Transformational Leader Essays (Examples)

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Transformational Leaders Service and Technology
Pages: 15 Words: 4410

Transformational Leaders
Challenges Facing Transformational Leaders: Service and Technology

In the present day, organizations incessantly experience and go through rapid technological changes, decreasing product life cycles, globalization, international global economic setting and also the extensive accessibility to information. As a result, in order for these organizations to continue surviving and being relevant in the market, there is a great need of going after new trends, increasing organizational growth and also being innovative than previously before. This is particularly the case with the technological and service sectors where there is constant change in invention and also preferences from the consumers. Transformational leadership is a substantial approach to motivate supporters beyond prospects and let out the creativity within them. This indicates the importance of transformational leadership in the technological and service sectors as it is the quintessence of generating and sustaining a competitive edge over rivals. Nevertheless, it is imperative to note these…...



Bass, B. M. (1991). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational dynamics, 18(3), 19-31.

Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership: Good, better, best. Organizational Dynamics, 13(3), 26-40.

Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 270-283.

Looking Into Community Association Managers as Transformational Leaders
Pages: 5 Words: 1884

Community Association Managers as Transformational Leaders
In the last half-century, the real estate sector of America has transformed from a founder-based, local, cottage industry into a nationwide and worldwide team-based service solutions and asset provider. The sector has progressed from vying for money to vying for talent, from gathering of data to knowledgeable counseling, from individual names to lines of businesses, and from opportunistic growth to sustainable development. Further, it has undergone a move from self-regard to collaboration and from a focus on share in the market to buyer share. The industry, which comprises of entrepreneurs, opportunists, value creators, risk managers, and leaders, is a connection to the past as well as a forerunner of future events.

Consequently, community challenges are becoming increasingly frequent, intense, and complex, and necessitate effective practical leadership that can address complex issues. Arguably, the search for effective community leadership is the biggest challenge a community association manager…...



Aarons, G. A. (2006). Transformational and Transactional Leadership: Association With Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Practice. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.), 57(8), 1162-1169. doi. 10.1176/

Avant, F. L. (2013). "African-Americans living in rural community: Building assets from an afrocentric perspective." In In T. L. Scales, C. L. Streeter, & H. S. Cooper (Eds)., Rural Social Work: Building and Sustaining Community Capacity (5-16). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.

Avant, F., Rich-Rice, K. & Copeland, S. (2013). Leadership and Rural Communities, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Vol. 3 No. 8

Collins, R. (1988). Theoretical sociology. Washington, DC: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

transformational leadership personal reflection
Pages: 5 Words: 1633

My leadership quiz highlights my leadership style as transformational. In the quiz, it was found that I have the following strengths: self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, compelling vision, ability to motivate people, and being a good role model. This paper will examine these traits, and my weaknesses, against the strengths and weaknesses of the prototypical transformational leader, and seek to establish ways in which I can deal with my weaknesses in order to make myself a better leader.

Strengths of Transformational Leaders

Y Culture is a consulting firm that has written about transformational leadership. Y Culture (2018) notes that among the characteristics of transformational leaders are self-management, ability to take risks, the ability to make difficult decisions, inspirational, adaptability, proactive nature and leadership with vision.

When we look at these strengths versus my own, there are definitely some synergies. First is vision – a transformational leader must have vision for the future, something…...

Transformational Leadership Application Case Study
Pages: 6 Words: 1945

Organizational Case Study eview
The problems that are occurring at the Centerville Public Health Clinic (CPHC) run very deep and there are substantial issues that need to be addressed to correct the organizational behavior that is causing unnecessary distress and becoming a distraction to the essence of health care and healing. As the Administrator of this clinic I have decided that there needs to be a somewhat drastic shift of attitude towards the quality of work being performed at this clinic.

The root issue of the problem deals with an overall disapproval of the collective job performance of the clinic as a whole. The recent problems dealing with absenteeism suggest that the issue at hand deals with the attitude that work is not fulfilling and the only reason why we come to the clinic is to receive a monetary reward. This understanding of the health care industry is problematic; however there are…...



Avey, J.B., Palanski, M.E., & Walumbwa, F.O. (2011). When leadership goes unnoticed: The moderating role of follower self-esteem on the relationship between ethical leadership and follower behavior. Journal of Business Ethics,98(4), 573-582.

