University Of Phoenix Essays (Examples)

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University of Phoenix Lawsuit University of Phoenix Eeoc
Pages: 4 Words: 1419

University of Phoenix Lawsuit
University of Phoenix/EEOC Lawsuit

In 2006, the Equal Employment Opportunity Council (EEOC) sued the University of Phoenix, alleging that enrollment counselors who were non-Mormon were discriminated against. The federal lawsuit states that employees who were not Mormon (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) were not treated favorably when it came to reprimands, tuition waivers, and leads on new students (Gilbertson, 2006). There are 4400 enrollment counselors in the school, including 2600 in Phoenix itself. It is owned by Apollo Group, Inc., which is a publicly-traded company. According to Mary Jo O'Neill, who is the regional attorney for the EEOC, there has been a pattern of practice seen with the University of Phoenix and how it favors LDS workers over those who are not LDS, which is a violation of anti-discrimination laws (Gilbertson, 2006).

Joe Cockrell, spokesman for Apollo Group, said that he had not seen…...



EEOC. (n.d.) Employees & Job Applicants. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from 

EEOC (2008). University of Phoenix to pay $1,875,500 for religious bias against non-Mormons. Press Release. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from 

Gilbertson, D. (2006). University of Phoenix favors Mormons, EEOC says. Arizona News. Retrieved from,_eeoc_says.htm

University of Phoenix Overview Business
Pages: 2 Words: 822

Key success factors

The following are the most critical success factors today for University of Phoenix:

Consistently attracting qualified students by developing relationships with corporations who offer reimbursement.

This Is critical for the long-term growth of the university, specifically working with larger corporations who offer attractive educational reimbursement programs to their students.

Developing more global opportunities for growth by partnering with other universities in Europe and Asia. University of Phoenix needs to also partner with universities in other regions of the world to extend its reach as well. The cultural differences in online learning in Europe and Asia require local partners to assist with the tailoring of content for needs in these markets.

Stability of 21,000 member faculty. This is also another key attribute to the success of the university, as the learning curve to have instructors teach online is significant. Stabilizing its workforce is critical.

Continually expanding the number of programs offered. This is also…...

University of Phoenix Resource Tools
Pages: 2 Words: 725

3c. All effective problems solving requires a model or a structured means of discovering solutions. Arbitrary methods are ineffective because they allow for too much bias and chaos in the communications process. The nine-step model provides one of the most effective problem solving methods. These nine steps cover all the essentials of effective problem solving including simply describing the situation in clear terms. Framing the problem eliminates extraneous information. Stating our goals helps us focus on what is important for the team and allows us to set aside our individual or selfish needs. Identifying and evaluating alternatives enables all team members to brainstorm, offer input and evaluate the merits of each suggestion. Risk evaluations help us reach the final decision and implement it properly.

While there are no drawbacks to the 9-step model, it can be time-consuming. Decisions that need to be made hastily will require less systematic methods. However, the…...

Future Technology The University of Phoenix Workplace
Pages: 7 Words: 2216

Future Technology: The University of Phoenix Workplace & Classroom
In 1976, Dr. John Sperling founded University of Phoenix (UOP) and made a commitment to provide working adults with local higher education options at convenient class times. Today, students study at more than 200 locations, as well as through online programs available in countries around the world. Not only will adult learners attend classes that are convenient for them, they will earn their degree on their terms, with the help of educational technology (UOP, 2012). Higher education can open many doors. However, overcoming the demands of family and work to focus on education can be a challenge. University of Phoenix helped pioneer many of the conveniences that many students now enjoy -- evening classes, flexible scheduling, continuous enrollment, a university-wide academic social network, online classes, a digital library and computer simulations. In addition, the University has 20 years of experience in online…...



de Winter, J., Winterbottom, M., & Wilson, E. (2010). Developing a user guide to integrating new technologies in science teaching and learning: Teachers' and pupils' perceptions of their affordances. Technology, Pedagogy & Education, 19(2), 261-267. doi:10.1080/1475939x.2010.491237

EDUCAUSE. (2006). M-Learning and mobility, 2011. Retrieved from 

Green, F. (2012). Employee involvement, technology and evolution in job skills: a task-based analysis. Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 65(1), 36-67.

