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TSA Should it Be Removed
Pages: 2 Words: 685

deadly disadvantages involved when contemplating dismantling all TSA employees and technologies -- scanners and other personally meddlesome tools -- and going exclusively with air marshals. This paper points to the several obvious disadvantages involved with simply cutting TSA out of the picture entirely and allowing passengers to board planes without carefully screening them -- in the belief that since terrorists will know there are air marshals aboard every plane they won't try to hijack commercial airliners.
The First Disadvantage to Removing TSA from Airports

Millimeter ave ScansIn the first place removing TSA entirely as a bold move to protect privacy -- and going entirely with air marshals -- is not a solution, it's a knee-jerk reaction. Removing TSA from responsibility for airport security would be politically, socially, and ethically risky. Meantime, as of July 2013, the TSA has already removed the "virtual strip search" technologies "backscatters" from most airports (Ahlers, 2013).…...


Works Cited

Ahlers, M.M. (2013). TSA removing 'virtual strip search' body scanners. CNN. Retrieved

June 16, 2014, from  http://www.cnn.com .

Hilkevitch, J. (2012). O'Hare to get less intrusive body scanner. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from  http://articles.chicagotribune.com .

Tawfeeq, M., Basil, Y., Fantz, A., and Morgenstein, M. (2014). Terrifying execution images

TSA Full Body Scanners
Pages: 2 Words: 829

Body Imaging
Integrating the ransportation Security Administration's (SA) newly proposed full-body scanners with its vast information systems certainly presents a difficult and arduous task. Without doubt, the extensive scrutiny of airline passengers does have its benefits, though this process also comes with some significant disadvantages. Many controversies have recently arisen involving personal privacy and health issues. While the technology is certainly innovative, the risks associated with it need to be effectively managed in order for its implementation to be successful.

he historical background surrounding the United States' implementation of full-body imaging originated from the call for increased SA intervention as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (Weisblott, 2011). However, the first plans for such devices began much earlier and the original model for this technology was actually developed in 1992 by engineer Dr. Steven Smith (Smith, 2009). Although, many subsequent developments and copyright transfers have since been…...


Tessler, J. (2009). Airport Full-body Scanners have Benefits, and Limits. Retrieved March 3, 2011, from The Denver Post:  http://www.denverpost.com/nationalpolitics/ci_14097796 

Transportation Security Administration. (2010). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved March 3, 2011, from http://www.tsa.gov/what_we_do/layers/secureflight/faqs.shtm

Weisblott, M. (2011). Are Full-body Scanners at Canadian Airports Really Just a Marketing Stunt? Retrieved March 3, 2011, from  http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/full-body-scanners-canadian-airports-really-just-marketing-20110117-113012-227.html

TSA Transportation Security Agency Specifically Airport Security
Pages: 5 Words: 1496

Aviation Security after 911
In recent times, airport and aviation security have become an important aspect of aviation industry. Significant changes in airport and aviation security have been witnessed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Notable changes include new airport security procedures, implementation of advanced screening and scanning technologies. New airport security measures include arrival of passengers two hours before their flight if traveling in domestic flight and random screening of luggage. Such measures had been introduced in order to promote aviation security in order to prevent terrorist activities. Advanced screening and security were needed to combat the threat of terrorism and therefore, to avert such attacks, transportation security agency was formed during the Bush administration. The goal of aviation security is to provide maximum security and safety to air passengers and employees, to capture terrorists and to ensure that 9/11 attacks do not occur again. The goal of this paper is…...


Work Cited:

DiLascio, Tracey M., Points-of-View: Airport Security & Body Scanners, 2010.

Nicholson, William C., ed. Homeland Security Law and Policy (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher). 2005.

Seidenstat, Paul. "Terrorism, Airport Security, and the Private Sector," Review of Policy Research, 21(3), 275 -- 292. 2010.

Has TSA Physical Searches Violated Personal Privacy Laws
Pages: 7 Words: 2355

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, when members of al-Qaeda hijacked passenger planes and flew them into various targets in the United States, the Transportation Security Administration has aggressively expanded its surveillance and security operation, to the chagrin of privacy activists and much of the general public. This expanded surveillance has taken the form of a more aggressive No-Fly list, new scanners, and an increased use of full-body pat-downs. Although as of yet no lawsuit has successfully challenged the TSA's expanded surveillance powers, the fact remains that these powers appear to violate reasonable standards of personal privacy, if not personal privacy laws themselves. When examining the variety of procedures and devices put in place following the attacks of September 11th (and others), passenger claims of inappropriate searches, and the legislation behind some of these expanded powers, it becomes clear that the TSA has likely violated individuals' privacy rights…...