Buchbinder, S. (2013). A lottery for employee attendance. In Buchbinder, S., Shanks, N. And Buchbinder, D. (Eds). Cases in Healthcare Management. Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett

Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S., & Mossholder, K.W. (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(7), 942-958.

Imran, H., Arif, I., Cheema, S., & Azeem, M. (2014). Relationship between job satisfaction, job performance, attitude towards work, and organizational commitment. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal, 2(2), 135-144.

Transformational Leadership Skills in a Multicutural Context
Pages: 2 Words: 658

Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire" has managed to reflect on my leadership philosophy that asserts leadership as a journey consisting of leaders and followers. Answering the questions, I realized that my philosophy should be more in the lines of helping people find the best in themselves, which can be achieved by reflecting more of my leadership and its implications for others. As a leader, I need always to understand my role in leading employees in a direction that enables shareholders to meet organizational goals and objectives. I was surprised by the issue of power distance where I managed to score a mean score of 3.01, which shows a lower power distance on cultural values. From the results, other cultures may influence my culture partly because democracy has replaced authoritarianism in the community. Moreover, democratization, internationalization, and media liberalization are some of the factors that have contributed to the change in society.…...



De Smet, A., Lavoie, J., & Hioe, E. S. (2012). Developing Better Change Leaders. Mckinsey Quarterly, (2), 98-104.

Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th Ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications

Pauline, R. (2012). Transforming Leadership Styles and Knowledge Sharing In a Multicultural Context. Business, Management & Education, 10(1), 91-109.

Manifestations of Transformational Leadership
Pages: 2 Words: 416

Transformational Leadership
The transformational leader engages with others in such a way that the leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. In transformational leadership, it is important that the leader should address the true needs of the followers, and lead followers towards fulfillment of those needs. Transformational leadership consists of seven components according to Carless A, et al. (2000): Vision, taff Development, upportive Leadership, Empowerment, Innovative Thinking, Lead by Example and Charisma. trong support for the value of transformational leadership suggests that it leads to a sense of collective identity, results in enhanced sense of reverence, and develops trust and satisfaction with the leader. tudies have also shown that transformational leaders significantly energized followers and enhanced their motivation, morality and empowerment.

elf-core: 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3

Average elf-core: 22/7 = 3.14

Co-Worker's Assessment: 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3 = 23; Average = 3.28




Carless, S.A., Wearing, A.J., & Mann, L. (2000). A short measure of transformational leadership. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14, 389-405.

Conger, K., et al. (2000). Charismatic leadership and follower effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 21(7): 747-767.

Dvir, T., et al. (2002). Impact of transformational leadership. Academy of Management Journal. 45(4).

Personality and Transformational Leadership Most
Pages: 9 Words: 3184

Theefoe they have moe kind of skills that will be able to get bette esults with the same individuals than tansactional leades. Subodinates who will examine leades as tansfomational ae highly dedicated (Humpeys, Weyant & Spague 2003) and they have high development need and high needs of independence (Deluga 2005)). Futhemoe the dependents of tansfomational leades have fequency that is highe of infomation pusuing (Chabonneau, D. 2004)).
Likewise subodinates' behavio is what had some kind of influences egading the leadeship pocess. Madza's (2001) investigations showed that subodinates that have lowe Oganization -- Based Self -- Esteem (OBSE) will be the ones that will take advantage of the developing suppot they get fom a tansfomational leade, wheeas subodinates with advanced OBSE may not be as much inclined by the excellence of thei association with the leade and would not seek to take the same type of advantage (Funham 2009). It also…...


references for charismatic leadership: the influence of follower values and personality. The Leadership Quarterly 12, 153-179.

Furnham, a. (2009). Faking personality questionnaires: Fabricating different profiles for different purposes. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews 9, 46-55.

Furnham, a. (2012. The big five vs. The big four: the relationship between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and NEO-PI five factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences 21:2, 303-307.

Gallen, T. (2003). The cognitive style and strategic decisions of managers. Management Decision 35:7-8, 541-551.

