Utopia Essays (Examples)

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Utopia by Thomas More From the Set
Pages: 4 Words: 1353

Utopia by Thomas More
From the set of attributes that Thomas More employs to describe Utopia, the most likely to be the target of significant social critique is that of communal property. Indeed, the issue of property was a major tenant in the development of British law -- and ultimately, in systems of law established in many other lands. Moreover, property ownership has been a key point of departure with regard to the demarcations of economic and political difference in 20th and 21st century. The tension between the social nature of production and the private accumulation of wealth is an enduring and common thread of puzzlement to rational beings, for which no universally satisfactory remedy has been devised.

It is no longer possible to argue that one approach or the other to dealing with issues of property -- say, capitalism or socialism -- produces superior economic results at the macroeconomic level. obust…...



Mann, Thomas. Utopia. Planet PDF. 1516. Web. Retrieved  http://www.planetpdf.com/planetpdf/pdfs/free_ebooks/Utopia_NT.pdf 

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Utopia Thomas More's Utopia Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1441

hile this ensures that there will be no plotting against the state, it also means that dissidents must fear for their lives if they disagree with the dictates of their rulers and desire to talk about it. This is essentially censorship and control of speech coded in the language of open deliberation, and it reveals another problem inherent in Utopian society.
Here, More is not attempting to present an ideal alternative to European society, but rather demonstrate how any society that sits at the extreme end of an ideological spectrum, as Utopia and Europe both did, will have problems which stem from the actions necessary to maintain that social order. In Europe, kings fought seemingly pointless wars in order to maintain their power and legitimacy, and in Utopia, the state executed anybody who talked about it outside the officially recognized channels. In both instances, human life becomes subordinate to the…...


Works Cited

More, Thomas. Utopia. Dublin: R. Reilly, 1869.

Utopia Voltaire's Candide Nowadays Is Considered to
Pages: 7 Words: 2534

Voltaire's "Candide" nowadays is considered to be one of the most famous variants of a Utopia provided by authors that dedicated their works to the creation of a "perfect" society. As every book "Candide" has its plot- line, which goes through the whole book and with the help of which the author manages to show the controversy of the real world with an "ideal" one. The book by itself impresses the reader with the variety of contents and the way certain aspects are criticized by the author. The fact that "Candide" is a book who was given birth during the Renaissance, a period that worshiped beauty, makes it even more attractive for the reader to see all the ideas of this period denied. It is made with a very a fine satire and most of the time we do not see the events from the points-of-view of the characters but…...



Voltaire, Francois M. "Candide" Penguin Books, 1990.

Moore, Thomas Sir "Utopia" Phoenix, 1988

Campanella, Thomas "City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue" Pluto Press, 1981

Weitz, Morris Philosophy in Literature: Shakespeare, Voltaire, Tolstoy & Proust Wayne State University Press, 1963

Utopia's Origin in the More's and Hopes
Pages: 9 Words: 3118

Utopia's origin in the More's and hopes of the individual author's times.
Utopia is the place where all our needs are balanced by abundant resources. Utopia is believed to be a perfect state, a place which has social justice, political peace, and moral harmony in all aspects of life. If such a place did exist, how would it be structured? How would people work and live together in harmony, while at the same time have all their needs met, and live in abundance so that their desires for profit, prosperity, and personal freedom were met? In 1516, Sir Thomas Moore wrote his epic "Utopia." His work was the result of political and social unrest, and the goal of his work seemed to be to unsettle the thinking of the English empire. Long settled in its methods of economy, personal, religious and cultural life, England had grown to be a nation of…...



Sinclair, Laurel. There is much between the lines in History.1997. Accessed 29 April 2004.  http://sinclair2.quarterman.org/archive/1998/msg01886.html .

Sir Thomas Moore, 1478-1535. Oregon State University. 2000. Accessed 29 April 2004. http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/philosophers/more.html

Able, Kent. Utopia understood. Part 1 of 2 Oklahoma University Undercurrent. 2001. Accessed 29 April 2003.  http://www.ou.edu/student/ucurrent/archives/ 

Kleine, Jason Hans. An Island of Socialism in Sixteenth Century Europe; Socialism in the Utopia of Sir Thomas More. 1993. David Holiday, Atty at Law. Accessed 9 April 2003.  http://www.d-holliday.com/tmore/socialism.htm

Utopia in Thomas More's 1516 Utopia the
Pages: 2 Words: 642

In Thomas More's 1516 Utopia, the flaws of European society are revealed in typical Enlightenment style. That is, More champions individual rights and freedoms and disparages state or Church control. More seems particularly concerned with thought control and the prescription of social norms and behaviors. In Utopia, Raphael Hythloday describes a world that is only partly utopic. There is a degree of gender equity, at least compared with European sixteenth-century society. No lawyers are allowed in Utopia, which is certainly an idyllic idea assuming each individual is empowered with knowledge of the law. Such knowledge can, however, be inferred by the fact that "All laws are promulgated for this end, that every man may know his duty; and therefore the plainest and most obvious sense of the words is that which ought to be put upon them," (More 62).

