Unix Essays (Examples)

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UNIX Marketability Requirements UNIX and Job Marketability
Pages: 5 Words: 1558

UNIX Marketability equirements
UNIX and Job Marketability, 2012

UNIX is the most-used operating system powering enterprise today, surpassing Microsoft Windows and all other operating systems combined. UNIX is also the foundation of the Linux operating systems, many variants of open source software, and is also in large part the theoretical foundation of the Google Android operating system (Sen, Singh, Borle, 2012). As a result of the pervasive adoption and widespread standardization on UNIX, the career opportunities are very significant. The salaries for positions vary by the difficult of the work being done, difficulty of replacing the person doing it, and the scope of experience a job candidate has (MacInnis, 2006). The future for those with UNIX programming and development skills is also being accelerated by the rapid adoption of Linux as the foundational operating systems of enterprises today, specifically in the areas of Enterprise esource Planning (EP) integration, transaction management and databases…...



de Brulin, W., Bos, H., & Bal, H. (2011). Application-tailored I/O with streamline. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 29(2), 1.

Dobb. (2011). Q&A: Ken Thompson, creator of Unix. InformationWeek, (1304), 44-47.

Earls, A.R. (1999). Two for the road ahead? Computerworld, 33(15), 88-88.

Gentry, C.R. (2009). Inventory in sync. Chain Store Age, 85(3), 44-45.

Unix Linux There Are Many Operating
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Unix provides many more options to an administrator, and having a consultant may help decide what methods would be best for the individual circumstances; administrators making the switch from other platforms will be used to having to just make do with whatever is available rather than being able customize options for best fit.
Being the administrator of a server is a skilled task, and is not something that should be left to the vices of someone whose intelligence is suboptimal. Some software, like Windows, that is marketed to businesses attempts to make it seem like just anybody can be a system administrator. The appeal of these platforms is that the software itself will try to be the administrator and all one has to do is point, click, and use big words when speaking with other employees. These types of software will dictate policy to the user (Raymond) so that almost…...

Unix Linux Systems Vulnerabilities and Controls
Pages: 4 Words: 1233

6.30. When there are no restrictions for unprivileged users and if the option for config_rdskernel configuration is set, hackers can write arbitrary values into kernel memory (by making specific types of socket function calls) since kernel software has not authenticated that the user address is actually found in the user segment. The lack of verification of the user address can provide hackers to gain privileges and access to areas that they should not have, since they are not users with an address residing in the proper user segment.
Perhaps the most insecure facet of Unix systems can be found in the usage of r-tools, which also routinely fail to verify the authenticity of user names and addresses. In theory, r-tools are supposed to function as a measure of convenience which allows privileged users the ability to login to networks and individual computers without presenting a password. Yet this same potential allows…...



Noyes, K. (2010). Linux Kernel Exploit Gives Hackers A Back Door. PC World. Retrieved from  http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/205867/linux_kernel_exploit_gives_hackers_a_back_door.html

UNIX Systems Have Been Instrumental in the
Pages: 10 Words: 2595

UNIX Systems have been instrumental in the information systems management of corporations and organizations for many years. Although in recent years it has been overshadowed by other operating systems, it still remains as an alternative to other systems. The purpose of this discussion is to describe the benefits and problems associated with UNIX systems.
The most beneficial aspects of UNIX are the robust nature of the system and the ability to secure the system effectively. The robust nature of the system allows organizations to manage various technological functions properly with speed and ease. The ability to secure the system allows organizations to tightly control who can access the system.

Two of the most problematic aspects of UNIX have been the differences in the versions of UNIX that were offered by various vendors and the fact that the system has not been as user friendly as other alternatives. The differences in the versions…...


Courtney H.M., Hunton, J.E. (1993). Is Unix in Accountants' Future?. Journal of Accountancy. Volume: 176(5). Publication Year: Page Number: 72+.

