Twitter Essays (Examples)

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Twitter Evaluating Twitter as a Communications Collaboration
Pages: 2 Words: 579

Evaluating Twitter as a Communications, Collaboration

And Teaching Tool

The ability to quickly connect, collaborate and learn from others is one of the most valuable aspects of social media today. The reliance on social media strategies by companies to connect with their prospects and customers continues to show exceptional value for customer relationship management and customer support as well (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Of the many social networks gaining continued acceptance and use, Twitter is unique in that is has just 140 characters, complimented with the ability to attach location data, pictures, even videos.

Why Twitter Matters

As Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff often said in their best-selling book Groundswell and in their co-authored article on the MIT eview (Bernoff, Li, 2008), Twitter has redefined the concept of communication, collaboration and is serving as a foundation for making learning more interactive and less pedantic. From personal observation it is clear that the level of collaboration…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C. (2008). Harnessing the power of the oh-so-social web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Lowe, B., & Laffey, D. (2011). Is twitter for the birds?: Using twitter to enhance student learning marketing course. Journal of Marketing Education, 33(2), 183.

Rinaldo, S.B., Tapp, S., & Laverie, D.A. (2011). Learning by tweeting: Using twitter as a pedagogical tool. Journal of Marketing Education, 33(2), 193.

Twittering' in Today's Media Culture
Pages: 2 Words: 599

Twitter, if anything, prevents information overload to its users, giving them a limit to the information posted, but at the same time (and ideally), succinctly capturing the thoughts of the user for that particular time. "What are you doing?" is just a catalyst, a platform from which users can take on to 'launch' and begin their throught process, and come up with an interesting, informative, and/or thought-provoking tweet.
Twitter and tweeting in today's media culture provides an alternative to users who are either tired or cannot pay attention to numerous and lengthy information posted online. At the same time, it provides convenience to users as they can still share their thoughts to other people without requiring them to come up with a lengthy composition (as in the case of blogs in Multiply or detailed profiles in Friendster). Moreover, the lack of other graphics apart from the Update section and tweets…...



Twitter, official web site.

Twitter Breach as Technology and
Pages: 3 Words: 734

The breach itself remains mysterious and there are not any definitive theories that have approached a complete breakdown of how this breach occurred. Ngak (2013) proposed that "A hacking group going by the name of the Syrian Electric Army has claimed that they are responsible for the breaches. Typically, the hackers spread political messages and misinformation."

No real concrete data has been gathered about this group and has not been confirmed as well. Either way, he blames Twitter and its password systems for many of these hacking problems. He continued "Twitter's lack of two-step authentication. Verified accounts -- those belonging to famous people or organizations to which Twitter adds a check mark because of the volume of parody accounts -- are particularly in need of this. As we saw from Tuesday's event, just one tweet can affect global financial markets."

Most importantly, the question remains how did this happen? The AP's Twitter…...



Greenfield, R. (2013). Look What the Hacked AP Tweet About White House Bombs Did to the Market. Atlantic Wire, 23, Apr 2013. Retrieved from 

BloombergNews (2013).How did AP's Twitter Account get Hacked? Bloomberg News, 24 April 2013. Retrieved from 

Ngak, C. (2013). Security pro-on Twitter hacks: No patch for human error. CBS News 24 Apr 2013. Retrieved from

Twitter on Sports Journalism the Efficiencies of
Pages: 10 Words: 3209

Twitter on Sports Journalism
The efficiencies of social media have all but replaced the need for beat reporting as digital mediums continue to change the way information is disseminated and received. Pint-sized computers and handheld smart phones have made it easy to bypass conventional media outlets to break news and professional athletes, teams and sports organizations have all followed suit, posting their own messages on Twitter to mixed reviews. But are countless hours spent online contributing to the demise of traditional reporting? Is the lack of connectedness leading to journalistic failure when the need is less about accountability and more about being the first to break a story? Has the modern sports journalist simply been replaced by 140 characters? These are all valid questions when considering the impact that Twitter has had on sports journalism. Fans of old-fashioned journalism are certain to suggest that Twitter cannot replace the comprehensive coverage…...


Works Cited

Bradley, Michael. "Twitter's Influence on Sports Journalism Contradicts Argument Social

Media 'Erodes' Modern Language." National Sports Journalism Center. 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2011.

Goodman, Eric. "Tweet! Tweet! Sports Journalism has Changed." Courtside Post. 5 Jan.