Daly, E. (2010). Personal autonomy in the travel panopticon. Ethics and Information

Technology, 12(2), 97-108.

Democracy Now. (2012, March 28). Lawsuit seeks halt to tsa's use of full-body scanners at airports amid safety concerns. Retrieved from   'http://www.democracynow.org/2012/3/28/lawsuit_seeks_halt_to_tsas_use 

Johnstone, R.W. (2007). Not safe enough: Fixing transportation security. Issues in Science and Technology, 23(2), 51-60.

Is TSA Crossing the Boundaries of American Civil Liberties
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Is TS crossing the boundaries of merican Civil Liberties

Transportation Security dministration (TS) is the agency of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, consisting of 50,000 security officers, inspectors, directors, air marshals and managers that cater to the nation's transportation system protection (Transportation Security dministration). Their job is to oversee the Nation's travelling public's security, by striving towards making all modes of transportation safe. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the recent policies laid down by TS, how effective the past policies of the agency have proven to be and debate upon the negative and positive impacts they have had over the merican nation. Further discussion will be due on its compliance with the merican Civil Liberties Laws and whether any past or current policies laid down have crossed the limits laid down by these laws with comparison based on the timeframes discussed.

fter a series of terrorist attacks of September…...


Another major policy that TSA implemented is TSA VIPR's Program (Visual Intermodel Prevention and Response). This program involved teams of Federal Air Marshals, Surface Transportation Security Inspectors, Transportation Security Officers, Behavior Detection Officers and Explosive Detection Canine teams screening every individual on train stations, airports and bus stations. The measure was a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution that states that the government cannot carry out any sort of search without any probable/solid reason (Stanley, 2011). The policy crosses the boundaries of ACLU terms laid down.

The current measure introduced by TSA is TSA Pre-check Program. Pre-check / Trusted Traveler Program is an expedited screening program where travelers eligible for this screening (Global Entry/GE, NEXUS, SENTRI members, Delta Skymiles and American Advantage frequent flyer program members (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)) would need to provide nine digit Trusted Traveler Member number (PASS ID) when booking for travelling. A complete detail of the program will be a part of this thesis. The one important claim that comes out of the analysis of this program is that this security measure is running in the right direction, with no violation against ACLU principles. TSA Pre-check has expanded in numerous airports of the nation and this pre-screening process has been successful so far.

Moreover, the transition of TSA towards less invasive silhouette outline body scanner images instead of SPOT and VIPR has been appreciated due to the fact that these scanners are millimeter wave body scanners which replace the nude images of bodies with just generic outlines of the human form

Ethical Issues of TSA Within Airports
Pages: 6 Words: 1936

TSA Ethical Lapses at Airports
TSA is undoubtedly one of the most crucial jobs in the world and needs a lot of expertise to carry out. There is an implication of associated ethical aspect with the job, which is a very crucial aspect. This paper takes into consideration, the ethical function of this job and discusses, several facts associated with it.

Competitiveness is involved in almost every industry nowadays, and this making every industry tougher to survive in. Airlines industry has seen a lot of boom in the past few years (Miller). In such a competitive industry, it is however very important to survive with ethics and ethical implications. Every airline company has a set of rules which are laid, keeping in mind the ethical implications, which is for the wider benefit of the society (Miller). Ethical value is included in just about every industry these days, and this making each industry…...




Miller, Y. (2010, February 2). Airline Ethics. Retrieved January 17, 2015, from


Mehmood, S., Shoaib, S., Aslam, A., & Shah, M. (n.d.). Ethical issues arising from Full Body Scanners at airports. Retrieved January 17, 2015, from  

Legality of TSA Pat Down
Pages: 6 Words: 2267

" (Grigg, 19) That Muslim passengers trigger these bouts of anxiety is unfortunate. The panic that is current many years after 9/11 shows that the terrorists have succeeded in terrorizing the society.
Legally search and security ought to be non-discriminatory and legal for which amendments have to be made in the law. Facility to cause an absolute search of people and cargo must be present at airports and there must be training to the personnel of the airport and flight to conduct searches within legal limits.

To Stop the Illegal Searches:

That being the present state of paranoia, the problem is likely to be enhanced with the death of Bin Laden and fear of escalated violence against U.S. targets. This would put the people into greater control and total removal of privacy rights. Earlier the mention of the impediments in the Fourth Amendment that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures must be seen in…...



