Twelve Angry Men Essays (Examples)

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Twelve Angry Men Persuading the
Pages: 3 Words: 996

According to the boy himself he had motivation as well as the means to kill his father.
Perhaps most damning of all, the young man has no alibi. He says he was 'at the movies.' Saying he was at the movies seems like a convenient excuse, given that it is a dark place where no one is likely to have seen him. Furthermore, the defendant claims he cannot remember the films he saw. I ask you, gentlemen of the jury, if your life hung in the balance, could you not remember the names, or at least a few images and actors, of the movies you saw while your father was murdered? The young man's refusal to provide any evidence underlines his guilt. If he named a film, there would be no eyewitnesses at the cinema, and he knows he might give a wrong name and time for the film. Any…...

Twelve Angry Men Questions From the Film
Pages: 2 Words: 781

Twelve Angry Men
Questions from the Film

The character with the most effective critical thinking skills was Juror #8. Clearly #8 is the most thoughtful and analytical of all the jurors. He may have been the most progressive politically as well. He is hero in the movie and he may have been an open-minded person prior to the trial; that is, he may have come from a home that was not racist (the 1950s were the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement and bigots in the South were attacking demonstrations so race was in the news). Number 8 is a critical thinker because instead of going along with the crowd on the first vote, he deviates from what everyone else has already decided. He has thought these issues over critically (examining witness testimony very carefully) and has decided that there was no hurry to rush to judgment. Number 8 also has a…...

Twelve Angry Men What Is
Pages: 2 Words: 664

First, the men are deciding what is a black-and-white issue: innocence or guilt. Only Juror 8, played by Henry Fonda, tries to see shades of gray in the issues that arise during the trial. Fonda is dressed in white, which makes his defiant stance against the call for a guilty verdict seem even more pure, radical, and shocking. The defendant who is accused is non-white, while all of the jurors are white, and the black-and-white cinematic texture makes their whiteness seem even more starkly manifest.
The notion of blackness and whiteness would have subtly played upon the viewer's awareness of the Civil Rights movement in America, which was only just beginning to take shape, as well as the black-and-white McCarthy hearings on television. Many Americans still watched newsreels of current events in the cinema so the black-and-white images of Twelve Angry Men would have looked more like news than a…...

Angry Men Twelve Angry Men
Pages: 2 Words: 767

Juror 7 can be classified as a salesman who simply cannot wait to be elsewhere.

The eighth juror is an insightful individual, who is also patient and who constantly strives to attain the truth.

Juror 9 is the eldest and is a fair individual as well.

Juror 10 is much like Juror 3, in that he is opinionated, intolerant and a racist.

Juror 11 is an immigrant who expresses respect for the American system and who is also quite patient.

Lastly, the 12th Juror is a well dressed businessman who is quite vacillating.

Kohlberg's stages can correspond to all of these individuals. Firstly, to identify these stages, one can separate them into 3 levels: pre-conventional, conventional, and post conventional, with maturity levels for each. The first level is focused around self-centeredness, with the second focusing on accord and conformity and lastly, the third and most advance focusing upon universal principles and social contract principles.

Due to the…...


"Twelve Angry Men." (2011). AMC Filmsite. Retrieved 29 June 2011, < >.

"Twelve Angry Men." (2011). AMC Filmsite. Retrieved 29 June 2011, <

Twelve Angry Men and Democracy
Pages: 2 Words: 630

Democracy: Hughes vs. Rose
e celebrate democracy in America every day. hether we are pledging allegiance to the flag or honoring the achievements of our nation's veterans, the idea that America is the greatest country in the world is something most people do not question. However, writers such as Langston Hughes and Reginald Rose have presented challenges to the idea that democracy is something which is good in a straightforward and uncomplicated way. Democracy requires good people to function; it is something that must be fought for every day.

Rose's drama Twelve Angry Men depicts the jury deliberations of a group of men who are deciding the fate of a young man that allegedly committed murder. Only one of the jurors questions the supposedly obvious fact that the defendant is guilty. Gradually, the juror wins more and more men over to his side until they finally come to a decision that…...


Work Cited

Hughes, Langston. "Democracy." Web. 14 Dec 2015.

Psychosocial Dynamics of Twelve Angry Men Social-Psychology
Pages: 10 Words: 3826

Psychosocial Dynamics of Twelve Angry Men
Social-Psychology of Twelve Angry Men

As a portrayal of a microcosm of society -- enhanced by its drill-down into the 1950s era in which the plot unfolds -- few films are as excruciatingly accurate as 12 Angry Men. The story lends itself to analysis of team dynamics and conflict resolution techniques, with the promise of extending beyond explicit attributes, such as an all-male cast, and less explicit themes, such as ambiguous hints about ethnicity and race.

The film 12 Angry Men is a story about the deliberations of a jury in a capital murder case that takes place in New York City in 1957. An 18-year-old non-Caucasian male, who is apparently from marginalized socio-economic strata, has been accused of stabbing his father to death. A jury of 12 men will deliberate his guilt or innocence against a backdrop of an automatic death sentence for a guilty…...



