True Love Essays (Examples)

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True Love the Existence of True Love
Pages: 3 Words: 870

True Love
The existence of true love has been a debate among writers, authors, and philanthropists for years. There are many things in this world that we as people share together, but nothing else can bare, mend, or even heal like love. Every place we go and everything we see has in some point in time been touched by some form of love. It is through stories and poems that we indeed do find the existence of true love. I believe that stories and poems provide us with the necessary evidence to prove that true love does exist and we will analyze these poems and stories in the following work to indeed provide evidence of its existence. We find that true love does exist and it is real, when we analyze the writings of those who are most known for acknowledging it. In our world today, society explains love as being…...

Absence of True Love in Our Society
Pages: 7 Words: 2383

Modern America lacks a true love ethic. riters like M. Scott Peck and Bell Hooks argue that our confusion about love stems from an inability to see love as an action rather than a noun, and the confusion of romance and sex with love. Instead, they argue that true love is based on choice and the desire to nurture the self or another spiritually.

Hooks specifically argues that much of our confusion about love stems from our paternalistic culture that teaches men that to love is to be weak and inferior. As such, love has become associated with what is feminine and weak in our culture. In their works, June Jordan and Sonia Sanchez describe the gamut of what is considered love in our culture, from the sensual and romantic, to the understanding that love of humanity can help create a more meaningful and functional relationship with ourselves, others, and the…...


Works Cited

Jordan, June. 2003. Some of Us Did Not Die: New and Selected Essays. BasicCivitas Books

Hooks, Bell. 2001. All About Love: New Visions. Perennial.

Peck, M. Scott. 2003. The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth. Touchstone Books.

Sanchez, Sonia. 1999. Like the Singing Coming Off the Drums. Beacno Press.

True Love Is Analyzed
Pages: 4 Words: 1383

Love Actually is a course that teaches students to understand and appreciate the various facets of love from a variety of different perspectives. The course is stratified according to the different weeks it runs, with each week presenting a different theme related to the notion of love. In this way, students can get a more comprehensive understanding of love from a variety of approaches that can collectively influence their regard for this force in the world today.
The focus of the first week of this class is an overview of the very notion of love itself. It is critically to denote that love actually implies a degree of intimacy with others, which is demonstrable via the "bond" of romantic mating 1. Of course, there are numerous degrees of intimacy with which one can have with others -- which means that there are numerous varieties or shades of love. Perhaps a better…...



Lehmiller, Justin. The Psychology of Human Sexuality. New York: Wiley Blackwell, 2014.

Ryan, Christopher, and Jetha, Cacilda. Sex at Dawn. New York: Harper Collins Publishing, 2010.

Slater, Lauren. "Love." National Geographic Magazine, February, 2006.

1. Daniel Mendelsohn, "But Enough about Me," New Yorker, January 25, 2010, 68.

Wuthering Read Greatest Depiction Perfect True Love
Pages: 4 Words: 1168

uthering read greatest depiction perfect, true love. It read a critique sort love. Explain sides debate. Include direct quotations. Paraphrase everuthing, quotations unparaphraseable .
Impossible love in "uthering Heights"

Emily Bronte's 1847 novel "uthering Heights" speaks about love as seen from the perspectives of several individuals. hile some might be inclined to consider that the book is meant to emphasize the importance of true love, others are probable to consider that the story is actually intended to have people acknowledge that love can be particularly devastating and that it is dangerous for people to try and search for perfect love. Compromise is everything when regarding this book and if its characters would have attempted to try and settle with what they had it is very probable that they would have experienced fewer hardships. The novel concentrates between the impossible love affair between Heathcliff, the central character, and his lover Catherine.

Throughout the…...


Works cited:

Bronte, Emily, "Wuthering heights: a novel," (Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin square, 1858)

Nature of True Love in Plato's Symposium
Pages: 3 Words: 990

nature of true love in Plato's "Symposium"
Rather famously, the ancient Greeks had multiple words for different aspects of the emotion we English-speaking moderns now term "love." In Plato's dialogue "The Symposium," defining the exact nature of love during a drinking party grips the philosophical imagination of Socrates and numerous other revelers at the house of a man named Agathon. The drinking party includes many individuals exposing their different ideas about the true nature of love. However, only Socrates offers a view of love that encompasses not simply the relationship between earthly individuals. Instead, Socrates suggests an individualistic pursuit of love by the soul, where it cleaves to the good in a non-sexual, and what came to be known as a 'Platonic' form of affection, is the ultimate goal of exercising in physical and spiritual love in the world. For Socrates, all aspects of earthly love are merely simulacra, or…...


