This would justify the introduction of complex, nuanced and creative correlations into any number of fields. For instance, this would change the discourse on organizational theory, a context in which reductionism governed industrial era thinking. The Systems Theory offered a counterpoint to the simplification of certain labor and resource approaches, helping to pave the way for the prospects of labor improvement and, increasingly, sustainability. Indeed, the Systems Theory is implicitly endorsed by such constructs as the Triple Bottom Line theory. This is a construct which is growing in influence and is somewhat deceptively couched in what seems to be a simplification of organizational principles. The Triple Bottom Line theory argues that organizational success can be achieved through a simple three-pillar model which concerns people, profits and planet. (Votaw, 1)
In spite of its rhetorical simplicity, this denotes an overlapping of rather complex ideas. Votaw (2008) reports that "the term 'triple…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Heyighen, F. & Joslyn, C. (1992). What is Systems Theory. Principia Cybernetica Web.
Votaw, K.Q. (2008). The Triple Bottom Line and Talent Management. Evan Carmichael.
In some cases, they have a direct vote: shareholders aligned with activist groups have been increasingly successful at forcing proxy votes on social and environmental issue" (Savitz & Weber, 2006).
Even more, politics are indirectly connected with TBL practices and stakeholders. The connection is made by stakeholders that may vote for or against candidates that favor or not the company in case, thus affecting the future activity of the company.
As mentioned above, it is difficult to make profit and protect the environment or support the community at the same time. But there may be solutions to this problem. For example, companies interested in including TBL in their Financial eporting practices can try to find unexplored niche areas presenting opportunities of connections between social benefits and achieving profit.
For example, companies providing certain types of services may provide pro bono counseling for certain customer categories. However, there are cases in which common…...
mlaReference list:
1. Waste Not, Want Not? (2009). Triple Bottom Line Magazine. Retrieved October 22, 2009 from .
2. Savitz, a.W. & Weber, K. (2006). The Triple Bottom Line. How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too. Jossey -- Bass a Wiley Imprint. Retrieved October 22, 2009 from .
Social and Environment Justice
The triple bottom line covers both the social and environmental dimensions. Justice might be a vague concept but it is one of those "you know it when you see it" ideas, for which any company can and should develop specific metrics. Social justice can be focused along three dimensions -- the supply chain, the internal and the external. The supply chain is given special treatment among external stakeholders because it has become a focus in the social dimension in recent years. Fair trade farming has become a major focus, especially for products sourced from the developing world like coffee and chocolate that are often sold at premium prices in the west. There are frequent controversies about sweat shops or factory conditions like those of Foxconn, the controversial Apple supplier. Typically, companies that produce goods that are sold at premium prices (Nike, Apple, etc.) are more at risk…...
Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (2011). Consequentialism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved March 19, 2014 from
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triple bottom line reporting and its use in gauging te level of corporate sustainability. Te concept of triple bottom line reporting is sown to be effective in ensuring tat te corporate sustainability concerns are addressed and business takes account of te outcomes. Tis is done using a review of relevant literature in order to point out te success factors as well as te treats tat face TBL reporting programs.
Te contemporary corporate environment and culture as been steadily leaning towards te increasing need of iger levels of transparency and accountability in regard to public reporting as well as communication. Tis is a trend tat demands for increased disclosure of te nature and level of corporate performance and engagements in matters of social-economic and environmental dimensions (G100 2003).In a nutsell, te public is in need of information regarding te level of sustainability in wic various corporations engage in. In order to…...
26 February 2004].
Tschopp, D. 2003. It's Time for Triple Bottom Line Accounting. The CPA Journal. 73(12): 11.
triple bottom line goes beyond measuring profits, and seeks to be a new measure of performance in corporate America. There are three dimensions of performance: social, environmental and financial (Slaper & Hall, 2011). The financial element of the triple bottom line encompasses the traditional financial measures, for example profits, margins and market shares. These remain as vital measures within the TBL concept.
What the TBL does is expand on the idea of how to measure business success, and in doing so it seeks to add new measures for social and environmental outcomes. These are perhaps not as easy to measure. Social performance looks at the outcomes of the company's operations on its employees, the community. This encompasses a wide range of concepts, and each firm has the ability to determine their own objectives and success measures. Environmental performance is measured on the basis of the firm's impact on the natural…...