Daily Mail. They were staring me up and down: Woman claimed TSA security staff singled her out for her breasts. Daily Mail, 26 November 2010, pp: 7-8.

DeWitt, Joce. New TSA procedures stir controversy: Passengers will notice a change in airport security while traveling this holiday season as a result of the new scans and pat-downs. 2 December, 2010

Douglas, Carol Anne. et al. United States: Airport Security Officials Pat Down, Strip Search

Airport Safety TSA Doing Their Job or Going Too Far
Pages: 4 Words: 1300

Airport Safety
Has TSA Gone Too Far?

Transportation Security Administration is one of the most important functions of national security plans as it acts as frontline which any threat to national security might face. After 9/11, this security tool has been criticized greatly for its ineffectiveness. Authorities have been devising strategies of enhancing its productivity and have been equipping it with various tools of detecting and preventing acts of terrorism. One of the recent strategies adopted by TSA is full body scanning of passengers travelling through airlines, by security officials. This particular measure has been criticized heavily by public as well as mass media as it is accused of hampering personal liberty in the name of security checks. Considering the opinions of general public and the outcomes of this practice, it is an established fact that the effectiveness of this security strategy is outweighed by the harm that it has done.

here airport…...


Work Cited

Brown, David. H. Full Body Scam: The Naked View of Current Airport Security . 2011

Keefer, Philip and Loayza, Norman. Terrorism, Economic Development, and Political Openness. 2008

Muller, John. And Stewart, Mark. G. Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security. 2011

Stancombe, Brittany R. Comment: fed up with being felt up: the complicated relationship between the fourth amendment and tsa's "body scanners" and "pat-downs." 42 Cumb. L. Rev. 181. 2012

Criminal Justice Administration and TSA Selecting and
Pages: 2 Words: 785

Criminal Justice Administration and TSA
Selecting and Training TSA Inspectors

Last year, the Department of Homeland Security (2010) released a publication entitled "Transportation Security Administration's Management Of Its Screening Workforce Training Program Can Be Improved." The publication recommended that TSA could improve management of its training program by "developing and documenting standard processes to: [1] Use Officer test results to evaluate training program results; [2] Assign on-the-job training responsibilities; and [3] Evaluate workforce and training needs to ensure that officers have the tools and time necessary to complete training requirements" [brackets added] (Department of Homeland Security, 2010, p. 4). A criminal justice administrator could use the recommendations above by the Department of Homeland Security in implementing an effective program for selecting and training TSA Inspectors.

In addition, Cronkhite (2008) suggests that in hiring and training employees, the administrator must hire "a fair representation of the community for which a criminal justice agency serves"…...



Aamodt, M.G. (2009). Industrial/Organizational psychology: An applied approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Berinato, S. (2006). Transportation Security. CSO: The resource for security executives. Retrieved from  http://books.google.com/books?id=Z2AEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA40&dq=TSA+turnover&hl=en&ei=X2waTrqmCqXKiALvmazSBQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=TSA%20turnover&f=false 

Cronkhite, C.L. (2008). Criminal justice administration: Strategies for the 21st century. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett Publishers.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2010). Transportation security administration's management of its screening workforce training program can be improved. Retrieved from http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/assets/mgmtrpts/OIG_11-05_Oct10.pdf.

Policy Recommendation for TSA Privatization and Collaboration
Pages: 27 Words: 8019

Policy Recommendation for Collaboration and TSA Privatization
The objective of this study is to evaluate the benefits of collaboration between the federal government and non-profit organizations. The study cites different examples of collaborations across the world and their achievements. Moreover, the paper investigates whether it is beneficial to privatize the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) since the organization has performed below the international standards in the last few years. Finally, the study recommends the best policy option for the MRCC (Mt. Rossmoor Community College) in order to increase the number of students' enrollment and revenue in an academic year.

In the contemporary public administration environment, public organizations are currently entering the era of collaboration where various public sectors form an alliance to address issues and challenges that hinder them serving people better. Moreover, they are entering into the collaborative ventures to protect the U.S. national and foreign interests. The public sector collaboration is…...


Wilson, C.E. (2012). The collaboration of Nonprofit Organizations with Local Government for Immigrant Language Acquisition. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 42(5) 963-984.

Witesman, E.M. & Fernandez, S. (2012). Government Contracts with Private

Organizations: Are There Differences Between Nonprofits and For-profits? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 42(4) 689-715.

