Urgent Care Essays (Examples)

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Urgent Care Facilities
Pages: 3 Words: 867

Urgent Care Facilities
The type of facility chosen is the Urgent Care facility, a relatively new but rapidly growing aspect of the U.S. Health care system. Research shows that Urgent Care provides relatively inexpensive ambulatory care for certain types of medical issues. The savings inherent in using Urgent Care, plus its increasing ability to treat patients of all types and ages have contributed to its increasingly widespread use.

The types of services that are provided at this facility, including a description of both inpatient and outpatient services

Urgent Care facilities are relatively young in the U.S. health care industry, first appearing approximately 40 years ago in response to the need for less expensive "urgent" care that does not rise to the level of "emergency" and/or "inpatient care." Urgent Care facilities do not provide inpatient care; rather, they provide outpatient care of "urgent medical issues." The Palo Alto Medical Foundation, a network of Urgent…...


Works Cited

American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine. (2012). Definition of urgent care medicine. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from AAUCM.org Web site:  http://aaucm.org/About/UrgentCare/default.aspx 

Palo Alto Medical Foundation. (2012). The urgent care doctors. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from PAMF.org Web site:  http://www.pamf.org/urgentcare/team/ 

Palo Alto Medical Foundation. (2012). What is urgent care? | When to use urgent care. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from PAMF.org Weg site:  http://www.pamf.org/urgentcare/whentouse/ 

Steinberg, J. (2012, April 20). Hospital's urgent care centers win accolades. Retrieved April 22, 2012 from ERMS.tourolib.org Web site: https://erms.tourolib.org/url/http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=2639423111&sid=11&Fmt=3&clientId=14844&RQT=309&VName=PQD

Urgent Care Centers Filling a
Pages: 6 Words: 2432

One of the reasons that a lot of these centers are affordable is because half of urgent care centers are preserved by physician groups and another 38% by hospitals, which are providing their own centers distinct from emergency rooms (Alexander, 2012). More customers are using urgent care centers as their chief area of admission to the healthcare system, and 32 million more will enter in 2014 when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is in effect (Krug, 2006) Emergency rooms and primary care physicians and will not be able to handle the enlarged volume, according to the study.

Another thing that helps with the cost is the fact that the patients can get things such as the X-rays, urine samples and blood work done at these centers in a very well-organized method (Weinick & Mehrotra, 2010). Even at some of these centers, employees do monitor how long individuals have been…...



Davidson, M.B., Ansari, a., & Karlan, V.J. (2007). Effect of a nurse-directed diabetes disease management program on urgent Care/Emergency room visits and hospitalizations in a minority population. Diabetes Care, 30(2), 224-7.

Finn, M.J., & Neill, M.A. (2005). Bio-emergency preparedness in Rhode Island: A role for urgent care centers? Medicine and Health Rhode Island, 88(11), 395-7.

Krug, S.E., Bojko, T., Dolan, M.A., Frush, K.S., & al, e. (2006). Pediatric care recommendations for freestanding urgent care facilities. Pediatrics, 116(1), 258-60.

Many Emergency Department Visits Could be Managed at Urgent Care Centers and Retail

Urgent Care Centers the Need for Urgent
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Urgent Care Centers
The Need for Urgent Care Centers

As humans we are exposed to various illnesses throughout our lives, some more severe than others. Due to this, we are constantly in need of doctors, nurses, hospital and other health related centers. Urgent care, which is defined as "the delivery of ambulatory medical care" by the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA), and the centers with which it is associated are vital to our society as well. This paper will therefore provide detail upon the topic of this essay, including an argument for the need of an urgent care center within one's community. It will also include, as part of this detailing of the topic, cost advantage issues and other issues involving the quality of care as superior to those services offered in hospitals or other health care facilities.

The primary issue to be tackled in this paper is why urgent care centers…...

Free Urgent Care Facility Marketing
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

The combination of these effects can also contribute to greater economic growth in a region over time. The greatest opportunity of all is to transform these low income and poverty level regions with better medical care so they can pursue better paying jobs due to their family's health being stabilized. While urgent care facilities treat all age ranges, concentrating on infant and young adults will have an inordinately higher rate of impact across entire communities than not focusing on a given age group at all.

