Total Quality Management Essays (Examples)

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Total Quality Management Is an
Pages: 3 Words: 858

d.). This largely contributed to the development of today's total quality management concept as quality excellence has become a standard for business operations.
Principles of Total Quality Management:

As one of the main concepts in today's business operations, total quality management is based on several important principles including:

Customer Focus:

Being customer focused is the main principle behind total quality management because customers are the key determinants of the level of quality. Despite of the numerous efforts that a company conducts for quality improvement such as training employees, customers are the only stakeholders who determine the efficiency of those efforts. Therefore, customers should be central to any quality improvement initiative by an organization.

Total Employee Improvement and Process Centered:

An organization's efforts for quality improvement should be geared towards the provision of a favorable working environment that promotes employee improvement with an increased focus on process thinking.

Integrated Systems:

Total quality improvement is rooted in the development of…...



"Chapter 5 -- Total Quality Management." (n.d.). Wiley -- Knowledge for Generations.

Retrieved March 19, 2012, from

"History of Quality." (n.d.). Business Performance Improvement Resource. Retrieved March 19,

2012, from

Total Quality Management
Pages: 6 Words: 1864

Total Quality Management
Objective of this paper is to discuss the concept of TQM (Total Quality Management) using the Deming's 14 points to illustrate how business and education integrate TQM to deliver high quality product and services. The paper further chooses two of the Deming's 14 points to distinguish how business and education implement concept of TQM in their business operations.

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy and paradigm that focus on a continuous improvement approach of doing business. Typically, TQM embraces wide scope of management approach that focuses on the strategy to manage people and organizations. Using a new management model, TQM paradigm focuses on quality and evolves from continuous improvement, which has become the new and main dimension of doing business. Under TQM paradigm, the quality of product and services predominates.

The total quality management embraces the following philosophies:

Focusing on meeting customers needs by delivering high quality…...



English, L. (2011). Applying Deming's 14 Points to Information Quality: The 14 Points of Total Information Quality Management. Information Impact International, Inc.

Jensen, P.A. & Robinson, J.K.(1995). Deming's Quality Principles Applied to a Large Lecture Course. Journal of Engineering Education. 84(1):45-50.

Reid, R.D. & Sanders, N.R. (2010). Chapter 5 - Total Quality Management.(4th Edition). Wiley.

Redmond, R. Curtis, E. Noone, T. et al. (2008). Quality in higher education: The contribution of Edward Deming's principles. Journal of International Educational Management, 22 (5):432 -- 441.

Total Quality Management in Toyota the Production
Pages: 6 Words: 1917

Total Quality Management in Toyota
The production system of Toyota otherwise known as Toyota Management Systems (TMS) gives its adopters the ability to double their production in half the time, half the expense with half the problems and inventory in a fraction. TMS is no comparison to 'just' a production system. It is a three-innovation-combination model comprising of the policy of deployment (hoshin kanri), total quality management, and production just in time. Toyota did not establish these three innovations. The innovations command a powerful advantage in competition after the oil crisis that took place in 1973-74. Forty years later, the Japanese automaker is the leading in the United States while its competitors are still struggling to achieve the same. This has been possible because of the TQM systems it adopted.

By emphasizing on quality first and customer first corporate philosophy from the time of its establishment, Toyota scooped the prize for Deming…...



Bose, T.K. (2011). Total quality of management. Delhi: Pearson.

Hino, S. (2006). Inside the mind of Toyota: Management principles for enduring growth. New York, N.Y: Productivity Press.

Keen, P.G.W. (2007). The process edge: Creating value where it counts. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.

Taylor, D., & Brunt, D. (2009). Manufacturing operations and supply chain management: The LEAN approach. London [u.a.: Thomson Learning.

Total Quality Management or TQM Is Definitely
Pages: 11 Words: 3260

Total Quality Management or TQM is definitely an integrative administration structure targeted at consistently enhancing the output of products, services, items, procedures and general manufacturing to attain and exceed customer demands and anticipation. It had been an administrative approach initially produced for enhancing the structure of manufacturing. However, it's lately proven its significance in operating industries as well for enhancing the standard and services information and client satisfaction that has led to elevated competitive advantage (Psychogios et al., 2007).
Among the service industries which have already became a member of the TQM bandwagon may be the shipping sector. Certain courier companies for example Federal Express Corporation (FedEx), the U.S. Parcel Service (UPS) and U.S. Postal Service (USPS) already applied the concepts of TQM within their procedures (from the year 2003). They've moved from competence and high effectiveness to quality so as to ensure that they manage to stay competitive in the…...



Ahire, S.L., Dreyfus, P., 2000. The impact of design management and process management on quality: an empirical examination. Journal of Operations Management 18, 549-575.

