United Kingdom Essays (Examples)

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United Kingdom Laws and Regulations on Safety
Pages: 4 Words: 1357

United Kingdom Laws and egulations on Safety in the Workplace
The objective of this study is to examine workplace safety specific to the United Kingdom and to review the laws in the UK on what constitutes safety in the workplace. Included in the issues addressed are such as lack of ventilation, high workloads, as well as safety rails requirements and material storage issues. This work will describe the benefits to management of a safe controlled working environment and describe the concept of hazard and risk control. This study will additionally describe the management system that may be introduced to plan, control, and monitor the working environment and provide an explanation of the concept of total loss control and cost/benefit analysis when applied to hazard and risk management in Health and Safety.

Legislation for Occupational Health and Safety in the UK

It is reported that the primary legislation that covers occupational health and safety…...



Health & Safety Law (2013) Prospect. Retrieved from:  http://www.prospect.org.uk/advice_and_services/health_and_safety/about/law 

Health and Safety Regulations -- Laws in the Workplace (2013) Health and Safety Executive. Retrieved from:  http://www.hse.gov.uk/legislation/index.htm 

Safety representatives and safety committees - Brown Book (2009) TUC/Prospect Publishers 16 Apr 2009. Retrieved from:  http://www.prospect.org.uk/library/documents/200900422_safety_representatives_and_safety_committees_-_brown_book 

Successful Health and Safety Management (2008) Health Safety Executive. HSE Books. Crown 2008. Retrieved from:  https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDsQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sh168.org.tw%2FgetRef.ashx%3Fid%3D176&ei=PEQ-UdibLaTBygGk_oBw&usg=AFQjCNEBH557wV_wMxZjpgrLGpmnr4th9Q&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc

United Kingdom's War Against Terrorism
Pages: 11 Words: 3453

United Kingdom Government esponse to Post-9/11 Attacks of Islamic Terrorism
Terrorism, in the context of the United Kingdom, is not new. Developed through the past century in response to the increasing rates of terrorism, the United Kingdom's modern counter-terrorism strategies encompass elements of continuity and change. Despite the significant development, there is no change to its fundamental structure as its terrorism agencies carry out similar functions in response to the challenges of globalization and the Islamic radicalism that increases the rates of terrorism (Curtis, 2010). The effects of terrorism are varied. They range from social, economic, and political effects that affect the overall performance and competitiveness of the economic prospects of a state. Basing on this, the question in focus for most across the United Kingdom, as well as, the other regions of the world has been the readiness of the agencies "modus operandi" in countering the effects of Islamic and…...



Andrew, C.M. 2009. Defend the realm: the authorized history of MI5. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Bamford, B. 2004. The United Kingdom's "War Against Terrorism." Terrorism and Political Violence, 16(4), 737-756.

Benthem, J.F. 2001. Proceedings of the eighth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge 2001, Siena, Italy, July 08-10, 2001. San Francisco, Calif.: M. Kaufmann.

Celso, A. 2014. Al-Qaeda's Post-9/11 Devolution The Failed Jihadist Struggle Against the Near and Far Enemy.. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

United Kingdom Maintaining a 'Balanced'
Pages: 3 Words: 1212

In Germany, the idea that financially conservative Germans might have to contribute to a bailout of a nation that 'cooked its books' has been difficult to sell to the public, and British politicians would have faced even more criticism, had Britons been forced to shed their beloved pound.
Great Britain can congratulate itself because it did not throw in its fortunes with the unstable euro, although some Britons protested this action at the time. British car manufacturers, for example, feared losing jobs to EU-member nations, and argued that refraining from participating in EU membership would make the cost of labor in Britain seem exorbitant: "Management and unions in Britain's embattled car industry joined forces…to urge changes in key European policies that might keep plants open and save exports and investment which are threatened by the high level of the pound against the euro" (hite 2001). Nissan and Ford both stated…...


Works Cited

Ahmed, Kamal. "Euro will pay for NHS." The Guardian. July 20, 2003. May 5, 2010.


Bennhold, Katrin. "In Greek crisis, a window into the German psyche." The New York Times.

May 4, 2010. May 5, 2010.