There is unfortunately always the threat of litigation and lawsuits. This is an unfortunate, unpleasant fact, especially in the state of California. This has led to many free urgent care facilities being closed or even sued despite their nonprofit status (Bindman, Grumbach, Bernheim, Vranizan, Cousineau, 2000). The threat of lack of partial government funding as many states and regions of the world face cutbacks makes…...



Anthopolos, R., & Becker, C.. (2010). Global Infant Mortality: Correcting for Undercounting. World Development, 38(4), 467.

Andrew B. Bindman, Kevin Grumbach, Susannah Bernheim, Karen Vranizan, & Michael Cousineau. (2000). Medicaid managed care's impact on safety-net clinics in California. Health Affairs, 19(1), 194-202.

Fitzgerald, B.. (2010, May). Casting a wider net to attract donations. NJBIZ, 23(18), 10.

Maureen Lewis. (2007). Informal Payments And The Financing Of Health Care In Developing And Transition Countries. Health Affairs, 26(4), 984-97.

A Comparison of Waiting Times in Ers and Urgent Care Centers
Pages: 10 Words: 2798

Wait Times in Outpatient Centers Compared to Traditional Emergency ooms
It is reasonable to suggest that many if not most people find themselves in need of urgent medical care at some point in their lives and until a few years ago, the traditional emergency room was the only option available. Over the past 20 years or so, though, there has been an explosion in the number of outpatient centers that provide a wide range of urgent medical care including various surgical procedures. This growth in the number of outpatient centers has resulted in an increased interest in determining how efficient these respective healthcare venues are in treating patients. To this end, this paper reviews the relevant literature concerning traditional emergency rooms and outpatient centers and proposes a strategy for recruiting and selecting a sample population to compare the average waiting times for each. An overview of the characteristics of the target…...



Alijani, G. S. & Kwun, O. (2015, July 1). The effect of emergency waiting time on patient satisfaction. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 18(2), 1-4.

Brady, M. C., Scher, L. M. & Newman, W. (2013, October). "I just saw Big Bird. He was 100 feet tall!" Malingering in the emergency room: Four instruments can help you make a rapid assessment of a patient feigning symptoms. Current Psychiatry, 12(10), 33-39.

Emergency room. (2015). In Merriam-Webster dictionary. Retrieved from  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/emergencyroom .

Hsia, R. Y, Kellermann, A. L. & Shen Y-C. (2011, May 18). Factors associated with closures of emergency departments in the United States. Journal of the American Medical Association, 305(19), 1978-1985.

Care Information Systems and Medical Records
Pages: 4 Words: 1454

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Physician's Office Operation
Filling in the hole of health care information technology will endorse safe, capable, patient-centered, and patient care that is fruitful in a timely way. In this essay, the theme is to look into two modern health

care organizations and then compare and contrast many characteristics that will involve the kind of evidence systems are using at the moment, investigate the transmission of information 20 years ago and how the substitute of data today. Furthermore, this essay will cover two major events and technology developments that have inclined present Health Care Informational Services practices.

Compare and Contrast Doctor's Workplace Operation

These day's doctor's office operation is familiarizing to the health care reform that was sanctioned in 2010 by the Obama organization. During sometime in October of 2013, the exchanges in health insurance was available on the market for customers on order to buy health insurance placed…...



Burke, D., Wang, B., & Wan T.T.H. & Diana, M. (2009). Exploring Hospitals' Adoptionof IT. Journal of Medical Systems, 21(9), 349 -- 355.

Callen, J., & Braithwaite, J. & . (2008). Cultures in Hospitals and TheirInfluence on Attitudes to, and Satisfaction with, the Use of Clinical InformationSystems. Social Science and Medicine, 65(4), 635-639.

Finchman, R., & Kohli, R. & . (2011). Editorial Overview -- The role of IS inHealthcare. Information Systems Research, 22(3), 419-428.

