Transparency Essays (Examples)

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Transparency in Trade Negotiations in
Pages: 9 Words: 2833

The criteria established by the EITI for control of revenues and payments are follows:
egular publication of all material oil, gas and mining payments by companies to governments ("payments") and all material revenues received by governments from oil, gas and mining companies ("revenues") to a wide audience in a publicly accessible, comprehensive and comprehensible manner.

Where such audits do not already exist, payments and revenues are the subject of a credible, independent audit, applying international auditing standards.

Payments and revenues are reconciled by a credible, independent administrator, applying international auditing standards and with publication of the administrator's opinion regarding that reconciliation including discrepancies, should any be identified.

This approach is extended to all companies including state-owned enterprises.

Civil society is actively engaged as a participant in the design, monitoring and evaluation of this process and contributes towards public debate.

A public, financially sustainable work plan for all the above is developed by the host government,…...



Auty, R.M. (1993). Sustaining development in mineral economies: The resource curse thesis. New York: Routledge.

Cohen, S.D. (2002). Fundamentals of U.S. foreign trade policy: Economics, politics, laws, and issues, 2nd ed. Westview Press.

Crook, C. (2006, October). The fruitful lie. The Atlantic Monthly, 30.

Ehrenhaft, P.D. (2001). The role of lawyers in the World Trade Organization. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 34(4), 963.

Transparency and Public Trust
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Transparancy and Public Trust
Transparency and Public Trust

Each of the administrator examples given are a good representative of what it means to be transparent in order to gain and keep the public's trust. All three people work in different agencies so the steps that they take and the processes in place will be different from agency to agency. However, one example stood out from the rest. Not because it was so much better than the other examples, but because of the processes in place that is unique to the service provided. Maurice's transcript is chosen as the one providing an excellent example of transparency and accountability for his organization.

Maurice alludes to the fact that he works for a foster care agency and when children are involved, extra care and concern, in addition to transparency and accountability must be applied. He states that because of legal and financial obligations, the agency strives…...



Fard, H.D., & Rostamy, A.A. (2007). Promoting public trust in organizations: Explaining the role of public accountability . Public Organization Review, 7(4), 331-344.

Poppo, L., & Schepker, D.J. (2010). Repairing public trust in organizations. Corporate Reputation Review, 13(2), 124-141.

Transparency Initiative in Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Perception and Transparency
Food and Drug Administration recently embarked on an initiative to enhance transparency in research, pricing, and marketing of medical products through establishing its transparency taskforce. This initiative was also fueled by President Obama's directive due to the greater demand for transparency in various aspects relating to medical products. FDA's transparency taskforce is mandated with the responsibility of identifying ways through which the agency can make beneficial and understandable information regarding the approval procedures of medical products. Moreover, the taskforce is responsible for identifying measures through which transparency in this federal agency can promote and strengthen the innovation of medical products in today's healthcare system.

While the initiative is geared towards enhancing transparency with regards to product innovation and approval process, the demand for greater transparency in research, pricing, and marketing of medical products has been fueled by several historic factors. One of the historic factors that have fueled this…...



Wechsler, J. (2009, March). A Call for Transparency in Research and Marketing. Pharmaceutical Technology, 40-50.

Wechsler, J. (2009, July). Safety & Transparency Shape Drug Development. Applied Clinical Trials, 24-26.

Transparency in Corporate Political Spending
Pages: 2 Words: 827

Corporate Political Spending
The lack of transparency in corporate political spending has is an ethical issue, because the lack of transparency has very much worked in favor of corporate donors. This is a high moral intensity issue because corporations have unique ability to earn income, essentially unmatched by individuals. Individuals who control corporations -- people who are already rich and powerful -- then control an even greater amount of assets with which to influence the political process to their benefit. However, when political actions serve the interests of those who are wealthy and powerful, in general there is a trade-off and those who lack this wealth and power pay the cost. Evidence suggests that corporate political activity is positively correlated with financial performance (Lux, Crook and Woehr, 2011).

This is where the transparency issue arises. When corporations can donate as much as they want to any candidate, but have those donations remain…...



Kang, M. (2012). The end of campaign finance law. Virginia Law Review. Vol. 98 (1) 1-63

Lux, S., Crook, T., & Woehr, D. (2011). Mixing business with politics: A meta-analysis of the antecedents and outcomes of corporate political activity. Journal of Management. Vol. 37 (1) 223-247.

