Therefore, it is uncertain what causes Uranus' magnetic fields. Furthermore, "Uranus' magnetic field is odd in that it is not centered on the center of the planet and is tilted almost 60 degrees with respect to the axis of rotation. It is probably generated by motion at relatively shallow depths within Uranus." (Arnett, 2004).
Like the other gas planets, Uranus has rings." (Arnett, 2004). Nine of Uranus' rings were discovered in 1977. However, Uranus' rings differ from those found surrounding both Jupiter and Saturn. "The outermost epsilon ring is composed mostly of ice boulders several feet across. A very tenuous distribution of fine dust also seems to be spread throughout the ring system." (Hamilton, 2003). In addition, there are several narrow or incomplete rings that surround Uranus. Uranus' rings "are composed of fairly large particles ranging up to 10 meters in diameter in addition to fine dust. Uranus' rings were…...
mlaWorks Cited
Arnett, B. (2004). "Uranus,", [Online], Retrieved June 6, 2006 Available at
Bell, E. (2005). "Voyager 2,", [Online], Retrieved June 6, 2006 Available at
Enchanted Learning. (2006). "Uranus,", [Online], Retrieved June 6, Available at
Hamilton, C. (2003). "Uranus,", [Online], Retrieved June 6, 2006 Available at
Interestingly, Venus is a goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, which is significant, since she was literally created from the male genitalia, and males were more strongly linked to sexuality than females, even at that point in oman history. In the rest of oman and Greek mythology, Venus/Aphrodite generally plays a benevolent role, though she does use influence women to use their sexuality in inappropriate ways, such as the willful seduction of one's own father.
Botticelli's painting captures all of the prettier elements of the birth of Venus without referencing the uglier parts of the myth. There are no castrated gods or vengeful sons in the painting, merely a beautiful, naked woman emerging from the sea, standing grown in a sea shell. The sea shell symbolized the vulva in art of that time period. Moreover, Venus was a frequent non-religious subject of paintings, because it was considered acceptable to depict…...
Botticelli, S. (1485). The birth of Venus. Retrieved March 19, 2009 from Artchive. Web site:
Cavendish, R. Ed. (1980). An illustrated encyclopedia of mythology. New York: Crescent
Marriage in Greek Myth
efore we discuss the depictions of marriage in the Theogony, the Homeric Hymn to Demeter and the Odyssey, perhaps we should first discuss the real- life ancient Greek marriage rituals and reveal their attitude towards marriage.
Indeed, many of the things we see in Greek myths happened in real life as well. For example, the Greek girls usually married quite young, around the age of 14, which was meant to ensure that the girl was a virgin and pure in mind and body. "Marriage to a family member was an acceptable alternative and occasionally encouraged in order to consolidate family wealth"- if we look at many of the marriages between gods (taking only this example), we will notice that many of them were affiliated. Remember, for example, that almost all of the Olympian Gods were in some way related, most of them being brothers and sisters, and…...
1. Roll, Rose. Gender Ideology in Myth: The Place of the Female Within Male Order. January 2003. On the Internet at
2. Ancient Greek Marriage. On the Internet at
Ancient Greek Marriage. On the Internet at
In asking him to stay with her and their family, she was practically betraying her country. Demeter cares for the earth in a way that no other gods did. She was actively involved with mortal affairs. However, she also cared for own, her daughter. She does what she feels what she must do in an act of revenge. These women demonstrate the complexity of the female in any era. Even in ancient texts, we see the female figure associated with the typical womanly things such as motherhood and fertility but she is also given characteristics that are strong, powerful, and dangerous. What these myths tell us about the role of the female is that it is constantly changing. The female is complex and while she will always associated with fertility, she should never be relegated to an inferior role. While we often see mythology as wild with fantastical elements,…...
Bullfinch, Thomas. Bulfinch's Mythology. New York: Random House Publishing. 1979.
Hesiod. Theogony. Perseus Digital Online Library. Information Retrieved August 7, 2009.
The inner core, meanwhile, has greater density, at 13, and temperature, at 6,650°C (or 12,000°F).