British Law the United Kingdom
Pages: 4 Words: 1259

So, while the EU may currently model "ideal" law for Parliament, it is Parliament who has the ultimate power to legislate.
The second external restriction on Parliament is the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The ECHR was enacted in 1953 and meant to protect the basic human rights of all citizens of European nations. This act permits the citizen of any country to bring a case before the ECHR court and should the action of the nation be found in violation of human rights, there is a penalty applied to that nation and whatever law violated the right must be removed (Ovey 50). So, similar to the EU issue, this limitation would seem to remove power from Parliament, however, it is removing power that in actuality Parliament never had, the power to violate inherent human rights.

In recent years, there has been one primary internal limitation placed on Parliament, that…...


Works Cited

A.V. Dice. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. 1885.

Chrimes, SB. "English Constitutional History." Oxford University Press. 1967.

Haughwout Folsom, Ralph, Lake, Ralph B., Nada, Ved P. European Union law after Maastricht: a practical guide for lawyers outside the Common Market (2nd ed.). Kluwer Law International. 1996.

Himsworth, C.M.G. "In a state no longer: the end of constitutionalism?" Legal Jounals Index. 2012.

Life Imprisonment in the United Kingdom Life
Pages: 6 Words: 2038

Life Imprisonment in the United Kingdom
Life imprisonment is the most severe punishment in relation to critical or serious criminal activities in countries that do not have death penalty. Life imprisonment in the United Kingdom falls under two categories with unique meanings depending on the severity of the criminal activity: life imprisonment and whole-life sentence. In this research, the focus will be on the examination of the essence of life imprisonment in the United Kingdom. The exercise will also focus on the evaluation of the view of the European Court of Human Rights on the concept of life imprisonment.

Life imprisonment is the most severe punishment in relation to critical or serious criminal activities in countries that do not have death penalty. There is a variation on the types of offences that are eligible for the imposition of life imprisonment (Gibson et al., p. 38). Most nations are showing trends of moving…...


Works Cited

Appleton, Catherine. Life after Life Imprisonment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.


Ashworth, Andrew. Sentencing and Criminal Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 2005. Internet resource.

Immigration in the United Kingdom
Pages: 3 Words: 1042

However, partially because of its colonial history, Britain has never been entirely able to close its borders. After the Ugandan dictator General Idi Amin expelled 80,000 African Asians, who had settled there when the land was part of the Empire, many Ugandans held British passports and were forced to flee to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom admitted 28,000 refugees within a span of two months ("Short history of immigration," BBC, 2010).
Currently, Prime Minister Gordon Brown's incumbent Labour Party supports immigration controls. It wishes to prioritize admitting immigrants with special skills from outside the European Union by according them preference according to a 'point' system. Immigrants will be only eligible for citizenship after living in the country for five years and being subjected to a test of "British values and traditions" (Jupp 2010). hile the Conservative Party also supports similar restrictions, "the Labour dilemma is that most Muslim, Black…...


Works Cited

Jupp, James. "Race and the British election." Inside story: Current affairs and culture.

May 3, 2010. May 5, 2010.  http://inside.org.au/immigration-race-and-the-british-election/ 

"Short history of immigration." BBC. May 5, 2010.


Economic Factors to Consider for Target in the United Kingdom
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Target in the UK: Economic factors to consider for Target in the United Kingdom
The American general retailer Target is considering expanding into the UK in the near or far future. The UK has several potentially attractive features for the American retailer, namely an English-speaking populace and recent GDP growth. "The Bank of England forecasts that Britain's economy will grow by 3.5% this year, which would be its best rate of growth in around a decade, given recent downward revisions to growth in the run-up to the financial crisis" ("UK consumer confidence," 2014). However, despite this fact, British consumer confidence appears to be declining, rather than increasing. "British consumer morale edged down from a recent nine-year high this month as households became slightly less upbeat about the outlook for the economy and their personal finances, a survey from researchers showed" ("UK consumer confidence," 2014).

The UK discount market is extremely competitive at…...



Davey, J. (2014). Britain's Asda says sales growth shows price cuts are working.