Consultant Evaluation and Healthcare Industry
Pages: 15 Words: 4888

com). A certain amount of errors is to be expected, but there should not be so many that it demonstrates a certain level of skewedness about the model in its entirety. Thus, if the NHI model is the one which is selected, then it needs to be tested against a range of different scenarios. The following demonstrate some truly relevant what-ifs: what if the doctors only move half the projected volume; what if medicare slashes rates; what if competitors open a comparable program (dgapartners.com).
There are a range of factors which can change or adjust once a healthcare facility opens their doors for business. And as much as this facility is attempting to engage in a solid humanitarian effort, at the end of the day, it's still a business and people need to get paid. Thus, before engaging in further developmental activities, one needs to determine in what ways the model…...



Brakatu Ofori-Adjei, a. (2007). Microfinance: An Alternative Means of Healthcare Financing for the Poor. Ghana Medical Journal, 193-194.

Burnstein, L., Harris, R., & Love, L. (2012, August 30). Top Four Legal Issues to Consider When Opening an Urgent Care Center. Retrieved from Mondaq.com:  http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/194082/Healthcare/Estate+planning+is+important+step 

Burnstein, M., Harris, R.L., & Love, L. (2012, August 20). Top Four Legal Issues to Consider When Opening an Urgent Care Center. Retrieved from Mondaq.com:

Healthcare Organization Marketing Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1240

Terrace Hospital Marketing Plan
Marketing trategy -- Terrace Community Hospital

ummary- Terrace Hospital is a smaller, community hospital, located in a suburb of a major city. There are a number of large urban hospitals within 45-60 minutes of Terrace, but the focus for Terrace is as an expanded clinic that provides basic services for urgent care, seniors, obstetrics, general practice, counseling and education programs, radiology, complete blood work, and an osteo-care unit for citizens of the outlying communities that are 45-60 minutes from Terrace, and thus quite a distance from the urban hospitals. The hospital is reviewing its marketing plan in order to focus more on profitable and complete care, knowing that more complicated specializations are more available in the urban center.

Major Health Concerns -- Quality pediatric care, childhood obesity and Type-II diabetes, alcohol and cigarettes, substance abuse, TDs, geriatric care, obesity and cardio-renal issues.

Target Patients- The community of Terrace, as well…...


Sources Consulted

Buckley, P. (2009). The Complete Guide to Hospital Marketing. Marblehead, MA: HCPro, Inc.

City University of New York. (2011). Marketing Planning, Strategic Planning and the Marketing Process. Retrieved from: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/economic/friedman/mmmarketingplanning.htm

Eckrich, D.; Schlessinger, W. (2011). An Application of the marketing concept in health-care services planning. Journal of Marketing Research. Retrieved online from: http://www.www.aabri.com/manuscripts/10571.pdf

HR Council. (2012). HR Planning. Retrieved from: http://hrcouncil.ca/hr-toolkit/planning-strategic.cfm

Healthcare Lobbyists Drugmakers Hospitals and
Pages: 5 Words: 1614

Each of these was included in the initial Senate bill, but was struck from the final Senate version. Despite the victories, the group isn't ready to pledge support for health reform bills. The AMA will not endorse any legislation unless Congress gets rid of the mandated payment cuts of more than $200 billion over 10 years in the government's Medicare program for the elderly. The cuts are part of Congressional action that was passed in 1997 in order to cut costs in the Medicare program, but have never gone into effect. There are also several hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and advocacy groups that are withholding final support. Most of these groups have pledged support to health care reform in principle while working privately through lobbyists to protect their industries (Eaton and Pell, 2010).
Healthcare lobbyists range from very large companies and corporations to very small groups who are all looking…...



BREAKING: Health care lobby invests in reform summit. (2010). Retrieved March 1, 2010, from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Web site:


Eaton, Joe and Pell, M.B. (2010). Lobbyists Swarm Capitol to Influence Health Reform.