Gas Pipeline Transportation Safety
Pages: 2 Words: 627

The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) is actually part of the Department of Homeland Security. It came into being after 9/11 and its primary focus is on air travel: it screens luggage and passengers at air ports to help prevent another terrorist hijacking like that on 9/11. I chose this agency because I can remember there being a time when one could go to the airport without being frisked, and that time is now gone. Three interesting facts about the TSA are that 1) it actually oversees all four modes of land-based transportation and provides support in the regulation and oversight of maritime security as well, 2) “in 2016, TSA officers detected 3,391 firearms in carry-on bags at airport checkpoints around the nation,” and 3) TSA has a pre-check that allows travelers to get through security quickly (TSA, 2017). While these points are of course interesting, some critics of the TSA argue…...



Gatehouse Media Ohio. (2019). Investigation begins into Ohio pipeline explosion. Retrieved from

Leff, G. (2017). New test: TSA failing to detect 95% of threats. Retrieved from https://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2017/07/03/new-test-tsa-still-failing-detect-95-threats/

TSA. (2017). 10 things you might not know about TSA. Retrieved from https://www.tsa.gov/blog/2017/10/13/10-things-you-might-not-know-about-tsa


Persuasive Argument
Pages: 3 Words: 870

History of SA

On March 9, 1972, a rans World Airlines jet bound for Los Angeles took off from JFK International Airport in New York. Moments into the flight, the airline received an anonymous phone call warning there was a bomb on the flight. he aircraft returned to JFK where passengers were evacuated and a bomb-sniffing dog named Brandy was brought aboard to search. Brandy found the explosive device just 12 minutes before it was set to detonate. hat same day, then-President Nixon directed the Secretary of ransportation to use innovative means to combat the problems plaguing civil aviation. he result was the creation of a unique federal project - the FAA Explosives Detection Canine eam Program - designed to place certified teams at strategic locations throughout the nation so that any aircraft receiving a bomb threat could quickly divert to an airport with a canine team.

While technology has afforded…...


The U.S. Constitution's fourth amendment was supposed to protect against this type of unlawful invasion of personal freedom, but due to the exaggerations of the terrorist threat by media and politicians we are stuck with a despicable and ugly organization. There has been much debate about this problem but Macsata (2010) explained how this is a violation when he wrote "Benjamin Franklin once said, "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."

Apparently, members of Congress agree with our founding fathers, as they are lining up against TSA's new security measures. On November 18th, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. told the Knoxville News Sentinel, "The American people should not have to choose between having full-body radiation or a very embarrassing, intrusive pat-down every time they fly, as if they were criminals." Rep. Duncan also called into question the lucrative nature of the contracts being secured by some of the private companies represented by former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff."

The TSA is also a massive waste of money and resources. Fighting terrorism can be done at a much cheaper and effective manner than the TSA is currently conducting itself. Many mistakes have been made, but when the TSA admits that they have wasted tons of resources, a

Why Is the Main Security Program at Airports Still Ineffective
Pages: 4 Words: 1452

Aviation Security Since 911
How has aviation security improved since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? hat do reliable sources in the literature say with reference to safety and security in 2015? And how effective is the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at keeping air travelers safe? This paper covers those issues and in particular provides a number of good sources commenting on the quality (or lack of quality) displayed by the TSA employees.

Generalizations about aviation security in the Post-911 era

For most people who travel by air, the screening at the airports in 2015 is certainly more thorough than it was prior to 911, but there are continuing problems with TSA, as will be documented in this paper. But at the beginning of this paper it is worth reviewing the "Mission" of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in terms of what the U.S. Government wants the public to know: "Safety is…...


Works Cited

Blackburn, M. (2012). The TSA Is Coming To A Highway Near You. Forbes. Retrieved August 20, 2015, from  http://www.forbes.com .

Federal Aviation Administration. (2014). Mission. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from  http://www.faa.gov .

Jacobson, A. (2009). Why have 67,000 TSA Employees Left Their Jobs? PJ Media.

August 20, 2015, from  http://pjmedia.com .

Government Expenditures and Budget Analysis
Pages: 7 Words: 1961

INTODUCTIONFinancial management is one of the most important and complex responsibilities that governments must face today. With pressure to maintain fiscal health and sustainability, governments have to carefully balance the need for revenue with spending on essential programs and services. This can be a daunting task, as there is often limited room for error. One misstep can have serious implications for the financial stability of a government. To successfully manage their finances, governments must have a clear understanding of their income and expenditure, as well as their long-term financial goals. They must also be able to make tough decisions about where to allocate scarce resources. Given the importance of financial management, it is essential that governments have skilled and experienced professionals in charge of this critical responsibility.Long-range assessments of financial condition are an important tool for financial planning. They can help individuals and businesses to set realistic goals, identify potential…...


