Unhealthy Food Essays (Examples)

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Unhealthy Food
Pages: 4 Words: 1435

Unhealthy Food
There are multiple issues at the heart of the idea that there should be bans on junk food. The surface-level issue is that there is a point at which our free will is being corrupted by external interests, and that government as another external interest can act to counter these influences. The other major underlying issue is actually public health. This paper will examine each of these major issues at the heart of the argument and then examine the strength of the arguments in favor and against such food bands.

The individual free will argument is used by both sides. Opponents of these bans have argued that individuals have the right to make their own determinations. Surowiecki (2012) counters that people do not have a fixed definition of what they want, but rather rely on contextual clues to determine optimal consumption. These cues are typically manipulated by those in the…...



Bernhardt, A., Wilking, C., Adachi-Mejia, A., Bergamimi, E., Marijnissen, J. & Sargent, J. (2013). How television fast food marketing aimed at children compares with adult advertisements. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from  http://www.rwjf.org/en/research-publications/find-rwjf-research/2013/08/how-television-fast-food-marketing-aimed-at-children-compares-wi.html 

Bittman, M. (2012). Limit soda for kids' sake. New York Times. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from  http://bittman.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/limit-soda-for-kids-sake/ 

Mehta, K. (2007). Questioning the ethics of junk food ads. Living Ethics. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from http://svc203.wic019v.server-web.com/about-ethics/ethics-centre-articles/living-ethics-newsletter/pdfs/issue-69-article-1.pdf

Melnick, M. (2010). Study: Fast food ads target kids with unhealthy food, and it works. Time Magazine. Retrieved September 30, 2013 from  http://healthland.time.com/2010/11/08/study-fast-food-ads-target-kids-with-unhealthy-food-and-it-works/

Healthy and Unhealthy Food Diet School Meal
Pages: 2 Words: 636

red meat which is that eating of a lot of read meat is now linked to the risk of diabetes. There have been numerous warnings that have been issued by nutritionists concerning the health risks which are associated with eating read meat. The focus on the article is how there is a confirmed link between the consumption of red meat and type 2 diabetes.it explains this following a new follow up study hat has shown the persistence of this association throughout time.
The team which came up with this report included an epidemiologist Dr. Walter Willett who is part of the Harvard School of public health. The team made reports that the people that have claimed to have increased the amount of red meat they intake over a period of four years had had a very high chance of the development of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand the…...



Brown, E. (2010). Chicago Tribune. Bad news on red meat: Eating more is linked to diabetes risk. Retrieved June 23, 2013 from  http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/la-sci-sn-red-meat-diabetes-20130617,0,2749123.story

Food Menu Overview
Pages: 3 Words: 847

Food Menu and Nutrition
Food Menu Overview

The objective of this study is to create two food menus as follows: (1) one healthy food menu; and (2) one unhealthy food menu, from a local fast food restaurant. Following the creation of these menus, this work will write a nutritional analysis of the meal created, discuss the reaction of the writer to this information and describe how this will affect the food choices of the writer in the future in terms of food choices from fast food restaurants.

The food choices that one makes when dining at fast food restaurants make a great difference in the amount of nutrition received from dining at fast food restaurants as well as the total calories that are consumed and the other factors that make foods either healthy or unhealthy for consumption. One might assume that dining at a fast food restaurant is in general unhealthy in nature…...



McDonald's USA Nutrition Facts for Popular Menu Items (nd) Nutrition McDonalds. Retrieved from:  http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/nutritionfacts.pdf 

Nutrition Calculator (nd) McDonalds. Retrieved from:  http://www.mcdonalds.ca/ca/en/food/nutrition_calculator.html

Food Served in Public Schools
Pages: 7 Words: 2618

Food Served in Public Schools
he school nutrition environment, consisting of school meals and competitive meals, has actually properly gotten terrific attention due to the fact that kids eat, usually, one-third of their everyday calorie consumption at school (Briefel et al., 2009).

Improving the dietary consumption of our country's kids is of crucial value given that one-third of school-age kids are obese or overweight (Ogden et al., 2010).

Paper's Scope and significant areas:.

his research will clarify Kid Nutrition Reauthorization from FRAC. he research addresses school meal quality and gain access to (Hartline-Grafton, 2010). Moreover, the present research concentrates on competitive meals, which are extensively readily available in schools, mostly exempt from federal nutrition criteria, and have an unfavourable influence on the wellness and health of all pupils, particularly pupils from low-income households.

Research Methods:.

he semi-structured type of interview is utilized in the research in addition to the standardized type, as these 2 kinds of…...


Terry-McElrath, Y.M., O'Malley, P.M., Delva, J., & Johnston, L.D. (2009). The school food environment and student body mass index and food consumption: 2004 to 2007 national data. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(3 Supplement), S45-S56.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and U.S. Department of Education. (2005). Making It Happen! School Nutrition Success Stories. FNS-374. Available at:   Accessed April 20, 2013.http://www.fns.usda.gov/TN/Resources/makingithappen.html .