Reuters. Retrieved from:


Economy tracker: Inflation. (2014). BBC. Retrieved from:

Australia & the United Kingdom
Pages: 2 Words: 624

The primary political parties found in Australia, the Labor Party, Liberal Party and National Party, are also found in the United Kingdom. Both countries' political heads of state are Prime Ministers.
The primary differences in the two countries, however, are the growing disparities in culture. Australia's native people, the Aboriginees, have increasingly become a cultural factor, especially after the ending of the government's assimilation policy. The large influx of immigrants from Italy, Greece, and a variety of Asian countries has changed the cultural composition of the country. Although the United Kingdom is less homogeneous than it was fifty years ago, the number of immigrants in Australia is far more significant. "Today, nearly 25% of Australians were born overseas, and 40% are immigrants or children of immigrants" ("Commonwealth").

It's an interesting dichotomy of two interconnected countries. Australians consider themselves subjects of the British monarch, yet they are politically independent. Much of Australia's…...


Works Cited

"Australia's Political Structure - Macquarie International - Macquarie University." Study in Australia - Macquarie University Sydney. N.p., 16 Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. .

"Commonwealth of Australia." CultureGram (2010). CultureGram. Web. 21 Nov. 2010.

"History." CountryWatch (2010). CountryWatch. Web. 21 Nov. 2010.

Alexander Keith's Market Overview the United Kingdom
Pages: 5 Words: 1622

Alexander Keith's
Market Overview

The United Kingdom is one of the best beer markets in the world, and it is from this rich brewing tradition that Alexander Keith's flagship IPA draws its origins. The first thing to consider is the political and economic characteristics of the environment. The United Kingdom's political environment is generally favourable for the beer industry, owing in part due to the nation's pub tradition and the importance of the brewing industry in the country. The environment is expected to be particularly favourable for A-B InBev because the company already owns three breweries in the UK, including the main Bass plant in Lancashire. In total A-B InBev employs 1400 people in the United Kingdom, and its distributors employ many thousands more. (A-B InBev, 2012). This should give the company a favourable political environment going forward.

The economic environment in the United Kingdom is somewhat challenging. The country, on account of…...


Works Cited:

A-B InBev. (2012). Website, various pages. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from  http://www.ab-inbev.com 

BBC. (2012). UK economy shrank 0.2%, revised data confirms. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17152253 

BBC. (2012, 2). UK unemployment rises by 28,000 to 2.67m, ONS reports. British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-17364461

Champ, H. (2010). Budweiser's Mortlake brewery given temporary reprieve. The Publican's Morning Advertiser. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from  http://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/Brands-News/Budweiser-s-Mortlake-brewery-given-temporary-reprieve

Geology of New and Old Jacckfield Area in United Kingdom
Pages: 5 Words: 1320

Geological Model for Jackfield
Location of Jackfield

The Jackfield site is bounded by the iver Severn to the north, the Jackfield Tile Museum to the west and the footbridge across the Severn near The Boat Inn to the east; the southern boundary runs approximately NW-SE through Woodhouse Farm. The slopes on this side of the river are used for pasture and have little or no trees except for either side of Salthouse oad and the lower valley sides which are situated towards the westerly and easterly boundaries.

Jackfield lies on the southern bank of river Severn within the Ironbridge gorge. The village is located in an unstable part of the Ironbridge Gorge, where several landslips have been recorded (Scatena & Lugo, 1995). In line with this, in April 1952, a mega landslip occurred in the Ironbridge Gorge at Jackfield leading to the destruction of more than 20 households with other houses descripted on…...



Bentleya, S.P., & Siddle, H.J. (1990). The Evolution of Landslide Research in the South Wales Coalfield. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Volume 101, Issue 1, 47-62.

deBoer, DH (1992). Hierarchies and spatial scale in process geomorphology: a review. Geomorphology, Volume 4, Issue 5, 303-318.

Meyer, W., Schuster, R.L., & Sabol, M.A. (2002). Discussion of Potential for Seepage Erosion of Landslide Dam. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 121 Issue 9, 673-674.

Scatena, F.N., & Lugo, A.E. (1995). Geomorphology, Disturbance, and the Soil and Vegetation of two Subtropical wet Steepland Watersheds of Puerto Rico. Geomorphology, Volume 13, Issues 1-4, 199-213.