Works Cited

Plato. "The Symposium." From Complete Works. Edited by John Copper. Indianapolis: Hackett 1997, 488-505.

Love and Mythology
Pages: 4 Words: 1476

Tales of love begin with the creation of humans, and continue to the graphic media driven "reality TV" shows that televise the private lives of the bachelor and bachelorette and all the people competing for their love. Love is a feeling everyone can relate to, but it is unlikely most people would claim to understand love. ithin almost every literary genre there are myths about love that fuel ideals that are rarely if ever realized. There is no place where this is truer than in the stories of mythology.

The perpetual love myths that exist in classical mythology demonstrate ideals that are confronted even today by individuals searching for love today. The ideals of love that will be explored in this work are: love at first sight, the myth of one true love and the human phenomenon of over idealizing unobtainable love. The stories of classical mythology charter the lives…...


Works Cited


Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot Arthur
Pages: 7 Words: 2110

Love Triangle Story Lines of Lancelot, Arthur and Guenivere to Tristram, King Mark and Isolde from Malory's Morte Darthur
hen Melanie McGarrahan Gibson says of the "Tale of Sir Gareth" in Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur that "in the happiest ending of all of Morlay's tales, love and marriage triumph" (Gibson 220), she is touching on more than just the wholesome and happy nature of the tale. Though unique in its existence as the "happiest of all of Malory's tales," it is reprehensive of a larger problem within Malory's narrative scheme. The tale itself is one of the steady progresses. After overcoming all obstacles, love and marriage win in the end. This is a romantic sentiment and perhaps it is true to some extent.

The purpose of current research paper is to analysis the two dominant love triangle storylines in Morte Darthur i.e. between Lancelot-Queen Guinevere- Arthur and love triangle tale…...


Works Cited

Archibald, E. "Lancelot of the Laik: Sources, Genre, Reception, the Scots and Medieval Arthurian Legend Ed. R. Purdie and N. Royan." Cambridge: Brewer, 2005. 71-82.

Dobbin M.W. "The Women of Malory's -- Morte Darthur -- ," Ph. D. Diss., Athens, University of Georgia. 1987

Duby, G. The Courtly Model, in C. Klapisch-Zuber, ed., "A History of Women. Silence of the Middle Ages," Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University, 1992 pp. 250 -- 266.

Greenwood, M.K., "Women in Love, or Three Courtly Heroines in Chaucer and Malory: Elaine, Criseyde and Guinevere," in A Wyf There Was. Essays in Honour of Paule Mertens-Fonck, ed. J. Dor, Liege, Liege Language and Literature, 1992 pp. 167-177.

Love and Falling in Love From the
Pages: 4 Words: 1081

love" and "falling in love."
From the time that we are infants, we are fed with stories about falling in love, lovers triumphing against all odds, and then living happily ever after. In fact, the same theme is repeated right through the growing up years of childhood and adolescence in all forms of media, be it film, television, music, or books of fiction. As a result, both young men and women alike are almost brainwashed into visualizing an idealized image of the ultimate "falling in love" experience and the woman or man of her or his dreams.

True, there is the usual curiosity, which leads to experimentation and the process of sexual discovery but these sexual skirmishes do not really interfere with the typical hopes cherished about living the ultimate romantic dream. Indeed, adolescence is characterized by most teenagers in love with the idea of falling in love. Unfortunately, this dream…...

Love Poem John Frederick Nims Info Authors
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Love Poem" John Frederick Nims info authors life included literary criticism poem. essay a strong consistent thesis statement, written 3rd person
John Frederick Nims' poem "Love Poem" makes it possible for readers to understand that a love poem does not necessarily need to incorporate traditional concepts in order for it to be successful in sending the right messages. Nims' understanding of love appears to be much more complex in comparison to typical love-related feelings present in most poems. The poet wishes to surprise by putting across his strongest feelings and it is very likely that he wants readers to understand that loving words are not always enough to put across one's love. The lover that this poem is dedicated to is human and in spite of the fact that some might consider this to be a flaw, the poet intends to raise people's awareness regarding the perfection related to being…...



