Transgender Essays (Examples)

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Transgender Employment Discrimination
Pages: 20 Words: 5951

Transgender Employment Discrimination
There is a growing body of evidence that transgender individuals frequently experience some type of discrimination during the employment process in the United States today. Although there are only a few high-profile cases, there are a significant number of employment claims being asserted. In terms of numbers, the high was reached in 1994 when almost 92,000 discrimination charges were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Since that time, the number of discrimination cases has ranged between 75,000 and 87,000 per year. Even more significant, the number of employment discrimination lawsuits filed in federal court almost tripled between 1990 and 2000. Although not as well documented, constitutional claims against public sector employers also have increased dramatically in recent years. These employment-related claims -- raising such important issues as privacy and equal protection rights -- have forced human resource management generalists to become minor constitutional scholars as they struggle…...



Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Condrey, S.E. (2005). Handbook of human resources management in government.

Christensen, J. (2008, December 2). Sex. gender. Employment discrimination: One woman's successful lawsuit against the Library of Congress could spell more legal victories for transgender employees across the country. The Advocate, 1020, 21.

Department of Health, Education and Welfare. "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance." 45 CFR §84.1 et seq.

Transgender Employee Performance Qualitative Comparison
Pages: 6 Words: 1741

The following dependent variables are proposed by the researcher based on information gathered from the previous research: marital status (Swan & Mazur, 2002), feelings, socioeconomic status (ACPA, 1995; Sanlo, 1998), self-esteem (Armino, 1993), and birth gender.


American College Personnel Association. (1995-Sept). Domestic partners project research. ichmond, VA: ACPA Standing Committee for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Awareness.

Armino, J. (1993). acial identity as development theory: Considerations for designing leadership programs. Campus Activities Programming, 25(8):40-6.

Eisner, E.W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Healy, M. & Perry, C. (2000). Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative Market esearch, 3(3): 118.

Landau, J. (2005). "Soft immutability" and "imputed gay identity" - ecent developments in the transgender and sexual-orientation based asylum law. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 32(2):237.

Sanlo, .I. (1998). Working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender college students: A handbook for…...



American College Personnel Association. (1995-Sept). Domestic partners project research. Richmond, VA: ACPA Standing Committee for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Awareness.

Armino, J. (1993). Racial identity as development theory: Considerations for designing leadership programs. Campus Activities Programming, 25(8):40-6.

Eisner, E.W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Healy, M. & Perry, C. (2000). Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative Market Research, 3(3): 118.

Transgender The Behaviors Acts and Transitions
Pages: 12 Words: 3516

Transgender- The Behaviors and Acts Leading up to a Transition Introduction
Transgender, as a terminology, alludes to individuals whose sense of their gender is different from what would be anticipated based on the sex individualities that they are naturally born with. A transgender individual may identify as a trans woman, which means a person who has a self-concept that is female, with the endeavor to or has transitioned to living as a woman after being born with male genitalia. On the other hand, an individual who identifies as a trans man implies having a male self-concept despite being born with female genitalia. Furthermore, an individual who is non-binary does not identify stringently as a woman or a man (Sangganjanavanich, 2016).
Starting as early as a child, a transgender individual may have continuous and perpetual feelings of gender dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as secondary sexual characteristics.…...

Transgender Depictions in South Park
Pages: 3 Words: 1050

Gender Norms in South Park
In the first episode of South Park's 19th season last fall, the person of Caitlyn Jenner was satirized in a move that reinforced traditional gender norms. However, at the same time, the character of Caitlyn was embraced by Mr. Garrison -- the show's 4th grade elementary teacher, who (like Caitlyn in real life) had a sex change (twice -- from man to woman and then back from woman to man again) several seasons ago. While Mr. Garrison is often portrayed as a crotchety, no-nonsense anti-gay mouthpiece, his own homosexual tendencies are at the same time used for laughs. In this first episode of season 19, entitled "Stunning and Brave," a new principal comes to the town of South Park to take over South Park Elementary. His name is PC Principal and he is a young, PC warrior fresh from college. He is aggressive and well-trained in…...

