Training & Development
Training Program on Interviewing Skills
Training Objectives
Training Techniques and Activities
Activity I: Mock Interview
Activity II: Videos
Participant Evaluation Criteria and Methodology
Importance of Selected Activities
Training and development is an important H function as it provides basis for growth to the employees in general and organization on the whole in particular. Training programs may vary in their type, contents, audience and duration. Imparting training about interviewing skills is an important objective emerging in modern organizations which are experts in technical and specialized fields. There is strong need to include technical people in the recruitment interview of technical people.
Training & Development
Human resource management is an integral department for all business organizations (Naik, 2009) serving the industry of 21st century. The importance of human resource management department can be understood through the fact that its presence is one of the regulatory requirements of company registration. It is because, the modern world considers employees as the…...
Naik. (2009). Training and Development. India: Excel Books.
Wang, V. And King, K. (2009). Fundamentals of Human Performance and Training. USA: IAP.
Training and Staff Development
HM Training and Staff Development
This paper recommends a set of activities which Google Inc. can carry out to resolve its H issues of low employee motivation and lack of training. The major sections of the paper include training program overview, training need assessment, costs and risks analysis, flow chart and time schedule of activities, and recommendations and their justifications.
This paper presents a report on resolving the human resource management issue through employee training development program. The multinational organization selected for this report is Google Inc. -- one of the most successful technological giants in the world. The biggest issue which Google Inc. is facing in its human resource management practices is the training, development, and motivation of its employees. This report proposes a full-fledged training solution to Google Inc. By conducting a number of analyses; including training need assessment, analysis of different alternative training solutions, costs and…...
Baudler, C.R. (2011). Employee Engagement: Through Effective Performance Management by Edward M. Mone and Manuel London, Personnel Psychology, 64 (3): 813-816.
Billsberry, J., Salaman, G., & Storey, J. (2005). Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition. London: SAGE.
Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2012). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Burnes, B. (2007). Kurt Lewin and the Harwood Studies: The Foundations of OD. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 43 (2): 213-231.
Training and Development in Small Businesses
Overview of Starbucks
Starbucks Coffee came on the scene with just one store in 1971. After that time, the Seattle coffee shop has exploded into something like 16,000 spots in over 50 various nations (Gaudio, 2003). The organization makes sure that it fulfills every part of its mission: "to inspire Starbucks Coffee Company denotes to their workers as "partners," for whom they offer extensive training and benefits
It is this type of training that permits for a reliable produce from one store all the way to the next one. Upon examination of their human resource practices and procedures, we have discovered that inconsistencies occur in regard to borrowed and transferred partners. A transferred partner is considered to a worker who is transferring primary store places. A borrowed partner is the one that fills in a shift at a store location excluding their own. While this Starbuck training…...
Carrier, C. (2009). The training and development needs of owner-managers of small businesses with export potential. Journal of Small Business Management, 37(4), 30-41.
Gaudio, R. (2003). Coffeetalk: Starbucks (TM) and the commercialization of casual conversation. Language in Society, 32(5), 659-691.
John Loan-Clarke, G.B. (2009). Investment in management training and development by small businesses. Employee Relations, 21(3), 296-310.
The employees should also get to learn about the safety issues especially for workers in industries as the organization might be sued for not following proper safety procedures.
When setting the training consider the following steps so as to avoid failure. The first thing that should be done is observing the workers as they undertake their operations so as to identify the areas that need improvement of expertise. The second thing is to plan your objectives and make an outline of the contents. The other thing that should be done is to develop the necessary tools to be used on the training. The company can also post them on the organization's internet so as to facilitate access to everyone in the organization. The fourth thing to be done is to apply the programs by notifying every worker in the business and make it mandatory to every employee and one can…...
Charnov H.B. And Montana J.P. (2000). "Training and Development." Management. New York, NY: Barron's Educational Series.
Hall L., Taylor S., and Torrington D. (2004). Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Kazanas C.H. And Rothwell J.W. (2004). The Strategic Development of Talent. New York: Human Resource Development Press.
Training Education
Over the last several years, the issues of training and education in health care have been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because there is soaring demand for improved services and quality. At the same time, rising costs and staff shortages are making the underlying need for qualified individuals more important. To help a health facility to attract the best personnel requires: examining how training / education are vital, the significance of measuring competencies and the process of tracking / evaluating the effectiveness of training. Together, these different elements will provide specific insights as to how training and education are addressing the underlying challenges affecting organizations. (Ducey, 2009, pp. 1 -- 19)
Explain why training and education are vital in health care.
Training and education are vital in ensuring that everyone is up-to-date on the latest techniques and regulations. This helps to improve efficiency and quality through teaching professionals specific…...