Social Unit a Country Japan United Kingdom
Pages: 3 Words: 773

Social unit a country: Japan, United Kingdom You complete assignment order: Step One: Write a paragraph redefines social unit concisely articulates related globalization -- affect affecting. Step Two? Find a total FOUR (4) peer-reviewed sources relate social unit globalization regard culture, population, and environment.
The social unit and the impact of globalization: Japan

Social unit: Japan

Japan has historically been considered a 'closed' nation in relation to the West. As an island, it had the luxury of relative isolation for many years when its leaders wished to shield it from outside influences. After World War II, however, Japan became increasingly subjected to outside influences and became a global economic power even though its military was significantly diminished. Japan has been tremendously influential on the global economy in terms of its corporate managerial philosophy as well as its product base yet it still remains uniquely 'Japanese' in many respects.

Hasegawa, M. (2005). Economic globalization and…...


Confucianism, or honoring the ancestors, has been an ethos strongly associated with Japanese culture. However, the influence of globalization has caused the influence of this ancient philosophy to be considerably less marked amongst the worldview of young people. Part of this may be due to an erosion of respect for hierarchy in the wake of a number of government scandals exposing "corruption, protection of weak sectors in the economy, and pork barrel projects for favoured interest groups in return for campaign support" (Rozman 2002). The stress upon social exchanges and familial respect vs. formalized and impersonal rules is less accepted than in previous eras, as is a paternalistic attitude of employers. Finally, more women are seeking out employment and leaving home before marriage, leading to a questioning of traditional Confucian gender relations.

Social unit redefinition

As a nation, Japan continues to have a strong sense of itself as a unique social unit. Globalization was imposed in a very top-down fashion upon the nation and Japan still has a unique corporate culture which is very insular. However, the paternalism and cradle-to-grave employment expected by so many Japanese men is no more. This has caused many Japanese men to question their senses of self. More women are in the workforce and more children are living away from their parents even if they are unmarried. The traditional Confucian values of a close-knit family and also close-knit political and corporate allegiances are unlikely to be sustained in the near future, given changes in the Japanese economy as well as shifts in Japanese social expectations in the wake of economic instability and globalization.

The Correlates of Voter Turnout in the United Kingdom
Pages: 15 Words: 4224

Unemployment on Voter Turnout ates in Britain's Elections
In many countries where voting is a right but not compulsory, voter turnout levels have declined precipitously in recent years, causing a growing number of political scientists to examine the effects of various variables on these rates. By contrast, in countries where voting is compulsory such as Australia, Belgium and Italy, voter turnout levels approach 100% (Forman, 2002). The research on political behavior to date has analyzed a wide range of variables that affect voter turnout positively (such as mail ballots or electronic voting from home) or negatively (such as poll taxes or voter identification requirements) (Childers & Binder, 2012). There has been far less research, though, concerning the potential impact of other variables such as employment status on voter turnout levels. For example, Incantalupo (2015) emphasizes that, "At present, gaps exist in our understanding of how unemployment affects political attitudes and…...



Abramson, P. R. & Diskin, A. (2007, September). Nonvoting and the decisiveness of electoral outcomes. Political Research Quarterly, 60(3), 500-503.

Ali, S. N. & Lin, C. (2013). Why people vote: Ethical motives and social incentives. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 5(2), 73-98.

Boisvert, P. & Smith, A. (2015, Annual). Bringing down the House: Why the United Kingdom should adopt a regionally representative senate. Kennedy School Review, 15, 47-50.

Childers, M. & Binder, M. (2012, March). Engaged by the initiative? How the use of citizen initiatives increases voter turnout. Political Research Quarterly, 65(1), 93-96.

Post Qualification Routes in the United Kingdom
Pages: 6 Words: 1617

Post Qualification outes
In the United Kingdom (U.K.) there are different routes to graduating secondary school and university entrance requirements. The two routes discuses in this paper are the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and the diploma program. The GCSE are the first formal qualifications that many people obtain in England, and they are known and respected internationally (Suto & Greatorex, 2008). The diploma program is fairly new in the UK and it is equivalent to up to seven GCSE subject passes, depending on the type of diploma (Warwick, 2007). The diploma program has been introduced in 2005 as an alternative for students who do not want to take the GCSE, it does not replace the GCSE. The diploma program was developed to give student education choices, a more practical approach to learning. In this paper I will discuss the GCSE and diploma program, how they work, some criticisms and…...