Chamberlain, M. (2013). Socially responsible investing: What you need to know. Forbes. Retrieved January 8, 2014 from
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Dahlsrud, A. (2008). How corporate social responsibility is defined: An analysis of 37 definitions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. Vol. 15 (1) 1-13.
Grant, T. (2013). How one company levels the pay slope of executives and workers. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved January 8, 2014 from
Over time, various models have been developed in an attempt to bring into focus not only behavioral, but also structural ethical performance of organizations. These include the Triple Bottom Line, the Balanced Scorecard, and the Six Sigma. This text will concern itself with the Balanced Scorecard and the Triple Bottom Line.
Components of the Balanced Scorecard and the Triple Bottom Line and How they Can be Utilized to Enhance Ethics and Business Performance
The Balanced Scorecard, in basic terms, "is a management system that focuses on all the elements that contribute to organizational performance and success including financial, customer, market, and internal processes" (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2014, p. 249). On the other hand, the Triple Bottom Line, as the authors further point out "provides a perspective that takes into account the social, environmental, and financial impacts of decisions made within an organization" (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2014, p. 249).
The four…...
Cascade Engineering. (2014). The Bottom Line. Retrieved from
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J. & Ferrell, L. (2014). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
Jackson, S., Sawyers, R. & Jenkins, G. (2008). Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision Making (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Niven, P. (2010). Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
The triple bottom line (TBL) framework, developed by Elkington (1994) is one of the most important performance metrics for operations managers because it goes “beyond the traditional measures of profits, return on investment, and shareholder value to include environmental and social dimensions” (Slaper, Hall, 2011, p. 4). By including environmental and social dimensions, the TBL metric allows operations managers to better understand how a company is performing across measures that include variables not typically considered by financial analysts but that yet have an impact on a company’s value. Indeed, with the rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR), firms have begun to see how a business’s footprint on a community in social and environmental terms also helps to diminish or strengthen the company’s value over time (Marquis, Lee, 2013). When the company’s CSR is evident and impactful, the company’s performance can viewed in a more favorable light: a strong connection to the…...
Elkington, J. (1994). Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Win-Win-Win BusinessStrategies for Sustainable Development. California Management Review, 36(2): 90–100.Marquis, C., Lee, M. (2013). Who is governing whom? Executives, governance, andthe structure of generosity in large U.S. firms. Strategic Management Journal, 34: 483-497.Melnyk, S., Stewart, D., Swink, M. (2004). Metrics and performance measurement inoperations management: dealing with the metrics maze. Journal of Operations Management, 22: 209-217.Moslyn, G. (2010). Essentials of financial analysis. NY: W&J.Slaper, T., Hall, T. (2011). The triple bottom line: What is it and how does it work?
Marketing Triple Bottom Line
How must marketing strategy and implementation be adjusted/conducted to position a product for the 21st century consumer, and succeed within the new internal/external environmental forces associated with BSR?
The usual way to gauge the achievement of a company is its bottom line. But the idea of a triple bottom line, where social and environmental aspects are measured along with economic ones, is also getting a lot of notice (Tyson, 2010). The triple bottom line also known as the 3P approach - people, planet, and profit, captures a prolonged range of values and criterion for gauging organizational and societal achievement: economic, ecological and social. In the private arena, a pledge to corporate social responsibility involves a promise to some form of Triple Bottom Line reporting. This is different from the more limited alterations necessary to deal only with ecological matters (The Triple Bottom Line (3BL), 2009).
The Triple Bottom Line…...
mlaWorks Cited
Gillett, John. 2011. Green Technology Marketing and the Triple Bottom Line. [online] Available
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The Triple Bottom Line (3BL). 2009. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2011].
Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line
Apple Incorporated is employing a number of different approaches and practices to address sustainability. It takes particular and independent cognizance of the societal and environmental sustainability issues. These unveiled practices and processes can be assessed by utilizing the Triple Bottom Line theory.
With respect to the society, Apple Inc. has espoused the following practices pertaining to sustainability.