Employment Law - Transgender Discrimination
Pages: 8 Words: 2180

In fact, the argument could easily be made that individuals with transgender tendencies who do not pursue gender reassignment procedures are more prone to chronic depression and to other natural consequences of their repressed feelings about their true identities that could potentially affect their ability to fulfill their vocational obligations optimally (O'Neil, et al. 2008). Conversely, the evidence strongly supports the conclusion that transgender individuals who undergo the sex reassignment transition are fully capable of leading happy fulfilled lives and of performing at work without any detrimental effects directly attributable to their transgenderism (Nuttbrock, et al. 2008).
To the extent transgenderism is associated with psychological trauma and negative consequences that affect an employee's ability to perform at work, it is largely attributable to the negative attitudes, harassment, social exclusion, ridicule they often encounter from coworkers. Naturally, the same is true, perhaps even more so, to the extent transgenders' families reject…...



American Civil Liberties Union (2006) Federal Court Rules Transgender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Library of Congress Can Proceed. Retrieved July 3, 2008, at 

Friedman, L. (2005) a History of American Law 3rd ed. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Gerrig, R, Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life. 17th Edition.

New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Discrimination Against Transgendered People Gender & Sexuality
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Discrimination Against Transgendered People
Gender & Sexuality

In many wester societies and cultures, the gender and sexual spectrums are narrow. One can be male or female, not neither, not both, and not something in between. One can be masculine or feminine, not neither, not both, and not something in between. These are typically the mainstream beliefs regarding sexual and gender identity. The fact is, in more countries around the world, people are coming to terms with and gaining awareness about the fact that the gender and sexual spectrums are far more dynamic than we have been taught to believe. There are intersexed people, formally called hermaphrodites, who are born with female and male genitalia. There are transsexuals and homosexuals, and there are transgender people. There are even types of heterosexual people who exist that do not fall within the very narrow acceptable forms of gender and sexual identities. There are many people…...



Almeida, J., Johnson, R.M., Corliss, H.L., Molnar, B.E., & Azrael, D. (2009). Emotional Distress Among LGBT Youth: The Influence of Perceived Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation. Journal of Youth Adolescence, 38, 1001 -- 101.

Dietert, M., & Dentice, D. (2009) Gender Identity Issues and Workplace Discrimination: The Transgernder Experience. Journal of Workplace Rights, 14(1), 121 -- 140.

Storrow, R.F. (2002). Gender Typing in Stereo: The Transgender Dilemma in Employment Discrimination. Maine Law Review, 55(1), 118 -- 157.

Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender
Pages: 18 Words: 4659

In their second survey, the authors found that the majority of students felt that POJECT 10 had been positive and beneficial - not merely for LGBT students, but for the overall educational environment.
This resonates with one of the conclusions reached by Sedgwick (1993) when she offered her first class in gay and lesbian studies at Amherst College in 1986. While she initially designed the course for the five to six students she believed would show up, she was quite shocked when, on the first day of class, sixty-five students showed up, most of whom identified as straight. While Sedgwick is writing as a literary scholar, rather than a social scientist, her comments on pedagogy, as one of the most important proponents of queer theory since its emergence in the academy in the 1980s, are pertinent here. Sedgwick notes that it is fairly common in the United States for teachers…...



Ball, a.F. (2000). "Empowering Pedagogies that Enhance the Learning of Multicultural

Students." Teachers College Record, Vol. 102, No. 6, 1006-1034.