The UNIX Operating System:

Mature, Standardized and State-of-the-Art The UNIX Systems Cooperative Promotion Group. Retrieved January 8, 2005 from  http://www.unix.org/whitepapers/wp-0897.html

UNIX Is Likely the Oldest
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

Write programs that handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.'
This philosophy evolved to fully permeate every part of the programming industry. Furthermore, the philosophy of using text streams further improved Unix's universality.

In the mid-70s the cat got out of the bag. Unix spread through the academic world like wildfire and soon into the corporate world. ecause of a pre-existing anti-trust suit, AT&T -- the parent company of ell Labs -- was prevented from marketing Unix as a product, this led to its rise as a free, or open-source software. The upshot was not only the widespread dissemination of Unix, but also the development of tools and code for it in a competitive environment, leading to exponential improvements in short periods of time.

The problem came in the mid-80s, when the multiplicity of Unices fostered a well-meaning, if misguided, standardization attempt. AT&T, in partnership with Sun Microsystems, initiated the…...



1. Lucent Technologies (2002) The Creation of the Unix* Operating System. Retrieved from Bell Labs Home Page:  http://www.bell-labs.com/history/unix/ 

2. Unix (n.d.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved 26 April 2010, retrieved from:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix 

3. The Open Group (Jan 2003) The Unix System -- History and Timeline -- UNIX History. Retrieved from The Unix System Home Page:  http://www.unix.org/what_is_unix/history_timeline.html 

"The Creation of the Unix* Operating System: The Famous PDP-7 Comes to the Rescue," n.d., para. 2

UNIX vs Windows Operating System
Pages: 6 Words: 2430

The Windows operating system architecture also allows for single sign-on and also relies on user name and password verification. The authentication process for a Windows operating system at the server level can also be configured to validate the identity of the person logging in at the Windows domain and Microsoft Active Directory Service levels as well. Certificates can be assigned to specific applications, databases and processes within a Windows sever-based architecture and operating system configuration (Vellalacheruvu, Kumar, 2011).

Another significant difference between UNIX and Windows security is the definition of the security model itself. UNIX defines permissions to the file level using user name and password, and can also assign security levels of a given process as well (Takeuchi, Nakayama, 2006). In many UNIX operating system versions a UID and GID-based session will be started when a user logs in and attempts a specific application or system-level process. It is possible…...



Bradley, S.. (2009). Windows 7: Is It Right for You? Journal of Accountancy, 208(5), 32-36,12.

Hartley, D.. (2008). Defending Windows servers. Network Security, 2008(10), 4-8.

Ramon J. Hontanon. (1999, January). Managing Unix security. Network Magazine, 14(1), 52-56.

Bala Iyer, Chi-Hyon Lee, N Venkatramen, & Dan Vesset. (2007). Monitoring Platform Emergence: Guidelines from Software Networks. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 19, 16.

UNIX Linux Operating Systems
Pages: 3 Words: 788

Linux Security Strategies
Comparing Linux Security Applications

The pervasive adoption of the Linux operating system has led to a proliferation of new security tools and applications for ensuring the security of systems and applications. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate chroot jail, iptables and SELinux. These three security technologies are evaluated from the standpoint of which organizations were behind their development, in addition to an explanation of how each technology changes the Linux operating system to make it more secure. Finally the types of threats that each of the technologies is designed to eliminate is also discussed.

Analysis of chroot jail

The chroot jail command was developed and first introduced during the initial development of the Unix Version 7 operating system in 1979 to ensure that users of UNIX-based workstations could still navigate to the highest levels of directories on their systems. The Berkeley System Division (BSD) versions of UNIX were very…...



Forristal, J. (2001). Fireproofing against DoS attacks. Network Computing, 12(25), 65-74.

Greenemeier, L. (2005). More-secure Linux still needs to win users. InformationWeek, (1029), 28-28.

MacVittie, L. (2005). Linux models a few new hats. Network Computing, 16(3), 28-30.