Elliott, Ray. (2011). Utilising evidence-based leadership theories in coaching for leadership development: Towards a comprehensive integrating conceptual framework. International Coaching Psychology Review 6, no. 1: 46-70.

Values Conflict Universities Provide an Amazing Opportunity
Pages: 3 Words: 832

Values Conflict
Universities provide an amazing opportunity for both growth and development in regards to academic development. Universities in particular provide a means of providing a stable and more robust income for individuals seeking a particular specialization. The University of Phoenix, in particular, has a unique method of teaching and providing a quality educational experience. Small class sizes, online specialization, and knowledgeable professors all make the university experience all the more manageable. However, I personally have experienced conflict of values that undermine the overall university experience. This conflict pertains mainly to the notion of academic honesty. I have encountered instances where many of the university values would be compromised by actions. Cheating is particularly important in a university setting. As such, having strong values and convictions regarding cheating is important within the overall university setting (Stuart, 2006).

The experience, looking back, was not unique to me. In fact, many students undergo similar…...



1) Stuart P. Green. (2006). Lying, Cheating, and Stealing: A Moral Theory of White Collar Crime. Oxford University Press.

Apollo Group Inc - University
Pages: 7 Words: 2040

Potential for denial of service attacks.

Section 4. ecommendation.

Based on the company's current adult student enrollment percentages and identified trends and opportunities, it is recommended that Apollo Group, Inc. more aggressively pursue the domestic 46 years-and-over market which currently stands at just over 10%. As Arsenault and Anderson (1998) emphasize, "The needs, interests, and expectations of retiring baby boomers will be significantly different than those of their parents and grandparents. Future generations of elders will seek continued personal growth in their retirement years, and hence the demand for educational programs and services designed to meet the needs of older adults will intensify" (p. 27). The positive aspects of this recommendation include the fact that this segment of the American population is growing more rapidly than most others and as Arsenault and Anderson point out, "Older adult learners are in an envious position because many have the luxury of enrolling in educational…...



About Apollo Group. (2008). Apollo Group, Inc. [Online]. Available:

Apollo Group profile. (2008). Yahoo! Finance. [Online]. Available: .

Arsenault, N. & Anderson, G. (1998). New learning horizons for older adults. JOPERD -- the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 69(3), 27-28.

Dohm, a. (2000). Gauging the labor force effects of retiring baby-boomers. Monthly Labor Review, 123(7), 17.

For-Profit Colleges
Pages: 5 Words: 1742

Profit Colleges
"hy do you think they are called for-profit colleges:"

The big business of (not) educating students 'You need a college degree.' This is the conventional wisdom articulated in today's society, where job prospects remain scarce, despite the softening economy. On average, "unemployment is still far lower for the college-educated than for high school graduates (10%) and those without high school diplomas (15.7%)," and the most severe effects of the recession were felt in the manufacturing and construction sectors, typically the areas of the economy which offer the brightest prospects to non-college degree holders (Davidson 2010). orries about one's viability in the job market have driven many workers to seek out higher education in nontraditional formats. Few adults have the ability to afford a traditional four-year school and balance the needs of home and work. Online, for-profit colleges or nighttime schools may seem the ideal solution. On the surface, it…...


Works Cited

Carey, Kevin. "Why do you think they're called for-profit colleges?" Chronicle of Higher

Education. 25 Jul 2011. [4 Mar 2010]. 

Davidson, Paul. "Unemployment rate for college grads is highest since 1970." USA Today.