Wharton, C.M., Long, M., & Schwartz, M.B. (2008). Changing nutrition standards in schools: the emerging impact on school revenue. Journal of School Health, 78(5), 245-251.

Food Marketing to Children in
Pages: 2 Words: 679

These unhealthy food advertisements are not only the reverse of dietary suggestions but they are also unnecessary in prevention of obesity.
According to the findings, broadcast media marketing has a significant impact as compared to non-broadcast advertising. In fact, television advertising constitutes the highest percentage of food advertisements to children given that most of these adverts are during children-related programs. However, more than eighty percent of these television adverts with persuasive marketing are for unhealthy foods and contain promotional characters and premium offers. While various televisions adverts were in breach of Children's Television Standards, one of the findings proposed regulatory changes to food advertising to children. Most of the non-broadcast food advertisements were also tilted toward unhealthy foods with most of them being in areas close to schools.

As mentioned earlier, commercial television advertising has taken the center stage of majority of research on food marketing to children in Australia. This…...



Chapman, K., Kelly, B., & King, L. (2009, March). Using Research Framework to Identify

Knowledge Gaps in Research on Food Marketing to Children in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33(3), 253-257. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2009.00384.x

Food Choices in Australia Today Consumers in
Pages: 4 Words: 1327

Food Choices in Australia Today
Consumers in many developed nations are experiencing a veritable epidemic of obesity, a trend that has been exacerbated both by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle as well as the types of foods that are consumed. Fast food and high fat content have also contributed to these trends, and the healthcare costs associated with treating obesity are enormous. Furthermore, unhealthy food choices during the formative years in early childhood can also result in a lifetime of weight-related problems, making the need to identify factors that influence food choices in a given setting a timely and important enterprise. To this end, this paper provides a discussion concerning three of the most important factors that have been identified by researchers as potentially influencing food choices in Australia households, which are food availability, individual preferences for flavor and taste and, increasingly, the environmentally responsible manner in which foods are produced.…...



Bellisle, F. (2012, January 3). The determinants of food choice. EUFIC Review. Retrieved from  http://www.eufic.org/article/en/expid/review-food-choice/ .

Craig, L. (2005). The money or the care. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 40(4), 521-523.

Introduction. Contributors: Emma Costantino - author, Sian Supski - author. Journal Title: Journal of Australian Studies. Issue: 87. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 1+.

Grainger, C., Senauer, B. & Runge, C.F. (2007). Nutritional improvements and student food choices in a school lunch program. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(2), 265-267.

Food as a Public Good and Obesity as an Externality
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Health Public Good
Public Health as a Public Good

The United States has one of the lowest cost food options available to its consumers in the world. For an extended period, people assumed that this was a benefit of capitalism and that competition had helped push down the prices and made food available at lower costs through the market. However, many externalities have arisen in these circumstances that are now pointing researchers to question the consequences of having mass processed food available to consumers. The United States, as well as many other industrialized nations, currently has epidemic rates of obesity as well as the related obesity diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

This trend is not restricted to just adult and the obesity rates among children have subsequently risen as well. This has made many instructions and activists compare the effects of poor diets and their health consequences to smoking cigarettes and…...


Works Cited

Adams, R. "Fat is a financial issue: Litigation over obesity could consign Big Mac, large fries and bucket-sized." 27 December 2002. The Guardian. Web. 28 March 2013.

Benloulou, J. "Pelman v. McDonald's: An In-depth Case Study of a Fast Food -- Obesity Lawsuit." April 2005.

"CASE 2-7." McDonald's and Obesity. N.d.

Chicago Defender. "Obesity and Fat Farm Subsidies." Chicago Defender (2003): 1. Online.

Food Intake Analysis Food Inake Analysis Who
Pages: 3 Words: 1051

Food Intake Analysis
Food Inake Analysis

Who does not want to be healthy? However, to achieve such an admirable goal, it will require diligence, motivation, and consistency. To many, this is quite a daunting task that is met with much resistance because of the level of commitment and consistency that it requires. Insomuch, with all the various types of fast foods available and society's life style, the challenge to reach and to maintain an ideal rate seems impossible. According to the Center for Disease Control (2012), the U.S. obesity rate at 35.7%; this demonstrates a significant increase since the 1990s. Since I am concern about my health and refuse to become a statistic, I will analyze my food intake for three days.

ecorded Intake

Below is my recorded 3-day food intake. Based on the data, several adjustments will should be made to reach the recommended dietary reference intake (USDA, 2012). According to My Fitness…...



Build a Heathy Body (n.d.). Let the pyramid guide your food choices.