Ducey, A. (2009). Never Good Enough. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Duff, K. (2010). Continuing Education. AZ Business. Retrieved from:
Ellis, J. (2004). Nursing in Today's World. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Kak, N. (2001). Measuring Competencies. HCJ Project. Retrieved from:
Training Program
Evaluation of the training program
The training of the sales person and the effectiveness thereafter can effectively be measured through various evaluation methods that are best fitted for the particular scenario. Since the training concentrated majorly on the application aspect of the sales procedures to increase sales, the evaluation can only be done objectively at the various branches as the sales team goes on to apply the acquired skills. There are some basic steps that will be followed in the process of evaluation of the success of the program. There are four steps that will be considered generally:
Evaluation design and plan
Here, the intended purpose and expected outcome of the program will be noted down and whether the report will be in the form of a report or series of recorded success stories, taking into account the training was on sales people who were to apply the newly acquired techniques.
The questions…...
Coastal Planning and Management Manual, (2012). Project Evaluation. Pp 4. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from
LTDI, (1999). Questionnaires: Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from
This does not refer to classified information that private companies will not make public, but only to the data they will release. In other words, the two most important and reliable corporate resources are the company's official website and the company's statements and annual reports.
Articles on the internet will also be analyzed as they increase the amount of available information, allowing as such the reader to hear more statements and be able to form an independent and unbiased opinion.
6. Sampling
Considering that the management and employees within the ten selected organizations agree to participate to the study by answering the questions organized in the questionnaires, a sample of individuals will have to be organized. The sample will have to consider three primary specifications. First of all, it has to be large enough as to offer sufficient responses sitting at the basis of a clear conclusion formulation. Secondly, it has to…...
The information contained in the research paper will be gathered from various resources. An approximate list will be offered below, but this may well modify throughout the actual process of writing the paper. The company and institutional information will be retrieved from the annual reports and the official websites, where possible. However, these will only be presented once the ten companies have been selected.
The list of the probable resources to be used is as presented below:
Kurb, M., Prokopenko, J., 1989, Diagnosing Management Training and Development Needs: Concepts and Techniques, 3rd Edition, International Labor Office
Milheilm, D., 1999, Public or Private Sector Work: The Eternal Question, Public Management, Vol. 81
Training Development
"You need to be pro-active; go and seek knowledge so that you can become a valuable resource to Gulf Air and to Bahrain"
Jassim Al Marzooqi, Chief Technical Officer
(Marzooqi, as cited in Gulf Air welcomes…, 2009).
Communication Counts
"You kids need to shut your mouths and pay attention for a change!"
"Michael -- if you get up out of your seat one more time, I am going to phone your mother and ask her to keep you home from our meeting next week!"
"Tanisha, how many times do I have to tell you to turn off that cell phone and put it back in your purse!"
Staff at Equipped for Life[footnoteRef:1], a nonprofit organization for youth of prisoners, regularly experience challenges with maintaining order at the group's weekly dinner and socially-oriented meetings. Each Thursday for 46 weeks in the year, the group of approximately 19 -- 23 youth typically consisting of more females than males…...
It is a commonly accepted fact that British employers have neglected the significance of employee training. They justified this neglect probably on the premise that although training is a major cost item, it does not have a significant correlation with improvement in organizational performance (Hallier and Butts, 1998, p.80). However, in recent years, there is a major upheaval in this line of thinking, prompted by industry experts and fast spreading public opinion about the impact of training and employee development. Employers in Britain are gradually but surely conceding to the fact that employee development does pay in terms of better organizational performance. Based on a research study sponsored by the National Institute of Economic and Social esearch, experts generally subscribe to the theory that skills training improve organizational performance and efficiency (Stevens and McKay, p.55).
This recognition assumes great importance as a direct relationship between training and profitability is yet to…...
Ackers, P and Preston D. 1999 Born again? The ethics and efficacy of the=conversion experience in contemporary
management development, Journal of Management Studies,
34, 5, 677-701
Ashton, J and Felstead, A. (1995) "Training and Development," in Storey.J,
Such training can be effective, but it depends on the learning style of the trainees. This is an area where training design can be particularly challenging. Many people have different learning styles, so group training is likely more effective with some people and less effective with others. Many people require a more hands-on approach to their training, the result being that they might struggle with classroom training. It is important in training design that the predominant learning style of the trainees is taken into account.
Transfer to the Job
Experiential training is often favored because it is believed that this form of training is easier to transfer to the job. When people have walked through a scenario, they find it easier to see that same scenario when they are working. Group training is also fairly effective at this, because other members of the group can correct one's behavior, when they identify…...
Argote, L. & Ingram, P. (2000). Knowledge transfer: A basis for competitive advantage in firms. Organizational Behavior and Human Decisions Processes. Vol. 82 (1) 150-169.
