Ukraine Essays (Examples)

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Ukraine Walking the Linguistic Tightrope
Pages: 4 Words: 1364

The fact is, Russian is useful. In this part of the world, it's the language of business and science" said one Ukrainian ("Ukraine's language," PRI, 2009). Ukrainian is sometimes used in popular music, but that is because it is often used as slang rather than as the dominant language of conversation or commerce.
So the dissenting question arises, if Russian is already so dominant, and understood much of the population that is not solely Russian-speaking: hy not teach Ukrainian in school, and leave bilingual speakers to their own devices? However, if the Ukraine school system must neglect Russian, due to the nation's official policy, than the next generation of children will speak inferior Russian to their Russian and other Slavic counterparts. Russian will persist, but more sophisticated use of the language will ebb away. Another problem is class divisions: Russian is weakest in the poorest sections of the Ukraine. Denying…...


Works Cited

Khineyko, Ilya. Tempest in the (linguistic) teapot? Ukrainian analysis. March 7, 2007.

November 13, 2009. 

Kulyk, V. "Constructing common sense: Language and ethnicity in Ukrainian public discourse."

Ethnic & Racial Studies, 29.2 (Mar 2006): 281-314

Ukraine Integration Into NATO and EU
Pages: 12 Words: 4519

Political events in Ukraine in November and December of 2004 attracted attention of the world community to this country as the wind of democratic changes came to this former republic of the Soviet Union. Even though the Soviet Union collapsed 13 years ago, historical political and economical bounds between those 15 new independent states where quite strong and even though these countries became independent, their dependence upon the policy of Kremlin remained. All 15 countries chose the way of democratic reforms but their totalitarian past and no experience democracy prevented from any effective realization of their reformative policies. In fact, this 15-year period was characterized by hyperinflation, extreme poverty and sharpening social contradictions. ussia had preserved its dominance over the politics of its close neighbors: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan dictating them its conditions of economical development which were Moscow-oriented. The corrupted governments of these countries with corrupted legislative and executive branches…...



1)EU-Ukraine relations Overview 2005 External Relations ?

2)NATO - Ukraine relation Security cooperation and support for reform March, 25 2005 ?

Ukraine Crisis
Pages: 4 Words: 1346

ussia & Ukraine
The current crisis in Ukraine is a good case study for international relations. The primary actors are Ukraine, ussia, the United States and the European Union. In brief, Ukraine has been splitting politically since independence from the U.S.S.. along ethnic lines. Ukrainians, still seeking for solidify their national identity, are pro-West in their outlook; ussians are pro-ussia in outlook. This schism has defined the country's politics since independence, and has placed the country as the center of a power conflict in Europe between the Cold War powers -- ussia on one side and the West on the other. The West expanded its sphere of influence dramatically when ussia was weak upon dissolution of the U.S.S.., but ussia has recently gained strength, in particular the result of tremendous wealth from natural resources. ussia has especially strong bargaining power over Europe as many European nations are major buyers of ussian…...



Jakes, Lara & Burns, Robert. (2014). Kerry: Russia accelerating Ukraine crisis. Yahoo News. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from   -- politics.html 

Baczynska, Gabriela, Polityuk, Pavel & Kasolowsky, Raissa. (2014). Timeline: Ukraine crisis and Russia's standoff with the West. Reuters. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from 

Tang, Shiping (2008) Risk aversion. International Studies Review. Vol. 10 (3) Sept. 2008 451-471.

Fedesenko, Vasily. (2014). Ukraine separatists seize second provincial capital. Reuters. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from

Ukraine Conflict
Pages: 2 Words: 689

Cultural Geography
The downfall of Communism was seen with a sense of optimism and hope. This is because different nations in the former Warsaw Pact countries felt a sense of freedom and self-determination. However, the reality is that new challenges emerged which are continuing to be dealt with to this very day. In its place is the emergence of nationalist beliefs. The video titled Thousands of Ukrainian Nationalists March in Kiev; is showing how this is impacting the both sides in the Ukrainian civil war. ("Thousand of Ukraine Nationalists March in Kiev," 2014)

Inside it shows pro-Ukrainian nationalists marching in Kiev. They are demanding recognition for those who fought against the Soviet Union during World War II. This is because the Soviets were a repressive regime which is known for committing various atrocities on the Ukrainian people. The protestors believe that Ukraine needs to be a strong independent state, which embraces its…...