Retrieved from  http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2000/document/build.htm 

Center for Disease Control -- CDC. (2012). Adult obesity facts. Retrieved from  http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html 

MyFitnessPal. (2012). Charts and reports. Retrieved from  http://www.myfitnesspal.com/

Food Technology and Class the Digestive Divide
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Food, Technology and Class
The digestive divide:

Food, technology, and class and the changing eating habits of Americans and people around the globe

Much has been written about the 'digital divide,' or the fact that poorer people tend to have less access to cutting-edge technology and are thus disenfranchised from many educational, vocational, and personal opportunities for self-improvement. However, this digital divide is also seen in the different eating habits of the social classes, only in reverse. Today, wealthier people have access to simpler, healthier food that requires less technology to produce. Once upon a time, bitter greens like arugula and fish like salmon were the foods of the poor while the rich dined on heavily spiced meats and alcohol. Today, the equation has been reversed. Wealthy people can afford to eat organic produce and wild-caught fish. But walk into any disadvantaged neighborhood and you will find a bodega that is filled with…...



Blatt, Harvey. (2008). America's food: What you don't know about what you eat.

Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 2008.

Mintz, Stanley. (1986). Sweetness and power. Penguin.

Winne, Mark. (2008). Closing the food gap. Boston, MA, USA: Beacon Press.

Methodology on Child Obesity Fast Food
Pages: 3 Words: 957

Childhood Obesity and Fast Food
Inductive Reasoning

Empirical Research

Applied Research

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Exploratory Research

Focus Groups


The paper is a research based on the topic of "The influence of fast food on child obesity." The study aims to evaluate and identify the root cause of child obesity. The study is based on a scientific approach by developing a hypothesis and then proving it through data collected.

Inductive Reasoning:

The hypothesis of this research has been developed after a number of general observations. These observations came from generally observing the school friends, cafes and restaurants, and family members. It was observed that children who were eating fast food regularly were fat. Another observation was that when we talk to obese people they often mention that they blame fast food restaurants for their obesity. Since we have developed specific conclusions from general observations, it is an inductive approach.

Empirical Research:

This research is based on the knowledge that is gained…...

Fast Food Junk-Food Companies
Pages: 2 Words: 743

S. that is no reason to sue the fast food franchises. These lawsuits "are an embarrassment to our legal system, and an embarrassment to the people who are saying they were so dumb not to know they might get fat" (Abrams, 2004). In fact on the day that Abrams wrote that piece for MSNBC the U.S. House of Representatives passed the so-called "Cheeseburger bill" which was legislation to "protect the fast food industry from frivolous lawsuits." (Abrams).
Abrams attacked John Banzhaf, the lawyer that has launched some of the suits against the fast food industry. Abrams says that Banzhaf is wrong to link the suits against tobacco with the need to sue junk food companies. In the case of tobacco companies, Abrams continues, "people were misled about what was in cigarettes" but the same deception doesn't apply to fast food. "People should know fast food isn't good for you," Abrams writes.



Works Cited

Abrams, Dan. "Lawsuits against fast food companies are ridiculous." MSNBC. Retrieved May

18, 2011, from  http://www.msnbc.com .

CNN. "House bans fast-food lawsuits." CNN Justice. Retrieved May 18, 2011, from (2004).http://articles.cnn.com.

Ebert, Roger. "Super Size Me." Retrieved May 18, 2011, from  http://rogerebert.suntimes.com .

Whole Foods Market Strategic Review
Pages: 5 Words: 1454

Strategic eview
Whole Foods Market is one of the top retail stores dealing with organic and natural foods in the United States. The company operates and owns a chain of organic and natural foods supermarkets across the United States and Canada. In essence, the company has been able to reach large number of customer by operating through several subsidiaries, and Whole Foods is the first company in the United States to be awarded the first "Certified Organic" grocer. Whole Foods Market was incorporated in 1978 and started the organic and natural foods business in 1980. Within the last 35 years of its operations, the company has become the largest retailer in the organic and natural foods. The success that the company has enjoyed over the years makes the Whole Foods and ABC Company considering integrating their business portfolios.

Objective of this report is to provide a top-notch advice to the Whole Foods…...



Annual Report (2013). Whole Foods 2013 Annual Report. USA

Morning Star (2014). Whole Foods Financial Ratios. USA.

New Food Guide Pyramid Everyone
Pages: 4 Words: 982

For that reason, I was looking for alternatives and it was good to see that government has included protein-rich peanut butte as one of the alternatives to meat.
The pyramid has been approved by many but also criticized by some. Though the basic structure is one that nutritionists wouldn't be arguing about but critique has focused on category classifications. In the bread category for example, why haven't the whole grain and high fiber been stressed? White bread is not the same as whole grain bread and since Pyramid was all about healthy eating, it should have mentioned whole grain bread instead of just any kind of bread.