Horner, M. (2007). Leadership theory: past, present & future. Team Performance

Richard Branson's Leadership Style Transformational Leadership Sir
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Richard Branson's Leadership Style: Transformational Leadership
Sir Richard Branson has proven to be a transformational leader in the airline industry. The edgy, unpredictable and youthful image of Virgin has garnered the company a kind of a 'cult following,' despite increasingly fickle consumer tastes. There have been a number of disasters, however, partially generated by Branson's shoot-from-the-hip style. Bucking conventional wisdom, Branson held onto underperforming Virgin stores and unsuccessfully tried to challenge Apple's iPod with a Virgin MP3 player. However, Branson's willingness to stay true to what he believes is right is what makes him so inspiring. He has crafted a unique image for his company, with a distinct ethos that has a clear system of values. This is exemplified in Branson's promote-from-within strategy and an emphasis on hiring people because of their personal qualities, rather than specific experiences. Branson's positive and forward-thinking attitude is reflected in the people he chooses to…...

The Notion of Transformational Leadership
Pages: 12 Words: 3591

hile the case study approach would have allowed Gubman to interview employees on their degree of loyalty, one is left to
wonder whether a few selective interviews, which would be in line with the
case study format, would allow Gubman to make any generalizations about a
company with thousands of employees, like Motorola.
Stephen Denning (2005) also attempts to measure the effects of
transformational leadership through a case study approach of IBM's e-
business strategy in the 1990s. Denning demonstrates how the idea of
Internet business actually originated from a low-level IBM engineer, who
was able to get access to and convince corporate leadership, including CEO
Lou Gerstner. Company management eventually supported the idea and launched
what became a multi-billion-dollar business unit.
Denning (2005) is able to demonstrate various components of
transformational leadership in his research. For example, he demonstrates a
vision that originated from employees and was eventually disseminated by
management -- a practice encouraged by Burns and Bass. The vision was
developed around…...


Works Cited

Bass, B.M. and Steidlmeier, P. (1998). Ethics, character and authentic


leadership. Retrieved Oct. 20, 2007 from .

Bass' transformational leadership theory (No date). Changing Minds.

Retrieved Oct. 19,

Transformative Leadership Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership Self-Assessment
Pages: 2 Words: 648

Transformative Leadership
Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership: Self-assessment

I have never been assigned the task of leading a large organization. However, when I have been given the task of exercising leadership within a specific context, I have tried to lead with a vision. Even when I have simply directed volunteers at mundane tasks, such as during a food drive, I have tried to stress the larger importance of why we are doing what we are doing, rather than simply focus upon minutia. I have also tried to take an interest in subordinates on a personal level. Although I have not had the ability to specifically select subordinates for development and training as leaders themselves, because of the limits of my own position, I try to delegate tasks in an individualized fashion. I like to see workers perform to the best of their abilities and praise them when tasks are completed successfully, to give them…...

Transformational Women Leaders
Pages: 9 Words: 3061

Transformational Women's Leadership
The website for Changing describes transformational leadership in the standard way, as charismatic leaders with vision and imagination who inspire followers to achieve radical change in an organization or society. Transformational leaders are passionate and exciting and they care about their followers. They make people believe that their ideals can be achieved through their own commitment, enthusiasm and drive. In the process, their followers are also transformed and empowered to do things that they would never have believed possible. This website also points out some of the dangers of transformational leadership in that when such leaders are wrong they can lead "the charge right over the cliff and into a bottomless chasm." They may also "wear out" their followers with constant demands for high energy and commitment, especially if those at the lower levels really do not desire change (Transformational Leadership 2002-11) has a very extensive guide…...



Goodman, D., ed. (2003). Marie Antoinette: Writings on the Body of a Queen. Routledge.

Lever, E. (2000). The Last Queen of France. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

Plain, N. (2002). Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and the French Revolution. Marshall Cavendish.

Price, M. (2004). The Road from Versailles: Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and the Fall of the French Monarchy. NY: St. Martin's.

Transformational vs Charismatic Leadership Leading
Pages: 8 Words: 2008

Dangers linger in any relationship where one party holds power and the other party gives it. Any student of leadership, must recognize that tripwire, and assiduously avoid it through correctly recognizing the dangers that abuse of power can bring.
orks Cited

Bass, B., Atwater, L., & Avolio, B. (2008). The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and omen. Applied Psychology, 5-34.

