Transformational Leadership Essays (Examples)

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Transformational Leadership Which CEO or Company Most
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Transformational Leadership
hich CEO or Company Most Represents Authentic Leadership and hy

As case studies have shown, authentic leadership is predicated on the ability to create, sustain and strengthen trust and commitment to shared objectives over time. The essential attributes and characteristics of effective authentic leaders can be found in their ability to lead, not necessarily just manage or direct activities. A truly authentic leader will have the ability to bridge cultural, psychological and physical distances (in the case of virtual teams) while still keeping his team entirely engaged and committed (Purvanova, Bono, 343). A transformational leader paradoxically can emerge out of the most challenging, difficult times a business faces, including the loss of a major leader. This is why Tim Cook is one of the most authentic, transformational leaders operating a business today. As CEO of Apple, he has had to quickly keep the company focused on its vision, while its…...


Works Cited

Avolio, Bruce J., and William L. Gardner. "Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to the Root of Positive Forms of Leadership." Leadership Quarterly 16.3 (2005): 315-38.

Fitzgerald, Susan, and Nicola S. Schutte. "Increasing Transformational Leadership through Enhancing Self-Efficacy." The Journal of Management Development 29.5 (2010): 495-505.

Price, Terry L. "The Ethics of Authentic Transformational Leadership." Leadership Quarterly 14.1 (2003): 67-81.

Purvanova, Radostina K., and Joyce E. Bono. "Transformational Leadership in Context: Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams." Leadership Quarterly 20.3 (2009): 343.

Transformational Leadership in the Promotion of Ethical
Pages: 7 Words: 2019

Transformational Leadership in the Promotion of Ethical Climate and Practices
Some researchers have argued that transformational leadership is effective in promoting ethical climate and practices in order to influence individuals' ethical behaviors in workgroups. Ethical behavior is differentially defined from one culture to another and from one organization to another and it is this difference that the transformational leader is able to convey to the organizational employees through effective means and through doing rather than simply saying what is the ethical standards in any given situation. The objective of this work in writing is to examine the facts, to state either agreement or disagreement with this statement, and to justify the position of the writer of this work on this issue.

Defining Leadership Ethics

The work of McDougle (2003) states that ethics and leadership "have often been thoughts of as mutually-reinforcing concepts." (p.1) Leadership, according to McDougle, can be defined as "actions which…...



Armstrong, A. And Muenjohn, N. (2008) The Ethical Dimension in Transformational leadership. Journal of Business Systems, Government, and Ethics. Vol. 3 NOl. 3. Retrieved from: 

Bass, BM and Avolio (1997) Full Range Leadership Development: Manual for the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Palo Alto: Mind Garden, Inc.

Boehnke, K. et al. (2003) Transformational Leadership: An Examination of Cross-National Differences and Similarities. Leadership & Organization Development Journal Vol 24(1), pp.5-15.

Huse, TD (2003) Transformational Leadership in the Era of Change. School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth, Kansas AY 02-03. Retrieved from:

Transformational Leadership Background Values-Based Leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 1509

Consequently, better communications, continuous training became part and puzzle of doing business in a new way (Ashley, 1997).
In conclusion, leadership is not only important to companies that operate on a global scale but to domestic firms as well. It's clear that when a leader takes his or her rightful position as a leader change, performance and results manifest. Their values and beliefs become the guiding principles where ideas, imaginations and talents are shared by all. Such transformational leaders not only make their employees to follow them, but they help one another to grow, motivate raise the morale of achieving extraordinary outcomes with few resources.


Colonel Mark A. Homrig, (2001).Transformational Leadership. etrieved November 28, 2011 from

David M. Boje, (2000).Transformational Leadership. etrieved November 28, 2011 from

Donald Douglas, (2009). How Alan Mulally is Saving Ford Motor Company. etrieved November 28, 2011 from

eichlin Igor, (2004). Getting the global view: Nestle, led…...