In Utopia there is no private property either. The mistrust and disdain…...

Utopia Dystopia Did Science Technology Bring
Pages: 6 Words: 1581

Many of the advances of science in the area of technology are at est quite fearsome for human eings until they ecome accustomed with these functions and applications. One can only imagine how strange the creation and development of all of this must have een ten, or twenty years ago and even more so in the earlier 1900's as all of this egan to fall into place in the multidisciplinary study setting. What must e understood in attempting to gain comprehension of the dystopian views are that these views alance the utopian views of life in that while there are extremist views of each, that each of these tend to soften or minimize the other and as well provide some cognitive form of what is in etween these two extremes in the real world.

Rheingold, Howard (1999) Tools For Thought - 1999 Chapter Five: Ex-prdiga.DYSTOPIANO THOUGHT - CYBERNETICSHoward Rheingold writes…...


bibliography by Vincent Brome (1951), published by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co.

Utopia Dystopia: Did Science/Technology Bring Us To A Better or Worse Perception of Our World

Utopia My Utopia Would Be an Isolated
Pages: 2 Words: 586

My utopia would be an isolated piece of land, not very accessible from other areas -- such as an island. The island would be situated in a warm temperate area. The geography would be fairly flat without any high mountains. The entire island would be easily accessible by foot. The land would be very rich and fertile, with a variety of agricultural crop's; which would make the island extremely self-sufficient. There would also be a good supply of fresh water. The ecology would be balanced as well. Part of the island would be dedicated to farming and the production of natural and organic foodstuffs. This is a very important aspect as I feel that modern foods have become contaminated at even the lowest ecological level with antibiotics and the biological alternation of crops.

The island will however not be primitive in any sense. It will have a large underground site dedicated…...

Utopia -- the Perfect Community Everyone Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1253

Utopia -- The perfect community. Everyone is happy, every citizen has a role and fulfills his or her duty and responsibilities in a caring and complete manner. The community is established to take advantage of every citizen's unique characteristics and God-given talents. It is a community of order and grace, with free will in choosing one's future and path in life as long as it does not conflict with the overall scheme of the community. The community's harmony is always placed above the individual's right to choose.
In Utopia, each individual is subject to constant and consistent testing to help the individual in choosing a pathway that will ensure his or her happiness, while at the same time maximizing the contribution made by that individual to the community. A specific role is determined at the appropriate time for each citizen based on specific talents and characteristics. The role can be as…...



Kuczewski, M.G. (2010) The mission and philosophy of National Bioethics Commissions: Contributing to a stable societal consensus, Good Society Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 18-22

Mengyun, W. & Chuanming, C.; (2012) Obstacles of organizational learning and self-transcendence: Theoretical research based on Chinese family business, Asian Social Science, Vol. 8, Issue 13, pp. 89 -- 94

Utopia Today Thomas More's Utopia
Pages: 2 Words: 520

Utopia is concomitantly possible and impossible: it is all up to people to get actively involved in making such a scenario possible. Individuals can actually create such an environment as long as they are willing to act in accordance with legislations promoted by More when writing Utopia. The fact that the utopian society has strict rules meant to control people's behavior by preventing them from putting across immoral behavior plays an essential role in linking this society with a modern day society in a developed country. People there are well-acquainted with the fact that it is in their best interest to put across socially acceptable behavior. Also, they know that others will always be penalized it they perform illegal behavior and that the chances of them doing that thus fall dramatically.

More wanted to provide people with an idea that is perfectly normal, as it is not actually impossible for individuals…...

