birth Control: History of Birth Control Ban." Catholic Church and Birth Control: History of Birth Control Ban. Papal Commission on Birth Control, 1966. Web. 20 Apr 2010.

Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal Pell 2005 Admits
Pages: 4 Words: 1405

Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal Pell (2005), admits, "the teaching of religion has become more difficult through the past decades," (p. 4). Because of the various impediments and challenges to maintaining a religious foundation, educators and administrators are working extra hard to deliver a quality curriculum that infuses the young mind with spirituality and devotion to God. The goals of a religious education are clearly outlined by the Archdiocese of Sydney in its curriculum guide. Goals include an enhanced understanding of scripture, the cultivation of faith, and the development of habits such as prayer that foster a religious lifestyle and attitude. The Diocese of Paramatta echoes these same goals. On its website, the Diocese of Paramata ("eligious Education," n.d.) states the definition of religious education as, "more than formal instruction; it is a conscious pathway to the development of the whole person as a model of Christ and permeates all…...



Archdiocese of Sydney (2005). Religious Education Curriculum. Primary: Year 3 to 6.

Baum, W. (1988). The religious dimension of education in a Catholic school: Guidelines for reflection and renewal. Retrieved online: 

Catholic Education Office of Sydney (2013). Religious education. Retrieved online: 

Diocese of Broken Bay (2006). Curriculum. Retrieved online:

Postliberal Theology and Its Relationship
Pages: 12 Words: 3627

As Jeffrey Stout has it, following James' "Will-to-Believe," "We need not agree on all matters of moral importance to agree on many, and where our judgments happen to coincide we need not reach them for the same reasons." (Fackre, 2003)
Fackre states that there are five pluralist views as follows:

View 1: Common Core. At the center of all the great religions of humankind is found a common core of divine (however conceived) doing, disclosing and delivering. Each faith approaches it through its own heroes, expresses it in its own language, celebrates it in its own rituals, formulates it in its own rules of behavior, and passes it on in its own communal forms. While the rhetoric of each religion may claim that its way, truth and life are for all, these absolutist professions are, in fact, "love talk," the metaphors of commitment, not the metaphysics of reality. Jesus is, therefore,…...


Marmion, Declan (2005) Rahner and His Critics: Revisiting the Dialogue. Australian EJournal of Theology. February 2005, Issue 4. Online available at:

Thiselton, Anthony C. (2007) the Hermenutics of Doctrine. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 2007.

Th, Anthony C. (2007) the Hermenutics of Doctrine. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing 2007

Social Catholic Catholics Capitalism and
Pages: 4 Words: 1077

Vatican II

Vatican II, officially known as the Second Vatican Council, was a meeting of many leaders of the Catholic Church to discuss both theological and social issues pertaining to the Church in the modern era. Convened by Pope John XXIII in the 1960s and continued by his successor Paul VI, the main goal of the Second Vatican Council was to establish the Church's role and meaning in the modern world, which it recognized as fundamentally changed from the role of the Church in previous eras. Many different topics of concern were examined during the many phases of Vatican II, and the Council produced a number of documents on these varying subjects that help to define Church doctrine and perspectives on the modern world. When it comes to the social thought and action of the Catholic Church following Vatican II, one of the most important documents produced by the Council is…...

Persona Christi an Analysis of the Priesthood
Pages: 17 Words: 5507

Persona Christi
An Analysis of the Priesthood "in persona Christi" and "in nominee ecclesiae"

The questions that surround the functions of the priesthood and the diaconate today appear to be part and parcel of the greater uncertainty that surrounds ancient Church customs. This paper will attempt to analyze the meanings of the phrases "in persona Christi" and "in nomine ecclesiae" as they have reflected the functions of the ministers of the Church both in the past and in today. The conclusion of this research is that while the traditional Church maintained a clear definition (and reverent propriety regarding the mystery of the priestly aspect), today's Church is less sure of the role and function of the minister in relation to Church hierarchy and Church laity.

In Persona Christi

Historical Background: the Vestments

Pius XII's (1947) encyclical Mediator Dei describes for us the aspect of the priest in relation to Jesus Christ, the Head of…...


Staley, V. (1894). The Catholic Religion. London, UK: Mowbray.

Tanner, N.P., ed. (1990). Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. London: Sheed

and Ward.

Celebratory Package in 2003 When
Pages: 6 Words: 1611

Like Pope John Paul II, Pope enedict wanted to emphasize the mystery of the Eucharist, and to help the Church community put the Celebration of Mass and Sacraments into a context by which to move forward in time.
It is clear that both Pope John Paul II and Pope enedict XVI stand firm on maintaining the Traditions of the Church, both Sacramental and political, and with as little change to them as possible. It has long been the position of the Church that consistency in Tradition follows the path of God (YOUR TEXT TITLE, EDITOR, DATE).

There is certain symbolism associated with the liturgy that serves to link the community or laity to the tradition of the Celebration of the Eucharist; and that symbolism is the altar, the minister or priest, the cup that holds the wine or the lood of Jesus; the read that is the ody of Christ; and,…...



Sorokin, P.A. (1962). Society, Culture, and Personality: Their Structure and Dynamics. New York: Cooper Square Publishers. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Questia database: 

Pope John Paul II (2003) Encyclical Ecclesastia de Eucharista

  retrieved 22 October 2007. ,

Pope Benedict xvi (2007) Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis

From Concealing to Confronting Sex Abuse
Pages: 4 Words: 1582

Concealing to Confronting Sex Abuse
It is one thing to consider child sexual abuse from the perspective of the criminal offender. Sexual abuse almost certainly qualifies as an anti-social behavior that is transmitted from generation to generation. Although this issue was not discussed in any of the articles, there is simply far too much evidence that child sexual abusers are very likely to have, themselves, been abused as children to ignore the idea that this behavior is transmitted from generation to generation, abuser to victim. In fact, child sexual offenders seem to have a modified version of the subculture of violence, but the subculture is actually one of sexual violence towards children. In this isolated culture, the sexual victimization of children is normalized. That explains the prevalence of child pornography and groups like NAMBLA. In fact, the offender may minimize the damage that he experienced at the hands of his…...



Condon, P. (2010, December 7). "Top Catholic educator concealed abuse knowledge."

Associated Press.

Phillips, N. (2010, July 14). "Whatever happened at Father Cooper's Cabin in 1971, the archdiocese isn't responsible." Riverfront Times.

Rodgers, A. (2010, August 2). "Episcopal leaders take steps to deal with abusive clergy."

How does religion in a thesis contribute to shaping individual morality and ethics?
Words: 463

How Religion Contributes to Shaping Individual Morality and Ethics
Religion plays a significant role in shaping individual morality and ethics by providing a framework of beliefs, values, and norms that guide conduct and actions. Through its teachings, rituals, and practices, religion influences how individuals perceive the world, their place in it, and their responsibilities to themselves and others.
Cognitive and Behavioral Influence:
Religion offers a comprehensive worldview that explains the nature of reality, the purpose of human existence, and the consequences of behavior. This worldview provides individuals with a set of guiding principles and beliefs that shape their perception of right and wrong.....

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