ReferencesCerovic, M. S., Gerling, M. K., Hodge, A., & Medas, P. (2018). Predicting fiscal crises. International Monetary Fund.Hudson, B., Hunter, D., & Peckham, S. (2019). Policy failure and the policy-implementation gap: can policy support programs help?. Policy design and practice, 2(1), 1-14.Joyce, P. G. (2005). Federal budgeting after September 11th: A whole new ballgame, or is it déjà vu all over again?. Public Budgeting & Finance, 25(1), 15-31.Koniagina, M. N. (2020, September). Forecast of budget revenues from taxes in the context of economy digitalization. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 940, No. 1, p. 012040). IOP Publishing.Phaup, M. (2019). Budgeting for mandatory spending: Prologue to reform. Public Budgeting & Finance, 39(1), 24-44.Vadiee, A., & Garland, T. (2018). The federal government’s “other transaction” authority. Thomson Reuters Briefing Papers–Second Series, 18(5), 1-18.

Security After 9 11
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Countermeasures After 911

Without a doubt, September 11th changed a tremendous amount about how we live and about how safe (and unsafe) we feel. These attacks caused enormous changes and countermeasures regarding the way we travel and the way we interact with one another and the way in which we use technology. However, ever since the ten-year anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone, it begs to determine just how much we've changed in the way that we live, examining specific areas of technology, commerce and communication. Consider the following: "In spite of a doubling of the intelligence budget since 2001 to $80 billion, the creation or reorganizing of some 263 government organizations, and the formation of the $50 billion Department of Homeland Security, the government has largely fallen short, the new report notes. The report states that while some progress has been made, 'some major September 11 Commission recommendations remain…...



Aclu.org. (2003, August 25). The Five Problems With CAPPS II. Retrieved from Aclu.org:  https://www.aclu.org/national-security/five-problems-capps-ii 

Alpha.org. (2011, Fall). Aviation Security. Retrieved from alpa.org:  http://www.alpa.org/portals/alpa/pressroom/inthecockpit/ALPAIssueAnalysis_10YearsAfter9-11Attacks.pdf 

Browne, D. (2009). Flying without Fear: Effective Strategies to Get You Where You Need to Go. New York: New Harbinger Publications.

Elias, B. (2009). Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Age of Global. New York: CRC Press.

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on history of russia?
Words: 219

1. The rise and fall of the Russian Empire
2. The impact of Peter the Great on Russian history
3. The role of the Russian Revolution in shaping modern Russia
4. The Soviet Union under Stalin's rule
5. The Cold War and its effects on Russia
6. The fall of the Soviet Union and the transition to a market economy
7. The role of Russia in World War II
8. The cultural and artistic history of Russia, including literature, music, and visual arts
9. Gender roles and women's rights in Russian history
10. The legacy of Tsarist Russia in modern-day Russia
11. The impact of the Mongol invasions on Russia's....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on foundation of russia?
Words: 620

1. The Origins of the Kievan Rus' and the Emergence of a Unified Slavic State:

Explore the historical, cultural, and geographic factors that contributed to the rise of the Kievan Rus' state.
Analyze the role of the Varangians, Slavs, and other ethnic groups in the development of a unified Slavic society.
Discuss the significance of Vladimir the Great's conversion to Christianity and its impact on the state's identity.

2. The Mongol Invasion and its Transformative Influence on Russian Society:

Examine the reasons for the Mongol conquest of Russia and its devastating consequences on the population and economy.
Analyze the political and....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Russian Revolution?
Words: 218

1. The Roots of the Russian Revolution: Causes and Catalysts

2. Turning Point in Russian History: The Impact of the Russian Revolution

3. The Rise of Bolshevik Power: Lenin and the October Revolution

4. The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty: Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Revolution

5. From Autocracy to Communism: The Transformation of Russia

6. Lenin's Legacy: The Revolutionary Vision of the Russian Revolution

7. The Russian Civil War: Conflict and Consolidation of Power

8. Stalin and the Soviet State: The Aftermath of the Russian Revolution

9. The Russian Revolution in Global Perspective: Impact and Influence

10. Remembering the Russian Revolution: Commemoration and Controversy
11. Revolutionizing Russia: The....

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