Utopian Essays (Examples)

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Utopian Socialism This Is the
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

Its Scripture-based tradition holds that a man cannot serve God and wealth at the same time. It strikes a fair balance between present abundance and need. All nationalities and origins become one in Christ Jesus. All believers would sell their possessions and goods for distribution to all according to need (Wienk).
On Socialist Political Parties

These parties struggle to maintain the socialist ideal and apply it in national life (Wienk 2011). Most of them are democratic, multi-tendency organizations with visible structures and accessible practices. They are thus consistent with the objectives and ideal of Christian socialism. Many of their members call themselves Christians. An example is the Socialist Party USA, which aims at establishing democracy that endeavors to place people's lives under their own control. Taking this vein, that democracy is where people can own and control the means of production and distribution through a democratically controlled system. It provides full…...



Blunden, Andy. Utopian Socialism. Marxist Internal Archive, 2011. Retrieved on December 10, 2011 from  http://www.marxists.org/subject/index.htm 

Heilbroner, Robert. Socialism. Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: Liberty Fund, Inc.,

2008. Retrieved on December 10, 2011 from  http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/Socialism.html 

MIA. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. Marxist Internet Archive, 2011. Retrieved on December 10, 2011 from  http://www.marxists.org/archive/works/1880/soc-utop

Utopian Writers of the 17th
Pages: 20 Words: 6601

" In other words to understand any writer's utopian vision, one must compare and contrast that particular vision to what utopian authors in the classic traditions have already put forward.

Historian, professor and humorist Jack Hexter wrote that "Utopia implies that the nature of man is such that to rely on individual conscience to supply the deficiencies of municipal law is to embark on the bottom-less sea of human sinfulness in a sieve." Utopians approach conscience with "legal sanctions," Hexter believed. In a "properly ordered society," he asserted, the "massive force of public law performs the function which in natural law theory ineptly is left altogether to a small voice so often still" (Davis 56).


The Buddhism utopia is conceived in the "antithetical images of Heavenly Paradise and Hell" (u 1995, p. 24), according to author Qingyun u (Female Rule…...


Works Cited

Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis. 1626. Retrieved April 30, 2007, at http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/texts/bacon/atlantis.html.

Bender, Daniel. "Sir. Thomas More." Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 281: British

Rhetoricians and Logicians, 1500-1660, Second Series. Ed. Edward a. Malone. Rolla:

University of Missouri, Gale Group (2003): 201-214.

Utopian Concept Country of Loveland Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Utopian Concept: Country of Loveland
Loveland is a small country located on the western side of Europe. Though largely unheard of, this country has been on the fast track of progress since early 1990s and is now a major tourist attraction for those who are in love with nature. When my cousin usie asked me to join her friends for a trip to Loveland, I had no reason to decline. I packed my bags and soon found myself on Angelo International airport in the capital city of Loveland. The capital city is called New Greens and while small, it is definitely a piece of paradise on earth.

As soon as we landed at the airport, it became clear that we were in some other world. It was so amazingly beautiful that we wondered why it had hitherto been largely undiscovered and hidden from the world. The airport was built in the shape…...


Susie was surprised to hear this because around the world small countries had been bowing their heads in front of foreign companies and begging them to start business in their land so they could make some progress. Loveland had been able to accomplish this on its own terms. Secondly the country had a big reason to celebrate because according to the country wide survey in 2010, the unemployment was found to be the lowest in the world with it being less than 2%. Everyone who was able bodied and willing to work could easily find a job in this magnificent country.

All women were given exclusive permission by the government to bring their children below the age of two to work with them and all organizations were expected to provide with day care facilities to every mother. All children with working mothers could also be enrolled in state run play groups that offered exceptional environment for children.

Crime rate was almost negligible which, was another surprise for us. According to the latest survey, in the past two years, there had been only three reported cases of homicide in the entire country. This was exceptionally outstanding but it was all due to very efficient law enforcement and justice system. In short we found the country full of surprises that convinced us of the utopian quality of this place. We finally could say that we had seen a utopian dream unfold right before our eyes. It was an incredible trip where we met the friendliest people, saw the cleanest parks and gardens, breathed in absolutely pollution free air, roamed around at night without worrying about being attacked and generally felt absolutely amazing about life itself.

Utopian Communal Societies and Their Influence on Leadership in the 19th Century
Pages: 5 Words: 1688

utopian communal societies and their influence on leadership in the nineteenth century. Utopian societies sprang up around the United States during the nineteenth century, partly in response to some of the ills their members saw in society at the time. The word "utopia" describes a "perfect" society existing far from the political and social upheaval of the big city. These societies follow the model of the Middle Ages, where religious groups lived apart from society in monasteries and nunneries, living a spiritual and utopian life. While there were numerous utopian societies available for study, this paper will examine the Shakers, the Oneida settlement, and George ipley's Brook Farm, an experiment in American Fourierism. Each of these societies flourished for a while, and had specific ideas about work, education, social structure, and more.
The Shakers and Female Equality

The official name of the Shaker sect was the United Society of Believers in…...