The suppliers of Apple Inc. have to consent and adhere to the company's supplier Code of Conduct. In particular, this Code of Conduct takes into account rules and regulations with regard to how personnel ought to be treated, having fair as well as safe workplace practices as well as environmental regulations by which the supplier parties have to abide (Apple, 2013).
Apple Inc. undertakes frequent audits on different sites to guarantee and ascertain that there is no violation of the Code of Conduct in any manner. The company helps and commends…...
Apple Inc. (2016). Environmental Responsibility. Retrieved 8 February, 2016 from:
Apple Inc. (2013). Apple Announces iPad Air -- Dramatically Thinner, Lighter & More Powerful iPad. Apple Press Info. Retrieved 8 February, 2016 from:
Apple Inc. (2013). Introducing the All New Mac Pro -- The Most Radical Mac Ever. Retrieved 8 February, 2016 from:
Phillips, A. (2015). Apple Makes Huge Commitment to Sustainability. Climate Progress. Retrieved 8 February, 2016 from:
Operations and Supply Chain Management. Upper Saddle iver, NJ: McGraw Hill Higher Education. 13th Edition.
Wayne Norman, Chris McDonald. (2004). Getting to the Bottom of the "Triple Bottom Line." Business Ethics Quarterly, 14(2), 243-262.
L Wang, L Lin. (2007). A methodological framework for the triple bottom line accounting and management of industry enterprises. International Journal of Production esearch, 45(5), 1063.
5. Explain why the need to focus capacity on a fairly limited set of production objectives is the key to successful production
There are many factors that favor setting a limited number of production objectives to ensure a successful manufacturing strategy attains its objectives. The most critical are the many effects of manufacturing goals and objectives on the supply chain relationships and the many interrelationships in the supplier base (Jacobs, Chase, 2010). The greater the number of production objectives, the greater the corresponding complexity throughout any supply chain, impacting pricing, procurement, strategic sourcing…...
Ken Kono. (2005). Planning Makes Perfect. Marketing Management, 14(2), 30-35.
Florian Strehle, Bernhard R. Katzy, & Tony Davila. (2010). Learning capabilities and the growth of technology-based new ventures. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(1,2), 26-45.
Jacobs, Robert, & Chase, Richard. (2010). Operations and Supply Chain Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: McGraw Hill Higher Education. 13th Edition.
Wagner, S. (2010). Supplier traits for better customer firm innovation performance.
Marketing Valuation of Special Kellog's Cereal
Marketing valuation Kellogg's Special K. cereals
Kellogg's Foods: 3
Marketing mix: 3
Product: 4
Price: 4
Promotion: 5
Product Differentiation: 5
Triple bottom line Strategy: 6
Financial, Social, and Environmental Factors: 7
The business case of Kellogg's Special K. cereals is analyzed to assess the effectiveness of marketing mix, key features of the business strategy, and growth factors. The history of Kellogg's Foods is briefly described along with the analysis of marketing mix. Later section provides a brief about the product differentiation strategy of the business. The recommendations for overall business are followed by the triple bottom line strategy. Finally conclusion is presented as a summary of the findings.
Kellogg's Foods:
The company started its operation in 1906 and expanded its operations in domestic market. The first international opening is remarked as its Canada operations in 1914. The innovative development in 1915 was introduced through bran flakes. In 1923 the business hired a dietician to offer…...
Advertisements, S.K. (2012). Feeling Good Never Looked Better. Challenging Images of Women in the Media: Reinventing Women's Lives, 3.
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Corporate Social esponsibility (CS) refers to the relationship between a business and the society and how can both can benefit mutually through a joint partnership. Caroll (1991) suggests four different aspects to be a part of CS and they are economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic. The economic aspect is the basis on which the business is built while legal responsibilities are encoded in law. Ethical responsibilities include doing what is right and just and above everything, philanthropic responsibilities include being a good corporate citizen and doing something good to the society and environment that has nurtured the business.
In this discussion, the CS activities of two companies in the same sector are analyzed. The first company is Asia Pacific Breweries that owns the Tiger Beer brand of products and the second one is Carlton & United Breweries that manufactures the Victoria Bitter brand of beer. A close analysis reveals that…...
Brown, D., J. Dillard and R.S. Marshall. (2006) "Triple Bottom Line: A business metaphor for a social construct." Portland State University, School of Business Administration. Retrieved 28th September, 2010 from .