Bounds, G.M. (1995), Management: A Total Quality Perspective, South Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH.

Butler, D. (1996), "A comprehensive survey on how companies improve performance through quality efforts," David Butler Associates, Inc., CA.

Clinton, R.J., Williamson, S. And Bethke, A. (1994), "Implementing total quality management: the role of human resource management," SAM Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 59 No. 2, pp. 10-16.

TQM Total Quality Management a Look Into
Pages: 10 Words: 2493

Total Quality Management

A Look into how the Ritz Carlton Hotel Chain uses Total Quality Management to Address Quality of Service Issues

Company Background

Level of Service Required for orld Class Service

Total Quality Management in a Service Environment

Human Resource Role in Service TQM

The Ritz Carlton's hotels are focused on a rather narrow target market that expects world class facilities as well as world class service by the hotels staff. hile constructing world class facilities is one matter, maintain a staff that consistently can provide world class service is no easy endeavor. To meet this challenge the Ritz Carlton organization has implemented many of the concepts embodied in the Total Quality Management body of research. They provide their staff both the training and the resources that empower them to maintain quality standards on the spot without having to navigate layers of organizational bureaucracy. This allows the hotel staff the means to provide the hotels…...


Works Cited

Baldacchino, G., 1999. Total quality management in a luxury hotel: A critique of practice. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14(1), pp. 65-78.

Coluricio, M., 2009. TQM: a knowledge enabler?. TQM Journal, 21(3), pp. 236-248.

Maxwell, G. & Lyle, G., 2002. Strategic HRM and Business Performance in the Hilton Group. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 14(5), pp. 251-252.

Ooi, K., Lin, B., Tan, B. & Chong, A., 2011. Are TQM practices supporting customer satisfaction and service quality?. The Journal of Service Marketing, 25(6), pp. 410-419.

Total Quality Management Despite the Quantified Clear
Pages: 2 Words: 541

Total Quality Management
Despite the quantified, clear value of Total Quality Management (TQM), manufacturers and service providers continue to be challenged to get the most value out of these programs. Barriers to implementing TQM can slow down even the most focused enterprise, causing literally billions of dollars in wasted productivity and resources. The intent of this analysis is to define the barriers to TQM implementation, citing examples from general Electric (GE) a company who at one time faced significant barriers yet overcame them to achieve exceptional results (Hendricks, Kelbaugh, 1998).

TQM Barriers Abound

Of the many reasons why TQM projects fail and the barriers they encounter over time, the greatest is the lack of support from top management. This barrier can stop a TQM program quickly, despite the advanced planning and business case that those championing the effort may advance internally (Alpander, Lee, 1995). Lack of top management support will also lead to…...



Alpander, G.G., & Lee, C.R. (1995). Culture, strategy and teamwork: The keys to organizational change. The Journal of Management Development, 14(8), 4-4.

Hendricks, C.A., & Kelbaugh, R.L. (1998). Implementing Six Sigma at GE. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 21(4), 48-53.

Total Quality Management TQM
Pages: 12 Words: 5107

Total quality management (TQM)
Total Quality Management is a particular management style where the aim is to produce total quality products for a customer or a client, where the customer has the right to define 'quality'. When the customer declares that the particular product or service is not up to the mark or of inferior quality or anything else, then the product or the service is considered to be not of the optimum quality, and needs to be improved further. Total quality management allows for continuous improvement based on the customers' opinion, and this is what is special about the entire concept, since the views and the opinions of the customer are taken extremely seriously, and various steps are taken to see that the product is changed or improved according to the necessity, and also that the product will be changed continuously over a period of time. (Total quality management:




Beheiry, Mohamed F. "The Cost of Quality" Consumer Focused Quality. Retrieved From

  Accessed on 21 December, 2004 

Elbo, Reylito A.H. (2004) "Beyond the Buzz Words: Control theory 2: Is TQM obsolete?" The Manila Times. September 03. Retrieved From

  Accessed on 21 December, 2004 

Total Quality Management for Purposes
Pages: 4 Words: 1291

If these three factors are present, there is also a high probability that there is a hospital-wide TQM initiative already in place. The research results state that many academic teaching hospitals do not have as high of a level of performance using TQM as non-teaching hospitals. This variation could be explained by the significantly different process bases in hospitals where there is instruction and treatment happening at the same time, and therefore there is a high level of variability in each process. TQM is best used in processes that can be standardized; hence the higher level of performance in non-teaching hospitals.
The use of TQM in Johns Hopkins Emergency Department illustrates how the same types of companies can have significantly different results using TQM as a strategy for being more aligned with customers. The first and most significant insight is that the greater the variability of individual processes, the more…...