Nims, John Frederick, "Love Poem"

Love Despite Being the Frequent
Pages: 6 Words: 2252

For instance, in Descartes' The Passions of the Soul, his "moral concerns lead him to describe the passion of love as altruistic and involving self-sacrifice [but] his general account of passions, however, suggests that all passions (including love) spring from and promote self-interest," leading to a seeming contradiction and debate that ultimately only serves to reinforce outdated notions of love (Frierson 314). This kind of debate around love has allowed different groups, with religions foremost among them, to use love as a means of controlling the populace and their interpersonal lives.
By suggesting that love requires self-sacrifice, one may use another's love in order to get them to do things that they would normally reject outright, and by simultaneously claiming that love stems from some sort of nearly-uncontrollable passion, one may use love as a means of shaming individuals. By describing love solely as the emotions felt and the chemical…...


Works Cited

Frierson, Patrick. "Learning to Love: From Egoism to Generosity in Descartes." Journal of the History of Philosophy. 40.3 (2002): 313-338. Print.

Gottschall, Jonathan, and Marcus NordlandLast. "Romantic Love: A Literary Universal? ."

Philosophy and Literature. 30.2 (2006): 450-470. Print.

Schaefer, Naomi. "I Do…for Now." Nation Review. 2002: 1-4.

Love in Symposium
Pages: 5 Words: 1832

Plato's Symposium
In order to answer the question of what 'love' means to Plato/Socrates in the Symposium, the most important aspect is to explain how the other participants define it before Socrates weighs in with his more philosophical and spiritual explanation. All of these participants are wealthy, privileged young men from the aristocratic class, except of course for Socrates who comes from the artisan class. They are arrogant, shallow, and narcissistic, and mainly in love with themselves, and also define love as Eros or erotic, physical and sexual experiences, and of course love of money, fame and physical beauty. Sometimes they also realize that philos or friendship can also be a form of love, with which Socrates certainly agrees, although he then carries it to the higher level of agape or universal and God-like benevolence, understanding and virtue. Instead of democracy, they would prefer Athens to be governed by an…...



Gil, Christopher. Plato: The Symposium. Penguin Classics, 1999.

Love and Logics Question Essay
Pages: 7 Words: 2386

controversy with regard to love, as its complexity can make individuals have completely different perspectives on the concept. Love versus intimacy addresses the idea of feelings being owed primarily to two people liking the thought of being together as a result of the physical attraction between them. To a certain degree this type of love can be considered in a context involving instinct -- the two individuals are fueled by their sexual thinking and believe that it would be in their best interest to be together. Behavioral and physical elements of attraction play an important role at this point, as the connection between two individuals occurs instantaneously.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Rilke, R. M. "Letters to a Young Poet." p. 64.]
hen considering love versus attachment, this type of association can be stronger, as the two individuals experience an emotional connection at this moment. One can regard this as a classical form of…...


Works cited:

Fischer, H. "Anatomy of Love." "

Fromm. E. "The Art of Loving." (Open Road Media, 26 Feb 2013)

MacLean. P. "The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions." (Springer Science & Business Media, 31 Jan 1990)

Mitchell, S. A. "Can Love Last?: The Fate of Romance over Time." (W. W. Norton, 17 Feb 2003)

Love and Duty in Lear and Screwtape
Pages: 6 Words: 2031

Screwtape and Lear: hat Both Say About Duty and Christian Love
The underlying perspective that both King Lear and The Screwtape Letters share may be called a Christian perspective, in which duty, humility and sacrifice are indirectly valued as the best ideals, though, of course, Screwtape also notes that "duty comes before pleasure" (Lewis 21). hile Cordelia represents Christ in Lear, the ordeals of ormwood's patient resemble the crisis of identity that Lear suffers. The relationship between sanity and goodness is established in both works, and that relationship serves to underscore the main theme which is the greatness of Christian living and the tragedy and violence that results from unchristian living. The texts thus serve to complement one another and both agree on man's place in society (which is that he should subordinate himself to God rather than to Self or appetite or Satanic pride, etc.). So while the material is…...