Bandura, a. (1973). Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Cultural Contexts and Students
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Dealing with Transgender Children

Many children who are transgender identify themselves as such at a young age. Thanks to increasing awareness of the issue in the media, parents of transgender children are becoming more supportive of their child's choice to live as the gender the child believes is correct, whether the child regards him or herself as a boy or a girl. But although awareness is increasing amongst the general public, there is still profound resistance in many quarters to the concept. In this instance, a first grade child is identifying as male, even though he was originally registered in the school as a girl and under a female name. The teacher must find a way to support the child while still tackling the resistance of other parents who might not view the child's self-image in as positive a fashion and children who have adopted their parents' attitudes.

Further complicating the matter…...



George, A. (2014). How teachers can support transgender students. The Guardian. Retrieved from: 

Oswald, M. (2016). How to support transgender students in the classroom. Edudemic. Retrieved From:

How Does Transgenderism Relate to the Big Five Personality Theory
Pages: 3 Words: 992

Big Five Personality Dimensions and Transgenderism
The Big Five of Five-Factor personality theory which classifies the human character according to dimensions of openness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism is one of the most popular personality theories still in circulation today. Of course, the question immediately arises -- why these five? Why are these characteristics considered particularly important and of interest? The five factors have been determined to be cross-cultural in nature, at least according to its advocates, and relatively stable over the duration of an individual's lifespan (Acton 2006). They have a partly but not exclusively genetic dimension and have been useful in various ways to the survival of the species for many, many centuries.

The factors are conceived of along a continuum, "with most people falling in between the extremes ... and knowing one's placement on the factors is useful for insight and improvement through therapy" (Acton 2006). Along with these…...



Acton, S. (2006). Five-Factor Model. Great Ideas in Personality. Retrieved from: 

Popkins, N. (1998). The Five-Factor Model: Emergence of a taxonomic model for personality psychology. Great Ideas in Personality. Retrieved from: 

Scutti, S. (2015). The big five personality traits: Take the test to know yourself and your future health. Medical Daily.

Sexes Uses Intersexuality as a
Pages: 3 Words: 930

The topic of intersexuality naturally raises the issue of whether gender should be rigidly defined or whether gender should rather be viewed on a continuum. Thus, Gorman and Cole work to dispel the prevalent social myth that all individuals must be assigned a clear, unequivocal gender status. Examining the collective phenomena of intersexuality can also help people to contemplate gender roles and social norms in society. For example, Gorman and Cole chose to include a telling quote from Kelli. Although she now primarily cultivates a female identity, she claims that she might elect to be a "male carpenter" because she would be "taken more seriously," (58).
The most important information contained in "Between the Sexes" therefore regards the perception of gender, gender identity, and gender flexibility. This information is far more significant and has more of an impact on readers than the scientific and biological reasons for intersexuality that the…...


Works Cited

Gorman, Christine and Cole, Wendy. "Between the Sexes." Time.

Child Sexuality or Intersex Become Especially Difficult
Pages: 2 Words: 664

child sexuality or intersex become especially difficult to discuss. These readings all ask us to question why those taboos are in place, while at the same time trying to show how important research in human sexuality can be. Sexuality is a major part of the human experience, and a fully understanding of psychology and sociology is not possible without open explorations into issues surrounding sexuality. Added to the complex issues surrounding human sexuality is gender. Gender is totally different from, but certainly related to, sexuality. On the one hand, one's concept of gender will have a strong bearing on one's perception of oneself as a sexual being, will impact issues related to self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence. On the other hand, gender is only slightly implicated in things like sexual attraction. Both gender and sexual attraction are remarkably fluid, as Diamond points out. They may even be fluid across the…...


Works Cited

Diamond, Milton. "A Critical Evaluation of the Ontogeny of Human Sexual Behavior." The Quarterly Review of Biology, Volume 40, No. 2, June 1965

Money, John. "Childhood: The Last Frontier in Sex Research."

Sex: Unknown. Nova [Film].