Rooney, P. (2004). Migrating to LINUX. CRN, (1092), 28-28.

Mobile Phones and Unix
Pages: 3 Words: 1036

Windows, UNIX, Linux Servers: Outline
What is a computer server?

Introduction to major servers





Why do so many people use Windows?


Ease of use




Lack of flexibility






Not as well-supported or easy to use as Windows for average user

Still proprietary


Differences from UNIX

Advantages and disadvantages of nonproprietary technology

Windows, UNIX, Linux Servers

In computing, a server provides the necessary support for the functioning of all a user's various applications, including but not limited to "email, web and even database hosting" (Edmund 2014). Some of the most common servers are UNIX, Linux, and of course Microsoft. Because of Microsoft's ubiquity, it is often the default server that most organizations and private individuals choose. However, this is not necessarily the optimal system for all computing needs. Given the challenges of switching servers once one is selected, it is essential to select the best one for the organization or individual at the outset.

Microsoft's Windows server provides support and updates in a hassle-free…...



Advantages and disadvantages of UNIX. (2014). Datawarehouse Concepts. Retrieved from:


Edmund. (2014). Windows server versus UNIX/Linus. Retrieved from:


Linux Server Proposal for Implementing
Pages: 4 Words: 1166

, Minoves, Garrigos, 2011). UNIX and Linux are considered the best possible operating system for managing the development of unified collaboration and workflow-based applications as a result (West, Dedrick, 2006).
For all the advantages of UNIX and Linux, the disadvantages include a development and administrator environment that is archaic and command-driven, lacking much of the usability enhancements that Apple and Microsoft both have invested heavily in. The UNIX and Linux user command lines are more adept at managing the specific features and commands at the operating system level, and often must be coordinated in a shells script to accomplish complex tasks. This has led to many utilities and add-on applications being created, which tends to confuse the novice just getting started on the UNIX and Linux operating systems. The learning curve for UNIX and Linux from a user standpoint is quite high and takes months to master at the system command…...



Currier, G.. (2010, November). The Top 10 Tech Trends of 2011. Baseline,(107), 20-25.

Ken Doughty. (2003). Implementing enterprise security: A case study. Computers & Security, 22(2), 99-114.

Shelley, Suzanne. (1996). The quest for seamless data integration. Chemical Engineering, 103(2), 127.

Torkar, R., Minoves, P., & Garrigos, J.. (2011). Adopting Free/Libre/Open Source Software Practices, Techniques and Methods for Industrial Use. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 12(1), 88-122.

Cyber Warfare Cyber Attacks
Pages: 3 Words: 749

Cyber warfare, a term defined by Clarke (2010) as an action of a nation-state to effectively penetrate another nation's computer resources or networks for the sole purpose of causing malicious damage or even disruption is a major cause of national and global security concerns (p.6).In this paper, we identify some cyber warfare tools (either Attack, Defense, Exploitation), and write a scenario to execute the tools. We also identify if the tool is for UNIX or Windows hacks, outer Attacks, etc. Also identified is why you would want to use the tool as opposed to another tool which may conduct the same form, via comparison and contrast.
Cyber warfare tools

These are the tools that are used in carrying out cyber warfare activities. They may either be attack tools, defense tools as well as exploitation tools.

Exploitation tools

Vulnerability exploitation tools are the tools that are used for gathering information on a given network. These…...



Andress, J., Winterfeld, S (2011). Cyber Warfare, Techniques, Tactics and Tools for Security Practitioners. 1st Ed. Elsevier

Clarke, R A. (2010).Cyber War, Harper Collins.