Boston, K. (2007). Diplomas to usher in a brave new world. Times Educational Supplement. 4730 5-6

Chamberlain, S. (2008). Sleeping in or selecting out? Candidates absence from GCSE examinations. Research in Education. 79 53-66

Crossley, R. (2008). Diploma Disaster? The Chemical Engineer. 809 60-61

Education and Learning . (2010). Directgov. Retrieved December 6, 2010, from http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/EducationAndLearning/QualificationsExplained/DG_070676

Healthcare in the United Kingdom
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Questions 2:

Discuss how you would rate this country in health care quality, access, and cost. How do you think the U.S. compares to other first world countries?

I think, as mentioned above, that the U.K. is among those rare countries that have only minor problems with the healthcare system. Quality and cost do sometimes become issues, but access is never a problem and often times the latter issues will be resolved as well. Thus, if one looks at it this way, the public system seems to work here. Yet the English system in particular has received much criticism. This relates to the financial problems that the country is facing in the aftermath of the global economic crisis. Yet the country's ministers have assured that they "will not make the sick pay for Labour's debt crisis […] and ministers could not 'sit back' and put more taxpayers' money into an unreformed system"…...


Works Cited:

Mulholland, H. (2010). Health Secretary Defends NHS Reforms as Criticism Grows. The Guardian. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from .

No Author. (2012). NHS Choices: Your Health, Your Choices. NHS.uk. Retrieved January 9, 2012, from .

Investigation of Systematic Methods or Processes of Invention or Innovation in United Kingdom
Pages: 12 Words: 3194

Innovative Processes
There are a number of methodologies available in today's literature that provides data on innovation and inventiveness. A number of those methodologies are contained herein, with a special emphasis on the TIZ approach to innovation. The TIZ approach is appealing to many experts because of the 40 principles developed by Genrich Altshuller. These principles provide direction to civil engineers (or anyone who wishes to address a problem with innovation) regarding a myriad of problems in all areas. The principles have been used in construction, design, education, business and everyday life. It would seem that TIZ can be a useful approach to any individual willing to learn the principles and apply them to problem solving.

Other approaches have also been addressed in this literature review including Metaplanning, Moderation, CPT, and Gaussian approaches. However, it seems as if the most efficient and productive overall approach is the TIZ method of addressing problems.…...



AI EDAM, 2008, 'Human competitive machine invention by means of genetic programming, AI EDAM, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 185-193

Badran, I. 2007, 'Enhancing creativity and innovation in engineering education', European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 32, Issue 5, pp. 573 -- 585

Bartholomew, K. & Ewing, R., 2009, 'Land use-transportation scenarios and ruture vehicle travel and land consumption: A meta-analysis', Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 75, Issue 1, pp. 13-27

Chatterjee, S., Nigam, S., Singh, J., Upadhyaya, L., 2011, 'Transfer function modeling in software reliability, Computing, Vol. 92, Issue 1, pp. 33 -- 48

Can you help me with a clear thesis statement about globalization?
Words: 390

Globalization is an interesting topic because the term means different things to different people.  Globalization specifically refers to the interactions and integration of the people of the world.  There are various types of globalization, with the three main types being economic, political, and cultural.  Of course, these three types of globalization rarely, if ever, occur in isolation.  Exposure to other people, ways of life, and worldviews leads to changes in various sectors.  It is no wonder, then, that so many people find the idea of globalization to be very threatening.  In fact,....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

Essay on : Provide a critical assessment of performance of Contracts for Differences to promote renewable energy in the United Kingdom. in your discussion, engage with the role of energy law and policy in renewable energy promotion?
Words: 532

Contracts for Differences (CfDs) have been a key tool used by the United Kingdom government to promote renewable energy generation. Through guaranteeing a stable income for renewable energy providers, CfDs aim to attract investment in the sector and drive down costs, ultimately contributing to the transition towards a low-carbon economy. In this essay, I will critically assess the performance of CfDs in promoting renewable energy in the UK, paying particular attention to the role of energy law and policy in shaping their effectiveness.

One of the key benefits of CfDs is the long-term price certainty they provide for renewable energy generators,....

is healthcare a basic human right?
Words: 618

Healthcare as a Basic Human Right


The debate over whether healthcare constitutes a basic human right has been ongoing for decades. While some argue that healthcare is an essential component of a dignified and fulfilling life, others contend that it is a privilege that should be earned or purchased. This essay will delve into the arguments for and against the notion of healthcare as a basic human right, examining various perspectives and evidence to present a comprehensive analysis.

Arguments in Favor

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948,....

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