Thousand of Ukraine Nationalists March in Kiev. (2014). You Tube. Retrieved from:

Public Opinion and Journalism Ukraine Invasion
Pages: 5 Words: 1607

Ukraines Invasion Ukraine's InvasionImmediately after Russia invaded Ukraine, a survey reported that most Russians supported Putin, with around 58% of citizens indicating that they endorsed Putin. However, some resisted this movement claiming it would result in more harm than good, and for that reason, they were more scared by the situation.Research BackgroundPublic Opinion and JournalismThe decision to invade Ukraine was no aberration, and it entirely consisted of longstanding public statements since they claimed that this was their war as much as it was Putin's. The public citizens have been gearing more efforts that contributed to the facilitation of the war. That is evident in the "Z" branding that the Russian force uses has become increasingly ubiquitous across the country, symbolizing support from the public (Dickinson, 2022). For instance, it was reported that 250 Russian universities published an address that influenced the people to rally around Putin. Although 58% of the…...



Dickinson, P. (2022). Not just Putin: Most Russians support the war in Ukraine. Atlantic Council. Retrieved 24 May 2022, from .

FRIEDMAN, T. (2022). Opinion | I See Three Scenarios for How This War Ends. Retrieved 24 May 2022, from .

FRIEDMAN, T. (2022). Opinion | Putin Has No Good Way Out, and That Really Scares Me. Retrieved 24 May 2022, from .

The Financial and Social State of the Ukraine
Pages: 6 Words: 634

Ukraine has endured many obstacles in progressing advancement within the country. Ukraine has faced an expanding economic recession last year (2014). Despite the efforts of fiscal consolidation efforts, the nation's public debt rises rapidly. Along with economic turmoil, Ukraine experienced a hard hit of security, political, as well as exchange-rate pressures since the start of 2014. Lastly, the resources available to the Ukraine are imbalanced as natural resources, industry and agriculture are unequal within the scope of resource allocation and application. From this stew of unfortunate circumstances, grows an increase lack of social services, poverty, and gender discrimination amidst a growing population.
The Ukraine has suffered several financial crises in past years. One of the earlier ones aside from the one in 2014 is 2008-2009. They have even sought help in the form of bailout money to fix their failing economy. So why does the Ukrainian economy continue to be…...

Russia Ukraine
Pages: 7 Words: 2226

International elations
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine provides an opportunity to gain some insight into international relations theories. The conflict is rooted in history, in particular with respect to cultural identity. Ukraine has for much of its history been under imperial rule, either the Hapsburgs or the ussians, and as such has an emerging national identity. The nation of Ukraine, however, was created from the Ukrainian SS when the Soviet Union collapsed. Much of its territory was occupied by ethnic ussians, not ethnic Ukrainians, creating internal political conflict since independence. The Crimean Peninsula was especially contentious because it had only been ceded to Ukraine in the 1950s, having been ussian for a couple of centuries prior to that (Thompson, 2014). In the wake of a political crisis in Ukraine, ussia moved its troops into Crimea and annexed the peninsula. ussia had already had a naval base at Sebastopol the entire time,…...



Schlesinger, J. (2014). The problem with Ukraine's history, the Russian version. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from 

Slaughter, A. (2011). International relations, principal theories. Princeton University. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from

The Economist. (2014). A rising Russian tide. The Economist. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from 

Thompson, M. (2014). What can history teach us about the unrest in Ukraine. Retrieved April 30, 2014 from

Promises of Democracy Capitalism in Ukraine
Pages: 9 Words: 2599

Alternate Titles: Rise of the Oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine
How Boris Berezovsky Fled Russia and Supported a Coup in Ukraine
The “expulsion” of Boris Berezovsky from Russia under the Putin Regime sparked a chain of events that led to Ukraine’s upheaval. Though considered an “expulsion” by the Russian billionaire, Berezovsky was actually summoned to appear for questioning by the Prosecutor General but chose to remain in exile in UK and obtain political asylum there (BBC, 2012). The story is worth telling because what followed in the geopolitical spat between Berezovsky and Putin impacted Ukraine and millions of lives there, and the telling reveals the fragile nature of the democracies of Eastern Europe in general in the post-Soviet era. For it was Berezovsky who vowed revenge against Putin and immediately began meddling in Ukraine politics as a way of getting back at the new head of Russia—with the help of various investors, politicos…...