Compared against other planets in the solar system, the Earth contains just the appropriate amounts of gases, elements, and other properties that make human and other organism life possible.
Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, has lesser mass and volume than the Earth, at a fraction of only 1/18. However, it is as dense as the Earth, although Mercury's surface is made up of more solid mass, specifically rough, porous, dark-colored rocks. Its atmosphere is made up of sodium and potassium, which accounts for the planet's density and very thin atmosphere. It was hypothesized that the core of Mercury is made up of liquid iron compound, as a result of the presence of magnetic field.
Venus, meanwhile, exhibits a unique characteristic for being the brightest and hottest planet in the sky, with the presence of sulfur…...
Pluto nicknamed as “puzzling planet” or “runaway planet” was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, a young US astronomer at the Arizona Lowell Observatory in 1930[footnoteRef:1]. Pluto is the largest known “dwarf planet” and the ninth largest object direct orbiting the sun. It’s the coldest, smallest and most distant planet from the sun. Similar to other Kuiper belt objects, the landscape of Pluto is mainly rock and ice. Astronomers have remained puzzled with the origin of Pluto for centuries with earlier work suggesting that Pluto is a residual planetesimal. [1: Tombaugh, Clyde, and Patrick Moore. 1980. Out of the Darkness; The Planer Pluto. Harrisburg: Stackpole Book] There are varied hypothesis on Pluto’s origin such as the possible knocking out of Pluto by Neptune’s largest moon Triton implying that Pluto didn’t possess a fully planetary status. The concept was later rejected as subsequent research established that there is no interaction of Neptune’s and Pluto’s orbits[footnoteRef:2].…...
The greenhouse effect is a condition that occurs when the Earth's atmosphere captures radiation from the Sun. Solar heat is trapped by certain gases (including carbon dioxide and methane). These gases allow sunlight in but not back out of the atmosphere. This effect can be seen on a small scale when a car parked in the sun with its windows closed heats up. Global warming is the relatively gradual increase in Earth's surface temperature that results from human activity. It has been set in motion by the greenhouse effect but is more complicated because there are feedback effects involved in climate change that magnify the initial effect of the build-up of gases such as carbon dioxide.
Global warming has the capacity -- indeed, probably the inevitable capacity -- of transforming nearly every aspect of our lives, and in most ways for the worse (Solomon etal, 2009, p. 1706).
Question Four
The pressure gradient…...
Brock, Claire (2007). The comet sweeper: Caroline Herschel's astronomical ambition.
London: Icon Books Ltd.
Glantz, M, H. (2001). Currents of change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Harvey, F. (1997 February). From holistic geography to GIS. The professional geographer
In his attempt to paint the goddess, the Renaissance painter inspired from the mythological legend of Venus's birth. The Roman Goddess of love apparently emerged out of the sea as a result of a foam formed around Uranus's genitals that had just been cut by his son, Cronus. Cronus apparently did so in order to get revenge, since his father treated him very cruelly (Deimling 52).
otticelli focused on emphasizing the painting's contours with a black stripe, making them contrast the rest of the picture. This concomitantly makes the painting clearer and gives it a detached character. The flowers falling from the sky were also taken from the legend, since flowers and spring are associated to Venus's birth (Deimling 52).
Whereas the painting's title refers to the actual birth of the goddess, the painting itself seems to represent something else. Instead of showing Venus as she comes into this world, the…...
Argan, Giulio Carlo, Botticelli: Biographical and Critical Study, trans. James Emmons (New York: Skira, 1957).
Bowman, David. "Birth of Venus and La Primavera Conjoined." Retrieved November 18, 2010, from the Aiwaz Website:
Deimling, Barbara. Sandro Botticelli, 1444/45-1510, (Taschen, 2000).
Singleton, Esther, Great Pictures as Seen and Described by Famous Writers, (BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2008).
These are the best that Germany and the Soviet Union have at the same time and, while this is a known fact in most other history books for Germany, the authors of "When Titans Clashed" show better the importance of great generals for the final victory of Soviet Union as well. A new generation of generals, replacing the ones that had died in the purges of the 1930s, show their talents in all the battles of the Eastern front and, subsequently, in the conquest of erlin. The general acceptance is that these generals could have had even greater success had they not been caught in a political game, where the Commander in Chief, Stalin, was always aware of potential successes that could impact his authority.