Chad Guinea Promises Superior Transparency
Pages: 20 Words: 6550

S., France and publicity, Chad was able to renegotiate more favorable contracts with the Bank, expropriate over $450 million in taxes from the private Consortium firms which they claim they had already paid, under the threat of replacement with Chinese firms. Global oil prices spiked, and Chad cleared over $1 billion in revenues in the last year of the Bank's project in 2008. Much of this increased income coincided at least with increased arms imports (inters & Gould 2011: 240), no-bid contracts awarded to tribal Deby allies, pork projects like a new stadium and "inferior goods purchased at inflated prices" (inters & Gould 2011: 236). The Bank itself admits its objective of "reducing poverty and improving governance in Chad" with the revenues from the pipeline "was not achieved" (Thomas 2009: n.p.). "[T]he principal reason for its overall disappointing outcome was the lack of government ownership," concludes independent evaluator Vinod Thomas…...


Works Cited

Amnesty International (2011a). "There is no Amnesty International Presence In This Country."

Search by country: Guinea.

Amnesty International (2011b). "There is no Amnesty International Presence In This Country."

Search by country: Chad.

Clarity Chronicle -- Communication Transparency Communication Integrity
Pages: 1 Words: 361

Clarity Chronicle -- Communication Transparency
Communication: Integrity and Transparency

Building Trust through Integrity and Transparency

Recently, TakeCareSM underwent a major cultural change; one of the most important parts of which is a shift toward emphasizing the importance of Integrity and Transparency in order to build trust throughout the organization. In principle, integrity means a consistency and uniformity of values and core beliefs: an organization with integrity expresses its core values and beliefs throughout every aspect of its operations and relationships. Transparency means openness to view and a commitment to full disclosure and the rejection of any form of secrecy. Generally, organizations that promote and live up to the principle of integrity and transparency are more responsive to their stakeholders and much less susceptible to some of the serious problems that plague organizations with less well defined core values and beliefs that lack a commitment to informational transparency and openness.

Recent Organizational Culture Changes…...

Government Transparency
Pages: 2 Words: 684

The Importance of Transparency in Government We live in an age where government, more and more, appears to be transparent and responsive on social media. It is possible to communicate with public figures through a series of clicks on Twitter or Facebook, and to read moment-by-moment accounts of their comings and goings via the 24/7 news cycle. Yet despite this technological innovation, concerns about the transparency and fairness of government are greater, not less than ever before.
It is important to note that there are many bright spots to increase the knowledge of the public about their governments. For example, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) recently reported upon a policy conference designed to promote awareness of policy and dialogue about the creation of micro enterprises to fuel economic growth, and the need for government support of such emerging economic entities (ASEAN, 2019). The Internet not only offers information about the…...

Collaborative Benchmarking Transparency and Performance
Pages: 2 Words: 591

An increase in performance and delivery of quality services was noticed only after the benchmarking efforts and results were made available to the public in the 1997 industry-wide benchmarking initiative.
The third hypothesis of Braadbaart's benchmarking study (H3) was that the benchmarking exercises would enhance the utilities' economic performance, but only after the benchmarking results were publicized, shared, and made available to the public. Braadbaart's study confirmed this hypothesis as well. Why might the utilities' economic performance show improvement only after the industry-wide study in public benchmarking that occurred in 1997? It is possible that utility managers at these organizations were not yet accustomed to benchmarking measures and as such could not employ their lessons effectively. Another explanation for the time lag in benchmarking improving performance is that the utility managers only became serious about reform and enhancing performance after the benchmarking information was made available to the public at…...



Braadbaart, Okke. (2007). "Collaborative benchmarking, transparency and performance:

Evidence from The Netherlands water supply industry." Benchmarking: An International

Journal, 14, (6), 677-692.

UK Lawmakers Consider Probe Into Transparency of
Pages: 2 Words: 783

UK lawmakers consider probe into transparency of mining firms
This is a story that has recently made the headlines on the UK law maker's consideration to probe into the transparency of mining firms. This story was highlighted by euters and fox business among other online magazines. It focused on how the British government is really considering looking into the transparency of the mining and oil firm listed in London. This issue has been highlighted at the market miners that are emerging by corruption probes. This is an issue that has generated fear among lawmakers as it has dented the reputation of the stock market (Ferreira-Marques, 2013).

The news story was reported clearly and accurately only a certain level. It clearly reported on the proposal that was made by the chairman of the committee for business, skills and innovation to inquire into the issues such as governance and anticorruption in the oil…...