Utopia According to Webster's Dictionary
Pages: 10 Words: 3718

The reader can sense the emotionally numb manner in which she describes the presence of the much younger co-wife for whom Ramatoulaye's husband had abandoned her for. Ba brings the reader into the heart of Ramatoulaye to experience what she is feeling. Hurt at losing her husband, being forced to look in the face of his co-wife, and literally losing everything she had worked for to her husband's family. Her aloneness and dismay was evident as she reached out to her friend, Aissaotou. In the midst of it all, she found friendship and her Higher Power as her sources of strength.
In her utopia, friendship and her Higher Power would remain her sources of strength. Still, if Ramatoulaye had experienced the death of her husband in her utopia, she would be the only wife. She would have the ability to make a choice whether to divorce a husband who had…...


Works Cited

Andrade, Susan Z. "Rewriting History, Motherhood, and Rebellion: Naming an African

Woman's Tradition." Research in African Literatures. 21.1 (1990). 91-110. Print.

Ayari, Omofolabo. "Negritude, Feminism, and the Quest for Identity: A Re-Reading of Mariama Ba's So Long a Letter." Women's Studies Quarterly. 25.ae (1997). 35-52.


Utopia A Discussion on Utopia
Pages: 7 Words: 2628

F. "A.F" stands for the absolute god of this new world, Ford, an obvious allusion to Henry Ford one of the greatest and most successful manufacturers in history. The main slogan of this world is however different from that of Nineteen Eighty-Four: "Community, Identity, Stability."(Huxley, 1) the "brave new world" is not based on terror as Orwell's world was, but on conditioning and effective suggestions. Thus, the main difference is that in Orwell's world everything is done by psychological determination, whereas here the world is controlled by "New Pavlovian Conditioning." The population is here literally controlled since birth through scientific means: the human embryos are hatched in laboratories and afterwards separated in five strict classes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons. Then hypnopaedia (repeated messages played during sleep) and negative stimuli (electric shock) are applied so that the individual development is thoroughly controlled. The main aim here is to abolish…...


Works Cited

Hochman, Jhan. "Overview of Brave New World." Exploring Novels.  http://find.galegroup.com/ips/start.do?prodId=IPS .

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: New Directions, 1999.

Keech, James. "The Survival of the Gothic Response," in Studies in the Novel, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer, 1974, pp. 130-44.

Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Utopia Thomas More Presents His
Pages: 2 Words: 587

Lastly, the abolition and non-subsistence to the principles of capitalism leads to the reinforcement of a communal society. This also eliminates the emergence of class conflict as a result of the inherent class division that develops from capitalism.
The moral philosophy of the Utopians is primarily based on intellectual development and achievement of reason or rationalization. For them, virtue is the achievement of the common good through the equal provision of the "foods of the mind." For the author, virtue is achieved when there is human happiness, and happiness is generated through acquired knowledge and skills in life. Thus, the provision of basic education services is imperative among Utopians in order to inculcate in the minds of the children the greater meaning of virtue and feelings or emotions among human beings. Thus, virtue and happiness is only achieved when the individual is able to discover his/her true self and able…...

Utopia and Its Failure to Live in the Real World
Pages: 5 Words: 1682

Thomas More's Utopia
Thomas More's "Utopia"

Thomas More's Utopia and eligious Toleration

More than an account of a fictional society, Thomas More's Utopia is a criticism of early enaissance European society. On the island of "Utopia" people live together in peace and harmony, experience freedom and prosperity, and worship any religious tradition they see fit. Thomas More used the book to criticize the political, economic, legal, and religious aspects of European society in the 16th century. At that time Europe was still deeply entrenched in the medieval traditions which had guided European society for centuries. However, changes in the nature of European society had brought about a cry for reform, especially in the area of religion which had dominated European society. The Catholic Church started to be seen as corrupt and tyrannical and no longer serving the religious needs of the European people. As part of this call for reform, Thomas More published…...



Boyle, John. (2006). "Theological Designs: Religion in Utopia." Thomas More Studies.

Pp. 69-71. Retrieved from  http://www.thomasmorestudies.org/tmstudies/Boyle_Religion_in_Utopia.pdf 

Luther, Martin. (1517). "The 95 Theses." www.Luther.de. Retrieved from  http://www.luther.de/en/95thesen.html 

More, Thomas. (1533). "Debellation of Salem and Bizance: A Concordance." Center for Thomas More Studies. Retrieved from  http://thomasmorestudies.org/DebellationConcordance/framconc.htm

Utopia An Analysis of the Lottery and
Pages: 2 Words: 613

An Analysis of the Lottery and the Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

George Orwell once wrote that, "Whoever tries to imagine perfection simply reveals his own emptiness." In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery and Ursula K. Le Guin's The Ones Who Walks Away from Omelas, the truth of this maxim is made manifest through gripping tales of what price a utopian society is worth in human suffering. Both authors create ideal societies where inhabitants are materially satisfied and happy, yet underpinning this comfortable lifestyle is a horrible fact which harkens back to the primitive and violent nature of humanity. This shared moral framework in the book forces the reader to question what decision they would come to in order to live in a utopia as well as what choices they are making to live in their own society. The stories do have significant differences. The decision of some individuals to…...