Colonel Mark A. Homrig, (2001).Transformational Leadership. Retrieved November 28, 2011 from

David M. Boje, (2000).Transformational Leadership. Retrieved November 28, 2011 from

Donald Douglas, (2009). How Alan Mulally is Saving Ford Motor Company. Retrieved November 28, 2011 from 

Reichlin Igor, (2004). Getting the global view: Nestle, led by Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, climbs to the #1 spot in this year's Best Companies for Leaders. Retrieved November 28, 2011 from

Transformational Leadership Leadership History and Models a
Pages: 15 Words: 5963

Transformational Leadership

A lot of research has gone into the subject of leadership skills as seen from a number of several different perspectives. As a matter of fact, from the early years of 1900 onwards, analyses on the types of leadership and their models have been going on, and initially the point of concentration was on the leader, and his followers. esearchers of the time, however, came to the conclusion that no single characteristic or trait could be taken as being fully explanatory of any particular leader's abilities and his capacity, and thereafter researchers began the process of analyzing and examining the situation and its influences on a leader and his abilities, and also made several attempts to try to distinguish effective from non-effective leaders. The purpose of such analyses was actually to determine which leadership behaviors were exactly exemplified by effective leaders, and which were not. (History…...



Ackoff, Russell. L. "A Systemic View of Transformational Leadership" Retrieved From

Accessed 22 September, 2005

Bass, Bernard. M. (1993) "Improving Organizational Effectiveness through Transformational

Transformational Leadership a Leadership Style
Pages: 10 Words: 2770

This view posits the use of power as the primary functioning aspect of leadership. This style of leadership involves aspects such as gaining trust, respect and confidence from employees and the setting of high standards of conduct, as well as motivating people to achieve their full potential.
In the transactional model the following aspects predominate in this leadership style.

Idealized Influence - Gaining trust, respect and confidence; setting high standards of conduct; a role model

Inspirational Motivation - Articulating the future desired state and a plan to achieve it; including 'vision'

Intellectual Stimulation - Questioning the status quo and continuously innovating, even at the peak of success

Individualized Consideration - Energizing people to develop and achieve their full potential and performance

(Parry, 1998, p. 82)

In the transformational model there is as greater emphasis on individuality and on the sharing of responsibilities; as well as on the important aspect of "performance beyond expectations." (Bass BM. 1985)…...



Alimo-Metcalfe B, Alban-Metcalfe R. ( 2000) Heaven can wait. Health Service Journal, 12.

Ascher, W., & Hirschfelder-Ascher, B. (2005). Revitalizing Political Psychology: The Legacy of Harold D. Lasswell. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadership in organizations. London: Sage.

Firth-Cozens J, and Mowbray D. (2001) Leadership and the quality of care. Retrieved from

Transformational Leadership Leann Nitz RN According to
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Transformational Leadership
LeAnn Nitz, RN

According to Strength Finder 2.0, my personal leadership strengths are the following: harmony, restorative, competition, focus, and woo. The strengths will be discussed in detail and the way they pertain specifically to my personality in different aspects of my life in reference to the strength finder literature. Three different articles were researched and discussed regarding transformational leadership and how it relates to the literature. A comparison was conducted on my own strengths involving transformational leadership. A description will be explained involving how my leadership style has/or may evolve as I further my education in this master's degree program.

My Personal Strengths


Harmony describes people who are team-minded; dislike conflict and work towards collaboration. These kind of individuals are friendly, peace loving, and, generally, popular and altruistic. I am well liked in the hospital that I work in, seeking to understand all and be friendly to all. I am, generally,…...

Transformational Leadership Theory According to
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

hey use a clear punishment and reward structure to get individuals to obey their instructions. Applying transactional leadership to Mr. Manager shows clear correlations. here are clearly defined punishments in relations to how professionals and para-professionals operate within this field. hose who do not follow protocol that results in the injury and accident of an MR/DD patient will be subject to termination, suspension, and other severe consequences. Mr. Manager does not take a proactive step in helping his staff realize their errors, and thus he relies on their knowledge of existing punishments as a deterrent and impetus for working harder. Mr. Manager however, fails as a complete transactional leader because he does not consistently remind his staff the clear structure in which they work. As a result, his employees are not fully aware of the severe consequences of their actions. When a transactional leader allocates work to a subordinate,…...


Transformational Leadership. Working papers of the transformational leadership focus group of the Kellogg Leadership Studies Project. (1997). College Park, MD: Academy of Leadership Press. Available online.