Poland Case Implication for Ukraine and Belarus
Pages: 9 Words: 2457

hat role played Polish environmental NGOs in the air pollution policy during the transition to the EU? as their role active? How was the interaction with government structures?

Polish environmental NGO's played a significant role in helping to form the air pollution policy during Poland's transition of the European Union. As stated in the literature review NGO's were responsible for bringing the dangers of air pollution to the forefront. As a result of their efforts new air pollution policies were developed.

As it relates more specifically to the role of NGO's and Poland's ascension to the European Union in the context of environmental policies, NGO's have been instrumental in implementing and enforcing the standards established by the European Union.

Non-Governmental Organizations acted as conduits through which Poland was assisted in meeting the environmental protection requirements of the European Union.

Some of the most influential NGO's included the Polish Ecological Club, the League for nature…...

Russia and Ukraine Conflict
Pages: 8 Words: 3022

To understand the Russia / Ukraine Conflict one must understand how the fall of the Soviet Union created a power vacuum in both Russia and the former Soviet satellite states.  Both Russia and Ukraine were looted by mob-connected businessmen during the 1990s.  The oligarchs in Russia used their influence and money to privatize industries and amass great personal wealth.  When Putin came to power, he insisted that the oligarchs stay out of politics.  Berezovsky fled to UK, sponsored a color revolution in Ukraine to prevent the Putin-backed politician from winning, and opened the door for the West to gain influence in the region.  Since that time, the West has pushed for NATO expansion in a power-play to prevent Russia from gaining greater leverage over Europe.  Russia has indicated that it will not abide NATO expansion into its own backyard.  Thus, the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is an attempt…...


Works Cited / Bibliography:

BBC. (2012). Russian godfathers. Retrieved from  

Klebnikov, P. (2000).  Godfather of the Kremlin. New York, NY: Harcourt.

Levitt, H. (2022). Dimon Says SWIFT Sanctions May Bring ‘Unintended Consequences’.  Retrieved from 

Mezrich, B. (2015). Once upon a time in Russia. New York, NY: Atria.

Roth, A. et al. (2022). Putin signals escalation.  Retrieved from 

Family's Emigration From the Ukraine
Pages: 10 Words: 3447

The fact that my father's family had managed to hold onto their traditions for so long despite pressures from everywhere to abandon them is a testament to the resolve of my father's family (Magun, 2010).
It did not take long for my family to become a pizza, hot dog, and hamburger style Americans but one of the things that my friends found so interesting about my family were the Ukrainian traditions that we continued to honor and observe. My parents were in their 40s when we emigrated so they were well indoctrinated into the Ukrainian diet and social mores and, despite their willingness to adapt to the American life-style, inside their own home they continued to live in much the same way that they also had. Fresh breads of all varieties were a constant staple in our home. Several blocks from our home was a little bakery that specialized in…...



Advameg, Inc. (2011). Russia. Retrieved JUne 30, 2011, from Countries and Their Cultures: 

Bates, S. (2004). "Godless Communism" and its Legacies. Society, 29-33.

Bourdeaux, M. (2006). The Orthodox Church and Communism. In M. Bourdeaux, Eastern Christiainity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dabars, Z. (2002). The Russian Way: Aspects of Behavior, Attitudes, and Customs of the Russians 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Global Fallout of the War in Ukraine
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

The Situation in UkraineThe situation in Ukraine has been a complicated one for the US national government ever since Boris Berezovsky, Dave Bush, and other Western figures helped to foment a revolution that led to the overturning of the pro-ussian president-elect in 2004 (History and Economics, 2012). That revolution led to great tension in Ukraine between two factionson the one hand, a ussian faction in the east; and on the other hand, a faction led by those opposed to the new president of ussia: Vladimir Putin. Upon coming to power in ussia, Putin turned on the oligarchs and banned them from interfering in politics. That is what led to Berezovskys flight to the UK, lest he be arrested like so many others were (Mezrich, 2016). The fact that he successfully appealed to Western elites, like then President George Bushs brother, for aid in waging war against Putin via Ukraine automatically…...