Works Cited

White, David Allen. "Shakespeare." MN: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, 1996. Print.

Lewis, C.S. The Screwtape Letters. Bartleby. Web. 29 Apr 2015.

Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugural Address." Bartleby. Web. 29 Apr 2015.

New Testament. BibleHub. Web. 29 Apr 2015.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Pages: 3 Words: 1177

Love is a word that is often overused and sometimes underappreciated. And despite the confusion some people have in separating romantic love from sensual pleasure, or real love from friendship -- love is among the most powerful ideas in the world. Given all the tension and hatefulness in the world, it is the opinion of this paper that any love is good love, no matter how bizarre or byzantine it may appear to society.
The widely diverse and dissimilar kinds of love that writer Raymond Carver alludes to in his short story simply reflect the vast chasm between one personality and the next. It may seem blatantly obvious to say this, but individual approaches to love -- and reflections on love -- are of course based on each person's life experiences. Bob Dylan wrote a song -- "Love is Just a Four-Letter ord" -- that has an ironic twist to it,…...


Works Cited

Carver, Raymond. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. New York: Random

House, 2009.

Common Themes of Humanities Love
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Love is a universal theme, and can be found in multiple art forms including painting, poetry, and music. One of the most common romantic expressions and symbols of love is the kiss. In 1907, Gustav Klimt painted "The Kiss," perhaps his most famous painting characterized not only by its subject of a man kissing a woman but also its use of gold paint and Art Nouveau style. In 1939, poet Stephen Dunn published "The Kiss," which conveys a similar type of eroticism as Klimt's painting. Finally, in 1986, Prince produced one of his most famous songs and videos, "Kiss." All three of these kiss themed works of art convey the theme of erotic and sensual love, which is a common theme in the humanities.
The earliest of these three works of art is Gustav Klimt's painting "The Kiss." This painting is unique because it almost appears like a collage, the way…...

Share your best advice on writing a compelling My Daughter, My Wife, Our Robot and The Quest for Immortality thesis statement!?
Words: 409

Writing a Compelling Thesis Statement for "My Daughter, My Wife, Our Robot, and The Quest for Immortality"


"My Daughter, My Wife, Our Robot, and The Quest for Immortality" by Peter Høeg is a complex and thought-provoking novel that delves into the intricate relationships between family, love, loss, and the human obsession with immortality. To write a compelling thesis statement for this work, it is crucial to carefully consider the novel's central themes and arguments.

Thesis Statement:

Through exploring the complex interactions between family, love, and the pursuit of immortality, "My Daughter, My Wife, Our Robot, and The Quest for Immortality" argues that the....

What is the best weekend film to watch for a cozy night in?
Words: 759

The Comforting Embrace of Cinematic Escapism: A Curated Guide to the Perfect Weekend Film

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cityscape, the allure of a cozy night in beckons. What better way to unwind and recharge than to immerse oneself in the captivating world of film? Whether you're seeking heartwarming tales, thrilling adventures, or thought-provoking dramas, there's a cinematic haven waiting to transport you to distant realms and evoke profound emotions.

In this guide, we embark on a curated journey to uncover the best weekend films that will provide the perfect cinematic backdrop for a night....

How does the love story in \'The Notebook\' reflect its central thesis on enduring love?
Words: 279

In "The Notebook," Nicholas Sparks paints a vivid and detailed portrait of enduring love through the story of Allie and Noah, showcasing the power of memories and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. One of the ways in which the love story in "The Notebook" reflects its central thesis on enduring love is through the characters of Allie and Noah themselves. Both Allie and Noah demonstrate a deep commitment to each other, despite the obstacles that they face throughout the novel. Their love endures through years of separation, misunderstandings, and external pressures, showcasing the resilience and....

How does the concept of love endure in our hearts, always and forever?
Words: 243

In conclusion, the song "You're Still The One" by Shania Twain and Robert John Lange beautifully captures the idea of unwavering commitment and resilience in the face of doubt and negativity. It emphasizes the power of love at first sight, the importance of physical touch in strengthening relationships, and the confidence and endurance needed to overcome challenges together. The song serves as a reminder that true love is everlasting and can withstand any obstacle. It gives hope for a future where love reigns supreme, and inspires us to strive to be loving, caring, and supportive partners in our own relationships.....

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