Gender Identity and Transgender
Pages: 2 Words: 583

Elder's (2016) "Experiences of Older Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults in Psychotherapy" is a qualitative study of gender identity in an elder population. The research focuses exclusively on elder transgender and also gender nonconforming elders in their experiences of psychotherapy. The goal of the study is to trace any differences between psychotherapeutic experiences across the life span, to see if there have been changes in the field of psychology and also changes in the perceptions of transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. Elder (2016) argues that relatively few studies have examined the experiences of transgender individuals in psychotherapy at all, and this research seeks to fill that gap in the literature too.
The author approaches the subject from a transaffirmative model, which validate and support the individual's self-determined gender identity without leading to pathologies like gender dysmorphia. There are several established theoretical viewpoints mentioned in the research including Lev's transgender emergence model,…...



Elder, A.B. (2016). Experiences of Older Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults in Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 3(2): 180-186.

When the Supreme Court Affirmed the Rights of People Identifying as Transgender
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Memo for the JudgeMargaret McCarthy makes a number of arguments against gender as a social construct (i.e., gender identity aka gender ideology) that are more than iblical or religious arguments. In reality, McCarthy\\\'s arguments stem from natural science and philosophy, making them difficult to ignore. For example, McCarthy argues that gender identity is based on a false understanding of the nature of the human person and that it leads inevitably to a denial of objective reality. These are not simply iblical or religious arguments, but rather arguments that have been supported by rational arguments and deductive reasoning. As such, they should be accepted as rational argumentation. Similarly, in the Amicus rief submitted in the Harris Funeral Home Case, the issue of how to define sex is at stake, as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has defined the term more loosely than may have been intended in Title VII of the…...


BibliographyMcCarthy, Margaret. “Gender Ideology and the Humanum,” Communio 43 (Summer 2016), 275-300.

Welcoming Homosexual Lifestyles at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Pages: 10 Words: 3029

Black Colleges Homosexuality
In order to create more egalitarian, prosocial, and productive campus environments, it is necessary to understand attitudes toward homosexuality and homosexual students. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students experienced relatively high rates of substance abuse, depression, and stress related to discrimination, difficulties forming social relationships, and low self-esteem (Heck, Flentje & Cochran, 2011). As Kirby (2011) points out, "Having a negative self-concept plays a major role in youth suicides, in how well one does in school, and in how one interacts with society at large." Therefore, the need for a more supportive social environment on college campuses is a pressing one.

Unfortunately, traditionally white universities and historically black universities in the United States have addressed the needs of the LGBT student community differently. Historically black colleges and institutions are defined as "institutions classified as higher education that were chartered prior to 1964 and created with the principal mission…...



Burleson, Douglas A. "Sexual orientation and college choice: Considering campus climate." About Campus 14, no. 6 (January 2010): 9-14. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 14, 2013).

Eisen, V., & Hall, L. (Eds.). (1996). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and education [Special issue]. Harvard Educational Review, 66(2).

Griffin, H. (2000). Their Own Received Them Not: African-American Lesbians and Gays in Black Churches. Theology & Sexuality: The Journal Of The Institute For The Study Of Christianity & Sexuality, 6(12), 1.

Heck, N.C., Flentje, A., & Cochran, B.N. (2011). Offsetting risks: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. School Psychology Quarterly, 26(2), 161-174. doi:10.1037/a0023226

Feature Story on Transwoman and Cause
Pages: 3 Words: 917

Geena Rocero is a model with a purpose. Rocero was born and raised in the Philippines, and recently returned to her homeland to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan. In the midst of a busy schedule, Rocero spends time in her first interview because she feels that sharing her life story is one of the first steps toward helping others. "e're all in this journey together," Rocero exclaims.

Coincidentally, the interview falls on Transgender Day of Remembrance, which commemorates all transmen and transwomen who lost their lives because of targeted attacks. "Transwomen of color are the most marginalized," Rocero reminds us. "70% of hate crime in the LGBT community is committed against transwomen of color. I want this to change. I need this to change. I get so emotional about this and I'm reminded how privileged I am," she says with tears in her eyes.