Ferreira-Marques, C.(2013). UK lawmakers consider probe into transparency of mining firms. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from 

Ferreira-Marques, C. (2013). UK lawmakers consider probe into transparency of mining firms. Retrieved May 19, 2013 from 

Skousen, J. (2010). How to analyze the news and what goes on around you .Retrieved May 19, 2013 from

Transparency and Governance
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Transparency and Governance
Many nations struggle with the issue of transparency, particularly the third world nations. This has been seen as one of the chief causes of poverty in the nations and also a contributor to bad governance. However, the bad governance is also seen to be recipe for lack of transparency, the two are inter-connected in such a manner that they are both cause and effect of each other. Transparency involves the long-term institutionalization of open and understandable procedures, rules guiding the procedures and understandable information. It means that official business is carried out in a way that the substantive and procedural information is made available to the society and understood by them, with the few exceptions to protect the security and privacy of a government (Johnston M., n.d:Pp2). It is only when these tenets are followed that the governance can be said to be transparent.

On the other hand, good…...

Transparency about Billing in Nursing
Pages: 1 Words: 411

Understanding Health Care FinancingIt is important for nurses to understand healthcare financing simply because healthcare is so expensive and patients may not realize the extent of the cost, particularly in emergency situations as when an ambulance may be needed. For many cases, insurance approvals are needed for prior-approval before care can be given; if insurance denies coverage, the patient may be stuck with a large bill that he cannot or will not pay, and the healthcare provider may be left with no income for the service. That is why it is important for the nurse to be able to explain coverage to clients. Doing so can also help to establish greater trust, transparency and good will between the provider and the patient (Gupta et al., 2020). Patients do not like surprises when it comes to billing, so being up front and open about the billing process is important to maintaining…...


ReferencesEinav, L., Finkelstein, A., Ji, Y., & Mahoney, N. (2020). Randomized trial shows healthcare payment reform has equal-sized spillover effects on patients not targeted by reform. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(32), 18939-18947.Gupta, R., Binder, L., & Moriates, C. (2020). Rebuilding trust and relationships in medical centers: a focus on health care affordability. JAMA, 324(23), 2361-2362.Wise, S., Hall, J., Haywood, P., Khana, N., Hossain, L., & van Gool, K. (2021). Paying for value: options for value-based payment reform in Australia. Australian Health Review, 46(2), 129-133.

Health Care and Transparency Issues
Pages: 5 Words: 1468

Standardization and Priorities of Healthcare Organizations Introduction
As Leotsakos et al. (2014) note, standardization of patient safety in healthcare organizations has not proceeded with a great deal of progress in recent years though monumental steps have been made to increase patient safety in the industry. For that reason the World Health Organization (2018) has made it a priority to address standardization by initiating the High 5s project “to facilitate the development, implementation and evaluation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) within to achieve measurable, significant and sustainable reductions in a number of challenging patient safety problems.” These developments are still needed and to improve safety, Gandalf and Merlino (n.d.) have discussed how transparency, healthcare reform, and critical issues such as market share play a role in the advancement of patient safety standardization in the industry. This paper will examine the points made by Gandalf and Merlino in their podcast “The State of Patient…...

Not Enough Police Transparency
Pages: 8 Words: 2307

ights of OfficersThis literature review focuses on the Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice Management with a focus on legal rights/freedoms, rules, discipline, due process, and the politics of being a public employee, specifically law enforcement officers. The peer-reviewed articles used for this review explore issues such as police unions, use of force, arbitration, and the political influence of law enforcement, which are important in understanding laws, rules and politics of law enforcement, which officers in their roles as public employees, must know.Police Unions and Officer ProtectionsFegley (2020) looks at the part played by police unions in protecting law enforcement officers. The main focus has to do with disciplinary procedures. Unions have been power players in shaping collective bargaining agreements with respect to procedural safeguards for officers facing disciplinary actions. These agreements often include arbitration processes that allow officers to challenge disciplinary decisions, even in cases of misconduct. Aitchisons (2020) work…...


ReferencesAitchison, W. (2020). Rights of law enforcement officers. LIRS.Fegley, T. (2020). Police unions and officer privileges. The Independent Review, 25(2), 165-186.   Garrett, B., & Slobogin, C. (2020). The law on police use of force in the United States. German Law Journal, 21(8), 1526-1540.  Plass, S. A. (2021). Police arbitration and the public interest. Harv. BL Law J., 37, 31.  Robinson, Z., & Rushin, S. (2022). The law enforcement lobby. Minn. L. Rev., 107, 1965.  Schanzenbach, M. (2022). Policing the police: personnel management and police misconduct. Vand. L. Rev., 75, 1523. 