Retrieved March 1, 2010, from the Center for Public Integrity Web site:

Minorities and Healthcare Is Not
Pages: 2 Words: 615

It is true, healthcare is not free. Yet, in an environment where so many are uninsured, it is clear that the free market method of private insurance is not working. This is where the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act comes into play. All tax payers will see an increase in tax rates in order to help provide quality healthcare for the millions of uninsured Americans in need. Still, "the wealthiest 2% of Americans will take the biggest hit," with the majority of average Americans seeing very little increases in their taxes (Cass, 2012). This ultimately means that individuals making more than $250,00 annually will take the brunt of the tax increases. Also, increased taxes on certain activities, like smoking and tanning, will also help allocate funding for the healthcare reform bill. Still, the government is also allowing for greater tax credits "that start in 2014 to help them pay…...



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010). Disparities in healthcare quality among racial and ethnic minority groups. National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. Web.  http://www.ahrq.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/nhqrdr10/minority.pdf 

Cass, Connie. (2012). PPACA's tac hikes are coming" Who pays? Life Health Pro. Web.  http://www.lifehealthpro.com/2012/08/09/ppacas-tax-hikes-are-coming-who-pays

Leadership and Management in Health Care
Pages: 9 Words: 2758

Leadership & Management, Health Care
Leadership & Management in Health Care

President Clinton's Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala, used to tell a story about her mother, who was 86 at the time but still a full-time attorney representing several clients who lived in nursing homes. She would tell Shalala, "Donna, I don't care whether they are good nursing homes or bad nursing homes, you have to watch them like a hawk" (Cited in White House, 1998, quoted by Hovey 2000, 43). Clinton's presidency was very aware of health care issues, even if it was unable to solve them. Shalala's remarks were delivered at a press conference regarding nursing home regulation; arguably, under the current administration, issues of health care for the aged have gotten more problematical rather than less.


Despite relatively little action regarding health care for the aged by the federal government, there is little doubt that the news…...



Fox-Grage, W., & Shaw, T. (2000, April). The crisis ahead in long-term care. State Legislatures, 26, 30. Retrieved June 30, 2004, from Questia database,  http://www.questia.com .

Froeschle, M.L., & Donahue, P.M. (1998). Academic health care: Leadership in time of change. Journal of Leadership Studies, 5(4), 60. Retrieved June 30, 2004, from Questia database,

Healthcare - Ambulatory Services the
Pages: 2 Words: 508

In the current era of managed care in medicine, physicians and other healthcare providers and institutions have been under tremendous pressure to reduce costs. In that regard, avoiding unnecessary hospitalization is one of the most important goals of lowering the costs of healthcare delivery (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004). Toward that end, diverse strategies have evolved to provide as many healthcare services as possible on an ambulatory basis.

Hospitals and insurance companies now encourage patients to participate in preventative medicine and routine testing intended to lower the costs associated with hospitalization over the long-term. The strategy is simply to reduce the incidence of serious illnesses, particularly those that typically develop over many years and which are capable of prevention through behavior modification and early detection through diagnostic testing (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004).

Because state and federal governments must absorb much of the costs of uncompensated medical services, the many administrative agencies within the…...


References Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J. (2004) Community and Public Health Nursing (6th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Individualized Innovations and Technology in Healthcare
Pages: 13 Words: 4367

Personal Healthcare Technology
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center and the Sunrise Children's Hospital

The Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, which includes the Sunrise Children's Hospital, is an approximately 55-year-old facility located in Southern Nevada; it serves the greater Las Vegas area and the surrounding communities. The Sunrise Health and Medical Center is proud of its quality initiatives to ensure patient safety and comfort, including direct approaches to pharmaceutical safety such as safe medication dosing via smart pump technology, and bar coding on medications. As well, the Sunrise Health and Medical Center does not discriminate with respect to HIV / AIDS or in any manner related to employment, program participation, admission and/or treatment.

Sunrise has been rated as the most popular area hospital for 15 years in patient surveys. As well, Sunrise Health and Medical Center has developed community outreach programs for health education in a variety of areas, often based upon community need.