Similarly some people wonder where do most food fall. If you go for apple pie for example, would that be classified as sweet dessert or fruit since it contains apples. People are also uncertain about portion sizes and what size is recommended for which…...



New Food Guide Pyramid. http://www.mypyramid.gov

Does Health Food Prevent Obesity
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Healthy Food Prevent Obesity?
Now more than ever obesity has become an immense issue in the United States. What used to be a growing concern has now become a topic of constant discussion and debate. It has received great media attention, with as far as getting celebrities and athletes to sponsor healthier food and more exercise. The President and First Lady of the United States have even made it a personal concern of theirs to get America healthier. Children are at an all time high for getting Diabetes from the unhealthy food that they are eating and that are being marketed to them. Adults are getting high cholesterol levels, Diabetes, and high blood pressure, from all the unhealthy fat and high amounts of salt and sugar in the foods that they are eating. In today's society, being healthy has become not only a way of living, but also a trend.…...

Fast Food and Child Obesity
Pages: 6 Words: 1889

Fast Food and Child Obesity
Jonathan Kwan

This study identifies the underlying correlation of fast food consumption and the increasing rate of child obesity. The system of fast food is prevalent in all countries, with each country having its own variations of types of items served and the nature of establishments serving. The popularity of fast food is due to the convenience of fast service, packaged food and low cost. Now major fast food industries try to make their product seem as healthy as possible. It is likely that the convenience is influencing the growth of childhood obesity in the United States. In addition, the factors of media, family, and environment bring about differences within our community. Understanding the correlation between these factors is vital in producing a solution. However, there needs to be a better support for causation, not just correlation. The children and youth will one-day influence the dynamics…...



Chou, S. (2008). Fast Food Restaurants Advertising on Television and its Influence on Childhood Obesity. The Journal of Law & Economics, 51, 599-618.

Darwin, A. (2008). Childhood Obesity: Is it Abuse? The Children's Voice, 17, 4-24.

Eagle, T. (2012). Understanding Childhood Obesity in America: Linkages between Household Income, Community Resources, and Children's Behaviors. The American Heart Journal, 163, 816-837.

Fraser, L. (1998). Fast Food and Obesity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14, 245-248.

Brainstorming thesis statements on fast food . Feedback on mine?
Words: 483

Thesis Statement:

Fast food consumption has become an increasingly prevalent dietary trend, contributing to significant health concerns and societal implications.


The thesis statement effectively captures the core issue of fast food consumption and its multifaceted impact. It acknowledges the increasing prevalence of fast food consumption and highlights the health concerns and societal implications associated with it. The statement is specific, clear, and provides a roadmap for the exploration of the topic.

Brainstorming Alternative Thesis Statements:

The detrimental health consequences of fast food consumption pose a significant threat to public health, necessitating urgent measures to mitigate its impact.
The proliferation of fast food outlets....

I\'m interested in debating corporate level strtaegies of nestle. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 574

Corporate Level Strategies of Nestlé: Opposing Viewpoints

Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, has employed various corporate level strategies to maintain its competitive advantage. However, these strategies have sparked contrasting viewpoints among experts.

Essay Topic 1: The Advantages of Nestlé's Portfolio Diversification

Proponent Viewpoint: Nestlé's extensive portfolio diversification, spanning food, beverages, pet care, and pharmaceuticals, provides several advantages:

Reduced risk: By operating in multiple industries, Nestlé mitigates the impact of fluctuations in any single market.
Exploiting synergies: The company can leverage its expertise and resources across different divisions, creating cost efficiencies and cross-selling opportunities.
Increased growth potential: Diversification allows Nestlé to....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to childhood obesity?
Words: 563

1. The Role of Parental Involvement in Combating Childhood Obesity: Exploring Strategies and Challenges

Investigate the impact of parental involvement on addressing childhood obesity. Discuss effective parenting strategies, such as setting healthy eating habits, encouraging physical activity, and promoting a positive body image. Explore challenges faced by parents, such as time constraints, limited resources, and conflicting cultural values.

2. Socioeconomic Disparities in Childhood Obesity: A Global Perspective

Examine the link between socioeconomic status and childhood obesity worldwide. Analyze factors contributing to these disparities, such as access to healthy food, safe neighborhoods for physical activity, and healthcare disparities. Discuss potential interventions to mitigate these....

Can you provide a brief outline of the main contributing factors to childhood obesity in developed countries?
Words: 392

Here is a brief outline of the main contributing factors to childhood obesity in developed countries:

1. Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and excessive screen time can lead to weight gain and obesity in children.

2. Poor diet: Consumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods such as fast food, sugary drinks, and processed snacks can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

3. Genetics: Genetic factors can also play a role in childhood obesity, as children with obese parents are more likely to be overweight themselves.

4. Environment: Factors such as access to unhealthy food options, lack of safe places to play and exercise, and socioeconomic....

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