Beverly Alimo-MetcalfAlban-Metcalfe, J., Bradley, M., Mariathasan, J., & Samele, C. (2008). The impact of engaging leadership on performance, attitudes to work and well-being at work: A longitudinal study. Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 586-598.

Beyer, J. (1999). Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 307-330.

Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J., & Boydell, T. (1944). A Manager's Guide To Self-Development 4th ed. London: McGraw-Hill.

Ulrich, D., Zenger, J., Smallwood, N., & . (1953; CR 1999). Results-Based Leadership. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press.



Works Cited

Bass, B., Atwater, L., & Avolio, B. (2008). The Transformational and Transactional Leadership of Men and Women. Applied Psychology, 5-34.

Beverly Alimo-MetcalfAlban-Metcalfe, J., Bradley, M., Mariathasan, J., & Samele, C. (2008). The impact of engaging leadership on performance, attitudes to work and well-being at work: A longitudinal study. Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 586-598.

Beyer, J. (1999). Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 307-330.

Bolman, L., & Deal, T. (1991). Reframing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Leader Motivation and Contingency Leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 1484

Leadership: Leader Motivation and ContingencyA leader needs to behave proactively without losing the trust of his employees as employee hiring as well as retention of the talented ones is a serious strategic decision. Leaders specific personality traits have to be brought into effect for dealing with contingency situations that might sometimes get the brands image and stakeholders trust in jeopardy. No one size could be considered a fit for all situations and a contingency one (Vidal et al., 2017). This paper aims to scrutinize two leaders and their motivational and contingency leadership styles based on contingency theory.Mary Barra, GM CEOMotivational Style and Contingency LeadershipThe motivational style of Mary Barra could be attributed to transformational leadership in which she allowed the employees to express their viewpoints. After listening to them, she asked about their values and how they chose them (Bin Sattar, n.d.). This led her to understand what employee perceptions…...


ReferencesBin Sattar, S. (n.d.). Leadership qualities- styles, traits, and skills of Mary Barra. The Strategy Watch.   D., Teo, S., Halvorsen, B., & Staples, W. (2020). Leader humility and knowledge sharing intention: A serial mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Ochs, S.M. (2016, October 6). The leadership blind spots at Wells Fargo. Harvard Business Review. PBS News Hours. (2016, September 20). Were Wells Fargo employees under unfair sales pressure? Qian, J., Song, B., Jin, Z., Wang, B. & Chen, H. (2018). Linking empowering leadership to task performance, taking charge, and voice: The mediating role of feedback-seeking. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Segun, F. (2017, July 25). The kind of leadership that existed in Wells Fargo which led to the scandal. LinkedIn. Steinmann, B., Klug, H., & Maier, G. W. (2018). The path is the goal: How transformational leaders enhance followers’ job attitudes and proactive behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Tai. (2020, February 20). How decisive leadership saved General Motors from catastrophe. Matter App. Vidal, G.G., Campdesuner, R.P., Rodriguez, A.S. & Vivar, R.M. (2017). Contingency theory to study leadership styles of small businesses owners-managers at Santo Domingo, Ecuador. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9. University. (2022, September 6). The contingency theory of leadership explained. Nguyen,

Leader Traits
Pages: 2 Words: 884

Leadership Styles:
Charismatic vs. servant leadership

The career of General Colin Powell is by any measure an extraordinary one. Powell was the first African-American Secretary of State and a much-talked about candidate for the presidency in his own right. From the very beginning of his career, Powell eluded conventional definitions of what it means to be black in American politics and created a unique brand of charismatic leadership. Powell self-identified as a Republican but was unafraid to be an advocate for a different point-of-view when debates about the Iraq War raged within in the administration of George ush. Powell saw the involvement of the U.S. In Iraq as a flagrant contradiction of the principles he had learned while serving in Vietnam, which was to have a clear goal for an intervention; to use military force in a rapid fashion; and also to establish the support of the American people for the…...