Barney, J. & Wright, P. (1997). On becoming a strategic partner: The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. CAHRS Working Paper Series. Retrieved May 9, 2014 from
Chapman, A. (2014). Training and learning development. Business Retrieved May 9, 2014 from
Collins, D. (2002). The effectiveness of managerial leadership development programs: A meta-analysis of studies from 1982-2001. Louisiana State University. Retrieved May 9, 2014 from
Why is it important to conduct an evaluation of the training program?
The institutions that are given to training programs invest a lot of financial resources with an objective of helping the company gain competitive advantage. Training programs are aimed at expanding knowledge and the acquired knowledge sets the difference between successful human resources and companies, and failing companies. According to research summaries examining the relationship between a training program and HR outcomes like human capital, behaviors, motivation and attitudes, organizational outcomes of profitability, productivity and performance are evidenced where training programs are integrated more. Training programs have shown a strong outcome in human resource and performance outcomes and a week outcome in financial outcome.
Evaluation of training programs helps communicate the effectiveness of a training program. Through evaluation it is possible to identify appropriate and measurable outcomes. Through needs assessment and identified measurable objectives from a training program it is possible…...
In the present day intensely competitive marketplace, businesses must incessantly enhance the level of quality of their products and services in order to gain competitive advantages. Corporations have to attain and capitalize on their resources in an efficacious manner. As a result, it is of the best interest for the corporations to improve the job performances of their staff by carrying out training and education as one of the fundamental measures to increase productivity. Training and education is a significant component in human resource growth and development for enhancement of performance and organizational efficacy. In addition, training and education is a wide ranging aspect necessitated to attain most output and productivity from the human assets as it is utilized to enhance or increase activity that is linked with general performance requirements of the staff and the organization in its entirety. The main objective of the research is to determine whether training…...
Admissions Essay for Center of Homeland Defense and SecurityI became the Exercise Director on the day of a weapons-of-mass-destruction training event for US&R teams. And I would like to share with you that experience.The setting: 2018 Sentinel Response - Northern California US&R RDD (radiological dispersion device/dirty bomb) exercise, held in Arco Arena, Sacramento, California. The scenario was set up around a catastrophic 6.8M earthquake along the Hayward Fault. Taking advantage of the aftermath, a Home-Grown Violent Extremist (HGVE) organization, The Brotherhood, detonated a box truck-borne RDD inside the stadium that was serving a refuge for earthquake evacuees. The notional detonation created a structural collapse of the stadium. Large portions of the interior and exterior scene were contaminated by radioactive materials. Three Northern California US&R Task Forces deployed to reinforce first responders on scene and integrate with CBRNE assets from the California National Guard.The general control objectives for the incident included:…...
Training Session Plan: Job Interview Preparation
This training package is about the ability to dress for success in terms of attire for the formal job interview. The training session will span the duration of one hour and include the implementation of the skills needed to understand the importance of one's personal appearance during an interview, better understand the contents of a professional wardrobe, best express an air of personality and professionalism through job interview attire, and implement these tools into real-world interview settings in order to achieve better interviewer perception and additionally better job offer prospects.
Information for the trainer
Supporting information
Course design
Session plan
Job Interview Preparation
Dressing for the Job Interview
Information for the Trainer
Supporting Information
Appropriately presenting oneself in the context of a formal job interview is a skill that is based largely on one's personal appearance. As individuals, including job interviewers, base their opinions of people largely upon their first perception, one's physical appearance…...
Crampton, S., 2005, Developing and packaging the total corporate image, in S.A.M.
Advanced Management Journal, 60(3): pp. 30-40. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. [Accessed on 20 November 2011].
Forsythe, S., 1990, Effect of applicant's clothing on interviewer's decision to hire, in Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20(19): pp. 1579. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. [Accessed on 20 November 2011].
Grumbine, R., 2010, Using data-collection to enrich courses, in The American Teacher,
P., Phillips, J.J., 2008, OI fundamentals: why and when to measure OI, John Wiley and Sons
6. eliability and validity
The concepts of reliability and validity are often used as synonymous, yet there are some notable differences between the two terms. At a general level, reliability is understood as the ability of a person, system, group or another construction to function at the adequate parameters and to serve the purposes for which it was created. The concept of validity refers to the ability of a result, a statement, a finding or another such system to be realistic, well-founded, sound and trustworthy.
Within the statistical, research and science areas, the concepts of reliability and validity gain new relevance as it is crucial for the studies to be both reliable as well as valid. In other words, they have to be self-sustained and to generate sound and trustworthy results.
The constant characteristic of reliability is that…...
Andriessen, E., Importance of management development, Ed Andriessen, / last accessed on October 7, 2011
Blanchart, N.P., Thacker, J.W., 2009, Effective training: systems, strategies and practices, 4th edition, Prentice Hall
Negative Effects of Homework Essay Titles
While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context. Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress. The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor. Generally, we....
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