Claeys, G. And Sargent, L.T. (1999). Utopian societies. New York: New York University Press.

Fitting, P. (2001). Utopia: The search for the ideal society in the western world. Utopian Studies, 12(1), 108.

Foster, L. (1991). Women, family, and utopia: Communal experiments of the Shakers, the Oneida Community, and the Mormons (1st ed.). Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Hayes, B.J. (2002). The brook farm community. Retrieved 31 July 2009 from the Age of the Sage Web site:  http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/transcendentalism/brook_farm.html .

Utopian Vision
Pages: 4 Words: 1384

Visions of utopia -- or more commonly, dystopia -- permeate the canon of literature and the arts. Thomas More's Utopia builds upon prior literature on the subject, like Plato's epublic. In More's Utopia, the author builds himself into the work as a character, much as Plato does in his writing. However, More takes Plato's concept of a utopia much farther to provide a rather detailed and comprehensive vision of what an idealized society might look like and how it might function. More's Utopia bases itself on the ideal of reason, and presumes a human nature that is devoid of problems like greed or anger. The central theme in More's Utopia is the minimization of institutions, laws, and structures. While contemporary culture trends more toward dystopic than utopic visions, some artists do remain committed to a presentation of ideals. John Lennon was one such artist. In his song 'Imagine,' Lennon sings…...



Lennon, J. (1971). Imagine. [Song].

More, T. (1516). Utopia. Retrieved online: http:oregonstate.eduinstructphl302textsmoreutopia-contents.html

Utopian Enterprise Articulating the Meanings and Religiosity in the Abandoned Apple Newton
Pages: 2 Words: 733

Muniz / Kozinets

Muniz and Schau (2005) begin with a discussion of religiosity and the purpose that religious thinking and behavior serve for human psychology. In particular, their theoretical concern involves the way in which religion constructs meaning for believers, and how disappointment -- or a sense of the god that failed -- affects this religious experience as manifest within a brand community. Their specific focus is on the community of Apple Newton users -- "at least 20,000 day-to-day Newton users" (pp.737-8) -- and how their religious thinking was observed after Apple itself discontinued the Newton brand.

Muniz and Schau collected their data largely from two Internet user forums, where Newton users would communicate with each other. However, they also recruited direct subjects for interviewing via a web-page, and ultimately included direct interviews (via email, phone, and face-to-face) with about 80 participants in the Internet forums.


Muniz and…...



Kozinets, RV. (2001). Utopian Enterprise: Articulating the meanings of Star Trek's culture of consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 28:1.

Dark Angel the Concept of a Utopian
Pages: 2 Words: 533

Dark Angel
The concept of a Utopian society is one in which everything is wonderful. It is literally the best of all possible worlds. The opposite of this concept is the Dystopia which, logically enough, is the worst of all possible worlds. In a Utopia, everyone has the ability to think for themselves but the individuality and difference of opinion never gets to the point of disharmony. Contrarily, a dystopian society usually has some sort of totalitarian government or overseer who is domineering over every aspect of that society. Individuality is celebrated in the former and feared in the latter. The television series Dark Angel is an example of a Dystopia. Set in the not-so distant future, the series shows a version of the United States in intellectual and physical ruin and where individuality is feared and hunted down.

Whereas the Utopia has a leader who is benevolent and kindly and…...

Utopianism in the Book the
Pages: 2 Words: 807

("Great Transformation," n.d.)
Why Polanyi's ideas were more "utopian" than others?

Polanyi's ideas were more utopian because he criticized the various approach to economic / political theory. At the same time, he discussed how certain economic systems were important in addressing social problems to a certain extent. An example of this can be seen with his ideas on capitalism. Where, Polanyi's was saying that it is a good economic system, for creating economic prosperity. Yet, the greed factor can cause various individuals to engage in financially reckless decisions. To prevent these kinds of too big to fail situations, Polanyi, advocates that the government plays a role in addressing this issue through regulation. Where, they must keep a balance, by allowing businesses to function according to supply and demand, while preventing greed run amok. This idea of looking at the merits and demerits of both economic / political approaches is: what makes…...



