United States Congress:
The legislature of the United States was established in 1789 under the country's constitution and divided structurally from the judicial and executive arms of the government. This legislative arm in separated into two houses which are the Senate and the House of Representatives. hile the Senate requires that each state is represented by two senators regardless of its size, the House of Representatives consist of members who are elected on the basis of population. The Congress was created by the pioneers of the American Constitution on the basis that a huge portion of the powers of the government needs to be on the legislative branch. hereas the two Congressional chambers are separate and distinct, they tend to have an equal role in the enactment of legislation in most cases. Representation, lawmaking, oversight, service to constituents, conflict resolution and public education are the six basic functions of the Congress.…...
mlaWorks Cited:
"Chapter 11: The Congress." Faculty and Staff, Georgia Perimeter College. Georgia Perimeter College. Web. 24 May 2011. .
"Congress of the United States." History.com - History Made Every Day. A&E Television Networks, LLC. Web. 24 May 2011. .
United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent body of the federal government that is mandated with the responsibility of providing postal service in America. The agency was known as the U.S. Post Office Department in 1971 when it was totally managed by the United States government. In addition to be referred to as Post Office, Postal Service or U.S. Mail, USPS is one of the few agencies of the government that are clearly authorized by the U.S. Constitution. Since its inception, the United States Postal Service has developed to an extent that it is the largest post in the world since it provides more mail to more addresses in a bigger geographical region. The success of this organization can partly be attributed to its strategy to fulfill or realize its mission, organization design and structure, and its organizational culture and its cultural values.
USPS Mission and Strategy
The United States Postal…...
Matsch, R.P. (2013, July 9). In the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.
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and Job Evaluation Processes. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from http://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2014/pb22386/html/updt_005.htm
urrently the United States consumes more than 19.6 million barrels of oil per day, which is more than 25% of the world's total oil consumption. Through its isolationist policy agenda, the U.S. government has been able to leverage its military and economic might to control most of oil production in South America. Instead of attempting to restructure the financial infrastructure of South American oil producers such as Panama, Ecuador and Peru, the United States has promoted a policy of singular reliance on U.S. aid. As a result, the United States receives the majority of advantages conferred by these country's vast oil supplies. Similarly, the United States has used its military might to create strong unilateral connections with OPE nations as well. Subtly, the United States has reached secret agreements with the Saud family of Saudi Arabia to maintain their current royal hierarchy with U.S. military protection as long as…...
mlaCole, Wayne S. (1981). "Gerald P. Nye and Agrarian Bases for the Rise and Fall of American Isolationism." In John N. Schacht (Ed.), Three Faces of Midwestern Isolationism: Gerald P. Nye, Robert P. Wood, John L. Lewis (pp. 1-10). Iowa City: The Center for the Study of the Recent History of the United States.
Schacht, John N. (Ed.). (1981). Three Faces of Midwestern Isolationism: Gerald P. Nye, Robert P. Wood, John L. Lewis. Iowa City: The Center for the Study of the Recent History of the United States.
Hanks, Richard K. "Hamilton Fish and the American Isolationism, 1920-1944." Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 1971.
“As Long as The Personal and Societal Safety of American Citizens Is at Risk from External Threats, Historical Precedents Suggest That Rather Few Limits Will Be Placed on The Use of American Military Power, Or on The Constraints the United States Will Impose on The Peoples of Other Countries.”
The government of America exists for its citizens’ welfare, an obligation which encompasses being in charge of both its internal and external affairs. US foreign policy’s key principles are: defense of the physical territory of America, safeguarding citizens from attacks by enemies, promoting the status and economic interests of America, and promoting the nation’s democracy- and freedom- related values across the world. By end-twentieth century, the US’s foreign policy entailed relationships with a total of 159 states that were typically competitive, supportive at times, and at other times clearly unfriendly (Deutsch, 1997).
The government’s executive wing has largely remained in charge of US…...
"..three asymmetric methods that could be used to exploit the Court: (1) misusing the Court's investigative processes, (2) filing questionable or fraudulent complaints, and (3) manipulating mass media (Austin, W. Chadwick, Kolenc and Anthony Barone, 2006, p. 291)."
Finally, the issue of how the court might deal with the problem of international terrorism is not well understood (Yarnold, Barbara, 1991). The court's authority to extradite and prosecute terrorists from third world countries needs to be better defined Yarnold, p. 1). The United States has not signed on to the ome Statute, and understanding the U.S. role of protecting its own, should the U.S. continue to reject
The ome Statute is becoming clouded by the strength and power of the international community and courts (Dietz, Jeffrey, 2004, p. 137). Under the powers of the ICC, any American prosecuted in the court would be denied the protections guaranteed Americans under the Bill of ights…...