Allred, K.G. (2000). Anger and Retaliation in Conflict. In Morton Deutsch and Peter T. Coleman, Eds. The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bas Publishers, 2000, pp. 236-255.

Bethel, G.A. (2011, July). Jury deliberations -- how do reasoning skills interplay with decision-making? Retrieved October 19, 2012 from 

Bradner, R., McFArline, P., McGregor, M. And West, J. (2012). Twelve Angry Men: An analysis of group effectiveness. Unpublished paper, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond.

de Tocqueville, A. (1835, 2011) Democracy in America. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Angry Men the Jury in Twelve Angry
Pages: 3 Words: 801

Angry Men
The jury in Twelve Angry Men is not diverse in terms of ethnicity and gender, because it consists of twelve white males. The only diversity evident is with Juror 5, who has a social class-consciousness that is different from the other men due to his having grown up poor. This little "in" to the theme of prejudice is what helps Juror 8 eventually persuade the others that their hasty "guilty" verdict is based on prejudices rather than on the facts of the case. Moreover,, Juror 11 is also first generation immigrant, and this comes up later in as the jury deliberates.

Twelve Angry Men is squarely about personal bias. With the possible exception of Juror 8 (who might have personal biases of his own that did not surface in the trial), many men, especially Juror 10 but others too, have biases against people who live in slums and mainly…...



Twelve Angry Men. [Feature Film]

Twelve Angry Men assignment.

12 Angry Men Prejudice vs Justice
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

Lumet's filmed adaptation of Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men focuses primarily on prejudice and the ways in which prejudice can obscure or distort one's sense of justice. The twelve jurors in the film all have their own personalities, their own backgrounds, their own histories, their own preoccupations: one wants to catch the ballgame and is willing to vote whichever way will get him out of the room sooner; another sees the defendant as nothing more than the representation of everything he hates about ungrateful youths; another looks not at the defendant nor at his watch but rather at the facts and attempts to discern through them the actuality of events as they most likely would have occurred: for this juror, the truth is his preoccupation -- and by way of a series of arguments, first with one, then with another, he manages to convince his peers that he is not…...

Movie Analysis of Criminal Justice Film
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Twelve Angry Men
Criminal Justice

Courts and procedures in the film version of Twelve Angry Men (1957).

The title of the film Twelve Angry Men (1957) is somewhat misleading: there are actually eleven angry men depicted in the film and one rational man who is capable of seeing the facts. The classic courtroom drama depicts twelve male jurors who have recently heard a trial where a young Puerto ican boy stands accused of the murder of his father. At the beginning of the film, all of the jurors (and the weary judge) seem resolved to convict the defendant. They believe the case is open and shut. The one exception is a single juror who refuses, based upon his belief that when a man's life is at stake, no decision can be made lightly. The movie (actually a filmed stage play, given its static nature) dramatizes how the other jurors come to doubt their…...



D'Angelo, M. (2012). Did Twelve Angry Men get it wrong? The AV Club. Retrieved from: 

Ebert, R. (2002). Twelve Angry Men. Retrieved from:

Group Cohesion Discussing Group Cohesion
Pages: 7 Words: 3093

Individuals trust that agreement speaks something relating to the fact. Complying with the group norms hence fulfils our requirement relating to mastery. When individuals privately, show their compliance since they trust group norms represent fact, the group has the impact of information. At the time when the chances are high, individuals are more inspired to take correct decisions, and hence correspond even strongly. Going away from the agreement weaken the impact of the group. Additionally, it weakens confidence, and hence we could feel perplexed, apprehensive and ambiguous. (Smith; Mackie 315-319).
Norms accord us the feelings of linkage since compliance to group principles lead to achieving a positive as well as principled social identity and getting respect from the members of the other group. Compliance as such gives rise to encountering a view of belonging, and it indicates assurance to members of other groups. A group has positive impact at the…...



AlRoomi, Dhari. The effect of Cohesion of Group Productivity. The MBA Journal. 23 February 2006. 

Bostro, Alan; Bredemeier, Brenda Jo Light; Gardner, Douglas E; Shields, David Lyle Light. The Relationship between Leadership Behaviors and Group Cohesion in Team Sports. Journal of Psychology, vol. 131, no. 2, 1997. pp: 196-211.

Christensen, Ulla; Schmidt, Lone; Budtz-Jorgensen, Esben; Avlund, Kirsten. Group Cohesion and Social Support in Exercise Classes: Results from a Danish Intervention Study. Health Education & Behavior, vol. 33, No. 5, 2006, pp: 677-689

Glass, Scott. J; Benshoff, James. M. Facilitating group cohesion among adolescents through challenge course experiences. The Journal of Experiential Education. Fall, 2002. vol. 26, no. 2, pp: 47-51.

Leadership as it Is Expressed
Pages: 5 Words: 1588

Surprisingly, Keating successful leadership was not imposed on his students, even with the fact that he influenced them greatly and was challenging in his teaching. Transformational leadership is present all across the motion picture as Keating goes through great efforts to assist students as they put their problems behind. The influence that Keating has on students is limited by none other than himself, as he trusts that most will do exactly as he wants in spite of the fact that they have the power to decide. Keating puts great price on the personal needs of his subordinates, as he knows that only through giving them what they want he can hope to become a successful leader. Being an inspirational leader is largely based on knowing what followers want and advising them in accordance to their interests.