Nurturing Ethical Diverse Workplace Building Trust Workplace
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Nurturing Ethical Diverse Workplace Building Trust Workplace for assignment read required readings ethics module, including 2010 Deloitte LLP Ethics & Workplace Survey ( http://www.
Workplace Diversity Ethics

The productivity and ethics within the workplace environment are significantly influenced by leadership transparency. This issue has been revealed by studies on human resources in several companies. There are several types of leadership, like autocratic, democratic, transformational, transactional laissez-faire leadership and others. Each of these leadership styles has its advantages and disadvantages, and each of them can be successfully used in a certain type of organization. But transparent leadership is much more than a leadership style.

Transparency in leadership does not limit to the transparency of communication. Transparent leaders have been observed to focus on the facts, in comparison with finding someone to put the blame on. This means that these leaders are interesting in understanding the reasons that determine certain situations in order to…...


Reference list:

1. Henry, M. (2012). Transparency and Leadership. Lead Change Group. Retrieved March 13, 2013 from .

2. Pearce, C. et al. (2009). Is Shared Leadership the Key to Team Success. Organizational Dynamics. Retrieved march 13, 2013 from .

Health Care and Infection
Pages: 2 Words: 526

Amin, B et al. (2013). Pitfalls of calculating hospital readmission rates based on nonvalidated administrative data sets. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 18(2): 134-138.
This study examines the University of California's Medical Center in San Francisco in order to determine if its all-cause readmission rates accurately reflect the readmission rates for spine injury patients. The secondary purpose of the study is to identify readmission predictors. The researchers collected data from 5780 consecutive patient visits. 5% of the visitors were readmitted within a month of their discharge. The researchers examined variables that led to their readmission and regression analysis was conducted in order to spot predictors. A t-test was also used to see if there was any difference in admission vs. non-readmission incidents. The researchers found that infection was the number one variable leading to readmission, inoperable management the second most common variable, and planned surgery the third most common variable for…...


Kachalia, A. (2013). Improving patient safety through transparency. New England

Journal of Medicine, 369: 1677-1679.

This study provides a qualitative review of why transparency is helpful in health care. The researcher shows that openness with patients and clinical health care providers is essential to maintaining a relationship of trust, accountability, and of improving patient safety. The more forthcoming with information that health care providers are with patients, the more forthcoming patients are likely to be with their providers. The research indicates that many health care organizations are still behind the curve when it comes to developing a workplace culture that actively promotes and facilitates transparency. The study indicates that a principled and formal approach to addressing errors in disclosure would go a long way in supporting a culture of transparency. This study is helpful in identifying an issue in nursing that requires attention for the good of both patient and practitioner.

I need help with writing an essay on healthcare reform, benefits, negatives in Florida?
Words: 345

Healthcare reform is a hot topic because healthcare remains prohibitively expensive for so many people in Florida.  While the Affordable Care Act has expanded access to healthcare for many people, the reality is that healthcare remains prohibitively expensive for many people.  Between the cost of insurance premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses, basic healthcare can cost people thousands and thousands of dollars a year, with much higher expenses if people experience healthcare challenges requiring care.

Florida benefitted substantially from some of the federal healthcare reform laws.  For example, Floridians cannot be denied healthcare coverage for a pre-existing....

how does third party payment distort the healthcare market?
Words: 272

Third party payment, such as health insurance companies or government programs, can distort the healthcare market in several ways:

1. Increased demand: When individuals are not directly paying for their healthcare services, they are more likely to utilize medical services without considering the cost. This leads to increased demand for healthcare services, which can drive up prices and strain the resources of healthcare providers.

2. Lack of price transparency: Third party payment often creates a lack of price transparency in the healthcare market. Since patients are not directly paying for their services, they may not be aware of....

what fairness looks like in my classroom?
Words: 246

Fairness in the classroom can be seen through:

1. Equal Opportunities: Providing all students with equal access to resources, materials, and learning opportunities.

2. Consistent Rules and Expectations: Applying the same standards and expectations for all students, regardless of their background or abilities.

3. Clear Assessment Criteria: Clearly defining and communicating assessment criteria to ensure all students are evaluated on the same standards.

4. Respectful Environment: Promoting a classroom culture where all ideas and opinions are valued and respected, creating a safe space for everyone to contribute.

5. Differentiated Instruction: Offering a variety of instructional strategies and approaches to meet individual student needs and learning....

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