Great Transformation. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2010 from MSU website:  http://jayhanson.us/_History/TheGreatTransformation.htm 

Hyek, F. (n.d.). Champion of the Old Order. Retrieved June 17, 2010 from MSU website:  https://www.msu.edu/~kunzfran/Polanyi.htm 

Polanyi, K. (2001). The Great Transformation. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Village Utopianism Gone Wrong the
Pages: 2 Words: 624

This attempt at constructing a utopian society, however, is doomed to failure. By creating a society that is entirely communal to isolate the community's dwellers from want, personal happiness is impossible. Moreover, a society that attempts to structure itself entirely upon keeping fear at bay is a society with no real culture at all. Virtually every rule of the society is designed to highlight the division between the forest dwellers and the persons who live in the community. For example, the community is kept vigilant by the sight of a watchtower. Red, the color of the people of the forest (and also a color associated with red-baiting in American society) is entirely prohibited from the community.

hat is also limited, within the framework of the community is sexual desire. The teenagers of the Village feel particularly stifled by this constant watchfulness. By constantly trying to police the safety of this created…...


Works Cited

The Village." Written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. 2004.

Ideal Type of Special Education
Pages: 2 Words: 567

utopian school district: An overview
Individualization is the key to effective special education. That is why every child in a special education setting has an individualized education plan (IEP). The needs of, for example, a child with autism who is nonverbal are very different from the needs of a highly verbal child on the autism spectrum with social deficits. Allowing more individualized assessment and delivering more individualized treatment would be a critical component of any 'utopian' school district.

However, as well as creating individualized instruction plans for all students in their supportive environments, the larger environment of the school should also be supportive of learning differences. "Consider children with disabilities as general education children first: Special education and general education are treated as separate systems, but in fact share responsibility for the child with disabilities" and there should be more similarities between the two than differences (Peterson & Tamor 2003: 7).…...



Peterson, M & Tamor, L. (2003). Creating schools that work: Promoting excellence and equity for a democratic society thorough whole schooling. Whole Schooling Press. Retrieved from:  http://www.wholeschooling.net/WS/WSPress/SchlsThatWork.pdf 

Jewell, C., Sama-Miller, E., & Wissel, S. (2009). Using student achievement data to support instructional decision -- making. What Works Clearinghouse. Retrieved from:


Alexander Set Radical Multiculturalism Holds That Cultural
Pages: 4 Words: 1485

Alexander Set
Radical multiculturalism holds that cultural groups should be the measure for considerations of justice as a group offers the individual the indispensable good of being rooted in a community. The problem is that groups always set-up unequal in-group out-group relations that are detrimental to society.

The problem is that conservatives claim it undermines cohesiveness, but cohesiveness is exactly what all social movements in the last hundred years have attempted to bring about.

In this context this means that the gains of one group are not balanced by losses of another group.

The civil sphere includes structures of feelings, symbols, psychological identifications, and sympathies determine how resources are allocated in society. The public sphere is more of how this publically stated (the two can be different).

Common identity is malleable depending on the times. The move for woman's voting rights and equal rights into the national identity is an example.

Incorporation is acceptance of others…...

Kirchner and Marc
Pages: 3 Words: 1253

Utopian Images of the Natural State

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's "Bathers Beneath Trees" and Franz Marc's "Bathing Girls." are paintings of the same subject; three women in nature getting ready to bathe and, or, swim. Both are utopian visions of what each artist felt was ideal. The utopian representation of both artists is seen in the use of an idealistic notion of freedom and a personal response to nature. Freedom is seen in the comfortable presence of the nudes and the use of color in nature reflects the artists' perception of utopian existence.

Bathers Beneath Trees is replete with the colors of the island paradise Kirchner thought of as his utopian vision. The tall trees reach to the top of the painting and are done in dark greens with the tree trunks allowed to come forward with the color yellow against a blue and green skyscape. The only blue in the painting is…...



Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (accessed 2004, April). Bathers Beneath Trees, Fehmarn, 1913. At  http://www.nortonsimon.org/collections/browse_artist.asp?name=Ernst+Ludwig+Kirchne 

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (accessed 2004, April). Trees in Autumn, c. 1906. At

Biblical Perspectives on Urban Development
Pages: 2 Words: 653

esponses to Heather and StephenHeatherUrban form theory and procedural planning theory are applicable to the subject of urban planning in the US, and the biblical perspective you provide is also appropriate: as you point out, Psalms 69:35 states, For God will save Zion and build cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and possess it. This shows that God wants His people to care for the creation that he made and to value its beauty and order. This, therefore, is something to be considered by urban planners. Urban form theory and procedural planning align well with this perspective.I would say, however, that procedural planning is more about inclusivity than it is about how the built environment impacts lives (Calderon, 2020). Still, together they help to show a comprehensive approach to bringing Gods word to the built environment. Urban form theory is an approach that focuses on the physical form…...


ReferencesSijmons, D. (2020). Contrast, Contact, Contract; Pathways to Pacify Urbanization and Natural Processes. In Nature Driven Urbanism (pp. 9-42). Springer, Cham.