Utopia Visions of Emerson and Winthrop
Pages: 3 Words: 995

American thinkers like Ralph aldo Emerson and John inthrop developed cogent visions of their new nation, promulgating utopian ideals and encouraging their readers to actively create an idealized society. As Peyser puts it, both Emerson and inthrop were "deeply suffused with a sense of America's missionary destiny, of the new nation's emancipatory message to the rest of the world," (13). However, inthrop and Emerson held two divergent visions of what a utopian society would look like and how to go about manufacturing grand social, political, and spiritual change. inthrop, an American colonial leader and Puritan in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, cultivated an unabashedly Christian vision of a utopian society. Although Emerson was himself "the product of nearly two centuries of New England Puritanism," and was likewise deeply religious, his utopian vision was less specifically Christian than inthrop's (Nicoll 334). More importantly, Emerson advocated for the type of self-reliance that…...


Works Cited

Nicoll, W. Robertson. "Ralph Waldo Emerson." The American Review. Vol. 176, No. 558, May 1903, pp. 675-687.

Padover, Saul K. "Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Moral Voice in Politics." Political Science Quarterly.

Peyser, Thomas. Utopia and Cosmopolis. Duke University Press, 1998.

Schaar, Jon H. "Liberty/Authority/Community in the Political Thought of John Winthrop." Political Theory. Vol. 19, No. 4, Nov 1991, pp. 493-518.

what are some challenges faced by a school leader in terms of decision making and problem solving due to the introduction of educational reforms in schools?
Words: 420

In our opinion, at this time the most pressing challenge faced by school leaders is safely continuing with student education while also managing the risk of disease posed to people by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Many school districts immediately scrambled to get technology into place to support distance-learning, but quickly found that while the technology is important for delivery of classroom materials, the technology is only a tool in the hands of educators.  Educators need to be able to teach using the technology, and, if they are unable to do so, they put their students at a disadvantage.

Moving forward,....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to plato?
Words: 513

Plato's Theory of Forms

Plato's theory of forms is one of the most influential and widely-studied philosophical theories in Western history. It is a complex and multifaceted theory, but at its core, it is the idea that there is a realm of perfect, eternal, and unchanging Forms that exist independently of the physical world. These Forms are the true essence of things, and the physical world is merely a shadow or copy of the Forms.

Essay Topics:

Plato's theory of Forms: An overview and analysis.
The relationship between the Forms and the physical world.
The role of the Forms in Plato's epistemology....

Stuck on formulating a unique Star Wars vs. Star Trek thesis statement. Can you help me brainstorm?
Words: 450

Thesis Statement Brainstorming for Star Wars vs. Star Trek

1. Social and Philosophical Underpinnings

Star Wars: A Moralistic Saga of Good vs. Evil in a Feudal Galaxy vs. Star Trek: A Humanistic Exploration of Rationality and Idealism in a Socialist Utopia.

The Force in Star Wars as a Metaphor for Divine Intervention vs. Science and Technology in Star Trek as the Path to Progress and Enlightenment.

The Jedi Code of Harmony and Sacrifice vs. Starfleet's Prime Directive of Non-Interference and Exploration.

2. Technological Advancements and Galactic Politics

The Expansive and Diverse Galactic Empire in Star Wars: A Symbol of Autocracy and Imperial....

example of corruption?
Words: 692

Corruption: A Case Study

Corruption is a widespread and insidious problem that plagues societies worldwide. It undermines trust, impedes economic growth, and perpetuates inequality. This case study delves into a real-world example of corruption, uncovering its multifaceted nature and devastating consequences.

The Setting: Afican Utopia

Afican Utopia is a fictitious African nation once hailed as a beacon of hope and prosperity. However, beneath the gleaming facade lay a deep-rooted culture of corruption. In the halls of power, unscrupulous politicians and government officials colluded with wealthy elites to enrich themselves at the expense of the nation's well-being.

The Key Players

At the heart of the corruption....

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