The general opinion that the authors seem to share and promote in the book seems to rely on the main idea that, while the Western…...
1. Glantz, David; House, Jonathan. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. University Press of Kansas. February 1998
g. volcanoes, etc.), but not on schedule; 3) Just because something is plausible does not make it true. The events on popular television series like Star Trek or Star Wars are not only plausible, but have scientific merit. That does not make them true, only possible (Kraus, 2007; Cavelos, 2000); 4) Conspiracy theories abound in numerous genres and surrounding numerous events. Examination of Marshalls' prose and "science," while seemingly credible does try to sell a product and only hints and speculates at facts without peer-reviewed data sources (Yowcrooks, 2009). While positive in tone, it also appears that if one believes conspiracy theories, most of us have only 133 weeks to live; or simply turn the calendar to a new page?
Cavelos, J. (2000). The Science of Star Wars. New York: St. Martins.
"Exposing the Crooks Behind the Myth" (2009). Cited in:
Gore, Al. (2009). "An Inconvenient Truth." Cited in:
Heiser, M. (2004).…...
Cavelos, J. (2000). The Science of Star Wars. New York: St. Martins.
"Exposing the Crooks Behind the Myth" (2009). Cited in:
Gore, Al. (2009). "An Inconvenient Truth." Cited in: .
"Once every 248 Earth years, Pluto swings inside the orbit of Neptune. It stays there for twenty years. During those twenty years, Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune. During this period of time, like the other eight planets, Pluto's atmosphere undergoes a fundamental change in character, briefly developing an atmosphere. As methane and nitrogen frozen at the poles thaw. As it moves toward its farthest point from the Sun, Pluto's atmosphere freezes and falls back to the ground" (Dejoie & Truelove 2008).
These eccentricities further suggested that Pluto was really much more "like a new group of objects found in the outer solar system," called dwarf planets and not worthy of the status of the other eight (Inman, 2008, p.2). Still, many astronomers argued in favor of a more inclusive definition that would still retain Pluto's status as a planet. In fact, one radical proposal: "would have made…...
mlaWorks Cited
Britt, Robert Roy. "What is a planet>" 2 Nov 2000. August 2, 2008.
Britt, Robert Roy. "Scientists decide Pluto's no longer a planet." August 24, 2006.
August 2, 2008.
Cain, Fraser. "Why is Pluto not a planet>" Universe Today. April 10, 2008. August 1, 2008.
The scientists in the documentary the Great Global Warming Swindle (2007) are conservatives and are letting their politics rule their science. Even though they allege that the bad science in an Inconvenient Truth is unsupported by scientific fact, and just because they present scientific facts disputing the science presented in an Inconvenient Truth, just goes to show that the truth is not always convenient! Science has been wrong many times in the past, and everyday in the news there is information to show that what many of us grew up believing, like that Uranus is a planet; has been proven wrong.
Just because Al Gore did not use mathematical formulas in his an Inconvenient Truth, does not mean that the scientists who used mathematical formulas to show that Al
Gore's assertions were wrong are right.
Al Gore wasn't just vice president; he was also a United States senator and very expert at gathering…...
Although they are verbal in nature, the striking image of many mnemonics, like MataHari the spy, or a mother delivering nine pizzas makes them effective.
Another mnemonic technique is to create a word called an acronym, a word that represents what needs to be remembered (Keeley 1999). Some acronyms, like Radar, or NASA, have become so popular and are used to frequently they have replaced the words they were created to encourage people to remember. An example of this would be to remember the Seven onders of the Ancient orld along the lines of 'MC SLAG': M (the Mausoleum) C (Colossus of Rhodes) S (Statue of Zeus) L (Lighthouse of Alexandria) a (Temple of Artemis) G (Hanging Gardens).