Yukl, Gary. (1998). Leadership in Organizations 4th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Olson, L. (1992). Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Foundation's impact on transformational and transactional leadership styles of participants, executive summary. Fargo, N.D.: North Dakota State University.

Leadership Guide Transformational Leadership and Emotionally Intelligent
Pages: 5 Words: 1499

Leadership Guide
Transformational Leadership and Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Organizations are established with on-going concern to earn profits, generate economic activity and satisfy the needs of the people. Few people join hands to establish an organization and mange the resources which may belong to all of them and they pool them together to achieve their desired goals. The goals differ from organization to organization and it is also possible that the goals of an organization do not align with the goals of the individuals who form the organization. In order to resolve the conflict, the founding team members come to an agreement whereby they focus on organizational goals in a manner that support their personal goals as well.

The founding members need the services of many other stakeholders to run their organizational effectively. The most important stakeholders are the employees who are directly involved in the affairs of the organization and shape its destiny.…...



Schein, E.H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. USA: John Wiley & Sons.

Transformational Leadership vs Transactional Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1339

Leadership Models in Modern Organizational Landscape
Leadership Models Available in the Modern Organizational Landscape

How cultural style dictates the perception of what is ethical in a leader's use of power, influence, and authority

There are clear variations between cultures, especially in terms of behavior, attitudes, and values of individuals. The divergence affects the leadership model adopted by various organizations. Many studies have also shown that different leader behaviors and activities are understood and interpreted in a different way based on their cultural environment. As such, they are caused by differences in the ideas of an ethical leader: some styles are preferred, and others recognized as less effective. These differences exist because the significance and importance given to the concept of leadership appears to differ across cultures. With globalization and the development of organizations across national boundaries, numerous opportunities and challenges are available for leadership. Varying cultural values and beliefs calls for the greater…...



Jenkins, H., & Purushotma, R. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.

Johansson, O., & Begley, P.T. (2013). The ethical dimensions of school leadership. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kezar, A.J. (2011). Understanding and facilitating organizational change in the 21st century: Recent research and conceptualizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2012). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Transformational Leadership Analysis Leadership and Change Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1464

Transformational Leadership Analysis
Leadership and Change Management Research

Transformational Leadership Traits

Situation Analysis

hitman Model

Jobs Model

Leadership and Change Management Research

The following analysis has been conducted with perspective of transformational leadership and change management in mind. Furthermore, benchmarks were gathered for the situation faced by Janet Angelo as the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Intersect Investment Services. Janet was originally selected for her expertise in executing a "Customer Intimacy" model at two other companies; most recently at a financial institution. Janet was able to improve customer loyalty and increase sales in all of the previous positions she held. Moving from a traditional customer service relationship to a more modern customer intimacy model often requires major organizational reorganization; however Janet had the opportunity to implement these changes over a three-year period. The position at Intersect has only allotted twelve months. This will require that Janet practice transformational leadership practices in order to ensure…...


Works Cited

Bass, B. (1998). Transformational leadership: Industry, military, and educational impact. Mahwah: Erlbaum Publishers.

Davies, C. (2011, January 31). Apple too closed and Steve Jobs ego-led rants Netgear CEO. Retrieved from Slash: 

Judge, J., & Bono, J. (2000). Five Factor Model of Personality and Transformational Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 751-765.

Terry, M. (2011, April 7). Meg Whitman's Successful Leadership Style. Retrieved from Big Bang:

Transformational Management Transformational Leadership the
Pages: 7 Words: 2111

The success of the company also elies on the leadeship style within the company. This leadeship style is oiented towads developing self-managed teams. This is anothe stategy used by companies in ode to incease thei decentalization level. This helps them incease the flexibility of the company. Flexible companies ae moe successful because thei oganizational stuctue allows them to easie identify envionmental factos that ae likely to affect thei activity, and to counteact thei effects.
Tansfomational leadeship

Anothe inteesting company is epesented by Fod moto company. The competitive envionment in the automotive industy has detemined the company's manages to develop innovative stategies that helped Fod ceate competitive advantage. The company's CEO is Alan Mulally, one of the most visionay leades in the wold. Fod had to deal with numeous poblems detemined by envionmental factos. But Mulally managed to develop stategies that made Fod one of the most attactive ca makes on intenational…...


references regarding clothes, and produce clothes based on these needs, in comparison with competitors that prefer to develop other trends.