Academic Emergency Medicine 1999. The Perceived Effectiveness of Total Quality Management as a Tool for Quality Improvement in Emergency Medicine. Drs VanRooten, Grabowski, Ghidorzi, Dey, Strange. Academic Emergency Medicine. August 1999, Volume 6, Number 8.

Journal of Accountancy (1994). TQM at the IRS. Al Y.S. Chen Roby B. Sawyers. Journal of Accountancy. July, 1994.

Hashmi (2007). Introduction and Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) Accessed from the Internet on November 13, 2008 from location:

TQM Total Quality Management Also Called TQM
Pages: 6 Words: 2490

Total quality management, also called TQM in short, is the process of organizing teams and processes for the purpose of bringing together individuals so that the quality was improved through training and new technology. The importance of this activity was recognized right in the beginning, as these are the two most important elements. There are individual performers in every organization who are capable of meeting the most stringent needs of the customers, and the job of TQM is to blend together the special skills of these people with the entire organization. In organizations where TQM is successful, the two aspects of demand, by the customers and teams and processes, the manufacturing team in the organization ultimately forms one team with the same objectives. Failures arise when aspects of one of the two elements dominate the other, and this results in the methods not being accepted wholeheartedly. The organizational names for…...



Bennis, W. (1989) On Becoming a Leader. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, p.23

Bennis, W. & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders. New York: Harper & Row, p.45

Brager, G. & Holloway, S. (1992). "Assessing the Prospects for Organizational Change: The Uses of Force Field Analysis." Administration in Social Work. 16(3/4), p.1528.

Chaudron, D. (1993, June). Organization Development does not Equal Total Quality Management. Presentation to the San Diego Organization Development Network. pp.18-19

Total Quality Management in International
Pages: 2 Words: 629

How much does quality, or the lack thereof, costs? It is substantial. The cost of quality is basically the sum of all that would disappear if we did everything right the first time. Lack of quality would be the sum of all defects done from the beginning of the process.

Total Quality Management thus worked its way to be a formidable concept in management techniques. However, the emphasis directed towards achievement of quality in satisfaction of customer's has long been the focus of business entities aside from earning profit. The philosophy is that guaranteed quality establishes a trust relationship between customer and supplier. Nevertheless, management concepts such as Total Quality Management leave their traces, as their core ideas can be valuable. Total Quality Management encourages participation amongst rank-in-file workers and managers. There is no single theoretical formalization of total quality, but the core assumptions are provided as the."..discipline and philosophy of…...



Managerial Accounting, 9th edition. Lauderback, Holmen and Dominiak. (2000).

Cost Accounting, Tradition and Innovations. Barfield, Raiborn and Kinney. (2001).

Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. Total Quality Management. (2007).

Retrieved May 21, 2007.

Total Quality Management Human Resources
Pages: 2 Words: 711

Total Quality Management
The ole of Leadership in Total Quality Management

Total quality management (TQM) refers to the procedure involved in the integration of the processes, people, and customers of an organization, with the aim of ensuring that customer needs and expectations are met (Sallis, 2004). To this end, TQM can be described as an integrative management philosophy that seeks to continually improve the quality of the processes and products of an organization. In a competitive marketplace, quality is paramount, which is why TQM has shifted from being a mere responsibility of specialists to being a crucial leadership function. A leader has to identify opportunities for quality improvement and act on them, failure to which they risk losing TQM implementation responsibilities to departments with less expertise in development and training, and as a result, hampering the smooth flow of the TQM strategy. In this regard, leadership acts as the pivotal change agent,…...



Sallis, E. (2004). Total Quality Management in Education (3rd ed.). Sterling, VA: Routledge

Total Quality Management the Concept
Pages: 2 Words: 562

At the level of information system, the commitment to quality is materialized in the purchase of the latest and most efficient technological applications which support organizational activities, but also by the adequate training of the staff members on how to best capitalize on the technological appliances.

The list of examples as to what elements constitute necessities in the cases of TQM adoption could go on for page, but the most important point has been made -- total quality management is not an isolated strategy, but an ongoing and ever present business model. A company cannot succeed in its TQM implementation until it recognizes the need for a uniform approach and implementation of TQM at all organizational levels.

In this order of ideas, a primary step to be taken in the implementation of a total quality management program is that of creating an organizational culture which promotes and embraces total quality management. It…...

Total Quality Management and the Influence of Transformational Leaders
Pages: 6 Words: 1709

Leadership in quality management systems All over the world, the relationship between leadership and quality management systems has been studied by researchers. As quality management systems focus on refining company policies in order to meet customer needs, the role of leadership in that system is one that many have analyzed. Leaders play a tremendous role in a company’s success; therefore, it stands to reason that they should share a similar role in quality management systems. Wagimin, Elisa, Juhary and Vembri (2019) show, for instance, that both transformational and transactional leadership styles can have positive effects on quality management systems as well as on employee performance. What they also point out, however, is that quality management systems and in particular total quality management (TQM) can assist transformational and transactional leaders in improving employee performance. Their study is helpful because it highlights the nature of the relationship between quality management systems and two…...