ReferencesDurden, T. (2022). Trump warns. Retrieved from   P. (2022). From unipolar to multipolar world order. Retrieved from History and Economics. (2012). Russian Godfathers. Retrieved from Mezrich, B. (2016). Once Upon a Time in Russia: The Rise of the Oligarchs—A True Story of Ambition, Wealth, Betrayal, and Murder. Simon and Schuster.Ukraine. (2022). 8 years of war in Donbass. Retrieved from Escobar,

Realist Theory Perspective on Ukraine Russia War
Pages: 2 Words: 687

The Events Leading up to and including the 2022 ussian Invasion of UkraineThe 2022 ussian invasion of Ukraine can be traced back to a series of events beginning with Putins rise to power in ussia and the plot to overthrow pro-ussian leaders in Ukraine by Boris Berezovsky and other anti-Putin oligarchs (Mohiuddin 2007, 681). Among the most notable individuals and states involved in these circumstances were ussia under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, NATO, and the United States, as well as non-state actors such as separatists in Eastern Ukraine.The groundwork for this conflict was laid with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, which left a power vacuum in the region and altered geopolitical landscapes. ussia faced a diminished global influence, saw NATO\\\'s eastward expansion, and eventually Ukraine\\\'s intention to join the alliance, as a threat to its national security and sphere of influence (Karabeshkin and Spechler…...


ReferencesBritannica. “The Orange Revolution and the Yushchenko presidency.” 2023.   Leonid A., and Dina R. Spechler. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"EU and NATO enlargement: Russia\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s expectations, responses and options for the future.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" European Security 16, no. 3-4 (2007): 307-328.Mohiuddin, Yasmeen. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Boris Berezovsky: Russia\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s first billionaire and political maverick still has it in for Vladimir Putin.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" International Journal 62, no. 3 (2007): 681-688. Karabeshkin,

Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine
Pages: 16 Words: 4807

Trump, Biden National Security Strategies, and ussiaIntroductionThe U.S. has a National Security Strategy to protect the safety and security of the nation through cooperative efforts and partnerships with other nations and organizations. This strategy provides a comprehensive vision for the use of diplomatic, economic, military and intelligence efforts to protect U.S. interests abroad, deter potential adversaries, respond effectively to threats, and meet alliances and global responsibilities. The National Security Strategy also establishes a framework for evaluating security threats and assessing resources required to counter them.Typically, U.S. National Security Strategy changes depending on the administration in power (Goddard, 2022). Each president has his own approach to national security policy and thus his own version of the National Security Strategy. Prior to the 2022 strategy released by the Biden Administration, the most recent version was released in 2017 by the Trump administration which focused on reinforcing economic security and a strong international…...


ReferencesAdesnik, D. (2022). Biden’s New National Security Strategy: A Lot of Trump, Very Little Obama. Retrieved from   Administration. (2022). National Security Strategy. Retrieved from Cordesman, A. (2022). The new Biden national security strategy. Retrieved from Dhanani, S. & McBrien, T. (2022). A Tale of Two Strategies: Comparing the Biden and Trump National Security Strategies. Retrieved from Fried, D. (2022). Biden molds the US strategic tradition to new challenges. Retrieved from Goddard, S. (2022). What’s in Biden’s National Security Strategy? Here’s the rundown. Retrieved from Hamilton, R. (2022). Biden’s NSS: A new era in Eurasia. Retrieved from Interim National Security Strategic Guidance. (2021). Retrieved from Iyer, A. (2022). A welcome focus on conflict. Retrieved from Jablanski, D. (2022). Cybersecurity is front and center. Retrieved from Jain, A. (2022). A success on defining core challenges. Retrieved from Mackinnon, A. (2022). Biden’s White House Finally Unveils Its National Security Strategy. Retrieved from Peek, A. (2022). A surreal strategy that doesn’t recognize reality for US power. Retrieved from Skaluba, C. (2022). A non-strategy strategy. Retrieved from Strategic Council on Foreign Relations. (2022). An analysis of Biden’s national security document and its difference from Trump era. Retrieved from Trump Administration. (2017). National Security Strategy. Retrieved from Wechsler, W. (2022). A strategy in name only. Retrieved from Biden