Nestle is another successful company that had to deal with a competitive environment. The company's intention of addressing the international market was supported by the strategic thinking of its managers. Their strategy is based on transforming the company by strategic acquisitions in different countries.


The leadership style within companies is one of the most important factors that can influence their success. There are numerous types of leadership, each of them with advantages and disadvantages, but it is difficult to determine which one is the most efficient style. This can be determined by analyzing the situation of each company. This is because the different characteristics of companies require them to address different leadership styles.

It is important to take into consideration the situation of employees when determining which leadership style to address. This refers to their needs and motivational level. It is important that employees work with strong leaders that can improve their morale and that can increase their motivation. Such situations are best to be addressed by transformational leaders. Therefore, companies should increase their investments in developing a leadership style that can be used in their situation. This is intended to help them address numerous problems that can influence these companies.

Transformational Leadership Research Themes Finance Transformation and
Pages: 2 Words: 702

Transformational Leadership esearch Themes
Finance transformation and challenges of transformational leaders to deliver more effective and efficient services based on leveraging new technologies and business models.

Theme 1: Technology

Theme 2: Practical Application

Theme 3: Challenges

Theme 4: Theory

Sabatier et al. (2012) used the drug industry to highlight some issues with transformational leadership and their resultant models as they are practically applied. The major theme of this article revolves around Theme 2 and Theme 3 as the article is premised on the idea that the logical approach to a successful business model is dependent upon integrating technology into its overall business strategy. The article addressed Theme 1 within the premises of the article. They wrote "in high technology fields, technological discontinuities are not enough to disrupt an industry's dominant logic. Identifying the factors that might trigger change in that logic can help companies develop strategies to enable them to capture greater value from their innovations…...



Sabatier, V. Craig-Kennard, A. & Mangematin, V. (2012). When Technological Discontinuities and Disruptive Business Models Challenge Dominant Industry Logics: Insights from the Drugs Industry. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 79 (2012) 949 -- 962

Smith, W.K., Besharov, M.L., Wessels, A.K. & Chertok, M. (2012). A Paradoxical Leadership Model for Social Entrepreneurs: Challenges, Leadership Skills, and Pedagogical Tools for Managing Social and Commercial Demands. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2012, Vol. 11, No. 3, 463 -- 478

Weerakkody, V., Janssen, M. & . Dwivedi, Y.K. (2011). Transformational Change and Business Process-Reengineering (BPR): Lessons from the British and Dutch Public Sector. Government Information Quarterly 28 (2011) 320 -- 328

Transformational Leadership Profile
Pages: 6 Words: 1720

Transformational Leadership Profile - Oprah

Oprah was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 29, 1954 (Academy of Achievement 2005). She was brought up by a grandmother in a farm where she learned to read aloud and recite at the age of 3. From 6 years old, she lived with her mother, Vernita Lee, in Milwaukee. She suffered abuse and molestation, ran away and was sent to a juvenile detention home at 13 where she was refused admission because all the beds were occupied. She was moved to her father's house in Nashville where she was subjected to strict discipline. Her father, Vernon, made his daughter observe a midnight curfew and read and write a book report each week. Oprah would later admit that, despite his strictness, he was for what was best in her life and would not accept anything less than what he believed was that best.

Oprah finished a course…...



1. Academy of Achievement (2005). Biography: Oprah Winfrey. 

2. Cable News Network (2003). Oprah Winfrey. Time Warner Company.

3. Harpo Productions, Inc. (2005). About Oprah.

4. Phila.Gov. (2003). Oprah Winfrey, Philadelphia's 2003 Recipient of the Marian Anderson Award.

Leadership in Organizations Transformational Leadership in the
Pages: 3 Words: 1271

Leadership in Organizations
Transformational Leadership in the 21st Century

It is often said a manager is what one does, and a leader is who one is. Leadership theorists, experts and practitioners agree that leadership, especially the turbulent 21st century, is more driven by unanticipated change that strict, formal execution. Leaders who are effective today have the ability to keep their organizations agile, goal-focused and moving forward to attaining challenging objectives despite formidable obstacles and uncertainty.