Appari, A., & Johnson, M.E. (2010). Information security and privacy in healthcare: Current state of research. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 6 (4), 279-314. Retrieved from  http://www.ists.dartmouth.edu/library/501.pdf 

Ayanian, J.Z., & Weissman, J.S. (2002). Teaching hospitals and quality of care: A review of the literature. The Milbank Quaterly, 80(3), 569-593. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2690120/pdf/milq0080-0569.pdf 

Baker, J.J., & Baker R.W. (2000). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen

Byington, R., Keene, R., Masini, D. (2006). The impact of federal and state funding levels on strategic decisions and how those decisions affect patient care. The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration. (4)2. Retrieved from  https://ispub.com/IJHCA/4/2/5827

Healthcare Identify the Three Types of Health
Pages: 2 Words: 449

Identify the three types of health organizations? Please explain

Three types of health organizations include managed services organizations (MSOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and independent practice associations (IPAs). MSOs refer to organizations like Medicare, which usually serve as gatekeepers to patients by seriously limiting their choices with regards to medical care. PPOs refer to the generally contracted services, such as those garnered through the employer's plan or personal insurance. IPAs are private practices that bill directly to clients.

Identify the 4 levels of service. (hint: the 4th is rarely used)

The four levels of services include primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary care. Primary care is often of a routine nature, and pertains to standard procedures such as diagnostics or treatment interventions. Secondary care refers to areas of specialization in medicine. Because the consumer generally needs a referral to access secondary care, and because the consumer has usually already seen a primary care provider…...

Costs and Delivery Healthcare System
Pages: 5 Words: 1532

Introduction The delivery health care system takes into account the assimilation of physicians, healthcare facilities, together with other medical services with plan to facilitate the provision of the total continuum of medical care for its consumers. In a whole incorporated system, the three fundamental components including physicians, medical facilities and the membership to health plans are counterpoised in terms of equating medical resources with the necessities of patients and purchasers (Coddington, Moore, and Fischer., 1994). One of the key concerns in the present delivery of healthcare is cost. Increasing costs of healthcare has been a major worry in the past number of years, making the United States to have one of the most expensive systems of healthcare. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the different costs linked to healthcare delivery system, and delineate the manner in which these costs impact different populations and how it also affects health…...

I\'m searching for essay topics on molst. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 359

Sure! Here are some potential essay topics on molst:

1. The history and development of the molst (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) program.
2. The importance of advance care planning and how molst forms can help facilitate important end-of-life conversations.
3. The benefits and limitations of using molst forms in healthcare settings.
4. The ethical considerations surrounding the use of molst forms and end-of-life decision-making.
5. A comparison of molst forms to other advance care planning documents, such as living wills and durable power of attorney for healthcare.
6. The role of healthcare providers in promoting and implementing molst forms with patients.
7. The impact of molst....

What innovative medical treatments or technologies is the Cleveland Clinic currently pioneering?
Words: 659

Innovative Medical Treatments and Technologies Pioneered by the Cleveland Clinic

The Cleveland Clinic, a world-renowned academic medical center, has a long-standing history of innovation and pioneering cutting-edge medical treatments and technologies. With its commitment to research and development, the Clinic continues to push the boundaries of healthcare, offering patients access to the latest advancements in medicine. Here are some of the innovative treatments and technologies currently being pioneered by the Cleveland Clinic:

1. Robotic Surgery:

The Cleveland Clinic is a leader in robotic surgery, using advanced robotic systems to perform complex procedures with greater precision, accuracy, and minimally invasive techniques. The da Vinci....

How has the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped healthcare systems worldwide?
Words: 510

Reshaping Global Healthcare Systems in the Wake of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted healthcare systems worldwide, necessitating a rapid and comprehensive reshaping of policies, practices, and infrastructures.
1. Technological Advancements
The pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth and other digital health technologies. With physical distancing measures in place, remote consultations and monitoring became essential for non-urgent care. This has led to improved accessibility, reduced transmission risks, and enhanced patient convenience.
2. Expansion of Telemedicine
Telemedicine has emerged as a major tool in healthcare delivery. It has allowed clinicians to provide care to patients in remote or underserved areas, reduced overcrowding in clinics and....

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