Rocero works as a model but recently,…...


When she was a young girl, Rocero knew she was female. Her dream was to become a model. She borrowed her sister's clothes, wore her mom's lipstick, entered local beauty pageants, and eventually self-medicated with hormones. Her parents, especially her mom, supported Geena and helped her to enter beauty pageants. When she was 17, Rocero moved to the United States. She was able to work in the United States and save enough money for the gender reassignment surgery, which she had done at age 19. In fact, while on her upcoming trip to Thailand, Rocero is meeting her surgeon to "thank him for giving me a wonderful vagina."

After her sexual reassignment surgery, Geena pursued her dream of modeling. She moved to New York City in 2005 and while working as a bar hostess, met a photographer who helped her develop a portfolio. That same year, Rocero signed with her first modeling agency. Currently, Rocero is signed with NEXT Model Management. In addition to modeling, Geena has worked as a makeup artist with Benefit Cosmetics, a manager at Inc. Magazine, and a sales representative for First Go Green biodegradable products. Rocero has also worked with the Summit Series, an entrepreneurial organization, to learn how to collaborate with partners on achieving mutual goals. It was because of her broad working experience and her networking with Summit Series contacts that Rocero has been able to develop a plan for promoting her public policy initiatives around the world. Rocero's ultimate goal is to transform public policy at the trans-national level. Her vision is to serve as an ambassador for transgender issues with the United Nations.

Rocero knows she has led a privileged life because of supportive friends, supportive family members, and a supportive spiritual community in both her native Philippines and in the United States. Rocero wants to ensure that the underprivileged people of the world also have access to the support systems and resources needed to live a healthy life. Referring to brutal assaults on transwomen around the world, Geena states, "People are dying. I need to do something."

Can you help me write my argumentative essay about sex education?
Words: 440

The key to writing a good argumentative essay is thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the topic you are considering.  That is because you are asked to take a position in an argumentative essay and support that position, while also being ready to meet challenges that would come from people taking a different position.  Sex education is a surprisingly divisive topic given the evidence that supports sex education as being a positive for students.  Much of this division is based in religious and moral objections to sex education, and, while it....

Can you help with writing a persuasive essay on psychology?
Words: 361

Writing a persuasive essay is different from other types of academic writing.  Rather than simply presenting facts, you are trying to convince the reader to agree with your opinion or position on a topic.  The topic of psychology is extremely broad.  There are several different types of psychological theories, and each of these theories have several subtypes.  They also have different degrees of support among psychologists, so you could pick one of those theories or sub-theories and use it as the basis for a persuasive essay. 

To help you with writing your persuasive....

should schools have a dress code that is gender neutral?
Words: 409

Title: Should Schools Have a Gender-Neutral Dress Code?

A school's dress code plays a significant role in maintaining a conducive learning environment and instilling discipline among students. However, the need to address gender disparities and promote inclusivity has sparked a discourse around the idea of implementing a gender-neutral dress code. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and potential challenges of adopting such a dress code policy.


I. Promoting Equality and Inclusivity
A. A gender-neutral dress code eliminates gender-based dress expectations.
1. Students can freely express their individuality without conforming to traditional gender norms.
2. It reduces the stigma faced by....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to trangender representation in the media ?
Words: 351

I. Introduction
A. Background on transgender representation in the media
B. Importance of accurate and positive representation

II. Portrayal of transgender individuals in mainstream media
A. Stereotypes and misrepresentation
B. Impact on transgender community

III. Trends in recent media representation
A. Increased visibility of transgender characters and actors
B. Positive examples of representation

IV. Challenges and barriers to accurate representation
A. Lack of transgender representation behind the camera
B. Negative backlash and criticism

V. Role of media in shaping societal perceptions of transgender individuals
A. Influence on public attitudes and acceptance
B. Responsibility of media outlets in....

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