Transformational leaders in the 21st century nurture and foster creativity and a high level of autonomy, mastery and purpose on the part of their teams (Cheung, Wong, 2011). The growing reliance on virtual teams and the need for creating and sustaining trust within them, transformational leaders are called upon to do more than just accomplish tasks, they are expected to lead entire teams beyond their current levels of performance to higher levels of achievement (Andressen, Konradt, Neck,…...



Andressen, P., Konradt, U., & Neck, C.P. (2012). The relation between self-leadership and transformational leadership: Competing models and the moderating role of virtuality. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(1), 68.

Cheok, S.L., & Eleanor R.E. OHiggins. (2012). Enhancing employee outcomes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(2), 149-174.

Cho, J., Park, I., & Michel, J.W. (2011). How does leadership affect information systems success? The role of transformational leadership. Information & Management, 48(7), 270.

Millissa F.Y. Cheung, & Chi-Sum Wong. (2011). Transformational leadership, leader support, and employee creativity. Leadership & Organization

Transformational Leadership and How Is it Distinct
Pages: 4 Words: 975

Transformational Leadership and how is it distinct from Transactional Leadership?
Transformational leadership is when executives go beyond managing the day-to-day operations of the organization. Instead, they are taking another approach. This involves: collaboration, motivation, team building, goal setting, enhancing performance and offering employees with personal / professional benefits. What makes it different from transactional leadership is; it requires more from managers. As executives are expected to work well with others and help them to feel like they are a part of the team. I agree with this theory, as it offers specific insights which are helping to understand the needs of different stakeholders. It is at this point, when these ideas can be used to make a positive contribution. (Quatro, 2005) (Northhouse, 2013) (Senge, 2006)

How do both Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership connect with Fiedler's claims regarding elationship vs. Task Motivated leadership, and with Blake and Mouton's Managerial/Leadership Grid

Fiedler's claim…...



Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Quatro, S. (2005). Leadership: Succeeding in the Private, Public, and Not for Profit Sectors. Armonk, NY:

M.E. Sharpe.

Senge, P.M. (2006). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York, NY:

Need help coming up with a good thesis statement for an informative essay on army leadership styles?
Words: 343

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

Need help generating essay topics related to Church Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 478

1. The Role of the Pastor in Fostering Spiritual Growth and Discipleship

Discuss the pastor's responsibilities in nurturing the spiritual development of church members.
Explore how pastors can create and implement discipleship programs that promote spiritual maturity.
Examine the pastor's role in counseling and guiding individuals through challenges and growth opportunities.

2. The Importance of Servant Leadership in Church Governance

Define servant leadership and explain its significance in church leadership.
Analyze the Biblical foundations and practical applications of servant leadership.
Discuss the benefits of servant leadership for both church leaders and congregations.

3. The Impact of Culture on Church Leadership Styles


Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on leadership in nursing ?
Words: 232

1. The Transformative Role of Leadership in Nursing: Inspiring Excellence and Patient-Centered Care

2. Leadership in Nursing: A Compass Guiding Innovation, Empowerment, and Patient Advocacy

3. The Essence of Nursing Leadership: Balancing Patient Care, Collaboration, and Organizational Success

4. Empowering Nurses Through Effective Leadership: A Key to Enhancing Patient Outcomes and Professional Satisfaction

5. The Vital Role of Leadership in Shaping the Future of Nursing Practice: Meeting the Challenges of a Transforming Healthcare Landscape

6. Leadership in Nursing: A Catalyst for Change and Continuous Improvement

7. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Nursing Teams: Fostering a Culture of Excellence and Patient-Centeredness

8. The Qualities and Competencies of....

Need help generating essay topics related to Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 273

Leadership in Modern Organizations

The Evolution of Leadership: From Traditional Approaches to Contemporary Paradigms
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership
Cross-Cultural Leadership: Navigating the Complexities of a Globalized Workforce
Servant Leadership: Balancing Empowerment and Accountability
Leadership in Crisis: Strategies for Navigating Organizational Challenges

The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Outcomes

The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Employee Engagement
The Influence of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Reputation
Transformational Leadership: Driving Innovation and Organizational Success
The Importance of Diversity in Leadership: Enhancing Performance and Inclusivity
Leadership and Organizational Culture: Shaping Values and Beliefs

Leadership Development and Succession Planning

Identifying and Developing Future....

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