Aksar, Y. (2004). Implementing International Humanitarian Law: From the AD Hoc Tribunals to a Permanent International Criminal Court. London: F. Cass. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=108538096
Austin, W.C., & Kolenc, a.B. (2006). Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? The International Criminal Court as a Weapon of Asymmetric Warfare. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 39(2), 291+. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5016812758
Danner, a.M. (2003). Navigating Law and Politics: The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and the Independent Counsel. Stanford Law Review, 55(5), 1633+. Retrieved October 29, 2008, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002006263
United States Army Corps of Engineers issued a report in 2012 that was known as the Human Capital Strategic Plan. It was meant to serve as a benchmark and projection for what was to come from 2012 through 2017. Of course, the United States Army Corps of Engineers is a public safety-oriented organization and their plan will be analyzed in terms of resource allocation, budgeting efficacy and overall quality. The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a very competent organization but no organization's plans, especially those organizations whose funding involves taxpayer dollars in whole or in part, is beyond reproach.
Strategic Plan Analysis
The author of this report has been charged with the analyzing the Human Capital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017 as issued by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in April 2012. The report is about fifty pages in length and will be analyzed cover to cover. As…...
CDC. (2015). Products - Vital Statistics of the U.S. - Homepage. Cdc.gov. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/vsus.htm
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Kessler, G. (2015). Do 10,000 baby boomers retire every day?. Washington Post. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/07/24/do-10000-baby-boomers-retire-every-day/
Krumrie, M. (2014). How To Incorporate Diversity Hiring Goals and Strategies. ZipRecruiter. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from https://www.ziprecruiter.com/blog/the-right-way-to-incorporate-diversity-hiring-goals-and-strategies/
The Congress: Facts & Figures1. What is the current population of the United States? Th current population of the U.S. is about 339,665,118 people (U.S. people, 2023). How many seats are there in the House of epresentatives? In 2022, there was a total of 435 members of the U.S. House of epresentatives (Wahlberg, 2023).2. What is the current population of California? How many seats does California have in the House of epresentatives? At present, California has 52 seats in the House of epresentatives (Christopher, 2021) and a population of about 39.24 million people.3. What is the current population of North Carolina? How many seats does North Carolina have in the House of epresentatives? The current population of North Carolina is about 10.55 million people (Google) and the state has 120 seats in the House of epresentatives (North Carolina House of epresentatives, 2023).4. What is the population of Wyoming? Which states…...
mlaReferencesAfrican-American Senators. (2023). U.S. Senate. Retrieved from gov/senators/african-american-senators.htm.Christopher, B. (2021, May 6). California loses congressional seat for first time. Cal Matters. Retrieved from https://calmatters.org/politics/2021/04/california-congress-census/ .Desilver, D. (2021, February 11). Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/02/11/u-s-senate-has-fewest-split-delegations-since-direct-elections-began/ .Directory of Representatives. (2023). U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved from https://www.house.gov/representatives#:~:text=Currently%2C%20there%20are%20five%20delegates,resident%20commissioner%20represents%20Puerto%20Rico .Hilburn, G. (2023, October 25). Shreveport Times. Retrieved from https://www.shreveport times.com/story/news/2023/10/25/who-is-louisiana-congressman-mike-johnson-the-next-likely-house-speaker/71314664007/.Leppert, R., & Desilver, D. (2023, January 3). Pew Research Center. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/03/118th-congress-has-a-record-number-of-women/ .Lopez, A. (2023, October 25). North Carolina lawmakers approve maps creating gains for the GOP in Congress. NPR. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2023/10/25/1208002456/ north-carolina-redistricting-congressional-districts#:~:text=North%20Carolina %20currently%20has%20a,used%20in%20the%202022%20elections.Meet Hakeen Jeffries. (2023). Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. Retrieved from https://jeffries.house.gov/ .North Carolina House of Representatives. (2023). Ballotpedia. Retrieved from https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_House_of_Representatives .Official biography. (2023). U.S. Senate. Retrieved from https://www.tillis.senate.gov/official-bio .Party breakdown. (2023). U.S. House of Representatives Press Gallery. Retrieved from https://pressgallery.house.gov/member-data/party-breakdown .Party division. (2023). U.S. Senate. Retrieved from gov/history/partydiv.htm .Sen. Ted Budd biography. (2023). Sen. Ted Budd. Retrieved from https://www. legistorm.com/person/bio/259547/Theodore_Paul_Budd.html.United States congressional delegations from California. (2023). Ballotpedia. Retrieved from https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_congressional_delegations_from_California .United States Senate Elections. (2023). Ballotpedia. Retrieved from https://ballotpedia. org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2022.U.S. people. (2023). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/united-states/ .Wahlberg, T. (2023). How Congress works. Congressman Tim Wahlberg. Retrieved from https://walberg.house.gov/about/how-congress-works#:~:text=How%20many% 20members%20of%20Congress,the%20U.S.%20House%20of%20Representatives.Women Senators. (2023). United States Senate. Retrieved from gov/senators/ListofWomenSenators.htm.Wyoming House of Representatives. (2023). Ballotpedia. Retrieved from https://ballot pedia.org/Wyoming_House_of_Representatives.https://www.senate.