Social Democracy Pamphleteering Has a
Pages: 7 Words: 1968

Northrop Frye recognized this fact but believed that the satire missed its mark:
It completely misses the point as satire on the ussian development of Marxism, and as expressing the disillusionment which many men of good-will feel about ussia. The reason for that disillusionment would be much better expressed as the corruption of expediency by principle (Frye 1987, p. 10).

What links 1984 and Animal Farm most directly is that both are anti-utopian in nature, for Orwell had developed a certainty that government in a utopian society would always be corrupted and would lose sight of its principles because of expediency.

Animal Farm was written during World War II. There is evidence that he was planning a novel that would become 1984 even before he wrote Animal Farm, and there is a relationship between the two books that is not often noted:

The form each book took was very different, but there was…...



Brander, L. (1954). George Orwell. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.

Crick, B. (1986). The making of Animal Farm. In Critical Essays on George Orwell, B. Oldsey and J. Browne (eds.). Boston: G.K. Hall.

Frye, N. (1987). In George Orwell, H. Bloom (ed.). New York: Chelsea House.

Green, T.H. (1995). Liberal legislation and freedom of contract. In Sources of the Western Tradition, M. Perry, J.R. Peden, and T.H. Von Laue (eds.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Bothered Marx the Most About
Pages: 2 Words: 608

One of the most pragmatic applications of Marxist labor theory would be strong state regulations on capitalist enterprise: requiring, for example, mandatory profit sharing or a means to include all workers in the process of management and in rights to the means of production.
By the early 20th century, the Russian economy was rapidly industrializing, which dramatically altered social structures and institutions. The Czarist regime was showing signs of wear as a burgeoning bourgeoisie was amassing considerable wealth and corresponding political clout. At the same time, factories demanded a larger labor force and recruited from rural regions. Workers who migrated either permanently or temporarily to urban centers and to centers of industry experienced a significant breakdown in traditional social structures and family life. The first stage of the Russian Revolution occurred when the Czar was overthrown to form an aristocratic government, which was soon overtaken by the Bolshevik communists. Lenin…...

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to plato?
Words: 513

Plato's Theory of Forms

Plato's theory of forms is one of the most influential and widely-studied philosophical theories in Western history. It is a complex and multifaceted theory, but at its core, it is the idea that there is a realm of perfect, eternal, and unchanging Forms that exist independently of the physical world. These Forms are the true essence of things, and the physical world is merely a shadow or copy of the Forms.

Essay Topics:

Plato's theory of Forms: An overview and analysis.
The relationship between the Forms and the physical world.
The role of the Forms in Plato's epistemology....

Whose philosophy on government do you believe holds more merit: Aristotle\'s pragmatic approach or Plato\'s idealistic vision?
Words: 610

Aristotle's Pragmatic Approach vs. Plato's Idealistic Vision of Government

Aristotle and Plato, two towering figures of ancient Greek philosophy, offered contrasting views on the nature and purpose of government. Aristotle's pragmatic approach emphasized the practicalities of governance, while Plato's idealistic vision sought to establish a utopian society ruled by philosopher kings.

Aristotle's Pragmatism

Aristotle believed that the best government is one that is tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of its citizens. He emphasized the importance of practical experience, observing that successful leaders have a deep understanding of human nature and the complexities of society. Aristotle's ideal government would be a constitutional....

What recent studies offer insights on the impact of global warming in literature?
Words: 526

Recent Studies on the Impact of Global Warming in LiteratureLiterature has long been a lens through which we explore and understand the world around us, including the pressing issue of global warming. Recent studies offer valuable insights into how literature is reflecting and shaping our perceptions, responses, and potential solutions to this crisis.1. Ecocritical Studies and the Anthropocene:Ecocriticism, a field that examines the relationship between literature and the environment, has gained prominence in recent years. Studies like Timothy Morton's "Dark Ecology" and Amitav Ghosh's "The Great Derangement" analyze how literature in the Anthropocene (the current epoch marked by human impact....

How does environmental exploitation manifest in AT\'s fiction?
Words: 598

I. Introduction
A. Overview of environmental exploitation in fiction
B. Introduction to the theme in Arthur C. Clarke's works
II. Background on Arthur C. Clarke
A. Brief biography
B. Major works related to environmental exploitation
III. Analysis of environmental exploitation in Arthur C. Clarke's fiction
A. Explanation of the concept of environmental exploitation
B. Examples from Clarke's novels and short stories
1. "Rendezvous with Rama"
2. "The City and the Stars"
3. "The Nine Billion Names of God"
IV. Themes and motifs related to environmental exploitation in Clarke's fiction
A. Technology and its impact on the environment
B. Human greed and its consequences

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