Video Flight of the Phoenix 2004 IT's
Pages: 8 Words: 2165

video "Flight Of the Phoenix (2004)." It's 7 questions base movie. The 6 answer 1 page 2 pages. The project-based leadership innovation point questions answered. You download movie website: http://filehippo.
Flight of the Phoenix - Leadership


John Moore's 2004 motion picture Flight of the Phoenix relates to an account involving leadership styles and individuals who take on attitudes that make them more or less worthy of being considered leaders by the persons that they interact with. The fact that the plane's crew members are confused and unable to take attitude in critical conditions surrounding the plane's crash influences them in turning to the Captain as a result of his position and because of his authoritarian atittude. This actually set the path for later events involving Towns, as most of the group's members got accustomed to the idea that he had no problems imposing his point-of-view when the situation arose.

The largest part…...

Members Learning Team Use University Phoenix Material
Pages: 4 Words: 1671

members Learning Team. Use University Phoenix Material, "Case Study Analysis Peer eview Form," located Week Three student website a guide reviews.
This paper is a peer review of two students' case analysis papers. The paper analyzes the writer's thesis, their ability to stay on topic, and their conclusion styles. Each peer review ends by providing suggestions on how the students can make their papers have a better impact on the reader.

Peer eview for Case Study Analysis

eviewer question: What is the author's thesis?

The thesis for the case analysis is: "The challenges that are keeping Carl's new hires from starting are not enough copies of the orientation manual for the 15 new hires, missing pages fro the orientation manuals, applications were not completed and transcripts were not sent to clinic for mandatory drug screening. In addition, the room used for the orientation has been reserved for computer training seminars for the month…...



Duong, Amyiee. (2012). Case Study Analysis Paper. Provided by client at Student

Resources Network.

Parker, Ryan. (2012). Case Study ABC Inc. Provided by client at Student Resources


Arizona State University
Pages: 4 Words: 1270

Arizona State University (ASU) is a leading metropolitan research international institution in the United States that is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and public service. Established in Tempe in 1885 by a legislative act, ASU was initially formed as a teachers college. The core of the Tempe campus was a 20-acre cow pasture donated by leading citizens who desired an institution to educate public school teachers and offer instruction to their children in agriculture and mechanical arts.
In 2002, Michael M. Crow became the University's sixteenth president. In his inaugural address, he outlined his vision for the transformation of the school into a prototype for a new American university. This future institution will be a comprehensive research university that continues its academic excellence as well as have a strong commitment to social, economic, cultural, and environmental issues to meet the needs of the growing Phoenix area. The city has increased…...

Learning Styles and College Students
Pages: 15 Words: 4864

Community Colleges in America
In 1983 and 1984, a dozen major reports on the United States' schools were published. All stressed the need for "excellence" in education. These reports are the subject of: Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. The reports pertaining to higher education were published by The BusinessHigher Education Forum, and saw higher education as "unable to train skilled managers and technicians that they believed industry needed." (Altbach 32) These reports essentially claim that student achievement has declined at technical schools because schools "do not demand enough of their students, do not apply stiff criteria for promotion, do not test students enough, and particularly in high school, provide students with too many choices about what subjects they study." (Altbach 32) These reports are somewhat dated in that they compare American students with Japanese students and focus on technical proficiency vs. The intuitive grasp of problems and methodologies…...


Works Cited

Altbach, Philip G., Gail P. Kelly, and Lois Weis, eds. Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1985.

Baker, George A., Judy Dudziak, and Peggy Tyler, eds. A Handbook on the Community College in America: Its History, Mission, and Management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Diaz, David P., and Ryan B. Cartnal. "Students' Learning Styles in Two Classes Online Distance Learning and Equivalent On-Campus." College Teaching 47.4 (1999): 130-135.

Miller, Richard I., Charles Finley, and Candace Shedd Vancko. Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in Two-Year Colleges. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2000.