Unconventional leadership involves a great deal of risk, since it regards doing things differently, in…...


Works cited:

Machiavelli, Nicollo. (1952). "The Prince." Plain Label Books.

Northhouse, Peter G. (2009). "Leadership: Theory and Practice." SAGE.

Dir. Lumet, Sidney. "12 Angry Men." United Artists, 1957.

Dir. Weir, Peter. "Dead Poets Society." Touchstone Pictures, 1989.

Psychopathy in Relation to Potentially
Pages: 3 Words: 1018

Instead, the mock jurors were most likely to sentence dangerous defendants to death, regardless of the PCL- label attached to those defendants. In fact, defendants who were considered a high-risk of future violence but were not psychopaths were most likely to be sentenced to death.
This study was fascinating in many ways. First, like many studies, it suffered from a representation sample problem. The participants were first year psychology students, which means that they may already have been more educated than many jurors, particularly in the issue of psychopathy. However, the researchers address this issue by citing a study that indicates no difference in mock juror and real juror results. The study eliminated the jurors who were morally/ethically opposed to the death penalty, which reflects the reality of jury selection in capital cases. However, they also excluded a student for failing to answer some of the factual questions about the…...



Blonigen, D.M., Sullivan, E.A., Hicks, B.M., & Patrick, C.J. (2012, January 23). Facets of psychopathy in relation to potentially traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder among female prisoners: the mediating role of borderline personality disorder traits. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0026184

Cox, J., DeMatteo, D., Foster, E. (2010). The effect of the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised in capital cases: Mock jurors' responses to the label of psychopahty. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 28, 878-891.

Ethics Locked in a Hot
Pages: 6 Words: 2115

The group of jurors brings out the best in them in terms of reaching a common target.
A group crisis is an event that has a high - impact and threatens the viability of the organization. Crisis/stress is a factor that helps group evolves from stage to stage, get through phases. Under conditions of crisis swift decision should be made and considered necessary.

The jury room turns into an emotional stage, the jury becomes a target for other frustrations members may be having in their family life. Juror number three makes the whole case very personal, he wishes to condemn the young boy because he believes that by doing this he will punish his own boy who deserted him.

The stress that they are stuck on a hot weather in a room and they can not get out because one of them is determined to change their votes makes them reconsider their…...



Ivanovich, M., & Matteson, T. (2002). Group behavior and work teams. Organizational behavior and management. McGraw-Hill Irwin

Wickipedia free encyclopedia, Last modified 24 November 2006. Website: http:/

Neill, J (2004). What are the stages of group development?. Website:

The Internet Movie Database. Website:

Leadership Dramatic Major Changes Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1800

This is the importance of the DO in Be-Know-DO-Learn.
And finally, the Army adds "learn" to the strategy. It seems pretty obvious what this part of the strategy means, but on the other hand there is an important ingredient here that may not be obvious. A leader doesn't just go to a prestigious officer's training school like est Point, learn a lot and come out ready to stay an effective leader. He needs to be willing to and have the capacity to "learn continuously." He must have a strong desire to be updated, to see himself as an educated educator; he must ask questions and not just disseminate information.

Ask questions and seek new knowledge. That's what General Savage did very well, and it rubbed off on his men, just the way he planned it. But even the best laid plans of Generals and Colonels can go awry, if there is…...


Works Cited

Be-Know-Do-Learn. (2006). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Original Publication written by Francis Hesselbein & Eric Shinseki. Retrieved May 14, 2008, at

Twelve O'Clock High. (1949) Twentieth Century Fox. Director, Henry King.

Vincent, E. (2003). Nelson and mission command: Edgar Vincent analyses the Spectacularly successful, and surprisingly modern, leadership strategy of Horatio

Nelson. History Today, 53(6), 18-20.

Emotional Labor Implications on a Call Centre
Pages: 10 Words: 3259

Emotional Labor
Implications on a Call Centre

During the last two decades Contact or call centers have emerged as the answer to cost effectiveness for all sort of businesses that require back end customer services (Boreham et al., 2007). These call centers hailing from different countries are very similar with respect to markets, offered services, structure of the organization and type of workforce. This industry has flourished very quickly but usually these call centers are about ten to twelve years old hence still in infancy. Despite the similarities that exist across the globe in standards, processes and customers; are these call centers actually catering to the emotional side of this work.

Being a repetitive task with only a set of responses most of the time with no creativity and innovation in the services process added with long hours and no formal education on the subject, do these call centers affect labor in a…...



Ashforth, B.E., & Humphery, R.H. (1993). Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The influence of Identity. The Academy of Management Review, 18(1), 88-115.

Blau, P. (1989) Exchange and Power in Social Life, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

Chu, K.H. -L. (2002) The Effects on Emotional Labor on Employee Work Outcomes. Unpublished Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Hochschild, A.R. (1983) The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Los Angeles, California, United States of America; University of California Press.

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