Blanken, Rhea. "8 Common Leadership Styles." ASSOCIATIONS NOW, January 2013.


  accessed 26 Aug 2013) 

Butler, G. "Humane leadership." Marine Corps Gazette, 96(2012) 8, 21-25. Available:

Transformational and Innovation
Pages: 10 Words: 3571

Leadership Innovation
The ole of Leadership Styles in Organizational Innovation and Success

Purpose Statement / Problem Statement


Effects of theory

Limitations of the theory

Innovation and Organizational Success

Leadership Style and Innovation

Leadership Styles and Organizational Success

Instruments for assessing leadership style

Vl. Methodology

Vll. Type of Study

Quantitative esearch

Qualitative esearch

Vlll. Conclusion

This study will attempt to identify which leadership style is best suited for organizational innovation and success. There are a large range of factors to be considered. Among them, leadership style has been recognized as one of the most important of the various considerations. Leadership style correlates to positive transformation as well as influences organizational innovation and often diffusion of innovation. A few studies have empirically examined and found the links between leadership style and innovation at the organizational level and even connection between style of diffusion of innovation and success. Leadership style has been traditionally emphasized as the most important individual influences on organizational innovation (Goldsmith, Baldoni and McArthur,…...



6, P. And Bellamy, C. (2012). Principles of methodology. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Amani Ashlubolagh, M., Ameri Shahrabi, M., Eftekhari, J., Kazemi Ashlaghi, A., Safdari, S. And Abdolmaleki, S. (2013). A study on the effect of manager's leadership style to create innovation among employees. 10.5267/j.msl, pp.2201-2206.

Boga, I. And Ensari, N. (2009). The role of transformational leadership and organizational change on perceived organizational success. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 12(4), pp.235-251.

Brooker, P. (2010). Leadership in democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Need help coming up with a good thesis statement for an informative essay on army leadership styles?
Words: 343

There are several different types of army leadership styles that can produce the desired results among the armed forces.  Leadership in the army differs a little from leadership in other scenarios because some type of followership is built into the armed forces. The main leadership styles that you are likely to encounter in the army are transactional, transformational, servant, and autocratic. 

Transactional leadership is the type of leadership one most often encounters in the military.  It is based in structure and relies strongly on both rewards and penalties.  Rather than collaborating with subordinates, the transactional leader....

Need help generating essay topics related to Church Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 478

1. The Role of the Pastor in Fostering Spiritual Growth and Discipleship

Discuss the pastor's responsibilities in nurturing the spiritual development of church members.
Explore how pastors can create and implement discipleship programs that promote spiritual maturity.
Examine the pastor's role in counseling and guiding individuals through challenges and growth opportunities.

2. The Importance of Servant Leadership in Church Governance

Define servant leadership and explain its significance in church leadership.
Analyze the Biblical foundations and practical applications of servant leadership.
Discuss the benefits of servant leadership for both church leaders and congregations.

3. The Impact of Culture on Church Leadership Styles


Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on leadership in nursing ?
Words: 232

1. The Transformative Role of Leadership in Nursing: Inspiring Excellence and Patient-Centered Care

2. Leadership in Nursing: A Compass Guiding Innovation, Empowerment, and Patient Advocacy

3. The Essence of Nursing Leadership: Balancing Patient Care, Collaboration, and Organizational Success

4. Empowering Nurses Through Effective Leadership: A Key to Enhancing Patient Outcomes and Professional Satisfaction

5. The Vital Role of Leadership in Shaping the Future of Nursing Practice: Meeting the Challenges of a Transforming Healthcare Landscape

6. Leadership in Nursing: A Catalyst for Change and Continuous Improvement

7. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Nursing Teams: Fostering a Culture of Excellence and Patient-Centeredness

8. The Qualities and Competencies of....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Nursing?
Words: 358

Nursing Theory and Practice

The Impact of Nursing Theories on Patient Outcomes
The Role of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice
Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing: Frameworks and Case Studies
Interdisciplinary Collaboration and its Implications for Nursing Care
Innovations in Nursing Education: Exploring Future Trends

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

The Importance of Nursing Research for Improving Patient Care
Conducting Nursing Research: Research Designs, Methods, and Analysis
Translating Research Findings into Clinical Practice: Challenges and Strategies
The Role of Technology in Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Evaluation of Nursing Interventions: Methods and Impact

Nursing Management and Leadership

The Transformational Leader in Nursing: Inspiring and....

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