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Shoebridge, Neil. (2005). A Quiet Beer. BRW. Vol. 27 Issue 18, p65-65.
Antonia Magee.
Marketing Management
My organization is the edwoods Group, which is a specialized insurance provider. The company states its core purpose is to serve others, and its focus is to keep kids safe. They note that solutions to many problems are "often inconvenient for those used to doing things a particular way" and that edwoods "engages in uncomfortable conversations with people who are not ready to face these issues: public officials, educators, philanthropists, social service and business leaders" (edwoods Group 2013 eport). The company's main business is that of an insurance company, and as a risk consultant. In these roles, edwoods insures YMCAs, camps and community groups. Providing insurance to these bodies, edwoods is not strictly focused on profit-taking, but rather providing the insurance at a level that finances edwoods but otherwise the lack of profit-taking allows it to undercut other insurance companies in competing for non-profit insurance business. The company wrote…...
B Corporation (2014). The Redwoods Group. Retrieved June 5, 2014 from
Martin, Diane & John Schouten, 2012, "Sustainable Marketing," Prentice Hall, online.
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Nager, Freddy, 2014, "Who cares and who matters: The 4Cs stakeholders analysis," in possession of the author.
This seems to be serious, but most of the people committing the crime are being released by the courts. (Understanding White Collar Crime)
Question 3a: What is a FOIA request and is it likely to be granted?
The request is under the Freedom of Information Act, and it is targeted to the United States Department of Justice, and there is no reason to think that the Department of Justice will refuse to reply. The question is of political interference occurring affecting the trial in the last stages of the trial against the cigarette industry. Let us not assume that the Department of Justice is now being totally controlled by the politicians, and that is why they will stop from replying. At worst, there will be the appointment of a committee to investigate and look into the matter. Even that will help the cigarette industry as they will get more time, which…...
About Southern Research. Southern Research Institute. Retrieved at Accessed on 17 June, 2005 .
About Us: A lasting partnership... born of dedication and cooperation. Retrieved at Accessed on 17 June, 2005 .
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Moral Hazard. Retrieved at Accessed on 17 June, 2005 .
Live Concet Analysis
How Doing Good Makes Us Feel Poweful and Poweless at the Same Time
Design Activism vs. Design fo Social Change
The Awakening Consciousness of Designes 1960's
Thee has been lukewam inteest in public sevice design, social impact and design activism. But in most convesations, all othe designs wok to enhance the standad of living of the people; some of it must be activism. The agument is seldom boosted by the notion that achitectue has been impacted by intellectual movements and ats fo instance, modenism which fuels an idea of a evolutionay society. These movements had ideal poposals fo society's efoms. They wee elated deeply to commece and aesthetics as well (Jose et al., 2008). Conside the diffeence between modenism and activism fo that matte. The modenism idea states that people stand equals to each othe, while society became united in evey aspect fo instance uniting laboes, designes and uses alike. Now…...
mlareferences and charitable habits of Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Matures. Convio and Edge Research. (2010).
Boehnert, J. "In the Front Line," Creative Review, October 2008.
Borasi, G., & Zardini, M. (Eds.). Actions: What you can do with the city. Canadian Centre for Architecture. (2008).
Brown, T., Sklar, A., Speicher, S., Solomon D. And Wyatt, J. "Design For Social Impact," (New York: The Rockefeller Foundation, 2009), 80-81.
Cowan, G. "Street Protest Architecture," Bad Subjects, January 2004.
1. Unethical Practices: A Scrutiny of Corporate Greed and Moral Decay
2. The Shadow of Unethicality: Unveiling the Perils of Unprincipled Behavior in Business
3. The Moral Compass in the Marketplace: Reorienting Ethical Standards in Corporate Decision-Making
4. A Path to Perdition: The Consequences of Unethical Practices in the Business World
5. Deconstructing Unethicality: Exploring the Motives and Manifestations of Corporate Malfeasance
6. The Corrosion of Trust: How Unethical Practices Undermine Business Integrity and Public Confidence
7. Ethical Erosion: A Systemic Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Unethical Behavior in the Workplace
8. The Triple Bottom Line of Unethicality: Impacts on the Economy, Environment, and Social Well-being
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