2010. Web. 2 Dec. 2011.

Twitter External Internal Analysis Report to CEO
Pages: 15 Words: 4857

Appendix External Analysis
1. PESTEL Analysis
1.1. Political
1.1.1.Global leaders use of social media impacts the political landscape and is able to influence operations. (C-142)
1.1.2. Several high-profile world leaders utilize social media platforms to address their followers, the most notable being U.S. President Donald Trump who tweets regularly to announce global interactions with other political leaders. They also have high interactions and reach with the global community: U.S President Donald Trump had 30.13 million twitter followers as at May 2017 and former U.S. President Barack Obama had 103 million followers as at June 2018 (C-142)
1.1.3. Depending on the political climate in various countries, governments may censor content and access to social media platforms.
1.2. Economics
1.2.1. Generated revenues through advertising, data licensing and other products. products. In 2017, total revenue generated was $2,443, 299, 000 (C-142)
1.2.2. Fluctuating exchange rates and inflation rates can affect overall profit-margins. (C-147)
1.3. Social
1.3.1. The expectation of the population is that they…...

Twitter and the Middle East Revolutions of 2011
Pages: 3 Words: 1143

Academic Writing and Critical Thinking
The issue this paper will be discussing is the new attributes of information and, particularly, of the way the information moves around from individual to individual. It will look at different perspectives and different practical situation to argue that communication and information exchange is nowadays different. It will also seek to understand in more details the factors that have led to all these informational changes and how communication flows influenced by information technology are affected by particular elements.

One of the observations about recent events was that information moves much quicker with the use of information technology and of instruments such as Twitter. The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 is one of the most used examples to show that people were able to gather quicker in a certain place and that they shared information more efficiently.

Kavanaugh et al. (2012) use innovation diffusion theory to analyze how Twitter was…...



Kavanaugh, A., Sheetz, S.D., Hassan, R., Yang, S., Elmongui, H.G., Fox, E.A., ... Shoemaker, D.J. (2012). Between a rock and a cell phone: communication and information technology use during the 2011 Egyptian uprising (pdf). In L. Rothkrantz, J. Ristvej & Z. Franco (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International ISCRAM Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Semaan, B, Mark, G., & Al-Ani, B. (2010). Developing Information Technologies for Citizens Experiencing Disruption: The role of trust and context (pdf). In S. French, B. Tomaszewski & C. Zobel (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International ISCRAM Conference, Seattle, USA.

Starbird, K. & Palen, L. (2012) (How) will the revolution be retweeted? Information diffusion and the 2011 Egyptian Uprising (pdf). Proceedings of Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2012. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Thomson, R., Ito, N., Suda, H. Lin, F., Liu, Y., Hayasaka, R., ... Wang, Z. (2012). Trusting Tweets: The Fukushima disaster and information source credibility on Twitter (pdf

Twitter financial'statements Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 648

Report to the CEO 1.2 Can the company raise capital?
Twitter has the ability to raise capital. It is rapidly growing, has strong cash inflows, and a healthy balance sheet. This gives Twitter the flexibility to raise debt capital, because its liquidity will attract investors, and furthermore Twitter’s increasing financial stability reflects a maturing business that implies long term cash flow stability.
Bond investors tend to also look at the debt-to-equity ratio, as a high debt-to-equity ratio is typically associated with a company that would be higher risk. Twitter’s long term debt-to-equity is declining, largely because its profitability, and reductions in R&D spend are putting Twitter in a position of growing equity more quickly than it is growing debt. The company’s total liabilities are increasing, but long-term debt is not increasingly in any significant way. Equity is increasing significantly, and that is why the long-term debt to equity ratio is declining, and now…...

Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey
Pages: 6 Words: 2116

Jack Dorsey Bio
When it comes to the biggest minds and performers in the technical and social media sectors over the last twenty to thirty years, there are a few companies that comes to mind. They include Amazon, Google and Facebook, just to name a few. There are some big names behind each of those firms ... names like Zuckerberg and Bezos. However, there is another company and associated name that people should come to know very well and that is Jack Dorsey, the man behind the emergence and current dominance of Twitter. Dorsey is a billionaire who came from much more meager roots in St. Louis, Missouri. He proved his prodigy status very early on and has not stopped since then. In terms of his overall innovations and body of work, he is right up there with Elon Musk in some ways. While Dorsey may not get all of the…...