Worn Path Old Phoenix in
Pages: 2 Words: 689

With a cane, she is able to make a long walk from her home to the hospital, and only needs someone to tie her shoe because she cannot, because she is using a cane.
The tale is set in winter, in the South, after the Civil War. The lack of respect shown towards the poor woman who has walked so far may have a great deal to do with her race as well as her poverty and lack of education. Phoenix says she "never did go to school, I was too old at the Surrender." Notice that Phoenix calls the end of the Civil War 'the surrender' as many proud Southerners might which suggests the Southern point-of-view the 'correct' side surrendered, rather than simply saying that the war ended. The doctor also says: "She makes these trips just as regular as clockwork," reflecting the Southern dialect of the setting and…...

Perceptual Maps Complete Simulation Login Phoenix Username
Pages: 4 Words: 1076

Perceptual Maps
complete simulation login phoenix. username shannont7426 password 07071983st. click classroom tab page week 4 simulation complete assignment: Complete simulation, Using Perceptual Maps Marketing, located student website.

Simulation: CruiserThorr

The situation

The situation profiled in the case study is that of CruiserThorr, a motorcycle company that once had an illustrious reputation, but has since fallen upon hard times. CruiserThorr is known for its dominance of the 'luxury' motorcycle market, offering high-powered vehicles to baby boomers. However, these consumers are gradually 'aging out' of the motorcycle market. Either they are no longer riding at all, or they have decided not to acquire as many new vehicles as they did previously. This means that CruiserThorr must find a way to lure in younger consumers and encourage them to identify with its brand. However, these potential buyers are often a bit reluctant to purchase one of the company's vehicles because of price considerations. Also, the…...

Oxford Brookes University Bsc Hons in Applied
Pages: 24 Words: 7607

Oxford Brookes University BSc (Hons) in Applied
Accounting esearch and Analysis Project

An Analysis of the Business and Financial Performance of StarHub Group from 2008 to 2010

Topic chosen and for the reason

For the basis of my Oxford Brookes University degree research and analysis project (AP) is project, the topic selected was number 8, "The business and financial performance of organisation over the three years period." This selection is due in large part to my ultimate dream job of being a professional financial analyst and the environment in which the Singaporean telecommunications industry is developing. For instance, Chong and Chow emphasize that, "Asia's telecommunications market has long been viewed as lucrative and fast growing. The value of the Asian market is estimated at $180 billion, while a recent study shows that the "Asia-Pacific excluding Japan has been the fastest growing information and communications technology market, moving at a compound rate of over 14.5%.…...



Anderson, M. (2010, August) 'Gearing.' ACCA Student Accountant.

Bragg, S.M. (2007) Business Ratio and Formulas, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chong, R. & Chow W. (1999) 'Financing Telecommunications Projects in Asia: A Promising

Regulatory Perspective.' Federal Communications Law Journal, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 1.

Program Implementation in Phoenix
Pages: 3 Words: 997

program proposal like this would require an amount of $700,000. There would be at least three main positions: a field manager, an accountant, and a grant coordinator to ask the government to fund such a program. It would be centered in a city close to the southern border like the city of Phoenix. Law enforcement considers Phoenix, in recent years, to be a major distribution center for human smuggling and narcotics activity operations. This is due to the city's close proximity to the border between the U.S. and Mexico. In fact, the American government considers Phoenix to be the "Kidnapping Capital" within the U.S. with Mexico City being a close second. Therefore, the program will focus on observations and lookouts to determine if criminal activities are taking place within Phoenix. The people responsible for such criminal activity are known to wear police insignias, are dressed in tactical gear, and…...



Maxfield, M., & Babbie, E. (2014). Research methods for criminal justice and criminology (7th ed.). Belmont, Calif.: Cengage Learning.

Orr, S. (2013). Environmental policymaking and stakeholder collaboration (p. 73). CRC Press.

Wong, K., Meadows, L., Webb, F., & Young, S. (2013). The development and year one implementation of the Local Justice Reinvestment Pilot. Ministry Of Justice, 1. Retrieved from

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