The Supreme Court is the most powerful body of men in the United States, contrary to what many people believe.
The powers of the three branches of government are enumerated in the three charters of freedom: The Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of ights. Together, these documents enumerate the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States, inherent by virtue of their citizenship; and they enumerate and limit the powers of the three branches of government in such a way as to create a system of checks and balances that cause the actions to be scrutinized by the other branches, and, if the office of the President, or the president, does not agree with legislation crated by the House of epresentatives, sent to the United States Senate for approval, the president can veto the bill containing the legislation. Likewise, the president's veto…...
mlaReference List
U.S. Federal Government, located online, found at retrieved 1 February 2008.http://www.usa.gov/Agencies/federal.shtml ,
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools equired to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism is the extended terminology that refers to the U.S.A. Patriot Act which, following the events of 9/11 was passed by the Senate immediately and almost unanimously. When the Pentagon and the World Trade Center were attacked in 2001, concerns over national security and America's susceptibility to terrorist threats emerged more so as the country remained baffled at what had just happened. Governmental figures needed to address people's concerns and overall, the issue of law enforcement being able to prevent such attacks from ever happening again. With Assistant Attorney General Viet Dinh having authored the act shortly after the events and upon reviewing existing practices and methodologies, Jim Sensenbrenner, member of the epublican Party, presented it to Congress. It should be noted that, generally, the Patriot Act is embedded in America's history of electronic surveillance that emerged…...
mlaReference List
American Civil Liberties Union. (2009). Reclaiming patriotism: A call to reconsider the Patriot Act. Retrieved from https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/safefree/patriot_report_20090310.pdf
Democratic Policy Committee. (2011). H.R. 514, Patriot Act extension. Legislative Bulletin. Retrieved from http://www.dpc.senate.gov/docs/lb-112-1-14.pdf
Henderson, N.C. (2002). The Patriot's Act impact on the government's ability to conduct electronic surveillance of ongoing domestic communications. Duke Law Journal, 52, 179-209. Retrieved from http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1168&context=dlj
Roundy, M.D. (2006). The Wiretap Act -- Reconcilable differences: A framework for determining the "interception" of electronic communications following United States v. Councilman's rejection of the storage/transit dichotomy. Western New England Law Review, 28, 403-438. Retrieved from http://assets.wne.edu/164/19_note_Wiretap_.pdf
With a lower interest rate, that incentive no longer exists and this is usually an instrument by which private entities can be driven out of saving and into investing into new business on the market. Obviously, such an action usually creates the appropriate momentum for economic development, creating jobs, increasing governmental revenues through revenues from taxation and helping the country out of the economic recession.
In terms of fiscal policies, the measures that the government needs to take will all attempt to move the IS curve further to the right and, in this sense, to stimulate the national economy, reduce the period that the country will pass through the recession and determine a national economic growth. There are two important means by which this can be done: increased governmental spending and decreased taxes, with a less restrictive taxation policy. As we can see on the IS - LM graph, both of…...
The result is thousands of people denied the necessary refuge that they seek. Clintora condemns this as a "major policy gap (that) threatens not only human rights in individual countries but also jeopardizes international and regional stability and American regional influence and economic interests."
Kreimer (2007) expounds upon the fact that few legislators had time to fully read the PATIOT Act, when it was first proposed. Once enacted, there was significant concern about the expansion of powers for unchecked surveillance. However, many of the Acts provisions were subject to a four-year sunset requirement. It was believed that Congress would carefully examine how organizations, such as the FBI, utilized their power under the PATIOT Act, when deciding whether or not to certain provisions would go by the wayside come 2005. Yet, in 2006, after much political wrangling, most of the PATIOT Act was reenacted, with little change to the original wording,…...
Clintora, E. (2008). Refugees or terrorists? Kennedy School Review, 8. Retrieved December 4, 2008, from Academic Search Complete database.
Kreimer, S. (Winter 2007). Rays of sunlight in a shadow 'war': FOIA, the abuses of anti-terrorism, and the strategy of transparency. Lewis & Clark Law Review, 11(4). Retrieved December 4, 2008, from Academic Search Complete database.
Yager, L. (30 Oct 2008). USA PATRIOT Act. GAO Report. Retrieved December 4, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.