Biography. (2016). Jack Dorsey Biography. Retrieved 22 February 2016, from 

Dwilson, S. (2015). Jack Dorsey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Retrieved 22 February 2016, from

Social Networking and Saas Twitter Did Figure
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Social Networking and SaaS
Twitter did figure out how to produce revenue & #8230; give people a reason to come to their site and charge revenue of advertisers for 'Promoted Trends.' What's new with what Tweeter is doing to create revenue and can it be a method of revenue creation your group's eCommerce company could use?

Common to many social networking sites, Twitter initially struggled to define what its business model would be over the long-term. Having to triangulate between privacy, security, personal preferences on the one hand and the need for continually providing an open architecture for developers while ensuring an excellent user experience challenged Twitter's senior management initially (Laudon, Traver, 2011). The initial efforts at creating an advertising platform failed as Twitter violated one of these three areas of their business model. Initial efforts at sponsored Tweets were at times done in a surreptitious and often shielded strategy, which…...



Barnes, S.J. & Bohringer, M. 2011, "Modeling use Continuance Behavior in Microblogging Services: the Case of Twitter," The Journal of Computer Information Systems, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1-10.

BWM's Price Sculptures campaign for Kmart," 2012, B & T. Weekly,, pp. 44.

Bentley, R. 2008, Call in the SaaS, Sutton, United Kingdom, Sutton.

Corbett, S. 2009, "SaaS answers technology SOS," Chartered Accountants Journal of New Zealand, vol. 88, no. 8, pp. 29.

Media Artifact in American Culture Twitter An
Pages: 9 Words: 2998

Media Artifact in American Culture
Twitter: An Arising Media Artifact in American Culture

In the course of an average year in viewing mainstream American culture, an innumerable amount of fads come and go, gaining their respective fifteen minutes of fame on the stage that is set by the American media industry. After spending what is often a brief time in the spotlight, these media trends tend to fade out nearly as abruptly as they blossomed. The capacity of a media artifact to truly transform American culture is far less likely than the capacity for that artifact to become a blip on the radar screen.

However, there are a select few instances of media artifacts extending far beyond the generally-allotted fifteen minutes of fame and moving into the realm of game-changing cultural phenomena. Such an instance can be seen in the creation of the social networking site, Twitter, which has quickly become a staple…...



Bormann, E. (1996). Symbolic convergence theory and communication in group decision making. SAGE, 21.1: pp. 81-113. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Case, C. And King, D. (2011). Twitter usage in the Fortune 50: a marketing opportunity.

Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness. 5.3: pp. 94-104. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Cluskey, B., Elbeck, M., Hill, K. And Strupeck, D. (2011). How students learn: improving teaching techniques for business discipline courses. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 6.1: pp. 1-11. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

How Twitter Fooled Investors Into Paying 45 for IPO Stock
Pages: 7 Words: 1942

Launched in 2006 with headquarters in San Francisco, Twitter (hereinafter alternately "the company") leveraged its increasingly popular social media platform into an impressively successful initial public offering (IPO) in 2013 that generated enormous attention from investors and media alike as well as $1.8 billion in capital through the planned sales of 70 million shares of stock for the company based on a closing stock price of $44.90 a share (Henry and Rosenthal 2014). To determine how the company generated so much attention as well as billions of dollars in capital through its IPO, this paper reviews the relevant literature to provide an overview of Twitter and the industry in which it competes, a discussion concerning important financial and other facts about the company based on its Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, and an analysis concerning how successful the IPO was in raising capital for…...


Works Cited

Curtis, Sophie. (2013, November 7). "Twitter IPO: How It Happened." The Telegraph. Web.

Edosomwan, S., Prakasan, S. K., Kouame, D., Watson, J. and Seymour, T. (2011). "The history of social media and its impact on business." Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 16(3): 79-83. Print.

Henry, Theresa and Rosenthal, David A. (2014, September). "Socially Awkward: Social Media Companies' Nonfinancial Metrics Can Send a Mixed Message." Journal of Accountancy 218(3): 52-59. Print.

Hughes, Alan. (2014, June). "What to Look for in an IPO: Earnings, Cash Flow, and Revenue Growth Are Most Important." Black Enterprise 44(10); 30.

Setting Up a Twitter Account
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Social Networking and Cyber Security Best Practices

Process of setting up a Twitter account

I went to Twitter's website, which is The free site does not require any payment or subscription fee for one to set up an account.