Alnuaimi, A.S.A. and Yaakub, K.B., 2020. The Impact of Leadership Practices on Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance in the UAE Interior Ministry. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 5(2), pp.9-14.

Chen, R., Lee, Y.D. and Wang, C.H., 2020. Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage: serial mediation of transformational leadership and executive ability. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 31(5-6), pp.451-468.

Cho, J.H., 2017. An empirical study on top management's leadership in construction quality management activities and construction quality management performance. Journal of the korean society for quality management, 45(3), pp.403-426.

Clay-Williams, R., Taylor, N., Ting, H.P., Arnolda, G., Winata, T. and Braithwaite, J.,2020. Do quality management systems influence clinical safety culture and leadership? A study in 32 Australian hospitals. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 32(Supplement_1), pp.60-66.

Githaiga, I.M., Namusonge, G.S. and Sakwa, M.M., 2018. Effect of Strategic Leadership Practice on Implementation of Quality Management Systems in State Corporations in Kenya. International Journal of Research and Discovery, 1(1), pp.1-9.

Praditya, R.A., 2020. Leadership, Work Motivation, Competency, Commitment andCulture: Which influences The Performance of Quality Management System in Automotive Industry?. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 1(1), pp.53-62.

Purwanto, A., Asbari, M. and Santoso, P.B., 2019. Does Culture, Motivation, Competence, Leadership, Commitment Influence Quality Performance?. Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis, 7(2), pp.201-205.

Wagimin, M., Elisa, K., Juhary, A. and Vembri, N.H., 2019. The Effect of Leadership on Employee Performance with Total Quality Management (TQM) as a Mediating Variable in Indonesian Petroleum Companies: A Case Study. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 11(5), pp.180-188.

TQM Theory in Airport Passenger Handling
Pages: 5 Words: 1443

Total Quality Management Theory
Total Quality Management Development

How Total Quality Management (TQM) Theory can be applied to improve the airport passenger handling

Total Quality Management (TQM) specifically deals with work process and people. Implementation of TQM calls for team work and employee involvement. All operations, suppliers, and customers have to be involved. Besides, it also calls for performance measurement. TQM is normally implemented by business organizations to satisfy its customers. It improves organizational performance (Asher, 1996).

Work processes have to be coordinated for continuous improvement in business units to be realized. The underlying reason behind this is meeting customer expectations. TQM endeavors a scenario where quality is enhanced in all facets of an organization while costs are kept at bare minimum. Any organization irrespective of its size can implement TQM especially if it wants to meet the demands of the customers. A major setback has however been the non-compliance of these organizations with…...


References List

Alamdari, F. (1999). Airline In-flight Entertainment: The Passengers' Perspective. Journal of Air

Transport Management, 5(4).

Andrle, J. (1994). Total Quality Management in Public Transportation. Research Result Digest,

3, 1-33.

TQM ISO What Is TQM and ISO Both
Pages: 2 Words: 566

What is TQM and ISO?

oth the Total Quality Management (TQM) and International Standards Organization (ISO) management systems are used to continually improve quality levels and ensure greater data accuracy and reporting. While there are many differences, TQM is considered more of an entire series of processes used for continually improving quality levels across the entire value chain of their businesses (Luis, Javier, Del Mar, 2004). The ISO standards are often used as a benchmark or mile marker in many industries to determine how best to stay in compliance to quality standards and requirements (Talha, 2004).

Why TQM and ISO Is Used in Organizations

Most often TQM is used as both a framework and system for unifying all quality management standards, strategies, processes and programs throughout an organization (Luis, Javier, Del Mar, 2004). TQM encompasses powerful techniques for managing quality including Six Sigma which is very useful to keeping product development, maintenance and…...



Luis, M.M., Fco Javier, L.M., & Maria Del Mar, F.F. (2004). TQM and ISO 9000 effects on knowledge transferability and knowledge transfers. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 15(7), 1001-1015.

Talha, M. (2004). Total quality management (TQM): An overview. The Bottom Line, 17(1), 15-19.

Need help with essay prompt: Can we apply total quality management in hospitals?
Words: 366

For the last decade, total quality management has been considered the gold standard in quality management in the healthcare setting.  Therefore, the question is not really whether we can apply total quality management in hospitals, but what steps hospitals need to take to implement this type of management within their organizations.

The first thing to keep in mind is that modern hospitals are not simply hospitals; they are almost all part of larger healthcare networks.  This has the potential of dramatically improving patient care, as the range of care that a patient can access through a....

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