Acronyms can be effective if they sound funny, even if MC SLAG is unlikely to replace the actual list of the beautiful seven wonders! However, the planets might be more difficult, because their…...
mlaWorks Cited
Mnemonics: Acrostics." (2000). Learning disabilities. Retrieved 11 Jan 2008 at
Keeley, Meg (1999). "Mnemonics: Memory techniques." The Basics of Effective Learning: Bucks County. Retrieved 11 Jan 2008 at
That question doesn't affect the classification of planets in our Solar System, but will be relevant to some others" ("Pluto no longer a Planet," orld Science Homepage, 2006).
Even some scientists who disliked the definition, however, felt that it was fair to demote Pluto. "According to the new definition, a full-fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit," and Pluto is not simply small, and Pluto also does not dominate its neighborhood but its moon Charon, is very large in proportion to the former planet, as is about half the size of Pluto, "while all the true planets are far larger than their moons" (Inman, 2006) "In addition, bodies that dominate their neighborhoods, sweep up asteroids, comets, and other debris, clearing…...
mlaWorks Cited
Britt, Robert Roy. "Scientists decide Pluto's no longer a planet: Planet definition approved, but dissenters plan a counteroffensive." MSNBC. 26 Aug 2006. 11 Mar 2007.
Britt, Robert Roy. "Controversial New Definition." 16 Aug 2006. 11 Mar 2007.
Inman, Mason. "Pluto Not a Planet, Astronomers Rule."
National Geographic News.
Of course, this is a supreme being who was authorized by a greater power to represent law, order, equity and custom and was not only the wife of Zeus, but also his counselor. In pre-Hellenic times wiser women made the most important decisions. Perhaps a woman brings more balance into life, in every person. In ancient times, women had the best judgmental capacity and were the most important in taking decisions.
It is universally acknowledged that the earliest appearance of justice in ancient Greek civilization is as a Goddess, whose function is to judge humans by punishing or rewarding their conduct in relation to the Divine Principle. The oldest record of justice dating from ancient Greece is to be found in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, where Themis is mentioned for the first time, being depicted as the personification of the social and moral order of human affairs. Mention should also…...
1. Kernbach, Victor. Dictionary of General Mythology. Bucharest: Albatros, 1983.
2. Ferrari, Anna. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology. Torino: Unione, 2000..
3. Parada, Carlos. "Greek Mythology Link" copyright © Carlos Parada & Maicar Frlag 1997. Retrieved: Nov. 12, 2006
I. Introduction
Hook: Begin with a compelling statement or anecdote that sets the stage for the Battle of Stalingrad.
Thesis statement: State the central argument or purpose of the essay, highlighting why the Battle of Stalingrad was a pivotal event in World War II.
II. Historical Context
Prelude to war: Discuss the political and military tensions leading up to the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany.
Operation Barbarossa: Outline the German invasion plan and the initial successes of the Wehrmacht.
The Soviet response: Explain the Soviet strategy of scorched-earth and guerrilla warfare, as well as the establishment of the....
Embarking on a journey through the tapestry of ancient civilizations, we find ourselves captivated by the intricate web of myths that shaped their beliefs and worldviews. Mayan and Greek mythologies, separated by vast oceans and millennia, exhibit striking similarities that offer profound insights into the fundamental human experiences that transcended time and geographical boundaries. This essay delves into the intriguing parallels between these two ancient mythologies, exploring how they illuminate the shared cultural foundations and aspirations of humanity.
Creation Myths: The Genesis of Existence
Both Mayan and Greek myths feature elaborate narratives detailing the creation of the world and mankind. The Mayan....1. The Water Worlds of TRAPPIST-1: A New Frontier in Space Exploration
Exploring how the discovery of water on exoplanets in the TRAPPIST-1 system has changed our approach to finding habitable worlds.2. Mars' Methane Mystery: Implications for Life and Exploration
Discussing the recent detection of methane on Mars and its potential as a biosignature, influencing future exploration strategies.3. The Dark Matter Map: Redefining Cosmic Structure
How the creation of the first detailed map of dark matter has reshaped our understanding of the universe's structure and our place within it.4. Exoplanet Atmospheres: A New Window into Alien Worlds
Analysis of recent observations of exoplanet atmospheres....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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