I clicked on the icon "Sign Up for Twitter" I found this option on a yellow button at the extreme bottom right side of the screen.

I provided the necessary information about myself like my full names, my email address. I chose my username within an icon that had a number of conditions. Such conditions included the username should have characters that are less than 15. It should be easy to consider but hard to deduce, and that it had to be within the characters of my knowledge. An issue came up where I had to decide whether I would always be signed in to Twitter on my…...



Kelsey, T. (2010). Social networking spaces: From Facebook to Twitter and everything in between: a step-by-step introduction to social networks for beginners and everyone else. New York: Apress.

Rose Bowl Twitter SWOT
Pages: 2 Words: 734

ose Bowl
A SWOT analysis is an effective way to look at an organization, and understand its position in the marketplace. The ose Bowl has a very strong brand on which to draw, built up over 100 years of tradition. The game is instantly recognizable even to casual sports fans. The game itself occupies prime television real estate, further enhancing brand visibility. The ose Parade is an ancillary event that is also quite famous, again serving to build the brand. Further, the game is contested between the top team in the Pac-12 and the top team in the Big Ten, which means that the game is usually going to be entertaining, with very good teams involved.

There are a few weaknesses, however, for the ose Bowl. The first issue is that with the institution of the national championship game, the ose Bowl will not have a conference champion should that team be…...



ESPN. (2014). Research: Sports landscapes: College football. ESPN. Retrieved April 19, 2014 from 

Thompson, D. (2014). Which sports have the whitest/richest/oldest fans? The Atlantic. Retrieved April 19, 2014 from

Scholars and Agree That Social Networks Twitter
Pages: 2 Words: 665

scholars and agree that social networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) are good for democracy. One academic who argues that social media will not aid democratic movements is Evgeny Morozov, whose book, The New Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom points to reasons why dictators in some countries will control the Internet.
There are many reasons mentioned in this article as to why the Internet will not be free from censorship -- cannot be free from censorship -- and why governments are eager to have people believe they have privacy when in fact their communications and tweets and posts are not private. Some of what is presented in the article can be proved or will be played out in reality as time goes on. For example, "Various new sophisticated techniques for data mining" are helping unscrupulous government leaders spy on political opponents; this is one way governments can foil organizers of…...

Twitter's Accidental Terminations Crisis
Pages: 1 Words: 309

Accidental TerminationThe introduction of an \\\'accidental termination\\\' category by Twitter\\\'s Human Resources (HR) department, in the wake of layoffs following Elon Musk\\\'s acquisition, can be interpreted as a strategic success within the context of crisis management and organizational responsiveness. This move was required by the large-scale reorganization and workforce reduction. It shows a proactive part on HR to address unforeseen challenges and reduce negative repercussions.Viewing the creation of such a category as a success ultimately depends, however, on recognizing the HR department\\\'s ability to adapt and respond in a very volatile situation. With a new boss coming in and corporate restructuring taking place, HR was able to acknowledge that mistakes in mass layoffs can occur and take appropriate steps to rectify these errors. This could be seen as a strategy that aids in recovering valuable human capital lost through procedural oversights.The \\\'accidental termination\\\' initiative also indicates a commitment to fairness…...

I\'m in need of some essay topics on english. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 375

Sure! Here are some essay topics on various aspects of the English language:

1. The importance of learning English as a second language.
2. The evolution and history of the English language.
3. The impact of technology on the English language.
4. The influence of English in the global world.
5. The role of standardized testing in assessing English language proficiency.
6. The benefits and drawbacks of using English as a global lingua franca.
7. The representation and portrayal of English in literature and media.
8. The challenges and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language.
9. The differences between British English and American English.
10. The role of....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to corona?
Words: 473

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

Need help generating essay topics related to President Trump / President Biden. Can you help?
Words: 607

1. A comparison of President Trump's and President Biden's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Analyzing the impact of President Trump's immigration policies versus President Biden's immigration policies
3. Evaluating President Trump's approach to foreign policy in comparison to President Biden's foreign policy stance
4. The role of social media in the presidency: A look at how President Trump and President Biden use platforms like Twitter
5. Examining the economic policies of President Trump and President Biden and their effects on the middle class
6. A deep dive into the environmental policies of President Trump and President Biden, including their views on climate change
7. The....

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