How the War in Ukraine in Reinvigorating the NATO Alliance
Pages: 11 Words: 3268

NATO and ussia: Selected EssaysEssay #1\\\"NATO should not be considered the most successful military alliance in the history because it \\\"won\\\" the Cold War by default. Taking into consideration that Europe failed to field sufficient conventional military forces, the Cold War ended not because of effective Atlantic containment, but because of the internal demise of the Warsaw Pact and the USS.\\\" Discuss and opinionate. In your essay, explain, exemplify, and assess the impact of the considerable disagreements and dissent between the US and its European allies during the Cold War. What was the role of Transatlantic relations and of NATO in ending the Cold War? Explain and justify.Although many Americans and Western Europeans today believe that the primary catalyst for the end of the Cold War was President onald eagans call to the Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev in 1987 to, Tear down this wall, the actual causes are far more…...


ReferencesBouchet, N. (2022, May 10). The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Transatlantic Relationship. The German Marshall Fund. Retrieved from org/news/impact-war-ukraine-transatlantic-relationship.Guyer, J. (2022, March 25). NATO was in crisis. Putin’s war made it even more powerful. Vox. Retrieved from .Hammons, S. (2015, July 29). Reagan’s 1987 UN speech on ‘alien threat’ resonates now. CultureReady. Retrieved from

I\'m searching for essay topics on obama. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 637

Certainly! Here are some essay topic ideas related to Barack Obama:

1. Analyzing the major accomplishments and legacy of Barack Obama as President of the United States.
2. Exploring the challenges and obstacles faced by Obama during his presidency and evaluating his responses.
3. Investigating the impact of Obama's healthcare reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), on the American healthcare system.
4. Discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy, focusing on significant events such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement.
5. Examining the Obama administration's efforts to address climate change and promote clean energy.
6. Assessing the economic policies and strategies implemented by....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on Russia / Ukraine War. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 299

- The role of social media in shaping public perception of the Russia/Ukraine war
- The impact of the media's portrayal of the conflict on international relations
- The significance of the historical and cultural ties between Russia and Ukraine in the conflict
- The role of propaganda in influencing the attitudes and beliefs of the people in Russia and Ukraine
- The economic consequences of the war on both Russia and Ukraine
- The humanitarian crisis resulting from the conflict and the international response
- The implications of the war on global security and stability
- The potential for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on Russia / Ukraine War. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 1248

Topic 1: The Geopolitics of Resistance: Understanding the Regional and Global Implications of Ukraine's Defiance


The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has reverberated across the globe, highlighting the complex interplay between geopolitics, nationalism, and international relations. Ukraine's unwavering resistance against Russian aggression has tested the limits of power and diplomacy, with profound consequences for the region and the world. This essay will delve into the geopolitical implications of Ukraine's defiance, examining its impact on regional alliances, global security dynamics, and the future of the post-Cold War order.


1. Reshaping Regional Alliances:

Ukraine's resistance has strengthened ties between Western nations, solidifying NATO as a united front....

I need some suggestions for Russia Ukraine Conflict essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 263

1. The historical background of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
2. The role of Crimea in escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
3. The impact of the conflict on Ukrainian society and economy.
4. The international response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
5. Media coverage and propaganda surrounding the conflict.
6. Human rights violations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
7. The implications of the conflict for European security and stability.
8. Peacekeeping efforts and potential resolutions to the conflict.
9. The influence of Russian and Ukrainian nationalism on the conflict.
10. The role of energy resources in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
11. The impact of the conflict on the global economy and energy markets.

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