SecTool (2012). SecTools.Org: Top 125 Network Security Tools. Available online at  http://sectools.org/tag/sploits/ 

Tenable (2012a).Tenable Network Security. Available online at  http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus

Inhibitors to Adopting Installing or Upgrading Linux
Pages: 3 Words: 1255

Inhibitors to adopting (installing or upgrading) Linux (such as RedHat or SuSE) or UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris) in a Desktop-Workstation environment
Unix-like operating systems have been the top choice for use on servers for decades, but were generally considered unsuitable for end-user desktops until recently. Starting in the late 1990s, Unix-like systems, especially Linux have made significant inroads in the Windows-dominated desktop market. UNIX provides many advantages, however there are significant obstacles to deploying it in a desktop environment. The fact that most employees within an organization not already using Unix desktops have probably never used Unix may be the most obvious obstacle. Users can usually be retrained, though this does present some difficulties. In addition to the end users, system administrators must also be retrained to support and maintain Unix workstations. Most organizations use Windows on their desktop computers and are dependent on software intended for Windows. Migrating to Unix…...


Bibliography Bradbury, Danny. "Ready to Roll." Computerweekly.com, 9, March, 2004.  http://www.computerweekly.com/Article128900.htm 

Computerweekly.com is an online preiodical intended for a technical audience. This article covers Windows to Linux migrations.

Raymond, Eric Steven. The Art of Unix Programming. Thyrsus Enterprises, 2003.   www.dwheeler.com/oss_fs_why.html/mm" This book explains Unix culture and design philosophy. It is well-known among Unix programmers for accurately explaining their culture. Eric Raymond is the president of the Open Source Initiative.http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/html 

Wilson, Zak. Personal E-mail Interview. Chief Information Officer, Orion Recruiting Group LLC. Oct 2004.

Zak Wilson answered some of my questions about how Unix and open-source software differ from other environments. He is an expert on Unix and open-source software. Zamaris, Con. "The why and how of Linux migration." Information Age 16, April, 2004. http://www.infoage.idg.com.au/index.php/id;1722027384;fp;4;fpid;1197920176

Information Technology IT Security and Design
Pages: 2 Words: 901

Non-discretionary controls means than there is mandatory access control. In this type of system, security is enforced by a strict set of rules that creates a hierarchy of permissions that users cannot override. Essentially, this type of system is meant to hinder insider users from actually working against the system. Users cannot access crucial internal information as to become spies, thus they cannot see the internal designs of the system to stop leaks such as selling internal designs to competitors, implanting spyware or other malicious software, making critical errors that would injure the system, or access sensitive records that can be leaked to outside sources.
According to the research traditional UNIX is not non-discretionary, but rather a version of a discretionary ACL. In this, there are options as to what users have access to sensitive security information from within the system design. Unlike non-discretionary systems, typical UNIX systems categorize users into…...



IBM. (2004). Securing UNIX applications using Trivoli Access Manager for operating systems. Developer Works. Web.  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/tivoli/library/t-secpol/ 

Li, N., Byun, J.W., & Bertino, E. (2011). A critique of the ANSI Standard on role based access control. CERIAS and Department of Computer Science. Purdue University. Web.  https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ninghui/papers/aboutRBACStandard.pdf

LAN and WAN Analysis Current Release OS
Pages: 4 Words: 1278

LAN and WAN Analysis
Cuent Release

OS X Mountain Lion

Linux kenel 3.4; GNU C. Libay

Windows Seve 2008 R2 (NT 6.1.7600)



IBM AIX Vaiant

(UNIX System V Release

Range of compatible hadwae



High fo fine-tuned applications to the pocesso and O.S. API calls (1)

Vey High fo natively-witten applications

Medium fo applications using emulation mode; vey high fo 64-bit applications

Slow fo applications emulating MS-Windows; fast fo diect API-call based applications

Vey high fo applications witten diectly to the UNIX API; suppot fo emulated API calls slows down pefomance

Copoate Acceptance


Vey High

Vey High



Installed Base

Millions of Uses

Millions of Uses

Millions of Uses

Thousands of Uses

Millions of Uses

Diectoy Sevices Powe

Medium; not as well defined as Micosoft

Vey Stong; suppoting taxonomies

Vey Stong with Win64-based Diectoies

Vey High; the opeating system is based on this




Vey High; stong base of developes

Vey High; Micosoft now into 3d gen.