However, this Court also recognizes that mental illness oftentimes differs from other immutable characteristics, such as mental retardation and age, in that a defendant oftentimes has the ability to control mental illness through medical interventions. hile there is tremendous evidence of Panetti's deteriorated mental state, there is very little evidence to support Panetti's assertions that he was insane at the time of the murders. Though there are serious questions regarding Panetti's competency to stand trial, much less his competency to represent himself in that trial, there simply does not appear to be any evidence that he was insane at the time of the murders. Panetti engaged in preparations that were rationally aimed at accomplishing the murder of his in-laws, but was able to refrain from killing his wife and child. In addition, he engaged in a stand-off with police that resulted in him escaping the stand-off without being killed and…...
mlaWoodson v. North Carolina, 428 U.S. 280, 322 (1976).
Woodson v. North Carolina, 428 U.S. 280, 299 (1976).
Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399, 409-10 (1986).
Discriminatory practices were encouraged, such as the Jim Crow laws that supported segregation. However, the push for segregation led to increased inequities borne by the Negroes. Many southern states encouraged segregation, as well. The original Civil ights Act of 1957 had a limited scope, which impinged upon the rights of others.
Pros & Cons
During this time, many discriminatory cases were in the spotlight, and this was no exception. The case heightened awareness, as well as the flaws of the law. Civil ights bills were evolving, as this case ruling was a milestone in history. Conversely, many Negroes lost their lives to the cause, thus paving the way for a more equitable justice system.
elevance Today
Although not as prevalent today, prejudice and discrimination is still experienced by many. Civil rights are no longer reserved for race, but it has extended to other protected classes, such as gender, religion, marital status, age, etc.… This…...
A&E Television Networks (2011). History of Alabama. Retrieved from http://www.history.com/topics/alabama
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362 U.S. 602. Retrieved from http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=362&invol=602
This leads to a high degree of autonomy for some subcommittees, while other subcommittees have only limited autonomy. Those with a high degree of autonomy will play a more direct role in legislative issues.
In addition to the committees, Congress has an entrenched leadership system. The highest rank is the Speaker of the House. Each party also has a Leader and a hip. The leader runs the party's activities in the House. The hip keeps track of legislation and works to make sure that party members vote in the manner desired by the party leader. The Speaker is the leader of the majority party; while the Majority Leader is second-in-command of the party. The Minority Leader is the leader of the minority party.
Leadership of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States. The party leaders have more power, however. Each party has a leader, as well as a…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Heitshusen, V. (2007). Committee Types and Roles. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved November 13, 2009 from http://www.rules.house.gov/archives/98-241.pdf
Stress: Regulation of etlands in the United States
Regulation of etlands in the United States
Defining etlands and their Value
A wetland refers to a place where water covers the soil. A wetland is a saturated land that comprises of swamps or marshes. Lewis defines a wetland as, "an ecosystem that depends on constant or recurrent, shallow inundation or saturation at or near the surface of the substrate" (p.3). He further ascertains that the minimum necessary qualities of a wetland are sustained inundation, saturation or recurrent at or near the surface and the existence of chemical, biological and physical facets that reflect recurrent, saturation and sustained inundation (Lewis 3). The major diagnostic wetland features include hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils. These characteristics present biotic, anthropogenic or physicochemical features apart from where the growth of these aspects has been blocked (Lewis 3). The wetlands are located near rivers, oceans, lakes or swamps, and they…...
mlaWork Cited
Beermann, Jack. Administrative law. Texas: Aspen Publishers Online, Jul 2, 2010
Connolly, Kim Diana, Johnson, Stephen, Williams, Douglas. Wetlands law and policy:
Understanding. New York: American Bar Association, Dec 30, 2005.
Gaddie, Ronald Keith, Regens, James. Regulating wetlands protection: Environmental federalism and the states. New York: SUNY Press, 2000.
The Trailblazing Aviator: Amelia Earhart and Her Unwavering Spirit
Amelia Earhart, an American aviation pioneer, achieved remarkable feats in the realm of aviation, leaving an indomitable legacy in the history of flight. Among her numerous accomplishments, her solo transatlantic flight in 1932 stands as a defining moment, earning her the honorary title of "First Lady of the Air."
The Perilous Journey Across the Atlantic
On May 20, 1932, Amelia Earhart embarked on a daring adventure that would forever etch her name in the annals of aviation history. At the controls of her Lockheed Vega 5B, named "Spirit of St. Louis," she took off....
Thriver: Embracing Challenges, Achieving Triumphs
In the tapestry of life, where triumphs and tribulations intertwine, I have cultivated the enduring quality of thriving. It is a title I bestow upon myself, not for accolades or recognition, but as a testament to my unwavering spirit and profound gratitude for the lessons learned along the way.
Throughout history, countless individuals have faced adversity with resilience and emerged stronger. From the depths of despair, they have risen like phoenixes, their spirits indomitable. My journey has been marked by similar challenges, but I have embraced them as opportunities for growth.
Like the mythical Sisyphus, I have found....
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