Modeate; Novell is seeking a new evenue model

Vey High

Softwae Cost

Vey High

Low to Fee

High including site licensing

Medium to High

Medium to High

TCP/IP Suppot

Patial of the entie…...


references in server operating systems: A case of Linux vs. windows. Journal of Econometrics, 167(2), 494.

MacKinnon, James G. (1999). The Linux operating system: Debian GNU/Linux. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 14(4), 443-452.

Spinellis, D., & Giannikas, V. (2012). Organizational adoption of open source software. The Journal of Systems and Software, 85(3), 666.

Tankard, C. (2012). Taking the management pain out of active directory. Network Security, 2012(4), 8-11.

Internet Startup Computer Learning on Line
Pages: 14 Words: 4213

Online Learning Business
This research report answers a good few questions pertaining to computer online learning company which intends to survey the potential market and various other related aspects before taking the plunge in the cyber sea. The orks Cited appends four sources in MLA format.

Internet startup "Computer Learning online"

Corporate training is evolving into performance support. I don't see them as courses. I see it as a knowledge resource. You work with a manager, find your deficiencies, and go online for the tools to improve." ["Steve Teal, e-learning director at Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., the $19.4 billion a year pharmaceutical company in New York."] (E-Learning News, reference 1)

This is because online computer learning classes offer not mere courses as Teal opinionates but they offer a rich array of helping study material and a complete guide that equips individuals with the much-needed awareness regarding the computerized learning of computer. On the same account,…...


Works Cited

E-learning news: Brainware. TV VOD E-learning News. Broadband Video-on-Demand (VOD) for Business e-learning. Retrieved February 05, 2003 from:  http://brainware.tv/elearning_news.htm 

University of central Lancashire: Guidelines on Intellectual Property (IP). Retrieved February 05, 2003 at  http://www.uclan.ac.uk/e-learning/i/IPRamended.DOC 

How to get started with e-learning. Retrieved February 05, 2003 at http://www.futuremedia.co.uk/FMsite3/Html/e_learning2.htm

Fisher & Frazer. Learning how to smile online. Retrieved February 06, 2003 at  http://www.digitaldividenetwork.org/content/stories/index.cfm?key=205

Linux Feasibility Linux Started Around 1991 Because
Pages: 3 Words: 1005

Linux Feasibility
Linux started around 1991 because students were not satisfied with Minix. Linux operating system provided an affordable alternative for the expensive UNIX operating system. Because of affordability, Linux became popular, and Linux distributors were created. Linux was built with networking in mind hence provides file sharing. Linux can work with most computers because it does what it is told and works gracefully as a server or workstation.

Workstation and servers

Workstation is where individuals use for their productivity tasks and servers exchange data with others over a network. Server software includes web servers like mail servers, login, time and news servers which can often be accessed remotely. Workstation software includes spreadsheets, word processors, graphic editors, web browsers and mail readers. Different vendors focus on servers while others eye the desktop market.

ed Hat

ed Hat provides North Carolina-based distributor, has a web server 1.0 (SWS) which combines an impressive solution in creating secure…...



Vugt, S. (2009). Beginning the Linux Command Line. London: Apress.

World, N. (2002). IDG Network. Network World, 72.

What catchy title can you come up with for your software development project?
Words: 565

Unveiling Innovation: The Quest for Captivating Software Development Project Titles

In the realm of software development, crafting a compelling title for your project is akin to forging a beacon that illuminates its essence and draws attention to its transformative potential. A title should not merely serve as a label but rather as a captivating narrative that evokes curiosity, ignites imaginations, and sets the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

The Art of Storytelling:

When conceiving a software development project title, it is essential to embrace the art of storytelling. Like a captivating novel, a title should weave a compelling narrative that hints....

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